static void btn_Click(object sender, Game.GUI.Controls.EventArgs e) { all_items.RemoveAll(el => !el.Item1.IsAlive); var seri = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var query = all_items.Select(el => el.Item2).GroupBy(el => el).Select(el => new { stack = el.Key, count = el.Count() }).OrderByDescending(el => el.count); var txt = seri.Serialize(query); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("D:\\Temp\\Stacks.txt", txt); var query2 = all_items.GroupBy(el => el.Item1.Target.ItemID).OrderByDescending(group=>group.Count()).Select(group => { var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>(); var regrouped = group.GroupBy(el2 => el2.Item1.Target.MaterialID); if (regrouped.Count() > 1) { dict.Add("total", group.Count()); } foreach (var el in regrouped) { dict.Add(((Material)el.Key).ToString(), el.Count()); } return Tuple.Create(group.Key.ToString(), new SerializableDataBag<int>(dict)); }).ToBag(); using (var file = System.IO.File.OpenWrite("D:\\Temp\\Types.txt")) { JSON.ToJSON(query2, file, typeof(SerializableDataBag<int>)); } //var txt2 = seri.Serialize(query2); //System.IO.File.WriteAllText("D:\\Temp\\Types.txt", txt2); }
public void DeleteFiles(string jlist) { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); List<string> list = serializer.Deserialize<List<string>>(jlist); List<string> archives = new List<string>(); foreach (string path in list) { FileAttributes attr = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(path); if ((attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); //delete folder and all subdirectories // return RedirectToAction("Repository", "Repository"); } } else { if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { string previousVirtualPath = UtilityOperations.GetVirtualPath(path);//.Replace("~/", "~//"); DocumentsOperations documentsOperations = new DocumentsOperations(); documentsOperations.DeleteFile(previousVirtualPath); System.IO.File.Delete(path); // return RedirectToAction("Repository", "Repository"); } } } //return View(); }
internal SubscriberInformation GetMemberInformation(string memberId) { HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(apiUri + "/MemberInformation/GetMemberInformation?memberId=" + memberId); req.ContentType = "application/json"; req.Method = "Get"; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); String output = RespsoneToString(resp); try { if (output == "null" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) { return null; } else { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jser = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); object obj = jser.Deserialize(output, typeof(SubscriberInformation)); SubscriberInformation result = (SubscriberInformation)obj; return result; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void UploadFileAjax() { HttpRequest request = this.Context.Request; HttpPostedFile file = request.Files["file"]; //Save the file appropriately. //file.SaveAs(...); string msg = "File Name: " + file.FileName; msg += "<br />First Name: " + request["first-name"]; msg += "<br />Country: " + request["country_Value"]; var o = new { success = true, msg = msg }; var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); HttpContext context = this.Context; HttpResponse response = context.Response; context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; string s = serializer.Serialize(o); byte[] b = response.ContentEncoding.GetBytes(s); response.AddHeader("Content-Length", b.Length.ToString()); response.BinaryWrite(b); try { this.Context.Response.Flush(); this.Context.Response.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } }
public async override Task<ActionResult> IndexAsync(AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl authorizationCode, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorizationCode.Code)) { var errorResponse = new TokenErrorResponse(authorizationCode); Logger.Info("Received an error. The response is: {0}", errorResponse); return OnTokenError(errorResponse); } Logger.Debug("Received \"{0}\" code", authorizationCode.Code); var returnUrl = Request.Url.ToString(); returnUrl = returnUrl.Substring(0, returnUrl.IndexOf("?")); var token = await Flow.ExchangeCodeForTokenAsync(UserId, authorizationCode.Code, returnUrl, taskCancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // Extract the right state. var oauthState = await AuthWebUtility.ExtracRedirectFromState(Flow.DataStore, UserId, authorizationCode.State).ConfigureAwait(false); string json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(token); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("D://json.txt", json); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); //TODO: Move to Home/Connect //ToDO: move to Home/Upload //TODO: Load from Disk }
public string Query(string ip) { string value; if (Cache.TryGetValue(ip, out value)) return value; var client = new WebClient(); var json = client.DownloadString("" + ip + "&key=RIG8UhzkrSKmy7G1P55QdivGTvrbgJ+13thnE8mjzbo="); try { dynamic res = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<dynamic>(json); var country = res["GetCountryISOCodeResult"] as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country)) { if (1 == country.Length) country += "-"; value = country.ToLower(); Cache[ip] = value; return value; } return null; } catch(Exception ex) { // eat it! return null; } }
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) { base.OnActionExecuted(filterContext); string _isMobileCheckParams = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Params["isMobile"]; string _userAgent = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UserAgent; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_isMobileCheckParams) || !_isMobileCheckParams.ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { if (!(IsAppleDevice(_userAgent) || IsAndroidDevice(_userAgent))) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RedirectUrl)) { //throw new Exception("Mobile only!!"); var _errorMessage = new string[] { "mobile only", filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri }; string _model = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(_errorMessage); filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult( new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary { { "controller", "Error" }, { "model", _model } } ); } else { filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Redirect(RedirectUrl); } } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //就是将所有的User中的信息添加到主表中 Id, LoginName, Password, Phone, Email, UserState List<shaoqi.Model.Comment> list = comBll.GetModelList(" "); List<shaoqi.Model.CommentTwo> listTwo = new List<shaoqi.Model.CommentTwo>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { shaoqi.Model.CommentTwo model = new shaoqi.Model.CommentTwo(); model.Id = list[i].Id; model.CommentContext = list[i].ComContent; model.UserName = list[i].UserId.LoginName; model.CartoonName = list[i].CartoonId.CartoonName; model.AddTime = list[i].AddTime; listTwo.Add(model); } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); //还要查出有多少条记录 string sqlc = "select count(*) from Comment"; int count = comBll.GetinfoCount(sqlc); var info = new { total = count, rows = listTwo }; string allinfo = json.Serialize(info); context.Response.Write(allinfo); }
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Upload() { // Check if the request contains multipart/form-data. if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType); } string root = "C:\\Users\\Hà\\Desktop\\upload";// HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"); var provider = new CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider(root); var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); try { // Read the form data. await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider); // This illustrates how to get the file names. foreach (MultipartFileData file in provider.FileData) { Trace.WriteLine(file.Headers.ContentDisposition.Size.ToString()); Trace.WriteLine(file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName); Trace.WriteLine("Server file path: " + file.LocalFileName); //var result = new { name = file.LocalFileName }; //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(serializer.Serialize(result)); } return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); } catch (System.Exception e) { return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor: set members /// </summary> public DragDropPayload(Constants.operations operation, string name, string guid) { _operation = operation; RpcName = name; RpcGuid = guid; _jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); }
public object Deconstruct(string jsonObject) { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); DragDropPayload ret = new DragDropPayload(); ret = jss.Deserialize<DragDropPayload>(jsonObject); return ret; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { NFMT.Common.ResultModel result = new NFMT.Common.ResultModel(); try { NFMT.Common.UserModel user = Utility.UserUtility.CurrentUser; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string empStr = context.Request.Form["Employee"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(empStr)) { context.Response.Write("员工信息不能为空"); context.Response.End(); } string accountStr = context.Request.Form["account"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(empStr)) { context.Response.Write("员工账号密码信息不能为空"); context.Response.End(); } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); NFMT.User.Model.Employee emp = serializer.Deserialize<NFMT.User.Model.Employee>(empStr); NFMT.User.Model.Account account = serializer.Deserialize<NFMT.User.Model.Account>(accountStr); if (emp.DeptId <= 0) { context.Response.Write("未选择部门"); context.Response.End(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.EmpCode)) { context.Response.Write("未填写员工编号"); context.Response.End(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.Name)) { context.Response.Write("员工名称不能为空"); context.Response.End(); } NFMT.User.BLL.EmployeeBLL empBLL = new NFMT.User.BLL.EmployeeBLL(); result = empBLL.CreateHandler(user, emp, account); if (result.ResultStatus == 0) result.Message = "员工新增成功"; } catch (Exception e) { result.Message = e.Message; result.ResultStatus = -1; } context.Response.Write(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { NFMT.Common.ResultModel result = new NFMT.Common.ResultModel(); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; NFMT.Common.UserModel user = Utility.UserUtility.CurrentUser; string orderStr = context.Request.Form["order"]; string orderStockInvoiceStr = context.Request.Form["orderStockInvoice"]; string orderDetailStr = context.Request.Form["orderDetail"]; System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrder order = serializer.Deserialize<NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrder>(orderStr); List<NFMT.Document.Model.OrderReplaceStock> stockInvoices = serializer.Deserialize<List<NFMT.Document.Model.OrderReplaceStock>>(orderStockInvoiceStr); NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrderDetail detail = serializer.Deserialize<NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrderDetail>(orderDetailStr); NFMT.Document.BLL.DocumentOrderBLL bll = new NFMT.Document.BLL.DocumentOrderBLL(); result = bll.UpdateReplaceOrder(user, order, stockInvoices, detail); if (result.ResultStatus == 0) result.Message = "制单指令修改成功"; string jsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); context.Response.Write(jsonStr); }
public static string getSLDuAn_DaDauTu( List<EntityDuAn> duan) { string[] mang = new string[] { "#FF99CC", "#CC99CC", "#9999CC", "#6699CC", "#0099CC", "#FF66CC", "#CC99CC", "#6699CC", "#0099CC", "#3366CC", "#00EE00", "#008800", "#002200", "#000044", "#DDC488", "#ECAB53", "#008080", "#FFCC99", "#FFD700", "#9932CC", "#8A2BE2", "#C71585", "#800080", "#FFBF00", "#9966CC", "#7FFFD4", "#007FFF", "#3D2B1F", " #0000FF", "#DE3163", "#7FFF00", "#50C878", "#DF73FF", "#4B0082", "#FFFF00", "#008080", "#660099", "#FFE5B4" }; dbFirstStepDataContext db = new dbFirstStepDataContext(); List<BanDoModel> list = new List<BanDoModel> (); var danhmuc = db.EntityDanhMucs.Where(g => g.IdRoot ==1).ToList(); Random rd = new Random(); int vt = rd.Next(mang.Count()-danhmuc.Count()); int i = -1; foreach(var item in danhmuc) { i++; BanDoModel bando = new BanDoModel (); int sl = duan == null ? 0 : duan.Where(g => g.IdDanhMuc == item.Id).ToList().Count(); bando.value = 1; if (sl > 0) { bando.color = mang[vt+i]; } else bando.color = "#f5f5f5"; // bando.color = sl > 0 ? "#14c3be" : "#f5f5f5"; bando.highlight = "#FF5A5E"; bando.label = item.TenDM.ToString()+"("+sl+")"; list.Add(bando); } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer oSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); string sJSON = oSerializer.Serialize(list); return sJSON; }
public void Delete(string uri, string endpoint) { JObject responseObject = null; IdentityManager identityManager = new IdentityManager(this._identity); var authData = identityManager.GetAuthData(endpoint); string requestUrl = authData.Endpoint + uri; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUrl); request.Method = "DELETE"; request.Headers.Add("X-Auth-Token", authData.AuthToken); request.ContentType = "application/json"; System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer oSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); HttpStatusCode statusCode; HttpWebResponse response; try { response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); } catch (WebException ex) { response = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response; } statusCode = response.StatusCode; if (statusCode.Equals(HttpStatusCode.OK)) { } }
private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); string JSON = serializer.Serialize(new ReplayJSON(fileDlg.FileName)); txtBoxJSON.Text = JSON; }
