예제 #1
        internal static void GetCurrentPeriodAndWeather()
            UniStormWeatherSystem uniStorm    = GameManager.GetUniStorm();
            TODBlendState         periodState = uniStorm.GetTODBlendState();

            currentPeriodPct = uniStorm.GetTODBlendPercent(periodState);

            switch (periodState)
            case TODBlendState.NightStartToNightEnd:
                currentPeriod = "night";

            case TODBlendState.NightEndToDawn:
                currentPeriod = "early_dawn";

            case TODBlendState.DawnToMorning:
                currentPeriod = "dawn";

            case TODBlendState.MorningToMidday:
                currentPeriod = "morning";

            case TODBlendState.MiddayToAfternoon:
                currentPeriod = "afternoon";

            case TODBlendState.AfternoonToDusk:
                currentPeriod = "dusk";

            case TODBlendState.DuskToNightStart:
                currentPeriod = "after_dusk";

            float transTime        = uniStorm.m_WeatherTransitionTime;
            float transTimeElapsed = uniStorm.m_SecondsSinceLastWeatherChange;

            currentWeatherPct = Mathf.Clamp01(transTimeElapsed / transTime);

            Weather wth = GameManager.GetWeatherComponent();

            currentWeather  = GetWeatherStageName(wth.GetWeatherStage());
            previousWeather = GetWeatherStageName(uniStorm.m_PreviousWeatherStage);
예제 #2
        private static bool IsOrcaActive()
            TODBlendState todBlendState = GameManager.GetTimeOfDayComponent().GetTODBlendState();

            if (todBlendState == TODBlendState.NightEndToDawn || todBlendState == TODBlendState.NightStartToNightEnd)

            if (GameManager.GetWeatherComponent().IsBlizzard())

예제 #3
        internal static float GetIntensityNightMod()
            float baseMod  = 1f;
            float nightMod = 1f;

            switch (Settings.options.nightBrightness)
            case 0:
                nightMod = 0f;

            case 1:
                nightMod = 1f;

            case 2:
                nightMod = 1.5f;

            case 3:
                nightMod = 1.8f;

            TODBlendState bState = GameManager.GetUniStorm().GetTODBlendState();

            if (bState == TODBlendState.DuskToNightStart)
                baseMod = Mathf.Lerp(1f, nightMod, GameManager.GetUniStorm().GetTODBlendPercent(bState));
            else if (bState == TODBlendState.NightEndToDawn)
                baseMod = Mathf.Lerp(nightMod, 1f, GameManager.GetUniStorm().GetTODBlendPercent(bState));

예제 #4
        private static bool Prefix(ref string __result)//, float ___m_TempLow, float ___m_TempHigh)
            TODBlendState todblendState = GameManager.GetUniStorm().GetTODBlendState();

            if ((Time.frameCount % 1600) == 0)
                Debug.Log(" ");
            float  num  = GameManager.GetUniStorm().GetTODBlendPercent(todblendState) * 100f;
            string text = uConsoleLog.GetLine(uConsoleLog.GetNumLines() - 3);

            text += "\n" + uConsoleLog.GetLine(uConsoleLog.GetNumLines() - 2);
            text += "\n" + uConsoleLog.GetLine(uConsoleLog.GetNumLines() - 1);

            string nameForScene  = UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
            string nameForScene2 = Utils.GetHardcodedRegionForLocation(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name);

            text += "\n\n" + nameForScene + " (" + nameForScene2 + ")";
            text += "\n" + Enum.GetName(typeof(TODBlendState), todblendState) + "(" + num.ToString("F2") + "%)";

            text += GameManager.GetWeatherTransitionComponent().GetDebugString();

            Wind windComponent = GameManager.GetWindComponent();

            text += "\nWind Actual Speed: " + windComponent.GetSpeedMPH().ToString("F1");

