public virtual int sceDmacplusSc2MeLLI(TPointer32 dmacParameters) { int src = dmacParameters.getValue(0); int dst = dmacParameters.getValue(4); int next = dmacParameters.getValue(8); int attributes = dmacParameters.getValue(12); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceDmacplusSc2MeLLI src=0x{0:X8}, dst=0x{1:X8}, next=0x{2:X8}, attributes=0x{3:X}", src, dst, next, attributes)); } return(0); }
public virtual int sceCccDecodeUTF16(TPointer32 srcAddrUTF16) { string srcString = getStringUTF16(srcAddrUTF16.getValue()); int codePoint = char.ConvertToUtf32(srcString, 0); int codePointSize = Character.charCount(codePoint); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceCccDecodeUTF16 string='{0}'(0x{1:X8}), codePoint=0x{2:X}(size={3:D})", srcString, srcAddrUTF16.getValue(), codePoint, codePointSize)); } srcAddrUTF16.setValue(srcAddrUTF16.getValue() + (codePointSize << 1)); return(codePoint); }
public virtual int mp4msv_AD3AF34E(TPointer32 unknown1, int unknown2, TPointer unknown3) { if (unknown1.Null) { return(4); } if (unknown1.getValue(0) == 0) { return(4); } TPointer unknown5 = unknown1.getPointer(0); if (unknown5.getValue32(184) == 0) { return(0x2003); } if (unknown2 == 0) { return(6); } if (unknown5.getValue32(220) == 0 || unknown5.getValue32(220) < unknown2) { return(0x2002); } int unknown4 = unknown5.getValue32(232) + 52 * (unknown2 - 1); unknown3.memcpy(unknown4, 40); return(0); }
public virtual int sceNpRosterGetBlockListEntryCount(int requestId, TPointer32 options) { if (options.NotNull && options.getValue() != 4) { return(-1); } return(dummyNumberBlockList); }
public virtual int sceMpegBaseCscAvcRange(TPointer bufferRGB, int unknown, TPointer32 rangeAddr, int bufferWidth, TPointer mp4AvcCscStructAddr) { SceMp4AvcCscStruct mp4AvcCscStruct = new SceMp4AvcCscStruct();; int rangeX = rangeAddr.getValue(0) << 4; int rangeY = rangeAddr.getValue(4) << 4; int rangeWidth = rangeAddr.getValue(8) << 4; int rangeHeight = rangeAddr.getValue(12) << 4; //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceMpegBaseCscAvcRange range x={0:D}, y={1:D}, width={2:D}, height={3:D}, {4}", rangeX, rangeY, rangeWidth, rangeHeight, mp4AvcCscStruct)); } return(hleMpegBaseCscAvcRange(bufferRGB, unknown, bufferWidth, mp4AvcCscStruct, rangeX, rangeY, rangeWidth, rangeHeight)); }
protected internal virtual void hleAfterReadContextCallback() { if (readMessage == null) { int size = 256; int mem = Modules.sceNetIfhandleModule.hleNetMallocInternal(size); if (mem > 0) { readMessage = new TPointer(Memory.Instance, mem); readMessage.clear(size); RuntimeContext.debugMemory(mem, size); } } if (readMessage != null) { // Store dummy message SceNetIfMessage message = new SceNetIfMessage(); TPointer data = new TPointer(Memory.Instance, readMessage.Address + message.@sizeof()); TPointer header = new TPointer(data.Memory, data.Address); TPointer content = new TPointer(data.Memory, data.Address + 60); const int contentLength = 8; // Header information: header.setArray(0, Wlan.MacAddress, 6); // destination MAC address header.setArray(6, new sbyte[] { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66 }, 6); // source MAC address header.setValue8(48, (sbyte)1); // 1 or 2 header.setValue8(49, (sbyte)0); header.setValue16(50, (short)endianSwap16(12 + contentLength)); // value must be >= 12 header.setValue16(52, (short)endianSwap16(0x22C)); // source port header.setValue16(54, (short)endianSwap16(0x22C)); // destination port