private static void WriteDiagnosticResults(ImmutableArray <Tuple <ProjectId, Diagnostic> > diagnostics, string fileName) { var orderedDiagnostics = diagnostics .OrderBy(i => i.Item2.Id) .ThenBy(i => i.Item2.Location.SourceTree?.FilePath, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) .ThenBy(i => i.Item2.Location.SourceSpan.Start) .ThenBy(i => i.Item2.Location.SourceSpan.End); var uniqueLines = new HashSet <string>(); StringBuilder completeOutput = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder uniqueOutput = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var diagnostic in orderedDiagnostics) { string message = diagnostic.Item2.ToString(); string uniqueMessage = $"{diagnostic.Item1}: {diagnostic.Item2}"; completeOutput.AppendLine(message); if (uniqueLines.Add(uniqueMessage)) { uniqueOutput.AppendLine(message); } } string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); string uniqueFileName = Path.Combine(directoryName, $"{fileNameWithoutExtension}-Unique{extension}"); File.WriteAllText(fileName, completeOutput.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText(uniqueFileName, uniqueOutput.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Closing += OnClosing; timer = new DispatcherTimer(); timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); timer.Tick += TimerOnTick; try { string alltext = File.ReadAllText("settings.txt"); string[] keyAndSql = alltext.Split('|'); KeyText.Text = keyAndSql[0]; constr = keyAndSql[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Settings file not found or file is corrupted", "Alert", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); File.WriteAllText(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yy") + " errorlog.txt", DateTime.Now + " -- " + "Settings file not found or file is corrupted"); Application.Current.Shutdown(); } bw = new BackgroundWorker(); bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork; if (KeyText.Text != "") { var text = @KeyText.Text; if (text != "" && bw.IsBusy != true) { bw.RunWorkerAsync(text); timer.Start(); autostart = true; } } }
public void TestCheckShouldntExist() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); DirectoryInfo input = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject")); DirectoryInfo output = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject.Test/doctests")); string inputPath = Path.Join(input.FullName, "SomeProgram.cs"); string outputPath = Path.Join(output.FullName, "DocTestSomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText(inputPath, "no code"); File.WriteAllText(outputPath, "unexpected content"); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode( new[] { "--input", input.FullName, "--output", output.FullName, "--check" }); string nl = Environment.NewLine; Assert.AreEqual(1, exitCode); Assert.AreEqual( $"No doctests found in: {inputPath}; the output should not exist: {outputPath}{nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); }
private void savetofilelog() { if (LogBox.Text != "") { bool newfile = true; string textlog = ""; if (File.Exists("log.txt")) { newfile = false; textlog = File.ReadAllText("log.txt"); File.WriteAllText("log.txt", ""); } else { newfile = true; File.WriteAllText("log.txt", ""); } using (var stream = File.CreateText("log.txt")) { stream.Write(LogBox.Text); LogBox.Clear(); if (!newfile) { stream.Write(textlog); } } } }
public void TestCheckDoesntExist() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); DirectoryInfo input = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject")); DirectoryInfo output = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject.Test/doctests")); string inputPath = Path.Join(input.FullName, "SomeProgram.cs"); string outputPath = Path.Join(output.FullName, "DocTestSomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText( inputPath, @"/// <code doctest=""true""> /// var x = 1; /// </code> "); // Test pre-condition Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(outputPath)); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode( new[] { "--input", input.FullName, "--output", output.FullName, "--check" }); string nl = Environment.NewLine; Assert.AreEqual(1, exitCode); Assert.AreEqual($"Output file does not exist: {inputPath} -> {outputPath}{nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); }
