public void When_specific_properties_of_a_subject_are_compared_with_another_object_it_should_ignore_the_other_properties
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Age = 36,
                Birthdate = new DateTime(1973, 9, 20),
                Name = "John"

            var customer = new
                Age = 36,
                Birthdate = new DateTime(1973, 9, 20),
                Name = "Dennis"

            // Act 
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(customer, options => options
                .Including(d => d.Age)
                .Including(d => d.Birthdate));

            // Assert
예제 #2
        public void WriteState()
            var converter = new StateBucketConverter();
            var buckets = new[]
                new StateBucket("TestType1","123",new State(1,"SomeThingOrOther"), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1)),
                new StateBucket("TestType2","124",new State(1,"Type 2 State"), DateTime.Now),

            var state = converter.Convert(buckets);
            var restored = converter.Convert(state);
            public void Then_it_should_ignore_small_differences_without_the_need_of_local_options()
                var actual = new
                    Value = (1D/3D)

                var expected = new
                    Value = 0.33D

                Action act = () => actual.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);

            public void Then_this_should_not_throw()
                var subject = new
                    Address = IPAddress.Parse(""),
                    Word = "a"

                var expected = new
                    Address = IPAddress.Parse(""),
                    Word = "a"

                Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected,
                    options => options.ComparingByValue<IPAddress>());

        public void When_an_assertion_is_overridden_for_a_predicate_it_should_use_the_provided_action()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Date = 14.July(2012).At(12, 59, 59)

            var expectation = new
                Date = 14.July(2012).At(13, 0, 0)
            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expectation, options => options
                .Using<DateTime>(ctx => ctx.Subject.Should().BeCloseTo(ctx.Expectation, 1000))
                .When(info => info.PropertyPath.EndsWith("Date")));

            // Assert
        public void When_two_string_properties_do_not_match_it_should_throw_and_state_the_difference()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Name = "Dennes"

            var other = new
                Name = "Dennis"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other, options => options.Including(d => d.Name));

            // Assert
                "Expected property Name to be \"Dennis\", but \"Dennes\" differs near \"es\" (index 4)", ComparisonMode.StartWith);
        public void When_two_collection_properties_dont_match_it_should_throw_and_specify_the_difference()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Values = new[]
                    1, 2, 3

            var other = new
                Values = new[]
                    1, 4, 3

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other);

            // Assert
                "Expected property Values[1] to be 4, but found 2", ComparisonMode.StartWith);
        public void When_two_objects_have_the_same_properties_but_a_different_value_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Age = 36,

            var expectation = new
                Age = 37,

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expectation, "because {0} are the same", "they");

            // Assert
                "Expected property Age to be 37 because they are the same, but found 36", ComparisonMode.StartWith);
        public void When_equally_named_properties_are_type_incompatiblle_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Type = "A",

            var other = new
                Type = 36,

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other);

            // Assert
                .WithMessage("Expected property Type to be*Int32*, but found*String*", ComparisonMode.Wildcard);
        public void When_subject_has_a_property_not_available_in_expected_object_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                City = "Rijswijk"

            var other = new

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other);

            // Assert
                "Subject has property City that the other object does not have", ComparisonMode.StartWith);
        public void When_comparing_anonymous_objects_by_their_shared_properties_and_one_property_does_not_match_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Age = 36,

            var other = new
                Age = 37,

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other, options => options.ExcludingMissingProperties());

            // Assert
        public void When_a_collection_property_contains_objects_with_matching_properties_it_should_not_throw()
            // Arrange
            var expected = new
                Customers = new[]
                    new Customer
                        Age = 38,
                        Birthdate = 20.September(1973),
                        Name = "John"
                    new Customer
                        Age = 32,
                        Birthdate = 31.July(1978),
                        Name = "Jane"

            var subject = new
                Customers = new[]
                    new CustomerDto
                        Age = 38,
                        Birthdate = 20.September(1973),
                        Name = "John"
                    new CustomerDto
                        Age = 32,
                        Birthdate = 31.July(1978),
                        Name = "Jane"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);

            // Assert
        public void When_all_the_shared_properties_of_the_nested_objects_are_equal_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Level = new
                    Text = "Level1",
                    Property = "Property"

            var expected = new
                Level = new
                    Text = "Level1",
                    OtherProperty = "OtherProperty"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options.ExcludingMissingProperties());

            // Assert
        public void When_not_all_the_properties_of_the_nested_object_exist_on_the_expected_object_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Level = new
                    Text = "Level1",
                    OtherProperty = "OtherProperty"

            var expected = new
                Level = new
                    Text = "Level1"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);

            // Assert
                .WithMessage("Subject has property Level.OtherProperty that the other object does not have", ComparisonMode.Substring);
            public void Then_they_should_override_the_global_options()
                var actual = new
                    Value = (1D/3D)

                var expected = new
                    Value = 0.33D

                Action act = () => actual.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options
                    .Using<double>(ctx => ctx.Subject.Should().Be(ctx.Expectation))

        public void When_an_assertion_rule_is_added_it_should_preceed_all_existing_rules()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Created = 8.July(2012).At(22, 9)

            var expected = new
                Created = 8.July(2012).At(22, 10)