header.setValue8(58, (sbyte)0); header.setValue8(59, (sbyte)0); // Real message content: content.setValue8(0, (sbyte)1); content.setValue8(1, (sbyte)1); content.setValue16(2, (short)endianSwap16(contentLength - 4)); // endian-swapped value, Length of following data content.setValue8(4, (sbyte)0); // Dummy data content.setValue8(5, (sbyte)0); content.setValue8(6, (sbyte)0); content.setValue8(7, (sbyte)0); message.dataAddr = data.Address; message.dataLength = 60 + contentLength; message.unknown24 = 60 + contentLength; message.write(readMessage); TPointer readContext = new TPointer(Memory.Instance, readContextAddr.getValue()); readContext.setValue32(0, readMessage.Address); readContext.setValue32(8, readContext.getValue32(8) + 1); } SceKernelThreadInfo thread = Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.CurrentThread; Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.executeCallback(thread, readCallback, null, true); }
public virtual TPointer32 checkPsmf(TPointer32 psmf) { int headerAddress = psmf.getValue(24); if (!psmfHeaderMap.ContainsKey(headerAddress)) { throw new SceKernelErrorException(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_PSMF_NOT_FOUND); } return(psmf); }
public virtual int scePsmfPlayerStart(int psmfPlayer, TPointer32 initPlayInfoAddr, int initPts) { // Read the playback parameters. if (initPlayInfoAddr.NotNull) { videoCodec = initPlayInfoAddr.getValue(0); videoStreamNum = initPlayInfoAddr.getValue(4); audioCodec = initPlayInfoAddr.getValue(8); audioStreamNum = initPlayInfoAddr.getValue(12); playMode = initPlayInfoAddr.getValue(16); playSpeed = initPlayInfoAddr.getValue(20); Modules.sceMpegModule.RegisteredVideoChannel = videoStreamNum; Modules.sceMpegModule.RegisteredAudioChannel = audioStreamNum; if (log.InfoEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Found play info data: videoCodec=0x{0:X}, videoStreamNum={1:D}, audioCodec=0x{2:X}, audioStreamNum={3:D}, playMode={4:D}, playSpeed={5:D}", videoCodec, videoStreamNum, audioCodec, audioStreamNum, playMode, playSpeed)); } } this.initPts = initPts; // Switch to PLAYING. psmfPlayerStatus = PSMF_PLAYER_STATUS_PLAYING; lastMpegGetAtracAuResult = 0; return(0); }
public virtual int scePsmfPlayerCreate(int psmfPlayer, TPointer32 psmfPlayerDataAddr) { // The psmfDataAddr contains three fields that are manually set before // scePsmfPlayerCreate is called. displayBuffer = psmfPlayerDataAddr.getValue(0) & Memory.addressMask; // The buffer allocated for scePsmf, which is ported into scePsmfPlayer. displayBufferSize = psmfPlayerDataAddr.getValue(4); // The buffer's size. playbackThreadPriority = psmfPlayerDataAddr.getValue(8); // Priority of the "START" thread. if (log.InfoEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("PSMF Player Data: displayBuffer=0x{0:X8}, displayBufferSize=0x{1:X}, playbackThreadPriority={2:D}", displayBuffer, displayBufferSize, playbackThreadPriority)); } // Allocate memory for the MPEG structure Memory mem = Memory.Instance; mpegMem = Modules.SysMemUserForUserModule.malloc(KERNEL_PARTITION_ID, Name + "-Mpeg", PSP_SMEM_Low, MPEG_MEMSIZE, 0); int result = Modules.sceMpegModule.hleMpegCreate(TPointer.NULL, new TPointer(mem, mpegMem.addr), MPEG_MEMSIZE, null, Screen.width, 0, 0); if (result < 0) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("scePsmfPlayerCreate: error 0x{0:X8} while calling hleMpegCreate", result)); } // Allocate memory for the ringbuffer, scePsmfPlayer creates a ringbuffer with 581 packets const int packets = 581; ringbufferMem = Modules.SysMemUserForUserModule.malloc(KERNEL_PARTITION_ID, Name + "-Ringbuffer", PSP_SMEM_Low, packets * ringbufferPacketSize, 0); Modules.sceMpegModule.hleCreateRingbuffer(packets, ringbufferMem.addr, ringbufferMem.size); SceMpegRingbuffer ringbuffer = Modules.sceMpegModule.MpegRingbuffer; // This ringbuffer is used both for audio and video ringbuffer.HasAudio = true; ringbuffer.HasVideo = true; // Start with INIT. psmfPlayerStatus = PSMF_PLAYER_STATUS_INIT; return(0); }
