예제 #1
        protected override void OnAttached()
            // Get the Android View corresponding to the Element that the effect is attached to
            view = Control == null ? Container : Control;

            // Get access to the TouchEffect class in the .NET Standard library
            TEffect touchEffect =
                FirstOrDefault(e => e is TEffect);

            if (touchEffect != null && view != null)
                viewDictionary.Add(view, this);

                formsElement = Element;

                libTouchEffect = touchEffect;

                // Save fromPixels function
                fromPixels = view.Context.FromPixels;

                // Set event handler on View
                view.Touch += OnTouch;
예제 #2
 //Indikatioren für Varibeltypen
 //Aufbau des Sykripts
 public EffectScriptObject(string _Script, IRPGSource _Source, RPGObject _Target, TEffect _Effect)
     Source = _Source;
     Afflicted = _Target;
     string[] Lines = _Script.Split (';');
     int state = 0;
     for (int i=0; i<Lines.Length; i++) {
         Lines [i] = Lines [i].ToLower ();
         if (Lines [i] == "endblock") {
         if (state == 0) {
         } else
         if (state == 1) {
             string varstring = Lines [i];
             if (varstring [0] == '$') {
                 sValues.Add (new StringValue (varstring.Split ('=') [0].TrimStart ('$'), varstring.Split ('=') [1]));
             if (varstring [0] == '%') {
                 nValues.Add (new NumericValue (varstring.Split ('=') [0].TrimStart ('%'), System.Convert.ToInt16 (varstring.Split ('=') [1])));
         } else
         if (state == 2) {
             Script.Add (Lines [i]);
예제 #3
 public b_accuracy_by_night(double value, int skillId, int lvl)
     this.value     = value;
     effect         = new b_accuracy();
     effect.HashID  = skillId * 65536 + lvl;
     effect.SkillId = skillId;
     effect.SkillLv = lvl;
     effect.build("st +" + value);
예제 #4
        public double[] Apply(TEffect effect)

            double basevalue = getTemplate(effect.type);
            double newvalue  = basevalue;
            double buffvalue = getStat(effect.type);

            List <TEffect> arif = null;

            foreach (TEffect cc in activeEffects)
                if (cc.type != effect.type)

                if (cc.supMethod != null)
                    if (cc.supMethod.Method <= SupMethod.SUB)
                        if (arif == null)
                            arif = new List <TEffect>();


                    newvalue = calcSupMethod(newvalue, cc.supMethod);
                //    Console.WriteLine("newvalue! #1 " + newvalue + " " + cc.supMethod.Value+" "+cc.type);

            if (arif != null)
                foreach (TEffect cc in arif)
                    newvalue = calcSupMethod(newvalue, cc.supMethod);
                    //    Console.WriteLine("newvalue! arif " + newvalue + " " + cc.supMethod.Value+" "+cc.type);

            if (statBuff.ContainsKey(effect.type))
                lock (statBuff)

            statBuff.Add(effect.type, newvalue);
            return(new double[] { buffvalue, newvalue });
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Toggles an effect on or off.
        /// </summary>
        public void Toggle <TEffect> () where TEffect : Behaviour
            Riff        riff   = RiffEditor.CurrentRiff;
            Instrument  inst   = riff.Instrument;
            AudioSource source = MusicManager.Instance.GetAudioSource(inst);

            // Toggle effect
            TEffect effect = source.GetComponent <TEffect>();

            effect.enabled = !effect.enabled;

            // Update riff
            Type effectType = typeof(TEffect);

            if (effectType == typeof(AudioDistortionFilter))
                riff.DistortionEnabled = effect.enabled;
            else if (effectType == typeof(AudioEchoFilter))
                riff.EchoEnabled = effect.enabled;
            else if (effectType == typeof(AudioReverbFilter))
                riff.ReverbEnabled = effect.enabled;
            else if (effectType == typeof(AudioTremoloFilter))
                riff.TremoloEnabled = effect.enabled;
            else if (effectType == typeof(AudioChorusFilter))
                riff.ChorusEnabled = effect.enabled;
            else if (effectType == typeof(AudioFlangerFilter))
                riff.FlangerEnabled = effect.enabled;

