예제 #1
        private void GenerateShadersForMaterials(MAT3 mat3Tag, bool dumpShaders = false)
            foreach (var material in mat3Tag.MaterialList)
                if (material.VtxDesc == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Skipping generating Shader for Unreferenced Material: {0}", material);
                material.Shader = TEVShaderGenerator.GenerateShader(material, mat3Tag, dumpShaders);

                // Bind the Light Block uniform to the shader
                GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.UniformBuffer, (int)ShaderUniformBlockIds.LightBlock, m_hardwareLightBuffer);
                GL.UniformBlockBinding(material.Shader.Program, material.Shader.UniformLightBlock, (int)ShaderUniformBlockIds.LightBlock);

                // Bind the Pixel Shader uniform to the shader
                GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.UniformBuffer, (int)ShaderUniformBlockIds.PixelShaderBlock, material.Shader.PSBlockUBO);
                GL.UniformBlockBinding(material.Shader.Program, material.Shader.UniformPSBlock, (int)ShaderUniformBlockIds.PixelShaderBlock);
예제 #2
        public Mesh LoadFromStream(EndianBinaryReader reader)
            MeshVertexAttributeHolder vertexData = null;
            SceneNode        rootNode            = new SceneNode();
            List <Texture2D> textureList         = new List <Texture2D>();
            List <WEditor.Common.Nintendo.J3D.Material> materialList = null;
            List <SkeletonBone> joints    = new List <SkeletonBone>();
            DrawInfo            drawInfo  = null;
            Envelopes           envelopes = null;

            Mesh j3dMesh = new Mesh();

            // Read the Header
            int magic = reader.ReadInt32(); // J3D1, J3D2, etc

            if (magic != 1244873778)
                WLog.Warning(LogCategory.ModelLoading, null, "Attempted to load model with invalid magic, ignoring!");

            int j3dType       = reader.ReadInt32(); // BMD3 (models) BDL4 (models), jpa1 (particles), bck1 (animations), etc.
            int totalFileSize = reader.ReadInt32();
            int chunkCount    = reader.ReadInt32();

            // Skip over an unused tag (consistent in all files) and some padding.

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                long chunkStart = reader.BaseStream.Position;

                string tagName   = reader.ReadString(4);
                int    chunkSize = reader.ReadInt32();

                switch (tagName)
                // INFO - Vertex Count, Scene Hierarchy
                case "INF1":
                    rootNode = LoadINF1FromFile(rootNode, reader, chunkStart);

                // VERTEX - Stores vertex arrays for pos/normal/color0/tex0 etc. Contains VertexAttributes which describe
                // how this data is stored/laid out.
                case "VTX1":
                    vertexData = LoadVTX1FromFile(reader, chunkStart, chunkSize);

                // ENVELOPES - Defines vertex weights for skinning.
                case "EVP1":
                    envelopes = LoadEVP1FromStream(reader, chunkStart);

                // DRAW (Skeletal Animation Data) - Stores which matrices are weighted, and which are used directly.
                case "DRW1":
                    drawInfo = LoadDRW1FromStream(reader, chunkStart);

                // JOINTS - Stores the skeletal joints (position, rotation, scale, etc.)
                case "JNT1":
                    joints = LoadJNT1SectionFromStream(reader, chunkStart);

                // SHAPE - Face/Triangle information for model.
                case "SHP1":
                    LoadSHP1SectionFromFile(vertexData, j3dMesh, reader, chunkStart);

                // MATERIAL - Stores materials (which describes how textures, etc. are drawn)
                case "MAT3":
                    materialList = LoadMAT3SectionFromStream(reader, chunkStart, chunkSize);

                // TEXTURES - Stores binary texture images.
                case "TEX1":
                    textureList = LoadTEX1FromFile(reader, chunkStart);

                // MODEL - Seems to be bypass commands for Materials and invokes GX registers directly.
                case "MDL3":

                reader.BaseStream.Position = chunkStart + chunkSize;

