예제 #1
        private void Update_chart_col_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string timestart   = StartTimePickerCol.Text;
            string timestop    = StopTimePickerCol.Text;
            long   granularity = Convert.ToInt64(GranularityPickerStack.Text);
            int    devices_num = Convert.ToInt32(DevNumPickerCol.Text);

            MySqlCommand cmm = null;

                // Initialize the graph structure and clear existing data
                cmm = new MySqlCommand("SELECT mac FROM devices"
                                       + " WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '" + timestart + "' AND '" + timestop + "'"
                                       + " GROUP BY mac"
                                       + " ORDER BY count(*) DESC, mac LIMIT " + devices_num, DBconnection);

                MySqlDataReader r = cmm.ExecuteReader();

                List <string>            labs = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, int> map  = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                // Clear old data
                if (ColumnCollection.Count != 0)

                // For each mac read, store the address in the map and add a series to the chart
                int count = 0;
                while (r.Read())
                    if (!map.ContainsKey(r[0].ToString()))
                        map.Add(r[0].ToString(), count);

                        ColumnCollection.Add(new StackedColumnSeries
                            Title     = r[0].ToString(),
                            Values    = new ChartValues <double> {
                            StackMode = StackMode.Values


                // Now that the graph is correctly initialized, read the actual data about the most frequent devices
                cmm = new MySqlCommand("SELECT (unix_timestamp(timestamp) - unix_timestamp(timestamp)%" + granularity + ") groupTime, d.mac, count(*) "
                                       + " FROM devices d JOIN(SELECT mac FROM devices"
                                       + " WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '" + timestart + "' AND '" + timestop + "'"
                                       + " GROUP BY mac"
                                       + " ORDER BY count(*) DESC, mac LIMIT " + map.Count
                                       + ") x ON(x.mac = d.mac)"
                                       + " WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '" + timestart + "' AND '" + timestop + "'"
                                       + " GROUP BY groupTime, d.mac", DBconnection);

                r = cmm.ExecuteReader();

                bool         first            = true;
                int          actualDevicesNum = map.Count;
                Ts_structure TS = new Ts_structure(0, actualDevicesNum);
                while (r.Read())
                    // The first time we iterate through the loop we need to properly initialize the ts_structure
                    if (first)
                        TS    = new Ts_structure(Convert.ToInt64(r[0]), actualDevicesNum);
                        first = false;

                    // If the timestamp is different from the previous one, it means we completed the analisys of the previous time segment,
                    // hence its time to update the graph with the macs collected during that timeframe.
                    if (TS.Timestamp != Convert.ToInt64(r[0]))
                        // Even if some MAC wasn't read during a specific time segment, we still need to keep track of its absence in the graph
                        if (TS.MACMap.Count != actualDevicesNum)
                            TS.AddMAC(map, 0);

                        // Add the data to the graph
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> mac in TS.MACMap)
                        DateTime dIn = TimeStampToDateTime(TS.Timestamp);
                        labs.Add(dIn.ToShortDateString() + "\n  " + dIn.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));

                        TS = new Ts_structure(Convert.ToInt64(r[0]), actualDevicesNum);

                    // Add the mac address and its occurrence within the time segment in the TS_structure
                    TS.AddMAC(r[1].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(r[2]));

                // When we go out of the r.Read() while loop, we still need to add the last data to the graph.
                // If any data was read from the database, then finish the graph update with the last data.
                if (!first)
                    // Even if some MAC wasn't read during a specific time segment, we still need to keep track of its absence in the graph
                    if (TS.MACMap.Count != actualDevicesNum)
                        TS.AddMAC(map, 0);

                    // Add the data to the graph
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> mac in TS.MACMap)
                    DateTime d = TimeStampToDateTime(TS.Timestamp);
                    labs.Add(d.ToShortDateString() + "\n  " + d.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));

                //Prepare labels
                string[] ls = new string[labs.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < labs.Count; i++)
                    ls[i] = labs[i];
                ColumnLabels    = ls;
                ColumnFormatter = value => value.ToString();
                //Send data to the graph
                DataContext = this;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (cmm != null)
                output_box.AppendText("" + ex.Message);