private void RegisterNewUserForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the other Products option
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Visible    = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Enabled    = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

            // Inictializing message labels
            messageLabel.Text                      = "";
            usernameErrorLable.Visible             = false;
            passwordErrorLabel.Text                = "Invalid Password";
            passwordErrorLabel.Visible             = false;
            confirmationPasswordErrorLabel.Visible = false;

            // Executing correct activity according to given code
            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("USE2", null, null);
        private void CreateAndReturnButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateUserInput())                                                                          // Verifying if user input confirm with all requirements
                String message = UserInformationManager.CreateNewUserProfileInformation(CreateUserProfile()); // Confimring the user creation process

                if (message == "SUCCESS")                                                                     // Creation process has been successful
                    messageLabel.Text = "User has been created succesfully!";
                    ClearTextBoxBuffers(); // cleaning textboxes

                    // Closing form while freeing system resources

                    // Summon Users Registry Form
                    FormsMenuList.usersRegistryForm = new UsersRegistryForm();
                    // Executing correct activity according to given code
                    SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("ERR2", null, null);
                    messageLabel.Text = "A Fatal Error has occured!"; // The new user profile has not been created due to en error
                messageLabel.Text = "Please fill in every information correctly"; // user input has not been validated
        /// <summary>
        /// Funtion to add one or more selected products into the cart
        /// </summary>
        private void AddItemsToCart()
            // Capturing the data of multiple selected products
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in productDataGridView.SelectedRows)
                if (FormatToInt(row.Cells[10].Value.ToString()) > 0)                                                // only works if the product in the inventory has atleast 1 unit in existence
                    Product product = new Product();                                                                // creating new product

                    product.Id        = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString();                                              // getting the selected product's id
                    product.Name      = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString();                                              // getting the selected product's name
                    product.Brand     = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString();                                              // getting the selected product's brand
                    product.Unit      = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString();                                              // getting the selected product's unit
                    product.UnitPrice = FormatToDecimal(row.Cells[9].Value.ToString());                             // getting the selected product's price
                    product.Quantity  = quantityNumericUpDown.Value < FormatToInt(row.Cells[10].Value.ToString()) ? // getting the desired quantity of the selected product
                                        (int)quantityNumericUpDown.Value :                                          // the client desires less units than the limit in existence
                                        FormatToInt(row.Cells[10].Value.ToString());                                // the client wants all units in existence

                    // Adding product to cart or updating the amount of units of already added product
                    SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(2, null, 0, product, FormatToInt(row.Cells[10].Value.ToString()));

            // Updating numeric up down
            quantityNumericUpDown.Value   = 1;
            quantityNumericUpDown.Maximum = 2;

            UpdateCartSummaryDataGrid(); // updating the cart summary
        private void CompleteSaleButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(1, null, 0, null, 0).Count > 0)
                // Requesting the creation of a new transaction
                String message = SystemProtocols.ApplySalesTransactionProtocols(1, CreateSalesObject());

                if (message == "SUCCESS")
                    MessageBox.Show("This transaction has been completed successfully!");

                    // Updating grids
                    MessageBox.Show("FATEL ERROR!"); // TODO: manage errors and exceptions
                MessageBox.Show("Please add items to complete a purchase.");
        private void ConfirmButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (sale.NumberItems != purchasedItems.Count) // Confirming at least one item has been returned
                // No need to change or nullify the old sales id, given that a new one will be assigned to the resulting transaction
                // and the old id will still be needed for future refrence.

                sale.NumberItems = FormatToInt(numberOfPurchasedItemsLabel.Text.Split(':')[1]); // updating the new amount of item that have not been returned
                sale.Total       = FormatToDecimal(purchasedTotalLabel.Text.Split('$')[1]);     // updating the new total of the transaction

                // Requesting a return policy
                String message = SystemProtocols.ApplyReturnPolicyProtocols(sale, purchasedItems, returnedItems);

                if (message == "VOIDED") // all products have been returned thus creating a void transaction instead of a partial return
                    MessageBox.Show("Transaction voided successfully!");
                else // Return request has been approved
                    MessageBox.Show("Products have successfully been returned to the inventory!");

                    FormsMenuList.salesRecordForm.RefreshSalesRecordsDataGrid();                  // updating grandparent form
                    FormsMenuList.salesRecordForm.ShowNewReturnedTransactionInformation(message); // requesting the grandparent to show the new resulting transaction child form
                    FormsMenuList.salesRecordForm.UpdateChildAfterSuccessfulReturn(sale.Id);      // requesting grandparent to update this form's parent as well

