예제 #1
 public static void EnsureDirectory(System.IO.DirectoryInfo oDirInfo)
     if (oDirInfo.Parent != null)
     if (!oDirInfo.Exists)
예제 #2
            private static void createDir(System.IO.DirectoryInfo di)

예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves a texture to disk
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_Texture"></param>
 /// <param name="_FileName"></param>
 /// <param name="_FileType"></param>
 /// <param name="_Format"></param>
 private void SaveImage( ImageUtility.Bitmap _Texture, System.IO.FileInfo _FileName, ImageUtility.Bitmap.FILE_TYPE _FileType, ImageUtility.Bitmap.FORMAT_FLAGS _Format )
     using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _FileName.Create() )
         _Texture.Save( S, _FileType, _Format, null );
예제 #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new empty file with the specified pathname.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="path">The abstract pathname of the file</param>
		/// <returns>True if the file does not exist and was succesfully created</returns>
		public static bool CreateNewFile(System.IO.FileInfo path)
			if (path.Exists)
				return false;
                System.IO.FileStream createdFile = path.Create();
				return true;
예제 #5
		unsafe void	ComputeBRDFIntegral( System.IO.FileInfo _TableFileName, uint _TableSize ) {

//			ComputeShader	CS = new ComputeShader( m_Device, new System.IO.FileInfo( "Shaders/ComputeBRDFIntegral.hlsl" ), "CS", new ShaderMacro[0] );
			ComputeShader	CS = new ComputeShader( m_Device, new System.IO.FileInfo( "Shaders/ComputeBRDFIntegral.hlsl" ), "CS", new ShaderMacro[] { new ShaderMacro( "IMPORTANCE_SAMPLING", "1" ) } );

			Texture2D		TexTable = new Texture2D( m_Device, _TableSize, _TableSize, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RG32_FLOAT, false, true, null );
			TexTable.SetCSUAV( 0 );
			CS.Dispatch( _TableSize >> 4, _TableSize >> 4, 1 );

			string	DDSFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _TableFileName.FullName ) + ".dds";
//			DirectXTexManaged.TextureCreator.CreateDDS( DDSFileName, TexTable );
throw new Exception( "Deprecated!" );

			Texture2D		TexTableStaging = new Texture2D( m_Device, _TableSize, _TableSize, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RG32_FLOAT, true, false, null );
			TexTableStaging.CopyFrom( TexTable );

			// Write tables
			float2	Temp = new float2();
			float	F0_analytical;
			float	ambient_analytical;
			float	maxAbsoluteError_F0 = 0.0f;
			float	maxRelativeError_F0 = 0.0f;
			float	avgAbsoluteError_F0 = 0.0f;
			float	avgRelativeError_F0 = 0.0f;
			float	maxAbsoluteError_ambient = 0.0f;
			float	maxRelativeError_ambient = 0.0f;
			float	avgAbsoluteError_ambient = 0.0f;
			float	avgRelativeError_ambient = 0.0f;

			float2[]	Integral_SpecularReflectance = new float2[_TableSize];

			PixelsBuffer Buff = TexTableStaging.Map( 0, 0 );
			using ( System.IO.BinaryReader R = Buff.OpenStreamRead() )
				using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _TableFileName.Create() )
					using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = new System.IO.BinaryWriter( S ) )
						for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ ) {
							float2	SumSpecularlyReflected = float2.Zero;
							for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ ) {
								Temp.x = R.ReadSingle();
								Temp.y = R.ReadSingle();
								W.Write( Temp.x );
								W.Write( Temp.y );

								SumSpecularlyReflected.x += Temp.x;
								SumSpecularlyReflected.y += Temp.y;

								// Check analytical solution
								float	NdotV = (float) X / (_TableSize-1);
								float	roughness = (float) Y / (_TableSize-1);
								AnalyticalBRDFIntegral_Order3( NdotV, roughness, out F0_analytical, out ambient_analytical );
//								AnalyticalBRDFIntegral_Order2( NdotV, roughness, out F0_analytical, out ambient_analytical );

								float	absoluteError_F0 = Math.Abs( F0_analytical - Temp.x );
								float	relativeError_F0 = F0_analytical > 1e-6f ? Temp.x / F0_analytical : 0.0f;
								maxAbsoluteError_F0 = Math.Max( maxAbsoluteError_F0, absoluteError_F0 );
								maxRelativeError_F0 = Math.Max( maxRelativeError_F0, relativeError_F0 );
								avgAbsoluteError_F0 += absoluteError_F0;
								avgRelativeError_F0 += relativeError_F0;

								float	absoluteError_ambient = Math.Abs( ambient_analytical - Temp.y );
								float	relativeError_ambient = ambient_analytical > 1e-6f ? Temp.x / ambient_analytical : 0.0f;
								maxAbsoluteError_ambient = Math.Max( maxAbsoluteError_ambient, absoluteError_ambient );
								maxRelativeError_ambient = Math.Max( maxRelativeError_ambient, relativeError_ambient );
								avgAbsoluteError_ambient += absoluteError_ambient;
								avgRelativeError_ambient += relativeError_ambient;