public void TestExtractionError() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); DirectoryInfo input = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject")); DirectoryInfo output = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject.Test/doctests")); string inputPath = Path.Join(input.FullName, "SomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText( inputPath, @"/// <code doctest=""true""> /// var a = 0; /// // --- /// var x = 1; /// </code> "); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode(new[] { "--input", input.FullName, "--output", output.FullName }); string nl = Environment.NewLine; Assert.AreEqual(1, exitCode); Assert.AreEqual( $"Failed to extract doctest(s) from: {inputPath}{nl}" + $"* Line 1, column 1: Expected only using directives in the header, but got: FieldDeclaration{nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); }
private static async Task AuthorizeAsync(MisskeyClient mi, Logger logger) { var app = await mi.App.CreateAsync("RealXelticaBot", "Xeltica Imitation", ((Permission[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Permission))).Select(p => p.ToStr()).ToArray(), ""); var session = await mi.Auth.Session.GenerateAsync(); try { Server.OpenUrl(session.Url); } catch (NotSupportedException) { logger.Error("ユーザー認証のためのURLを開くことができませんでした。以下のURLにアクセスして認証を進めてください。"); logger.Error("> " + session.Url); } logger.Info("ユーザー認証を行います。ウェブブラウザ上で認証が終わったら、コンソールで何かキーを押してください。"); Console.Write("> "); ReadLine(); await mi.Auth.Session.UserKeyAsync(session.Token); var credential = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mi.Credential); File.WriteAllText("./token", credential); }
/// <summary> /// Force load of storage file from telegram. /// Carefully, you can loose your unsaved data. /// </summary> public async Task ForceLoad() { using (await _saveLock.LockAsync()) { var chat = await _botClient.GetChatAsync(_saveResChatId); if (chat.PinnedMessage?.Caption?.Trim() != FileResName) { //Can't find storage. File.WriteAllText(_storageFilePath, "{}"); } else { var fileId = chat.PinnedMessage.Document.FileId; if (File.Exists(_storageFilePath)) { File.Delete(_storageFilePath); } using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(_storageFilePath)) { await _botClient.GetInfoAndDownloadFileAsync(fileId, stream); } } LoadStorageStateFromFile(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost() { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var settings = _serviceProvider.GetService <ISynologyConnectionSettings>(); settings.BaseHost = SynologyHost; settings.Password = SynologyPass; settings.Port = SynologyPort; settings.Ssl = UseSsl; settings.SslPort = SynologyPort; settings.Username = SynologyUser; using (var syno = _serviceProvider.GetService <ISynologyConnection>()) { var result = await syno.Api().Auth().LoginAsync(); if (!result.Success && result.Error.Code != 403) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid connection settings."); } else { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settings, Formatting.Indented); IOFile.WriteAllText("synosettings.json", json); return(RedirectToPage("Index")); } } } return(Page()); }
public void TestDoctest() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); DirectoryInfo input = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject")); DirectoryInfo output = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject.Test/doctests")); string inputPath = Path.Join(input.FullName, "SomeProgram.cs"); string outputPath = Path.Join(output.FullName, "DocTestSomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText( inputPath, @"/// <code doctest=""true""> /// var x = 1; /// </code> "); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode(new[] { "--input", input.FullName, "--output", output.FullName }); string nl = Environment.NewLine; Assert.AreEqual(0, exitCode); Assert.AreEqual( $"Generated doctest(s) for: {inputPath} -> {outputPath}{nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); }
public void TestReportToStdout() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); string nl = Environment.NewLine; string path = Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText(path, $"// TODO (mristin, 2020-07-20): Do something!{nl}"); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode(new[] { "--inputs", path, "--report-path", "-" }); Assert.AreEqual("", consoleCapture.Error()); Assert.AreEqual( $@"[ {{ ""path"": ""{path.Replace(@"\", @"\\")}"", ""records"": [ {{ ""prefix"": ""TODO"", ""suffix"": "" (mristin, 2020-07-20): Do something!"", ""line"": 0, ""column"": 0, ""status"": ""ok"" }} ] }} ] ", consoleCapture.Output()); Assert.AreEqual(0, exitCode); }