            // Update button art
            _image.sprite = (effect.enabled ? UIManager.Instance.FilledPercussionNoteIcon : UIManager.Instance.EmptyPercussionNoteIcon);

            // Play sound
            if (effect.enabled)
예제 #6
 public Counter(int _Order, string _SourceTyp, TEffect _SourceEffect)
     Order = _Order;
     SourceTyp = _SourceTyp;
     SourceEffect = _SourceEffect;
예제 #7
 protected virtual bool _removeEffect(TEffect effect,bool enforceRemove=false)
     if (enforceRemove && effect.oDuration != -1) {
         OnRemoveEffect (effect);
         cEffects.Remove (effect);
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #8
    protected virtual bool _addEffect(TEffect Effect,IRPGSource source)
        //Überprüfe zunächst ob ein Schutz gegen den Effekt exestiert
        if (!cEffects.Exists (delegate(TEffect obj) {
            foreach (string effs in obj.WorkingPassiveEffectStrings) {
                string[] splitted = effs.Split (' ');
                if (splitted [0] == "protectagainst" && (splitted [1] == Effect.GeneralCategory || Effect.Tags.Contains (splitted [1])) && System.Convert.ToInt16 (splitted [2]) > Effect.GeneralOrder)
                    return true;

            return false;
        })) {
            OnNewEffect (Effect);//Füge den neuen Effekt in das Helper System ein
            cEffects.Add (Effect);//Füge ihn in die Liste der Effekte ein
        //	UpdateStatistics ();//Aktualisiere die Statisitk(wird erst nach anknüpfen aller Effekte von der Gegenseite aufgerufen!)
            return true;//Effekt erfolgreich hinzugefügt!
        return false;//Effekt konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden!
예제 #9
    //Diese Funktion entfernt den Effekt aus allen Helpern
    protected void OnRemoveEffect(TEffect effect)
        foreach (string s in effect.PassiveEffectStrings) {
            string[] splitted = s.Split (' ');
            //Überprüfe ob effect ein Modifiktor oder Inhibitor war
            if (splitted [0] == "add" || splitted [0] == "block" || splitted [0] == "counter") {
                //Wähle den entsprechenden AttributsHelfer aus
                AttributModificationHelper AMH = AttributeHelper.Find (delegate(AttributModificationHelper obj) {
                    return obj.AttributeName == splitted [1];
                //Finde die Liste der Modifikation mit selber SourceType
                List<AttributModificationHelper.Modification> ml = AMH.AllModifications.Find (delegate(List<AttributModificationHelper.Modification> obj) {
                    return obj [0].SourceType == splitted [2];
                //Lösche Einträge in Inhibitoren
                AMH.Inhibitors.RemoveAll (delegate(AttributModificationHelper.Inhibitor obj) {
                    return obj.SourceEffect == effect;
                //Lösche Einträge in der ModifikationsListe
                ml.RemoveAll (delegate(AttributModificationHelper.Modification obj) {
                    return obj.SourceEffect == effect;
                //Lösche Einträge aus den COunter
                AMH.Counters.RemoveAll (delegate(AttributModificationHelper.Counter obj) {
                    return obj.SourceEffect == effect;