							// Normalize and store "not specularly reflected" light
							SumSpecularlyReflected = SumSpecularlyReflected / _TableSize;

							float	sum_dielectric = 1.0f - (0.04f * SumSpecularlyReflected.x + SumSpecularlyReflected.y);
							float	sum_metallic = 1.0f - (SumSpecularlyReflected.x + SumSpecularlyReflected.y);

							Integral_SpecularReflectance[Y] = SumSpecularlyReflected;
			TexTableStaging.UnMap( 0, 0 );

			avgAbsoluteError_F0 /= _TableSize*_TableSize;
			avgRelativeError_F0 /= _TableSize*_TableSize;
			avgAbsoluteError_ambient /= _TableSize*_TableSize;
			avgRelativeError_ambient /= _TableSize*_TableSize;

			string	TotalSpecularReflectionTableFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _TableFileName.FullName ) + ".table";
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = new System.IO.FileInfo( TotalSpecularReflectionTableFileName ).Create() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = new System.IO.BinaryWriter( S ) )
					for ( int i=0; i < _TableSize; i++ ) {
						W.Write( Integral_SpecularReflectance[i].x );
						W.Write( Integral_SpecularReflectance[i].y );
예제 #6
		void	ComputeBRDFIntegral( System.IO.FileInfo _TableFileName0, System.IO.FileInfo _TableFileName1, int _TableSize ) {

			const int		SAMPLES_COUNT_THETA = 128;

			const double	dTheta = 0.5 * Math.PI / SAMPLES_COUNT_THETA;
			const double	dPhi = 2.0 * Math.PI / SAMPLES_COUNT_PHI;

			double[,]		Table0 = new double[_TableSize,_TableSize];
			double[,]		Table1 = new double[_TableSize,_TableSize];

// float	Theta = 0.5 * _UV.x * PI;
// float3	ToLight = float3( sin( Theta ), 0, cos( Theta ) );
// float3	ToView = float3( -sin( Theta ), 0, cos( Theta ) );
// float	Albedo = 0.0;
// const int	THETA_COUNT = 64; // * $alwaysOne; // warning X4008: floating point division by zero
// const float	dTheta = HALFPI / THETA_COUNT;
// const float	dPhi = TWOPI / THETA_COUNT;
// for ( int i=0; i < THETA_COUNT; i++ )
// {
// 	Theta = HALFPI * (0.5 + i) / THETA_COUNT;
// 	for ( int j=0; j < THETA_COUNT; j++ )
// 	{
// 		float	Phi = PI * j / THETA_COUNT;
// 		ToView = float3( sin( Theta ) * cos( Phi ), sin( Theta ) * sin( Phi ), cos( Theta ) );
// 		float3	Half = normalize( ToLight + ToView );
// 		// "True" and expensive evaluation of the Ward BRDF
// 		float	alpha = Roughness;
// 		float	CosDelta = Half.z;	// dot( Half, _wsNormal );
// 		float	delta = acos( CosDelta );
// 		float	CosThetaL = ToLight.z;
// 		float	SinThetaL = sqrt( 1.0 - CosThetaL*CosThetaL );
// 		float	PhiL = atan2( ToLight.y, ToLight.x );
// 		float	CosThetaV = ToView.z;
// 		float	SinThetaV = sqrt( 1.0 - CosThetaV*CosThetaV );
// 		float	PhiV = atan2( ToView.y, ToView.x );
// 		float	BRDF = 1.0 / square(alpha) * exp( -square( tan( delta ) / alpha ) ) * 2.0 * (1.0 + CosThetaL*CosThetaV + SinThetaL*SinThetaV*cos( PhiV - PhiL )) / pow4( CosThetaL + CosThetaV );
// 		Albedo += BRDF * cos( Theta ) * sin( Theta ) * dTheta * dPhi;
// 	}
// }
// Albedo *= INVPI;	// Since we forgot that in the main loop

