예제 #1
    private TreeSystemTerrain ProcessTerrain(Terrain terrain, int cellSize, GameObject cellHolder)
        TreeSystemTerrain systemTerrain = new TreeSystemTerrain();

        // Set system terrain data
        systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrain       = terrain;
        systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrainBounds = terrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>().bounds;
        systemTerrain.m_CellCount            = TerrainUtils.GetCellCount(terrain, cellSize);
        systemTerrain.m_CellSize             = cellSize;

        int cellCount;

        BoxCollider[,] collidersBox;
        SphereCollider[,] collidersSphere;

        // Gridify terrain
        TerrainUtils.Gridify(terrain, cellSize, out cellCount, out collidersBox, out collidersSphere, cellHolder, null);

        // Temporary structured data
        TreeSystemStructuredTrees[,] str           = new TreeSystemStructuredTrees[cellCount, cellCount];
        List <TreeSystemStoredInstance>[,] strInst = new List <TreeSystemStoredInstance> [cellCount, cellCount];
        List <TreeSystemStructuredTrees> list = new List <TreeSystemStructuredTrees>();

        // Insantiate the required data
        for (int r = 0; r < cellCount; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                TreeSystemStructuredTrees s = new TreeSystemStructuredTrees();

                // Set the bounds, all in world space
                s.m_BoundsBox    = collidersBox[r, c].bounds;
                s.m_BoundsSphere = new TreeSystemBoundingSphere(s.m_BoundsBox.center, collidersSphere[r, c].radius);

                // Set it's new position
                s.m_Position = new RowCol(r, c);

                str[r, c]     = s;
                strInst[r, c] = new List <TreeSystemStoredInstance>();


        TreeInstance[]  terrainTreeInstances = terrain.terrainData.treeInstances;
        TreePrototype[] terrainTreeProto     = terrain.terrainData.treePrototypes;

        Vector3 sizes = terrain.terrainData.size;

        for (int i = 0; i < terrainTreeInstances.Length; i++)
            GameObject proto = terrainTreeProto[terrainTreeInstances[i].prototypeIndex].prefab;

            if (ShouldUsePrefab(proto) < 0)

            // Get bounds for that mesh
            Bounds b = proto.transform.Find(proto.name + "_LOD0").gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;

            // Calculate this from normalized terrain space to terrain's local space so that our row/col info are correct.
            // Do the same when testing for cell row/col in which the player is, transform to terrain local space
            Vector3 pos = TerrainUtils.TerrainToTerrainPos(terrainTreeInstances[i].position, terrain);
            int     row = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x / sizes.x * cellCount), 0, cellCount - 1);
            int     col = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.z / sizes.z * cellCount), 0, cellCount - 1);

            pos = TerrainUtils.TerrainToWorldPos(terrainTreeInstances[i].position, terrain);
            Vector3 scale = new Vector3(terrainTreeInstances[i].widthScale, terrainTreeInstances[i].heightScale, terrainTreeInstances[i].widthScale);
            float   rot   = terrainTreeInstances[i].rotation;
            int     hash  = TUtils.GetStableHashCode(proto.name);

            Matrix4x4 mtx = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, Quaternion.Euler(0, rot * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0), scale);

            TreeSystemStoredInstance inst = new TreeSystemStoredInstance();

            inst.m_TreeHash      = hash;
            inst.m_PositionMtx   = mtx;
            inst.m_WorldPosition = pos;
            inst.m_WorldScale    = scale;
            inst.m_WorldRotation = rot;
            inst.m_WorldBounds   = TUtils.LocalToWorld(ref b, ref mtx);

            strInst[row, col].Add(inst);

        // Generate the mesh that contain all the billboards
        for (int r = 0; r < cellCount; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                if (strInst[r, c].Count <= 0)

                // Sort based on the tree hash so that we don't have to do many dictionary look-ups
                strInst[r, c].Sort((x, y) => x.m_TreeHash.CompareTo(y.m_TreeHash));

                // Set the new instances
                str[r, c].m_Instances = strInst[r, c].ToArray();

                // Build the meshes for each cell based on tree type
                List <TreeSystemStoredInstance> singleType = new List <TreeSystemStoredInstance>();
                int lastHash = strInst[r, c][0].m_TreeHash;

                foreach (TreeSystemStoredInstance inst in strInst[r, c])
                    // If we have a new hash, consume all the existing instances
                    if (inst.m_TreeHash != lastHash)
                        TreeSystemPrototypeData data = GetPrototypeWithHash(lastHash);
                        BuildTreeTypeCellMesh(cellHolder, str[r, c], singleType, data);

