예제 #1
 public static void Put(this NetDataWriter writer, Quaternion value)
예제 #2
 public static void Validate(this System.Numerics.Quaternion q)
     if (IsInvalid(q.LengthSquared()))
         throw new NotFiniteNumberException("Invalid value.");
예제 #3
 public static void Write(byte[] bytes, int i, System.Numerics.Quaternion value)
     Write(bytes, i, value.X);
     Write(bytes, i + 4, value.Y);
     Write(bytes, i + 8, value.Z);
     Write(bytes, i + 12, value.W);
예제 #4
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms the vector using a quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v">Vector to transform.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">Rotation to apply to the vector.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Transformed vector.</param>
        public static void Transform(ref System.Numerics.Vector3 v, ref System.Numerics.Quaternion rotation, out System.Numerics.Vector3 result)
            //This operation is an optimized-down version of v' = q * v * q^-1.
            //The expanded form would be to treat v as an 'axis only' quaternion
            //and perform standard quaternion multiplication.  Assuming q is normalized,
            //q^-1 can be replaced by a conjugation.
            float x2  = rotation.X + rotation.X;
            float y2  = rotation.Y + rotation.Y;
            float z2  = rotation.Z + rotation.Z;
            float xx2 = rotation.X * x2;
            float xy2 = rotation.X * y2;
            float xz2 = rotation.X * z2;
            float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2;
            float yz2 = rotation.Y * z2;
            float zz2 = rotation.Z * z2;
            float wx2 = rotation.W * x2;
            float wy2 = rotation.W * y2;
            float wz2 = rotation.W * z2;
            //Defer the component setting since they're used in computation.
            float transformedX = v.X * (1f - yy2 - zz2) + v.Y * (xy2 - wz2) + v.Z * (xz2 + wy2);
            float transformedY = v.X * (xy2 + wz2) + v.Y * (1f - xx2 - zz2) + v.Z * (yz2 - wx2);
            float transformedZ = v.X * (xz2 - wy2) + v.Y * (yz2 + wx2) + v.Z * (1f - xx2 - yy2);

            result.X = transformedX;
            result.Y = transformedY;
            result.Z = transformedZ;
예제 #5
        public static NQuaternion GetDeltaQuaternionWithDirectionVectors(NVector3 a, NVector3 b)
            var dot = NVector3.Dot(a, b);

            if (dot < -0.999999)
                var cross = NVector3.Cross(a, b);
                if (cross.Length() < 0.000001)
                    cross = NVector3.Cross(NVector3.UnitY, a);
                cross = NVector3.Normalize(cross);
                return(NQuaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(cross, Pi));
            else if (dot > 0.999999)
                return(new NQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1));
                var xyz = NVector3.Cross(a, b);
                var w   = (float)(Math.Sqrt(a.Length() * a.Length() + b.Length() * b.Length()) + dot);
                return(new NQuaternion(xyz.X, xyz.Y, xyz.Z, w));
예제 #6
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the conjugate of the quaternion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="quaternion">System.Numerics.Quaternion to conjugate.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Conjugated quaternion.</param>
 public static void Conjugate(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion quaternion, out System.Numerics.Quaternion result)
     result.X = -quaternion.X;
     result.Y = -quaternion.Y;
     result.Z = -quaternion.Z;
     result.W = quaternion.W;
예제 #7
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a quaternion from a rotation matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r">Rotation matrix to create the quaternion from.</param>
        /// <param name="q">System.Numerics.Quaternion based on the rotation matrix.</param>
        public static void CreateFromRotationMatrix(ref System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 r, out System.Numerics.Quaternion q)
            Matrix3x3 downsizedMatrix;

            Matrix3x3.CreateFromMatrix(ref r, out downsizedMatrix);
            CreateFromRotationMatrix(ref downsizedMatrix, out q);
예제 #8
파일: EntityBase.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
        void IPositionUpdateable.PreUpdatePosition(float dt)
            System.Numerics.Vector3 increment;

            Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref angularVelocity, dt * .5f, out increment);
            var multiplier = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(increment.X, increment.Y, increment.Z, 0);

            QuaternionEx.Multiply(ref multiplier, ref orientation, out multiplier);
            QuaternionEx.Add(ref orientation, ref multiplier, out orientation);
            orientation = System.Numerics.Quaternion.Normalize(orientation);

            Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref orientation, out orientationMatrix);

            //Only do the linear motion if this object doesn't obey CCD.
            if (PositionUpdateMode == PositionUpdateMode.Discrete)
                Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref linearVelocity, dt, out increment);
                Vector3Ex.Add(ref position, ref increment, out position);

                collisionInformation.UpdateWorldTransform(ref position, ref orientation);
                //The position update is complete if this is a discretely updated object.
                if (PositionUpdated != null)

예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts this System.Numerics Quaternion to a UnityEngine Quaternion, storing values directly in referenced parameter
 /// </summary>
 public static void ConvertToUnityQuaternion(this System.Numerics.Quaternion source, ref UnityEngine.Quaternion target)
     target.x = -source.X;
     target.y = -source.Y;
     target.z = source.Z;
     target.w = source.W;
예제 #10
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
 /// <summary>
 /// Scales a quaternion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="q">System.Numerics.Quaternion to multiply.</param>
 /// <param name="scale">Amount to multiply each component of the quaternion by.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Scaled quaternion.</param>
 public static void Multiply(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion q, float scale, out System.Numerics.Quaternion result)
     result.X = q.X * scale;
     result.Y = q.Y * scale;
     result.Z = q.Z * scale;
     result.W = q.W * scale;
예제 #11
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the axis angle representation of a normalized quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="q">System.Numerics.Quaternion to be converted.</param>
        /// <param name="axis">Axis represented by the quaternion.</param>
        /// <param name="angle">Angle around the axis represented by the quaternion.</param>
        public static void GetAxisAngleFromQuaternion(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion q, out System.Numerics.Vector3 axis, out float angle)
            axis = new System.Numerics.Vector3();
            float qx = q.X;
            float qy = q.Y;
            float qz = q.Z;
            float qw = q.W;
            if (qw < 0)
                qx = -qx;
                qy = -qy;
                qz = -qz;
                qw = -qw;
            if (qw > 1 - 1e-6)
                axis  = Toolbox.UpVector;
                angle = 0;
                angle = 2 * (float)Math.Acos(qw);
                float denominator = 1 / (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - qw * qw);
                axis.X = qx * denominator;
                axis.Y = qy * denominator;
                axis.Z = qz * denominator;
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Integrates the position and orientation of the bone forward based upon the current linear and angular velocity.
        /// </summary>
        internal void UpdatePosition()
            //Update the position based on the linear velocity.
            Vector3Ex.Add(ref Position, ref linearVelocity, out Position);

            //Update the orientation based on the angular velocity.
            System.Numerics.Vector3 increment;
            Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref angularVelocity, .5f, out increment);
            var multiplier = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(increment.X, increment.Y, increment.Z, 0);

            QuaternionEx.Multiply(ref multiplier, ref Orientation, out multiplier);
            QuaternionEx.Add(ref Orientation, ref multiplier, out Orientation);
            Orientation = System.Numerics.Quaternion.Normalize(Orientation);

            //Eliminate any latent velocity in the bone to prevent unwanted simulation feedback.
            //This is the only thing conceptually separating this "IK" solver from the regular dynamics loop in BEPUphysics.
            //(Well, that and the whole lack of collision detection...)
            linearVelocity  = new System.Numerics.Vector3();
            angularVelocity = new System.Numerics.Vector3();

