public override void UpdateCamera(float elapsedTime)
            var moveVector = actualizarMoveVector();

            #region actualizarTransformacion
            //Solo rotar si se esta aprentando el boton izq del mouse
            if (Input.buttonDown(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                leftrightRot  -= -Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot     -= Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);
                // cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);

            var cameraRotatedPositionEye = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(moveVector * elapsedTime, cameraRotation);
            positionEye += cameraRotatedPositionEye;

            //Calculamos el target de la camara, segun su direccion inicial y las rotaciones en screen space x,y.
            var cameraRotatedTarget = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(directionView, cameraRotation);
            var cameraFinalTarget   = positionEye + cameraRotatedTarget;

            //Se calcula el nuevo vector de up producido por el movimiento del update.
            var cameraOriginalUpVector = DEFAULT_UP_VECTOR;
            var cameraRotatedUpVector  = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(cameraOriginalUpVector, cameraRotation);


            base.SetCamera(positionEye, cameraFinalTarget, cameraRotatedUpVector);
예제 #2
        private void InitializePlanes()
            var baldosas = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Texturas\\baldosasceramica.jpg");
            var lisa     = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Texturas\\paredLisa.jpg");

            List <TgcPlane> planeCollection = new List <TgcPlane>
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(-500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(1000f, 1f, 1000f), TgcPlane.Orientations.XZplane, baldosas, 10f, 10f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(0f, 400f, 1000f), TgcPlane.Orientations.YZplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(0f, 400f, 1000f), TgcPlane.Orientations.YZplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(-500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(1000f, 400f, 0f), TgcPlane.Orientations.XYplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(-500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(1000f, 400f, 0f), TgcPlane.Orientations.XYplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),

            planeCollection.ForEach(plane => plane.updateValues());

            int index = 0;

            planes = planeCollection.ConvertAll(plane => { index++; return(plane.toMesh("plane" + index.ToString())); });

            // Orient the planes to the center of the scene
            planes[0].Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationX(FastMath.PI) * planes[0].Transform;
            planes[1].Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI) * planes[1].Transform;
            planes[3].Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI) * planes[3].Transform;

            planes.ForEach(plane => { plane.Effect = effect; plane.Technique = "Wall"; });
            planes[0].Technique = "Blinn";
예제 #3
        private void Rotation()
            Latitude  -= -Input.XposRelative * Constants.ROTATION_SPEED;
            Longitude -= Input.YposRelative * Constants.ROTATION_SPEED;
            Longitude  = FastMath.Clamp(Longitude, Constants.LIMIT_MIN, Constants.LIIMIT_MAX);

            CameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(Longitude) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(Latitude);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 ///     Crear una nueva camara
 /// </summary>
 public MamutCamara(TgcD3dInput input)
     this.Input          = input;
     this.directionView  = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 75);
     this.RotationSpeed  = 1f;
     this.leftrightRot   = FastMath.PI_HALF;
     this.updownRot      = -FastMath.PI / 10.0f;
     this.cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);
        public TGCMatrix CalculateCameraRotation()
            if (ConsideringInput)
                leftrightRot += Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot     = FastMath.Clamp(updownRot - Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed, -FastMath.PI_HALF, FastMath.PI_HALF);

            return(TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Genera la proxima matriz de view, sin actualizar aun los valores internos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">Futura posicion de camara generada</param>
        /// <param name="targetCenter">Futuro centro de camara a generada</param>
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(float rotX, float rotY)
            //alejarse, luego rotar y lueg ubicar camara en el centro deseado
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, OffsetHeight, OffsetForward)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationX(rotX)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotY)
                    * TGCMatrix.Translation(Target);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            NextPos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Realiza un update de la camara a partir del elapsedTime, actualizando Position,LookAt y UpVector.
        ///     Presenta movimientos basicos a partir de input de teclado W, A, S, D, Espacio, Control y rotraciones con el mouse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elapsedTime"></param>
        public override void UpdateCamera(float elapsedTime)
            var moveVector = TGCVector3.Empty;

            if (Input.keyPressed(Key.Escape))
                LockCam = !lockCam;
                //habiaSalido = true;

            if ((Input.buttonPressed(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT)))
                LockCam = !lockCam;
                //habiaSalido = false;

            if (lockCam)
                leftrightRot -= -Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot    -= Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed;

                if (updownRot > 1.5)
                    updownRot = 1.5f;
                if (updownRot < -1.5)
                    updownRot = -1.5f;

