private static void Search(int collectionSize, int searchItemsCount) { Console.WriteLine($"V množině o velikost {collectionSize:n0} hledáno {searchItemsCount:n0}x:"); #region Sample data var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); var list = new List<Guid>(); var dictionary = new Dictionary<Guid, object>(); foreach (var guid in Enumerable.Range(0, collectionSize).Select(g => Guid.NewGuid())) { list.Add(guid); dictionary.Add(guid, null); } var lookup = list.ToLookup(i => i); var sortedArray = list.ToArray(); Array.Sort(sortedArray); // vytvoření sample-dat, které budeme hledat var rand = new Random(); var hledane = Enumerable.Range(0, searchItemsCount).Select(g => (rand.NextDouble() > 0.5) ? Guid.NewGuid() : list[rand.Next(list.Count)]).ToList(); #endregion // Contains = sekvenční vyhledávání = O(n) sw.Start(); int found = hledane.Count(t => list.Contains(t)); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"\tList<>.Contains(): Nalezeno {found:n0}x, čas {sw.ElapsedTicks,10:n0} ticks"); // binární půlení = O(log(n)) sw.Restart(); found = hledane.Count(t => Array.BinarySearch<Guid>(sortedArray, t) >= 0); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"\tArray.BinarySearch<>(): Nalezeno {found:n0}x, čas {sw.ElapsedTicks,10:n0} ticks"); // Dictionary = Hashtable, O(1) sw.Restart(); found = hledane.Count(t => dictionary.ContainsKey(t)); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"\tDictionary<>.ContainsKey(): Nalezeno {found:n0}x, čas {sw.ElapsedTicks,10:n0} ticks"); // Dictionary = Hashtable, O(1) sw.Restart(); found = hledane.Count(i => lookup.Contains(i)); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"\tLINQ ILookup: Nalezeno {found:n0}x, čas {sw.ElapsedTicks,10:n0} ticks"); Console.WriteLine(); }
static private void WorkerEvents() { Tuple<EventDelegate, IPlugin> cEvent; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch cWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); while (true) { try { cEvent = _aqEvents.Dequeue(); cWatch.Reset(); cWatch.Restart(); cEvent.Item1(cEvent.Item2); cWatch.Stop(); if (40 < cWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) (new Logger()).WriteDebug3("duration: " + cWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " queue: " + _aqEvents.nCount); if (0 < _aqEvents.nCount) (new Logger()).WriteDebug3(" queue: " + _aqEvents.nCount); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { break; } catch (Exception ex) { (new Logger()).WriteError(ex); } } }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Indata WR_Structure structure = null; bool go = false; List<int> modes = new List<int>(); double sFac = 0; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); if (!DA.GetData(0, ref structure)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref go)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(2, modes)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(3, ref sFac)) { return; } if (go) { _resElems = new List<ResultElement>(); _log.Clear(); watch.Restart(); // Solve WR_ModeShapeOptimizer optimizer = new WR_ModeShapeOptimizer(structure); watch.Stop(); _log.Add(String.Format("Initialising: {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); watch.Restart(); //Run optimizer.Run(modes, sFac); watch.Stop(); _log.Add(String.Format("Run mode shape optimization: {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); watch.Restart(); // Extract results List<WR_IElement> elems = structure.GetAllElements(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.Count; i++) { if (elems[i] is WR_Element3d) { WR_Element3d el3d = (WR_Element3d)elems[i]; ResultElement re = new ResultElement(el3d); _resElems.Add(re); } } watch.Stop(); _log.Add(String.Format("Extract results: {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } DA.SetDataList(0, _log); DA.SetDataList(1, _resElems); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Restart(); run(); stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Elapsed Time: {0:0.000} seconds", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); }
static private void WorkerEvents() { Tuple<EventDelegate, Effect, Effect> cEvent; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch cWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); while (true) { try { cEvent = _aqEvents.Dequeue(); cWatch.Reset(); cWatch.Restart(); cEvent.Item1(cEvent.Item2, cEvent.Item3); (new Logger()).WriteDebug3("event sended [hc = " + cEvent.Item3.GetHashCode() + "][" + cEvent.Item1.Method.Name + "]"); cWatch.Stop(); if (40 < cWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) (new Logger()).WriteDebug3("duration: " + cWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " queue: " + _aqEvents.nCount); if (0 < _aqEvents.nCount) (new Logger()).WriteDebug3(" queue: " + _aqEvents.nCount); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { break; } catch (Exception ex) { (new Logger()).WriteError(ex); } } }
