/// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if inflation is complete</returns>
        public virtual bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // Read protocol value
            Protocol = (TDSRoutingEnvChangeTokenValueType)source.ReadByte();

            // Based on the protocol type read the rest of the token
            switch (Protocol)
            case TDSRoutingEnvChangeTokenValueType.TCP:
                // Read port
                ProtocolProperty = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                // Read alternate server name of the length
                AlternateServer = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source) * 2));


                throw new Exception("Unrecognized routing protocol");

            // Inflation is complete
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// NOTE: This operation is not continuable and assumes that the entire token is available in the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if inflation is complete</returns>
        public virtual bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // Read column number
            Number = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Update offset with the read size
            InflationSize += sizeof(byte);

            // Read table number
            TableNumber = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Update offset with the read size
            InflationSize += sizeof(byte);

            // Read status
            Status = (TDSColumnStatus)source.ReadByte();

            // Update offset with the read size
            InflationSize += sizeof(byte);

            // Check if status indicates the table name
            if ((Status & TDSColumnStatus.DifferentName) != 0)
                // Read the length of the table name
                byte tableNameLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Read table name
                Name = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(tableNameLength * 2));

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// NOTE: This operation is not continuable and assumes that the entire token is available in the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if inflation is complete</returns>
        public override bool Inflate(Stream source)
            AllHeaders = new TDSAllHeadersToken();

            // Inflate all headers
            if (!AllHeaders.Inflate(source))
                // Failed to inflate headers
                throw new ArgumentException("Failed to inflate all headers");

            var lengthProcName = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            if (lengthProcName == 65535)
                ProcID = (TDSRPCRequestTokenProcID)TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);
                ProcName = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(lengthProcName * 2));

            OptionFlags = new TDSRPCRequestOptionFlags((byte)TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source));

            TDSRPCRequestParameter p = new TDSRPCRequestParameter();

            while (p.Inflate(source))
                p = new TDSRPCRequestParameter();

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// NOTE: This operation is not continuable and assumes that the entire token is available in the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        public override bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // Read the length of the notification ID
            ushort length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            // Read notification ID string
            NotifyID = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, length);

            // Read the length of the service broker deployment
            length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            // Read service broker deployment string
            SerciceBrokerDeployment = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, length);

            // Read query notification timeout
            Timeout = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// NOTE: This operation is not continuable and assumes that the entire token is available in the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if inflation is complete</returns>
        public override bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // We skip the token identifier because it is read by token factory

            // Read token length
            ushort tokenLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            // Read the number
            Number = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Read state
            State = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Read class
            Class = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Read the message text length
            ushort textLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            // Read the message itself
            Message = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(textLength * 2));

            // Read server name length
            textLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Read server name
            ServerName = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(textLength * 2));

            // Read procedure name length
            textLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Read procedure name
            ProcedureName = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(textLength * 2));

            // Read the line number
            Line = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

예제 #6
        public static object InflateColumnData(Stream source, TDSDataType column, Object dataTypeSpecific)
            // Dispatch further reading based on the type
            switch (column)
            case TDSDataType.Null:
                // No data associated with it

            case TDSDataType.DateTime:
                int  daypart  = TDSUtilities.ReadInt(source);
                uint timepart = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            case TDSDataType.DateTime2N:
                var length  = (byte)source.ReadByte();
                var rawDate = new byte[length];
                source.Read(rawDate, 0, length);
                uint secondIncrements = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < length - 3; i++)
                    secondIncrements += (uint)(rawDate[i] << (8 * i));
                var days = (uint)rawDate[length - 3] + (uint)(rawDate[length - 2] << 8) +
                           (uint)(rawDate[length - 1] << 16);
                var date = new DateTime(1, 1, 1).AddDays(days).AddSeconds(secondIncrements * Math.Pow(10, -1 * 5));

            case TDSDataType.Bit:
            case TDSDataType.Int1:
                // Bit, 1 byte data representation

            case TDSDataType.Int2:
                // SmallInt, 2 byte data representation
                return(unchecked ((short)TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            case TDSDataType.Int4:
                // Int, 4 byte data representation
                return(unchecked ((int)TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source)));

            case TDSDataType.Float8:
                // Float (8 byte data representation)
                return(BitConverter.ToDouble(BitConverter.GetBytes(TDSUtilities.ReadULong(source)), 0));

            case TDSDataType.Int8:
                // BigInt (8 byte data representation)
                return(unchecked ((long)TDSUtilities.ReadULong(source)));

            case TDSDataType.BitN:
                // Read length
                byte length = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Check if null
                if (length == 0)
                    // No data