                //Se actualiza matrix de rotacion, para no hacer este calculo cada vez y solo cuando en verdad es necesario.
                cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);

            if (lockCam)
                Cursor.Position = mouseCenter;

            //Calculamos la nueva posicion del ojo segun la rotacion actual de la camara.
            var cameraRotatedPositionEye = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(moveVector * elapsedTime, cameraRotation);

            positionEye += cameraRotatedPositionEye;

            //Calculamos el target de la camara, segun su direccion inicial y las rotaciones en screen space x,y.
            var cameraRotatedTarget = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(directionView, cameraRotation);
            var cameraFinalTarget   = positionEye + cameraRotatedTarget;

            //Se calcula el nuevo vector de up producido por el movimiento del update.
            var cameraOriginalUpVector = DEFAULT_UP_VECTOR;
            var cameraRotatedUpVector  = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(cameraOriginalUpVector, cameraRotation);

            base.SetCamera(positionEye, cameraFinalTarget, cameraRotatedUpVector);
예제 #8
 public void Render(TGCMatrix matrizAuto, Luz luz)
     Mesh.Effect.SetValue("lightColor", TGCVector3.TGCVector3ToFloat3Array(new TGCVector3(luz.Color.R, luz.Color.G, luz.Color.B)));
     Mesh.Effect.SetValue("lightPosition", TGCVector3.TGCVector3ToFloat3Array(luz.Translation));
     Mesh.Effect.SetValue("Ka", .65f);
     Mesh.Effect.SetValue("Kd", .3f);
     Mesh.Effect.SetValue("Ks", 0);
     Mesh.Effect.SetValue("shininess", 0);
     Mesh.Effect.SetValue("reflection", 0);
     mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(new TGCVector3(scale)) * TGCMatrix.RotationX(rotacion) * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(translation)) * matrizAuto;
예제 #9
        public void Move(TgcMesh mesh, float movimiento)
            if (moved <= movingRange)
                director = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -movimiento);

                director = new TGCVector3(0, 0, movimiento);
            //mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(director*100);

            var orbitaDeRotacion = 2.5f;

            //Muevo las plataformas
            var Mover  = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, -10);
            var Mover2 = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, 65);

            //Punto por donde va a rotar
            var Trasladar  = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, 10);
            var Trasladar2 = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, -10);

            //Aplico la rotacion
            var Rot = TGCMatrix.RotationX(orbitaDeRotacion);

            //Giro para que la caja quede derecha
            var RotInversa = TGCMatrix.RotationX(-orbitaDeRotacion);

            var transformacionBox = Mover * Trasladar * Rot * Trasladar * RotInversa;

            //transformacionBox2 = Mover2 * Trasladar2 * RotInversa * Trasladar2 * Rot;

            mesh.Transform = transformacionBox;



            if (moved == movingRange * 2)
                moved = 0;
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 ///     Constructor de la camara a partir de un TgcD3dInput el cual ya tiene por default el positionEye (0,0,0), el mouseCenter a partir del centro del a pantalla, RotationSpeed 1.0f,
 ///     MovementSpeed y JumpSpeed 500f, el directionView (0,0,-1)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input"></param>
 public CamaraExploradora(TgcD3dInput input)
     this.Input          = input;
     this.positionEye    = TGCVector3.Empty;
     this.mouseCenter    = new Point(D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Width / 2, D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Height / 2);
     this.RotationSpeed  = 0.1f;
     this.MovementSpeed  = 500f;
     this.JumpSpeed      = 500f;
     this.directionView  = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
     this.leftrightRot   = FastMath.PI_HALF;
     this.updownRot      = -FastMath.PI / 10.0f;
     this.cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);
예제 #11
        private void InitializeFloor()
            var floor     = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Texturas\\tierra.jpg");
            var planeSize = new TGCVector3(200f, 0f, 200f);
            var planeMesh = new TgcPlane(TGCVector3.Scale(planeSize, -0.5f), planeSize, TgcPlane.Orientations.XZplane, floor, 5f, 5f);