public static void Main1() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); string path = "../../../Databases/"; int NumberOfRecords = 1000000; Random rnd = new Random(); Console.WriteLine("Start Universal Index"); PType tp_table_element = new PTypeRecord( new NamedType("name", new PType(PTypeEnumeration.sstring)), new NamedType("age", new PType(PTypeEnumeration.integer))); IBearingTableImmutable table = new TableViewImmutable(path + "table", tp_table_element); sw.Restart(); bool tobuild = false; if (tobuild) { table.Fill(Enumerable.Range(0, NumberOfRecords).Select(i => (object)(new object[] {i.ToString(), i == NumberOfRecords/2 ? -1 : i}))); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Load Table of {0} elements ok. Duration {1}", NumberOfRecords, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } IIndexImmutable<string> s_index = new IndexViewImmutable<string>(path + "s_index") { Table = (IBearingTable) table, KeyProducer = va => (string)((object[])va)[0] }; if (tobuild) { sw.Restart(); s_index.Build(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("s_index Build ok. Duration {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } sw.Restart(); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int c = s_index.GetAllByKey(rnd.Next(NumberOfRecords - 1).ToString()).Count(); if (c > 1) Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Error: {0}", c); cnt += c; } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("1000 GetAllByKey ok. Duration={0} cnt={1}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, cnt); }
static void Main(string[] args) { LinkedList<int> list = new LinkedList<int>(); int i = 1; while (i <= 100000) { list.AddLast(i); i++; } System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); Console.WriteLine("Measurements in ticks"); int loopsCounter; #region foreach loopsCounter = 0; timer.Restart(); foreach (int j in list) { loopsCounter++; int x = j; } timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0,-8}: {1,8} (items count: {2})", "foreach", timer.ElapsedTicks, loopsCounter); #endregion #region nodes loopsCounter = 0; timer.Restart(); LinkedListNode<int> node = list.First; while (node != null) { loopsCounter++; int y = node.Value; node = node.Next; } timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0,-8}: {1,8} (items count: {2})", "nodes", timer.ElapsedTicks, loopsCounter); #endregion Console.ReadLine(); }
public void TestBasicLineSymbolizer() { var p = new SharpMap.Data.Providers.ShapeFile(@"d:\\daten\GeoFabrik\\roads.shp", false); var l = new SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer("roads", p); //l.Style.Outline = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick, 5); l.Style.Line = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Gold, 1); l.Style.EnableOutline = false; var m = new SharpMap.Map(new System.Drawing.Size(1440,1080)) {BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Cornsilk}; m.Layers.Add(l); m.ZoomToExtents(); var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); m.GetMap(); sw.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Rendering old method: {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); sw.Restart(); var bmp = m.GetMap(); sw.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Rendering old method: {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); bmp.Save("NDSRoads1.bmp"); var cls = new SharpMap.Rendering.Symbolizer.CachedLineSymbolizer(); //cls.LineSymbolizeHandlers.Add(new SharpMap.Rendering.Symbolizer.PlainLineSymbolizeHandler { Line = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick, 5) }); cls.LineSymbolizeHandlers.Add(new SharpMap.Rendering.Symbolizer.PlainLineSymbolizeHandler { Line = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Gold, 1) }); l.Style.LineSymbolizer = cls; sw.Restart(); bmp = m.GetMap(); sw.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Rendering new method: {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); bmp.Save("NDSRoads2.bmp"); }
public void Execute() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Restart(); try { OnExecute(); } catch(Exception e) { LastError = e; } sw.Stop(); UserTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; }