                // Bit, 1 byte data representation

            case TDSDataType.IntN:
                // Read length
                byte length = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Check integer length
                switch (length)
                case 0:
                    // No data

                case 1:
                    // Bit data

                case 2:
                    // Short data
                    return(unchecked ((short)TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

                case 4:
                    // Integer data
                    return(unchecked ((int)TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source)));

                case 8:
                    // Integer data
                    return(unchecked ((long)TDSUtilities.ReadULong(source)));

                    // We don't know how to inflate this integer
                    throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Unable to inflate integer of {0} bytes", length));

            case TDSDataType.NumericN:
                // Read length
                byte length = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Check if null
                if (length == 0)
                    // No data

                // Allocate value container
                byte[] guidBytes = new byte[length];

                // Read value
                source.Read(guidBytes, 0, guidBytes.Length);

                // Instantiate type

            case TDSDataType.Guid:
                // Read the length
                byte length = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Check if we have any data
                if (length == 0x0000)
                    // No data

                // Allocate value container
                byte[] guidBytes = new byte[length];

                // Read value
                source.Read(guidBytes, 0, guidBytes.Length);

                // Convert to type
                return(new Guid(guidBytes));

            case TDSDataType.BigVarChar:
            case TDSDataType.BigChar:
                // Read length
                ushort length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                // Check if we have any data
                if (length == 0xFFFF)
                    // No data

                // Allocate value container
                byte[] textBytes = new byte[length];

                // Read value
                source.Read(textBytes, 0, textBytes.Length);

                // Convert to type

            case TDSDataType.NVarChar:
                // Check if MAX type
                if ((dataTypeSpecific as TDSShilohVarCharColumnSpecific).Length == 0xFFFF)
                    // Read the length of partialy length-prefixed type
                    ulong length = TDSUtilities.ReadULong(source);

                    // Check the value
                    if (length == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
                        // There's no data
                    else if (length == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("UNKNOWN_PLP_LEN is not implemented yet");
                        // Allocate a memory stream
                        MemoryStream chunks = new MemoryStream();

                        // Size of the last chunk
                        uint chunkLength = 0;

                        // Iterate until we read the whole data
                            // Read the length of the chunk
                            chunkLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

                            // Allocate chunk container
                            byte[] chunk = new byte[chunkLength];

                            // Read value
                            source.Read(chunk, 0, chunk.Length);

                            // Append into the stream
                            chunks.Write(chunk, 0, chunk.Length);
                        }while (chunkLength > 0);

                        // Convert to byte array
                        byte[] byteString = chunks.ToArray();

                        // Serialize the data into the string
                        return(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(byteString, 0, byteString.Length));
                    // Read length
                    ushort length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                    // Check if we have any data
                    if (length == 0xFFFF)
                        // No data

                    // Read the whole string at once
                    return(TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)length));

            case TDSDataType.BigVarBinary:
                byte[] bytes = null;

                // Check if MAX type
                if ((ushort)dataTypeSpecific == 0xFFFF)
                    // Read the length of partialy length-prefixed type
                    ulong length = TDSUtilities.ReadULong(source);

                    // Check the value
                    if (length == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
                        // There's no data
                    else if (length == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("UNKNOWN_PLP_LEN is not implemented yet");
                        // Allocate a memory stream
                        MemoryStream chunks = new MemoryStream();

                        // Size of the last chunk
                        uint chunkLength = 0;

                        // Iterate until we read the whole data
                            // Read the length of the chunk
                            chunkLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

                            // Allocate chunk container
                            byte[] chunk = new byte[chunkLength];

                            // Read value
                            source.Read(chunk, 0, chunk.Length);

                            // Append into the stream
                            chunks.Write(chunk, 0, chunk.Length);
                        }while (chunkLength > 0);

                        // Serialize to byte array
                        bytes = chunks.ToArray();
                    // Read length
                    ushort length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                    // Check if we have any data
                    if (length == 0xFFFF)
                        // No data

                    // Allocate value container
                    bytes = new byte[length];

                    // Read value
                    source.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                // Convert to type

            case TDSDataType.BigBinary:
                // Read length
                ushort length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                // Check if we have any data
                if (length == 0xFFFF)
                    // No data

                // Allocate value container
                byte[] bytes = new byte[length];

                // Read value
                source.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                // Convert to type

