예제 #1
		private ContainerRowModel CreateTypeTree(System.Type type)
			var children = new List<RowModel>();
			object[] attrs;
			Attribute attr;
			BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;
			Lazy<object> instance = null;
			if (IsConstructable(type)) {
				flags |= BindingFlags.Instance;
				instance = new Lazy<object>(() => Activator.CreateInstance(type), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

			foreach (MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods(flags).Where(m => IsTestMethod(m, true, true, true)))
				// Create a row for this method
				attrs = method.GetCustomAttributes(true);
				attr = FindAttribute(attrs, "TestAttribute") ?? FindAttribute(attrs, "BenchmarkAttribute");
				var eea = FindAttribute(attrs, "ExpectedExceptionAttribute");
				bool isTestSet = method.IsStatic && MayBeTestSuite(method.ReturnType) && IsTestMethod(method, true, true, false);
				var utt = new UnitTestTask(method, instance, attr, eea, isTestSet);
				var row = new TaskRowModel(method.Name, TestNodeType.Test, utt, true);
				if (IsTestMethod(method, false, false, true)) // benchmark?
					row.BasePriority--; // Give benchmarks low priority by default


			foreach (Type nested in type.GetNestedTypes().Where(IsTestFixtureOrSuite))
			// Create a row for this type
			var result = new ContainerRowModel(type.Name, TestNodeType.TestFixture, children);
			attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(true);
			attr = FindAttribute(attrs, "TestFixtureAttribute");
			string description = GetPropertyValue<string>(attr, "Description", null);
			if (description != null)
				result.SetSummary(string.Format("{0} ({1})", description, type.FullName));
			return result;
예제 #2
 /// <summary> Write UnionSubclass XML Elements from nested mapped classes in a not-mapped class. </summary>
 public virtual void WriteNestedUnionSubclassTypes(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, System.Type type)
     foreach(System.Type nestedType in type.GetNestedTypes(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic))
         if(nestedType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ClassAttribute), false).Length != 0)
         if(nestedType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UnionSubclassAttribute), false).Length == 0)
             WriteNestedUnionSubclassTypes(writer, nestedType); // Not mapped (try its nested types)
         else // Mapped
             WriteUnionSubclass(writer, nestedType);
 internal RealSchemaType(System.Type type, WsdlGenerator.XMLNamespace xns, string serviceEndpoint, Hashtable typeToServiceEndpoint, bool bUnique, WsdlGenerator WsdlGenerator) : base(type)
     this._type = type;
     this._serviceEndpoint = serviceEndpoint;
     this._typeToServiceEndpoint = typeToServiceEndpoint;
     this._bUnique = bUnique;
     this._WsdlGenerator = WsdlGenerator;
     this._bStruct = type.IsValueType;
     this._xns = xns;
     this._implIFaces = null;
     this._iFaces = null;
     this._methods = null;
     this._fields = null;
     this._methodTypes = null;
     this._nestedTypes = type.GetNestedTypes();
     if (this._nestedTypes != null)
         foreach (System.Type type2 in this._nestedTypes)
             this._WsdlGenerator.AddType(type2, xns);
예제 #4
        private RubyMethod FindCLRMethod(string methodId, System.Type clrtype)
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
            if (this._type == Type.IClass)
                // static methods
                if (methodId == "new")
                    if (clrtype.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Delegate)))
                        return new RubyMethod(new DelegateConstructor(clrtype), 0, Access.Public, this);
                        ConstructorInfo[] ci = clrtype.GetConstructors();

                        if (ci == null || ci.Length == 0)
                            return null;

                        MethodBase[] mi = new MethodBase[ci.Length];
                        System.Array.Copy(ci, mi, ci.Length);
                        return new RubyMethod(new MultiMethod(mi), -1, Access.Public, this);
                else if (methodId == "allocator")
                    return new RubyMethod(Methods.rb_class_allocate_instance.singleton, 0, Access.Private, this);
                else if (methodId == "[]")
                    // instantiate a generic type
                    // ruby: type = ns::List[System::Int32]
                    if (clrtype.IsGenericType)
                        // clrtype is Type`n+Inner but we are looking for Type`n+Inner`n
                        // we need to strip generic arguments from the name, but supply
                        // them to the GenericTypeGetter
                        return new RubyMethod(
                            new GenericTypeGetter(
                            -1, Access.Public, this);
                        return new RubyMethod(
                            new GenericTypeGetter(clrtype.Assembly, clrtype.FullName, null),
                            -1, Access.Public, this);

                flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;

            bool is_setter = false;
            // methods ending with "=" are expected to be either
            // field or property setters
            if (methodId.EndsWith("="))
                is_setter = true;
                methodId = methodId.Substring(0, methodId.Length - 1);

            // default member access, an Indexer in C#
            if (methodId == "[]")
                object[] attributes = clrtype.GetCustomAttributes(
                    typeof(System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute), true);

                if (attributes.Length > 0)
                    methodId = ((DefaultMemberAttribute)attributes[0]).MemberName;

