public void UpdateParameters(MenuItem menuItem) { if (Visible(menuItem)) { var query = GetPathQuery(menuItem); int tabId, portalId; if (query.ContainsKey("path")) { portalId = query.ContainsKey("portalId") ? Convert.ToInt32(query["portalId"]) : PortalSettings.Current.PortalId; tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, query["path"], string.Empty); } else { portalId = Convert.ToInt32(query["portalId"]); tabId = Convert.ToInt32(query["tabId"]); } var tabUrl = Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, portalId == Null.NullInteger); var alias = Globals.AddHTTP(PortalSettings.Current.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias); tabUrl = tabUrl.Replace(alias, string.Empty).TrimStart('/'); menuItem.Link = tabUrl; } }
private void GetAdminTabs() { var adminTab = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(PortalSettings.PortalId, "//Admin", string.Empty); _adminTabs = TabController.GetTabsByParent(adminTab, PortalSettings.PortalId).OrderBy(t => t.LocalizedTabName).ToList(); _adminBaseTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); _adminAdvancedTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); foreach (var tabInfo in _adminTabs) { switch (tabInfo.TabName) { case "Site Settings": case "Pages": case "Security Roles": case "User Accounts": case "File Management": case "Recycle Bin": case "Log Viewer": _adminBaseTabs.Add(tabInfo); break; default: _adminAdvancedTabs.Add(tabInfo); break; } } }
internal static void AddAdminPage(TabController tabCtl, PortalInfo portal) { try { var desktopModule = DesktopModuleController.GetDesktopModuleByFriendlyName("CloudFlareClearCache Module"); var pageName = "CloudFlare Cache"; var tabPath = string.Format("//{0}//{1}", portal.PortalID == Null.NullInteger ? "Host" : "Admin", pageName); var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portal.PortalID, tabPath, Null.NullString); var existTab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, portal.PortalID); if (existTab == null || existTab.TabID == Null.NullInteger) { existTab = Upgrade.AddAdminPage( PortalController.Instance.GetPortal(portal.PortalID), pageName, pageName, "~/Icons/Sigma/Configuration_16X16_Standard.png", "~/Icons/Sigma/Configuration_32X32_Standard.png", true); } AddModuleToPage(desktopModule, existTab); } catch (Exception e) { LogError(e); throw; } }
private void GetHostTabs() { var hostTab = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(Null.NullInteger, "//Host", string.Empty); var hosts = TabController.GetTabsByParent(hostTab, -1); var professionalTab = TabController.Instance.GetTabByName("Professional Features", -1); var professionalTabs = professionalTab != null ? TabController.GetTabsByParent(professionalTab.TabID, -1) : new List <TabInfo>(); this._hostTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); this._hostTabs.AddRange(hosts); this._hostTabs.AddRange(professionalTabs); this._hostTabs = this._hostTabs.OrderBy(t => t.LocalizedTabName).ToList(); this._hostBaseTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); this._hostAdvancedTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); foreach (var tabInfo in this._hostTabs) { if (this.IsCommonTab(tabInfo, true)) { this._hostBaseTabs.Add(tabInfo); } else { this._hostAdvancedTabs.Add(tabInfo); } } }
public string UpgradeModule(string Version) { try { switch (Version) { case "01.00.00": int hostTabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(Null.NullInteger, "//Host", Null.NullString); AddHostPage(hostTabId, "//Host//ManageGlimpse", "DotNetNuke Glimpse", "Manage Glimpse", "Manage Glimpse features", "~/desktopmodules/dnnglimpse/icons/glimpse_16px.gif", "~/desktopmodules/dnnglimpse/icons/glimpse_16px.gif"); break; } return("Success"); } catch (Exception) { return("Failed"); } }
private bool ValidateTab(TabInfo tab) { if (tab.IsDeleted || tab.DisableLink || !tab.IsVisible) { return(false); } var type = tab.IsSuperTab ? "host" : "admin"; var portalId = tab.PortalID; var tabName = tab.TabName; var knownPages = GetKnownPages(type); if (knownPages.Contains(tabName, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(false); } if (!tab.IsSuperTab) { var adminPage = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, "//Admin", string.Empty); if (adminPage == Null.NullInteger) { return(false); } return(tab.ParentId == adminPage); } return(true); }
private static int GetTabByTabPath(int portalID, string tabPath, string cultureCode) { // Check to see if the tab exists (if localization is enable, check for the specified culture) int tabID = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalID, tabPath.Replace("/", "//").Replace(".aspx", ""), cultureCode); // Check to see if neutral culture tab exists if ((tabID == Null.NullInteger && cultureCode.Length > 0)) { tabID = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalID, tabPath.Replace("/", "//").Replace(".aspx", ""), ""); } return(tabID); }