                // We don't know this type
                throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unrecognized data type {0} for inflation", column));
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// NOTE: This operation is not continuable and assumes that the entire token is available in the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if inflation is complete</returns>
        public override bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // Read packet length
            uint length = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Read TDS version
            string tdsVersion = string.Format("{0:X}", TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source));

            // Consturct TDS version
            TDSVersion = new Version(int.Parse(tdsVersion.Substring(0, 1)), int.Parse(tdsVersion.Substring(1, 1)), Convert.ToInt32(tdsVersion.Substring(2, 2), 16), Convert.ToInt32(tdsVersion.Substring(4, 4), 16));

            // Read packet length
            PacketSize = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Read client program version
            ClientProgramVersion = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Read client program identifier
            ClientPID = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Read connection identifier
            ConnectionID = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Instantiate the first optional flags
            OptionalFlags1 = new TDSLogin7TokenOptionalFlags1((byte)source.ReadByte());

            // Instantiate the second optional flags
            OptionalFlags2 = new TDSLogin7TokenOptionalFlags2((byte)source.ReadByte());

            // Instantiate type flags
            TypeFlags = new TDSLogin7TokenTypeFlags((byte)source.ReadByte());

            // Instantiate the third optional flags
            OptionalFlags3 = new TDSLogin7TokenOptionalFlags3((byte)source.ReadByte());

            // Read client time zone
            ClientTimeZone = TDSUtilities.ReadInt(source);

            // Read client locale identifier
            ClientLCID = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Prepare a collection of property values that will be set later
            IList <TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty> variableProperties = new List <TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty>();

            // Read client host name
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("HostName"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read user name and password
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("UserID"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("Password"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read application name
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("ApplicationName"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read server name
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("ServerName"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Check if extension is used
            if (OptionalFlags3.ExtensionFlag)
                // Read Feature extension. Note that this is just an offset of the value, not the value itself
                variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("FeatureExt"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), true));
                // Skip unused

            // Read client library name
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("LibraryName"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read language
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("Language"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read database
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("Database"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            ClientID = new byte[6];

            // Read unique client identifier
            source.Read(ClientID, 0, ClientID.Length);

            // Read SSPI blob
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("SSPI"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read database file to be attached
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("AttachDatabaseFile"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read password change
            variableProperties.Add(new TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty(GetType().GetProperty("ChangePassword"), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source), TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source)));

            // Read long SSPI
            uint sspiLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // At this point we surpassed the fixed packet length
            long inflationOffset = FixedPacketLength;

            // Order strings in ascending order by offset
            // For the most cases this should not change the order of the options in the stream, but just in case
            variableProperties = variableProperties.OrderBy(p => p.Position).ToList();

            // We can't use "foreach" because FeatureExt processing changes the collection hence we can only go index-based way
            int iCurrentProperty = 0;

            // Iterate over each property
            while (iCurrentProperty < variableProperties.Count)
                // Get the property at the indexed position
                TDSLogin7TokenOffsetProperty property = variableProperties[iCurrentProperty];

                // Check if length is positive
                if (property.Length == 0)
                    // Move to the next propety

                // Ensure that current offset points to the option
                while (inflationOffset < property.Position)
                    // Read the stream

                    // Advance position

                // Check special properties
                if (property.Property.Name == "Password" || property.Property.Name == "ChangePassword")
                    // Read passwod string
                    property.Property.SetValue(this, TDSUtilities.ReadPasswordString(source, (ushort)(property.Length * 2)), null);

                    // Advance the position
                    inflationOffset += (property.Length * 2);
                else if (property.Property.Name == "SSPI")
                    // If cbSSPI < USHRT_MAX, then this length MUST be used for SSPI and cbSSPILong MUST be ignored.
                    // If cbSSPI == USHRT_MAX, then cbSSPILong MUST be checked.
                    if (property.Length == ushort.MaxValue)
                        // If cbSSPILong > 0, then that value MUST be used. If cbSSPILong ==0, then cbSSPI (USHRT_MAX) MUST be used.
                        if (sspiLength > 0)
                            // We don't know how to handle SSPI packets that exceed TDS packet size
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Long SSPI blobs are not supported yet");

                    // Use short length instead
                    sspiLength = property.Length;

                    // Allocate buffer for SSPI data
                    SSPI = new byte[sspiLength];

                    // Read SSPI blob
                    source.Read(SSPI, 0, SSPI.Length);

                    // Advance the position
                    inflationOffset += sspiLength;
                else if (property.Property.Name == "FeatureExt")
                    // Check if this is the property or a pointer to the property
                    if (property.IsOffsetOffset)
                        // Read the actual offset of the feature extension
                        property.Position = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