            MemberInfo[] members = clrtype.GetMember(methodId, flags);

            if (members.Length == 0)
                // we didn't find a member with the exact name
                // but we still need to check for nested types with
                // additional type parameters
                string genericNestedId = methodId + "`";
                foreach (System.Type nested in clrtype.GetNestedTypes(flags))
                    if (nested.Name.StartsWith(genericNestedId))
                        return new RubyMethod(
                            new ValueMethod(
                                new GenericContainer(
                                    clrtype.Assembly, clrtype.Name + "+" + methodId,
                            0, Access.Public, this);

                return null;

            if (members[0] is MethodBase)
                if (is_setter)
                    return null;

                MethodBase[] methods = new MethodBase[members.Length];
                System.Array.Copy(members, methods, members.Length);
                return new RubyMethod(new MultiMethod(methods), -1, Access.Public, this);

            if (members[0] is PropertyInfo)
                // not all the property overloads may have the getter/setter
                // we're looking for, so we maintain a count and resize
                // the methods array later if necessary
                int count = 0;
                MethodBase[] methods = new MethodBase[members.Length];
                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in members)
                    MethodInfo method = is_setter ? pi.GetSetMethod() : pi.GetGetMethod();
                    if (method != null)
                        methods[count++] = method;
                if (count == 0)
                    return null;

                if (count < members.Length)
                    System.Array.Resize(ref methods, count);

                return new RubyMethod(new MultiMethod(methods), -1, Access.Public, this);

            FieldInfo field = members[0] as FieldInfo;
            if (field != null)
                if (is_setter)
                    return new RubyMethod(new FieldSetter(field), 1, Access.Public, this);
                    return new RubyMethod(new FieldGetter(field), 0, Access.Public, this);

            //EventInfo eventinfo = members[0] as EventInfo;
            //if (eventinfo != null)
            //    return ...;

            // nested types
            System.Type type = members[0] as System.Type;
            if (type != null)
                // see section 10.7.1 of ECMA
                if (type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                    type = type.MakeGenericType(clrtype.GetGenericArguments());

                return new RubyMethod(
                    new NestedTypeGetter(Load(type, null, false)),
                    0, Access.Public, this);

            return null;
예제 #5
// Helper to import the specific type and return a TypeEntry. 
// This will recursively import all base types.
// Returns null if we can't import the type.
    protected TypeEntry AddImportedType(System.Type tImport)
        #if true   
        // Don't import non-public classes
        // be wary of nesting
        //if (tImport.IsClass || tImport.IsValueType)
            if (tImport.DeclaringType == null)
                // Not nested
                if (!tImport.IsPublic)
                    return null;
            } else {
                // If Nested, check topmost containing class.
                System.Type t = tImport;
                while (t.DeclaringType != null)
                    t = t.DeclaringType;
                if (!t.IsPublic)
                    return null;            
        // If we've already imported this, then nothing to do.   
            TypeEntry t = TryLookupCLRType(tImport);
            if (t != null)
                return t;
        // Blue doesn't handle Generics (from V2.0 CLR), so just ignore them when imported.
        if (IsGenericType(tImport))
            Console.WriteLine("Skipping Generic type:" + tImport.FullName);
            return null;

        #if false
        // Debugging facility. Userbreakpoint when we import a specific class.
        if (tImport.Name == "IDictionaryEnumerator")
        // Stub immediately to avoid infinite cycles.        
        TypeEntry tBlue = TypeEntry.CreateImportStub(tImport);
        m_hashClrType.Add(tImport, tBlue);
        // If we're a nested type, make sure our containing type is imported.                        
        if (tImport.DeclaringType != null)
        Scope scope = this.CreateImportedContext(tImport);
        string stClass = tImport.Name;     
        // Already check for multiple imports       
        //if (LookupSymbol(scope, stClass, false) == null)
            // Add Base class
            TypeEntry tSuper = null;            
            if (tImport.BaseType != null)
                tSuper = AddImportedType(tImport.BaseType);
            // Add interfaces, removing all interfaces that we can't access
            System.Type [] tCLRInterfaces = tImport.GetInterfaces();
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList(tCLRInterfaces.Length);            
            foreach(System.Type tInterface in tCLRInterfaces)
                TypeEntry t = AddImportedType(tInterface);
                if (t != null)
            TypeEntry [] tBlueInterfaces = (TypeEntry[]) al.ToArray(typeof(TypeEntry));
            TypeEntry tParent = (tImport.DeclaringType == null) ? 
                null :
            // @todo - do we have to check if we've been imported again?
            // We create the symbol, but don't add the scope until we need to.
            // (else that would be a lot of scopes to add that we'd never use)
            // Note that this must be done on the same reference that we added at the top
            // because by now, the other types have links to that original reference.
            tBlue.FinishImportStub(tSuper, tBlueInterfaces, tParent);
#if true   
            // If we have any nested classes, add them.
            // This will require us to create the class scope.            
            System.Type [] tNestedTypes = tImport.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            if (tNestedTypes.Length > 0)
                foreach(System.Type tNested in tNestedTypes)
            return tBlue;
                "Class '" + tImport.FullName + "' defined multiple times"));
            return null;
    } // end function