                MessageBox.Show("Nothing was returned, please check form or cancel process.");
예제 #6
        private void ReportsAnalyticsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the other Products option
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Visible    = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Enabled    = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

            // Initializing latest date time pickers
            #region Users' Timesheet Report
            newestTimesheetDateTimePicker.Value   = DateTime.Now;
            newestTimesheetDateTimePicker.MaxDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            #region Users's Sales Record
            newestSalesRecordDateTimePicker.Value   = DateTime.Now;
            newestSalesRecordDateTimePicker.MaxDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            // Recording admin access to this form
            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("REP1", null, null);
        private void RegisterNewSaleFrom_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the other Products option
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Visible    = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Enabled    = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

                SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("SAL1", null, null);
                SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("SAL4", null, null);

        private void InitiateLogInProtocols()
            // Executing credential validation protocols before triggering a session or being denied one
            String message = SystemProtocols.ApplyCredentialsValidationProtocol(usernameTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Text);

            if (message == "INVALID USER") // provided username was not registered in the system
                usernameTextBox.BackColor = Color.Red; // highlighting incorrect username
            else if (message == "INACTIVE USER")       // provided username belongs to an inactive/suspended account
                MessageBox.Show("This user has been deacivated, please try with a different account.");
            else if (message == "INCORRECT") // provided credentials were incorrect for that username
                passwordTextBox.Text      = "";
                passwordTextBox.BackColor = Color.Red; // highlighting incorrect password
            else // credentials were successfully validated
                // Executing correct login protocols for new user session

                FormsMenuList.loginForm.Hide(); // TODO: replace this with close once program is ancored to splash page

                // Summon Product Browser Form
                FormsMenuList.inventorySearchForm = new InventorySearchForm();
예제 #9
        private void LogOutLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Executing correct log out processes

            // Closing form while freeing system resources
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to populate the cart summary data grid
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateCartSummaryDataGrid()
            // Code needed to refresh the cart summary
            cartSummaryDataGridView.DataSource = new List <Product>();                                 // reseting the datasource as a clean and empty list
            cartSummaryDataGridView.Refresh();                                                         // refreshing the data grid to clean any old information an update it with the new one

            List <Product> summary = SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(1, null, 0, null, 0); // fetching the cart

            if (summary.Count() > 0)
                cartSummaryDataGridView.DataSource = summary; // feeding the grid view with the new information on the cart summary
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Refresh();            // refreshing the data grid to clean any old information an update it with the new one

                // Hidding unnecessary fields
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible               = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Key"].Visible              = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Brand"].Visible            = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Supplier"].Visible         = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Category"].Visible         = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Type"].Visible             = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["UnitCost"].Visible         = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["MinimumQuantity"].Visible  = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["MaximumQuantity"].Visible  = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["RegisteredBy"].Visible     = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["RegistrationDate"].Visible = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["ModifiedBy"].Visible       = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["ModificationDate"].Visible = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Discontinued"].Visible     = false;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Total"].Visible            = false;

                // Formationg columns
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Name"].Width      = 180;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Unit"].Width      = 50;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["UnitPrice"].Width = 70;
                cartSummaryDataGridView.Columns["Quantity"].Width  = 80;

                int     quantity = 0; // variable to track the amount of items requested
                decimal total    = 0; // variable to track the total of the entire purchase
                foreach (Product item in summary)
                    quantity += item.Quantity;  // counting how many products are in the cart
                    total    += item.UnitPrice; // calculating the total price

                // publishing the purchase information of a full cart
                numberLabel.Text = "Number of Item: " + quantity;
                totalLabel.Text  = "Total: $" + total.ToString("0.00");
                // publishing the purchase information of an empty cart
                numberLabel.Text = "Number of Item: 0";
                totalLabel.Text  = "Total: $0.00";
        private void RemoveOneButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Capturing the data of multiple selected products
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in cartSummaryDataGridView.SelectedRows)
                // Removing one unit from a product in the cart
                SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(5, row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), FormatToDecimal(row.Cells[9].Value.ToString()) / FormatToInt(row.Cells[10].Value.ToString()), null, 0);

            UpdateCartSummaryDataGrid(); // updating the cart summary
예제 #12
        private void LogOutLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Executing correct log out processes

            SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(3, null, 0, null, 0); // clearing the cart before logging out