            /* string text2 = text;
             * text = string.Concat(new string[]
             * {
             * text2,
             * "\nWind Speed Base: ",
             * windComponent.GetSpeedMPH_Base().ToString("F1"),
             * " MPH. Target Wind Speed: ",
             * windComponent.GetTargetSpeedMPH().ToString("F1"),
             * " MPH. Angle Base: ",
             * windComponent.GetWindAngle_Base().ToString("F1")
             * });
             * text2 = text;
             * text = string.Concat(new string[]
             * {
             * text2,
             * "\nWind Actual Speed: ",
             * windComponent.GetSpeedMPH().ToString("F1"),
             * " MPH. Actual Angle: ",
             * windComponent.GetWindAngle().ToString("F1")
             * });
             * text = text + "\nPlayer Speed: " + GameManager.GetVpFPSPlayer().Controller.Velocity.magnitude;
             * text = text + "\nPlayer Wind Angle: " + windComponent.GetWindAngleRelativeToPlayer().ToString("F1");
             * text = text + "\nWwise WindIntensity: " + windComponent.m_LastWindIntensityBlendSentToWise.ToString("F0");
             * text = text + "\nWwise GustStrength: " + windComponent.m_LastWindGustStrengthSentToWise.ToString("F0");
            text = text + "\nLocal snow depth: " + string.Format("{0:0.09}", GameManager.GetSnowPatchManager().GetLocalSnowDepth());
            //text = text + "\nAurora alpha: " + GameManager.GetAuroraManager().GetNormalizedAlpha();
            if (GameManager.GetAuroraManager().IsFullyActive())
                text = text + "\nAurora fully active. electrolyzer: " + GameManager.GetAuroraManager().GetAuroraElectrolyzerFadeRatio();
            if (WeatherTransition.m_SuppressBlizzards)
                text += "\nBLIZZARDS ARE SUPPRESSED";

            /*if (FlyOver.GetCurrentFormation())
             * {
             *  float y = FlyOver.GetCurrentFormation().transform.position.y;
             *  float num2 = Vector3.Magnitude(FlyOver.GetCurrentFormation().transform.position - GameManager.GetPlayerTransform().position);
             *  text2 = text;
             *  text = string.Concat(new string[]
             *  {
             * text2,
             * "\nFlyOver: height ",
             * y.ToString("F0"),
             * " distance ",
             * num2.ToString("F0"),
             * " angle ",
             * FlyOver.m_DebugAngle.ToString("F2")
             *  });
             * }

            float tempRamp = Solstice_RV.TemperatureOffset;

            Weather theweather = GameManager.GetWeatherComponent();
            float   indoor     = 0;

            float  outs             = Solstice_RV.outsideTemp;
            float  gnd              = Solstice_RV.groundTemp;
            float  fire             = GameManager.GetHeatSourceManagerComponent().GetTemperatureIncrease();
            float  height           = GameManager.GetPlayerTransform().position.y + Solstice_RV.GetBaseHeight(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name);
            float  alt              = height / -100f;
            float  curTemp          = theweather.GetCurrentTemperature();
            float  inside           = -1000.0f;
            float  indoor_tempfinal = -1000;
            float  final_outside    = outs + alt + tempRamp;
            string instr            = "";

            float missing = curTemp - (final_outside + indoor + Solstice_RV.playerSunBuff() + fire);

            if (theweather.IsIndoorEnvironment() && !(GameManager.GetPlayerManagerComponent().m_IndoorSpaceTrigger&& GameManager.GetPlayerManagerComponent().m_IndoorSpaceTrigger.m_UseOutdoorTemperature))
                inside           = theweather.m_IndoorTemperatureCelsius;
                final_outside   += Solstice_RV.lastoutsideAltitudeAdjustment;
                indoor_tempfinal = (final_outside + inside + gnd) / 3;
                instr            = " Ins :" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", inside) + " Fin:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", indoor_tempfinal);
                missing          = curTemp - (indoor_tempfinal + fire);
            else if (GameManager.GetPlayerManagerComponent().m_IndoorSpaceTrigger)
                indoor           = GameManager.GetPlayerManagerComponent().m_IndoorSpaceTrigger.m_TemperatureDeltaCelsius;
                indoor_tempfinal = ((final_outside + alt) + gnd * 2) / 3;
                instr            = " Fin:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", indoor_tempfinal);
                missing          = curTemp - (indoor_tempfinal + fire);

            //float blizdrop = (float)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Weather), "m_CurrentBlizzardDegreesDrop").GetValue(theweather);

            text += "\nGnd:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", gnd);
            text += " Air:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", outs);
            text += " Alt:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", alt);
            text += " Ramp:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", tempRamp);
            text += " Outs:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", final_outside);
            text += instr;

            text += "\nMss:" + string.Format("{0:0.00}", Solstice_RV.airmassChangePerMin);
            text += " SunB:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", Solstice_RV.playerSunBuff());
            text += " Fire" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", fire);

            float TempNoFire = GameManager.GetWeatherComponent().GetCurrentTemperatureWithoutHeatSources();

            text += "\nTNoF: " + string.Format("{0:0.0}", TempNoFire);
            text += " Miss:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", (curTemp - (TempNoFire + fire)));
            text += "\nTemp:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", curTemp);

            text += " Miss:" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", missing);
            text += "\n";