public void TestPlainPolygonSymbolizer() { var provider = new SharpMap.Data.Providers.ShapeFile( "..\\..\\..\\WinFormSamples\\GeoData\\World\\countries.shp", true); var l = new SharpMap.Layers.Symbolizer.PolygonalVectorLayer("Countries", provider); l.Symbolizer = new ModifiedBasicPolygonSymbolizer { Fill = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchBrush( System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.WideDownwardDiagonal, System.Drawing.Color.Red /*, System.Drawing.Color.LightPink*/), UseClipping = false, //Outline = System.Drawing.Pens.AliceBlue }; var m = new SharpMap.Map(new System.Drawing.Size(1440, 1080)) { BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Cornsilk }; m.Layers.Add(l); m.ZoomToExtents(); var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); var img = m.GetMap(); sw.Start(); img = m.GetMap(); img.Save("PolygonSymbolizer-1.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); sw.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Rendering new method:{0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); l.Symbolizer = new SharpMap.Rendering.Symbolizer.BasicPolygonSymbolizer() { Fill = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchBrush( System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.WideDownwardDiagonal, System.Drawing.Color.Red/*, System.Drawing.Color.LightPink*/), UseClipping = false, //Outline = System.Drawing.Pens.AliceBlue }; sw.Restart(); img = m.GetMap(); img.Save("PolygonSymbolizer-2.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); sw.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Rendering new method:{0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var context = new SoftUniEntities(); var totalCount = context.Employees.Count(); var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); var names = GetNamesWithNativeQuery(context); stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Native: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed); //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", names)); stopWatch.Restart(); var names2 = GetNamesWithLinqQuery(context); stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Linq: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed); //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", names2)); }
public void TryJaggedArraySpeed() { int[][] jaggedArray; var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); for (int iterations = 0; iterations < Iterations; iterations++) { jaggedArray = new int[2][]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { jaggedArray[i] = new int[3]; } } TestContext.WriteLine("jagged creation: " + sw.Elapsed); jaggedArray = new int[2][]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { jaggedArray[i] = new int[3]; } TestContext.WriteLine("jaggedArray rank:" + jaggedArray.Rank); sw.Restart(); for (int iterations = 0; iterations < Iterations; iterations++) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int tmp = jaggedArray[i][j]; jaggedArray[i][j] = i * j; } TestContext.WriteLine("jagged array access & replace time: " + sw.Elapsed); }
public void SpeedTest() { string dsdPath = Utility.GetPath("lib\\StructureSample.xml"); const int smallLoopCount = 1; const int bigLoopCount = 1000; var list = new List<decimal>(); var list2 = new List<TimeSpan>(); for (int i = 0; i < bigLoopCount; i++) { var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); for (int j = 0; j < smallLoopCount; j++) { using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(dsdPath)) { while (reader.Read()) { } } } stopWatch.Stop(); long ticks = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks; stopWatch.Restart(); for (int k = 0; k < smallLoopCount; k++) { var message = StructureMessage.Load(dsdPath); } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.Write((decimal)stopWatch.ElapsedTicks / ticks); list.Add((decimal)stopWatch.ElapsedTicks / ticks); list2.Add(stopWatch.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine(" : {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed); } Console.WriteLine("Average: {0}", list.Average()); Console.WriteLine("Average Time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)list2.Select(i => i.Ticks).Average())); }
/// <summary> /// User has clicked button to search the log files based on the given pattern, so /// let's up an set of tasks to run this in the background so we don't lock the UI. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void cmdSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.txtblkResults.Text = ""; // clear previous results... this.cmdSearch.IsEnabled = false; // disable button until we are done: this.spinnerWait.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.spinnerWait.Spin = true; var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); // start clock: sw.Restart(); // // search all the files listed in the listbox: // List<string> filenames = new List<string>(); foreach (DisplayFileName dfn in this.lstFiles.Items) filenames.Add(dfn.FullFileName); string pattern = this.txtPattern.Text; // create a task to make the call so we don't lock up the UI: Task<int> search = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>(() => { return SearchFiles(filenames, pattern); } ); // // When the search task finishes, update the UI. We another task to wait for the result // so that we don't lock up the UI waiting --- but this has to be a separate task since // any UI work must be done by the thread that owns the UI (the main thread): // Task UpdateUI = search.ContinueWith((antecedent) => { try { int hits = antecedent.Result; var timeinMS = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; // stop clock: double time = timeinMS / 1000.0; // convert to secs: string results = string.Format("Hits:\t{0:#,##0}\nFiles:\t{1:#,##0}\nTime:\t{2:#,##0.00} secs\n", hits, lstFiles.Items.Count, time); this.txtblkResults.Text = results; } catch (AggregateException ae) { this.txtblkResults.Text = ""; ae = ae.Flatten(); foreach (Exception ex in ae.InnerExceptions) this.txtblkResults.Text += string.Format("**Error: '{0}'\n", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { this.txtblkResults.Text = string.Format("**Error: '{0}'\n", ex.Message); } // reset UI: this.spinnerWait.Spin = false; this.spinnerWait.