			float3	View = new float3();
			float3	Light = new float3();
			for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ ) {
				float	Roughness = Math.Max( 0.01f, (float) Y / (_TableSize-1) );
				float	r2 = Roughness*Roughness;

				for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ ) {
//					double	CosThetaV = (double) (1+X) / _TableSize;
//					double	SinThetaV = Math.Sqrt( 1.0 - CosThetaV*CosThetaV );

					double	ThetaV = 0.5 * Math.PI * X / _TableSize;
					double	CosThetaV = Math.Cos( ThetaV );
					double	SinThetaV = Math.Sin( ThetaV );
					View.x = (float) SinThetaV;
					View.y = (float) CosThetaV;
					View.z = 0.0f;

					double	SumA = 0.0;
					double	SumB = 0.0;
					for ( int Theta=0; Theta < SAMPLES_COUNT_THETA; Theta++ ) {
						double	fTheta = 0.5 * Math.PI * (0.5 + Theta) / SAMPLES_COUNT_THETA;
						double	CosThetaL = Math.Cos( fTheta );
						double	SinThetaL = Math.Sin( fTheta );

						// Compute solid angle
						double	SolidAngle = SinThetaL * dTheta * dPhi;
						double	ProjectedSolidAngle = CosThetaL * SolidAngle;	// (N.L) sin(Theta).dTheta.dPhi

						for ( int Phi=0; Phi < SAMPLES_COUNT_PHI; Phi++ ) {
							double	fPhi = Math.PI * Phi / SAMPLES_COUNT_PHI;
							double	CosPhiLight = Math.Cos( fPhi );
							double	SinPhiLight = Math.Sin( fPhi );

							Light.x = (float) (SinPhiLight * SinThetaL);
							Light.y = (float) CosThetaL;
							Light.z = (float) (CosPhiLight * SinThetaL);

// 							// Transform into "reflected-view-centered space"
// 							Light = Light.x * OrthoX + Light.y * ReflectedView + Light.z * OrthoZ;
// 							if ( Light.y < 0.0f )
// 								continue;
// 							ProjectedSolidAngle = dPhi * dTheta * Light.y * Math.Sqrt( 1.0 - Light.y*Light.y );

 							float3	H_unorm = View + Light;
 							float3	H = H_unorm.Normalized;

// 							// Compute normal distribution function
// 							float	H_unorm_dot_N = H_unorm.y;
// 							float	H_unorm_dot_N2 = H_unorm_dot_N * H_unorm_dot_N;
// 							float	H_unorm_dot_N4 = H_unorm_dot_N2 * H_unorm_dot_N2;
// 							double	BRDF = Math.Exp( -(H_unorm.x*H_unorm.x + H_unorm.z*H_unorm.z) / (r2 * H_unorm_dot_N2) ) * H_unorm.Dot( H_unorm ) / H_unorm_dot_N4;

							// Expensive Ward
							double	PhiL = Math.Atan2( Light.z, Light.x );
							double	PhiV = Math.Atan2( View.z, View.x );
							double	tanDelta = Math.Tan( Math.Acos( H.y ) );
							double	BRDF = Math.Exp( -tanDelta*tanDelta / r2 ) * 2.0 * (1.0 + CosThetaL*CosThetaV + SinThetaL*SinThetaV*Math.Cos( PhiV - PhiL )) / Math.Pow( CosThetaL + CosThetaV, 4.0 );

// Try with Unreal's GGX & Smith G term to see if we get the same thing
// double	alpha = r2;
// double	alpha2 = alpha*alpha;
// double	D = alpha2 / (Math.PI * Math.Pow( HoN2*(alpha2 - 1.0) + 1.0, 2.0 ));
// double	k = (Roughness + 1)*(Roughness + 1) / 8.0;
// 		HoN = H_norm.y;
// double	HoL = H_norm.Dot( Light );
// double	HoV = H_norm.Dot( View );
// double	Gl = HoL / (HoL * (1-k) + k);
// double	Gv = HoV / (HoV * (1-k) + k);
// double	G = Gl * Gv;
// double	BRDF = D * G / (4.0 * Light.y * View.y);
// //double	BRDF = D * G * H_norm.Dot( View ) / Math.Max( 1e-6, HoN * View.y);