private static void GenerateAdminTab(string friendlyModuleName, int portalId) { var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, $"//Admin//{friendlyModuleName}", Null.NullString); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { var adminTabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, @"//Admin", Null.NullString); // create new page int parentTabId = adminTabId; var tabName = friendlyModuleName; var tabPath = Globals.GenerateTabPath(parentTabId, tabName); tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, tabPath, Null.NullString); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { //Create a new page var newTab = new TabInfo { TabName = tabName, ParentId = parentTabId, PortalID = portalId, IsVisible = true, IconFile = "~/Images/icon_search_16px.gif", IconFileLarge = "~/Images/icon_search_32px.gif" }; newTab.TabID = new TabController().AddTab(newTab, false); tabId = newTab.TabID; } } // create new module var moduleCtl = new ModuleController(); if (moduleCtl.GetTabModules(tabId).Count == 0) { var dm = DesktopModuleController.GetDesktopModuleByModuleName(friendlyModuleName, portalId); var md = ModuleDefinitionController.GetModuleDefinitionByFriendlyName(friendlyModuleName, dm.DesktopModuleID); var objModule = new ModuleInfo { PortalID = portalId, TabID = tabId, ModuleOrder = Null.NullInteger, ModuleTitle = friendlyModuleName, PaneName = Globals.glbDefaultPane, ModuleDefID = md.ModuleDefID, InheritViewPermissions = true, AllTabs = false, IconFile = "~/Images/icon_search_32px.gif" }; moduleCtl.AddModule(objModule); } }
private static int FindOrCreateFirstLevelTab(string tabName) { var portal = DnnGlobal.Instance.GetCurrentPortal(); var tabPath = Globals.GenerateTabPath(Null.NullInteger, tabName); var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portal.PortalID, tabPath, portal.CultureCode); var tabController = new TabController(); if (tabId > Null.NullInteger) { return(tabId); } return(CreateTabFromTemplate(tabName, -1)); }
private void GetHostTabs() { var tabController = new TabController(); var hostTab = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(Null.NullInteger, "//Host", string.Empty); var hosts = TabController.GetTabsByParent(hostTab, -1); var professionalTab = tabController.GetTabByName("Professional Features", -1); List <TabInfo> professionalTabs; if (professionalTab != null) { professionalTabs = TabController.GetTabsByParent(professionalTab.TabID, -1); } else { professionalTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); } _hostTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); _hostTabs.AddRange(hosts); _hostTabs.AddRange(professionalTabs); _hostTabs = _hostTabs.OrderBy(t => t.LocalizedTabName).ToList(); _hostBaseTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); _hostAdvancedTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); foreach (var tabInfo in _hostTabs) { switch (tabInfo.TabName) { case "Host Settings": case "Site Management": case "File Management": case "Extensions": case "Dashboard": case "Health Monitoring": case "Technical Support": case "Knowledge Base": case "Software and Documentation": _hostBaseTabs.Add(tabInfo); break; default: _hostAdvancedTabs.Add(tabInfo); break; } } }
private void CreatePageLinks(int portalId, string parentPath) { var parentTab = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, "//" + parentPath, string.Empty); if (parentTab == Null.NullInteger) { return; } var adminTabs = TabController.GetTabsByParent(parentTab, portalId); foreach (var tab in adminTabs) { AdminMenuController.Instance.CreateLinkMenu(tab); } }
public ActionResult Index() { var records = ModuleContext.Settings["FlexEventsUpcoming_Setting1"]; var items = ItemManager.Instance.GetItems(ModuleContext.ModuleId, PortalSettings.PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(records)); foreach (var item in items) { var urlFormat = "{0}/ctl/ViewEvent/mid/{1}/OccuranceId/{2}"; item.Url = string.Format(urlFormat, Globals.NavigateURL(TabController.GetTabByTabPath(PortalSettings.PortalId, "//FestivalCalendar", string.Empty)), item.ModuleId, item.ItemId); } return(View(items)); }
public void MustNotHaveTestPages() { var tabController = new TabController(); var tabId = Null.NullInteger; tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(PortalId, "//TestA", Null.NullString); if (tabId != Null.NullInteger) { tabController.DeleteTab(tabId, PortalId); } tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(PortalId, "//TestB", Null.NullString); if (tabId != Null.NullInteger) { tabController.DeleteTab(tabId, PortalId); } }
public bool Visible(MenuItem menuItem) { var query = GetPathQuery(menuItem); if (PortalSettings.Current == null || query == null) { return(false); } if (query.ContainsKey("sku") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["sku"])) { if (DotNetNukeContext.Current.Application.SKU != query["sku"]) { return(false); } } int tabId, portalId; if (query.ContainsKey("path") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["path"])) { portalId = query.ContainsKey("portalId") ? Convert.ToInt32(query["portalId"]) : PortalSettings.Current.PortalId; tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, query["path"], string.Empty); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { return(false); } } else { if (!query.ContainsKey("portalId") || !query.ContainsKey("tabId")) { return(false); } portalId = Convert.ToInt32(query["portalId"]); tabId = Convert.ToInt32(query["tabId"]); } var tab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, portalId); return((portalId == Null.NullInteger || portalId == PortalSettings.Current.PortalId) && tab != null && !tab.IsDeleted && !tab.DisableLink && tab.IsVisible); }
