예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal hook, fired when a chat message is sent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The <see cref="ServerChatEventArgs"/> object.</param>
        private void OnChat(ServerChatEventArgs args)
            // Return if the packet was already handled by another plugin.
            if (args.Handled)

            // Ensure the player is not null and has modified data.
            TSPlayer tsplr = TShock.Players[args.Who];

            if (tsplr == null || tsplr.GetPlayerInfo() == null)

            // Check if the player has the permission to speak and has not been muted.
            if (!tsplr.HasPermission(TShockAPI.Permissions.canchat) || tsplr.mute)

            if (!args.Text.StartsWith(TShock.Config.CommandSpecifier) && !args.Text.StartsWith(TShock.Config.CommandSilentSpecifier))
                string prefix    = tsplr.GetPlayerInfo().Prefix?.ToString() ?? tsplr.Group.Prefix;
                string suffix    = tsplr.GetPlayerInfo().Suffix?.ToString() ?? tsplr.Group.Suffix;
                Color  chatColor = tsplr.GetPlayerInfo().ChatColor?.ToColor() ?? tsplr.Group.ChatColor.ToColor();

                if (!TShock.Config.EnableChatAboveHeads)
                    string message = string.Format(TShock.Config.ChatFormat, tsplr.Group.Name, prefix, tsplr.Name, suffix, args.Text);
                    TSPlayer.All.SendMessage(message, chatColor);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SendMessage(message, chatColor);
                    TShock.Log.Info("Broadcast: {0}", message);

                    args.Handled = true;
                    Player player = Main.player[args.Who];
                    string name   = player.name;
                    player.name = string.Format(TShock.Config.ChatAboveHeadsFormat, tsplr.Group.Name, prefix, tsplr.Name, suffix);
                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerInfo, -1, -1, player.name, args.Who, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    player.name = name;
                    var text = args.Text;
                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.ChatText, -1, args.Who, text, args.Who, chatColor.R, chatColor.G, chatColor.B);
                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerInfo, -1, -1, name, args.Who, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                    string message = string.Format("<{0}> {1}", string.Format(TShock.Config.ChatAboveHeadsFormat, tsplr.Group.Name, prefix, tsplr.Name, suffix), text);
                    tsplr.SendMessage(message, chatColor);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SendMessage(message, chatColor);
                    TShock.Log.Info("Broadcast: {0}", message);

                    args.Handled = true;
                // Check if the player entered a command.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.Text.Substring(1)))
                        args.Handled = tsplr.ExecuteCommand(args.Text);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        TShock.Log.ConsoleError("An exception occured executing a command.");