// Expensive Ward with angles
// double	PhiL = Math.Atan2( Light.z, Light.x );
// double	PhiV = 0.0;//Math.Atan2( View.z, View.x );
// double	tanDelta = Math.Tan( Math.Acos( H_norm.y ) );
// double	BRDF = Math.Exp( -tanDelta*tanDelta / r2 ) * 2.0 * (1.0 + CosThetaLight*CosThetaView + SinThetaLight*SinThetaView*Math.Cos( PhiV - PhiL )) / Math.Pow( CosThetaLight + CosThetaView, 4.0 );
// SumA += BRDF * ProjectedSolidAngle;
// SumB += BRDF * ProjectedSolidAngle;

							// Compute Fresnel terms
							double	VoH = View.x * H.x + View.y * H.y;
							double	Schlick = 1.0 - VoH;
							double	Schlick5 = Schlick * Schlick;
									Schlick5 *= Schlick5 * Schlick;

							double	FresnelA = 1.0 - Schlick5;
							double	FresnelB = Schlick5;

//FresnelA = FresnelB = 1.0;

							SumA += FresnelA * BRDF * ProjectedSolidAngle;
							SumB += FresnelB * BRDF * ProjectedSolidAngle;

					SumA /= Math.PI * r2;
					SumB /= Math.PI * r2;

// 					// For few samples, the sum goes over 1 because we have poor solid angle sampling resolution...
// 					SumA = Math.Min( 1.0, SumA );
// 					SumB = Math.Min( 1.0, SumB );

					Table0[X,Y] = SumA;
					Table1[X,Y] = SumB;

			// Write table 0
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _TableFileName0.Create() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = new System.IO.BinaryWriter( S ) )
					for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ ) {
						for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ )
							W.Write( Table0[X,Y] );

			// Write table 1
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _TableFileName1.Create() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = new System.IO.BinaryWriter( S ) )
					for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ ) {
						for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ )
							W.Write( Table1[X,Y] );
예제 #7
		void	ComputeBRDFIntegralImportanceSampling( System.IO.FileInfo _TableFileName0, System.IO.FileInfo _TableFileName1, int _TableSize ) {

			const int		SAMPLES_COUNT = 1024;

			double[,]		Table0 = new double[_TableSize,_TableSize];
			double[,]		Table1 = new double[_TableSize,_TableSize];

			WMath.Hammersley	QRNG = new WMath.Hammersley();
			double[,]			Sequence = QRNG.BuildSequence( SAMPLES_COUNT, 2 );

			float3	View = new float3();
			float3	Light = new float3();
			float3	Half = new float3();
			for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ ) {
				double	Roughness = Math.Max( 0.01f, (float) Y / (_TableSize-1) );

//Roughness = Math.Pow( 1.0 - Roughness, 4.0 );

				double	r2 = Roughness*Roughness;

				for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ ) {
					float	CosThetaView = (float) (1+X) / _TableSize;
					float	SinThetaView = (float) Math.Sqrt( 1.0f - CosThetaView*CosThetaView );
					View.x = SinThetaView;
					View.y = CosThetaView;
					View.z = 0.0f;

					double	SumA = 0.0;
					double	SumB = 0.0;
					for ( int SampleIndex=0; SampleIndex < SAMPLES_COUNT; SampleIndex++ ) {

						double	X0 = Sequence[SampleIndex,0];
						double	X1 = Sequence[SampleIndex,1];

						double	PhiH = 2.0 * Math.PI * X0;

						// WARD
						double	ThetaH = Math.Atan( -r2 * Math.Log( 1.0 - X1 ) );
						double	CosThetaH = Math.Cos( ThetaH );
						double	SinThetaH = Math.Sin( ThetaH );

// 						// GGX
// 						double	a = r2;
// 						double	CosThetaH = Math.Sqrt( (1.0 - X1) / (1.0 + (a*a - 1.0) * X1 ) );
// 						double	SinThetaH = Math.Sqrt( 1.0f - CosThetaH * CosThetaH );

						double	CosPhiH = Math.Cos( PhiH );
						double	SinPhiH = Math.Sin( PhiH );

						Half.x = (float) (SinPhiH * SinThetaH);
						Half.y = (float) CosThetaH;
						Half.z = (float) (CosPhiH * SinThetaH);

 						Light = 2.0f * View.Dot( Half ) * Half - View;	// Light is on the other size of the Half vector...