/// <summary> /// Assign RFQ VVI to Supplier /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// public ActionResult AssignSupplier() { SystemMessages sysMsg = new SystemMessages(); int id = 0; string postData = Request["postData"]; System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary<string, object> jsonData = jss.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(postData) as Dictionary<string, object>; Dictionary<string, object> data = jsonData["data"] as Dictionary<string, object>; string dataId = Convert.ToString(jsonData["dataId"]); string operation = Convert.ToString(jsonData["operation"]); string suppliercode = Convert.ToString(jsonData["SupplierCode"]); List<FieldCategory> lfc = FieldCategory.GetCategorys(FieldCategory.Category_TYPE_VVI); Int32.TryParse(dataId, out id); using (TScope ts = new TScope()) { try { VVIQuotationDetail dm = new VVIQuotationDetail(lfc, data); if (id > 0) { dm.AssignVVIData(id, suppliercode, sysMsg); } else { sysMsg.isPass = false; sysMsg.Messages.Add("Error", "Please select a RFQ "); } } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); sysMsg.isPass = false; sysMsg.Messages.Add("Error", ex.Message); } } string html = ""; string wfStatus = ""; VVIQuotationDetail b2Detail = new VVIQuotationDetail(); // List<FieldCategory> lfc = FieldCategory.GetMasterCategorys(FieldCategory.Category_TYPE_VVI); b2Detail.FillCategoryData(lfc, id); WFTemplate wfTemplate = new WFTemplate("VVIWF", id); html = DetailUIHelper.GenrateCategories(lfc, wfTemplate); wfStatus = wfTemplate.Status == WorkflowStatus.Finished ? "Finished" : ""; var returnData = new { DataId = id, SysMsg = sysMsg, Html = html, wfStatus = wfStatus }; return Json(returnData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
private string GetArtist() { var response = new JsonResponseMessage(); var jSearializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); try { List<Artist> results; using (var ormContext = new ChinookContext()) { results = ormContext.Artists.ToList(); } // var results = this.contexts1.Artists.ToList(); response.IsSucess = true; response.Message = string.Empty; response.CallBack = this.callBackMethodName; response.ResponseData = results; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; response.IsSucess = false; } return jSearializer.Serialize(response); }
public string getAllUsersJson() { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); jsSerializer.MaxJsonLength = 5000000; String json = jsSerializer.Serialize(listUsuario()); return json; }
public void ThenISeePrimaryapplication_Metainfo_NameContains(string expectedname) { var dict = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, dynamic>>( _theResponse); int count = dict["recordCount"]; if (count == 1) { _name = dict["records"][0]["primaryApplication"]["metaInfo"]["name"]; } else { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= count - 1; i++) { if (dict["records"][i]["primaryApplication"]["metaInfo"]["name"] == expectedname) { _name = dict["records"][i]["primaryApplication"]["metaInfo"]["name"]; break; } } } Assert.AreEqual(expectedname, _name); }
public IEnumerable<IMessage> GetMessages() { var xml = "<Messages>" + MessagesScriptAsXml + "</Messages>"; var xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(xml); var messages = new List<IMessage>(); foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { var type = node.Attributes["type"].Value; var messageType = node.Attributes["messageType"].Value; var serializedMessage = node.InnerXml; var actualType = Type.GetType(type); var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var message = serializer.Deserialize(serializedMessage, actualType) as IMessage; messages.Add(message); } return messages; }
public async Task attemptLogIn() { if (username == "Username" || password == "1234567") { return; } Dictionary<String, String> attrs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); attrs["password"] = password; attrs["username"] = username; string api_sig = signMethod("auth.getMobileSession", attrs); string requestURL = ""******"&password="******"&api_key=" + API_KEY + "&api_sig=" + api_sig + "&format=json"; string auth_response = await fetchURL(requestURL); if (auth_response == "") { user_key = null; return; } AuthenticationResponse auth = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<AuthenticationResponse>(auth_response); user_key = auth.session.key; return; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //就是将所有的User中的信息添加到主表中 Id, LoginName, Password, Phone, Email, UserState List<shaoqi.Model.Announce> list = annBll.GetModelList(" "); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].AnnContent.Length > 200) { list[i].AnnContent = list[i].AnnContent.Substring(0, 200); } list[i].adminName = adminBll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(list[i].AdminId)).LoginName; } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); //还要查出有多少条记录 string sqlc = "select count(*) from Announce"; int count = annBll.GetinfoCount(sqlc); var info = new { total = count, rows = list }; string allinfo = json.Serialize(info); context.Response.Write(allinfo); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { NFMT.Common.ResultModel result = new NFMT.Common.ResultModel(); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; NFMT.Common.UserModel user = Utility.UserUtility.CurrentUser; string documentStr = context.Request.Form["document"]; string docStocksStr = context.Request.Form["docStocks"]; string isSubmitAuditStr = context.Request.Form["IsSubmitAudit"]; System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); NFMT.Document.Model.Document document = serializer.Deserialize<NFMT.Document.Model.Document>(documentStr); List<NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentStock> docStocks = serializer.Deserialize<List<NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentStock>>(docStocksStr); bool isSubmitAudit = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isSubmitAuditStr) || !bool.TryParse(isSubmitAuditStr, out isSubmitAudit)) isSubmitAudit = false; NFMT.Document.BLL.DocumentBLL bll = new NFMT.Document.BLL.DocumentBLL(); result = bll.Create(user, document, docStocks, isSubmitAudit); if (result.ResultStatus == 0) result.Message = "制单新增成功"; string jsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); context.Response.Write(jsonStr); }
private static Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>> Parse(string jsonString) { if (jsonString == null || jsonString == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentNullException("jsonString"); Dictionary<string, ArrayList> jsonContent = null; try { jsonContent = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, ArrayList>>(jsonString); } catch { throw new InvalidCastException("jsonString"); } Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>> result = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ArrayList> arrayElement in jsonContent) { List<Dictionary<string, object>> temp = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>(); foreach (object obj in arrayElement.Value) { temp.Add((Dictionary<string, object>)(obj)); } result.Add(arrayElement.Key, temp); } return result; }
public string ConvertDataTabletoString(string bib) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=ittitudeworks;User ID=rakesh123; Password=Rakesh@123; Trusted_Connection=False")) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from all_triathlon_timing where BIBNumber='" + bib.ToString() + "'", con)) { con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); List<Dictionary<string, object>> rows = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>(); Dictionary<string, object> row; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { row = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { row.Add(col.ColumnName, dr[col]); } rows.Add(row); } return serializer.Serialize(rows); } } }
public ActionResult Payment(int id) { var model = new Models.Peyment(); using (var db = new DataAccess.PeymentContext()) { var entity = db.Orders.Find(id); if (entity == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", null); } model.Total = entity.Total; model.OrderId = entity.Id; callback_url = string.Format(callback_url, model.OrderId, entity.Secret); callback_url = Uri.EscapeDataString(callback_url); BaseUrl = string.Format(BaseUrl, xpub, callback_url, key); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(BaseUrl); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream resStream = response.GetResponseStream(); var value = new StreamReader(resStream).ReadToEnd(); Models.Response res = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Models.Response>(value); model.Adderess = res.address; } return View(model); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { NFMT.Common.ResultModel result = new NFMT.Common.ResultModel(); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; NFMT.Common.UserModel user = Utility.UserUtility.CurrentUser; string orderStr = context.Request.Form["order"]; string orderStockInvoiceStr = context.Request.Form["orderStockInvoice"]; string orderDetailStr = context.Request.Form["orderDetail"]; string isSubmitAuditStr = context.Request.Form["IsSubmitAudit"]; System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrder order = serializer.Deserialize<NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrder>(orderStr); List<NFMT.Document.Model.OrderStockInvoice> stockInvoices = serializer.Deserialize<List<NFMT.Document.Model.OrderStockInvoice>>(orderStockInvoiceStr); NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrderDetail detail = serializer.Deserialize<NFMT.Document.Model.DocumentOrderDetail>(orderDetailStr); bool isSubmitAudit = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isSubmitAuditStr) || !bool.TryParse(isSubmitAuditStr, out isSubmitAudit)) isSubmitAudit = false; NFMT.Document.BLL.DocumentOrderBLL bll = new NFMT.Document.BLL.DocumentOrderBLL(); result = bll.Create(user, order, stockInvoices, detail, isSubmitAudit); if (result.ResultStatus == 0) result.Message = "制单指令新增成功"; string jsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); context.Response.Write(jsonStr); }
//public HttpResponseMessage<JsonPReturn> Get(int id, string callback) // Changed for Web Api RC // GET /api/values/5 public string Get() { var _response = new JsonResponseMessage(); var jSearializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); _response.IsSucess = true; _response.Message = string.Empty; _response.CallBack = string.Empty; _response.ResponseData = "This is a test"; //context.Response.Write(jSearializer.Serialize(_response)); // return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, "{'id':'" + id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "','data':'Hello JSONP'}"); //var ret = // new HttpResponseMessage<JsonPReturn>( // new JsonPReturn // { // CallbackName = callback, // Json = "{'id':'" + id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "','data':'Hello JSONP'}" // }); //ret.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/javascript"); //return ret; return jSearializer.Serialize(_response); }
static To2LetterCountryCodeConverter() { var jsSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); allCountries = jsSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >("{'BGD': 'BD', 'BEL': 'BE', 'BFA': 'BF', 'BGR': 'BG', 'BIH': 'BA', 'BRB': 'BB', 'WLF': 'WF', 'BLM': 'BL', 'BMU': 'BM', 'BRN': 'BN', 'BOL': 'BO', 'BHR': 'BH', 'BDI': 'BI', 'BEN': 'BJ', 'BTN': 'BT', 'JAM': 'JM', 'BVT': 'BV', 'BWA': 'BW', 'WSM': 'WS', 'BES': 'BQ', 'BRA': 'BR', 'BHS': 'BS', 'JEY': 'JE', 'BLR': 'BY', 'BLZ': 'BZ', 'RUS': 'RU', 'RWA': 'RW', 'SRB': 'RS', 'TLS': 'TL', 'REU': 'RE', 'TKM': 'TM', 'TJK': 'TJ', 'ROU': 'RO', 'TKL': 'TK', 'GNB': 'GW', 'GUM': 'GU', 'GTM': 'GT', 'SGS': 'GS', 'GRC': 'GR', 'GNQ': 'GQ', 'GLP': 'GP', 'JPN': 'JP', 'GUY': 'GY', 'GGY': 'GG', 'GUF': 'GF', 'GEO': 'GE', 'GRD': 'GD', 'GBR': 'GB', 'GAB': 'GA', 'SLV': 'SV', 'GIN': 'GN', 'GMB': 'GM', 'GRL': 'GL', 'GIB': 'GI', 'GHA': 'GH', 'OMN': 'OM', 'TUN': 'TN', 'JOR': 'JO', 'HRV': 'HR', 'HTI': 'HT', 'HUN': 'HU', 'HKG': 'HK', 'HND': 'HN', 'HMD': 'HM', 'VEN': 'VE', 'PRI': 'PR', 'PSE': 'PS', 'PLW': 'PW', 'PRT': 'PT', 'SJM': 'SJ', 'PRY': 'PY', 'IRQ': 'IQ', 'PAN': 'PA', 'PYF': 'PF', 'PNG': 'PG', 'PER': 'PE', 'PAK': 'PK', 'PHL': 'PH', 'PCN': 'PN', 'POL': 'PL', 'SPM': 'PM', 'ZMB': 'ZM', 'ESH': 'EH', 'EST': 'EE', 'EGY': 'EG', 'ZAF': 'ZA', 'ECU': 'EC', 'ITA': 'IT', 'VNM': 'VN', 'SLB': 'SB', 'ETH': 'ET', 'SOM': 'SO', 'ZWE': 'ZW', 'SAU': 'SA', 'ESP': 'ES', 'ERI': 'ER', 'MNE': 'ME', 'MDA': 'MD', 'MDG': 'MG', 'MAF': 'MF', 'MAR': 'MA', 'MCO': 'MC', 'UZB': 'UZ', 'MMR': 'MM', 'MLI': 'ML', 'MAC': 'MO', 'MNG': 'MN', 'MHL': 'MH', 'MKD': 'MK', 'MUS': 'MU', 'MLT': 'MT', 'MWI': 'MW', 'MDV': 'MV', 'MTQ': 'MQ', 'MNP': 'MP', 'MSR': 'MS', 'SEÑMRT': 'OR', 'IMN': 'IM', 'UGA': 'UG', 'TZA': 'TZ', 'MYS': 'MIS', 'MEX': 'MX', 'ISR': 'IL', 'FRA': 'FR', 'IOT': 'IO', 'SHN': 'SH', 'FIN': 'FI', 'FJI': 'FJ', 'FLK': 'FK', 'FSM': 'FM', 'FRO': 'FO', 'NIC': 'NI', 'NLD': 'NL', 'NOR': 'NO', 'NAM': 'NA', 'VUT': 'VU', 'NCL': 'NC', 'NER': 'NE', 'NFK': 'NF', 'NGA': 'NG', 'NZL': 'NZ', 'NPL': 'NP', 'NRU': 'NR', 'NIU': 'NU', 'C*K': 'CK', 'XKX': 'XK', 'CIV': 'CI', 'CHE': 'CH', 'COL': 'CO', 'CHN': 'CN', 'CMR': 'CM', 'CHL': 'CL', 'CCK': 'CC', 'CAN': 'CA', 'COG': 'CG', 'CAF': 'CF', 'COD': 'CD', 'CZE': 'CZ', 'CYP': 'CY', 'CXR': 'CX', 'CRI': 'CR', 'CUW': 'CW', 'CPV': 'CV', 'CUB': 'CU', 'SWZ': 'SZ', 'SYR': 'SY', 'SXM': 'SX', 'KGZ': 'KG', 'KEN': 'KE', 'SSD': 'SS', 'SUR': 'SR', 'KIR': 'KI', 'KHM': 'KH', 'KNA': 'KN', 'COM': 'KM', 'STP': 'ST', 'SVK': 'SK', 'KOR': 'KR', 'SVN': 'SI', 'PRK': 'KP', 'KWT': 'KW', 'SEN': 'SN', 'SMR': 'SM', 'SLE': 'SL', 'SYC': 'SC', 'KAZ': 'KZ', 'CYM': 'KY', 'SGP': 'SG', 'SWE': 'SE', 'SDN': 'SD', 'DOM': 'DO', 'DMA': 'DM', 'DJI': 'DJ', 'DNK': 'DK', 'VGB': 'VG', 'DEU': 'DE', 'YEM': 'YE', 'DZA': 'DZ', 'USA': 'US', 'URY': 'UY', 'MYT': 'YT', 'UMI': 'UM', 'LBN': 'LB', 'LCA': 'LC', 'LAO': 'LA', 'TUV': 'TV', 'TWN': 'TW', 'TTO': 'TT', 'TUR': 'TR', 'LKA': 'LK', 'LIE': 'LI', 'LVA': 'LV', 'TON': 'TO', 'LTU': 'LT', 'LUX': 'LU', 'LBR': 'LR', 'LSO': 'LS', 'THA': 'TH', 'ATF': 'TF', 'TGO': 'TG', 'TCD': 'TD', 'TCA': 'TC', 'LBY': 'LY', 'VAT': 'VA', 'VCT': 'VC', 'ARE': 'AE', 'AND': 'AD', 'ATG': 'AG', 'AFG': 'AF', 'AIA': 'AI', 'VIR': 'VI', 'ISL': 'IS', 'IRN': 'IR', 'ARM': 'AM', 'ALB': 'AL', 'AGO': 'AO', 'ATA': 'AQ', 'ASM': 'AS', 'ARG': 'AR', 'AUS': 'AU', 'AUT': 'AT', 'ABW': 'AW', 'IND': 'IN', 'ALA': 'AX', 'AZE': 'AZ', 'IRL': 'IE', 'IDN': 'ID', 'UKR': 'UA', 'QAT': 'QA', 'MOZ': 'MZ'}"); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess da) { var jserializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var point_evaluator = new Section.PointEvaluator(); var resulting_points = new List <Point3d>(); var resulting_curves = new List <Curve>(); // read variables foreach (var json in da.GetDataList <string>(0)) { var v = jserializer.Deserialize <Section.Variable>(json); if (v != null) { point_evaluator.AddVariable(v.Name, v.Value); } } // read sectional points var qpoints = new List <Section.Point>(); foreach (var json in da.GetDataList <string>(1)) { var p = jserializer.Deserialize <Section.Point>(json); if (p != null) { qpoints.Add(p); } } // evaluate sectional points var gpoints = point_evaluator.EvaluatePoints(qpoints); if (gpoints.Count > 0) { resulting_points.AddRange(gpoints); } // read polygons and evaluate points foreach (var json in da.GetDataList <string>(2)) { var poly = jserializer.Deserialize <Section.Polygon>(json); if (poly != null) { gpoints = point_evaluator.EvaluatePoints(poly.Points); if (gpoints.Count > 1) { if (gpoints.First().DistanceTo(gpoints.Last()) > 1.0E-4) // close polygon { gpoints.Add(gpoints.First()); } resulting_curves.Add(new PolylineCurve(gpoints)); } } } da.SetDataList(0, resulting_points); da.SetDataList(1, resulting_curves); }