                        // Update the hash
                        lastHash = inst.m_TreeHash;

                    // Add them to a list and when the hash changes begin the next generation

                if (singleType.Count > 0)
                    TreeSystemPrototypeData data = GetPrototypeWithHash(singleType[0].m_TreeHash);
                    BuildTreeTypeCellMesh(cellHolder, str[r, c], singleType, data);

        // Set the cells that contain the trees to the system terrain
        systemTerrain.m_Cells = list.ToArray();

        // Return it
예제 #2
    // TODO: see from the list which trees fit in here
    private TreeSystemTerrain ProcessTerrain(Terrain terrain, int cellSize, GameObject cellHolder, List <GameObject> extraTrees)
        TreeSystemTerrain systemTerrain = new TreeSystemTerrain();

        // Set system terrain data
        systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrain             = terrain;
        systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrainBounds       = terrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>().bounds;
        systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrainLocalToWorld = terrain.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrainWorldToLocal = terrain.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
        systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrainSizes        = terrain.terrainData.size;

        systemTerrain.m_CellCount = TerrainUtils.GetCellCount(terrain, cellSize);
        systemTerrain.m_CellSize  = cellSize;

        int cellCount;

        BoxCollider[,] collidersBox;
        SphereCollider[,] collidersSphere;

        // Gridify terrain
        TerrainUtils.Gridify(terrain, cellSize, out cellCount, out collidersBox, out collidersSphere, cellHolder, null);

        // Temporary structured data
        TreeSystemStructuredTrees[,] str           = new TreeSystemStructuredTrees[cellCount, cellCount];
        List <TreeSystemStoredInstance>[,] strInst = new List <TreeSystemStoredInstance> [cellCount, cellCount];
        List <TreeSystemStructuredTrees> list = new List <TreeSystemStructuredTrees>();

        // Insantiate the required data
        for (int r = 0; r < cellCount; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                TreeSystemStructuredTrees s = new TreeSystemStructuredTrees();

                // Set the bounds, all in world space
                s.m_BoundsBox    = collidersBox[r, c].bounds;
                s.m_BoundsSphere = new TreeSystemBoundingSphere(s.m_BoundsBox.center, collidersSphere[r, c].radius);

                // Set it's new position
                s.m_Position = new RowCol(r, c);

                str[r, c]     = s;
                strInst[r, c] = new List <TreeSystemStoredInstance>();


        // Delete cells since they might cause physics problems
        if (m_DeleteCellsAfterGridify)
            for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cellCount; j++)
                    DestroyImmediate(collidersBox[i, j].gameObject);

        int treeInstancesCount = 0, treeExtraCount = 0;

        TreeInstance[]  terrainTreeInstances = terrain.terrainData.treeInstances;
        TreePrototype[] terrainTreeProto     = terrain.terrainData.treePrototypes;

        Vector3 sizes = terrain.terrainData.size;

        for (int i = 0; i < terrainTreeInstances.Length; i++)
            GameObject proto = terrainTreeProto[terrainTreeInstances[i].prototypeIndex].prefab;

            if (ShouldUsePrefab(proto) < 0)


            // Get bounds for that mesh
            Bounds b = proto.transform.Find(proto.name + "_LOD0").gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;

            // Calculate this from normalized terrain space to terrain's local space so that our row/col info are correct.
            // Do the same when testing for cell row/col in which the player is, transform to terrain local space
            Vector3 pos = TerrainUtils.TerrainToTerrainPos(terrainTreeInstances[i].position, terrain);
            int     row = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x / sizes.x * cellCount), 0, cellCount - 1);
            int     col = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.z / sizes.z * cellCount), 0, cellCount - 1);

            pos = TerrainUtils.TerrainToWorldPos(terrainTreeInstances[i].position, terrain);
            Vector3 scale = new Vector3(terrainTreeInstances[i].widthScale, terrainTreeInstances[i].heightScale, terrainTreeInstances[i].widthScale);
            float   rot   = terrainTreeInstances[i].rotation;
            int     hash  = TUtils.GetStableHashCode(proto.name);

            Matrix4x4 mtx = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, Quaternion.Euler(0, rot * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0), scale);