public virtual int sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers(int matchingId, TPointer32 sizeAddr, TPointer buf) { const int matchingMemberSize = 12; MatchingObject matchingObject = matchingObjects[matchingId]; IList <pspNetMacAddress> members = matchingObject.Members; int size = sizeAddr.getValue(); sizeAddr.setValue(matchingMemberSize * members.Count); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers returning size={0:D}", sizeAddr.getValue())); } if (buf.NotNull) { int offset = 0; foreach (pspNetMacAddress member in members) { // Check if enough space available to write the next structure if (offset + matchingMemberSize > size || member == null) { break; } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers returning {0} at 0x{1:X8}", member, buf.Address + offset)); } /// <summary> /// Pointer to next Member structure in list: will be written later </summary> offset += 4; /// <summary> /// MAC address </summary> member.write(buf, offset); offset += member.@sizeof(); /// <summary> /// Padding </summary> buf.setValue16(offset, (short)0); offset += 2; } fillNextPointersInLinkedList(buf, offset, matchingMemberSize); } return(0); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public bool pollRecv(pspsharp.HLE.TPointer srcMacAddr, pspsharp.HLE.TPointer16 portAddr, pspsharp.HLE.TPointer data, pspsharp.HLE.TPointer32 dataLengthAddr, pspsharp.HLE.kernel.types.SceKernelThreadInfo thread) throws public virtual bool pollRecv(TPointer srcMacAddr, TPointer16 portAddr, TPointer data, TPointer32 dataLengthAddr, SceKernelThreadInfo thread) { int Length = dataLengthAddr.getValue(); bool completed = false; if (rcvdMessages.Count == 0) { update(); } if (rcvdMessages.Count > 0) { AdhocBufferMessage bufferMessage = rcvdMessages.First.Value; if (Length < bufferMessage.Length) { // Buffer is too small to contain all the available data. // Return the buffer size that would be required. dataLengthAddr.setValue(bufferMessage.Length); setReturnValue(thread, SceKernelErrors.ERROR_NET_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } else { // Copy the data already received dataLengthAddr.setValue(bufferMessage.Length); Memory.Instance.memcpy(data.Address, buffer.addr + bufferMessage.offset, bufferMessage.Length); if (srcMacAddr != null && !srcMacAddr.Null) { bufferMessage.macAddress.write(srcMacAddr); } if (portAddr != null && portAddr.NotNull) { portAddr.Value = bufferMessage.port; } removeFirstReceivedMessage(); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Returned received data: {0:D} bytes from {1} on port {2:D}", dataLengthAddr.getValue(), bufferMessage.macAddress, portAddr.Value)); if (log.TraceEnabled) { log.trace(string.Format("Returned data: {0}", Utilities.getMemoryDump(data.Address, dataLengthAddr.getValue()))); } } setReturnValue(thread, 0); } completed = true; } return(completed); }