public static int AddModuleToPage(string tabPath, int portalId, int moduleDefId, string moduleTitle, string moduleIconFile, bool inheritPermissions) { var tabController = new TabController(); var moduleId = Null.NullInteger; var tabID = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, tabPath, Null.NullString); if ((tabID != Null.NullInteger)) { var tab = tabController.GetTab(tabID, portalId, true); if ((tab != null)) { moduleId = AddModuleToPage(tab, moduleDefId, moduleTitle, moduleIconFile, inheritPermissions); } } return(moduleId); }
private bool IsValidTabPath(TabInfo tab, string newTabPath, out string errorMessage) { var valid = true; errorMessage = null; //get default culture if the tab's culture is null var cultureCode = tab.CultureCode; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureCode)) { var portalSettings = PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings(); cultureCode = portalSettings.DefaultLanguage; } //Validate Tab Path var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(tab.PortalID, newTabPath, cultureCode); if (tabId != Null.NullInteger && tabId != tab.TabID) { var existingTab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, tab.PortalID, false); if (existingTab != null && existingTab.IsDeleted) { errorMessage = Localization.GetString("TabRecycled"); } else { errorMessage = Localization.GetString("TabExists"); } valid = false; } //check whether have conflict between tab path and portal alias. if (TabController.IsDuplicateWithPortalAlias(tab.PortalID, newTabPath)) { errorMessage = string.Format(Localization.GetString("PathDuplicateWithAlias"), tab.TabName, newTabPath); valid = false; } return(valid); }
public bool IsValidTabPath(TabInfo tab, string newTabPath, out string errorMessage) { var portalSettings = PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings(); var valid = true; errorMessage = string.Empty; //get default culture if the tab's culture is null var cultureCode = tab != null ? tab.CultureCode : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureCode)) { cultureCode = portalSettings.DefaultLanguage; } //Validate Tab Path var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalSettings.PortalId, newTabPath, cultureCode); if (tabId != Null.NullInteger && (tab == null || tabId != tab.TabID)) { var existingTab = _tabController.GetTab(tabId, portalSettings.PortalId, false); if (existingTab != null && existingTab.IsDeleted) { errorMessage = "TabRecycled"; } else { errorMessage = "TabExists"; } valid = false; } //check whether have conflict between tab path and portal alias. if (TabController.IsDuplicateWithPortalAlias(portalSettings.PortalId, newTabPath)) { errorMessage = "PathDuplicateWithAlias"; valid = false; } return(valid); }
public PackageInfoDto(int portalId, PackageInfo package) { PackageType = package.PackageType; FriendlyName = package.FriendlyName; Name = package.Name; PackageId = package.PackageID; Description = package.Description; IsInUse = ExtensionsController.IsPackageInUse(package, portalId); Version = package.Version.ToString(3); UpgradeUrl = ExtensionsController.UpgradeRedirect(package.Version, package.PackageType, package.Name); UpgradeIndicator = ExtensionsController.UpgradeIndicator(package.Version, package.PackageType, package.Name); PackageIcon = ExtensionsController.GetPackageIcon(package); License = package.License; ReleaseNotes = package.ReleaseNotes; Owner = package.Owner; Organization = package.Organization; Url = package.Url; Email = package.Email; CanDelete = !package.IsSystemPackage && package.PackageID > 0 && PackageController.CanDeletePackage(package, PortalSettings.Current); var authService = AuthenticationController.GetAuthenticationServiceByPackageID(PackageId); ReadOnly = authService != null && authService.AuthenticationType == Constants.DnnAuthTypeName; var locale = LocaleController.Instance.GetLocale(PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings().DefaultLanguage); var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, "//Admin//Extensions", locale.Culture.Name); var tabInfo = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, portalId); var module = tabInfo.Modules.OfType <ModuleInfo>().First(); SiteSettingsLink = (module == null) ? "" : Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "Edit", new[] { $"mid={module.ModuleID}", $"packageid={PackageId}", "Display=editor", "popUp=true", }); }
public string UpgradeModule(string version) { try { var hostTabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(Null.NullInteger, "//Host", Null.NullString); AddHostPage(hostTabId, "//Host//AppInsights", "AppInsights", "Application Insights", "Application Insights Monitoring", "~/Providers/MonitoringProviders/AppInsights/images/AppInsights.png", "~/Providers/MonitoringProviders/AppInsights/images/AppInsights.png"); return("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Failed: " + ex.Message); } }
