예제 #1
        //Reads a packet of data sent from one of the clients and passes it onto its registered handler function
        public static void ReadClientPacket(int ClientID, string PacketData)
            //Store the total set of packet data into a new PacketData object for easier reading
            NetworkPacket TotalPacket = new NetworkPacket(PacketData);

            //Fetch the client connection who sent this to us, making sure they're still active
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Client #" + ClientID + " not found, unable to read network packet from them.");

            //Iterate over all the packet data until we finished reading and handling all of it
            while (!TotalPacket.FinishedReading())
                //Read the packets order number and packet type enum values
                int OrderNumber             = TotalPacket.ReadInt();
                ClientPacketType PacketType = TotalPacket.ReadType();

                //Get the rest of the values for this set based on the packet type, then put the orer number back in the front of it
                NetworkPacket SectionPacket = ReadPacketValues(PacketType, TotalPacket);

                //Compared this packets order number to see if its arrived in the order we were expecting
                int  ExpectedOrderNumber = Client.LastPacketRecieved + 1;
                bool InOrder             = OrderNumber == ExpectedOrderNumber;

                //If the packet arrived in order then it gets processed normally
                if (InOrder)
                    //Reset the packets data before we pass it to the handler

                    //Read away the packet type value as its not needed when processing packets immediately

                    //Pass the section packet onto its registered handler function
                    if (PacketHandlers.TryGetValue(PacketType, out Packet Packet))
                        Packet.Invoke(ClientID, ref SectionPacket);

                    //Store this as the last packet that we have processed for this client
                    Client.LastPacketRecieved = OrderNumber;
                //If packets arrive out of order we tell the client what number we were expecting to receive next so everything since then gets resent
                    SystemPacketSender.SendMissingPacketsRequest(ClientID, ExpectedOrderNumber);
예제 #2
        //Sends a message to any player who just entered into or left from the battle arena that their PVP status has changed
        public static void AlertTravellers()
            //First message all arrivals letting them know pvp is active in this area
            foreach (CharacterData Character in CharactersEntering)
                //Get the client who controls this characters and send the message to them
                ClientConnection CharacterClient = ConnectionManager.GetClient(Character);
                SystemPacketSender.SendUIMessage(CharacterClient.ClientID, "Now entering PVP area, beware...");

            //Also message any departures letting them know pvp is no longer active
            foreach (CharacterData Character in CharactersExiting)
                ClientConnection CharacterClient = ConnectionManager.GetClient(Character);
                SystemPacketSender.SendUIMessage(CharacterClient.ClientID, "Leaving PVP area, you are safe again.");
예제 #3
        public static void CheckClients(float DeltaTime)
            NextClientCheck -= DeltaTime;
            if (NextClientCheck <= 0.0f)
                NextClientCheck = ClientCheckInterval;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ClientConnection> Client in ActiveConnections)

                    int LastHeard = Client.Value.LastCommunication.AgeInSeconds();
                    if (LastHeard >= ClientConnectionTimeout)
                        Client.Value.ConnectionDead = true;
예제 #4
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a player kick
        private void TryKickPlayer(string[] Input)
            //Get the characters name
            string CharacterName = Input[1];

            //Make sure the character exists
            if (!CharactersDatabase.DoesCharacterExist(CharacterName))
                MessageLog.Print("That character doesnt exist, cant kick them.");

            //Get the client who this character belongs to
            ClientConnection Client = ClientSubsetFinder.GetClientUsingCharacter(CharacterName);

            //If the client couldnt be found then the character isnt logged in currently
            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("That character is not in the game right now, cant kick them.");

            //Show that the player is being kicked
            MessageLog.Print("Kicking " + CharacterName + " from the game...");

            //Tell the client that they have been kicked from the game and mark them to be cleaned up from the game
            Client.ConnectionDead = true;

            //Tell everyone else to remove the client from their games
            List <ClientConnection> OtherClients = ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClientsExceptFor(Client.ClientID);

            foreach (ClientConnection OtherClient in OtherClients)
                PlayerManagementPacketSender.SendRemoveRemotePlayer(OtherClient.ClientID, Client.Character.Name, Client.Character.IsAlive);
예제 #5
 void Awake()
     Instance = this;