            plane           = planeMesh.toMesh("floor");
            plane.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationX(FastMath.PI) * plane.Transform;
            plane.Effect    = effect;
            plane.Technique = "Blinn";
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Constructor de la camara a partir de un TgcD3dInput el cual ya tiene por default el eyePosition (0,0,0), el mouseCenter a partir del centro del a pantalla, RotationSpeed 1.0f,
        ///     MovementSpeed y JumpSpeed 500f, el directionView (0,0,-1)
        /// </summary>
        public Camera()
            cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);

            down           = new TgcRay();
            horx           = new TgcRay();
            horz           = new TgcRay();
            down.Direction = new TGCVector3(0, -1, 0);
            horx.Direction = new TGCVector3(1, 0, 0);
            horz.Direction = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 1);

   = this;
            g.hands  = new Hands();
 public CamaraPersonal(TgcD3dInput input)
     #region inicializarVariables
     this.Input         = input;
     this.positionEye   = TGCVector3.Empty;
     this.mouseCenter   = new Point(D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Width / 2, D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Height / 2);
     this.RotationSpeed = 0.1f;
     this.MovementSpeed = 500f;
     this.JumpSpeed     = 500f;
     this.directionView = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
     // this.directionView = new TGCVector3(0.8f, -0.8f, -1);
     this.leftrightRot   = FastMath.PI_HALF;
     this.updownRot      = -FastMath.PI / 10.0f;
     this.cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);///*TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) **/ TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);
예제 #14
        public override void Init()
            drawer2D = new Drawer2D();

            //Crear Sprite
            sprite        = new CustomSprite();
            sprite.Bitmap = new CustomBitmap(MediaDir + "\\Texturas\\LogoTGC.png", D3DDevice.Instance.Device);

            //Ubicarlo centrado en la pantalla
            var textureSize = sprite.Bitmap.Size;

            sprite.Position = new TGCVector2(FastMath.Max(D3DDevice.Instance.Width / 2 - textureSize.Width / 2, 0), FastMath.Max(D3DDevice.Instance.Height / 2 - textureSize.Height / 2, 0));

            //Crear Sprite animado
            animatedSprite = new AnimatedSprite(MediaDir + "\\Texturas\\Sprites\\Explosion.png", //Textura de 256x256
                                                new Size(64, 64),                                //Tamaño de un frame (64x64px en este caso)
                                                16,                                              //Cantidad de frames, (son 16 de 64x64px)
                                                10);                                             //Velocidad de animacion, en cuadros x segundo,

            //Ubicarlo centrado en la pantalla
            var textureSizeAnimado = animatedSprite.Bitmap.Size;

            animatedSprite.Position = new TGCVector2(D3DDevice.Instance.Width / 2 - textureSizeAnimado.Width / 2, D3DDevice.Instance.Height / 2 - textureSizeAnimado.Height / 2);

            //Modifiers para variar parametros del sprite
            positionModifier = AddVertex2f("position", TGCVector2.Zero, new TGCVector2(D3DDevice.Instance.Width, D3DDevice.Instance.Height), sprite.Position);
            scalingModifier  = AddVertex2f("scaling", TGCVector2.Zero, new TGCVector2(4, 4), sprite.Scaling);
            rotationModifier = AddFloat("rotation", 0, 360, 0);