public ActionResult Detail() { string shebei_code = Request["code"] ?? ""; ViewData["shebei_code"] = shebei_code; var zqyl_day_list = new List <object>(); var zqwd_day_list = new List <object>(); var zqgd_day_list = new List <object>(); var yqhy_day_list = new List <object>(); var zqyl_week_list = new List <object>(); var zqwd_week_list = new List <object>(); var zqgd_week_list = new List <object>(); var yqhy_week_list = new List <object>(); //获取该锅炉的24小时数据 using (var context = new gatewayEntities()) { var tempDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24); var day_list = context.Data1.Where(i => i.ShiJian > tempDate && i.SheBei == shebei_code).OrderBy(i => i.ShiJian).ToList(); foreach (var guolu in day_list) { string temp_str = ((DateTime)guolu.ShiJian).Day.ToString() + "日" + ((DateTime)guolu.ShiJian).Hour + "时"; zqyl_day_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.ZQYL02 }); zqwd_day_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.ZQWD01 }); zqgd_day_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.ZQGD17 }); yqhy_day_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.YQHY20 }); } } //获取该锅炉的一周数据 using (var context = new gatewayEntities()) { var tempDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7); var week_list = context.Data1.Where(i => i.ShiJian > tempDate && i.SheBei == shebei_code).OrderBy(i => i.ShiJian).ToList(); foreach (var guolu in week_list) { string temp_str = ((DateTime)guolu.ShiJian).Month.ToString() + "月" + ((DateTime)guolu.ShiJian).Day + "日"; zqyl_week_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.ZQYL02 }); zqwd_week_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.ZQWD01 }); zqgd_week_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.ZQGD17 }); yqhy_week_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = guolu.YQHY20 }); } } var seri = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var day_arr = new { xScale = "ordinal", type = "line-dotted", yScale = "linear", main = new List <object>() { new { data = zqyl_day_list }, new { data = zqwd_day_list }, new { data = zqgd_day_list }, new { data = yqhy_day_list } } }; var week_arr = new { xScale = "ordinal", type = "line-dotted", yScale = "linear", main = new List <object>() { new { data = zqyl_week_list }, new { data = zqwd_week_list }, new { data = zqgd_week_list }, new { data = yqhy_week_list } } }; ViewData["day_data"] = seri.Serialize(day_arr); ViewData["week_data"] = seri.Serialize(week_arr); ViewData["action"] = "detail_data"; return(View()); }
public ActionResult History() { string shebei_code = Request["code"] ?? ""; ViewData["shebei_code"] = shebei_code; string start_time = Request["start_time"] ?? DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); string end_time = Request["end_time"] ?? DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString(); string Chang = (Request["Chang"] ?? "").Trim(); string Zhan = (Request["Zhan"] ?? "").Trim(); string GuoLu = (Request["GuoLu"] ?? "").Trim(); string ShuXing = (Request["ShuXing"] ?? "").Trim(); var sx_list = new List <object>(); List <string> Chang_list = null; List <string> Zhan_list = null; List <string> GuoLu_list = null; Dictionary <string, string> ShuXing_list = null; //获取该锅炉的24小时数据 using (var context = new gatewayEntities()) { System.Data.Objects.ObjectResult <ShuXingData> time_list = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShuXing)) { time_list = context.ExecuteStoreQuery <ShuXingData>("select " + ShuXing + " as ShuXing, ShiJian from Data1 where Chang={0} and Zhan={1} and GuoLu={2} and ShiJian>={3} and ShiJian<{4}", Chang, Zhan, GuoLu, start_time + " 00:00:00", end_time + " 00:00:00"); } if (time_list != null) { var tempList = time_list.ToList(); foreach (var item in tempList) { string temp_str = ((DateTime)item.ShiJian).Day.ToString() + "日" + ((DateTime)item.ShiJian).Hour + "时"; sx_list.Add(new { x = temp_str, y = item.ShuXing }); } } GuoLu_list = context.Data1.Select(i => i.GuoLu.Trim()).Distinct().ToList(); Chang_list = context.Data1.Select(i => i.Chang.Trim()).Distinct().ToList(); Zhan_list = context.Data1.Select(i => i.Zhan.Trim()).Distinct().ToList(); GuoLu_list = context.Data1.Select(i => i.GuoLu.Trim()).Distinct().ToList(); ShuXing_list = new Dictionary <string, string>(); #region 属性配置 ShuXing_list.Add("ZQWD01", "蒸汽温度℃"); ShuXing_list.Add("YQHY20", "烟气含氧量%"); ShuXing_list.Add("ZQGD17", "蒸汽干度%"); ShuXing_list.Add("ZQYL02", "蒸汽压力Mpa"); ShuXing_list.Add("GSLL10", "给水流量t/h"); ShuXing_list.Add("FSWD09", "辐入温度℃"); ShuXing_list.Add("DRWD08", "对流入口温度℃"); ShuXing_list.Add("DCWD07", "对流出口温度℃"); ShuXing_list.Add("RYYL", "燃油压力Mpa"); ShuXing_list.Add("GBWD05", "管壁温度℃"); ShuXing_list.Add("WKWD04", "瓦口温度℃"); ShuXing_list.Add("PYWD03", "排烟温度℃"); ShuXing_list.Add("RQLJ", "燃气累计m3"); ShuXing_list.Add("RYLJ", "燃油累计t"); ShuXing_list.Add("SLLJQ", "水量累计t(燃气时)"); ShuXing_list.Add("SLLJY", "水量累计t(燃油时)"); ShuXing_list.Add("RQDH", "燃气单耗m3/t"); ShuXing_list.Add("RYDH", "燃油单耗m3/t"); ShuXing_list.Add("YDDH", "用电单耗 kw.h/t"); ShuXing_list.Add("YDLJ", "用电累计kw.h"); ShuXing_list.Add("GFPL14", "鼓风频率"); //ShuXing_list.Add("RYLJ", "燃油流量t/h");?????????????????????????????????? ShuXing_list.Add("RYLL16", "燃气流量m3/h"); #endregion } var seri = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var day_arr = new { xScale = "ordinal", type = "line-dotted", yScale = "linear", main = new List <object>() { new { data = sx_list } } }; ViewData["Chang"] = Chang; ViewData["Zhan"] = Zhan; ViewData["GuoLu"] = GuoLu; ViewData["ShuXing"] = ShuXing; ViewData["time_data"] = seri.Serialize(day_arr); ViewData["action"] = "history_data"; ViewData["Chang_list"] = Chang_list; ViewData["Zhan_list"] = Zhan_list; ViewData["GuoLu_list"] = GuoLu_list; ViewData["ShuXing_list"] = ShuXing_list; ViewData["GuoLu"] = GuoLu; ViewData["start_time"] = start_time; ViewData["end_time"] = end_time; return(View()); }
public static IList <GoodsOrderInfo> GetGoodsOrderInfoList(string nick, DateTime start, DateTime end, string session, string orderState) { bool notlast = true; int page_no = 0; List <GoodsOrderInfo> list = new List <GoodsOrderInfo>(); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); while (notlast) { page_no++; Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dic.Add("start_created", start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); dic.Add("end_created", end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); dic.Add("use_has_next", "true"); dic.Add("page_size", "100"); dic.Add("page_no", page_no.ToString()); dic.Add("status", orderState);//"TRADE_FINISHED"); dic.Add("fields", "total_fee,receiver_state,receiver_city,commission_fee,payment,cod_fee,end_time,pay_time,created,post_fee,tid,commission_fee,seller_nick,buyer_nick,orders.num_iid,orders.num,orders.status"); string text = Post(nick, "taobao.trades.sold.get", session, dic, DataFormatType.json); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { if (text.Contains("error_response")) { LogInfo.WriteLog("获取订单参数错误" + session, text); return(null); } string index = "{\"trades_sold_get_response\":{\"has_next\":true,\"trades\":{\"trade\":["; if (!text.Contains(index)) { index = "{\"trades_sold_get_response\":{\"has_next\":false,\"trades\":{\"trade\":["; notlast = false; } Regex regex = new Regex(",\"total_results\":\\d+}}", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (new Regex("\"total_results\":\\d+}}", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(text).Value == "\"total_results\":0}}") { return(list); } text = regex.Replace(text, ""); text = text.Replace("{\"order\":", ""); text = text.Replace("},\"pay_time", ",\"pay_time"); //货到付情况下 text = text.Replace("},\"payment\"", ",\"payment\""); text = text.Replace(index, ""); text = "[" + text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1); try { list.AddRange(js.Deserialize <List <GoodsOrderInfo> >(text)); //for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) //{ // if (list[i].orders.Count > 1) // { // string s = list[i].tid; // } //} } catch (Exception ex) { LogInfo.WriteLog("获取订单转换出错", text + ex.Message); } } } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Default json deserializer. Requires a reference to System.Web.Extensions. /// </summary> public static Dictionary <string, dynamic> FromString(string json) { var deserializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); return(deserializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(json)); }
private void checkForUpdates() { try { WebClient fetcher = (new WebClient()); fetcher.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2;)"); var content = fetcher.DownloadString(""); GithubRelease g = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <GithubRelease>(content); string version = g.tag_name; string changeLog = g.body; string download_URL_32 = ""; string download_URL_64 = ""; foreach (Asset a in g.assets) { Regex test = new Regex(@"x64"); Match match = test.Match(a.browser_download_url); if (match.Success) { download_URL_64 = a.browser_download_url; } else { download_URL_32 = a.browser_download_url; } } string downloadURL = (is64BitProcess ? download_URL_64 : download_URL_32); if (downloadURL == "") { return; } // If the newest version is not the current version there must be an update available if (version != CURRENT_VERSION) { UpdateDialog dialog = new UpdateDialog(changeLog, CURRENT_VERSION, version); var result = dialog.ShowDialog(this); dialog.Dispose(); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { // Download the Resource URL from the GitHub API Process.Start(downloadURL); // Let the form finish initialising before closing it through an asyncronous method invoker // Prevents strange garbage collection new Thread(() => { Load += (send, ev) => { GPMBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged += (res, se) => { if (GPMBrowser.IsBrowserInitialized) { Close(); } }; }; }).Start(); return; } } } catch (Exception) { // Something went wrong while fetching from the GitHub API } }
public static object Get_Resumen(Int32 codC) { String fl_seguir = "0"; String msg_retorno = String.Empty; object strRetorno; object oDatosCita = null; try { Int32 nid_cita = codC; fl_seguir = "1"; CitasBL oCitasBL = new CitasBL(); CitasBE oCitasBE = new CitasBE(); CitasBEList oCitasBEList = new CitasBEList(); oCitasBE.nid_cita = nid_cita; oCitasBEList = oCitasBL.Listar_Datos_Cita(oCitasBE); oCitasBE = new CitasBE(); oCitasBE = oCitasBEList[0]; CorreoElectronico oEmail = new CorreoElectronico(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/")); //>> Llenado para la Impresion string strImpresion = oEmail.CargarPlantilla_Imprimir(oCitasBE, Parametros.EstadoCita.REGISTRADA).ToString(); Boolean fl_confirmar = !(oCitasBL.BuscarCitaPorCodigo(oCitasBE)[0].nu_estado.Equals(4)); if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MostrarMensajeRegistro"].Equals("1")) { msg_retorno = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["msgCitaRegistrada"].ToString()); } //Set Datos Cita oDatosCita = new { template_impresion = strImpresion, fl_confirmar = fl_confirmar, //------------------------- nid_cita = oCitasBE.nid_cita, nu_estado = oCitasBE.nu_estado, co_reserva = " " + oCitasBE.cod_reserva_cita, no_taller = Parametros.N_Taller + ": " + oCitasBE.no_taller, no_asesor = Parametros.N_Asesor + ": " + oCitasBE.no_asesor, fe_programada = "Fecha: " + oCitasBE.fecha_prog, ho_programada = "Hora: " + FormatoHora(oCitasBE.ho_inicio_c), nu_telf_taller = Parametros.N_TelefonoTaller + ": " + oCitasBE.nu_telefono_t, nu_cel_asesor = Parametros.N_CellAsesor + ": " + oCitasBE.nu_telefono_a, nu_telf_callcenter = Parametros.N_TelefonoCall + ": " + (oCitasBE.nid_taller_empresa.Equals(0) ? Parametros.N_TelefonoCallCenter : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oCitasBE.nu_callcenter) ? Parametros.N_TelefonoCallCenter : oCitasBE.nu_callcenter)) }; strRetorno = new { fl_seguir = fl_seguir, msg_retorno = msg_retorno, oDatosCita = oDatosCita }; } catch (Exception ex) { strRetorno = new { fl_seguir = "-1", msg_retorno = "Error: " + ex.Message, oDatosCita = oDatosCita }; } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); return(serializer.Serialize(strRetorno)); }
