예제 #1
    public void AddKeyframe(float Value, TagarelaMorphTarget Objeto)
        bool keyframe_exists = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < keyframeSet.Count; i++)
            TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[i];
            if (Value == temp_keyframe.value)
                keyframe_exists = true;
        if (keyframe_exists)
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error!", "Already exists a keyframe at position 0", "ok");
            keyframeSet.Add(new TLkeyframe(Value, totalValue, timeLineRect, Objeto));

            TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[keyframeSet.Count - 1];
            selectedValue = _keyframe.value;
            morphSliders  = _keyframe.morphSliders;
            keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador());

            isKeyframeSetChanged = true;
예제 #2
 public void UpdateSelection()
     if (KeyframeSet.Count > 0)
         KeyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador());
         TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[0];
         SelectedIndex   = 0;
         SelectedValue   = _keyframe.Value;
         _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;
     Init = true;
예제 #3
     * public void SetTargetToKeyframe(int Index, TagarelaMorphTarget Objeto)
     * {
     *  TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[Index];
     *  TagarelaMorphTarget CurrentObjeto = new TagarelaMorphTarget();
     *  CurrentObjeto = temp_keyframe.morphSliders;
     *  //popula com os que não tiver
     *  for (int i = 0; i < Objeto.id.Count; i++)
     *  {
     *      if (!CurrentObjeto.id.Contains((string)Objeto.id[i]))
     *      {
     *          CurrentObjeto.id.Add((string)Objeto.id[i]);
     *          CurrentObjeto.sliderValue.Add((float)Objeto.sliderValue[i]);
     *      };
     *  }
     *  //remove the old ones
     *  for (int i = 0; i < CurrentObjeto.id.Count; i++)
     *  {
     *      if (!Objeto.id.Contains((string)CurrentObjeto.id[i]))
     *      {
     *          CurrentObjeto.id.RemoveAt(i);
     *          CurrentObjeto.sliderValue.RemoveAt(i);
     *      };
     *  }
     *  temp_keyframe.morphSliders = (TagarelaMorphTarget)CurrentObjeto;
     *  KeyframeSet[Index] = (TLkeyframe)temp_keyframe;
     * } */

    public void UpdateSelection()
        if (keyframeSet.Count > 0)
            keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador());
            TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[0];
            selectedIndex   = 0;
            selectedValue   = _keyframe.value;
            morphSliders    = _keyframe.morphSliders;
            _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;
        init = true;
예제 #4
    public void RemoveKeyframe(int index)
        if (index < keyframeSet.Count)

            if (index > keyframeSet.Count - 1)
                index = keyframeSet.Count - 1;
            if (keyframeSet.Count > 0)
                TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[index];
                selectedValue = _keyframe.value;
                selectedIndex = index;
                morphSliders  = _keyframe.morphSliders;
                keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador());
                isKeyframeSetChanged = true;
예제 #5
    public void AddKeyframe(float Value)
        bool keyframe_exists = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < KeyframeSet.Count; i++)
            TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[i];
            if (Value == temp_keyframe.Value)
                keyframe_exists = true;
        if (keyframe_exists)
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Erro!", "Já existe um keyframe aqui!", "ok");
            KeyframeSet.Add(new TLkeyframe(Value, totalValue, TimeLineRect, new Rect(0, 0, icoA.width, icoA.height)));
            SelectedValue = Value;
예제 #6
    public void Draw(Rect rect)
        TimeLineRect = rect;
        GUI.color    = Color.white;
        //GUI.Box(TimeLineRect, "", EditorStyles.toolbarTextField);
        Rect DragLimit = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);

        if (!Init)

        refresh = false;

        for (int index = 0; index < KeyframeSet.Count; index++)
            TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[index];

            _keyframe.TimeLineRect = TimeLineRect;
            //_keyframe.TimeLineRect.y = TimeLineRect.y + 20;
            _keyframe.IconRect.y = TimeLineRect.y - 18;
            _keyframe.TotalValue = totalValue;

            if (enabled)
                if (SelectedValue == _keyframe.Value && !isDragging)
                    SelectedIndex   = index;
                    _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;

                //SELECT SLIDER
                if ((Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown) && (!isDragging) && (SelectedIndex != index) && (_keyframe.IconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)))
                    for (int index2 = 0; index2 < KeyframeSet.Count; index2++)
                        TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[index2];
                        if (index2 != index)
                            temp_keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal;
                    _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;
                    SelectedValue   = _keyframe.Value;
                    SelectedIndex   = index;
                    refresh         = true;

                //START DRAG
                if (!isDragging && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag && SelectedIndex == index && _keyframe.IconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                    isDragging = true;
                    if (Event.current.shift)

                //UPDATE DRAG
                if (isDragging && SelectedIndex == index)
                    //if (EventType.mouseDown())
                    SelectedIndex   = index;
                    SelectedValue   = _keyframe.Value;
                    _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.drag;
                    refresh         = true;

                if (SelectedIndex == index)
                    GUI.color       = GUI.contentColor;
                    _keyframe.Value = SelectedValue;
                    //_keyframe.Value = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(TimeLineRect.xMax + 5, TimeLineRect.y, 50, 16), _keyframe.Value, 0f, TotalValue);

                if (SelectedIndex != index && !isDragging && _keyframe.state != KeyframeState.drag)
                    if (_keyframe.IconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                        //Refresh = true;
                        _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.over;
                        _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal;

                //STOP DRAG
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp || !DragLimit.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && isDragging)
                    if (SelectedValue == _keyframe.Value)
                        _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;
                        isDragging      = false;
                        KeyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador());
                _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal;
                SelectedIndex   = -1;
                //SelectedValue = 0;