            __result = text;

예제 #5
        internal static bool Prefix(ActiveEnvironment __instance, WeatherStateConfig wsA, WeatherStateConfig wsB, float weatherBlendFrac, TODBlendState todBlendState, float todBlendFrac, float todBlendBiased, bool isIndoors)
            //   if ((Time.frameCount % 50) == 0)
                ColorGradingSettings settings1A = null;
                ColorGradingSettings settings1B = null;
                ColorGradingSettings settings2A = null;
                ColorGradingSettings settings2B = null;

                Traverse       traverseA = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("m_WorkA");
                TODStateConfig m_WorkA   = traverseA.GetValue <TODStateConfig>();
                Traverse       traverseB = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("m_WorkB");
                TODStateConfig m_WorkB   = traverseB.GetValue <TODStateConfig>();

                TODStateConfig[] wsA_TodStates = { wsA.m_NightColors, wsA.m_DawnColors, wsA.m_MorningColors, wsA.m_MiddayColors, wsA.m_AfternoonColors, wsA.m_DuskColors, wsA.m_NightColors, wsA.m_NightColors };
                TODStateConfig[] wsB_TodStates = { wsB.m_NightColors, wsB.m_DawnColors, wsB.m_MorningColors, wsB.m_MiddayColors, wsB.m_AfternoonColors, wsB.m_DuskColors, wsB.m_NightColors, wsA.m_NightColors };

                bool flagtoAdd = false;

                int[] nightstates = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3 };

                float[] keyangles = { Solstice_RV.dawndusk_angle, Solstice_RV.riseset_angle, Solstice_RV.mornaft_angle, Solstice_RV.getSunAngleAtUnitime(Mathf.Floor(Solstice_RV.unitime()) + 0.5f), Solstice_RV.mornaft_angle, Solstice_RV.riseset_angle, Solstice_RV.dawndusk_angle, Solstice_RV.getSunAngleAtUnitime(Mathf.Floor(Solstice_RV.unitime())) };

                if (GameManager.GetUniStorm().m_NormalizedTime > 1f)
                    GameManager.GetUniStorm().SetNormalizedTime(GameManager.GetUniStorm().m_NormalizedTime - 1f);
                    flagtoAdd = true;

                todBlendState = GameManager.GetUniStorm().GetTODBlendState();
                //   Debug.Log(todBlendState);

                int itod = (int)todBlendState;

                string debugtext;

                float zenith = Solstice_RV.getSunAngleAtUnitime(Mathf.Floor(Solstice_RV.unitime()) + 0.5f);
                float nadir  = Solstice_RV.getSunAngleAtUnitime(Mathf.Floor(Solstice_RV.unitime()) + 0.0f);

                float throughpcntzen;
                float throughpcntnad;

                TODStateConfig wsAStartblend;
                TODStateConfig wsAEndblend;
                TODStateConfig wsBStartblend;
                TODStateConfig wsBEndblend;

                TODStateConfig wsAZenblend;
                TODStateConfig wsANadblend;
                TODStateConfig wsBZenblend;
                TODStateConfig wsBNadblend;

                wsAStartblend = wsA_TodStates[itod];
                wsAEndblend   = wsA_TodStates[itod + 1];
                wsBStartblend = wsB_TodStates[itod];
                wsBEndblend   = wsB_TodStates[itod + 1];

                String namestartblend = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TODBlendState))[(int)todBlendState];
                String nameendblend   = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TODBlendState))[((int)todBlendState + 1) % 6];

                float st_ang = keyangles[itod];
                float en_ang = keyangles[itod + 1];

                throughpcntzen = (zenith - st_ang) / (en_ang - st_ang);

                debugtext = Solstice_RV.gggtime(Solstice_RV.unitime()) + " " + Enum.GetNames(typeof(TODBlendState))[(int)todBlendState];

                // do we need a new zen state
                if (throughpcntzen >= 0 && throughpcntzen <= 1)
                    if (itod == (int)TODBlendState.MorningToMidday)// need to correct against game zenith of 45
                        throughpcntzen = Mathf.Clamp((zenith - st_ang) / (45f - st_ang), 0, 1);
                    if (itod == (int)TODBlendState.MiddayToAfternoon)// need to correct against game zenith of 45
                        throughpcntzen = Mathf.Clamp((zenith - 45f) / (en_ang - 45f), 0, 1);
                    //debugtext += " mc:" + throughpcntzen;
                    wsAZenblend = Solstice_RV.createNewMidPoint(wsA_TodStates[itod], wsA_TodStates[itod + 1], wsA_TodStates[6 - itod], wsA_TodStates[((5 - itod) % 8 + 8) % 8], throughpcntzen);
                    wsBZenblend = Solstice_RV.createNewMidPoint(wsB_TodStates[itod], wsB_TodStates[itod + 1], wsB_TodStates[6 - itod], wsB_TodStates[((5 - itod) % 8 + 8) % 8], throughpcntzen);
                    if (itod < 3)
                        en_ang       = zenith;
                        nameendblend = "Zen";
                        wsAEndblend  = wsAZenblend;
                        wsBEndblend  = wsBZenblend;
                        st_ang         = zenith;
                        namestartblend = "Zen";
                        wsAStartblend  = wsAZenblend;
                        wsBStartblend  = wsBZenblend;