public void TestRuleArgumentsConsidered() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); string nl = Environment.NewLine; string pathNotOk = Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "NotOk.cs"); File.WriteAllText(pathNotOk, $"// AAA: Do something!{nl}"); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode( new[] { "--inputs", pathNotOk, "--prefixes", "^AAA", "--disallowed-prefixes", "^BBB", "--suffixes", "^CCC" }); Assert.AreEqual( $"FAILED: {pathNotOk}{nl}" + $" * Line 1, column 1: invalid suffix (see --suffixes): : Do something!{nl}" + $"One or more TODOs were invalid. Please see above.{nl}" + $"--prefixes was set to: ^AAA{nl}" + $"--disallowed-prefixes was set to: ^BBB{nl}" + @"--suffixes was set to: ^CCC" + nl, consoleCapture.Error()); Assert.AreEqual(1, exitCode); }
public void TestWithInvalidAndValidTodoAndVerbose() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); string nl = Environment.NewLine; string pathNotOk = Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "NotOk.cs"); File.WriteAllText(pathNotOk, $"// TODO (mristin): Do something!{nl}"); string pathOk = Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "Ok.cs"); File.WriteAllText(pathOk, "// TODO (mristin, 2020-07-20): Do something else!"); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode(new[] { "--inputs", pathNotOk, pathOk, "--verbose" }); Assert.AreEqual( $"FAILED: {pathNotOk}{nl}" + $" * Line 1, column 1: invalid suffix (see --suffixes): (mristin): Do something!{nl}" + $"One or more TODOs were invalid. Please see above.{nl}" + $"--prefixes was set to: ^TODO ^BUG ^HACK{nl}" + $"--disallowed-prefixes was set to: ^DONT-CHECK-IN ^Todo ^todo ^ToDo ^Bug ^bug ^Hack ^hack{nl}" + @"--suffixes was set to: ^ \([^)]+, [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\): ." + nl, consoleCapture.Error()); Assert.AreEqual($"OK, 1 todo(s): {pathOk}{nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); Assert.AreEqual(1, exitCode); }
public void TestNoDoctest() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); DirectoryInfo input = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject")); DirectoryInfo output = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject.Test/doctests")); string inputPath = Path.Join(input.FullName, "SomeProgram.cs"); string outputPath = Path.Join(output.FullName, "DocTestSomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText(inputPath, "no doctests"); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode( new[] { "--input-output", $"{input.FullName}{Path.PathSeparator}{output.FullName}", "--verbose" }); string nl = Environment.NewLine; Assert.AreEqual(0, exitCode); Assert.AreEqual( $"No doctests found in: {inputPath}{nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(outputPath)); }
public void Test_plugin_paths_from_default_JSON_options() { using (var tmpDir = new TemporaryDirectory()) { var exePath = Path.Combine(tmpDir.Path, "NonexistingAasxPackageExplorer.exe"); var optionsPath = Path.Combine(tmpDir.Path, "NonexistingAasxPackageExplorer.options.json"); var text = @"{ ""PluginDir"": "".\\AcmePlugins"", ""PluginDll"": [ { ""Path"": ""AasxPluginBomStructure.dll"", ""Args"": [] } ]; }"; File.WriteAllText(optionsPath, text); var optionsInformation = App.InferOptions( exePath, new string[] { }); Assert.AreEqual(".\\AcmePlugins", optionsInformation.PluginDir); Assert.AreEqual(1, optionsInformation.PluginDll.Count); Assert.IsEmpty(optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].Args); Assert.AreEqual(null, optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].Options); Assert.AreEqual(null, optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].DefaultOptions); Assert.AreEqual("AasxPluginBomStructure.dll", optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].Path); } }
public void ChangeAccessUser(string username, bool access) { TelegramBotDataUsers[username].Lock = access; var telegramBotDataUsersJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TelegramBotDataUsers, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, telegramBotDataUsersJson); }
public void AddAdmin(string text) { if (!_savedAdmins.Contains(text)) { _savedAdmins.Add(text); File.WriteAllText("/data/", string.Join("\n", _savedAdmins)); } }
public void AddChat(long id) { if (!_savedChatIds.Contains(id)) { _savedChatIds.Add(id); File.WriteAllText("/data/", string.Join(" ", _savedChatIds)); } }
public void AddUser(TelegramBotUser telegramBotUser) { TelegramBotDataUsers.Add(telegramBotUser.UserName, telegramBotUser); var telegramBotDataUsersJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TelegramBotDataUsers, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, telegramBotDataUsersJson); }