            //Note: Unlike a regular dynamics simulation, we do not include any 'dt' parameter in the above integration.
            //Setting the velocity to 0 every update means that no more than a single iteration's worth of velocity accumulates.
            //Since the softness of constraints already varies with the time step and bones never accelerate for more than one frame,
            //scaling the velocity for position integration actually turns out generally worse.
            //This is not a rigorously justifiable approach, but this isn't a regular dynamic simulation anyway.
예제 #13
        public virtual Task <bool> SetRotationAsync(Quaternion rotation)
            async UniTask <bool> RotationTask()
                if (!ValidationHelper.IsValid(rotation))

                await UniTask.SwitchToMainThread();

                var unityRotation = rotation.ToUnityQuaternion();

                if (m_Rigidbody != null)
                    m_Rigidbody.rotation = unityRotation;
                    m_Transform.rotation = unityRotation;


예제 #14
파일: CompoundShape.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
 /// Constructs a new compound shape entry using the volume of the shape as a weight.
 ///<param name="shape">Shape to use.</param>
 ///<param name="orientation">Local orientation of the shape.</param>
 ///<param name="weight">Weight of the entry.  This defines how much the entry contributes to its owner
 /// for the purposes of center of rotation computation.</param>
 public CompoundShapeEntry(EntityShape shape, System.Numerics.Quaternion orientation, float weight)
     LocalTransform = new RigidTransform(orientation);
     Shape          = shape;
     Weight         = weight;
예제 #15
 public static void Write(this IO.EndianWriter s, QuaternionF v)
예제 #16
            public static FLVERBoneTransform FromMatrix4x4(Matrix4x4 m, bool applyMemes)
                var result = new FLVERBoneTransform();

                m.Decompose(out Vector3D s, out Quaternion rq, out Vector3D t);

                result.Translation = t.ToNumerics();
                if (applyMemes)
                    result.Translation.X = -result.Translation.X;

                result.Scale = s.ToNumerics();

                NMatrix mat = NMatrix.Identity;

                if (applyMemes)
                    NQuaternion quat = SapMath.MirrorQuat(rq.ToNumerics());
                    mat = NMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(quat);
                    mat = NMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new NQuaternion(rq.X, rq.Y, rq.Z, rq.W));

                result.Rotation = SapMath.MatrixToEulerXZY(mat);

예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a SharpDX rotation matrix from a Numerics Quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotation">The quaternion to use to build the matrix.</param>
        public static Matrix RotationQuaternion(Quaternion rotation)
            Matrix result = Matrix.Identity;

            float xx = rotation.X * rotation.X;
            float yy = rotation.Y * rotation.Y;
            float zz = rotation.Z * rotation.Z;
            float xy = rotation.X * rotation.Y;
            float zw = rotation.Z * rotation.W;
            float zx = rotation.Z * rotation.X;
            float yw = rotation.Y * rotation.W;
            float yz = rotation.Y * rotation.Z;
            float xw = rotation.X * rotation.W;

            result.M11 = 1.0f - (2.0f * (yy + zz));
            result.M12 = 2.0f * (xy + zw);
            result.M13 = 2.0f * (zx - yw);
            result.M21 = 2.0f * (xy - zw);
            result.M22 = 1.0f - (2.0f * (zz + xx));
            result.M23 = 2.0f * (yz + xw);
            result.M31 = 2.0f * (zx + yw);
            result.M32 = 2.0f * (yz - xw);
            result.M33 = 1.0f - (2.0f * (yy + xx));