                //Eine leere Source-Liste wird entfernt
                if (ml.Count == 0)
                    AMH.AllModifications.Remove (ml);
                //Ein leerer Attributshelfer wird entfernt...
                if (AMH.AllModifications.Count == 0 && AMH.Inhibitors.Count == 0 && AMH.Counters.Count == 0)
                    AttributeHelper.Remove (AMH);
예제 #10
    //Diese Funktion baut einen neuen Effekt in die Helper ein
    protected void OnNewEffect(TEffect effect)
        foreach (string eff in effect.PassiveEffectStrings) {
            string[] splitted = eff.Split (' ');
            //Überprüfen ob es ein Modifikator oder ein Inhibitor ist.
            if (splitted [0] == "add") {
                //Platz für den Wert machen, sofern nicht vorhanden
                if (!AttributeHelper.Exists (delegate(AttributModificationHelper obj) {
                    return obj.AttributeName == splitted [1];
                    AttributeHelper.Add (new AttributModificationHelper (splitted [1]));
                //Entsprechenden AttributsHelfer auswählen
                AttributModificationHelper AMH = AttributeHelper.Find (delegate(AttributModificationHelper obj) {
                    return obj.AttributeName == splitted [1];
                //Evt. Platz für die neue Quelle machen und Effekt direkt einfügen
                if (!AMH.AllModifications.Exists (delegate(List<AttributModificationHelper.Modification> obj) {
                    return obj [0].SourceType == splitted [2];
                })) {
                    AMH.AllModifications.Insert (0, new List<AttributModificationHelper.Modification> ());
                    AMH.AllModifications [0].Add (new AttributModificationHelper.Modification (splitted [2], System.Convert.ToSingle (splitted [4].TrimEnd ('%').TrimEnd ('%')), System.Convert.ToInt16 (splitted [3]), splitted [4].Contains ("%%"), effect));
                } else
                    AMH.AllModifications.Find (delegate(List<AttributModificationHelper.Modification> obj) {
                        return obj [0].SourceType == splitted [2];
                    }).Add (new AttributModificationHelper.Modification (splitted [2], System.Convert.ToSingle (splitted [4].TrimEnd ('%').TrimEnd ('%')), System.Convert.ToInt16 (splitted [3]), splitted [4].Contains ("%%"), effect));

            } else
            if (splitted [0] == "block") {
                //Platz für den Wert machen, sofern nicht vorhanden
                if (!AttributeHelper.Exists (delegate(AttributModificationHelper obj) {
                    return obj.AttributeName == splitted [1];
                    AttributeHelper.Add (new AttributModificationHelper (splitted [1]));
                //Entsprechenden AttributsHelfer auswählen
                AttributModificationHelper AMH = AttributeHelper.Find (delegate(AttributModificationHelper obj) {
                    return obj.AttributeName == splitted [1];
                //Evt. Platz für die neue Quelle machen und Effekt direkt einfügen
                AMH.Inhibitors.Add (new AttributModificationHelper.Inhibitor (splitted [2], System.Convert.ToInt16 (splitted [3]), effect));
            } else {
                if (splitted [0] == "counter") {
                    if (!AttributeHelper.Exists (delegate(AttributModificationHelper obj) {
                        return obj.AttributeName == splitted [1];
                        AttributeHelper.Add (new AttributModificationHelper (splitted [1]));
                    AttributModificationHelper AMH = AttributeHelper.Find (delegate(AttributModificationHelper obj) {
                        return obj.AttributeName == splitted [1];
                    //Evt. Platz für die neue Quelle machen und Effekt direkt einfügen
                    AMH.Counters.Add (new AttributModificationHelper.Counter (System.Convert.ToInt16 (splitted [3]), splitted [2], effect));
예제 #11
 public bool removeEffect(TEffect effect,bool enforceRemove=false)
     MyNetworkManager.DistributeIDComponentUpdate (this, new IDComponentUpdateMsg (2,FileHelper.serializeObject<RemoveEffectMsg>(new RemoveEffectMsg(effect.getID(),enforceRemove))));
     return _removeEffect (effect, enforceRemove);
예제 #12
 void ProcessCommandToEffect(TEffect target,string Command, string[] CallParameter, Paramter[] Triggerparameter)
예제 #13
        public static void CreateEffect(IObject obj, string id, int time, int count)
            TEffect effect = new TEffect(obj, id, time, count);

예제 #14
 public Inhibitor(string sourcetyp, int order, TEffect sourceffect)
     SourceTyp = sourcetyp;
     this.Order = order;
     SourceEffect = sourceffect;
예제 #15
 public bool addEffect(TEffect effect,IRPGSource source)
     MyNetworkManager.DistributeIDComponentUpdate (this, new IDComponentUpdateMsg (1, FileHelper.serializeObject<AddEffectMsg> (new AddEffectMsg (effect, source.getID ()))));
     return _addEffect (effect, source);
예제 #16
 public Modification(string sourcetype, float value, int order, bool mode, TEffect sourceeffect)
     SourceType = sourcetype;
     Value = value;
     Order = order;
     Mode = mode;
     SourceEffect = sourceeffect;
예제 #17
 public AddEffectMsg(TEffect e,string s)
     effect = e;
     sourceID = s;