public virtual int sceHeapAllocHeapMemoryWithOption(TPointer heapAddr, int memSize, TPointer32 paramAddr) { int alignment = defaultAllocAlignment; if (paramAddr.NotNull) { int paramSize = paramAddr.getValue(0); if (paramSize == 8) { alignment = paramAddr.getValue(4); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceHeapAllocHeapMemoryWithOption options: struct size={0:D}, alignment=0x{1:X}", paramSize, alignment)); } } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceHeapAllocHeapMemoryWithOption option at {0}(size={1:D})", paramAddr, paramSize)); } } // Try to allocate memory from the heap and return it's address. HeapInfo heapInfo = heapMap[heapAddr.Address]; if (heapInfo == null) { return(0); } int allocatedAddr = heapInfo.alloc(memSize, alignment); if (log.TraceEnabled) { log.trace(string.Format("sceHeapAllocHeapMemoryWithOption returns 0x{0:X8}, after allocation: {1}", allocatedAddr, heapInfo)); } return(allocatedAddr); }
public virtual int sceKernelLoadExec(PspString filename, TPointer32 optionAddr) { int argSize = 0; int argAddr = 0; if (optionAddr.NotNull) { int optSize = optionAddr.getValue(0); // Size of the option struct. if (optSize >= 16) { argSize = optionAddr.getValue(4); // Size of memory required for arguments. argAddr = optionAddr.getValue(8); // Arguments (memory area of size argSize). int keyAddr = optionAddr.getValue(12); // Pointer to an encryption key (may not be used). //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelLoadExec params: optSize={0:D}, argSize={1:D}, argAddr=0x{2:X8}, keyAddr=0x{3:X8}: {4}", optSize, argSize, argAddr, keyAddr, Utilities.getMemoryDump(argAddr, argSize))); } } } return(hleKernelLoadExec(filename, argSize, argAddr)); }
public virtual int sceNetAdhocMatchingGetHelloOpt(int matchingId, TPointer32 optLenAddr, TPointer optData) { MatchingObject matchingObject = matchingObjects[matchingId]; int helloOptLen = matchingObject.HelloOptLen; int bufSize = optLenAddr.getValue(); optLenAddr.setValue(helloOptLen); if (helloOptLen > 0 && optData.Address != 0 && bufSize > 0) { int Length = System.Math.Min(bufSize, helloOptLen); writeBytes(optData.Address, Length, matchingObject.HelloOptData, 0); } return(0); }
public virtual int sceNpRosterGetBlockListEntry(int requestId, int numEntries, int startIndex, TPointer32 countAddr, TPointer32 numberRetrieved, TPointer buffer, TPointer32 options) { if (options.NotNull && options.getValue() != 4) { return(-1); } countAddr.setValue(dummyNumberBlockList); numberRetrieved.setValue(dummyNumberBlockList); for (int i = 0; i < dummyNumberBlockList; i++) { buffer.setStringNZ(i * 36, 16, string.Format("DummyBlocked#{0:D}", i)); } return(0); }
public virtual int sceNetApctlGetBSSDescIDListUser(TPointer32 sizeAddr, TPointer buf) { const int userInfoSize = 8; int entries = 1; int size = sizeAddr.getValue(); // Return size required sizeAddr.setValue(entries * userInfoSize); if (buf.NotNull) { int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { // Check if enough space available to write the next structure if (offset + userInfoSize > size) { break; } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceNetApctlGetBSSDescIDListUser returning {0:D} at 0x{1:X8}", i, buf.Address + offset)); } /// <summary> /// Pointer to next Network structure in list: will be written later </summary> offset += 4; /// <summary> /// Entry ID </summary> buf.setValue32(offset, i); offset += 4; } fillNextPointersInLinkedList(buf, offset, userInfoSize); } return(0); }
