예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified map into the SabreCSG model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to import into.</param>
        /// <param name="map">The map to be imported.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale modifier.</param>
        public static void Import(CSGModelBase model, T3dMap map, int scale = 64)

                // create a material searcher to associate materials automatically.
                MaterialSearcher materialSearcher = new MaterialSearcher();

                List <T3dActor> brushes      = map.Brushes;
                Brush[]         sabreBrushes = new Brush[brushes.Count];

                // iterate through all brush actors.
                for (int k = 0; k < brushes.Count; k++)
                    // get the underlying brush data.
                    T3dActor tactor = brushes[k];
                    T3dBrush tbrush = tactor.Brush;
                    UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("SabreCSG: Importing Unreal Gold Map", "Converting Unreal Brushes To SabreCSG Brushes (" + (k + 1) + " / " + brushes.Count + ")...", k / (float)brushes.Count);
                    // iterate through the brush polygons.
                    Polygon[] polygons = new Polygon[tbrush.Polygons.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < tbrush.Polygons.Count; i++)
                        T3dPolygon tpolygon = tbrush.Polygons[i];

                        // find the material in the unity project automatically.
                        Material material = null;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tpolygon.Texture))
                            if (tpolygon.Texture.Contains('.'))
                                // try finding both 'PlayrShp.Ceiling.Hullwk' and 'Hullwk'.
                                string tiny = tpolygon.Texture.Substring(tpolygon.Texture.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                                material = materialSearcher.FindMaterial(new string[] { tpolygon.Texture, tiny });
                                if (material == null)
                                    Debug.Log("SabreCSG: Tried to find material '" + tpolygon.Texture + "' and also as '" + tiny + "' but it couldn't be found in the project.");
                                // only try finding 'Hullwk'.
                                material = materialSearcher.FindMaterial(new string[] { tpolygon.Texture });
                                if (material == null)
                                    Debug.Log("SabreCSG: Tried to find material '" + tpolygon.Texture + "' but it couldn't be found in the project.");

                        Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[tpolygon.Vertices.Count];
                        for (int j = 0; j < tpolygon.Vertices.Count; j++)
                            // main-scale
                            // scale around pivot point.
                            Vector3 vertexPosition = ToVector3(tpolygon.Vertices[j]);
                            Vector3 pivot          = ToVector3(tactor.PrePivot);
                            Vector3 difference     = vertexPosition - pivot;
                            vertexPosition = difference.Multiply(ToVector3Raw(tactor.MainScale)) + pivot;

                            // post-scale
                            vertices[j] = new Vertex(vertexPosition.Multiply(ToVector3Raw(tactor.PostScale)) / (float)scale, ToVector3(tpolygon.Normal), GenerateUV(tpolygon, j, material));

                        // detect the polygon flags.
                        bool userExcludeFromFinal = false;
                        if ((tpolygon.Flags & T3dPolygonFlags.Invisible) > 0)
                            userExcludeFromFinal = true;

                        polygons[i] = new Polygon(vertices, material, false, userExcludeFromFinal);

                    // position and rotate the brushes around their pivot point.
                    Transform transform = model.CreateCustomBrush(polygons).transform;
                    transform.position = (ToVector3(tactor.Location) / (float)scale) - (ToVector3(tactor.PrePivot) / (float)scale);
                    Vector3 axis;
                    float   angle;
                    T3dRotatorToQuaternion(tactor.Rotation).ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
                    transform.RotateAround(transform.position + (ToVector3(tactor.PrePivot) / (float)scale), axis, angle);

                    PrimitiveBrush brush = transform.GetComponent <PrimitiveBrush>();
                    sabreBrushes[k] = brush;

                    object value;
                    // detect the brush mode (additive, subtractive).
                    if (tactor.Properties.TryGetValue("CsgOper", out value))
                        brush.Mode = (string)value == "CSG_Add" ? CSGMode.Add : CSGMode.Subtract;
                    // detect special brush flags.
                    if (tactor.Properties.TryGetValue("PolyFlags", out value))
                        T3dBrushFlags flags = (T3dBrushFlags)value;
                        if ((flags & T3dBrushFlags.Invisible) > 0)
                            brush.IsVisible = false;
                        if ((flags & T3dBrushFlags.NonSolid) > 0)
                            brush.HasCollision = false;
                        if ((flags & T3dBrushFlags.SemiSolid) > 0)
                            brush.IsNoCSG = true;
                    // detect single polygons.
                    if (polygons.Length == 1)
                        brush.IsNoCSG = true;