            //Modifiers para variar parametros del sprite
            frameRateAnimatedModifier = AddFloat("frameRateAnimated", 1, 30, 10);
            positionAnimatedModifier  = AddVertex2f("positionAnimated", TGCVector2.Zero, new TGCVector2(D3DDevice.Instance.Width, D3DDevice.Instance.Height), animatedSprite.Position);
            scalingAnimatedModifier   = AddVertex2f("scalingAnimated", TGCVector2.Zero, new TGCVector2(4, 4), animatedSprite.Scaling);
            rotationAnimatedModifier  = AddFloat("rotationAnimated", 0, 360, 0);

            //Creamos un Box3D para que se vea como el Sprite es en 2D y se dibuja siempre arriba de la escena 3D
            box           = TGCBox.fromSize(new TGCVector3(10, 10, 10), TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "\\Texturas\\pasto.jpg"));
            box.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationX(FastMath.QUARTER_PI);

            //Hacer que la camara se centre en el box3D
            Camara = new TgcRotationalCamera(box.BoundingBox.calculateBoxCenter(), box.BoundingBox.calculateBoxRadius() * 2, Input);
예제 #15
        public override void Update()

            // Los movimientos de teclado no validan que la mesh se atraviecen, solo modifican el angulo o traslacion.
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.W))
                ang += VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.S))
                ang -= VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A))
                pos += 5f * ElapsedTime;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.D))
                pos -= 5f * ElapsedTime;
            angHelice += ElapsedTime * VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR;

            escalaAvion = TGCMatrix.Scaling(lengthAvion);

            escalaHelice = TGCMatrix.Scaling(lengthHelice);

            var T1 = TGCMatrix.Translation(pos, pos, 0);
            var R1 = TGCMatrix.RotationZ(ang);

            transformacionAvion = R1 * T1;

            var T2 = TGCMatrix.Translation(lengthAvion.X / 2 + lengthHelice.X / 2, 0, 0);

            var R3 = TGCMatrix.RotationX(angHelice);

            transformacionHelice = R3 * T2 * transformacionAvion;

예제 #16
        private void UpdatePlayerLookDirection()
            TgcD3dInput input = player.GameInstance.Input;

            if (player.GameInstance.FocusInGame)
                mousePositionY -= -input.XposRelative * mouseSensibility; // ENTENDER PORQUE TENGO QUE INVERTIR LAS X CON Y

                if (mousePositionX >= 0)                                  // Para que no se haga gimball lock en la camara, limito el maximo que se puede llegar hasta arriba y abajo
                    mousePositionX = FastMath.Min(mousePositionX - input.YposRelative * mouseSensibility, maxUpDownView);
                    mousePositionX = FastMath.Max(mousePositionX - input.YposRelative * mouseSensibility, -maxUpDownView);

            TGCMatrix cameraRotationMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationX(mousePositionX) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(mousePositionY);

            player.LookDirection = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(player.InitialLookDirection, cameraRotationMatrix);
        public override void Update()
            //Muevo las plataformas
            var Mover  = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, -15);
            var Mover2 = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, 65);

            //Punto por donde va a rotar
            var Trasladar  = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, 10);
            var Trasladar2 = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, -10);

            //Aplico la rotacion
            var Rot = TGCMatrix.RotationX(orbitaDeRotacion);

            //Giro para que la caja quede derecha
            var RotInversa = TGCMatrix.RotationX(-orbitaDeRotacion);

            transformacionBox  = Mover * Trasladar * Rot * Trasladar * RotInversa;
            transformacionBox2 = Mover2 * Trasladar2 * RotInversa * Trasladar2 * Rot;

            plataforma1.transformacion = transformacionBox;

            plataforma2.transformacion = transformacionBox2;

            //foreach (Caja caja in cajas)