public ActionResult SaveMusic(string editedMusic, HttpPostedFileBase WAVFile, HttpPostedFileBase MP3File, string tagIdsStr) { ResponseBase res = new ResponseBase(); var serl = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); MusicSearchModel music = serl.Deserialize <MusicSearchModel>(editedMusic); var dbResTags = new List <Tag>(); if (tagIdsStr != null && tagIdsStr.Length > 0) { IEnumerable <Guid> tagIds = tagIdsStr.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(t => Guid.Parse(t)); if (tagIds.Any()) { dbResTags = _tgService.GetTagList(tagIds) .Entities .Where(t => t.IsPublicTag) .ToList(); } } var user = User.GetUser(); MusicHelper mh = new MusicHelper(); if (music.ID == null) { Music msc = new Music(); msc.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; msc.ArtistID = user.Id; msc.Artist = user.Artist; msc.Status = MusicActiveStatus.New; msc.Tags = dbResTags; var newInSystemTagRes = _tgService.GetNewInSystemTag(); if (newInSystemTagRes.Success) { msc.Tags.Add(newInSystemTagRes.Entity); } var files = mh.SetMusicBeforeUpDateForArtist(msc, music, WAVFile, MP3File); res = _mscService.Add(msc, files.wavFile, files.mp3File); if (res.Success) { var confirm = new Confirmation(); confirm.ConfirmType = ConfirmType.NewMusic; confirm.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now; confirm.Name = msc.HebrewName; confirm.EntityId = msc.ID.ToString(); res = _cnfrmService.Add(confirm); } } else { var getMusicRes = _mscService.GetByID(music.ID.Value); if (getMusicRes.Success && getMusicRes.Entity.ArtistID == user.Id) { var msc = new Music(getMusicRes.Entity); msc.Tags = msc.Tags .Where(t => !t.IsPublicTag) .Union(dbResTags) .ToList(); var files = mh.SetMusicBeforeUpDateForArtist(msc, music, WAVFile, MP3File); if (msc.Status == MusicActiveStatus.Public) { msc.Status = MusicActiveStatus.WaitingForConfirm; msc.SourceMusicId = getMusicRes.Entity.ID; msc.ID = 0; res = _mscService.Add(msc, files.wavFile, files.mp3File); if (res.Success) { getMusicRes.Entity.Status = MusicActiveStatus.Edited; var confirm = new Confirmation(); confirm.ConfirmType = ConfirmType.UpdateMusic; confirm.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now; confirm.Name = msc.HebrewName; confirm.EntityId = msc.ID.ToString(); res = _cnfrmService.Add(confirm); } } else if (msc.Status == MusicActiveStatus.New || msc.Status == MusicActiveStatus.WaitingForConfirm) { var confirmRes = _cnfrmService.GetByEntityId(msc.ID.ToString()); if (confirmRes.Success && confirmRes.Entity == null) { var confirm = new Confirmation(); confirm.ConfirmType = msc.Status == MusicActiveStatus.New ? ConfirmType.NewMusic : ConfirmType.UpdateMusic; confirm.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now; confirm.Name = msc.HebrewName; confirm.EntityId = msc.ID.ToString(); res = _cnfrmService.Add(confirm); } res = _mscService.Update(msc, msc.ID, files.wavFile, files.mp3File); } } else { res.Success = false; } } return(Json(res)); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the value of the current instance of the class to the output stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="output">The output stream.</param> /// <param name="bufferSize">Buffer size.</param> /// <param name="outputStatus">To parameter is passed information about the state of the writes to stream.</param> /// <param name="contentType">The type of content.</param> /// <param name="codePage">The character encoding.</param> public void WriteToStream(Stream output, int bufferSize, StreamWriteEventArgs outputStatus, string contentType, Encoding codePage) { if (this.Value == null) { return; } if (output == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); } if (bufferSize <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The value of the bufferSize must be greater than zero."); } if (outputStatus == null) { outputStatus = new StreamWriteEventArgs(); } if (this.Value.GetType() == typeof(byte[])) { output.Write((byte[])this.Value, 0, ((byte[])this.Value).Length); outputStatus.BytesWritten = ((byte[])this.Value).Length; } else if (this.Value.GetType() == typeof(Stream) || this.Value.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Stream))) { if (((Stream)this.Value).CanSeek) { ((Stream)this.Value).Position = 0; } using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader((Stream)this.Value)) { int bytesRead = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; while ((bytesRead = br.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); outputStatus.BytesWritten = bytesRead; } } } /*else if (this.Value.GetType() == typeof(string) || this.Value.GetType() == typeof(char) || this.Value.GetType() == typeof(StringBuilder)) * { * var buffer = codePage.GetBytes(this.Value.ToString()); * output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); * outputStatus.BytesWritten = buffer.Length; * }*/ else { string dataToWrite = ""; if (contentType == null) { contentType = ""; } contentType = contentType.ToLower(); if (contentType.Contains("json")) { dataToWrite = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer() { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue, RecursionLimit = int.MaxValue }.Serialize(this.Value); } else if (contentType.Contains("xml")) { using (var m = new MemoryStream()) { new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(this.Value.GetType()).Serialize(m, this.Value); dataToWrite = codePage.GetString(m.ToArray()); } } else { dataToWrite = this.Value.ToString(); } var buffer = codePage.GetBytes(dataToWrite); output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); outputStatus.BytesWritten = buffer.Length; } }
public static string GetArticleList(int startIndex, int maximumRows, string sortExpressions) { FeedBackList = PSCPortal.CMS.ArticleCommentCollection.GetArticleCommentCollection(artId); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); return(js.Serialize(FeedBackList.GetSegment(startIndex, maximumRows, sortExpressions))); }
public static void Run(TimerInfo getRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillmentTimer, ICollector <string> errormessage, TraceWriter log) { try { if (getRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillmentTimer.IsPastDue) { log.Verbose("Timer is running late!", "JE.RMS.Services.GetRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillment"); } //Get RewardsTrx Ready for fulfillment List <SqlParameter> objprm = new List <SqlParameter>(); objprm.Add(new SqlParameter("@RewardTrxStatus", "Ready for fulfillment")); List <Common.Model.GetRewardsRequest> lstRewardsTrx = MSSQLConnection.ExecuteStoredProcedure <Common.Model.GetRewardsRequest>(Common.Constants.USPContstants.GetRewardsTrx, objprm).ToList(); log.Verbose($"Get RewardsTrx Ready for fulfillment:={lstRewardsTrx.Count}", "JE.RMS.Services.GetRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillment"); //Service bus queue names and connection strings var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyServiceBusReader"].ToString(); var FulfillmentRequestTopicClient = TopicClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, "fulfillmentrequest"); var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString); #region Create Subscrptions for the first time //// Create a "EnergyEarthSubscription" filtered subscription. if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists("fulfillmentrequest", "EnergyEarthSubscription")) { SqlFilter energyEarthFilter = new SqlFilter("channelType = 'EnergyEarth'"); namespaceManager.CreateSubscription("fulfillmentrequest", "EnergyEarthSubscription", energyEarthFilter); } //// Create a "GBASSSubscription" filtered subscription. if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists("fulfillmentrequest", "GBASSCTLAdjSubscription")) { SqlFilter GBASSFilter = new SqlFilter("channelType = 'GBASSCTLAdj'"); namespaceManager.CreateSubscription("fulfillmentrequest", "GBASSCTLAdjSubscription", GBASSFilter); } if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists("fulfillmentrequest", "GBASSTariffSubscription")) { SqlFilter GBASSFilter = new SqlFilter("channelType = 'GBASSTariff'"); namespaceManager.CreateSubscription("fulfillmentrequest", "GBASSTariffSubscription", GBASSFilter); } //// Create a "CRMSubscription" filtered subscription. if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists("fulfillmentrequest", "CRMSubscription")) { SqlFilter CRMFilter = new SqlFilter("channelType = 'CRM'"); namespaceManager.CreateSubscription("fulfillmentrequest", "CRMSubscription", CRMFilter); } //// Create a "SmartConnectSubscription" filtered subscription. if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists("fulfillmentrequest", "SmartConnectSubscription")) { SqlFilter SmartConnectFilter = new SqlFilter("channelType = 'SmartConnectCheque'"); namespaceManager.CreateSubscription("fulfillmentrequest", "SmartConnectSubscription", SmartConnectFilter); } #endregion RewardFulfillmentRequest RewardsRequestObj = new RewardFulfillmentRequest(); foreach (Common.Model.GetRewardsRequest item in lstRewardsTrx) { RewardFulfillmentRequestList rewardFulfillmentRequestList = new RewardFulfillmentRequestList(); rewardFulfillmentRequestList.RewardFulfillmentRequest = new RewardFulfillmentRequest(); RewardsRequestObj.RequestId = item.RequestId; RewardsRequestObj.TransactionType = item.TransactionType; RewardsRequestObj.RMSRewardID = item.RMSRewardID; RewardsRequestObj.Reward = new Reward(); RewardsRequestObj.Reward.ProductCode = item.ProductCode; RewardsRequestObj.Reward.ProductValue = item.ProductValue.ToString(); RewardsRequestObj.Reward.ProgramName = item.ProgramName; RewardsRequestObj.Reward.EffectiveDate = item.EffectiveDate; RewardsRequestObj.Reward.RewardType = item.RewardType; RewardsRequestObj.Customer = new CustomerJSON(); RewardsRequestObj.Customer.CustomerID = item.CustomerID; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.SourceSystemID = item.DBSourceSystemID.ToString(); RewardsRequestObj.Customer.SourceSystemName = item.SourceSystemShortName; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.SourceSystemUniqueID = item.SourceSystemUniqueID; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.SourceSystemUniqueIDType = item.SourceSystemUniqueIDType; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.MasterID = item.MasterID; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.Email = item.Email; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.FirstName = item.FirstName; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.LastName = item.LastName; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.CompanyName = item.CompanyName; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.AddressLine1 = item.AddressLine1; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.AddressLine2 = item.AddressLine2; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.City = item.City; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.StateProvince = item.StateProvince; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.ZipPostalCode = item.ZipPostalCode; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.Phone1 = item.Phone1; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.Product = item.Product; RewardsRequestObj.Customer.Language = item.LanguageCode; RewardsRequestObj.AdditionalData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AdditionalData[]>(item.AdditionalData); rewardFulfillmentRequestList.RewardFulfillmentRequest = RewardsRequestObj; var reqObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rewardFulfillmentRequestList); if (item.FulfillmentChannelID != (int)Common.Constants.FulfillmentChannel.EnergyEarth) { var json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(reqObject); var serializedJson = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(reqObject); foreach (var response in serializedJson["RewardFulfillmentRequest"]["Customer"]) { if (response.Path.Contains("CustomerID")) { response.Remove(); break; } } reqObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serializedJson); } log.Verbose($"Reward fulfillment request push to different channel :={reqObject.ToString()}", "JE.RMS.Services.GetRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillment"); var message = new BrokeredMessage(reqObject); if (item.FulfillmentChannelID == (int)Common.Constants.FulfillmentChannel.EnergyEarth) { message.Properties["channelType"] = FulfillmentChannel.EnergyEarth.ToString(); FulfillmentRequestTopicClient.Send(message); } else if (item.FulfillmentChannelID == (int)Common.Constants.FulfillmentChannel.GBASSTariff) { message.Properties["channelType"] = FulfillmentChannel.GBASSTariff.ToString(); FulfillmentRequestTopicClient.Send(message); } else if (item.FulfillmentChannelID == (int)Common.Constants.FulfillmentChannel.GBASSCTLAdj) { message.Properties["channelType"] = FulfillmentChannel.GBASSCTLAdj.ToString(); FulfillmentRequestTopicClient.Send(message); } else if (item.FulfillmentChannelID == (int)Common.Constants.FulfillmentChannel.Cheque) { message.Properties["channelType"] = "SmartConnectCheque"; FulfillmentRequestTopicClient.Send(message); } //Call stored procedure to Update RewardTrx List <SqlParameter> RewardTrxParams = new List <SqlParameter>(); RewardTrxParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@RewardTrxID", item.RewardTrxID)); var RewardTrxID = MSSQLConnection.ExecuteStoredProcedure <long>(USPContstants.UpdateFulfillmentRequestTimestamp, RewardTrxParams); log.Verbose($"RewardTrx updated successfully. RewardTrID={RewardTrxID[0]}", "JE.RMS.Services.EvaluateRewardsTrx"); //Call stored