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.cmdSearch.IsEnabled = true; // re-enable button: }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() // must run on current (UI) thread: ); }
public static void Test3() { //var ii = IndirectInvokerBuilder.Create(); var ii = IndirectInvokerBuilder.Create(ProxyCtor.GetModuleBuilder()); var sample = new Sample2(); var isample = (ISample)sample; var mixin = new ProxyMixin.Mixins.InterceptorMixin<Sample2, ISample>(ProxyMixin.ProxyCtor.IndirectInvoker); var proxy = ProxyMixin.Ctors.InterceptorCtor.Create<Sample2, ISample>(sample, mixin); var foo = new Foo(); //var mi = typeof(Sample).GetInterfaceMap(typeof(ISample)).TargetMethods[0]; var mi = typeof(Sample).GetMethod("Ref"); var invoker = MethodInfoInvoker.Create(mi, ii); var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { //proxy.Virtual(41, "qq"); var args = invoker.CreateParameters((Sample)sample, 44, foo, "eee", isample); //var args = invoker.CreateParameters((Sample)sample, 41, "qqq"); invoker.Invoke(args); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); sw.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { //isample.Virtual(41, "qq"); var fooBase = (FooBase)foo; sample.Ref(44, ref fooBase, "eee", ref isample); //var args2 = new Object[] { 41, "qq" }; //mi.Invoke(sample, args2); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public static DataTable GetProvList(DateTime dt) { if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { return Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dt); } #if DEBUG _elapsedTimeProvList=""; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); _elapsedTimeProvList="Elapsed time for GetProvList:\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); stopWatchTotal.Restart(); #endif Random rnd=new Random(); string rndStr=rnd.Next(1000000).ToString(); string command; command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash"+rndStr+@";"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="DROP TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command=@"CREATE TABLE tempdash"+rndStr+@" ( ProvNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, production decimal NOT NULL, income decimal NOT NULL ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="CREATE TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //providers command=@"INSERT INTO tempdash"+rndStr+@" (ProvNum) SELECT ProvNum FROM provider WHERE IsHidden=0 ORDER BY ItemOrder"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="providers: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //production-------------------------------------------------------------------- //procs command=@"UPDATE tempdash"+rndStr+@" SET production=(SELECT SUM(ProcFee*(UnitQty+BaseUnits)) FROM procedurelog WHERE procedurelog.ProvNum=tempdash"+rndStr+@".ProvNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus="+POut.Int((int)ProcStat.C)+@" AND ProcDate="+POut.Date(dt)+")"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="production - procs: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //capcomplete writeoffs were skipped //adjustments command=@"UPDATE tempdash"+rndStr+@" SET production=production+(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(AdjAmt),0) FROM adjustment WHERE adjustment.ProvNum=tempdash"+rndStr+@".ProvNum AND AdjDate="+POut.Date(dt)+")"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="production - adjustments: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //insurance writeoffs if(PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ReportsPPOwriteoffDefaultToProcDate)) {//use procdate command=@"UPDATE tempdash"+rndStr+@" SET production=production-(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(WriteOff),0) FROM claimproc WHERE claimproc.ProvNum=tempdash"+rndStr+@".ProvNum AND ProcDate="+POut.Date(dt)+@" AND (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4 OR claimproc.Status=0) )";//received or supplemental or notreceived } else { command=@"UPDATE tempdash"+rndStr+@" SET production=production-(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(WriteOff),0) FROM claimproc WHERE claimproc.ProvNum=tempdash"+rndStr+@".ProvNum AND DateCP="+POut.Date(dt)+@" AND (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4) )";//received