            // Resolve the texture indexes into actual textures now that we've loaded the TEX1 section.
            foreach (Material mat in materialList)
                for (int i = 0; i < mat.TextureIndexes.Length; i++)
                    short index = mat.TextureIndexes[i];
                    if (index < 0)

                    mat.Textures[i] = textureList[index];

            // loltests
            for (int i = 0; i < materialList.Count; i++)
                materialList[i].VtxDesc = j3dMesh.SubMeshes[0].GetVertexDescription();
                Shader shader = TEVShaderGenerator.GenerateShader(materialList[i]);
                materialList[i].Shader = shader;

            // We're going to do something a little crazy - we're going to read the scene view and apply textures to meshes (for now)
            Material curMat = null;

            AssignMaterialsToMeshRecursive(rootNode, j3dMesh, ref curMat, materialList);

            List <SkeletonBone> skeleton = new List <SkeletonBone>();

            BuildSkeletonRecursive(rootNode, skeleton, joints, 0);

            j3dMesh.Skeleton  = skeleton;
            j3dMesh.BindPoses = envelopes.inverseBindPose;

            // Let's do some ugly post-processing here to see if we can't resolve all of the cross-references and turn it into
            // a normal computer-readable format that we can digest in our RenderSytem.
                for (int i = 0; i < j3dMesh.SubMeshes.Count; i++)
                    MeshBatch batch = j3dMesh.SubMeshes[i];
                    batch.BoneWeights = new BoneWeight[batch.Vertices.Length];

                    for (int j = 0; j < batch.PositionMatrixIndexs.Count; j++)
                        // Okay so this is where it gets more complicated. The PMI gives us an index into the MatrixTable for the packet, which we
                        // resolve and call "drawIndexes" - however we have to divide the number they give us by three for some reason, so that is
                        // already done and now our drawIndexes array should be one-index-for-every-vertex-in-batch and it should be the index into
                        // the draw section we need.
                        ushort drw1Index = batch.drawIndexes[j];

                        // The drw1Index can be set as 0xFFFF - if so, this means that you need to use the dr1Index of the previous one.
                        // until it is no longer 0xFFFF.
                        int counter = 0;
                        while (drw1Index == 0xFFFF)
                            drw1Index = batch.drawIndexes[j - counter];

                        bool       isWeighted = drawInfo.IsWeighted[drw1Index];
                        BoneWeight weight     = new BoneWeight();

                        if (isWeighted)
                            // Something on this doesn't work for models that actually specify a PositionMatrixIndex.
                            // So... some math is off somewhere and I don't know where for the moment.
                            ushort numBonesAffecting = envelopes.numBonesAffecting[drw1Index];
                            weight.BoneIndexes = new ushort[numBonesAffecting];
                            weight.BoneWeights = new float[numBonesAffecting];

                            // "Much WTFs"
                            ushort offset = 0;
                            for (ushort e = 0; e < envelopes.indexRemap[drw1Index]; e++)
                                offset += envelopes.numBonesAffecting[e];

                            offset *= 2;
                            Matrix4 finalTransform = Matrix4.Identity;
                            for (ushort k = 0; k < numBonesAffecting; k++)
                                ushort boneIndex  = envelopes.indexRemap[offset + (k * 0x2)];
                                float  boneWeight = envelopes.weights[(offset / 2) + k];

                                weight.BoneIndexes[k] = boneIndex;
                                weight.BoneWeights[k] = boneWeight;

                                // This was apaprently a partial thought I never finished or got working in the old one? :S
                            // If the vertex isn't weighted, we just use the position from the bone matrix.
                            SkeletonBone joint       = skeleton[drawInfo.Indexes[drw1Index]];
                            Matrix4      translation = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(joint.Translation);
                            Matrix4      rotation    = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(joint.Rotation);
                            Matrix4      finalMatrix = rotation * translation;

                            // Move the mesh by transforming the position by this much.

                            // I think we can just assign full weight to the first bone index and call it good.
                            weight.BoneIndexes = new[] { drawInfo.Indexes[drw1Index] };
                            weight.BoneWeights = new[] { 1f };

                        batch.BoneWeights[j] = weight;