public void UpdateUserState(string username, TelegramBotStateEnum state) { TelegramBotDataUsers[username].CurrentState = state; var telegramBotDataUsersJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TelegramBotDataUsers, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, telegramBotDataUsersJson); }
public void Test_plugin_paths_from_JSON_options() { string exePath = Common.AasxPackageExplorerExe(); using (var tmpDir = new TemporaryDirectory()) { var jsonOptionsPath = Path.Combine(tmpDir.Path, "options-test.json"); var text = @"{ ""PluginDll"": [ { ""Path"": ""AasxIntegrationEmptySample.dll"", ""Args"": [], ""Options"": null }, { ""Path"": ""AasxPluginUaNetServer.dll"", ""Args"": [ ""-single-nodeids"", ""-single-keys"", ""-ns"", ""2"", ""-ns"", ""3"" ], ""Options"": null }, { ""Path"": ""AasxPluginBomStructure.dll"", ""Args"": [] } ]; }"; File.WriteAllText(jsonOptionsPath, text); var optionsInformation = App.InferOptions( exePath, new[] { "-read-json", jsonOptionsPath }); Assert.AreEqual(3, optionsInformation.PluginDll.Count); // TODO (mristin, 2020-11-13): @MIHO please check -- Options should be null, not empty? Assert.IsEmpty(optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].Args); Assert.IsEmpty(optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].Options); Assert.AreEqual(null, optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].DefaultOptions); Assert.AreEqual("AasxIntegrationEmptySample.dll", optionsInformation.PluginDll[0].Path); Assert.That(optionsInformation.PluginDll[1].Args, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { "-single-nodeids", "-single-keys", "-ns", "2", "-ns", "3" })); Assert.IsEmpty(optionsInformation.PluginDll[1].Options); Assert.AreEqual(null, optionsInformation.PluginDll[1].DefaultOptions); Assert.AreEqual("AasxPluginUaNetServer.dll", optionsInformation.PluginDll[1].Path); Assert.IsEmpty(optionsInformation.PluginDll[2].Args); Assert.AreEqual(null, optionsInformation.PluginDll[2].Options); Assert.AreEqual(null, optionsInformation.PluginDll[2].DefaultOptions); Assert.AreEqual("AasxPluginBomStructure.dll", optionsInformation.PluginDll[2].Path); } }
// save the current state of the inventory public void SaveInventory() { string path = Application.dataPath + gameDataProjectFilePath; // list save string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(this, true); File.WriteAllText(path, json); Debug.Log(json); }
private void GenerateDefaultConnectionString() { if (!File.Exists("./connectionstrings.json")) { var defaultConnectionString = new ConnectionStrings(); defaultConnectionString.LibraryConnection = "Host=localhost;Database=library;Username=postgres;Password=your_password"; File.WriteAllText("./connectionstrings.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultConnectionString)); } }
public void TestCheckDifferent() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); DirectoryInfo input = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject")); DirectoryInfo output = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject.Test/doctests")); string inputPath = Path.Join(input.FullName, "SomeProgram.cs"); string outputPath = Path.Join(output.FullName, "DocTestSomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText( inputPath, @"/// <code doctest=""true""> /// var x = 1; /// </code> "); File.WriteAllText(outputPath, "different content"); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode( new[] { "--input-output", $"{input.FullName}{Path.PathSeparator}{output.FullName}", "--check", "--verbose" }); string nl = Environment.NewLine; Assert.AreEqual(1, exitCode); Assert.AreEqual( $"Expected different content: {inputPath} -> {outputPath}{nl}" + $"Here is the diff between the expected content and the actual content:{nl}" + $"- // This file was automatically generated by doctest-csharp.{nl}" + $"+ different content{nl}" + $"- // !!! DO NOT EDIT OR APPEND !!!{nl}" + $"- {nl}" + $"- using NUnit.Framework;{nl}" + $"- {nl}" + $"- namespace Tests{nl}" + $"- {{{nl}" + $"- public class DocTest_SomeProgram_cs{nl}" + $"- {{{nl}" + $"- [Test]{nl}" + $"- public void AtLine0AndColumn4(){nl}" + $"- {{{nl}" + $"- var x = 1;{nl}" + $"- }}{nl}" + $"- }}{nl}" + $"- }}{nl}" + $"- {nl}" + $"- // This file was automatically generated by doctest-csharp.{nl}" + $"- // !!! DO NOT EDIT OR APPEND !!!{nl}" + $"- {nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); }
private void SaveSubscriptions( ) { Logger.Debug($"Saving subscriptions to {SubscriptionFileName}"); lock ( subscriptionLock ) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(subscriptions, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(SubscriptionFileName, json); } }
public void Save() { if (_IsLoaded) { DirectoryIO.CreateDirectory(DataSavePath); String HostListAsText = JsEncoder.EncoderStream.EncodeTable(UserHostList.ToTable(HostList)); String ConfigAsText; // This won't be null after the region below #region ConfigFileSaving { JsEncoder.TableValue ConfigTable = new JsEncoder.TableValue(); ConfigTable[new JsEncoder.StringValue("UserName")] = new JsEncoder.StringValue(UserName); ConfigTable[new JsEncoder.StringValue("WorkingPort")] = new JsEncoder.IntValue(WorkingPort); ConfigAsText = JsEncoder.EncoderStream.EncodeTable(ConfigTable); } #endregion String VersionFileBackupPath = String.Concat(VersionFilePath, ".bak"); String ConfigFileBackupPath = String.Concat(ConfigFilePath, ".bak"); String HostListFileBackupPath = String.Concat(HostListFilePath, ".bak"); if (FileIO.Exists(VersionFileBackupPath)) { FileIO.Delete(VersionFileBackupPath); } if (FileIO.Exists(ConfigFileBackupPath)) { FileIO.Delete(ConfigFileBackupPath); } if (FileIO.Exists(HostListFileBackupPath)) { FileIO.Delete(HostListFileBackupPath); } if (FileIO.Exists(VersionFilePath)) { FileIO.Move(VersionFilePath, VersionFileBackupPath); } if (FileIO.Exists(ConfigFilePath)) { FileIO.Move(ConfigFilePath, ConfigFileBackupPath); } if (FileIO.Exists(HostListFilePath)) { FileIO.Move(HostListFilePath, HostListFileBackupPath); } FileIO.WriteAllText(VersionFilePath, NetworkConfig.VersionString, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode); FileIO.WriteAllText(ConfigFilePath, ConfigAsText, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode); FileIO.WriteAllText(HostListFilePath, HostListAsText, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode); } }
public void TestCheckOk() { using var tmpdir = new TemporaryDirectory(); DirectoryInfo input = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject")); DirectoryInfo output = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Join(tmpdir.Path, "SomeProject.Test/doctests")); string inputPath = Path.Join(input.FullName, "SomeProgram.cs"); string outputPath = Path.Join(output.FullName, "DocTestSomeProgram.cs"); File.WriteAllText( inputPath, @"/// <code doctest=""true""> /// var x = 1; /// </code> "); File.WriteAllText( outputPath, @"// This file was automatically generated by doctest-csharp. // !!! DO NOT EDIT OR APPEND !!! using NUnit.Framework; namespace Tests { public class DocTest_SomeProgram_cs { [Test] public void AtLine0AndColumn4() { var x = 1; } } } // This file was automatically generated by doctest-csharp. // !!! DO NOT EDIT OR APPEND !!! "); using var consoleCapture = new ConsoleCapture(); int exitCode = Program.MainWithCode( new[] { "--input-output", $"{input.FullName}{Path.PathSeparator}{output.FullName}", "--check", "--verbose" }); string nl = Environment.NewLine; Assert.AreEqual(0, exitCode); Assert.AreEqual($"OK: {inputPath} -> {outputPath}{nl}", consoleCapture.Output()); }
/// <summary> /// Serializes an object to a json file. /// </summary> /// <param name="clazz">The class instance to serialize</param> /// <param name="filename">The target filename (including .json)</param> public static void SerializeObject <T>(T clazz, string filename) where T : SerializableDataClass { var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true, MaxDepth = 200 }; var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(clazz, options); File.WriteAllText(filename, jsonString); }
private void CacheCurrentPlalist() { var path = App.MakePathTo(PlaylistCachePath); var toSaveObj = new Playlist { Posision = _musicService.Current, Songs = _musicService.Playlist.Select(song => song.Path.AbsolutePath).ToList() }; var toSave = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(toSaveObj); File.WriteAllText(path, toSave); }
/** * Convert an object of type T to JSON representation, and output to a file. * If filename is not an absolute path, it will be relative to the * Application's dataPath. */ public void Persist(string filename, T settings) { string dstFilePath = filename; if (!Path.IsPathRooted(dstFilePath)) // If relative path, base at dataPath. { dstFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, dstFilePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(dstFilePath))) // If directory doesnt exist create it. { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(dstFilePath)); } File.WriteAllText(dstFilePath, JsonUtility.ToJson(settings)); }