예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new cylinder cast based wheel shape.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="radius">Radius of the wheel.</param>
 /// <param name="width">Width of the wheel.</param>
 /// <param name="localWheelOrientation">Unsteered orientation of the wheel in the vehicle's local space.</param>
 /// <param name="localGraphicTransform">Local graphic transform of the wheel shape.
 /// This transform is applied first when creating the shape's worldTransform.</param>
 /// <param name="includeSteeringTransformInCast">Whether or not to include the steering transform in the wheel shape cast. If false, the casted wheel shape will always point straight forward.
 /// If true, it will rotate with steering. Sometimes, setting this to false is helpful when the cast shape would otherwise become exposed when steering.</param>
 public CylinderCastWheelShape(float radius, float width, System.Numerics.Quaternion localWheelOrientation, System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 localGraphicTransform, bool includeSteeringTransformInCast)
     shape = new CylinderShape(width, radius);
     this.LocalWheelOrientation          = localWheelOrientation;
     LocalGraphicTransform               = localGraphicTransform;
     this.IncludeSteeringTransformInCast = includeSteeringTransformInCast;
예제 #19
 public static string ToString(this NQuaternion quaternion, QuaternionDisplay format)
     return(format switch
         QuaternionDisplay.Algebraic => ToAlgebraicString(quaternion),
         _ => quaternion.ToString()
예제 #20
파일: Matrix.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a rotation matrix from a quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quaternion">System.Numerics.Quaternion to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Rotation matrix created from the quaternion.</param>
        public static void CreateFromQuaternion(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion quaternion, out System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 result)
            float qX2 = quaternion.X + quaternion.X;
            float qY2 = quaternion.Y + quaternion.Y;
            float qZ2 = quaternion.Z + quaternion.Z;
            float XX  = qX2 * quaternion.X;
            float YY  = qY2 * quaternion.Y;
            float ZZ  = qZ2 * quaternion.Z;
            float XY  = qX2 * quaternion.Y;
            float XZ  = qX2 * quaternion.Z;
            float XW  = qX2 * quaternion.W;
            float YZ  = qY2 * quaternion.Z;
            float YW  = qY2 * quaternion.W;
            float ZW  = qZ2 * quaternion.W;

            result.M11 = 1 - YY - ZZ;
            result.M21 = XY - ZW;
            result.M31 = XZ + YW;
            result.M41 = 0;

            result.M12 = XY + ZW;
            result.M22 = 1 - XX - ZZ;
            result.M32 = YZ - XW;
            result.M42 = 0;

            result.M13 = XZ - YW;
            result.M23 = YZ + XW;
            result.M33 = 1 - XX - YY;
            result.M43 = 0;

            result.M14 = 0;
            result.M24 = 0;
            result.M34 = 0;
            result.M44 = 1;
예제 #21
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
 public static void Add(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion a, ref System.Numerics.Quaternion b, out System.Numerics.Quaternion result)
     result.X = a.X + b.X;
     result.Y = a.Y + b.Y;
     result.Z = a.Z + b.Z;
     result.W = a.W + b.W;
예제 #22
        //accelerometer tests
        //private void updateAccelerometer(IData data) {
        //    var accel = data.Value<Acceleration>();
        //    setText(accel.ToString(), 0);


        /// <summary>
        ///  Routine used for collection of Quaternions data of Sensors. In the end, calls a new routine to plot processed Data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> Quaternion data collected by the sensor</param>
        /// <param name="sensorNumber"> number of the sensor used in project, starting by 0 for 1, 1 for 2 and etc </param>
        private async Task quaternionStreamRoutine(IData data, int sensorNumber)
            if (isRunning)
                var quat        = data.Value <Quaternion>();
                var eulerAngles = calculateEulerAngles(quat);
                var time        = data.FormattedTimestamp.ToString();

                var year = time.Substring(0, 4); var month = time.Substring(5, 2); var day = time.Substring(8, 2);
                var hour = time.Substring(11, 2); var minute = time.Substring(14, 2); var second = time.Substring(17, 2);
                var milli = time.Substring(20, 3);

                // Store data point
                if (record)
                    String newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11}{12}", samples[0], year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milli, quat.W, quat.X, quat.Y, quat.Z, Environment.NewLine);
                    addPoint(newLine, sensorNumber);
                    newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11}", samples[0], year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milli, eulerAngles.roll, eulerAngles.pitch, eulerAngles.yaw, Environment.NewLine);
                    addPointEuler(newLine, sensorNumber);
                // Update counters

                // Save reference quaternion
                if (shouldCenter[sensorNumber])
                    refEuler[sensorNumber]     = eulerAngles;
                    refQuats[sensorNumber]     = quat;
                    shouldCenter[sensorNumber] = false;
                    centered[sensorNumber]     = true;

                double angle = 0;
                double denom = 1;

                if (centered[sensorNumber])
                    WindowsQuaternion a = convertToWindowsQuaternion(refQuats[sensorNumber]);
                    WindowsQuaternion b = convertToWindowsQuaternion(quat);

                    quat        = centerData(refQuats[sensorNumber], quat);
                    eulerAngles = centerData(refEuler[sensorNumber], eulerAngles);
                    angle       = (angleMode) ? 2 * Math.Acos(WindowsQuaternion.Dot(a, b) / (a.Length() * b.Length())) * (180 / Math.PI) : 0;
                else if (angleMode)
                    angle = 2 * Math.Acos(quat.W) * (180 / Math.PI);
                    denom = Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(quat.W, 2));
                    denom = (denom < 0.001) ? 1 : denom;  // avoid divide by zero type errors
                angle = (angle > 180) ? 360 - angle : angle;

                await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                    plotValues(angle, quat, eulerAngles, denom, sensorNumber);
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new constraint which prevents relative angular motion between the two connected bodies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionA">First connection of the pair.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionB">Second connection of the pair.</param>
        public NoRotationJoint(Entity connectionA, Entity connectionB)
            ConnectionA = connectionA;
            ConnectionB = connectionB;

            initialQuaternionConjugateA = QuaternionEx.Conjugate(ConnectionA.orientation);
            initialQuaternionConjugateB = QuaternionEx.Conjugate(ConnectionB.orientation);
예제 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new bone. Assumes the mass will be set later.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">Initial position of the bone.</param>
 /// <param name="orientation">Initial orientation of the bone.</param>
 /// <param name="radius">Radius of the bone.</param>
 /// <param name="height">Height of the bone.</param>
 public Bone(System.Numerics.Vector3 position, System.Numerics.Quaternion orientation, float radius, float height)
     Mass        = 1;
     Position    = position;
     Orientation = orientation;
     Radius      = radius;
     Height      = height;
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new constraint which prevents relative angular motion between the two connected bodies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionA">First connection of the pair.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionB">Second connection of the pair.</param>
        public NoRotationJoint(Entity connectionA, Entity connectionB)
            ConnectionA = connectionA;
            ConnectionB = connectionB;

            initialQuaternionConjugateA = QuaternionEx.Conjugate(ConnectionA.orientation);
            initialQuaternionConjugateB = QuaternionEx.Conjugate(ConnectionB.orientation);
예제 #26
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures the quaternion has unit length.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quaternion">System.Numerics.Quaternion to normalize.</param>
        /// <param name="toReturn">Normalized quaternion.</param>
        public static void Normalize(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion quaternion, out System.Numerics.Quaternion toReturn)
            float inverse = (float)(1 / Math.Sqrt(quaternion.X * quaternion.X + quaternion.Y * quaternion.Y + quaternion.Z * quaternion.Z + quaternion.W * quaternion.W));

            toReturn.X = quaternion.X * inverse;
            toReturn.Y = quaternion.Y * inverse;
            toReturn.Z = quaternion.Z * inverse;
            toReturn.W = quaternion.W * inverse;
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Create new GameObject
        /// </summary>
        public GameObject(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale)
            components = new List <IComponent>();
            movement   = new Movement(position, rotation, scale);

            active   = true;
            children = new List <GameObject>();
예제 #28
        public Task <IVehicle?> SpawnVehicleAsync(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, string vehicleAssetId, IVehicleState?state = null)
            async UniTask <IVehicle?> SpawnVehicleTask()
                await UniTask.SwitchToMainThread();

                if (!ushort.TryParse(vehicleAssetId, out var parsedVehicleId))
                    throw new Exception($"Invalid vehicle id: {vehicleAssetId}");

                if (Assets.find(EAssetType.VEHICLE, parsedVehicleId) is not VehicleAsset vehicleAsset)

                UnturnedVehicle?vehicle = null;

                if (state is UnturnedVehicleState && state.StateData?.Length > 0)
                    ReadState(state.StateData, out _ /* id doesn't require i guess? */, out var skinId, out var mythicId,
                              out var roadPosition, out var fuel, out var health, out var batteryCharge,
                              out var owner, out var group, out var locked, out byte[][] turrets,
                              out _, out var tireAliveMask, out var items);

                    var iVehicle = VehicleManager.SpawnVehicleV3(vehicleAsset, skinId, mythicId, roadPosition,
                                                                 position.ToUnityVector(), rotation.ToUnityQuaternion(), false, false, false,
                                                                 false, fuel, health, batteryCharge, owner, group, locked, turrets, tireAliveMask);

                    if (iVehicle != null)
                        vehicle = new UnturnedVehicle(iVehicle);

                        if (items != null)
                            foreach (var item in items)
                                iVehicle.trunkItems.loadItem(item.x, item.y, item.rot, item.item);
                    var iVehicle = VehicleManager.spawnVehicleV2(parsedVehicleId, position.ToUnityVector(),
                    if (iVehicle != null)
                        vehicle = new UnturnedVehicle(iVehicle);


예제 #29
 public static void WriteQuaternion(this JsonWriter writer, System.Numerics.Quaternion q)
예제 #30
파일: Quaternion.cs 프로젝트: zhuowp/ge
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the inverse of the quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quaternion">System.Numerics.Quaternion to invert.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Result of the inversion.</param>
        public static void Inverse(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion quaternion, out System.Numerics.Quaternion result)
            float inverseSquaredNorm = quaternion.X * quaternion.X + quaternion.Y * quaternion.Y + quaternion.Z * quaternion.Z + quaternion.W * quaternion.W;

            result.X = -quaternion.X * inverseSquaredNorm;
            result.Y = -quaternion.Y * inverseSquaredNorm;
            result.Z = -quaternion.Z * inverseSquaredNorm;
            result.W = quaternion.W * inverseSquaredNorm;
예제 #31
 public static void Read(this IO.EndianReader s, out QuaternionF v)
     v = new QuaternionF(
         s.ReadSingle(),                 // I
         s.ReadSingle(),                 // J
         s.ReadSingle(),                 // K
         s.ReadSingle()                  // W
예제 #32
 /// Constructs a new rigid transform.
 ///<param name="position">Translation component of the transform.</param>
 ///<param name="orientation">Rotation component of the transform.</param>
 public RigidTransform(System.Numerics.Vector3 position, System.Numerics.Quaternion orientation)
     Position = position;
     Orientation = orientation;
예제 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the quaternion rotation between two normalized vectors.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v1">First unit-length vector.</param>
 /// <param name="v2">Second unit-length vector.</param>
 /// <param name="q">System.Numerics.Quaternion representing the rotation from v1 to v2.</param>
 public static void GetQuaternionBetweenNormalizedVectors(ref System.Numerics.Vector3 v1, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 v2, out System.Numerics.Quaternion q)
     float dot;
     Vector3Ex.Dot(ref v1, ref v2, out dot);
     //For non-normal vectors, the multiplying the axes length squared would be necessary:
     //float w = dot + (float)Math.Sqrt(v1.LengthSquared() * v2.LengthSquared());
     if (dot < -0.9999f) //parallel, opposing direction
         //If this occurs, the rotation required is ~180 degrees.
         //The problem is that we could choose any perpendicular axis for the rotation. It's not uniquely defined.
         //The solution is to pick an arbitrary perpendicular axis.
         //Project onto the plane which has the lowest component magnitude.
         //On that 2d plane, perform a 90 degree rotation.
         float absX = Math.Abs(v1.X);
         float absY = Math.Abs(v1.Y);
         float absZ = Math.Abs(v1.Z);
         if (absX < absY && absX < absZ)
             q = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(0, -v1.Z, v1.Y, 0);
         else if (absY < absZ)
             q = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(-v1.Z, 0, v1.X, 0);
             q = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(-v1.Y, v1.X, 0, 0);
         System.Numerics.Vector3 axis;
         Vector3Ex.Cross(ref v1, ref v2, out axis);
         q = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z, dot + 1);
     q = QuaternionEx.Normalize(q);
예제 #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a quaternion from a rotation matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">Rotation matrix to create the quaternion from.</param>
 /// <param name="q">System.Numerics.Quaternion based on the rotation matrix.</param>
 public static void CreateFromRotationMatrix(ref Matrix3x3 r, out System.Numerics.Quaternion q)
     float trace = r.M11 + r.M22 + r.M33;
     #if !WINDOWS
     q = new System.Numerics.Quaternion();
     if (trace >= 0)
         var S = (float)Math.Sqrt(trace + 1.0) * 2; // S=4*qw
         var inverseS = 1 / S;
         q.W = 0.25f * S;
         q.X = (r.M23 - r.M32) * inverseS;
         q.Y = (r.M31 - r.M13) * inverseS;
         q.Z = (r.M12 - r.M21) * inverseS;
     else if ((r.M11 > r.M22) & (r.M11 > r.M33))
         var S = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r.M11 - r.M22 - r.M33) * 2; // S=4*qx
         var inverseS = 1 / S;
         q.W = (r.M23 - r.M32) * inverseS;
         q.X = 0.25f * S;
         q.Y = (r.M21 + r.M12) * inverseS;
         q.Z = (r.M31 + r.M13) * inverseS;
     else if (r.M22 > r.M33)
         var S = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r.M22 - r.M11 - r.M33) * 2; // S=4*qy
         var inverseS = 1 / S;
         q.W = (r.M31 - r.M13) * inverseS;
         q.X = (r.M21 + r.M12) * inverseS;
         q.Y = 0.25f * S;
         q.Z = (r.M32 + r.M23) * inverseS;
         var S = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r.M33 - r.M11 - r.M22) * 2; // S=4*qz
         var inverseS = 1 / S;
         q.W = (r.M12 - r.M21) * inverseS;
         q.X = (r.M31 + r.M13) * inverseS;
         q.Y = (r.M32 + r.M23) * inverseS;
         q.Z = 0.25f * S;
예제 #35
 /// Constructs a new entry.
 ///<param name="orientation">Orientation of the entry.</param>
 ///<param name="shape">Shape of the entry.</param>
 public OrientedConvexShapeEntry(System.Numerics.Quaternion orientation, ConvexShape shape)
     Orientation = orientation;
     CollisionShape = shape;
예제 #36
 /// Constructs a new entry with identity orientation.
 ///<param name="shape">Shape of the entry.</param>
 public OrientedConvexShapeEntry(ConvexShape shape)
     Orientation = System.Numerics.Quaternion.Identity;
     CollisionShape = shape;
예제 #37
        void IPositionUpdateable.PreUpdatePosition(float dt)
            System.Numerics.Vector3 increment;

            Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref angularVelocity, dt * .5f, out increment);
            var multiplier = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(increment.X, increment.Y, increment.Z, 0);
            QuaternionEx.Multiply(ref multiplier, ref orientation, out multiplier);
            QuaternionEx.Add(ref orientation, ref multiplier, out orientation);
            orientation = System.Numerics.Quaternion.Normalize(orientation);

            Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref orientation, out orientationMatrix);

            //Only do the linear motion if this object doesn't obey CCD.
            if (PositionUpdateMode == PositionUpdateMode.Discrete)
                Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref linearVelocity, dt, out increment);
                Vector3Ex.Add(ref position, ref increment, out position);

                collisionInformation.UpdateWorldTransform(ref position, ref orientation);
                //The position update is complete if this is a discretely updated object.
                if (PositionUpdated != null)

            #if CONSERVE
예제 #38
 /// Constructs a new rigid transform.
 ///<param name="position">Translation component of the transform.</param>
 public RigidTransform(System.Numerics.Vector3 position)
     Position = position;
     Orientation = System.Numerics.Quaternion.Identity;
예제 #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the change in the rotation state quaternion provided the local inertia tensor and angular velocity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="orientation">Orienatation of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="localInertiaTensorInverse">Local-space inertia tensor of the object being updated.</param>
 /// <param name="angularMomentum">Angular momentum of the object.</param>
 ///  <param name="orientationChange">Change in quaternion.</param>
 public static void DifferentiateQuaternion(ref System.Numerics.Quaternion orientation, ref Matrix3x3 localInertiaTensorInverse, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 angularMomentum, out System.Numerics.Quaternion orientationChange)
     System.Numerics.Quaternion normalizedOrientation;
     QuaternionEx.Normalize(ref orientation, out normalizedOrientation);
     Matrix3x3 tempRotMat;
     Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref normalizedOrientation, out tempRotMat);
     Matrix3x3 tempInertiaTensorInverse;
     Matrix3x3.MultiplyTransposed(ref tempRotMat, ref localInertiaTensorInverse, out tempInertiaTensorInverse);
     Matrix3x3.Multiply(ref tempInertiaTensorInverse, ref tempRotMat, out tempInertiaTensorInverse);
     System.Numerics.Vector3 halfspin;
     Matrix3x3.Transform(ref angularMomentum, ref tempInertiaTensorInverse, out halfspin);
     Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref halfspin, .5f, out halfspin);
     var halfspinQuaternion = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(halfspin.X, halfspin.Y, halfspin.Z, 0);
     QuaternionEx.Multiply(ref halfspinQuaternion, ref normalizedOrientation, out orientationChange);
예제 #40
파일: Bone.cs 프로젝트: Raverenx/GameEngine
        /// <summary>
        /// Integrates the position and orientation of the bone forward based upon the current linear and angular velocity.
        /// </summary>
        internal void UpdatePosition()
            //Update the position based on the linear velocity.
            Vector3Ex.Add(ref Position, ref linearVelocity, out Position);

            //Update the orientation based on the angular velocity.
            System.Numerics.Vector3 increment;
            Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref angularVelocity, .5f, out increment);
            var multiplier = new System.Numerics.Quaternion(increment.X, increment.Y, increment.Z, 0);
            QuaternionEx.Multiply(ref multiplier, ref Orientation, out multiplier);
            QuaternionEx.Add(ref Orientation, ref multiplier, out Orientation);
            Orientation = System.Numerics.Quaternion.Normalize(Orientation);

            //Eliminate any latent velocity in the bone to prevent unwanted simulation feedback.
            //This is the only thing conceptually separating this "IK" solver from the regular dynamics loop in BEPUphysics.
            //(Well, that and the whole lack of collision detection...)
            linearVelocity = new System.Numerics.Vector3();
            angularVelocity = new System.Numerics.Vector3();

            //Note: Unlike a regular dynamics simulation, we do not include any 'dt' parameter in the above integration.
            //Setting the velocity to 0 every update means that no more than a single iteration's worth of velocity accumulates.
            //Since the softness of constraints already varies with the time step and bones never accelerate for more than one frame,
            //scaling the velocity for position integration actually turns out generally worse.
            //This is not a rigorously justifiable approach, but this isn't a regular dynamic simulation anyway.
예제 #41
파일: Bone.cs 프로젝트: Raverenx/GameEngine
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new bone. Assumes the mass will be set later.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">Initial position of the bone.</param>
 /// <param name="orientation">Initial orientation of the bone.</param>
 /// <param name="radius">Radius of the bone.</param>
 /// <param name="height">Height of the bone.</param>
 public Bone(System.Numerics.Vector3 position, System.Numerics.Quaternion orientation, float radius, float height)
     Mass = 1;
     Position = position;
     Orientation = orientation;
     Radius = radius;
     Height = height;
예제 #42
 /// Constructs a new rigid transform.
 ///<param name="orienation">Rotation component of the transform.</param>
 public RigidTransform(System.Numerics.Quaternion orienation)
     Position = new System.Numerics.Vector3();
     Orientation = orienation;