public PackageInfoDto GetPackageDetail(int portalId, PackageInfo package) { var languagePack = LanguagePackController.GetLanguagePackByPackage(package.PackageID); var languagesTab = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, "//Admin//Languages", Null.NullString); var detail = new CoreLanguagePackageDetailDto(portalId, package) { Locales = Utility.GetAllLanguagesList(), LanguageId = languagePack.LanguageID, EditUrlFormat = this.NavigationManager.NavigateURL(languagesTab, "", "Locale={0}") }; if (languagePack.PackageType == LanguagePackType.Extension) { //Get all the packages but only bind to combo if not a language package detail.Packages = Utility.GetAllPackagesListExceptLangPacks(); } return(detail); }
internal static void AddDesktopModulePageToPortal(DesktopModuleInfo desktopModule, string pageName, int portalId, ref bool createdNewPage, ref bool addedNewModule) { var tabPath = string.Format("//{0}//{1}", portalId == Null.NullInteger ? "Host" : "Admin", pageName); var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, tabPath, Null.NullString); TabInfo existTab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, portalId); if (existTab == null) { if (portalId == Null.NullInteger) { existTab = Upgrade.AddHostPage( pageName, desktopModule.Page.Description, desktopModule.Page.Icon, desktopModule.Page.LargeIcon, true); } else { existTab = Upgrade.AddAdminPage( PortalController.Instance.GetPortal(portalId), pageName, desktopModule.Page.Description, desktopModule.Page.Icon, desktopModule.Page.LargeIcon, true); } createdNewPage = true; } if (existTab != null) { if (desktopModule.Page.IsCommon) { TabController.Instance.UpdateTabSetting(existTab.TabID, "ControlBar_CommonTab", "Y"); } AddDesktopModuleToPage(desktopModule, existTab, ref addedNewModule); } }
private void GetAdminTabs() { var adminTab = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(this.PortalSettings.PortalId, "//Admin", string.Empty); this._adminTabs = TabController.GetTabsByParent(adminTab, this.PortalSettings.PortalId).OrderBy(t => t.LocalizedTabName).ToList(); this._adminBaseTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); this._adminAdvancedTabs = new List <TabInfo>(); foreach (var tabInfo in this._adminTabs) { if (this.IsCommonTab(tabInfo)) { this._adminBaseTabs.Add(tabInfo); } else { this._adminAdvancedTabs.Add(tabInfo); } } }
private static void AddHostPage(int parentId, string tabPath, string moduleFriendlyName, string tabName, string tabDescription, string smallIcon, string largeIcon, bool isVisible = true) { var tabController = new TabController(); var moduleController = new ModuleController(); TabInfo hostTab; // Get the module definition var moduleDef = ModuleDefinitionController.GetModuleDefinitionByFriendlyName(moduleFriendlyName); // Add pages var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(Null.NullInteger, tabPath, Null.NullString); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { //Add host page hostTab = Upgrade.AddHostPage(tabName, tabDescription, smallIcon, largeIcon, isVisible); hostTab.ParentId = parentId; tabController.UpdateTab(hostTab); //Add module to page Upgrade.AddModuleToPage(hostTab, moduleDef.ModuleDefID, tabName, largeIcon, true); } else { hostTab = tabController.GetTab(tabId, Null.NullInteger, false); foreach ( var kvp in moduleController.GetTabModules(tabId) .Where(kvp => kvp.Value.DesktopModule.ModuleName == moduleFriendlyName)) { // Remove previous module instance moduleController.DeleteTabModule(tabId, kvp.Value.ModuleID, false); break; } //Add module to page Upgrade.AddModuleToPage(hostTab, moduleDef.ModuleDefID, tabName, largeIcon, true); } }
private string CreateNewPage(ModuleDefinitionInfo moduleDefinition) { if (PortalSettings.Current == null) { return(string.Empty); } var portalId = PortalSettings.Current.PortalId; var tabName = "Test " + moduleDefinition.FriendlyName + " Page"; var tabPath = Globals.GenerateTabPath(Null.NullInteger, tabName); var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portalId, tabPath, Null.NullString); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { //Create a new page var newTab = new TabInfo(); newTab.TabName = tabName; newTab.ParentId = Null.NullInteger; newTab.PortalID = portalId; newTab.IsVisible = true; newTab.TabID = TabController.Instance.AddTabBefore(newTab, PortalSettings.Current.AdminTabId); var objModule = new ModuleInfo(); objModule.Initialize(portalId); objModule.PortalID = portalId; objModule.TabID = newTab.TabID; objModule.ModuleOrder = Null.NullInteger; objModule.ModuleTitle = moduleDefinition.FriendlyName; objModule.PaneName = Globals.glbDefaultPane; objModule.ModuleDefID = moduleDefinition.ModuleDefID; objModule.InheritViewPermissions = true; objModule.AllTabs = false; ModuleController.Instance.AddModule(objModule); return(NavigationManager.NavigateURL(newTab.TabID)); } return(string.Empty); }
public void AddHostPage(int parentId, string tabPath, string moduleFriendlyName, string tabName, string tabDescription, string smallIcon, string largeIcon) { var tabController = new TabController(); var moduleController = new ModuleController(); TabInfo hostTab; //Get web servers module ModuleDefinitionInfo moduleDef = ModuleDefinitionController.GetModuleDefinitionByFriendlyName(moduleFriendlyName); //Add Pages under Advanced Features Tab int tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(Null.NullInteger, tabPath, Null.NullString); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { //Add host page hostTab = Upgrade.AddHostPage(tabName, tabDescription, smallIcon, largeIcon, true); hostTab.ParentId = parentId; tabController.UpdateTab(hostTab); //Add module to page Upgrade.AddModuleToPage(hostTab, moduleDef.ModuleDefID, tabName, largeIcon, true); } else { hostTab = tabController.GetTab(tabId, Null.NullInteger, false); foreach (var kvp in moduleController.GetTabModules(tabId)) { if (kvp.Value.DesktopModule.ModuleName == "ProfessionalPreview") { //Preview module so hard delete moduleController.DeleteTabModule(tabId, kvp.Value.ModuleID, false); break; } } //Add module to page Upgrade.AddModuleToPage(hostTab, moduleDef.ModuleDefID, tabName, largeIcon, true); } }