            // Closing form while freeing system resources
        private void ProductList_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (!SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Declare an non oficial auxiliary form to display product information, given a product's internal identification number
                ProductInformationTemplateForm child = new ProductInformationTemplateForm(productList.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString());
                child.Show();        // Summon the temporary summary form

                children.Add(child); // adding product to list of children
        private void RemoveItemButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Capturing the data of multiple selected products
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in cartSummaryDataGridView.SelectedRows)
                // Adding product to cart or updating the amount of units of already added product
                SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(4, row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), 0, null, 0);

            UpdateCartSummaryDataGrid(); // updating the cart summary
예제 #15
        protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)

            // Executing correct log out processes

            // Closing form while freeing system resources
        /// <summary>
        /// Function used by grandchild to notify when a new transaction has originated from a successfull return
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newSaleId">Identification number of the new transaction</param>
        public void ShowNewReturnedTransactionInformation(String newSaleId)
            if (!SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null)) // option only available for non basic users
                // Creating a new child given the new information available
                SaleInformationTemplateForm child = new SaleInformationTemplateForm(newSaleId);

                children.Add(child); // adding that new child to the list of living children
예제 #17
        protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)

            // Executing correct log out processes

            SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(3, null, 0, null, 0); // clearing the cart before logging out

            // Closing form while freeing system resources
        private void SalesList_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (!SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))         // option only available for non basic users
                if (!IsChildAlive(salesList.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString())) // Verifying that requested child is killed or active before proceeding
                    // Starting or resecusating child
                    SaleInformationTemplateForm child = new SaleInformationTemplateForm(salesList.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString());

                    children.Add(child); // adding child to the list of children to keep track of opened auxiliary forms
        private void LogOutLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Executing correct log out processes

            if (userInformationForm != null)
                userInformationForm.Dispose();                                // Closing Child
            SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(3, null, 0, null, 0); // clearing the cart before logging out

            // Closing form while freeing system resources
예제 #20
        private void GraphsAnalyticsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the entire Products option given the remainder of options are prohibited for a basic user
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Visible    = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Enabled    = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

            // Recording user access to this form
            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("GRA1", null, null);

            // Hiding message lables
            missingMessageLabel.Visible = false;
            shownMessageLabel.Visible   = false;

            // Initilizing combo box
            timeComboBox.Items.Add("24 hours");
            timeComboBox.Items.Add("72 hours");
            timeComboBox.Items.Add("2 weeks");
            timeComboBox.Items.Add("2 months");
            timeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Populating Graphs

            // Initializing date time pickers
            #region Bubble Chart
            newestBubbleDateTimePicker.Value   = DateTime.Now;
            newestBubbleDateTimePicker.MaxDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            #region Sales Bar Chart
            newestSalesBarChartDateTimePicker.Value   = DateTime.Now;
            newestSalesBarChartDateTimePicker.MaxDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
        private void ProductInformationTemplateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Limiting user features to prevent non admins to edit a product's information
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the text fields and combo boxes for basic users
                keyTextBox.Enabled                   = false;
                unitTextBox.Enabled                  = false;
                unitCostNumericUpDown.Enabled        = false;
                unitPriceNumericUpDown.Enabled       = false;
                quantityNumericUpDown.Enabled        = false;
                minimumQuantityNumericUpDown.Enabled = false;
                maximumQuantityNumericUpDown.Enabled = false;

                brandComboBox.Enabled    = false;
                supplierComboBox.Enabled = false;
                categoryComboBox.Enabled = false;
                typeComboBox.Enabled     = false;

                discontinuedCheckBox.Enabled = false;

                // Disabling and hiding the edit button
                editButton.Enabled = false;
                editButton.Visible = false;
                // Enabling the text fields and combo boxes for basic users
                keyTextBox.Enabled                   = true;
                unitTextBox.Enabled                  = true;
                unitCostNumericUpDown.Enabled        = true;
                unitPriceNumericUpDown.Enabled       = true;
                quantityNumericUpDown.Enabled        = true;
                minimumQuantityNumericUpDown.Enabled = true;
                maximumQuantityNumericUpDown.Enabled = true;

                brandComboBox.Enabled    = true;
                supplierComboBox.Enabled = true;
                categoryComboBox.Enabled = true;
                typeComboBox.Enabled     = true;

                discontinuedCheckBox.Enabled = true;

                // Enabling and hiding the edit button
                editButton.Enabled = false;
        protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)

