예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Make the agent follows the path
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_speed">speed</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IEnumerator FollowPath(float _speed)
        isMoving = true;
        TDS_CustomNavPath _pathToFollow = CurrentPath;
        int _index = 1;

        while (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _pathToFollow.NavigationPoints.Last().Position) > .5f)
            if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _pathToFollow.NavigationPoints[_index].Position) <= .5f)
                _index = _index + 1;
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, _pathToFollow.NavigationPoints[_index].Position, Time.deltaTime * _speed);
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        pathState = CalculatingState.Waiting;
        isMoving  = false;
        yield break;
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate path from an origin to a destination
    /// Set the path when it can be calculated
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_origin">The Origin of the path </param>
    /// <param name="_destination">The Destination of the path</param>
    /// <param name="_path">The path to set</param>
    /// <returns>Return if the path can be calculated</returns>
    public bool CalculatePath(Vector3 _origin, Vector3 _destination, TDS_CustomNavPath _path)
        isCalculating = true;
        // GET TRIANGLES
        // Get the origin triangle and the destination triangle
        TDS_Triangle _currentTriangle  = GetTriangleContainingPosition(_origin);
        TDS_Triangle _targetedTriangle = GetTriangleContainingPosition(_destination);

        // CREATE POINTS
        TDS_NavPoint _currentPoint = null;
        //Create a point on the origin position
        TDS_NavPoint _originPoint = new TDS_NavPoint(_origin);

        //Get the linked triangles for the origin point
        //Create a point on the destination position
        TDS_NavPoint _destinationPoint = new TDS_NavPoint(_destination);

        TDS_NavPoint[] _linkedPoints = null;

        //LISTS AND DICO
        List <TDS_NavPoint> _openList = new List <TDS_NavPoint>();
        Dictionary <TDS_NavPoint, TDS_NavPoint> _cameFrom = new Dictionary <TDS_NavPoint, TDS_NavPoint>();

        /* ASTAR: Algorithm*/
        // Add the origin point to the open and close List
        //Set its heuristic cost and its selection state
        _originPoint.HeuristicCostFromStart = 0;
        _originPoint.HasBeenSelected        = true;
        _cameFrom.Add(_originPoint, _originPoint);
        while (_openList.Count > 0)
            //Get the point with the best heuristic cost
            _currentPoint = GetBestPoint(_openList);
            //If this point is in the targeted triangle,
            if (GetTrianglesFromPoint(_currentPoint).Contains(_targetedTriangle))
                //add the destination point to the close list and set the previous point to the current point
                _cameFrom.Add(_destinationPoint, _currentPoint);
                //Build the path
                //Clear all points selection state
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TDS_NavPoint> pair in navPoints)
                    pair.Value.HasBeenSelected = false;
            //Get all linked points from the current point
            _linkedPoints = GetLinkedPoints(_currentPoint);
            for (int i = 0; i < _linkedPoints.Length; i++)
                TDS_NavPoint _linkedPoint = _linkedPoints[i];
                TDS_NavPoint _parentPoint;
                // If the linked points is not selected yet
                if (!_linkedPoint.HasBeenSelected)
                    // Calculate the heuristic cost from start of the linked point
                    float _cost = _currentPoint.HeuristicCostFromStart + HeuristicCost(_currentPoint, _linkedPoint);
                    _linkedPoint.HeuristicCostFromStart = _cost;
                    if (!_openList.Contains(_linkedPoint) || _cost < _linkedPoint.HeuristicCostFromStart)
                        if (IsInLineOfSight(_cameFrom[_currentPoint], _linkedPoint))
                            _cost        = HeuristicCost(_cameFrom[_currentPoint], _linkedPoint);
                            _parentPoint = _cameFrom[_currentPoint];
                            _parentPoint = _currentPoint;
                        // Set the heuristic cost from start for the linked point
                        _linkedPoint.HeuristicCostFromStart = _cost;
                        //Its heuristic cost is equal to its cost from start plus the heuristic cost between the point and the destination
                        _linkedPoint.HeuristicPriority = HeuristicCost(_linkedPoint, _destinationPoint) + _cost;
                        //Set the point selected and add it to the open and closed list
                        _linkedPoint.HasBeenSelected = true;
                        _cameFrom.Add(_linkedPoint, _parentPoint);