private void RewriteUrl(HttpApplication app, out string portalAlias) { HttpRequest request = app.Request; HttpResponse response = app.Response; string requestedPath = app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; portalAlias = string.Empty; // determine portal alias looking for longest possible match string myAlias = Globals.GetDomainName(app.Request, true); PortalAliasInfo objPortalAlias; do { objPortalAlias = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(myAlias); if (objPortalAlias != null) { portalAlias = myAlias; break; } int slashIndex = myAlias.LastIndexOf('/'); myAlias = slashIndex > 1 ? myAlias.Substring(0, slashIndex) : string.Empty; }while (myAlias.Length > 0); app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:OriginalUrl", app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); // Friendly URLs are exposed externally using the following format // // and processed internally using the following format // // The system for accomplishing this is based on an extensible Regex rules definition stored in /SiteUrls.config string sendTo = string.Empty; // save and remove the querystring as it gets added back on later // path parameter specifications will take precedence over querystring parameters string strQueryString = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Request.Url.Query)) { strQueryString = request.QueryString.ToString(); requestedPath = requestedPath.Replace(app.Request.Url.Query, string.Empty); } // get url rewriting rules RewriterRuleCollection rules = RewriterConfiguration.GetConfig().Rules; // iterate through list of rules int matchIndex = -1; for (int ruleIndex = 0; ruleIndex <= rules.Count - 1; ruleIndex++) { // check for the existence of the LookFor value string pattern = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, rules[ruleIndex].LookFor) + "$"; Match objMatch = Regex.Match(requestedPath, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // if there is a match if (objMatch.Success) { // create a new URL using the SendTo regex value sendTo = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl( app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, Regex.Replace(requestedPath, pattern, rules[ruleIndex].SendTo, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); string parameters = objMatch.Groups[2].Value; // process the parameters if (parameters.Trim().Length > 0) { // split the value into an array based on "/" ( ie. /tabid/##/ ) parameters = parameters.Replace("\\", "/"); string[] splitParameters = parameters.Split('/'); // icreate a well formed querystring based on the array of parameters for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < splitParameters.Length; parameterIndex++) { // ignore the page name if ( splitParameters[parameterIndex].IndexOf( ".aspx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) { // get parameter name string parameterName = splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim(); if (parameterName.Length > 0) { // add parameter to SendTo if it does not exist already if ( sendTo.IndexOf( "?" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1 && sendTo.IndexOf( "&" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) { // get parameter delimiter string parameterDelimiter = sendTo.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ? "&" : "?"; sendTo = sendTo + parameterDelimiter + parameterName; // get parameter value string parameterValue = string.Empty; if (parameterIndex < splitParameters.Length - 1) { parameterIndex += 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim())) { parameterValue = splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim(); } } // add the parameter value if (parameterValue.Length > 0) { sendTo = sendTo + "=" + parameterValue; } } } } } } matchIndex = ruleIndex; break; // exit as soon as it processes the first match } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strQueryString)) { // add querystring parameters back to SendTo string[] parameters = strQueryString.Split('&'); // iterate through the array of parameters for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex <= parameters.Length - 1; parameterIndex++) { // get parameter name string parameterName = parameters[parameterIndex]; if (parameterName.IndexOf("=", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { parameterName = parameterName.Substring(0, parameterName.IndexOf("=", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } // check if parameter already exists if (sendTo.IndexOf("?" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1 && sendTo.IndexOf("&" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) { // add parameter to SendTo value sendTo = sendTo.