                        // Mark that now we have actual value
                        property.IsOffsetOffset = false;

                        // Advance the position
                        inflationOffset += sizeof(uint);

                        // Re-order the collection
                        variableProperties = variableProperties.OrderBy(p => p.Position).ToList();

                        // Subtract position to stay on the same spot for subsequent property
                        // Create a list of features.
                        FeatureExt = new TDSLogin7FeatureOptionsToken();

                        // Inflate feature extension

                        // Advance position by the size of the inflated token
                        inflationOffset += FeatureExt.InflationSize;
                    // Read the string and assign it to the property of this instance
                    property.Property.SetValue(this, TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(property.Length * 2)), null);

                    // Advance the position
                    inflationOffset += (property.Length * 2);

                // Advance to the next property

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if inflation is complete</returns>
        public bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // Read user type
            UserType = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Read flags
            Flags = new TDSColumnDataFlags(TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source));

            // Read server type
            DataType = (TDSDataType)source.ReadByte();

            // Dispatch further reading based on the type
            switch (DataType)
            case TDSDataType.Binary:
            case TDSDataType.VarBinary:
            case TDSDataType.Char:
            case TDSDataType.VarChar:
            // The above types are deprecated after TDS 7205.

            case TDSDataType.BitN:
            case TDSDataType.Guid:
            case TDSDataType.IntN:
            case TDSDataType.MoneyN:
            case TDSDataType.FloatN:
            case TDSDataType.DateTimeN:
                // Byte length
                DataTypeSpecific = source.ReadByte();

            case TDSDataType.DateN:
                // No details
                DataTypeSpecific = null;

            case TDSDataType.TimeN:
            case TDSDataType.DateTime2N:
            case TDSDataType.DateTimeOffsetN:
                // Scale
                DataTypeSpecific = source.ReadByte();

            case TDSDataType.DecimalN:
            case TDSDataType.NumericN:
                // Read values
                byte length    = (byte)source.ReadByte();
                byte precision = (byte)source.ReadByte();
                byte scale     = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Decimal data type specific
                DataTypeSpecific = new TDSDecimalColumnSpecific(length, precision, scale);

            case TDSDataType.BigBinary:
            case TDSDataType.BigVarBinary:
                // Short length
                DataTypeSpecific = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            case TDSDataType.BigChar:
            case TDSDataType.BigVarChar:
            case TDSDataType.NChar:
            case TDSDataType.NVarChar:
                // SHILOH CHAR types have collation associated with it.
                TDSShilohVarCharColumnSpecific typedSpecific = new TDSShilohVarCharColumnSpecific();

                // Read length
                typedSpecific.Length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                // Create collation
                typedSpecific.Collation = new TDSColumnDataCollation();

                // Read collation
                typedSpecific.Collation.WCID   = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);
                typedSpecific.Collation.SortID = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                DataTypeSpecific = typedSpecific;

            case TDSDataType.Text:
            case TDSDataType.NText:
                // YukonTextType.Len + YukonTextType.tdsCollationInfo + YukonTextType.cParts
                // cb = sizeof(LONG) + sizeof(TDSCOLLATION) + sizeof(BYTE);

            case TDSDataType.Image:
                // Data length
                DataTypeSpecific = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            case TDSDataType.SSVariant:
                // Data length
                DataTypeSpecific = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            case TDSDataType.Udt:
                // hr = GetUDTColFmt(pvOwner, dwTimeout);

            case TDSDataType.Xml:
                // cb = sizeof(lpColFmt->YukonXmlType.bSchemaPresent);

            // Check if table name is available
            if (DataType == TDSDataType.Text || DataType == TDSDataType.NText || DataType == TDSDataType.Image)
                // Allocate table name container
                TableName = new List <string>();

                // Read part count
                byte partCount = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Write each part
                for (byte bPart = 0; bPart < partCount; bPart++)
                    // Read table part length and value
                    TableName.Add(TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source) * 2)));

            // Read column name
            Name = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(source.ReadByte() * 2));

        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate the token
        /// NOTE: This operation is not continuable and assumes that the entire token is available in the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream to inflate the token from</param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if inflation is complete</returns>
        public override bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // We skip the token identifier because it is read by token factory

            // Read token length
            ushort tokenLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            // Check if length can accomodate at least the type
            if (tokenLength == 0)
                // We're done inflating this token