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(
                options => options.Using(new RelaxingDateTimeAssertionRule()));

            // Assert
        public void When_a_deeply_nested_property_of_a_collection_with_an_invalid_value_is_excluded_it_should_not_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Text = "Root",
                Level = new
                    Text = "Level1",
                    Level = new
                        Text = "Level2",
                    Collection = new[]
                        new { Number = 1, Text = "Text"},
                        new { Number = 2, Text = "Actual"}

            var expected = new
                Text = "Root",
                Level = new
                    Text = "Level1",
                    Level = new
                        Text = "Level2",
                    Collection = new[]
                        new { Number = 1, Text = "Text"},
                        new { Number = 2, Text = "Expected"}

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options.
                    Excluding(x => x.Level.Collection[1].Number).
                    Excluding(x => x.Level.Collection[1].Text)

            // Assert
        public void When_a_collection_property_contains_objects_with_mismatching_properties_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var expected = new
                Customers = new[]
                    new Customer
                        Age = 38,
                        Birthdate = 20.September(1973),
                        Name = "John"

            var subject = new
                Customers = new[]
                    new CustomerDto
                        Age = 38,
                        Birthdate = 20.September(1973),
                        Name = "Jane"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);

            // Assert
                .WithMessage("*Customers[0].Name*John*Jane*", ComparisonMode.Wildcard);
        public void When_subjects_properties_are_compared_to_null_object_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(null);

            // Assert
                "Expected subject to be <null>, but found { }", ComparisonMode.StartWith);
        public void When_a_collection_property_was_expected_but_the_property_is_not_a_collection_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Customers = "Jane, John"

            var expected = new
                Customers = new[]
                    new Customer
                        Age = 38,
                        Birthdate = 20.September(1973),
                        Name = "John"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);

            // Assert
                .WithMessage("*property Customers to be*Customer[]*, but*System.String*",
        public void When_two_objects_have_the_same_property_values_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Age = 36,
                Birthdate = new DateTime(1973, 9, 20),
                Name = "Dennis"

            var other = new
                Age = 36,
                Birthdate = new DateTime(1973, 9, 20),
                Name = "Dennis"

            // Act / Assert
        public void When_a_collection_contains_less_items_than_expected_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var expected = new
                Customers = new[]
                    new Customer
                        Age = 38,
                        Birthdate = 20.September(1973),
                        Name = "John"
                    new Customer
                        Age = 38,
                        Birthdate = 20.September(1973),
                        Name = "Jane"

            var subject = new
                Customers = new[]
                    new CustomerDto
                        Age = 24,
                        Birthdate = 21.September(1973),
                        Name = "John"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);

            // Assert
                .WithMessage("*property Customers to be a collection with 2 item(s), but found 1*",
        public void When_subject_has_a_valid_property_that_is_compared_with_a_null_property_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Name = "Dennis"

            var other = new
                Name = (string)null

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other);

            // Assert
                "Expected property Name to be <null>, but found \"Dennis\"", ComparisonMode.StartWith);
        public void When_a_complex_object_graph_with_collections_matches_expectations_it_should_not_throw()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Bytes = new byte[]
                    1, 2, 3, 4
                Object = new
                    A = 1,
                    B = 2

            var expected = new
                Bytes = new byte[]
                    1, 2, 3, 4
                Object = new
                    A = 1,
                    B = 2

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);

            // Assert
        public void When_two_objects_have_the_same_properties_with_convertable_values_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Age = "37",
                Birthdate = "1973-09-20",

            var other = new
                Age = 37,
                Birthdate = new DateTime(1973, 9, 20)

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other);

            // Assert
        public void When_a_selection_rule_is_added_it_should_be_evaluated_after_all_existing_rules()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                NameId = "123",
                SomeValue = "hello"

            var expected = new
                SomeValue = "hello"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(
                options => options.Using(new ExcludeForeignKeysSelectionRule()));

            // Assert
        public void When_two_properties_are_of_derived_types_but_are_equal_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Type = new CustomerType("123")

            var other = new
                Type = new DerivedCustomerType("123")

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(other);

            // Assert
        public void When_a_matching_rule_is_added_it_should_preceed_all_existing_rules()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                NameId = "123",
                SomeValue = "hello"

            var expected = new
                Name = "123",
                SomeValue = "hello"

            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(
                options => options.Using(new ForeignKeyMatchingRule()));

            // Assert
        public void When_an_assertion_is_overridden_for_all_types_it_should_use_the_provided_action_for_all_properties()
            // Arrange
            var subject = new
                Date = 21.July(2012).At(11, 8, 59),
                Nested = new
                    NestedDate = 14.July(2012).At(12, 59, 59)

            var expectation = new
                Date = 21.July(2012).At(11, 9, 0),
                Nested = new
                    NestedDate = 14.July(2012).At(13, 0, 0)
            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expectation, options => 
                .Using<DateTime>(ctx => ctx.Subject.Should().BeCloseTo(ctx.Expectation, 1000))

            // Assert
            public void Then_they_should_not_affect_any_other_assertions()
                var actual = new
                    Value = (1D/3D)

                var expected = new
                    Value = 0.33D

                Action act = () => actual.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected);