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ? sendTo + "&" + parameters[parameterIndex] : sendTo + "?" + parameters[parameterIndex]; } } } // if a match was found to the urlrewrite rules if (matchIndex != -1) { if (rules[matchIndex].SendTo.StartsWith("~")) { // rewrite the URL for internal processing RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendTo); } else { // it is not possible to rewrite the domain portion of the URL so redirect to the new URL response.Redirect(sendTo, true); } } else { // Try to rewrite by TabPath string url; if (Globals.UsePortNumber() && ((app.Request.Url.Port != 80 && !app.Request.IsSecureConnection) || (app.Request.Url.Port != 443 && app.Request.IsSecureConnection))) { url = app.Request.Url.Host + ":" + app.Request.Url.Port + app.Request.Url.LocalPath; } else { url = app.Request.Url.Host + app.Request.Url.LocalPath; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myAlias)) { if (objPortalAlias != null) { int portalID = objPortalAlias.PortalID; // Identify Tab Name string tabPath = url; if (tabPath.StartsWith(myAlias)) { tabPath = url.Remove(0, myAlias.Length); } // Default Page has been Requested if (tabPath == "/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage.ToLowerInvariant()) { return; } // Start of patch string cultureCode = string.Empty; Dictionary <string, Locale> dicLocales = LocaleController.Instance.GetLocales(portalID); if (dicLocales.Count > 1) { string[] splitUrl = app.Request.Url.ToString().Split('/'); foreach (string culturePart in splitUrl) { if (culturePart.IndexOf("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Locale> key in dicLocales) { if (key.Key.ToLower().Equals(culturePart.ToLower())) { cultureCode = key.Value.Code; tabPath = tabPath.Replace("/" + culturePart, string.Empty); break; } } } } } // Check to see if the tab exists (if localization is enable, check for the specified culture) int tabID = TabController.GetTabByTabPath( portalID, tabPath.Replace("/", "//").Replace(".aspx", string.Empty), cultureCode); // Check to see if neutral culture tab exists if (tabID == Null.NullInteger && cultureCode.Length > 0) { tabID = TabController.GetTabByTabPath( portalID, tabPath.Replace("/", "//").Replace(".aspx", string.Empty), string.Empty); } // End of patch if (tabID != Null.NullInteger) { string sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + tabID; if (!cultureCode.Equals(string.Empty)) { sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + cultureCode; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Request.Url.Query)) { sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&" + app.Request.Url.Query.TrimStart('?'); } RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl); return; } tabPath = tabPath.ToLowerInvariant(); if (tabPath.IndexOf('?') != -1) { tabPath = tabPath.Substring(0, tabPath.IndexOf('?')); } // Get the Portal PortalInfo portal = PortalController.Instance.GetPortal(portalID); string requestQuery = app.Request.Url.Query; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery)) { requestQuery = TabIdRegex.Replace(requestQuery, string.Empty); requestQuery = PortalIdRegex.Replace(requestQuery, string.Empty); requestQuery = requestQuery.TrimStart('?', '&'); } if (tabPath == "/login.aspx") { if (portal.LoginTabId > Null.NullInteger && Globals.ValidateLoginTabID(portal.LoginTabId)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery)) { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.LoginTabId + "&" + requestQuery); } else { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.LoginTabId); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery)) { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=login&" + requestQuery); } else { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=login"); } } return; } if (tabPath == "/register.aspx") { if (portal.RegisterTabId > Null.NullInteger) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery)) { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.RegisterTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&" + requestQuery); } else { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.RegisterTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery)) { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Register&" + requestQuery); } else { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Register"); } } return; } if (tabPath == "/terms.aspx") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery)) { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Terms&" + requestQuery); } else { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Terms"); } return; } if (tabPath == "/privacy.aspx") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery)) { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Privacy&" + requestQuery); } else { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Privacy"); } return; } tabPath = tabPath.Replace("/", "//"); tabPath = tabPath.Replace(".aspx", string.Empty); TabCollection objTabs = TabController.Instance.GetTabsByPortal(tabPath.StartsWith("//host") ? Null.NullInteger : portalID); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TabInfo> kvp in objTabs) { if (kvp.Value.IsDeleted == false && kvp.Value.TabPath.ToLowerInvariant() == tabPath) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Request.Url.Query)) { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + kvp.Value.TabID + "&" + app.Request.Url.Query.TrimStart('?')); } else { RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl( app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + kvp.Value.TabID); } return; } } } } } }