            // Executing correct log out processes

            if (userInformationForm != null)
                userInformationForm.Dispose();                                // Closing Child
            SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(3, null, 0, null, 0); // clearing the cart before logging out

            // Closing form while freeing system resources
예제 #23
        private void ErrorsLogForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the entire Products option given the remainder of options are prohibited for a basic user
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Visible    = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Enabled    = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("ERR1", null, null);
예제 #24
        private void RestockProductsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the other Products option
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("PRO1", null, null);

예제 #25
        private void LogOutLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Executing correct log out processes

            if (timesheetChild != null)
                timesheetChild.Dispose(); // disposing of child timesheet if open
            if (salesRecordChild != null)
                salesRecordChild.Dispose();                                   // disposing of child sales record if open
            SystemProtocols.ApplyCartManagementProtocol(3, null, 0, null, 0); // clearing the cart before logging out

            // Closing form while freeing system resources
        private void InventorySearchForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the entire Products option given the remainder of options are prohibited for a basic user
                productsMenuOption.Visible = false;
                productsMenuOption.Enabled = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

            PopulateProductListDataGrid(); // Initializing the data grid upon load

            // Executing correct activity according to given code
            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("INV1", null, null);
예제 #27
        private void ActivitiesLogForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Limiting option according to current user's access level
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the entire Products option given the remainder of options are prohibited for a basic user
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                registerNewProductMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Visible    = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Enabled    = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;

            // Executing correct activity according to given code
            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("ACT1", null, null);

예제 #28
        private void UserInformationTemplateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Disabling features according to target user's aacces level compared to current user in session's access level
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(2, user.Username, user.Role)) // If the target user is of a different account and access level is equals to the current user in session
            {                                                                        // TODO: Hide System resources in business layer
                changeAccessLevelButtom.Visible = false;
                changeAccessLevelButtom.Enabled = false;
                changePasswordButton.Visible    = false;
                changePasswordButton.Enabled    = false;
            else if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(3, user.Username, null)) // If the target user the one with the current open sesison
                changeAccessLevelButtom.Visible = false;
                changeAccessLevelButtom.Enabled = false;
                suspendUserButton.Visible       = false;
                suspendUserButton.Enabled       = false;
            else // If the target user is of a different account and access level is different to the current user in session
                changePasswordButton.Visible = false;
                changePasswordButton.Enabled = false;

            // Modifuing components based on target user's access level
            changeAccessLevelButtom.Text = user.Role == "Admin" ? "Demote to User Level" : "Promote to Admin Level";
            suspendUserButton.Text       = user.Status == "Active" ? "Suspend User" : "Reinstate User";

            // Displaying target user's information
            usernameTextBox.Text  = user.Username;
            firstNameTextBox.Text = user.FirstName;
            lastNameTextBox.Text  = user.LastName;
            roleTextBox.Text      = user.Role;
            creatorTextBox.Text   = user.Creator;
            statusTextBox.Text    = user.Status;
            createdOnLabel.Text   = user.RegistrationDate.ToString();
            LastLabel.Text        = user.LastLogin.ToString();

예제 #29
        private void RegisterNewProductForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Identifying correct protocol for current user in session
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(1, null, null))
                // Disabling the other Products option
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Visible = false;
                restockProductsMenuSubOption.Enabled = false;

                // Disabling all admin options
                adminMenuOption.Visible = false;
                adminMenuOption.Enabled = false;


            // Executing correct activity according to given code
            SystemProtocols.ApplyActivityProtocols("PRO2", null, null);
예제 #30
        private void ChangeAccessLevelButtom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Requesting a access level change for a target user
            UserInformationManager.UpdateTargetUserAccessLevelInformation(user.Username, user.Role == "Admin" ? "User" : "Admin");

            // Updating information of the form
            user.Role                    = user.Role == "Admin" ? "User" : "Admin";
            roleTextBox.Text             = user.Role;
            changeAccessLevelButtom.Text = user.Role == "Admin" ? "Demote to User Level" : "Promote to Admin Level";

            // Disabling features according to target user's access level compared to current user in session's access level
            if (SystemProtocols.ApplySessionsProtocols(2, user.Username, user.Role))
                changeAccessLevelButtom.Visible = false;
                changeAccessLevelButtom.Enabled = false;
                changePasswordButton.Visible    = false;
                changePasswordButton.Enabled    = false;

            // Refreshing and updating information of parent form