            // Read the token type
            Type = (TDSEnvChangeTokenType)source.ReadByte();

            // Update the token length left

            // Check if we can squeez anything else
            if (tokenLength == 0)
                // We're done inflating this token

            // Read the rest of the token based on the token type
            switch (Type)
            case TDSEnvChangeTokenType.Database:
            case TDSEnvChangeTokenType.Language:
            case TDSEnvChangeTokenType.CharacterSet:
            case TDSEnvChangeTokenType.PacketSize:
            case TDSEnvChangeTokenType.RealTimeLogShipping:
                // Read new value length
                byte valueLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Update token length

                // Read string of the specified size
                NewValue = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(valueLength * 2));

                // Update token length
                tokenLength -= (ushort)(valueLength * 2);

                // Check if old value can fit in
                if (tokenLength == 0)
                    // Old value won't fit in

                // Read old value length
                valueLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Update token length

                // Read string of the specified size
                OldValue = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(valueLength * 2));

                // Update token length
                tokenLength -= (ushort)(valueLength * 2);

                // Inflation is complete

            case TDSEnvChangeTokenType.Routing:
                // Read the new value length
                ushort valueLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                // Update token length
                tokenLength -= 2;          // sizeof(ushort)

                // Instantiate new value
                NewValue = new TDSRoutingEnvChangeTokenValue();

                // Inflate new value
                if (!(NewValue as TDSRoutingEnvChangeTokenValue).Inflate(source))
                    // We should never reach this point
                    throw new Exception("Routing information inflation failed");

                // Read always-zero old value unsigned short
                if (TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source) != 0)
                    // We should never reach this point
                    throw new Exception("Non-zero old value for routing information");


            case TDSEnvChangeTokenType.SQLCollation:
                // Read new value length
                byte valueLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Update token length

                // Check if old value can fit in
                if (tokenLength == 0)
                    // Old value won't fit in

                // Allocate the buffer
                byte[] byteValue = new byte[valueLength];

                // Read bytes off the wire
                source.Read(byteValue, 0, byteValue.Length);

                // Set new value
                NewValue = byteValue;

                // Update token length
                tokenLength -= valueLength;

                // Check if old value can fit in
                if (tokenLength == 0)
                    // Old value won't fit in

                // Read old value length
                valueLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Update token length

                // Check if old value can fit in
                if (tokenLength == 0)
                    // Old value won't fit in

                // Allocate the buffer
                byteValue = new byte[valueLength];

                // Read bytes off the wire
                source.Read(byteValue, 0, byteValue.Length);

                // Set old value
                OldValue = byteValue;

                // Update token length
                tokenLength -= valueLength;

                // Inflation is complete

                // Skip the rest of the token
                byte[] tokenData = new byte[tokenLength];
                source.Read(tokenData, 0, tokenData.Length);


        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate from stream
        /// </summary>
        public virtual bool Inflate(Stream source)
            // Create options collection
            Options = new List <TDSSessionStateOption>();

            // Current position in the stream
            InflationSize = 0;

            // Read the total length
            uint totalLength = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            // Check if we still have space to read
            if (InflationSize >= totalLength)
                // Inflation is complete

            // Read the length of the string
            byte byteLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Update offset
            InflationSize += sizeof(byte);

            // Check if we still have space to read
            if (InflationSize >= totalLength)
                // Inflation is complete

            // Read the string
            Database = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(byteLength * 2));

            // Update offset
            InflationSize += ((uint)byteLength * 2);  // one character is 2 bytes long

            // Check if we still have space to read
            if (InflationSize >= totalLength)
                // Inflation is complete

            // Read the length of the collation
            byteLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Update offset
            InflationSize += sizeof(byte);

            // Check if we still have space to read
            if (InflationSize >= totalLength)
                // Inflation is complete

            // Check if we have a collation
            if (byteLength > 0)
                // Allocate collation
                Collation = new byte[5];

                // Read collation
                int readBytes = source.Read(Collation, 0, Collation.Length);

                // Update offset
                InflationSize += (uint)readBytes;

                // Check if we still have space to read
                if (InflationSize >= totalLength)
                    // Inflation is complete

            // Read the length of the string
            byteLength = (byte)source.ReadByte();

            // Update offset
            InflationSize += sizeof(byte);

            // Check if we still have space to read
            if (InflationSize >= totalLength)
                // Inflation is complete

            // Read the string
            Language = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(byteLength * 2));

            // Update offset
            InflationSize += ((uint)byteLength * 2);  // one character is 2 bytes long