private void RemoveProVersion() { //update the tab module to use CE version var tabController = new TabController(); var moduleController = new ModuleController(); TabInfo newTab; var portalController = new PortalController(); foreach (PortalInfo portal in portalController.GetPortals()) { //Update Site Redirection management page var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portal.PortalID, "//Admin//SiteRedirectionManagement", Null.NullString); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { newTab = Upgrade.AddAdminPage(portal, "Site Redirection Management", "Site Redirection Management.", "~/desktopmodules/MobileManagement/images/MobileManagement_Standard_16x16.png", "~/desktopmodules/MobileManagement/images/MobileManagement_Standard_32x32.png", true); } else { newTab = tabController.GetTab(tabId, portal.PortalID, true); newTab.IconFile = "~/desktopmodules/MobileManagement/images/MobileManagement_Standard_16x16.png"; newTab.IconFileLarge = "~/desktopmodules/MobileManagement/images/MobileManagement_Standard_32x32.png"; tabController.UpdateTab(newTab); } //Remove Pro edition module int moduleID = Null.NullInteger; IDictionary <int, ModuleInfo> modules = moduleController.GetTabModules(newTab.TabID); if (modules != null) { foreach (ModuleInfo m in modules.Values) { if (m.DesktopModule.FriendlyName == "Site Redirection Management") { moduleID = m.ModuleID; break; } } } if (moduleID != Null.NullInteger) { moduleController.DeleteTabModule(newTab.TabID, moduleID, false); } //Add community edition module ModuleDefinitionInfo mDef = ModuleDefinitionController.GetModuleDefinitionByFriendlyName("DNN Site Redirection Management"); if (mDef != null) { Upgrade.AddModuleToPage(newTab, mDef.ModuleDefID, "Site Redirection Management", "~/desktopmodules/MobileManagement/images/MobileManagement_Standard_32x32.png", true); } } var package = PackageController.GetPackageByName("DotNetNuke.Professional.MobileManagement"); if (package != null) { var installer = new Installer(package, Globals.ApplicationMapPath); installer.UnInstall(true); } }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// The DeleteModule method deletes the Module from the data Store. /// </summary> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void DeleteModule() { try { //Attempt to get the Desktop Module DesktopModuleInfo tempDesktopModule = DesktopModuleController.GetDesktopModuleByPackageID(Package.PackageID); if (tempDesktopModule != null) { var modules = ModuleController.Instance.GetModulesByDesktopModuleId(tempDesktopModule.DesktopModuleID); //Remove CodeSubDirectory if ((_desktopModule != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_desktopModule.CodeSubDirectory))) { Config.RemoveCodeSubDirectory(_desktopModule.CodeSubDirectory); } var controller = new DesktopModuleController(); Log.AddInfo(string.Format(Util.MODULE_UnRegistered, tempDesktopModule.ModuleName)); //remove admin/host pages if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempDesktopModule.AdminPage)) { string tabPath = "//Admin//" + tempDesktopModule.AdminPage; var portals = PortalController.Instance.GetPortals(); foreach (PortalInfo portal in portals) { var tabID = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portal.PortalID, tabPath, Null.NullString); TabInfo temp = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabID, portal.PortalID); if ((temp != null)) { var mods = TabModulesController.Instance.GetTabModules((temp)); bool noOtherTabModule = true; foreach (ModuleInfo mod in mods) { if (mod.DesktopModuleID != tempDesktopModule.DesktopModuleID) { noOtherTabModule = false; } } if (noOtherTabModule) { Log.AddInfo(string.Format(Util.MODULE_AdminPageRemoved, tempDesktopModule.AdminPage, portal.PortalID)); TabController.Instance.DeleteTab(tabID, portal.PortalID); } Log.AddInfo(string.Format(Util.MODULE_AdminPagemoduleRemoved, tempDesktopModule.AdminPage, portal.PortalID)); } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempDesktopModule.HostPage)) { Upgrade.Upgrade.RemoveHostPage(tempDesktopModule.HostPage); Log.AddInfo(string.Format(Util.MODULE_HostPageRemoved, tempDesktopModule.HostPage)); Log.AddInfo(string.Format(Util.MODULE_HostPagemoduleRemoved, tempDesktopModule.HostPage)); } controller.DeleteDesktopModule(tempDesktopModule); //Remove all the tab versions related with the module. foreach (var module in modules) { var moduleInfo = module as ModuleInfo; if (moduleInfo != null) { TabVersionController.Instance.DeleteTabVersionDetailByModule(moduleInfo.ModuleID); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.AddFailure(ex); } }
