internal void init(ISelectLevelModel m)
            this.m = m;

            if (IAPInit.isIAPInitialized)
                isUnlockAllLevelsIAPpurchased = StoreInventory.GetItemBalance("unlock_all_levels") > 0;

            buttonSize = Screen.width * Const.SelectLevelButtonSizeXinScreenPercentage / 100;
            margin     = Screen.width * Const.SelectLevelButtonMarginXinScreenPercentage / 100;
            buttonGapX = (Screen.width - 2 * margin - 5 * buttonSize) / (5 - 1);           // 5 buttons per column
            buttonGapY = (Screen.height - 2 * margin - 4 * buttonSize) / (4 - 1);          // 4 button per row

            textGUIStyle.font      = m.AtwriterFont;
            textGUIStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            textGUIStyle.fontSize  = TBUtil.CalcFontSize(20);
        public SelectLevelModel()
            AtwriterFont                 = Resources.Load <Font>          ("Fonts/Atwriter");
            LevelIconBackground          = Resources.Load <Texture2D> ("UI/LevelIcon/LevelIconBackground");
            LevelIconBackgroundCompleted = Resources.Load <Texture2D> ("UI/LevelIcon/LevelIconBackgroundCompleted");
            LevelIconLocked              = Resources.Load <Texture2D> ("UI/LevelIcon/LevelIconLocked");
            LevelIconReturnMainMenu      = Resources.Load <Texture2D> ("UI/LevelIcon/LevelIconReturnMainMenu");

            if (AtwriterFont == null)
                Debug.LogError("Fonts/Atwriter does not exist");
            if (LevelIconBackground == null)
                Debug.LogError("UI/LevelIcon/LevelIconBackground cannot be found");
            if (LevelIconBackgroundCompleted == null)
                Debug.LogError("UI/LevelIcon/LevelIconBackgroundCompleted cannot be found");
            if (LevelIconLocked == null)
                Debug.LogError("UI/LevelIcon/LevelIconLocked cannot be found");
            if (LevelIconReturnMainMenu == null)

            /// PlayerPrefs format GetInt, SetInt
            /// key:
            ///     Level01
            /// value:
            ///     0 - normal (open)
            ///		1 - completed (open)
            ///     2 - locked (closed)

            // Check if playerprefs exist for the levels. If not then populate
            for (int i = 1; i <= Const.MaxLevelNumber; i++)
                if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(TBUtil.LevelNumberToKey(i)))
                    // First level is open
                    if (i == 1)
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(TBUtil.LevelNumberToKey(i), (int)PlayerPrefsLevelKey.Open);

                    // Remaining are closed
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(TBUtil.LevelNumberToKey(i), (int)PlayerPrefsLevelKey.Locked);
        void OnGUI()
            for (int i = 0; i < Const.MaxLevelNumber + 1; i++)
                Rect iconRect = new Rect(
                    margin + (buttonSize + buttonGapX) * (i % 5),
                    margin + (buttonSize + buttonGapY) * (i / 5),

                int levelNumber = i + 1;

                Texture2D currentIcon;

                // if any of the levels clicked apart from the return to main menu
                if (i < Const.MaxLevelNumber)
                    switch (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(TBUtil.LevelNumberToKey(levelNumber)))
                    // open
                    case (int)PlayerPrefsLevelKey.Open:            currentIcon = m.LevelIconBackground; break;

                    // completed
                    case (int)PlayerPrefsLevelKey.Completed:       currentIcon = m.LevelIconBackgroundCompleted; break;

                    // locked
                    case (int)PlayerPrefsLevelKey.Locked:          currentIcon = m.LevelIconLocked; break;

                        currentIcon = null;
                        Debug.LogError("This state should never be reached. PlayerPrefs Key: " +
                                       TBUtil.LevelNumberToKey(levelNumber) + "   Value : " +

                    // override locked if unlock all levels IAP has been purchased
                    if (isUnlockAllLevelsIAPpurchased && currentIcon == m.LevelIconLocked)
                        currentIcon = m.LevelIconBackground;

                    // show the level icon and clickable if not locked or if in debug mode
                    GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, currentIcon);
                    if (GUI.Button(iconRect, "", "")
                        ((PlayerPrefs.GetInt(TBUtil.LevelNumberToKey(levelNumber)) != (int)PlayerPrefsLevelKey.Locked) ||

                    // show the level number
                    GUI.Label(iconRect, levelNumber.ToString(), textGUIStyle);

                // if the return to main menu icon clicked
                    GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, m.LevelIconReturnMainMenu);
                    if (GUI.RepeatButton(iconRect, "", ""))