            //    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("CAJAS : ", caja.ToString()));
예제 #18
        private void InvertNormals(TGCVector3 vector)
            TGCVector3 p = mesh.BoundingBox.calculateBoxCenter();

            if (vector.X > 0)
                mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(-p);
                mesh.Transform = mesh.Transform * TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.ToRad(180));
                mesh.Transform = mesh.Transform * TGCMatrix.Translation(p);

            else if (vector.Y > 0)
                mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(-p);
                mesh.Transform = mesh.Transform * TGCMatrix.RotationX(FastMath.ToRad(180));
                mesh.Transform = mesh.Transform * TGCMatrix.Translation(p);
            else if (vector.Z < 0)
                mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(-p);
                mesh.Transform = mesh.Transform * TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.ToRad(180));
                mesh.Transform = mesh.Transform * TGCMatrix.Translation(p);
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Rota la rueda sobre si misma
 /// </summary>
 public void RotateX(float velocidad)
     this.rotationX = TGCMatrix.RotationX(velocidad * 0.01f) * this.rotationX;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualiza los valores de la camara.
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateCamera(float elapsedTime)
            //Obtener variacion XY del mouse
            var mouseX = 0f;
            var mouseY = 0f;

            if (Input.buttonDown(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                mouseX = Input.XposRelative;
                mouseY = Input.YposRelative;

                DiffX += mouseX * elapsedTime * RotationSpeed;
                DiffY += mouseY * elapsedTime * RotationSpeed;
                DiffX += mouseX;
                DiffY += mouseY;

            //Calcular rotacion a aplicar
            var rotX = -DiffY / FastMath.PI;
            var rotY = DiffX / FastMath.PI;

            //Truncar valores de rotacion fuera de rango
            if (rotX > FastMath.PI * 2 || rotX < -FastMath.PI * 2)
                DiffY = 0;
                rotX  = 0;

            //Invertir Y de UpVector segun el angulo de rotacion
            if (rotX < -FastMath.PI / 2 && rotX > -FastMath.PI * 3 / 2)
                UpVector = DEFAULT_DOWN;
            else if (rotX > FastMath.PI / 2 && rotX < FastMath.PI * 3 / 2)
                UpVector = DEFAULT_DOWN;
                UpVector = DEFAULT_UP_VECTOR;

            //Determinar distancia de la camara o zoom segun el Mouse Wheel
            if (Input.WheelPos != 0)
                DiffZ += ZoomFactor * Input.WheelPos * -1;
            var distance = -CameraDistance * DiffZ;

            //Limitar el zoom a 0
            if (distance > 0)
                distance = 0;

            //Realizar Transformacion: primero alejarse en Z, despues rotar en X e Y y despues ir al centro de la cmara
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, -distance)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationX(rotX)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotY)
                    * TGCMatrix.Translation(CameraCenter);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            NextPos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);

            //Hacer efecto de Pan View
            if (Input.buttonDown(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT))
                var dx           = -Input.XposRelative;
                var dy           = Input.YposRelative;
                var panSpeedZoom = PanSpeed * FastMath.Abs(distance);

                var d = CameraCenter - NextPos;

                var n = TGCVector3.Cross(d, UpVector);

                var up   = TGCVector3.Cross(n, d);
                var desf = TGCVector3.Scale(up, dy * panSpeedZoom) - TGCVector3.Scale(n, dx * panSpeedZoom);
                NextPos      = NextPos + desf;
                CameraCenter = CameraCenter + desf;

            //asigna las posiciones de la camara.
            base.SetCamera(NextPos, CameraCenter, UpVector);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        ///     Realiza un update de la camara a partir del elapsedTime, actualizando Position,LookAt y UpVector.
        ///     Presenta movimientos basicos a partir de input de teclado W, A, S, D, Espacio, Control y rotraciones con el mouse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elapsedTime"></param>
        public override void UpdateCamera(float elapsedTime)
            var moveVector = TGCVector3.Empty;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.W))
                moveVector += new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1) * MovementSpeed;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.S))
                moveVector += new TGCVector3(0, 0, 1) * MovementSpeed;

            //Strafe right
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.D))
                moveVector += new TGCVector3(-1, 0, 0) * MovementSpeed;

            //Strafe left
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A))
                moveVector += new TGCVector3(1, 0, 0) * MovementSpeed;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.Space))
                moveVector += TGCVector3.Up * JumpSpeed;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.LeftControl))
                moveVector += TGCVector3.Down * JumpSpeed;

            if (Input.keyPressed(Key.L) || Input.keyPressed(Key.Escape))
                LockCam = !lockCam;