            // Read while we have data
            while (totalLength > InflationSize)
                // Read a byte that identifies the session state slot
                byte stateID = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Update current position
                InflationSize += sizeof(byte);

                // Option being inflated
                TDSSessionStateOption option = null;

                // Dispatch inflation based on the state
                switch (stateID)
                // UserOptionAll
                case TDSSessionStateUserOptionsOption.ID:
                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateUserOptionsOption();

                // DateFirstDateFormat
                case TDSSessionStateDateFirstDateFormatOption.ID:
                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateDateFirstDateFormatOption();

                // DbDeadlockPri
                case TDSSessionStateDeadlockPriorityOption.ID:
                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateDeadlockPriorityOption();

                // LockTimeout
                case TDSSessionStateLockTimeoutOption.ID:
                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateLockTimeoutOption();

                // IsoFips
                case TDSSessionStateISOFipsOption.ID:
                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateISOFipsOption();

                // TextSize
                case TDSSessionStateTextSizeOption.ID:
                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateTextSizeOption();

                // ContextInfo
                case TDSSessionStateContextInfoOption.ID:
                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateContextInfoOption();

                    // Create a new option
                    option = new TDSSessionStateGenericOption(stateID);

                // Inflate the option

                // Register option with the collection

                // Update current length with the inflation size of the data
                InflationSize += option.InflationSize;

            // Inflation is complete
        public override bool Inflate(Stream source)
            var len = source.ReadByte();

            if (len == -1)
            ParamMetaData = TDSUtilities.ReadString(source, (ushort)(len * 2));

            StatusFlags = new TDSRPCRequestStatusFlags((byte)source.ReadByte());

            DataType = (TDSDataType)source.ReadByte();

            // Dispatch further reading based on the type
            switch (DataType)
            case TDSDataType.Binary:
            case TDSDataType.VarBinary:
            case TDSDataType.Char:
            case TDSDataType.VarChar:
            // The above types are deprecated after TDS 7205.

            case TDSDataType.BitN:
            case TDSDataType.Guid:
            case TDSDataType.IntN:
            case TDSDataType.MoneyN:
            case TDSDataType.FloatN:
            case TDSDataType.DateTimeN:
                // Byte length
                DataTypeSpecific = source.ReadByte();

            case TDSDataType.DateN:
                // No details
                DataTypeSpecific = null;

            case TDSDataType.TimeN:
            case TDSDataType.DateTime2N:
            case TDSDataType.DateTimeOffsetN:
                // Scale
                DataTypeSpecific = source.ReadByte();

            case TDSDataType.DecimalN:
            case TDSDataType.NumericN:
                // Read values
                byte length    = (byte)source.ReadByte();
                byte precision = (byte)source.ReadByte();
                byte scale     = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                // Decimal data type specific
                DataTypeSpecific = new TDSDecimalColumnSpecific(length, precision, scale);

            case TDSDataType.BigBinary:
            case TDSDataType.BigVarBinary:
                // Short length
                DataTypeSpecific = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

            case TDSDataType.BigChar:
            case TDSDataType.BigVarChar:
            case TDSDataType.NChar:
            case TDSDataType.NVarChar:
                // SHILOH CHAR types have collation associated with it.
                TDSShilohVarCharColumnSpecific typedSpecific = new TDSShilohVarCharColumnSpecific();

                // Read length
                typedSpecific.Length = TDSUtilities.ReadUShort(source);

                // Create collation
                typedSpecific.Collation = new TDSColumnDataCollation();

                // Read collation
                typedSpecific.Collation.WCID   = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);
                typedSpecific.Collation.SortID = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                DataTypeSpecific = typedSpecific;

            case TDSDataType.Text:
            case TDSDataType.NText:
                // YukonTextType.Len + YukonTextType.tdsCollationInfo + YukonTextType.cParts
                // cb = sizeof(LONG) + sizeof(TDSCOLLATION) + sizeof(BYTE);

            case TDSDataType.Image:
                // Data length
                DataTypeSpecific = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            case TDSDataType.SSVariant:
                // Data length
                DataTypeSpecific = TDSUtilities.ReadUInt(source);

            case TDSDataType.Udt:
                // hr = GetUDTColFmt(pvOwner, dwTimeout);

            case TDSDataType.Xml:
                // cb = sizeof(lpColFmt->YukonXmlType.bSchemaPresent);

            Value = TDSRowTokenBase.InflateColumnData(source, DataType, DataTypeSpecific);
