public void HandlePlacementRequestSuccess(TJPlacement placement) { if (placement.IsContentAvailable ()) { Debug.Log ("C#: Content available for " + placement.GetName ()); } else { Debug.Log ("C#: No content available for " + placement.GetName ()); } }
public void HandlePlacementContentReady(TJPlacement placement) { Debug.Log ("C#: HandlePlacementContentReady"); if (placement.IsContentAvailable ()) { //placement.ShowContent(); } else { Debug.Log ("C#: no content"); } }
public void HandlePlacementRequestSuccess(TJPlacement placement) { if (placement.IsContentAvailable()) { placement.ShowContent(); } else { MyLog.D("C#: No content available for " + placement.GetName()); } }
public void HandlePlacementContentReady(TJPlacement placement) { MyLog.D("C#: HandlePlacementContentReady"); if (placement.IsContentAvailable()) { placement.ShowContent(); } else { MyLog.D("C#: no content"); } }
public void HandlePlacementContentReady(TJPlacement placement) { Debug.Log("C#: HandlePlacementContentReady"); output = "HandlePlacementContentReady"; if (placement.IsContentAvailable()) { //placement.ShowContent(); } else { Debug.Log("C#: no content"); } }
public void HandlePlacementContentReady(TJPlacement placement) { this.ShowMessage("Tapjoy.OnContentReadyHandler({0})", new object[] { placement }); if (!placement.IsContentAvailable()) { this.RemovePlacement(placement); return; } placement.ShowContent(); }
public void HandlePlacementContentReady(TJPlacement placement) { if (placement.GetName() == "Video") { if (placement.IsContentAvailable()) { uiVideoLabel.text = "Видео(загружено)\n+200 руб"; } else { uiVideoLabel.text = "Нет контента\n(видео)"; } loadingSpriteUI.enabled = false; } }
public void HandlePlacementRequestSuccess(TJPlacement placement) { if (placement.GetName() == "Video") { if (placement.IsContentAvailable()) { uiVideoLabel.text = "Смотреть видео\n+200 руб"; } else { uiVideoLabel.text = "Нет контента\n(видео)"; } loadingSpriteUI.enabled = false; } }
public void HandlePlacementRequestSuccess(TJPlacement placement) { if (placement.IsContentAvailable()) { if (placement.GetName() == samplePlacementName) { Debug.Log("C#: Content available for " + placement.GetName()); output = "Content available for " + placement.GetName(); contentIsReadyForPlacement = true; } else if (placement.GetName() == "offerwall_unit") { // Show offerwall immediately placement.ShowContent(); } } else { output = "No content available for " + placement.GetName(); Debug.Log("C#: No content available for " + placement.GetName()); } }
void OnGUI() { Rect position; float yPosition = startY; if (inputStyle == null) { inputStyle =; inputStyle.fontSize = fontSize; } position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Show Offerwall")) { if (offerwallPlacement != null) { offerwallPlacement.RequestContent(); } } yPosition += yPadding; position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Show Direct Play Video Ad")) { if (directPlayPlacement.IsContentAvailable()) { if (directPlayPlacement.IsContentReady()) { directPlayPlacement.ShowContent(); } else { output = "Direct play video not ready to show."; } } else { output = "No direct play video to show."; } } yPosition += yPadding; // Managed Currency Header position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight); GUI.Label(position, "Managed Currency:", headerStyle); yPosition += yPadding - (yPadding - headerHeight); position = new Rect(centerX - (thirdButtonWidth + (thirdButtonWidth / 2)), yPosition, thirdButtonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Get")) { ResetCurrencyLabel(); Tapjoy.GetCurrencyBalance(); } position = new Rect(centerX - (thirdButtonWidth / 2), yPosition, thirdButtonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Spend")) { ResetCurrencyLabel(); Tapjoy.SpendCurrency(10); } position = new Rect(centerX + (thirdButtonWidth / 2), yPosition, thirdButtonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Award")) { ResetCurrencyLabel(); Tapjoy.AwardCurrency(10); } yPosition += yPadding; // Managed Currency Header position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight); GUI.Label(position, "Content Placement:", headerStyle); yPosition += yPadding - (yPadding - headerHeight); position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight); samplePlacementName = GUI.TextField(position, samplePlacementName, 30, inputStyle); yPosition += headerHeight + 10; position = new Rect(centerX - halfButtonWidth, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Request")) { // Create a new sample event samplePlacement = TJPlacement.CreatePlacement(samplePlacementName); if (samplePlacement != null) { samplePlacement.RequestContent(); output = "Requesting content for placement: " + samplePlacementName; } } if (!contentIsReadyForPlacement) { GUI.enabled = false; } position = new Rect(centerX, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Show")) { samplePlacement.ShowContent(); } if (!contentIsReadyForPlacement) { GUI.enabled = true; } yPosition += yPadding; // Purchase Header position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight); GUI.Label(position, "Purchase:", headerStyle); yPosition += yPadding - (yPadding - headerHeight); position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase")) { Tapjoy.TrackPurchase("product1", "USD", 0.99); output = "Sent track purchase"; } yPosition += yPadding; position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase (Campaign)")) { Tapjoy.TrackPurchase("product1", "USD", 1.99, "TestCampaignID"); output = "Sent track purchase 2"; } yPosition += yPadding; position = new Rect(centerX - halfButtonWidth, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase (GooglePlayStore)")) { Tapjoy.TrackPurchaseInGooglePlayStore(getDummySkuDetails(), getDummyPurchaseData(), getDummyDataSignature(), "TestCampaignID"); output = "Sent TrackPurchaseInGooglePlayStore"; } position = new Rect(centerX, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase (AppleAppStore)")) { Tapjoy.TrackPurchaseInAppleAppStore("product1", "USD", 1.99, "transactionId", "TestCampaignID"); output = "Sent TrackPurchaseInAppleAppStore"; } yPosition += yPadding; // Display status GUI.Label(new Rect(centerX - 200, yPosition, 400, 150), output, outputStyle); }
public void HandlePlacementRequestSuccess(TJPlacement placement) { if (placement.IsContentAvailable ()) { if (placement.GetName () == samplePlacementName) { Debug.Log ("C#: Content available for " + placement.GetName ()); output = "Content available for " + placement.GetName (); contentIsReadyForPlacement = true; } else if (placement.GetName () == "offerwall_unit") { // Show offerwall immediately placement.ShowContent (); } } else { output = "No content available for " + placement.GetName (); Debug.Log ("C#: No content available for " + placement.GetName ()); } }