private void RemoveProVersion() { //update the tab module to use CE version var tabController = new TabController(); var moduleController = new ModuleController(); TabInfo newTab; var portalController = new PortalController(); foreach (PortalInfo portal in portalController.GetPortals()) { //Update Site Redirection management page var tabId = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(portal.PortalID, "//Admin//DevicePreviewManagement", Null.NullString); if (tabId == Null.NullInteger) { newTab = Upgrade.AddAdminPage(portal, "Device Preview Management", "Device Preview Management.", "~/desktopmodules/DevicePreviewManagement/images/DevicePreview_Standard_16X16.png", "~/desktopmodules/DevicePreviewManagement/images/DevicePreview_Standard_32X32.png", true); } else { newTab = tabController.GetTab(tabId, portal.PortalID, true); newTab.IconFile = "~/desktopmodules/DevicePreviewManagement/images/DevicePreview_Standard_16X16.png"; newTab.IconFileLarge = "~/desktopmodules/DevicePreviewManagement/images/DevicePreview_Standard_32X32.png"; tabController.UpdateTab(newTab); } //Remove Pro edition module int moduleID = Null.NullInteger; IDictionary <int, ModuleInfo> modules = moduleController.GetTabModules(newTab.TabID); if (modules != null) { foreach (ModuleInfo m in modules.Values) { if (m.DesktopModule.FriendlyName == "Device Preview Management") { moduleID = m.ModuleID; break; } } } if (moduleID != Null.NullInteger) { moduleController.DeleteTabModule(newTab.TabID, moduleID, false); } //Add community edition module ModuleDefinitionInfo mDef = ModuleDefinitionController.GetModuleDefinitionByFriendlyName("DNN Device Preview Management"); if (mDef != null) { Upgrade.AddModuleToPage(newTab, mDef.ModuleDefID, "Device Preview Management", "~/desktopmodules/DevicePreviewManagement/images/DevicePreview_Standard_32X32.png", true); } //reset default devices created flag string defaultPreviewProfiles; var settings = PortalController.GetPortalSettingsDictionary(portal.PortalID); if (settings.TryGetValue("DefPreviewProfiles_Created", out defaultPreviewProfiles) && defaultPreviewProfiles == "DNNCORP.CE") { PortalController.DeletePortalSetting(portal.PortalID, "DefPreviewProfiles_Created"); } } var package = PackageController.Instance.GetExtensionPackage(Null.NullInteger, p => p.Name == "DotNetNuke.Professional.PreviewProfileManagement"); if (package != null) { var installer = new Installer(package, Globals.ApplicationMapPath); installer.UnInstall(true); } }
protected void OnImportClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (cboTemplate.SelectedItem == null || cboTemplate.SelectedValue == "None_Specified") { UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, Localization.GetString("SpecifyFile", LocalResourceFile), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError); return; } if (optMode.SelectedIndex == -1) { UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, Localization.GetString("SpecifyMode", LocalResourceFile), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError); return; } var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(PortalSettings.HomeDirectoryMapPath + cboFolders.SelectedValue + cboTemplate.SelectedValue); XmlNode nodeTab = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//portal/tabs/tab"); TabInfo objTab; if (optMode.SelectedValue == "ADD") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTabName.Text)) { UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, Localization.GetString("SpecifyName", LocalResourceFile), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError); return; } //New Tab objTab = new TabInfo { PortalID = PortalId, TabName = txtTabName.Text, IsVisible = true }; if (cboParentTab.SelectedItem != null) { objTab.ParentId = Int32.Parse(cboParentTab.SelectedItem.Value); } objTab.TabPath = Globals.GenerateTabPath(objTab.ParentId, objTab.TabName); int tabID = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(objTab.PortalID, objTab.TabPath, Null.NullString); var objTabs = new TabController(); //Check if tab exists if (tabID != Null.NullInteger) { TabInfo existingTab = objTabs.GetTab(tabID, PortalId, false); if (existingTab != null && existingTab.IsDeleted) { UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, Localization.GetString("TabRecycled", LocalResourceFile), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning); } else { UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, Localization.GetString("TabExists", LocalResourceFile), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError); } return; } int positionTabID = Int32.Parse(cboPositionTab.SelectedItem.Value); var objEventLog = new EventLogController(); if (rbInsertPosition.SelectedValue == "After" && positionTabID > Null.NullInteger) { objTab.TabID = objTabs.AddTabAfter(objTab, positionTabID); } else if (rbInsertPosition.SelectedValue == "Before" && positionTabID > Null.NullInteger) { objTab.TabID = objTabs.AddTabBefore(objTab, positionTabID); } else { objTab.TabID = objTabs.AddTab(objTab); } objEventLog.AddLog(objTab, PortalSettings, UserId, "", EventLogController.EventLogType.TAB_CREATED); //Update Tab properties from template objTab = TabController.DeserializeTab(nodeTab, objTab, PortalId, PortalTemplateModuleAction.Replace); } else { //Replace Existing Tab objTab = TabController.DeserializeTab(nodeTab, Tab, PortalId, PortalTemplateModuleAction.Replace); } switch (optRedirect.SelectedValue) { case "VIEW": Response.Redirect(Globals.NavigateURL(objTab.TabID), true); break; default: Response.Redirect(Globals.NavigateURL(objTab.TabID, "Tab", "action=edit"), true); break; } } catch (Exception exc) { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }