public static void Main(string[] args) { // <SnippetReadAttributes> Type widgetType = typeof(Widget); //Gets every HelpAttribute defined for the Widget type object[] widgetClassAttributes = widgetType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HelpAttribute), false); if (widgetClassAttributes.Length > 0) { HelpAttribute attr = (HelpAttribute)widgetClassAttributes[0]; Console.WriteLine($"Widget class help URL : {attr.Url} - Related topic : {attr.Topic}"); } System.Reflection.MethodInfo displayMethod = widgetType.GetMethod(nameof(Widget.Display)); //Gets every HelpAttribute defined for the Widget.Display method object[] displayMethodAttributes = displayMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HelpAttribute), false); if (displayMethodAttributes.Length > 0) { HelpAttribute attr = (HelpAttribute)displayMethodAttributes[0]; Console.WriteLine($"Display method help URL : {attr.Url} - Related topic : {attr.Topic}"); } Console.ReadLine(); // </SnippetReadAttributes> }
/// <summary> /// 权限验证 /// </summary> /// <param name="action"></param> private void Authorize(string action) { if (this.JsonProcessor.ContainsKey(action) || this.ImageProcessor.ContainsKey(action) || this.FileDownloadProcessor.ContainsKey(action) ) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.JsonProcessor.ContainsKey(action) ? this.JsonProcessor[action].Method : this.ImageProcessor.ContainsKey(action) ? this.ImageProcessor[action].Method : this.FileDownloadProcessor[action].Method; var attr = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <AuthorizeAttribute>().FirstOrDefault(); if (attr != null) { if (SccService.Authorized() && SccService.IsInRole(attr.Role, this.FunctionCode)) { //通过权限检查 } else { this.ReturnJson(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AjaxResult { Message = Commons.Language.GetText("UnAuthorized", "CN:你无权访问!~EN:UnAuthorized", SccService.CurrentLanguageType), IsSuccess = false })); } } } }
private PluginMethod CreateFrom(System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, string logicalname) { var result = new PluginMethod(); result.method = method; var parameters = method.GetParameters().ToArray(); result.Parameters = new TypeCache[parameters.Length]; var ix = 0; foreach (var parameter in parameters) { result.Parameters[ix] = TypeCache.ForParameter(parameter, logicalname); ix++; } var sortAttr = method.GetCustomAttributes(Types.SortAttribute, false).SingleOrDefault(); if (sortAttr != null) { result.Sort = (int)sortAttr.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(sortAttr); } else { result.Sort = 1; } return(result); }
private IList <System.Reflection.MethodInfo> findMatchingAnnotatedMethods(string parameterName) { IList <System.Reflection.MethodInfo> result = new List <System.Reflection.MethodInfo>(); System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] methods = this.GetType().GetMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = methods[i]; Annotation[] methodAnnotations = method.GetCustomAttributes(true); for (int j = 0; j < methodAnnotations.Length; j++) { Annotation annotation = methodAnnotations[j]; if (annotation is CamundaQueryParam) { CamundaQueryParam parameterAnnotation = (CamundaQueryParam)annotation; if (parameterAnnotation.value().Equals(parameterName)) { result.Add(method); } } } } return(result); }
public void Before(System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, object[] args, object target) { String currentUser = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; object[] permissionAttributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredPermission), false); if (permissionAttributes.Count() == 1) { RequiredPermission permissionAttribute = permissionAttributes[0] as RequiredPermission; int accountId = (int)args[permissionAttribute.AccountIdParamIndex]; Permission permission = _userRepository.GetUserPermission(accountId, currentUser); var result = permissionAttribute.Permission & permission; if (result != permissionAttribute.Permission) { throw new SecurityException("Not enough user rights"); } } bool isUserGoodType = false; object[] userTypeAttributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredUserType), false); if (userTypeAttributes != null && userTypeAttributes.Count() == 1) { UserType currentUserType = _userRepository.GetUserType(currentUser); UserType[] userTypes = (userTypeAttributes[0] as RequiredUserType).UserTypes; foreach (UserType requestedUserType in userTypes) { if (currentUserType == requestedUserType) { isUserGoodType = true; break; } } if (!isUserGoodType) { throw new SecurityException(String.Format("This method is not allowed for user type: {0}", currentUserType)); } } }
public static bool IsOn(System.Reflection.MethodInfo m) { foreach (System.Attribute attr in m.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { if (attr is SetUp) { return(true); } } return(false); }
internal CILMethodImpl( CILReflectionContextImpl ctx, Int32 anID, System.Reflection.MethodInfo method ) : base(ctx, anID, method) { var nGDef = method.IsGenericMethodDefinition ? method : null; var dllImportAttr = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute; InitFields( ref, ref this.returnParameter, ref this.gArgs, ref this.gArgsLock, ref this.gDef, ref this.overriddenMethods, ref this.overriddenMethodsLock, ref this.pInvokeAttributes, ref this.pInvokeName, ref this.pInvokeModule, new SettableValueForClasses <String>(method.Name), () => ctx.Cache.GetOrAdd(method.ReturnParameter), () => ctx.CollectionsFactory.NewListProxy <CILTypeBase>(method.GetGenericArguments().Select(gArg => ctx.Cache.GetOrAdd(gArg)).ToList()), () => ctx.Cache.GetOrAdd(nGDef), () => { var result = this.context.CollectionsFactory.NewListProxy <CILMethod>(); if (!method.DeclaringType #if WINDOWS_PHONE_APP .GetTypeInfo() #endif .IsInterface&& !method.IsPublic) { var args = new ExplicitMethodImplementationLoadArgs(method.DeclaringType); ctx.LaunchInterfaceMappingLoadEvent(args); System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] resultNMethods; if (args.ExplicitlyImplementedMethods.TryGetValue(method, out resultNMethods)) { result.AddRange(resultNMethods.Select(nMethod => ctx.Cache.GetOrAdd(nMethod))); } } return(result); }, new SettableValueForEnums <PInvokeAttributes>(dllImportAttr == null ? (PInvokeAttributes)0 : dllImportAttr.GetCorrespondingPInvokeAttributes()), new SettableValueForClasses <String>(dllImportAttr == null ? null : dllImportAttr.EntryPoint), new SettableValueForClasses <String>(dllImportAttr == null ? null : dllImportAttr.Value), true ); }
/// <summary> /// returns true if the method is an extension method /// </summary> /// <param name="method"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsExtensionMethod(System.Reflection.MethodInfo method) { if ((!method.IsPublic) || (!method.IsStatic)) { // By definition an extension method must be public and static return(false); } System.Type ext_attr_type = typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute); var ext_attrs = (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute[])method.GetCustomAttributes(ext_attr_type, false); return(ext_attrs.Length > 0); }
private static bool HasPreserveAttribute(System.Reflection.MethodInfo method) { Console.Write("Checking " + method.Name + " ..."); AssertNotEqual(method, null); foreach (object attr in method.GetCustomAttributes(true)) { Console.WriteLine(" " + attr.GetType().Name); if (attr.GetType().Name == "PreserveAttribute") { return(true); } } return(false); }
private Type findAnnotatedTypeConverter(System.Reflection.MethodInfo method) { Annotation[] methodAnnotations = method.GetCustomAttributes(true); for (int j = 0; j < methodAnnotations.Length; j++) { Annotation annotation = methodAnnotations[j]; if (annotation is CamundaQueryParam) { CamundaQueryParam parameterAnnotation = (CamundaQueryParam)annotation; return(parameterAnnotation.converter()); } } return(null); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = typeof(Program).GetMethod("bar", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); object[] attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true); foreach (object attr in attrs) { MyAttribute authAttr = attr as MyAttribute; if (authAttr != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(authAttr.Name); } } }
private static bool HasMonoCallbackAttr(Type parentType, string methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags flags) { Console.Write("Checking " + methodName + " ..."); System.Reflection.MethodInfo callback = parentType.GetMethod(methodName, flags | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static); AssertNotEqual(callback, null); foreach (object attr in callback.GetCustomAttributes(true)) { Console.WriteLine(" " + attr.GetType().Name); if (attr.GetType().Name == "MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute") { return(true); } } return(false); }
// NetStandardReporting.DynamicDllImportTest.Test(); public static void Test() { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = typeof(DynamicDllImportTest).GetMethod("bar", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); object[] attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true); foreach (object attr in attrs) { DynamicDllImportAttribute importAttr = attr as DynamicDllImportAttribute; if (importAttr != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(importAttr.Name); } } // Next attr } // End Sub Test
private static void GenerateTransitions(SerializedObject target, Type type) { var fsm = target.targetObject as FStateMachineMono; var prop = target.FindProperty("m_Transitions"); object[] methods = Ref.GetMethodsWithAttribute <FStateTransitionAttribute>(type, true); if (methods == null) { prop.ClearArray(); return; } List <FiniteStateTransition> transitions = new List <FiniteStateTransition>(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mtd = methods[i] as System.Reflection.MethodInfo; if (!Ref.MatchMethodRetAndParams(mtd, typeof(bool), null)) { RTLog.LogError(LogCat.AI, string.Format("{0} 不能作为状态方法,因为类型不能和 \" bool Method() \" 匹配.", mtd.Name)); continue; } object[] trans = mtd.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FStateTransitionAttribute), true); for (int j = 0; j < trans.Length; j++) { FStateTransitionAttribute t = trans[j] as FStateTransitionAttribute; FiniteStateTransition ft = new FiniteStateTransition(); ft.m_FromState = t.From ?? ""; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ft.m_FromState) && !fsm.HasState(ft.m_FromState)) // continue; ft.m_ToState = t.To ?? ""; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ft.m_ToState) && !fsm.HasState(ft.m_ToState)) // continue; ft.m_ConditionMethod = mtd.Name ?? ""; transitions.Add(ft); } } GlobalUtil.Sort(transitions, (x, y) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.m_FromState) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.m_ToState) ? 1 : -1); prop.arraySize = transitions.Count; for (int i = 0; i < transitions.Count; i++) { var p = prop.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); CopyTransitionToSerializedField(transitions[i], p); } }
public static void Usage() { Type widgetType = typeof(Widget); object[] widgetClassAttributes = widgetType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HelpAttribute), false); if (widgetClassAttributes.Length > 0) { HelpAttribute attr = (HelpAttribute)widgetClassAttributes[0]; Console.WriteLine($"Widget class help URL: {attr.Url} - Related topic: {attr.Topic}"); } System.Reflection.MethodInfo displayMethod = widgetType.GetMethod(nameof(Widget.Display)); object[] displayMethodAttributes = displayMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HelpAttribute), false); if (displayMethodAttributes.Length > 0) { HelpAttribute attr = (HelpAttribute)displayMethodAttributes[0]; Console.WriteLine($"Display method help URL: {attr.Url} - Related topic: {attr.Topic}"); } }
string[] GetCommandNamesForCurrentState(System.Reflection.MethodInfo state, System.Collections.ArrayList commandList) { StateCommandAttribute[] commands = (StateCommandAttribute[])state.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StateCommandAttribute), false); if (commands != null) { foreach (StateCommandAttribute command in commands) { commandList.Add(command.CommandName); } } object result = state.Invoke(this, new object[] { new QEvent(QSignals.Empty) }); if (null != result) { state = ((QState)result).Method; GetCommandNamesForCurrentState(state, commandList); } string[] commandNames = (string[])commandList.ToArray(typeof(string)); return(commandNames); }
private void GenerateTransitions(Type type) { object[] methods = Utility.Ref.GetMethodsWithAttribute <FStateTransitionAttribute>(type, true); if (methods == null) { m_Transitions = new FiniteStateTransition[0]; return; } List <FiniteStateTransition> transitions = new List <FiniteStateTransition>(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mtd = methods[i] as System.Reflection.MethodInfo; if (!Utility.Ref.MatchMethodRetAndParams(mtd, typeof(bool), null)) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} 不能作为状态方法,因为类型不能和 \" bool Method() \" 匹配.", mtd.Name)); continue; } object[] trans = mtd.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FStateTransitionAttribute), true); for (int j = 0; j < trans.Length; j++) { FStateTransitionAttribute t = trans[j] as FStateTransitionAttribute; FiniteStateTransition ft = new FiniteStateTransition(); ft.m_FromState = t.From ?? ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ft.m_FromState) && !HasState(ft.m_FromState)) { continue; } ft.m_ToState = t.To ?? ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ft.m_ToState) && !HasState(ft.m_ToState)) { continue; } ft.m_ConditionMethod = mtd.Name ?? ""; transitions.Add(ft); } } transitions.Sort((x, y) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.m_FromState) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.m_ToState) ? 1 : -1); m_Transitions = transitions.ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// 按方法RepositoryInterceptorAttribute特性设置token值 /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Aspect上下文</param> /// <param name="methodInfo">方法</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool SetTokenValueByMethod(AspectContext context, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo, string userName) { foreach (var atr in methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { //获取上RepositoryInterceptorAttribute的方法 if (atr is RepositoryInterceptorAttribute) { int index = 0; foreach (var par in context.ProxyMethod.GetParameters()) { //参数名为token的切面输入token if (par.Name == "token") { context.Parameters[index] = GetToken(HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext, userName); return(true); } index++; } } } return(false); }
protected override PageHandlerModel CreateHandlerModel(System.Reflection.MethodInfo method) { if (method == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(method)); } if (!IsHandler(method)) { return(null); } if (!TryParseHandlerMethod(method.Name, out var httpMethod, out var handlerName)) { return(null); } var handlerModel = new PageHandlerModel( method, method.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: true)) { Name = method.Name, HandlerName = handlerName, HttpMethod = httpMethod, }; var methodParameters = handlerModel.MethodInfo.GetParameters(); for (var i = 0; i < methodParameters.Length; i++) { var parameter = methodParameters[i]; var parameterModel = CreateParameterModel(parameter); parameterModel.Handler = handlerModel; handlerModel.Parameters.Add(parameterModel); } return(handlerModel); }
public void DisplayMethodProperties(System.Reflection.MethodInfo Method) { ThisMethod = Method; // Show the method name Label2.Text = ThisMethod.Name; // Show the calling convention Label4.Text = "0x" + ThisMethod.CallingConvention.ToString("x") + " = " + ThisMethod.CallingConvention.ToString(); // Show the method's standard attributes Label6.Text = "0x" + ThisMethod.Attributes.ToString("x") + " = " + ThisMethod.Attributes.ToString(); // Show the return type Label8.Text = ThisMethod.ReturnType.FullName; // Show the parameters foreach (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo parm in ThisMethod.GetParameters()) { //ListBox1.Items.Add(parm.Name + " as " + parm.ParameterType.FullName); ListBox1.Items.Add(parm.ParameterType);//changed because I need the type later } // Show the custom attributes foreach (object attr in ThisMethod.GetCustomAttributes(true)) { ListBox2.Items.Add(attr); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a type. /// </summary> /// <param name="controller"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> protected static void InitializeType(ModelValidationController controller, System.Type type) { object[] attr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModelValidationStateAttribute), false); bool isEnabled = false; foreach (ModelValidationStateAttribute attribute in attr) { if (attribute.ValidationState == ModelValidationState.Enabled) { isEnabled = true; break; } } if (isEnabled) { controller.ValidationIsEnabled.Add(type, isEnabled); } // continue with methods if (isEnabled) { System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <System.Reflection.MethodInfo, ModelValidationCategories> dictionary = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <System.Reflection.MethodInfo, ModelValidationCategories>(); System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] methodInfoArr = type.GetMethods(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); for (int i = 0; i < methodInfoArr.Length; i++) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = methodInfoArr[i]; object[] objArr = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModelValidationMethodAttribute), false); if ((objArr != null) && (objArr.Length != 0)) { dictionary.Add(methodInfo, (objArr[0] as ModelValidationMethodAttribute).Categories); } } controller.ValidationMap.Add(type, dictionary); } }
private static string BuildScript(Type service, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo) { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.AppendLine(@"Dictionary<string, string> input = new Dictionary<string, string>();"); var attributes = service.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AnnoProxyAttribute), true); var methodAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AnnoProxyAttribute), true); /* * 接口模块 通道设置 */ if (attributes.Length > 0 || methodAttributes.Length > 0) { AnnoProxyAttribute attribute = null; if (attributes.Length > 0) { attribute = (AnnoProxyAttribute)attributes[0]; } if (attribute == null && methodAttributes.Length > 0) { attribute = (AnnoProxyAttribute)methodAttributes[0]; } else if (attribute != null && methodAttributes.Length > 0) { AnnoProxyAttribute mAttribute = (AnnoProxyAttribute)methodAttributes[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mAttribute.Channel)) { attribute.Channel = mAttribute.Channel; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mAttribute.Router)) { attribute.Router = mAttribute.Router; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mAttribute.Method)) { attribute.Method = mAttribute.Method; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Channel) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Router) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Method)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("管道参数 AnnoProxyAttribute[Channel、Router、Method] 不能为空"); } script.AppendLine($"input.Add(\"channel\", \"{attribute.Channel}\");"); script.AppendLine($"input.Add(\"router\", \"{attribute.Router}\");"); script.AppendLine($"input.Add(\"method\", \"{attribute.Method}\");"); } else { throw new ArgumentNullException("请设置管道参数 AnnoProxyAttribute[Channel、Router、Method]"); } var parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { if (parameters[i].Name.Equals("channel") || parameters[i].Name.Equals("router") || parameters[i].Name.Equals("method")) { throw new ArgumentException("服务接口参数不能出现关键字[channel、router、method]"); } if (parameters[i].ParameterType.IsClass && !parameters[i].ParameterType.Equals("".GetType())) { script.AppendLine($"input.Add(\"{parameters[i].Name}\", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject({parameters[i].Name}));"); } else { script.AppendLine($"input.Add(\"{parameters[i].Name}\", {parameters[i].Name}.ToString());"); } } if (methodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(void)) { script.AppendLine("string rlt = Anno.Rpc.Client.Connector.BrokerDns(input);"); if (typeof(IActionResult).IsAssignableFrom(methodInfo.ReturnType)) { script.AppendLine($"return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<{methodInfo.ReturnType.FullName}>(rlt);"); } else { script.AppendLine($"var data= Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ActionResult<{methodInfo.ReturnType.FullName}>>(rlt);"); script.AppendLine(@" if (data.Status == false && data.OutputData == null&&!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Msg)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(data.Msg); } else { return data.OutputData; }"); } } else { script.AppendLine("Anno.Rpc.Client.Connector.BrokerDns(input);"); } return(script.ToString()); }
protected void CalculateIsDirectional(System.Reflection.MethodInfo mInfo) { object[] directionalAttributes = mInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DirectionalGlyphAttribute), true); _IsDirectionalGlyph = directionalAttributes != null && directionalAttributes.Length > 0; }
private static IEnumerable <InterceptorAttribute> GetInterceptorAttributes(MethodInfo methodInfo) { return(methodInfo?.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InterceptorAttribute), true).Cast <InterceptorAttribute>() ?? new InterceptorAttribute[0]); }
public object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit) { return(internalInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit)); }
private void GenerateStates(Type type) { object[] methods = Utility.Ref.GetMethodsWithAttribute <FStateAttribute>(type, true); if (methods == null) { m_States = new FiniteState[0]; return; } FiniteState tmp; FiniteState defaultState = null; FiniteState firstState = null; Dictionary <string, FiniteState> allstates = new Dictionary <string, FiniteState>(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mtd = methods[i] as System.Reflection.MethodInfo; if (!Utility.Ref.MatchMethodRetAndParams(mtd, typeof(void), null)) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} 不能作为状态方法,因为类型不能和 \" void Method() \" 匹配.", mtd.Name)); continue; } object[] states = mtd.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FStateAttribute), true); for (int j = 0; j < states.Length; j++) { FStateAttribute state = states[j] as FStateAttribute; string sname = state.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sname)) { sname = mtd.Name; } if (!allstates.TryGetValue(sname, out tmp)) { tmp = new FiniteState(); tmp.m_StateName = sname; allstates[sname] = tmp; } if (firstState == null) { firstState = tmp; } if (state.IsDefault) { tmp.m_IsDefaultState = true; if (defaultState != null) { defaultState.m_IsDefaultState = false; } defaultState = tmp; } if (state.KeepInStack) { tmp.m_KeepInStack = true; } if ((state.Event & EStateEvent.OnBegin) != 0) { tmp.m_BeginMethod = mtd.Name; } if ((state.Event & EStateEvent.OnTick) != 0) { tmp.m_TickMethod = mtd.Name; } if ((state.Event & EStateEvent.OnEnd) != 0) { tmp.m_EndMethod = mtd.Name; } } } if (defaultState == null && firstState != null) { firstState.m_IsDefaultState = true; } m_States = new FiniteState[allstates.Count]; allstates.Values.CopyTo(m_States, 0); }
private static void GenerateStates(SerializedObject target, Type type) { var prop = target.FindProperty("m_States"); object[] methods = Ref.GetMethodsWithAttribute <FStateAttribute>(type, true); if (methods == null) { prop.ClearArray(); return; } FiniteState tmp; FiniteState defaultState = null; FiniteState firstState = null; Dictionary <string, FiniteState> allstates = new Dictionary <string, FiniteState>(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mtd = methods[i] as System.Reflection.MethodInfo; if (!Ref.MatchMethodRetAndParams(mtd, typeof(void), null)) { RTLog.LogError(LogCat.AI, string.Format("{0} 不能作为状态方法,因为类型不能和 \" void Method() \" 匹配.", mtd.Name)); continue; } object[] states = mtd.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FStateAttribute), true); for (int j = 0; j < states.Length; j++) { FStateAttribute state = states[j] as FStateAttribute; string sname = state.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sname)) { sname = mtd.Name; } if (!allstates.TryGetValue(sname, out tmp)) { tmp = new FiniteState(); tmp.m_StateName = sname; allstates[sname] = tmp; } if (firstState == null) { firstState = tmp; } if (state.IsDefault) { tmp.m_IsDefaultState = true; if (defaultState != null) { defaultState.m_IsDefaultState = false; } defaultState = tmp; } if (state.KeepInStack) { tmp.m_KeepInStack = true; } if (state.IsSubState) { tmp.m_UseSubState = true; } if ((state.Event & EStateEvent.OnBegin) != 0) { tmp.m_BeginMethod = mtd.Name; } if ((state.Event & EStateEvent.OnTick) != 0) { tmp.m_TickMethod = mtd.Name; } if ((state.Event & EStateEvent.OnEnd) != 0) { tmp.m_EndMethod = mtd.Name; } } } if (defaultState == null && firstState != null) { firstState.m_IsDefaultState = true; } prop.arraySize = allstates.Count; int num = 0; foreach (var stat in allstates.Values) { var p = prop.GetArrayElementAtIndex(num++); CopyStateToSerializedField(stat, p); } }
private void mnuHelperItemViewFunction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Controller.MainForm.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; TreeListNode selectedNode = treeListAPIHelper.Selection[0]; Type objectType = (Type)selectedNode.ParentNode.Tag; string methodName = selectedNode[0].ToString(); string functionName = objectType.FullName.Replace("ArchAngel.Providers.Database.", "") + "." + methodName; functionName = functionName.Replace(".", "_"); Project.FunctionInfo function = Project.Instance.FindFunction(functionName); if (function == null) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = objectType.GetMethod(methodName); ArchAngel.Interfaces.Attributes.ApiExtensionAttribute[] attributes = (ArchAngel.Interfaces.Attributes.ApiExtensionAttribute[])method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ArchAngel.Interfaces.Attributes.ApiExtensionAttribute), true); if (attributes.Length == 0) { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("DefaultCodeAttribute not implemented for {0}.{1} yet.", objectType.FullName, methodName)); } Type returnType = method.ReturnType; function = new Project.FunctionInfo(functionName, returnType, "XXX", false, Project.ScriptLanguageTypes.CSharp, string.Format("Override of helper function: {0}.{1}.", objectType.Name, methodName), "XXX", "Helper Overrides"); System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); foreach (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo parameter in parameters) { ArchAngel.Designer.Project.ParamInfo par = new Project.ParamInfo(parameter.Name, parameter.ParameterType); function.AddParameter(par); } Project.Instance.AddFunction(function); //int funcCount = Project.Instance.Functions.Length; //Project.FunctionInfo[] coll = new Project.FunctionInfo[funcCount + 1]; //coll[coll.Length - 1] = function; //Array.Copy(Project.Instance.Functions, coll, funcCount); //Project.Instance.Functions = coll; } Project.DefaultValueFunction defValFunc = Project.Instance.FindDefaultValueFunction(functionName); if (defValFunc == null) { Project.ParamInfo[] parameterTypes = new Project.ParamInfo[function.Parameters.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < function.Parameters.Length; i++) { parameterTypes[i] = new Project.ParamInfo(Slyce.Common.Utility.GetCamelCase(function.Parameters[i].Name), function.Parameters[i].DataType); } defValFunc = new Project.DefaultValueFunction(objectType, methodName, false, Project.DefaultValueFunction.FunctionTypes.HelperOverride, false); defValFunc.ParameterTypes = parameterTypes; Project.Instance.DefaultValueFunctions.Add(defValFunc); function.Body = defValFunc.GetFormattedDefaultCode(); Project.Instance.IsDirty = true; } Controller.MainForm.ShowFunction(functionName, defValFunc, false, this); Controller.MainForm.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
public static string MakeMethodExecuterCode(MethodDesc desc, bool bIsClient) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = desc.mi; System.Type ctype = desc.hostType; int LimitLevel = 0; if (!bIsClient) { object[] propAttrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RPC.RPCMethodAttribute), false); if (propAttrs != null && propAttrs.Length == 1) { RPC.RPCMethodAttribute propAtt = propAttrs[0] as RPC.RPCMethodAttribute; if (propAtt != null) { LimitLevel = propAtt.LimitLevel; } } } string strOut = ""; strOut += "[RPC.RPCMethordExecuterTypeAttribute(" + RPC.RPCEntrance.GetMethodHashCode(mi, ctype.FullName) + ",\"" + mi.Name + "\",typeof(HExe_" + RPC.RPCEntrance.GetMethodHashCode(mi, ctype.FullName) + "))]" + EndLine; strOut += "public class HExe_" + RPC.RPCEntrance.GetMethodHashCode(mi, ctype.FullName) + ": RPC.RPCMethodExecuter" + EndLine; strOut += "{" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + "public override int LimitLevel" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + "{" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + TabStr + "get { return " + LimitLevel + "; }" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + "}" + EndLine; if (bIsClient) { strOut += TabStr + "public override object Execute(RPC.RPCObject obj,RPC.PackageProxy pkg)" + EndLine; } else { strOut += TabStr + "public override object Execute(Iocp.NetConnection connect,RPC.RPCObject obj,RPC.PackageProxy pkg,RPC.RPCForwardInfo fwd)" + EndLine; } strOut += TabStr + "{" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + TabStr + ctype.FullName + " host = obj as " + ctype.FullName + ";" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + TabStr + "if (host == null) return null;" + EndLine; string strCall = ""; System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] parameters = mi.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { string finalName = parameters[i].Name; bool isNew = false; Type baseType = parameters[i].ParameterType; while (!isNew) { baseType = baseType.BaseType; if (baseType == null) { break; } if (baseType.Name == "IAutoSaveAndLoad") { isNew = true; break; } } if (parameters[i].ParameterType.FullName == "Iocp.NetConnection") { finalName = "connect"; } else if (parameters[i].ParameterType.FullName == "RPC.RPCForwardInfo") { finalName = "fwd"; } else if (isNew) { strOut += TabStr + TabStr + parameters[i].ParameterType.FullName + " " + parameters[i].Name + " = new " + parameters[i].ParameterType.FullName + "();" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + TabStr + "pkg.Read( " + parameters[i].Name + ");" + EndLine; } else { strOut += TabStr + TabStr + parameters[i].ParameterType.FullName + " " + parameters[i].Name + ";" + EndLine; strOut += TabStr + TabStr + "pkg.Read(out " + parameters[i].Name + ");" + EndLine; } if (i == parameters.Length - 1) { strCall += finalName; } else { strCall += finalName + ","; } } if (mi.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { strOut += TabStr + TabStr + "host." + mi.Name + "(" + strCall + ");" + EndLine + "return null;" + EndLine; } else { strOut += TabStr + TabStr + "return host." + mi.Name + "(" + strCall + ");" + EndLine; } strOut += TabStr + "}" + EndLine; strOut += "}" + EndLine; return(strOut); }