            //Solo rotar si se esta aprentando el boton izq del mouse
            if (lockCam || Input.buttonDown(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                leftrightRot -= -Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot    -= Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                //Se actualiza matrix de rotacion, para no hacer este calculo cada vez y solo cuando en verdad es necesario.
                cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);

            if (lockCam)
                Cursor.Position = mouseCenter;

            //Calculamos la nueva posicion del ojo segun la rotacion actual de la camara.
            var cameraRotatedPositionEye = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(moveVector * elapsedTime, cameraRotation);

            positionEye += cameraRotatedPositionEye;

            //Calculamos el target de la camara, segun su direccion inicial y las rotaciones en screen space x,y.
            var cameraRotatedTarget = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(directionView, cameraRotation);
            var cameraFinalTarget   = positionEye + cameraRotatedTarget;

            //Se calcula el nuevo vector de up producido por el movimiento del update.
            var cameraOriginalUpVector = DEFAULT_UP_VECTOR;
            var cameraRotatedUpVector  = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(cameraOriginalUpVector, cameraRotation);

            base.SetCamera(positionEye, cameraFinalTarget, cameraRotatedUpVector);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualiza los valores de la camara
        /// </summary>
        public void updateCamera(float elapsedTime)
            if (!Enable)

            //Obtener variacion XY del mouse
            var mouseX = 0f;
            var mouseY = 0f;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.LeftAlt) && Input.buttonDown(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_MIDDLE))
                mouseX = Input.XposRelative;
                mouseY = Input.YposRelative;

                diffX += mouseX * elapsedTime * RotationSpeed;
                diffY += mouseY * elapsedTime * RotationSpeed;
                diffX += mouseX;
                diffY += mouseY;

            //Calcular rotacion a aplicar
            var rotX = -diffY / FastMath.PI + BaseRotX;
            var rotY = diffX / FastMath.PI + BaseRotY;

            //Truncar valores de rotacion fuera de rango
            if (rotX > FastMath.PI * 2 || rotX < -FastMath.PI * 2)
                diffY = 0;
                rotX  = 0;

            //Invertir Y de UpVector segun el angulo de rotacion
            if (rotX < -FastMath.PI / 2 && rotX > -FastMath.PI * 3 / 2)
                upVector.Y = -1;
            else if (rotX > FastMath.PI / 2 && rotX < FastMath.PI * 3 / 2)
                upVector.Y = -1;
                upVector.Y = 1;

            //Determinar distancia de la camara o zoom segun el Mouse Wheel
            if (Input.WheelPos != 0)
                diffZ += ZoomFactor * Input.WheelPos * -1;
            var distance = -CameraDistance * diffZ;

            //Limitar el zoom a 0
            if (distance > 0)
                distance = 0;

            //Realizar Transformacion: primero alejarse en Z, despues rotar en X e Y y despues ir al centro de la cmara
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, 0, -distance)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationX(rotX)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotY)
                    * TGCMatrix.Translation(CameraCenter);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            nextPos.X = m.M41;
            nextPos.Y = m.M42;
            nextPos.Z = m.M43;

            //Hacer efecto de Pan View
            if (!Input.keyDown(Key.LeftAlt) && Input.buttonDown(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_MIDDLE))
                var dx           = -Input.XposRelative;
                var dy           = Input.YposRelative;
                var panSpeedZoom = PanSpeed * FastMath.Abs(distance);

                var d = CameraCenter - nextPos;

                var n = TGCVector3.Cross(d, upVector);

                var up   = TGCVector3.Cross(n, d);
                var desf = TGCVector3.Scale(up, dy * panSpeedZoom) - TGCVector3.Scale(n, dx * panSpeedZoom);
                nextPos      = nextPos + desf;
                CameraCenter = CameraCenter + desf;

            //Obtener ViewTGCMatrix haciendo un LookAt desde la posicion final anterior al centro de la camara
            viewTGCMatrix = TGCMatrix.LookAtLH(nextPos, CameraCenter, upVector);