private void VehInfo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Graphics // External band colors titlePnl.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#263238"); titleLbl.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#eceff1"); //this.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#90a4ae"); titleLbl.Text = newVeh ? titleLbl.Text = "Add Vehicle" : titleLbl.Text = "Update Vehicle"; typeCmb.SelectedIndex = 0; licPltTxb.Focus(); #endregion if (!newVeh) // Vehicle update { // Fill all fields Vehicle v = hub.GetVeh(licPlt); licPltTxb.Text = licPlt; modelTxb.Text = v.Mod; gasKmTxb.Text = v.GasKm.ToString(); priceKmTxb.Text = v.PriceKm.ToString(); totalKmTxb.Text = v.TotalKm.ToString(); switch (hub.Type(v)) { case "car": typeCmb.SelectedIndex = 0; maxPassTxb.Text = (v as Car).MaxPass.ToString(); break; case "truck": typeCmb.SelectedIndex = 1; maxWgTxb.Text = (v as Truck).MaxWg.ToString(); maxVolTxb.Text = (v as Truck).MaxVol.ToString(); break; case "van": typeCmb.SelectedIndex = 2; maxPassTxb.Text = (v as Van).MaxPass.ToString(); maxWgTxb.Text = (v as Van).MaxWg.ToString(); maxVolTxb.Text = (v as Van).MaxVol.ToString(); break; } // Disables not editable components typeCmb.Enabled = false; licPltTxb.Enabled = false; } }
private void DisplayRide(Ride ride) { // type licPlt Km Pass Wg Vol StartTm ListViewItem row = null; // Listview row if (ride.GetType() == typeof(PassRide)) // Passenger ride { string[] param = { "", ride.VehLicPlt, ride.Km.ToString(), ride.StartTm.ToString(), (ride as PassRide).NumPass.ToString(), "-", "-" }; // Vehicle type if (hub.Type(hub.GetVeh(ride.VehLicPlt)) == "car") { row = new ListViewItem(param, 0); // Adds row with image } else if (hub.Type(hub.GetVeh(ride.VehLicPlt)) == "van") { row = new ListViewItem(param, 2); // Adds row with image } } else // Freight ride { string[] param = { "", ride.VehLicPlt, ride.Km.ToString(), ride.StartTm.ToString(), "-", (ride as FreightRide).Wg.ToString(), (ride as FreightRide).Vol.ToString() }; // Vehicle type if (hub.Type(hub.GetVeh(ride.VehLicPlt)) == "truck") { row = new ListViewItem(param, 1); // Adds row with image } else if (hub.Type(hub.GetVeh(ride.VehLicPlt)) == "van") { row = new ListViewItem(param, 2); // Adds row with image } } // Adds the row currentRidesList.Items.Add(row); }