// Intuitively, we should have the same result if we sampled around the reflected view direction
// 						float3	ReflectedView = 2.0f * View.Dot( float3.UnitY ) * float3.UnitY - View;
// 						float3	OrthoY = ReflectedView.Cross( float3.UnitZ ).Normalized;
// 						float3	OrthoX = float3.UnitZ;
//  						Light = Half.x * OrthoX + Half.y * ReflectedView + Half.z * OrthoY;
// 						Half = (View + Light).Normalized;

						if ( Light.y <= 0 )

						double	HoN = Half.y;
						double	HoN2 = HoN*HoN;
						double	HoV = Half.Dot( View );
//						float	HoV = Half.x * View.x + Half.y * View.y;	// We know that Z=0 here...
						double	HoL = Half.Dot( Light );
						double	NoL = Light.y;
						double	NoV = View.y;

 						// Apply sampling weight for correct distribution
 						double	SampleWeight = 2.0 / (1.0 + View.y / Light.y);
 						double	BRDF = SampleWeight;

// Try with Unreal's GGX & Smith G term to see if we get the same thing
// 	// GGX NDF
// // double	alpha = r2;
// // double	alpha2 = alpha*alpha;
// // double	D = alpha2 / (Math.PI * Math.Pow( HoN2*(alpha2 - 1.0) + 1.0, 2.0 ));
// 	// Smith masking/shadowing
// double	k = (Roughness + 1)*(Roughness + 1) / 8.0;
// double	Gl = NoL / (NoL * (1-k) + k);
// double	Gv = NoV / (NoV * (1-k) + k);
// double	G = Gl * Gv;
// //double	BRDF = G / (4.0 * View.y);
// //double	BRDF = G * HoV / (HoN * NoV);
// double	BRDF = NoL * GSmith( Roughness, NoV, NoL ) * 4.0f * HoV / HoN;

						// Compute Fresnel terms
						double	Schlick = 1.0 - HoV;
						double	Schlick5 = Schlick * Schlick;
								Schlick5 *= Schlick5 * Schlick;

						double	FresnelA = 1.0f - Schlick5;
						double	FresnelB = Schlick5;

//FresnelA = FresnelB = 1.0;

						SumA += FresnelA * BRDF;
						SumB += FresnelB * BRDF;

// 					SumA *= 1.0 / (SAMPLES_COUNT * Math.PI * r2);
// 					SumB *= 1.0 / (SAMPLES_COUNT * Math.PI * r2);


					// For few samples, the sum goes over 1 because we have poor solid angle sampling resolution...
// 					SumA = Math.Min( 1.0, SumA );
// 					SumB = Math.Min( 1.0, SumB );

					Table0[X,Y] = SumA;
					Table1[X,Y] = SumB;

			// Write table 0
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _TableFileName0.Create() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = new System.IO.BinaryWriter( S ) )
					for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ ) {
						for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ )
							W.Write( Table0[X,Y] );

			// Write table 1
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _TableFileName1.Create() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = new System.IO.BinaryWriter( S ) )
					for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ ) {
						for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ )
							W.Write( Table1[X,Y] );
예제 #8
        private bool FileCreate(System.IO.FileInfo cFileInfo)
            bool bCreateFile = false;
            if (!cFileInfo.Exists)

                    System.IO.FileStream fstr = cFileInfo.Create();
                catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    if (CreatePath(cFileInfo.DirectoryName))
                        goto reFileCreate;

                catch (Exception ex)
            return bCreateFile;
예제 #9
    private void CreateDirectory(System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir)
        if (!dir.Parent.Exists)

        public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool> Save(string mail, string password, System.IO.DirectoryInfo imgDir)
            return System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    var args = new SavingSettingEventArgs(mail, password, imgDir);
                    if (args.Cancel)
                        return false;

                    GPlusImageDownloader.Properties.Settings.Default.EmailAddress = mail;
                    GPlusImageDownloader.Properties.Settings.Default.Password = password;
                    GPlusImageDownloader.Properties.Settings.Default.ImageSaveDirectory = imgDir.FullName;
                    EmailAddress = mail;
                    Password = password;
                    ImageSaveDirectory = imgDir;

                    if (!imgDir.Exists)
                            IsErrorNotFoundImageSaveDirectory = false;
                        catch { IsErrorNotFoundImageSaveDirectory = true; }
                        IsErrorNotFoundImageSaveDirectory = false;

                    OnSavedSetting(new EventArgs());
                    return true;
예제 #11
		public void	Save( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName, FORMAT_FLAGS _Parms, FormatEncoderOptions _Options )
			FILE_TYPE	FileType = GetFileType( _FileName );
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _FileName.Create() )
				Save( S, FileType, _Parms, _Options );