            TreeSystemStoredInstance inst = new TreeSystemStoredInstance();

            inst.m_TreeHash      = hash;
            inst.m_PositionMtx   = mtx;
            inst.m_WorldPosition = pos;
            inst.m_WorldScale    = scale;
            inst.m_WorldRotation = rot;
            inst.m_WorldBounds   = TUtils.LocalToWorld(ref b, ref mtx);

            strInst[row, col].Add(inst);

        List <GameObject> containedTrees = new List <GameObject>();

        // Change if we're going to use something diff than 50 for max extent
        Bounds terrainExtendedBounds = systemTerrain.m_ManagedTerrainBounds;

        terrainExtendedBounds.Expand(new Vector3(0, 50, 0));

        // Same as a instance with minor diferences
        for (int i = 0; i < extraTrees.Count; i++)
            GameObject treeInstance = extraTrees[i];

            // If the terrain contains the stuff
            if (terrainExtendedBounds.Contains(treeInstance.transform.position) == false)


            // Add the tree to the list of trees for removal

            // Owner
            GameObject proto = GetPrefabOwner(treeInstance);

            // Get bounds for that mesh
            Bounds b = proto.transform.Find(proto.name + "_LOD0").gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;

            // Calculate this from normalized terrain space to terrain's local space so that our row/col info are correct.
            // Do the same when testing for cell row/col in which the player is, transform to terrain local space
            Vector3 pos = TerrainUtils.TerrainToTerrainPos(TerrainUtils.WorldPosToTerrain(treeInstance.transform.position, terrain), terrain);

            int row = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x / sizes.x * cellCount), 0, cellCount - 1);
            int col = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.z / sizes.z * cellCount), 0, cellCount - 1);

            pos = treeInstance.transform.position;
            Vector3 scale = treeInstance.transform.localScale;
            float   rot   = treeInstance.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            // Set the hash
            int hash = TUtils.GetStableHashCode(proto.name);

            // Set the mtx
            Matrix4x4 mtx = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, Quaternion.Euler(0, rot * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0), scale);

            TreeSystemStoredInstance inst = new TreeSystemStoredInstance();

            inst.m_TreeHash      = hash;
            inst.m_PositionMtx   = mtx;
            inst.m_WorldPosition = pos;
            inst.m_WorldScale    = scale;
            inst.m_WorldRotation = rot;
            inst.m_WorldBounds   = TUtils.LocalToWorld(ref b, ref mtx);

            strInst[row, col].Add(inst);

        // Remove the items from the extra trees
        foreach (GameObject tree in containedTrees)

        // Generate the mesh that contain all the billboards
        for (int r = 0; r < cellCount; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                if (strInst[r, c].Count <= 0)

                // Sort based on the tree hash so that we don't have to do many dictionary look-ups
                strInst[r, c].Sort((x, y) => x.m_TreeHash.CompareTo(y.m_TreeHash));

                // Set the new instances
                str[r, c].m_Instances = strInst[r, c].ToArray();

                // Build the meshes for each cell based on tree type
                List <TreeSystemStoredInstance> singleType = new List <TreeSystemStoredInstance>();
                int lastHash = strInst[r, c][0].m_TreeHash;

                foreach (TreeSystemStoredInstance inst in strInst[r, c])
                    // If we have a new hash, consume all the existing instances
                    if (inst.m_TreeHash != lastHash)
                        TreeSystemPrototypeData data = GetPrototypeWithHash(lastHash);

                        if (ShouldBuildBillboardBatch(data.m_TreePrototype))
                            BuildTreeTypeCellMesh(cellHolder, str[r, c], singleType, data);


                        // Update the hash
                        lastHash = inst.m_TreeHash;

                    // Add them to a list and when the hash changes begin the next generation

                if (singleType.Count > 0)
                    TreeSystemPrototypeData data = GetPrototypeWithHash(singleType[0].m_TreeHash);

                    if (ShouldBuildBillboardBatch(data.m_TreePrototype))
                        BuildTreeTypeCellMesh(cellHolder, str[r, c], singleType, data);


        // Set the cells that contain the trees to the system terrain
        systemTerrain.m_Cells = list.ToArray();

        // Print extraction data
        Debug.Log("Extracted for terrain: " + terrain.name + " instance trees: " + treeInstancesCount + " extra trees: " + treeExtraCount);

        // Return it