/// <summary> /// Returns some dashboard content that shows the background operations and their current status. /// </summary> /// <returns>The dashboard content.</returns> public IEnumerable <DashboardListItem> GetDashboardContent(TaskQueueResolver taskQueueResolver) { if (null == taskQueueResolver) { yield break; } foreach (var queue in taskQueueResolver.GetQueues()) { // Sanity. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queue)) { continue; } // Get information about the queues. TaskQueueAttribute queueSettings = null; System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldInfo = null; try { queueSettings = taskQueueResolver.GetQueueSettings(queue); fieldInfo = taskQueueResolver.GetQueueFieldInfo(queue); } catch { // Throws if the queue is incorrect. SysUtils.ReportToEventLog ($"Cannot load details for queue {queue}; is there a static field with the [TaskQueue] attribute?", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning ); continue; } // Skip anything broken. if (null == queueSettings || null == fieldInfo) { continue; } // If it's marked as hidden then skip. { var attributes = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HideOnDashboardAttribute), true) ?? new HideOnDashboardAttribute[0]; if (attributes.Length != 0) { continue; } } // Get each task processor. foreach (var processor in taskQueueResolver.GetTaskProcessors(queue)) { // Sanity. if (null == processor) { continue; } // Get information about the processor.. TaskProcessorAttribute taskProcessorSettings = null; System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = null; try { taskProcessorSettings = taskQueueResolver.GetTaskProcessorSettings(queue, processor.Type); methodInfo = taskQueueResolver.GetTaskProcessorMethodInfo(queue, processor.Type); } catch { // Throws if the task processor is not found. SysUtils.ReportToEventLog ( $"Cannot load processor details for task type {processor.Type} on queue {queue}.", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning ); continue; } // Skip anything broken. if (null == taskProcessorSettings || null == methodInfo) { continue; } // If it's marked as hidden then skip. { var attributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HideOnDashboardAttribute), true) ?? new HideOnDashboardAttribute[0]; if (attributes.Length != 0) { continue; } } // This should be shown. Do we have any extended details? var showOnDashboardAttribute = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ShowOnDashboardAttribute), true)? .FirstOrDefault() as ShowOnDashboardAttribute; // Show the description? var htmlString = ""; if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(showOnDashboardAttribute?.Description)) { htmlString += new DashboardCustomContent($"<p><em>{System.Security.SecurityElement.Escape(showOnDashboardAttribute?.Description)}</em></p>").ToXmlString(); } // Does it have any configuration instructions? IRecurrenceConfiguration recurrenceConfiguration = null; if (this .VaultApplication? .RecurringOperationConfigurationManager? .TryGetValue(queue, processor.Type, out recurrenceConfiguration) ?? false) { htmlString += recurrenceConfiguration.ToDashboardDisplayString(); } else { htmlString += "<p>Does not repeat.<br /></p>"; } // Get known executions (prior, running and future). var executions = this .GetAllExecutions <TaskDirective>(queue, processor.Type) .ToList(); var isRunning = executions.Any(e => e.State == MFilesAPI.MFTaskState.MFTaskStateInProgress); var isScheduled = executions.Any(e => e.State == MFilesAPI.MFTaskState.MFTaskStateWaiting); // Create the (basic) list item. var listItem = new DashboardListItemWithNormalWhitespace() { Title = showOnDashboardAttribute?.Name ?? processor.Type, StatusSummary = new DomainStatusSummary() { Label = isRunning ? "Running" : isScheduled ? "Scheduled" : "Stopped" } }; // Should we show the run command? { var key = $"{queue}-{processor.Type}"; lock (this._lock) { if (this.TaskQueueRunCommands.ContainsKey(key)) { var cmd = new DashboardDomainCommand { DomainCommandID = this.TaskQueueRunCommands[key].ID, Title = this.TaskQueueRunCommands[key].DisplayName, Style = DashboardCommandStyle.Link }; listItem.Commands.Add(cmd); } } } // Set the list item content. listItem.InnerContent = new DashboardCustomContent ( htmlString + executions? .AsDashboardContent()? .ToXmlString() ); // Add the list item. yield return(listItem); } } }
// Depuis que j'ai passé le truk à .NET framework 4 au lieu de .NET Framework 4.5 // Plusieurs fonctions n'étaient plus définies // TODO: Voir s'il y a moyen de compiler (à l'avenir) pour plusieurs version du framework avec les statements #if NET20, NET30, etc internal static T GetCustomAttribute <T>(this System.Reflection.MethodInfo method) where T : System.Attribute { object[] attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(false); return(attributes.OfType <T>().FirstOrDefault()); }