                throughpcntnad = (nadir - st_ang) / (en_ang - st_ang);

                if (throughpcntnad >= 0 && throughpcntnad <= 1)
                    debugtext += " mc:" + throughpcntnad + "[" + itod + "][" + (itod + 1) + "][" + (6 - itod) + "][" + ((5 - itod) % 8 + 8) % 8 + "]";

                    wsANadblend = Solstice_RV.createNewMidPoint(wsA_TodStates[itod], wsA_TodStates[itod + 1], wsA_TodStates[6 - itod], wsA_TodStates[((5 - itod) % 8 + 8) % 8], throughpcntnad);
                    wsBNadblend = Solstice_RV.createNewMidPoint(wsB_TodStates[itod], wsB_TodStates[itod + 1], wsB_TodStates[6 - itod], wsB_TodStates[((5 - itod) % 8 + 8) % 8], throughpcntnad);

                    if (itod > 3)
                        en_ang       = nadir;
                        nameendblend = "Nad";
                        wsAEndblend  = wsANadblend;
                        wsBEndblend  = wsBNadblend;
                        st_ang         = nadir;
                        namestartblend = "Nad";
                        wsAStartblend  = wsANadblend;
                        wsBStartblend  = wsBNadblend;

                float newtodBlendFrac = (Solstice_RV.getSunAngleAtUnitime(Solstice_RV.unitime()) - st_ang) / (en_ang - st_ang);
                debugtext += "(" + namestartblend + ":" + nameendblend + ")";
                debugtext += " s:" + st_ang + " e:" + en_ang + " c:" + string.Format("{0:0.00}", Solstice_RV.getSunAngleAtUnitime(Solstice_RV.unitime())) + " =:" + string.Format("{0:0.00}", newtodBlendFrac);

                m_WorkA.SetBlended(wsAStartblend, wsAEndblend, newtodBlendFrac, newtodBlendFrac, nightstates[itod]);
                m_WorkB.SetBlended(wsBStartblend, wsBEndblend, newtodBlendFrac, newtodBlendFrac, nightstates[itod]);

                settings1A = wsA_TodStates[(int)todBlendState].m_ColorGradingSettings;
                settings1B = wsA_TodStates[((int)todBlendState + 1) % 7].m_ColorGradingSettings;
                settings2A = wsB_TodStates[(int)todBlendState].m_ColorGradingSettings;
                settings2B = wsB_TodStates[((int)todBlendState + 1) % 7].m_ColorGradingSettings;

                __instance.m_TodState.SetBlended(m_WorkA, m_WorkB, weatherBlendFrac, weatherBlendFrac, 0);

                //if ((Time.frameCount % 1600) == 0) Debug.Log(debugtext);

                if (isIndoors)
                    UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorGrading colorGrading = GameManager.GetCameraEffects().ColorGrading();
                    if (colorGrading != null)
                        //if ((Time.frameCount % 50) == 0) Debug.Log("[A"+ (int)todBlendState + "][A"+ ((int)todBlendState + 1) % 7 + "[B" + (int)todBlendState + "][B" + ((int)todBlendState + 1) % 7 + "],"+ newtodBlendFrac + ","+ weatherBlendFrac);
                        colorGrading.UpdateLutForTimeOfDay(settings1A, settings1B, settings2A, settings2B, newtodBlendFrac, newtodBlendFrac, weatherBlendFrac);
                        //colorGrading.UpdateLutForTimeOfDay(wsA.m_DawnColors.m_ColorGradingSettings, wsA.m_MorningColors.m_ColorGradingSettings, wsB.m_DawnColors.m_ColorGradingSettings, wsB.m_MorningColors.m_ColorGradingSettings, 0.5f,0.5f, 0.5f);
                __instance.m_GrassTintScalar = Mathf.Lerp(wsA.m_GrassTintScalar, wsB.m_GrassTintScalar, weatherBlendFrac);

                if (flagtoAdd)
                    GameManager.GetUniStorm().SetNormalizedTime(GameManager.GetUniStorm().m_NormalizedTime + 1f);