procedure to Save MessageLog List <SqlParameter> MessageLogParams = new List <SqlParameter>(); MessageLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@RewardsTrxID", item.RewardTrxID)); MessageLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@MessageType", MessageType.RewardFulfillmentRequest.GetDescription())); MessageLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@IPAddress", "")); MessageLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@Message", reqObject)); MessageLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@RMSRewardID", null)); var MessageLogID = MSSQLConnection.ExecuteStoredProcedure <long>(USPContstants.SaveMessageLog, MessageLogParams); log.Verbose($"MessageLog stored successfully. MessageLogID={MessageLogID[0]}", "JE.RMS.Services.GetRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillment"); //Call stored procedure to Save RewardTrxChangeLog List <SqlParameter> RewardTrxChangeLogParams = new List <SqlParameter>(); RewardTrxChangeLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@RewardsTrxID", item.RewardTrxID.ToString())); RewardTrxChangeLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@RewardTrxStatus", "Sent for fulfillment")); RewardTrxChangeLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@Comment", string.Empty)); RewardTrxChangeLogParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@RMSRewardID", null)); var RewardTrxChangeLogID = MSSQLConnection.ExecuteStoredProcedure <long>(USPContstants.SaveRewardTrxChangeLog, RewardTrxChangeLogParams); log.Verbose($"RewardTrxChangeLog stored successfully. RewardTrxChangeLogID={RewardTrxChangeLogID[0]}", "JE.RMS.Services.GetRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillment"); } log.Verbose($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}", "JE.RMS.Services.GetRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillment"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"Exception ={ex}", ex, "JE.RMS.Services.GetRewardsTrxReadyForFulfillment"); errormessage.Add(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex).ToString()); } }
public static string ObjectToJson <T>(T obj) { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); //实例化一个能够序列化数据的类 return(js.Serialize(obj)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"])) { newsid.Attributes["ref"] = Request.QueryString["id"]; string newsitem = "<div class='subitem top10 newsitem'><div class='delete-item'>DELETE</div><div class='top10 itemtitle'>~name~</div><div class='formitem top10'><label for='newstitle'>News Title</label><input name='' class='newstitle' value='~title~' /></div><div class='formitem top10'><label for='newstitle'>News Source</label><input name='' class='newssource' value='~source~' /></div><div class='formitem top10'><label for='newstitle'>News Date</label><input name='' class='newsdate' value='~date~' /></div><div class='top10'>Story Content</div><textarea class='leadin rtf top10' id='~newsid~'>~content~</textarea></div>"; string highlightitem = "<div class='subitem top10 highlightitem'><div class='delete-item'>DELETE</div><div class='top10 itemtitle'>~name~</div><div class='formitem top10'><label for='highlighttitle'>Highlight Title</label><input name='' class='highlighttitle' value='~title~' /></div><div class='formitem top10'><label for='highlightlink'>Highlight Link: Please put the full URL in this field including the 'http://'</label><input name='' class='highlightlink' value='~source~' /></div></div>"; Entry item = new Entry(); DataTable dtFB = null; GenericDatabase db = new GenericDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString, DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("MySql.Data.MySqlClient")); DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand("Select * from media where id ='" + Request.QueryString["id"] + "'"); dtFB = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd).Tables[0]; cmd.Dispose(); foreach (DataRow row in dtFB.Rows) { item.LeadIn = row["leadin"].ToString(); item.Count = row["newscount"].ToString(); item.NewItems = row["newsitem"].ToString(); item.HighlightItems = row["highlightitem"].ToString(); newsid.InnerText = row["name"].ToString(); } leadin.Value = item.LeadIn; List <News> newitems = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <List <News> >(item.NewItems); string tmp = ""; Int32 ctr = 1; foreach (News x in newitems) { tmp += newsitem.Replace("~name~", "News " + ctr.ToString()).Replace("~title~", x.Title).Replace("~source~", x.Source).Replace("~date~", x.Date).Replace("~newsid~", "news" + ctr.ToString()).Replace("~content~", x.Content); ctr++; } news.InnerHtml = tmp; tmp = ""; List <Highlight> highitems = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <List <Highlight> >(item.HighlightItems); ctr = 1; foreach (Highlight x in highitems) { tmp += highlightitem.Replace("~name~", "Highlight " + ctr.ToString()).Replace("~title~", x.Title).Replace("~source~", x.Source); ctr++; } highlights.InnerHtml = tmp; //leadin.Value = item.LeadIn; storycount.Value = item.Count; } DataTable dtFBa = null; GenericDatabase dba = new GenericDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString, DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("MySql.Data.MySqlClient")); DbCommand cmda = dba.GetSqlStringCommand("Select id, name from media order by id desc"); dtFBa = dba.ExecuteDataSet(cmda).Tables[0]; cmda.Dispose(); ListItem mn = new ListItem(); mn.Text = "Select Saved Email Template"; mn.Value = "0"; ddmenu.Items.Add(mn); foreach (DataRow row in dtFBa.Rows) { mn = new ListItem(); mn.Text = row["name"].ToString(); mn.Value = row["id"].ToString(); ddmenu.Items.Add(mn); } }
/// <summary> /// 反序列化对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="json">json</param> /// <param name="objType">对象类型</param> /// <returns></returns> public object Deserialize(string json, Type objType) { var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); return(serializer.Deserialize(json, objType)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["_r"]) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_r"]) ) { DirectPost(); return; } if (Request.QueryString["tbl"] != null && Request.QueryString["key"] != null) { /* prevent manually constructed request that would lead to information leakage via hashing of * query string and session secret, only apply for database related retrieval which are all generated by the system */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_h"])) { ValidateQSV2(); } else { ValidatedQS(); } string dbConnectionString; if (Request.QueryString["sys"] != null) { sid = byte.Parse(Request.QueryString["sys"].ToString()); } else { throw new Exception("Please make sure '&sys=' is present and try again."); } if (new AdminSystem().IsMDesignDb(Request.QueryString["tbl"].ToString())) { dbConnectionString = base.SysConnectStr(sid); } else { dbConnectionString = base.AppConnectStr(sid); } DataTable dt = null; try { if (Request.QueryString["knm"] != null && Request.QueryString["col"] != null) // ImageButton { string emptyFile = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhwAAAABCAQAAAA/IL+bAAAAFElEQVR42mN89p9hFIyCUTAKSAIABgMB58aXfLgAAAAASUVORK5CYII="; dt = (new AdminSystem()).GetDbImg(Request.QueryString["key"].ToString(), Request.QueryString["tbl"].ToString(), Request.QueryString["knm"].ToString(), Request.QueryString["col"].ToString(), dbConnectionString, base.AppPwd(sid)); if (Request.QueryString["ico"] != null) { string icon = RO.Common3.Utils.BlobPlaceHolder(dt.Rows[0][0] as byte[], true); if (icon != null) { icon = icon.Replace("data:application/base64;base64,", ""); } else { icon = emptyFile; } ReturnAsAttachment(Convert.FromBase64String(icon), ""); return; } Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); string fileContent = dt.Rows[0][0] as byte[] == null ? emptyFile : RO.Common3.Utils.DecodeFileStream(dt.Rows[0][0] as byte[]); string fileName = ""; string mimeType = "application/octet"; string contentBase64 = ""; System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); try { RO.Common3.FileUploadObj fileInfo = jss.Deserialize <RO.Common3.FileUploadObj>(fileContent); mimeType = fileInfo.mimeType; fileName = fileInfo.fileName; contentBase64 = fileInfo.base64; } catch { try { List <RO.Common3._ReactFileUploadObj> fileList = jss.Deserialize <List <RO.Common3._ReactFileUploadObj> >(fileContent); List <FileUploadObj> x = new List <FileUploadObj>(); foreach (var fileInfo in fileList) { mimeType = fileInfo.mimeType; fileName = fileInfo.fileName; contentBase64 = fileInfo.base64; break; } } catch { contentBase64 = fileContent; fileName = ""; mimeType = "image/jpeg"; } } string contentDisposition = "attachment"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["inline"]) && Request.QueryString["inline"] == "Y") { contentDisposition = "inline"; } byte[] content = new byte[0]; try { content = (byte[])Convert.FromBase64String(contentBase64); Response.ContentType = mimeType; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition + "; Filename=" + fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex != null) { try { content = (byte[])dt.Rows[0][0]; Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition + "; Filename="); } catch { } } } Response.Flush(); Response.BinaryWrite(content); Response.End(); } else // Document. { dt = (new AdminSystem()).GetDbDoc(Request.QueryString["key"].ToString(), Request.QueryString["tbl"].ToString(), dbConnectionString, base.AppPwd(sid)); Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ContentType = dt.Rows[0]["MimeType"].ToString(); string contentDisposition = "attachment"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["inline"]) && Request.QueryString["inline"] == "Y") { contentDisposition = "inline"; } Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition + "; Filename=" + dt.Rows[0]["DocName"].ToString()); //Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; Filename=" + dt.Rows[0]["DocName"].ToString()); Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])dt.Rows[0]["DocImage"]); Response.End(); } } catch (Exception err) { if (!(err is ThreadAbortException)) { ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(false, "DnLoadModule", "", err.Message); } } } else if (Request.QueryString["file"] != null) { /* file based download needs to be catered manually by webrule for protected contents * via access control in the IIS directory level(no access) and gated by dnloadmodule via server side transfer */ try { bool pub = true; if (LImpr != null) { string[] allowedGroupId = (Config.DownloadGroupLs ?? "5").Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string UsrGroup = (char)191 + base.LImpr.UsrGroups + (char)191; foreach (var id in allowedGroupId) { if (UsrGroup.IndexOf((char)191 + id.ToString() + (char)191) >= 0 || UsrGroup.IndexOf((char)191 + "5" + (char)191) >= 0 ) { pub = false; break; } } } string fileName = (Request.QueryString["file"] ?? "").ToString().Replace("../", ""); fileName = (fileName.StartsWith("~/") ? "" : "~/") + fileName; string key = (Request.QueryString["key"] ?? "").ToString(); //string DownloadLinkCode = Session.SessionID; //byte[] Download_code = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(DownloadLinkCode); //System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5 bkup_hmac = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5(Download_code); //byte[] Download_hash = bkup_hmac.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileName)); //string Download_hashString = BitConverter.ToString(Download_hash); bool allowDownload = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["_h"]) ? ValidatedQS(false) : ValidateQSV2(false); fileName = (fileName.StartsWith("~/") ? "" : "~/") + fileName.ToLower().Replace("~/guarded/", "~/secure/").Replace("/guarded/", "/secure/"); string url = fileName; string fullfileName = Server.MapPath(fileName); // we enforce everything file for download is under ../files System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(fullfileName); string oname = file.Name; if (oname.ToLower().EndsWith(".config")) { throw new Exception("Access Denied"); } if (pub && !allowDownload && !(file.Name.StartsWith("Pub") || file.Name.StartsWith("pub") ) ) { if (file.Name.EndsWith(".wmv")) { file = new FileInfo(file.DirectoryName + "/PubMsg.wmv"); url = fileName.Replace(oname, "PubMsg.wmv"); } else { if (LUser == null || LUser.LoginName == "Anonymous") { string loginUrl = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginUrl)) { loginUrl = "MyAccount.aspx"; } this.Redirect(loginUrl + (loginUrl.IndexOf('?') > 0 ? "&" : "?") + "wrn=1&ReturnUrl=" + Server.UrlEncode(Request.Url.PathAndQuery)); } else { throw new Exception("Access Denied"); } } } Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ContentType = GetMimeTypeFromExtension(file.Extension); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; Filename=" + file.Name); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString()); Server.Transfer(url); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception err) { ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(false, "DnLoadModule", "", err.Message); } } } }
public static void Serialize <T>(T obj, string filePath) { string json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(obj); File.WriteAllText(filePath, json); }