                // add all new brushes to a group.
                string title = "Unreal Gold Map";
                if (map.Title != "")
                    title += " '" + map.Title + "'";
                if (map.Author != "")
                    title += " (" + map.Author + ")";

                GroupBrush groupBrush = new GameObject(title).AddComponent <GroupBrush>();
                for (int i = 0; i < sabreBrushes.Length; i++)

            catch (Exception)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified map into the SabreCSG model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to import into.</param>
        /// <param name="map">The map to be imported.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale modifier.</param>
        public static void Import(CSGModel model, T3dMap map, int scale = 64)

                List <T3dActor> brushes      = map.Brushes;
                Brush[]         sabreBrushes = new Brush[brushes.Count];

                // iterate through all brush actors.
                for (int k = 0; k < brushes.Count; k++)
                    // get the underlying brush data.
                    T3dActor tactor = brushes[k];
                    T3dBrush tbrush = tactor.Brush;
                    UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("SabreCSG: Importing Unreal Gold Map", "Converting Unreal Brushes To SabreCSG Brushes (" + (k + 1) + " / " + brushes.Count + ")...", k / (float)brushes.Count);
                    // iterate through the brush polygons.
                    Polygon[] polygons = new Polygon[tbrush.Polygons.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < tbrush.Polygons.Count; i++)
                        T3dPolygon tpolygon = tbrush.Polygons[i];

                        // find the material in the unity project automatically.
                        Material material = FindMaterial(tpolygon.Texture);

                        Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[tpolygon.Vertices.Count];
                        for (int j = 0; j < tpolygon.Vertices.Count; j++)
                            vertices[j] = new Vertex(ToVector3(tpolygon.Vertices[j]) / (float)scale, ToVector3(tpolygon.Normal), GenerateUV(tpolygon, j, material));

                        // detect the polygon flags.
                        bool userExcludeFromFinal = false;
                        if ((tpolygon.Flags & T3dPolygonFlags.Invisible) > 0)
                            userExcludeFromFinal = true;

                        polygons[i] = new Polygon(vertices, material, false, userExcludeFromFinal);

                    // position and rotate the brushes.
                    Transform transform = model.CreateCustomBrush(polygons).transform;
                    transform.position = (ToVector3(tactor.Location) / (float)scale) - (ToVector3(tactor.PrePivot) / (float)scale);
                    Vector3 axis;
                    float   angle;
                    T3dRotatorToQuaternion(tactor.Rotation).ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
                    transform.RotateAround(transform.position + (ToVector3(tactor.PrePivot) / (float)scale), axis, angle);

                    PrimitiveBrush brush = transform.GetComponent <PrimitiveBrush>();
                    sabreBrushes[k] = brush;

                    object value;
                    // detect the brush mode (additive, subtractive).
                    if (tactor.Properties.TryGetValue("CsgOper", out value))
                        brush.Mode = (string)value == "CSG_Add" ? CSGMode.Add : CSGMode.Subtract;
                    // detect special brush flags.
                    if (tactor.Properties.TryGetValue("PolyFlags", out value))
                        T3dBrushFlags flags = (T3dBrushFlags)value;
                        if ((flags & T3dBrushFlags.Invisible) > 0)
                            brush.IsVisible = false;
                        if ((flags & T3dBrushFlags.NonSolid) > 0)
                            brush.HasCollision = false;
                        if ((flags & T3dBrushFlags.SemiSolid) > 0)
                            brush.IsNoCSG = true;
                    // detect single polygons.
                    if (polygons.Length == 1)
                        brush.IsNoCSG = true;

                // add all new brushes to a group.
                string title = "Unreal Gold Map";
                if (map.Title != "")
                    title += " '" + map.Title + "'";
                if (map.Author != "")
                    title += " (" + map.Author + ")";

                GroupBrush groupBrush = new GameObject(title).AddComponent <GroupBrush>();
                for (int i = 0; i < sabreBrushes.Length; i++)

            catch (Exception)