            //DRAW SLIDER

        TLkeyframe _keyframe_0 = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[0];
        TLkeyframe _keyframe_1 = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[1];

        if (_keyframe_0.Value < _keyframe_1.Value)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_0.IconRect.x - 1, TimeLineRect.y - 14, _keyframe_0.IconRect.width, _keyframe_0.IconRect.height), icoA);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_1.IconRect.x - 1, TimeLineRect.y - 14, _keyframe_1.IconRect.width, _keyframe_1.IconRect.height), icoB);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_1.IconRect.x - 1, TimeLineRect.y - 14, _keyframe_1.IconRect.width, _keyframe_1.IconRect.height), icoA);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_0.IconRect.x - 1, TimeLineRect.y - 14, _keyframe_0.IconRect.width, _keyframe_0.IconRect.height), icoB);

        if (_keyframe_0.Value + _keyframe_1.Value != totalValue)
            active = true;

             * GUI.color = new Color(250f / 255f, 100f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 0.5f);
             * GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_0.IconRect.x + 6, TimeLineRect.y + 1, (_keyframe_1.IconRect.x - _keyframe_0.IconRect.x), 39), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
             * GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_0.IconRect.x + 6, TimeLineRect.y + 43, (_keyframe_1.IconRect.x - _keyframe_0.IconRect.x), 7), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);

            GUI.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.6f);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(TimeLineRect.xMin, TimeLineRect.y + 1, (_keyframe_0.IconRect.x - TimeLineRect.xMin) + 6, 39), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_1.IconRect.x + 6, TimeLineRect.y + 1, (TimeLineRect.xMax - _keyframe_1.IconRect.x) - 6, 39), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);

            GUI.color = new Color(130f / 255f, 170f / 255f, 30f / 255f, 0.2f);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_0.IconRect.x + 6, TimeLineRect.y + 43, (_keyframe_1.IconRect.x - _keyframe_0.IconRect.x), 11), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);

            GUI.color = new Color(130f / 255f, 170f / 255f, 30f / 255f, 1f);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_0.IconRect.x + 6, TimeLineRect.y + 41, (_keyframe_1.IconRect.x - _keyframe_0.IconRect.x), 2), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
            active = false;
        GUI.color = Color.white;

        //GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_0.IconRect.x + 3, _keyframe_0.IconRect.y + 5, 2, 5), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
        //GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(_keyframe_1.IconRect.x + 3, _keyframe_0.IconRect.y + 5, 2, 5), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
        //if (Refresh) GetWindow(typeof(TagarelaEditor)).Repaint();
예제 #7
    public void Draw(Rect rect)
        rect         = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, Mathf.Max(imgTimeline.width, rect.width), Mathf.Max(imgTimeline.height, rect.height));
        timeLineRect = rect;
        GUI.color    = Color.white;

        GUI.Box(timeLineRect, "", styleTimeline);
        Rect dragLimit = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);

        if (!init)

        refresh = false;

        for (int index = 0; index < keyframeSet.Count; index++)
            TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[index];
            _keyframe.timeLineRect = new Rect(timeLineRect.x + styleTimeline.border.left, timeLineRect.y + styleTimeline.border.top, timeLineRect.width - styleTimeline.border.horizontal, timeLineRect.height);
            _keyframe.iconRect.y   = timeLineRect.y + 2; //top position of the icons
            _keyframe.totalValue   = totalValue;
            if (enabled)
                if (selectedValue == _keyframe.value && !isDragging)
                    selectedIndex   = index;
                    morphSliders    = _keyframe.morphSliders;
                    _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;

                //SELECT SLIDER
                if ((Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown) && (!isDragging) && (selectedIndex != index) && (_keyframe.iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)))
                    for (int index2 = 0; index2 < keyframeSet.Count; index2++)
                        TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[index2];
                        if (index2 != index)
                            temp_keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal;
                    _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;
                    selectedValue   = _keyframe.value;
                    selectedIndex   = index;
                    morphSliders    = _keyframe.morphSliders;
                    refresh         = true;

                //START DRAG
                if (!isDragging && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag && selectedIndex == index && _keyframe.iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                    isDragging = true;

                    //DRAG TO CLONE
                    if (Event.current.shift)
                        TagarelaMorphTarget morphInstance = new TagarelaMorphTarget();
                        morphInstance.id          = _keyframe.morphSliders.id.GetRange(0, _keyframe.morphSliders.id.ToArray().Length);
                        morphInstance.sliderValue = _keyframe.morphSliders.sliderValue.GetRange(0, _keyframe.morphSliders.sliderValue.ToArray().Length);
                        AddKeyframe(selectedValue + 0.0001f, morphInstance);
                        isKeyframeSetChanged = true;

                //UPDATE DRAG
                if (isDragging && selectedIndex == index)
                    //if (EventType.mouseDown())
                    selectedIndex   = index;
                    selectedValue   = _keyframe.value;
                    morphSliders    = _keyframe.morphSliders;
                    _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.drag;
                    refresh         = true;

                if (selectedIndex == index)
                    GUI.color = GUI.contentColor;
                    //_keyframe.Value = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(TimeLineRect.xMax + 5, TimeLineRect.y, 50, 16), _keyframe.Value, 0f, totalValue);
                    //_keyframe.Value = SelectedValue;

                if (selectedIndex != index && !isDragging && _keyframe.state != KeyframeState.drag)
                    if (_keyframe.iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                        //Refresh = true;
                        _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.over;
                        _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal;

                //STOP DRAG
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp || !dragLimit.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && isDragging)
                    if (selectedValue == _keyframe.value)
                        _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected;
                        isDragging      = false;
                        keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador());
                _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal;
                //SelectedIndex = -1;
                //SelectedValue = -1;

            //DRAW SLIDER

        //if (Refresh) GetWindow(typeof(TagarelaEditor)).Repaint();