public JsonResult dispatch(string inputs, string type, string CID) { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jser = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); Helpers.CtxService service = new Helpers.CtxService(null, CID); string userMessage = ""; int msid = 0; if (inputs.Length == 0) { return(Json("Input Box Objects cannot be empty.", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } try { FlagBoard_mvc.Models.pageInputs[] inputObjects = jser.Deserialize <FlagBoard_mvc.Models.pageInputs[]>(inputs); Helpers.jqGrid <FlagBoard_mvc.Models.schedule> jq = new Helpers.jqGrid <FlagBoard_mvc.Models.schedule>(); FlagBoard_mvc.Models.schedule record = jq.mapToObjectProperty(inputObjects); switch (type) { case "edit": if (record.MS_Unscheduled_Reason.Trim().Length > 50) { throw new Exception("Unscheduled Reason cannot be greater than 50 characters long."); } int rows = service.Update(record); if (rows > 0 && record.MS_Maint_Code == 1 && record.MS_Main_Comp_Date == "True") { if (record.MS_Frequency < 1) { throw new Exception("Interval must be greater than 0"); } AutoAddScheduledOrder(record, service); } userMessage = "true"; break; case "add": if (record.MS_Unscheduled_Reason.Length > 50) { throw new Exception("Unscheduled Reason cannot be greater than 50 characters long."); } int rowsaff = service.Add(record); service.Dispose(); if (rowsaff == 0) { throw new Exception("unknown error adding rows. "); } userMessage = "true"; msid = service.rowKey; break; case "delete": service.delete(record.MS_Id); userMessage = "true"; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { userMessage = "ERROR: " + ex.Message; } finally { service.Dispose(); service.clearCache(); } return(Json(new { message = userMessage, id = msid }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
protected byte[] AddDoc(string docJson, string docId, string tableName, string keyColumnName, string columnName, string dbConnectionString, string dbPwd, string height, bool resizeToIcon = false) { byte[] storedContent = null; bool dummyImage = false; int maxHeight = 360; int.TryParse(height, out maxHeight); try { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; FileUploadObj fileObj = jss.Deserialize <FileUploadObj>(docJson); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileObj.base64)) { byte[] content = Convert.FromBase64String(fileObj.base64); dummyImage = fileObj.base64 == "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhwAAAABCAQAAAA/IL+bAAAAFElEQVR42mN89p9hFIyCUTAKSAIABgMB58aXfLgAAAAASUVORK5CYII="; if (resizeToIcon && fileObj.base64.Length > 0 && fileObj.mimeType.StartsWith("image/")) { try { content = ResizeImage(Convert.FromBase64String(fileObj.base64), maxHeight); } catch { } } /* store as 256 byte UTF8 json header + actual binary file content * if header info > 256 bytes use compact header(256 bytes) + actual header + actual binary file content */ string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileObj.fileName); string contentHeader = jss.Serialize(new FileInStreamObj() { fileName = fileName, lastModified = fileObj.lastModified, mimeType = fileObj.mimeType, ver = "0100", extensionSize = 0, contentIsJSON = true, }); byte[] streamHeader = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0x20, 256).ToArray(); int headerLength = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contentHeader).Length; string compactHeader = jss.Serialize(new FileInStreamObj() { fileName = "", lastModified = fileObj.lastModified, mimeType = fileObj.mimeType, ver = "0100", extensionSize = headerLength, contentIsJSON = true, }); int compactHeaderLength = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(compactHeader).Length; if (headerLength <= 256) { Array.Copy(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contentHeader), streamHeader, headerLength); } else { Array.Resize(ref streamHeader, 256 + contentHeader.Length); Array.Copy(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(compactHeader), streamHeader, compactHeaderLength); Array.Copy(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(compactHeader), 0, streamHeader, 256, headerLength); } if (content.Length == 0 || dummyImage) { storedContent = null; } //no longer needed 2020.3.3 gary //else if (fileObj.mimeType.StartsWith("image/") && false) //{ // // backward compatability with side, only store image and not fileinfo // storedContent = content; //} else { System.Collections.Generic.List <_ReactFileUploadObj> fo = new System.Collections.Generic.List <_ReactFileUploadObj>(); fo.Add(new _ReactFileUploadObj() { fileName = fileName, base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(content), mimeType = fileObj.mimeType, height = maxHeight, lastModified = fileObj.lastModified, previewUrl = null, size = 0, width = 0 } ); string foJSON = jss.Serialize(fo); content = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(foJSON); storedContent = new byte[content.Length + streamHeader.Length]; Array.Copy(streamHeader, storedContent, streamHeader.Length); Array.Copy(content, 0, storedContent, streamHeader.Length, content.Length); } byte[] savedContent = content.Length == 0 || dummyImage ? null : storedContent; new AdminSystem().UpdDbImg(docId, tableName, keyColumnName, columnName, savedContent, dbConnectionString, dbPwd); return(savedContent); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("invalid attachment format: " + Server.HtmlEncode(ex.Message)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserData ud = Session["UserData"] as UserData; if (!UserData.ChkObjNull(UserData.ObjType.购物车)) { ud = Session["UserData"] as UserData; ud.ShoppingCart = new DS_Cart(); } var js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); string act = Request["action"]; switch (act) { case "chg_num": var odinfo = ud.ShoppingCart.Add(int.Parse(Request.Form["id"]), int.Parse(Request.Form["num"])); Response.Write(js.Serialize(odinfo)); break; case "del": odinfo = ud.ShoppingCart.Del(int.Parse(Request.Form["id"])); Response.Write(js.Serialize(odinfo)); break; case "dels": odinfo = ud.ShoppingCart.Del(Request.Form["ids"].TrimEnd(',')); Response.Write(js.Serialize(odinfo)); break; case "chgarea": var bl = new DS_Area_Br(); Response.Write(js.Serialize(bl.Query("parentid=@0", "px", int.Parse(Request["id"])))); break; case "sub_order": var am = new ActMsg { succe = false, msg = "" }; //try //{ var oddtbl = new DS_Orders_Br(); var od = ud.ShoppingCart.Orders.Single(a => a.ID.Equals(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["oid"]))); od.ClientArea = Request["province"].Split(',')[0] + " " + Request["city"].Split(',')[0] + " " + Request["town"].Split(',')[0]; od.ClientZipCode = Request["zipcode"]; od.ClientStreet = Request["street"]; od.ClientName = Request["username"]; od.ClientPhone = Request["phone"].Replace("区号-电话号码-分机", ""); od.ClientMobile = Request["mobile"]; od.ClientRemark = Request["remark"].Replace("请输入您对该笔交易或货品的特殊要求以提醒供应商,字数不超过500字", "").Trim(); var list = ud.ShoppingCart.OrderDetail.Where(a => a.OrderID.Equals(od.ID)).ToList(); oddtbl.Add(od, list); ud.ShoppingCart.OrderDetail.RemoveAll(a => a.OrderID.Equals(od.ID)); ud.ShoppingCart.Orders.Remove(od); am.succe = true; am.msg = "提交订单成功。"; //} //catch (Exception ex) { // am.msg = "抱歉,提交出错。"; //} Response.Write(js.Serialize(am)); break; } }
public static string GetDepartmentList() { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); return(js.Serialize(StatisticHelper.GetDepartmentList())); }
private void SaveUpload(string dbConnectionString, byte sid) { if (Request.Files.Count > 0 && Request.Files[0].FileName != string.Empty //&& "image/gif,image/jpeg,image/png,image/tiff,image/pjpeg,image/x-png".IndexOf(Request.Files[0].ContentType) >= 0 ) { byte[] dc; using (System.IO.BinaryReader sm = new BinaryReader(Request.Files[0].InputStream)) { dc = new byte[Request.Files[0].InputStream.Length]; sm.Read(dc, 0, dc.Length); sm.Close(); } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; FileUploadObj fileObj = new FileUploadObj() { fileName = Request.Files[0].FileName, mimeType = Request.Files[0].ContentType, lastModified = RO.Common3.Utils.ToUnixTime(DateTime.UtcNow), base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(dc), }; string docJson = jss.Serialize(fileObj); string docId = Request.QueryString["key"]; string tableName = Request.QueryString["tbl"]; string keyColumnName = Request.QueryString["knm"]; string columnName = Request.QueryString["col"].ToString(); byte[] savedContent = AddDoc(docJson, docId, tableName, keyColumnName, columnName, dbConnectionString, base.AppPwd(sid), Request.QueryString["hgt"], true); //byte[] dc; //System.Drawing.Image oBMP = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(Request.Files[0].InputStream); //int nHeight = int.Parse(oBMP.Height.ToString()); //int nWidth = int.Parse(oBMP.Width.ToString()); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["hgt"].ToString())) //{ // nHeight = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["hgt"].ToString()); // nWidth = int.Parse((Math.Round(decimal.Parse(oBMP.Width.ToString()) * (nHeight / decimal.Parse(oBMP.Height.ToString())))).ToString()); //} //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["wth"].ToString())) //{ // nWidth = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["wth"].ToString()); // nHeight = int.Parse((Math.Round(decimal.Parse(oBMP.Height.ToString()) * (nWidth / decimal.Parse(oBMP.Width.ToString())))).ToString()); //} //Bitmap nBMP = new Bitmap(oBMP, nWidth, nHeight); //using (System.IO.MemoryStream sm = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) //{ // nBMP.Save(sm, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); // sm.Position = 0; // dc = new byte[sm.Length + 1]; // sm.Read(dc, 0, dc.Length); sm.Close(); //} //oBMP.Dispose(); nBMP.Dispose(); //new AdminSystem().UpdDbImg(Request.QueryString["key"], Request.QueryString["tbl"], Request.QueryString["knm"], Request.QueryString["col"].ToString(), dc, dbConnectionString, base.AppPwd(sid)); Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); //string imgEmbedded = "data:application/base64;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(dc); string imgEmbedded = savedContent != null ? (RO.Common3.Utils.BlobPlaceHolder(savedContent, true) ?? "").Replace("../", "") : "images/DefaultImg.png"; string json = "{\"imgUrl\":\"" + imgEmbedded + "\"}"; Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; Response.Write(json); Response.End(); } else if (Request.QueryString["del"] != null) { //delete image new AdminSystem().UpdDbImg(Request.QueryString["key"], Request.QueryString["tbl"], Request.QueryString["knm"], Request.QueryString["col"].ToString(), null, dbConnectionString, base.AppPwd(sid)); Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); string json = "{\"imgUrl\":\"" + "images/DefaultImg.png" + "\"}"; Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; Response.Write(json); Response.End(); } }
public String combos(String tabla) { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); DataTable t = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adp = new MySqlDataAdapter(); con = conexion.conexion.obtnerconexion(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } String resultado = ""; String sql = ""; sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla; cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = sql; try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); adp.SelectCommand = cmd; adp.Fill(t); List <Dictionary <Object, String> > filas = new List <Dictionary <Object, String> >(); Dictionary <Object, String> fila; foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) { fila = new Dictionary <object, string>(); if (tabla == "fescolaridad") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fpais") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fprofesion") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fpromotor") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("telefono", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("sucursal", row[3].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fsucursal") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fzona") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("sucursal", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("posicion", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("circun", row[4].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fciudad") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fcomites") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fcargo") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fcliente") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("codcliente", row[34].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "ftipoestudio") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fnomestudio") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("tipoestudio", row[2].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "ftemas") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("nomestudio", row[2].ToString()); } else { foreach (DataColumn col in t.Columns) { String valor = row[col.ColumnName].ToString(); if (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && valor != "") { DateTime fecha = DateTime.Parse(valor); valor = fecha.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } fila.Add(col.ColumnName, valor); } } filas.Add(fila); } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); resultado = js.Serialize(filas); con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { String error = e.Message; } return(resultado); }
public static string GetcurrentTimeSystem() { var js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); return(js.Serialize(DateTime.Now)); }