public virtual int sceCccEncodeUTF8(TPointer32 dstAddr, int ucs4char) { char[] chars = Character.toChars(ucs4char); if (chars == null) { return(0); } string s = new string(chars); sbyte[] bytes = s.GetBytes(charsetUTF8); int addr = dstAddr.getValue(); int Length = writeStringBytes(bytes, addr, 100, 0); dstAddr.setValue(addr + Length); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceCccEncodeUTF8 encoding '{0}' into {1:D} bytes", s, Length)); } return(0); }
private bool checkEventFlag(SceKernelEventFlagInfo @event, int bits, int wait, TPointer32 outBitsAddr) { bool matched = false; if (((wait & PSP_EVENT_WAITANDOR_MASK) == PSP_EVENT_WAITAND) && ((@event.currentPattern & bits) == bits)) { matched = true; } else if (((wait & PSP_EVENT_WAITANDOR_MASK) == PSP_EVENT_WAITOR) && ((@event.currentPattern & bits) != 0)) { matched = true; } if (matched) { // Write current pattern. outBitsAddr.setValue(@event.currentPattern); if (log.DebugEnabled && outBitsAddr.NotNull) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("checkEventFlag returning outBits=0x{0:X} at {1}", outBitsAddr.getValue(), outBitsAddr)); } if ((wait & PSP_EVENT_WAITCLEARALL) == PSP_EVENT_WAITCLEARALL) { @event.currentPattern = 0; } if ((wait & PSP_EVENT_WAITCLEAR) == PSP_EVENT_WAITCLEAR) { @event.currentPattern &= ~bits; } } return(matched); }
public virtual int sceMp3Decode(int id, TPointer32 bufferAddress) { int result = getMp3Info(id).decode(bufferAddress); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceMp3Decode bufferAddress={0}(0x{1:X8}) returning 0x{2:X}", bufferAddress, bufferAddress.getValue(), result)); } if (result >= 0) { Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.hleKernelDelayThread(mp3DecodeDelay, false); } return result; }
public virtual int sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData(int id, TPointer32 writeAddr, TPointer32 writableBytesAddr, TPointer32 readOffsetAddr) { Mp3Info info = getMp3Info(id); writeAddr.setValue(info.InputBuffer.WriteAddr); writableBytesAddr.setValue(info.WritableBytes); readOffsetAddr.setValue(info.InputBuffer.FilePosition); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData returning writeAddr=0x{0:X8}, writableBytes=0x{1:X}, readOffset=0x{2:X}", writeAddr.getValue(), writableBytesAddr.getValue(), readOffsetAddr.getValue())); } return 0; }
public virtual int scePsmfPlayerGetVideoData(int psmfPlayer, TPointer32 videoDataAddr) { int result = 0; if (psmfPlayerStatus != PSMF_PLAYER_STATUS_PLAYING && psmfPlayerStatus != PSMF_PLAYER_STATUS_PLAYING_FINISHED) { return(ERROR_PSMFPLAYER_NOT_INITIALIZED); } if (playMode == PSMF_PLAYER_MODE_PAUSE) { //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("scePsmfPlayerGetVideoData in pause mode, returning 0x{0:X8}", result)); } return(result); } if (videoDataAddr.NotNull) { videoDataFrameWidth = videoDataAddr.getValue(0); videoDataDisplayBuffer = videoDataAddr.getValue(4) & Memory.addressMask; videoDataDisplayPts = videoDataAddr.getValue(8); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("scePsmfPlayerGetVideoData videoDataFrameWidth={0:D}, videoDataDisplayBuffer=0x{1:X8}, videoDataDisplayPts={2:D}", videoDataFrameWidth, videoDataDisplayBuffer, videoDataDisplayPts)); } } // Check if there's already a valid pointer at videoDataAddr. // If not, use the displayBuffer from scePsmfPlayerCreate. if (Memory.isAddressGood(videoDataDisplayBuffer)) { displayBuffer = videoDataDisplayBuffer; } else if (videoDataAddr.NotNull) { videoDataAddr.setValue(4, displayBuffer); // Valid frame width? if (videoDataFrameWidth <= 0 || videoDataFrameWidth > 512) { videoDataFrameWidth = 512; videoDataAddr.setValue(0, videoDataFrameWidth); } } if (CurrentAudioTimestamp > 0 && CurrentVideoTimestamp > 0 && CurrentVideoTimestamp > CurrentAudioTimestamp + MaxTimestampDifference && lastMpegGetAtracAuResult == 0) { //result = SceKernelErrors.ERROR_PSMFPLAYER_AUDIO_VIDEO_OUT_OF_SYNC; Modules.sceMpegModule.writeLastFrameABGR(displayBuffer, videoDataFrameWidth, videoPixelMode); } else { // Check if the ringbuffer needs additional data hlePsmfFillRingbuffer(Emulator.Memory); // Retrieve the video Au result = Modules.sceMpegModule.hleMpegGetAvcAu(null); if (result < 0) { // We have reached the end of the file... if (pmfFileDataRingbufferPosition >= pmfFileData.Length) { SceMpegRingbuffer ringbuffer = Modules.sceMpegModule.MpegRingbuffer; ringbuffer.consumeAllPackets(); } } else { // Write the video data result = Modules.sceMpegModule.hleMpegAvcDecode(displayBuffer, videoDataFrameWidth, videoPixelMode, null, true, TPointer.NULL); } } // Do not cache the video image as a texture in the VideoEngine to allow fluid rendering VideoEngine.Instance.addVideoTexture(displayBuffer, displayBuffer + 272 * videoDataFrameWidth * sceDisplay.getPixelFormatBytes(videoPixelMode)); // Return updated timestamp videoDataAddr.setValue(8, (int)CurrentVideoTimestamp); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("scePsmfPlayerGetVideoData currentVideoTimestamp={0:D}, returning 0x{1:X8}", CurrentVideoTimestamp, result)); } return(result); }
public virtual int sceParseHttpResponseHeader(TPointer header, int headerLength, PspString fieldName, TPointer32 valueAddr, TPointer32 valueLength) { IMemoryReader memoryReader = MemoryReader.getMemoryReader(header.Address, headerLength, 1); int endAddress = header.Address + headerLength; bool found = false; while (memoryReader.CurrentAddress < endAddress) { int addr = memoryReader.CurrentAddress; string headerString = getHeaderString(memoryReader); string[] fields = headerString.Split(" *: *", 2); if (fields != null && fields.Length == 2) { if (fields[0].Equals(fieldName.String, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { addr += fields[0].Length; Memory mem = header.Memory; int c; while (true) { c = mem.read8(addr); if (c != ' ') { break; } addr++; } c = mem.read8(addr++); if (c == ':') { while (true) { c = mem.read8(addr); if (c != ' ') { break; } addr++; } valueLength.setValue(memoryReader.CurrentAddress - addr - 1); valueAddr.setValue(addr); found = true; //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceParseHttpResponseHeader returning valueLength=0x{0:X}: {1}", valueLength.getValue(), Utilities.getMemoryDump(valueAddr.getValue(), valueLength.getValue()))); } break; } } } } if (!found) { valueAddr.setValue(0); valueLength.setValue(0); return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_PARSE_HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } return(memoryReader.CurrentAddress - 1 - header.Address); }
public virtual int scePsmfGetCurrentStreamType(TPointer32 psmf, TPointer32 typeAddr, TPointer32 channelAddr) { PSMFHeader header = getPsmfHeader(psmf); typeAddr.setValue(header.CurrentStreamType); channelAddr.setValue(header.CurrentStreamChannel); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("scePsmfGetCurrentStreamType returning type={0:D}, channel={1:D}", typeAddr.getValue(), channelAddr.getValue())); } return(0); }
private PSMFHeader getPsmfHeader(TPointer32 psmf) { int headerAddress = psmf.getValue(24); return(psmfHeaderMap[headerAddress]); }