public string StudentAssessment(string ChildId, int termID) { bool Submited_flag; try { var check = db.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessment.Where(x => x.TermID == termID && x.StudentID == ChildId && x.Status == "Principle_submit").Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); if (check.Count == 0) { Submited_flag = false; } else { Submited_flag = true; } } catch { Submited_flag = false; } Student_data Assessment_DATA = new Student_data(); Assessment_DATA.assessment_data = new List <subject>(); if (Submited_flag) { var STAID = db.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessment.Where(x => x.TermID == termID && x.StudentID == ChildId).Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); Assessment_DATA.PrincipleComment = db.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessment.Where(x => x.TermID == termID && x.StudentID == ChildId).Select(x => x.PrincipalComments).FirstOrDefault(); var catageory = db.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessments_Answers.Where(x => x.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessment.TermID == termID && x.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessment.StudentID == ChildId).Select(x => x.Catageory).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var item in STAID) { subject Subject = new subject(); Subject.SubjectName = db.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessments_Answers.Where(x => x.STAID == item).Select(x => x.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessment.AspNetSubject.SubjectName).First(); Subject.TeacherComment = db.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessment.Where(x => x.Id == item).Select(x => x.TeacherComments).FirstOrDefault(); Subject.CatageoryList = new List <Catageory>(); foreach (var Catag in catageory) { Catageory Catageory = new Catageory(); Catageory.catageoryName = Catag; Catageory.QuestionList = new List <Questions>(); var AQID = db.AspNetStudent_Term_Assessments_Answers.Where(x => x.STAID == item && x.Catageory == Catag).ToList(); if (AQID.Count != 0) { foreach (var aqid in AQID) { Questions question = new Questions(); question.Question = aqid.Question; question.Answer = aqid.Answer; Catageory.QuestionList.Add(question); } Subject.CatageoryList.Add(Catageory); } } Assessment_DATA.assessment_data.Add(Subject); } } var javaScriptSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); string jsonString = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(Assessment_DATA); return(jsonString); }
public String buscarcampo(String tabla, String condicion) { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); DataTable t = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adp = new MySqlDataAdapter(); con = conexion.conexion.obtnerconexion(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } String resultado = ""; String sql = ""; if (tabla == "fcargos") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE id='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "festudios") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE id='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "movescrituras") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE escritura='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "vcréditos") { condicion = condicion.Replace(",", " or id="); sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE id=" + condicion + ""; } else if (tabla == "vcargos") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE idcliente='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "vestudios") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE idcliente='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "vcliente") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE id='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "vapertura") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE codcliente='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "vdesembolso") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE codcliente='" + condicion + "'"; } else if (tabla == "vinstitucion") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE id='" + condicion + "'"; } else { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla + " WHERE value='" + condicion + "'"; } cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = sql; try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); adp.SelectCommand = cmd; adp.Fill(t); List <Dictionary <Object, String> > filas = new List <Dictionary <Object, String> >(); Dictionary <Object, String> fila; foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) { fila = new Dictionary <object, string>(); if (tabla == "fzona") { fila.Add("posicion", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("circun", row[4].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "fcargosxx") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("idcliente", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("comite", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("cargo", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("fechainicial", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("fechafinal", row[5].ToString()); fila.Add("actual", row[6].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "festudiosxx") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("idcliente", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("tipoestudio", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("nomestudio", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("temas", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("fechainicio", row[5].ToString()); fila.Add("fechafinal", row[6].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "vcargos") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("idcliente", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("comite", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("cargo", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("fechainicial", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("fechafinal", row[5].ToString()); fila.Add("actual", row[6].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "vestudios") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("idcliente", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("tipoestudio", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("nomestudio", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("temas", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("fechainicio", row[5].ToString()); fila.Add("fechafinal", row[6].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "vcliente") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("fecha", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("nombre", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("iden", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("dir", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("fechana", row[5].ToString()); fila.Add("edad", row[6].ToString()); fila.Add("escolaridad", row[7].ToString()); fila.Add("profesion", row[8].ToString()); fila.Add("telefono", row[9].ToString()); fila.Add("ocupacion", row[10].ToString()); fila.Add("hijos", row[11].ToString()); fila.Add("pais", row[12].ToString()); fila.Add("ciudad", row[13].ToString()); fila.Add("sucursal", row[14].ToString()); fila.Add("zona", row[15].ToString()); fila.Add("correo", row[16].ToString()); fila.Add("referente", row[17].ToString()); fila.Add("telereferente", row[18].ToString()); fila.Add("promotor", row[19].ToString()); fila.Add("esdelegado", row[20].ToString()); fila.Add("inscrito", row[21].ToString()); fila.Add("estadocivil", row[22].ToString()); fila.Add("circun", row[23].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "vinstitucion") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("fecha", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("nombre", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("ruc", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("dir", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("telefono", row[5].ToString()); fila.Add("fechana", row[6].ToString()); fila.Add("edad", row[7].ToString()); fila.Add("ocupacion", row[8].ToString()); fila.Add("pais", row[9].ToString()); fila.Add("ciudad", row[10].ToString()); fila.Add("sucursal", row[11].ToString()); fila.Add("zona", row[12].ToString()); fila.Add("posicion", row[13].ToString()); fila.Add("promotor", row[14].ToString()); fila.Add("correo", row[15].ToString()); fila.Add("rep1", row[16].ToString()); fila.Add("idenrep1", row[17].ToString()); fila.Add("dirrep1", row[18].ToString()); fila.Add("telerep1", row[19].ToString()); fila.Add("cargorep1", row[20].ToString()); fila.Add("rep2", row[21].ToString()); fila.Add("idenrep2", row[22].ToString()); fila.Add("dirrep2", row[23].ToString()); fila.Add("telerep2", row[24].ToString()); fila.Add("cargorep2", row[25].ToString()); fila.Add("circun", row[28].ToString()); fila.Add("inscrito", row[29].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "vapertura") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("tipocuenta", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("codcuenta", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("documentos", row[4].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "vdesembolso") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("codcredito", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("sector", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("documentos", row[4].ToString()); } else { foreach (DataColumn col in t.Columns) { String valor = row[col.ColumnName].ToString(); if (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && valor != "") { DateTime fecha = DateTime.Parse(valor); valor = fecha.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } fila.Add(col.ColumnName, valor); } } filas.Add(fila); } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); resultado = js.Serialize(filas); con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { resultado = e.Message; } return(resultado); }
protected void bAjaxPostback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string status = string.Empty; try { aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities(); Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataMan = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance; switch (hiddenAjaxAction.Value) { case "page1": int skip1 = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue.Value); var users1 = userQueryLiveNear.Skip(skip1).Take(PEOPLE_TAKE).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, UserName = u.UserName, FName = u.UserFirstName, LName = u.UserLastName, UserKey = u.UserKey, Duration = 0 }).ToArray(); string json1 = users1.ToJson(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page.atiPeopleList1.generateStreamDom('" + json1 + "');"); break; case "page2": int skip2 = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue.Value); var users2 = userQueryRecentActive.Skip(skip2).Take(PEOPLE_TAKE).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, UserName = u.UserName, FName = u.UserFirstName, LName = u.UserLastName, UserKey = u.UserKey, Duration = 0 }).ToArray(); string json2 = users2.ToJson(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page.atiPeopleList2.generateStreamDom('" + json2 + "');"); break; case "page3": int skip3 = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue.Value); var users3 = userQueryMostWatched.Skip(skip3).Take(PEOPLE_TAKE).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, UserName = u.UserName, FName = u.UserFirstName, LName = u.UserLastName, UserKey = u.UserKey, Duration = 0 }).ToArray(); string json3 = users3.ToJson(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page.atiPeopleList3.generateStreamDom('" + json3 + "');"); break; case "pageFast1": int skip4 = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue.Value); var users4 = workoutQueryFastest1.Skip(skip4).Select(w => new { Id = w.UserSetting.Id, UserName = w.UserSetting.UserName, FName = w.UserSetting.UserFirstName, LName = w.UserSetting.UserLastName, UserKey = w.UserSetting.UserKey, Duration = w.Duration }).Take(PEOPLE_TAKE).ToArray(); string json4 = users4.ToJson(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page.atiPeopleListFast1.generateStreamDom('" + json4 + "');"); break; case "configAddWorkout": long workoutKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenWodKey.Value); int numshow = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue.Value); hiddenWodKey.Value = ""; // clear the workout key now Affine.Data.json.LeaderBoardWOD[] data = dataMan.SaveCustomLeaderBoardWorkout(ProfileSettings.Id, UserSettings.Id, workoutKey, numshow, 0); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serial = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); string json = serial.Serialize(data); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page." + atiLeaderBoard2Config.ID + ".appendLeaderBoardJson('" + json + "'); Aqufit.Windows.WorkoutSelectDialog.close();"); break; case "RestoreDefault": dataMan.DeleteCustomLeaderBoard(ProfileSettings.Id, UserSettings.Id); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page." + atiLeaderBoard2Config.ID + ".clear(); "); break; case "configDelWorkout": long wodKey = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue.Value); dataMan.DeleteCustomLeaderBoardWorkout(ProfileSettings.Id, UserSettings.Id, wodKey); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { status = "ERROR: There was a problem with the action (" + ex.Message + ")"; } }
public String buscardatos(String tabla) { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); DataTable t = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adp = new MySqlDataAdapter(); con = conexion.conexion.obtnerconexion(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } String resultado = ""; String sql = ""; sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabla; cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = sql; try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); adp.SelectCommand = cmd; adp.Fill(t); List <Dictionary <Object, String> > filas = new List <Dictionary <Object, String> >(); Dictionary <Object, String> fila; foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) { fila = new Dictionary <object, string>(); if (tabla == "fclientexxx") { DateTime fecha = DateTime.Parse(row[1].ToString()); String fechaa = fecha.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); DateTime fecha2 = DateTime.Parse(row[5].ToString()); String fechana = fecha2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("fecha", fechaa); fila.Add("nombre", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("iden", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("dir", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("fechana", fechana); fila.Add("edad", row[6].ToString()); fila.Add("sexo", row[7].ToString()); fila.Add("escolaridad", row[8].ToString()); fila.Add("profesion", row[9].ToString()); fila.Add("telefono", row[10].ToString()); fila.Add("ocupacion", row[11].ToString()); fila.Add("hijos", row[12].ToString()); fila.Add("estadocivil", row[13].ToString()); fila.Add("nacionalidad", row[14].ToString()); fila.Add("ciudad", row[15].ToString()); fila.Add("sucursal", row[16].ToString()); fila.Add("zona", row[17].ToString()); fila.Add("correo", row[18].ToString()); fila.Add("lugartrabajo", row[19].ToString()); fila.Add("dirtrabajo", row[20].ToString()); fila.Add("teletrabajo", row[21].ToString()); fila.Add("conyugue", row[22].ToString()); fila.Add("teleconyugue", row[23].ToString()); fila.Add("referente", row[24].ToString()); fila.Add("telereferente", row[25].ToString()); fila.Add("dirreferente", row[26].ToString()); fila.Add("promotor", row[27].ToString()); fila.Add("esdelegado", row[28].ToString()); fila.Add("inscrito", row[29].ToString()); if (row[30].ToString() == "") { fila.Add("foto", "../img/avatar.png"); } else { fila.Add("foto", row[30].ToString()); } fila.Add("retiro", row[31].ToString()); fila.Add("fecharetiro", row[32].ToString()); fila.Add("fechadelegado", row[33].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "finstitucionxxx") { fila.Add("id", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("fecha", row[1].ToString()); fila.Add("nombre", row[2].ToString()); fila.Add("ruc", row[3].ToString()); fila.Add("dir", row[4].ToString()); fila.Add("telefono", row[5].ToString()); fila.Add("fechana", row[6].ToString()); fila.Add("edad", row[7].ToString()); fila.Add("ocupacion", row[8].ToString()); fila.Add("pais", row[9].ToString()); fila.Add("ciudad", row[10].ToString()); fila.Add("sucursal", row[11].ToString()); fila.Add("zona", row[12].ToString()); fila.Add("promotor", row[13].ToString()); fila.Add("correo", row[14].ToString()); fila.Add("rep1", row[15].ToString()); fila.Add("idenrep1", row[16].ToString()); fila.Add("dirrep1", row[17].ToString()); fila.Add("telerep1", row[18].ToString()); fila.Add("cargorep1", row[19].ToString()); fila.Add("rep2", row[20].ToString()); fila.Add("idenrep2", row[21].ToString()); fila.Add("dirrep2", row[22].ToString()); fila.Add("telerep2", row[23].ToString()); fila.Add("cargorep2", row[24].ToString()); fila.Add("retiro", row[25].ToString()); fila.Add("fecharetiro", row[26].ToString()); fila.Add("inscrito", row[27].ToString()); } else if (tabla == "vinstitucion") { fila.Add("value", row[0].ToString()); fila.Add("text", row[2].ToString()); } else { foreach (DataColumn col in t.Columns) { String valor = row[col.ColumnName].ToString(); if (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && valor != "") { DateTime fecha = DateTime.Parse(valor); valor = fecha.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } fila.Add(col.ColumnName, valor); } } filas.Add(fila); } System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); js.MaxJsonLength = 999999999; resultado = js.Serialize(filas); con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { String error = e.Message; } return(resultado); }
public string ToJSON() { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); return(jsonSerializer.Serialize(this)); }
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext) { if (IsBasicAuthorized(actionContext)) { ((apiController)actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller).Init(); return; } if (IsServerAuthorized(actionContext)) { return; } if (IsAnonymous(actionContext)) { return; } base.OnAuthorization(actionContext); ClaimsPrincipal principal = actionContext.Request.GetRequestContext().Principal as ClaimsPrincipal; var ci = principal.Identity as ClaimsIdentity; if (!ci.IsAuthenticated) { AuthorizationTokenExpiredException authorizationTokenExpiredException = new AuthorizationTokenExpiredException(); actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, authorizationTokenExpiredException.Message, authorizationTokenExpiredException); return; } try { var usernameObj = principal.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == Database.Username).Single(); var appnameObj = principal.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == Database.AppName).Single(); var infoObj = principal.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == Database.TokenInfo).SingleOrDefault(); if (usernameObj == null) { HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, null, null); return; } if (appnameObj == null) { HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, null, null); return; } string username = usernameObj.Value; string appname = appnameObj.Value; string appNameFromToken = appnameObj.Value; bool mainAppFromToken = appNameFromToken == Maps.DuradosAppName; string appNameInHeader = null; if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Contains("AppName")) { appNameInHeader = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetValues("AppName").FirstOrDefault(); } else if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Contains("appName")) { appNameInHeader = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetValues("appName").FirstOrDefault(); } else if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Contains("appname")) { appNameInHeader = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetValues("appname").FirstOrDefault(); } Durados.Web.Mvc.Controllers.AccountMembershipService accountMembershipService = new Durados.Web.Mvc.Controllers.AccountMembershipService(); if (appNameInHeader != null) { if (appname.ToLower() == Maps.DuradosAppName) { appname = appNameInHeader; } else { if (appname != appNameInHeader) { // BackandSSO if (!IsSso(appname, appNameInHeader)) { actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, string.Format(Durados.Web.Mvc.UI.Helpers.UserValidationErrorMessages.AccessTokenNotAllowedToApp, appNameInHeader)); return; } else { appname = appNameInHeader; if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(Database.AppName)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(Database.AppName, appname); } else { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items[Database.AppName] = appname; } if (!accountMembershipService.IsApproved(username)) { try { userController uc = new userController(); string provider = GetDomainControllerProvider(appname); var userRow = (DataRow)GetUserRow(appnameObj.Value, username); string socialId = GetSocialId(provider, username, appnameObj.Value); bool hasSocialId = socialId != null; string password = GetPassword(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(Database.SignupInProcess, true); if (hasSocialId) { uc.SignUpCommand(appname, username, provider, socialId, GetValues(userRow, username), GetFirstName(userRow), GetLastName(userRow), password, true); } else { bool hasMembership = Maps.Instance.GetMap(appname).GetMembershipProvider().GetUser(username, false) != null; if (hasMembership) { var signUpResults = uc.SignUp(appname, null, null, true, GetFirstName(userRow), username, GetLastName(userRow), password, password, new Dictionary <string, object>()); } else { actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, string.Format(Durados.Web.Mvc.UI.Helpers.UserValidationErrorMessages.AccessTokenNotAllowedToApp, appNameInHeader)); return; } } } catch (Exception exception) { actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, exception.Message, exception); } } string key = appname + "_userRow_" + username; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Remove(key); } } } } if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(Database.Username)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(Database.Username, username); } if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(Database.AppName)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(Database.AppName, appname); } else { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items[Database.AppName] = appname; } if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(Database.MainAppFromToken)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(Database.MainAppFromToken, mainAppFromToken); } string infoJson = null; object info = null; if (infoObj != null) { infoJson = infoObj.Value; var jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); info = jss.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(infoJson); } const string ForToken = "forToken"; IDictionary <string, object> tokenInfo = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (info != null && info is IDictionary <string, object> && ((IDictionary <string, object>)info).ContainsKey(ForToken) && ((IDictionary <string, object>)info)[ForToken] is IDictionary <string, object> ) { tokenInfo = (IDictionary <string, object>)((IDictionary <string, object>)info)[ForToken]; } if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(Database.TokenInfo)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(Database.TokenInfo, tokenInfo); } try { if (SharedMemorySingeltone.Instance.Contains(appname, SharedMemoryKey.DebugMode)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items[Durados.Workflow.JavaScript.Debug] = true; } } catch { } if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(Database.RequestId)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(Database.RequestId, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } //NewRelic.Api.Agent.NewRelic.AddCustomParameter(Durados.Database.RequestId, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items[Database.RequestId].ToString()); //if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Contains("AppName")) //{ try { //if (!IsAppReady()) //{ // throw new Durados.DuradosException("App is not ready yet"); //} //if (!accountMembershipService.ValidateUser(username) || !accountMembershipService.IsApproved(username) || Revoked(appname, GetAuthToken(actionContext))) if (!accountMembershipService.IsApproved(username) || Revoked(appname, GetAuthToken(actionContext))) { HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, appname, username); return; } if (!(Maps.IsDevUser(username) || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Segments.Contains("general/")) && (new Durados.Web.Mvc.UI.Helpers.DuradosAuthorizationHelper().IsAppLocked(appname) || IsAdminLocked(appname, appNameFromToken, username))) { actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, string.Format(Durados.Web.Mvc.UI.Helpers.UserValidationErrorMessages.AppLocked, appname)); return; } } catch (Durados.Web.Mvc.UI.Helpers.AppNotReadyException exception) { actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse( HttpStatusCode.NoContent, exception.Message); return; } catch (Exception exception) { actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, string.Format(Messages.Unexpected, exception.Message)); try { Maps.Instance.DuradosMap.Logger.Log(actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller.GetType().Name, actionContext.Request.RequestUri.ToString(), "BackAndAuthorizeAttribute", exception, 1, "authorization failure"); } catch { } try { if (Maps.Instance.AppInCach(appname)) { Durados.Web.Mvc.UI.Helpers.RestHelper.Refresh(appname); } } catch { } return; } //} if (_allowedRoles == "Admin") { string userRole = Maps.Instance.GetMap(appname).Database.GetUserRole(); if (!(userRole == "Admin" || userRole == "Developer")) { actionContext.ActionArguments.Add(Database.backand_serverAuthorizationAttempt, true); actionContext.ActionArguments.Add(UserRoleNotSufficient, true); HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, appname, username); return; } } if (_allowedRoles == "Developer") { string userRole = Maps.Instance.GetMap(appname).Database.GetUserRole(); if (userRole != "Developer") { actionContext.ActionArguments.Add(Database.backand_serverAuthorizationAttempt, true); actionContext.ActionArguments.Add(UserRoleNotSufficient, true); HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, appname, username); return; } } try { string message = null; if (!mainAppFromToken && IsCustomDeny(appname, username, out message)) { HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, appname, username, message); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, appname, username, "Unexpected error: " + exception.Message); return; } ((apiController)actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller).Init(); } catch { HandleUnauthorized(actionContext, null, null); return; } }
public HttpResponseMessage Upload(long selectedCollectionID) { // Get a reference to the file that our jQuery sent. Even with multiple files, they will all be their own request and be the 0 index HttpPostedFile file = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0]; var temp = Path.Combine(PathManager.GetUserCollectionPath(), "Temp"); if (!Directory.Exists(temp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); } User user = UserRepository.First(u => u.ProviderID == this.User.Identity.Name); Photo photo = PhotoService.ProcessUserPhoto(file.InputStream, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), user, selectedCollectionID); // Now we need to wire up a response so that the calling script understands what happened HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var result = new { name = file.FileName, id = photo.ID }; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(serializer.Serialize(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 200; // For compatibility with IE's "done" event we need to return a result as well as setting the context.response return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); }