or supplemental } Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="production - writeoffs: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //income------------------------------------------------------------------------ //patient income command=@"UPDATE tempdash"+rndStr+@" SET income=(SELECT SUM(SplitAmt) FROM paysplit WHERE paysplit.ProvNum=tempdash"+rndStr+@".ProvNum AND DatePay="+POut.Date(dt)+")"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="income - patient: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //ins income command=@"UPDATE tempdash"+rndStr+@" SET income=income+(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(InsPayAmt),0) FROM claimproc WHERE claimproc.ProvNum=tempdash"+rndStr+@".ProvNum AND DateCP="+POut.Date(dt)+")"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="income - insurance: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //final queries command="SELECT * FROM tempdash"+rndStr+@""; DataTable table=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="SELECT * : "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash"+rndStr+@";"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); stopWatchTotal.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProvList+="DROP TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; _elapsedTimeProvList+="Total: "+stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString(); if(_showElapsedTimesForDebug) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(_elapsedTimeProvList); } #endif return table; }
public void T190_FID_PutGetCorrectness(int cnt, int tbls) { var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); var dicts = new ConcurrentDictionary<FID, string>[tbls]; for(var i = 0; i<dicts.Length; i++) dicts[i] = new ConcurrentDictionary<FID, string>(); var notInserted = 0; using (var cache = makeCache()) { sw.Start(); Parallel.For(0, cnt, (i) => { var t = i % tbls; var tbl = cache.GetOrCreateTable<FID>(t.ToString()); var key = FID.Generate(); var data = NFX.Parsing.NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(0); var pr = tbl.Put(key, data); dicts[t].TryAdd(key, data); if (pr!=PutResult.Inserted) Interlocked.Increment(ref notInserted); }); var elapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; var inserted = cnt - notInserted; Console.WriteLine("Population of {0:n0} in {1:n0} msec at {2:n0}ops/sec", cnt, elapsed, cnt / (elapsed / 1000d) ); Console.WriteLine(" inserted: {0:n0} ({1:n0}%)", inserted, (int) (100 * (inserted / (double)cnt) ) ); Console.WriteLine(" not-inserted: {0:n0} ({1:n0}%)", notInserted, (int) (100 * (notInserted) / (double)cnt)); sw.Restart(); var found = 0; var notfound = 0; for(var i=0; i< tbls; i++) { var tbl = cache.GetOrCreateTable<FID>(i.ToString()); var dict = dicts[i]; Parallel.ForEach(dict, (kvp)=> { var data = tbl.Get( kvp.Key ); if (data!=null) { Assert.AreEqual(data, kvp.Value ); Interlocked.Increment(ref found); } else Interlocked.Increment(ref notfound); }); } elapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; var totalGot = found + notfound; Console.WriteLine("Got of {0:n0} in {1:n0} msec at {2:n0}ops/sec", totalGot, elapsed, totalGot / (elapsed / 1000d) ); Console.WriteLine(" found: {0:n0} ({1:n0}%)", found, (int) (100 * (found / (double)totalGot) ) ); Console.WriteLine(" not-found: {0:n0} ({1:n0}%)", notfound, (int) (100 * (notfound) / (double)totalGot)); Assert.IsTrue( (found / (double)inserted) > 0.9d); }//using cache }
/// <summary> /// 検量線データの取得 /// </summary> private bool GetCalibrationCurve() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); //検量線の取得 KD_Command command_KD = null; for (int chIndex = 1; chIndex <= DataCommon.Constants.MAX_CHANNELCOUNT ; chIndex++) { SystemSetting.CalibrationTables[chIndex - 1] = null; // 現在刺さっているボードがB/R以外ならば検量線取得しない。 //if (RealChannelKindList[chIndex - 1] != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.B && // RealChannelKindList[chIndex - 1] != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.R) if (SystemSetting.HardInfoStruct.BoardInfos[chIndex - 1].ChannelKind != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.B && SystemSetting.HardInfoStruct.BoardInfos[chIndex - 1].ChannelKind != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.R) { SystemSetting.CalibrationTables[chIndex - 1] = new CalibrationTable(); continue; } this.ShowCommunicationCommentEvent("MSG_COMM_COMMENT_CALIBRATION", chIndex); command_KD = (KD_Command)KD_Command.CreateSendData(KD_Command.SubCommandType.R); command_KD.Channel = (byte)chIndex; command_KD = (KD_Command)comm.SendAndWaitResponse(command_KD, CommRM3000.TIMEOUTDEFAULT); //通信成功かつACKならば情報受信待ち if (command_KD != null && command_KD.Result != CommandBase_RM.CMM_NAK) { sw.Restart(); while (SystemSetting.CalibrationTables[chIndex - 1] == null) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 10000) { return false; } } } else { return false; } } //温度補償データの取得 TD_Command command_TD = null; for (int chIndex = 1; chIndex <= DataCommon.Constants.MAX_CHANNELCOUNT ; chIndex++) { SystemSetting.CalibrationTables[chIndex - 1].Base_TempCalibrationCurveList = null; // 現在刺さっているボードがB/R以外ならば検量線取得しない。 //if (RealChannelKindList[chIndex-1] != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.B && // RealChannelKindList[chIndex-1] != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.R) if (SystemSetting.HardInfoStruct.BoardInfos[chIndex - 1].ChannelKind != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.B && SystemSetting.HardInfoStruct.BoardInfos[chIndex - 1].ChannelKind != DataCommon.ChannelKindType.R) continue; this.ShowCommunicationCommentEvent("MSG_COMM_COMMENT_TEMP", chIndex); command_TD = (TD_Command)TD_Command.CreateSendData(TD_Command.SubCommandType.R); command_TD.Channel = (byte)chIndex; command_TD = (TD_Command)comm.SendAndWaitResponse(command_TD, CommRM3000.TIMEOUTDEFAULT); //通信成功かつACKならば情報受信待ち if (command_TD != null && command_TD.Result != CommandBase_RM.CMM_NAK) { sw.Restart(); while (SystemSetting.CalibrationTables[chIndex - 1].Base_TempCalibrationCurveList == null) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 10000) { return false; } } //補償線を生成 bool ret = SystemSetting.CalibrationTables[chIndex - 1].CreateCalibrationTable(); if (!ret) return false; //テスト用プリント foreach (CalibrationCurve cc in SystemSetting.CalibrationTables[chIndex - 1].Calc_CalibrationCurveList) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cc.ToString()); } } else { return false; } } //検量線データを出力 SystemSetting.CalibrationTables.OutputCSV(CommonLib.SystemDirectoryPath.SystemPath); return true; }
public void TestSpeed() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); var results = GetSolutionsFiles(null); watch.Stop(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FileList.files"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" time : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" count : " + results.Count()); watch.Restart(); var resultsOld = FileList.files; watch.Stop(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FileList.filesOld"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" time : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" count : " + resultsOld.Count()); }
private void UpdateThread() { var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while (Running) { var deltaTime = (float)watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; watch.Restart(); InputManager.Update(); // Run update tasks UpdateTasks.Execute(deltaTime); // Create render commands GameWorld.Camera.Viewport.X = WindowProvider.Width; GameWorld.Camera.Viewport.Y = WindowProvider.Height; Renderer.Render(GameWorld.GraphicsStage, GameWorld.Camera, deltaTime); } }
private void Test() { string s1 = "我要学习{0}"; string s2 = "C#"; int max = 10000000; watch.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { string s3 = string.Format(s1, s2); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"string.Format:{watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); watch.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { string s3 = s1.Replace("{0}", s2); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"string.Replace:{watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); #region 比较结果 用Replace 替换比Format 要快 /* * * string.Format:1347 * string.Replace:688 * * * * string.Format:1197 * string.Replace:683 * * * * string.Format:1023 * string.Replace:628 * * * * string.Format:1007 * string.Replace:638 * * * * string.Format:1037 * string.Replace:616 * * * * string.Format:1047 * string.Replace:593 * * * * string.Format:1020 * string.Replace:606 * * * * string.Format:1059 * string.Replace:626 * * * * string.Format:1059 * string.Replace:604 * * * * string.Format:1053 * string.Replace:621 * * * * */ #endregion }
public static List<List<int>> GetProdInc(DateTime dateFrom,DateTime dateTo) { if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { return Meth.GetObject<List<List<int>>>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dateFrom,dateTo); } #if DEBUG _elapsedTimeProdInc=""; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); _elapsedTimeProdInc="Elapsed time for GetProdInc:\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); stopWatchTotal.Restart(); #endif string command; command=@"SELECT procedurelog.ProcDate, SUM(procedurelog.ProcFee*(procedurelog.UnitQty+procedurelog.BaseUnits))-IFNULL(SUM(claimproc.WriteOff),0) FROM procedurelog LEFT JOIN claimproc ON procedurelog.ProcNum=claimproc.ProcNum AND claimproc.Status='7' /*only CapComplete writeoffs are subtracted here*/ WHERE procedurelog.ProcStatus = '2' AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+@" AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+@" GROUP BY MONTH(procedurelog.ProcDate)"; DataTable tableProduction=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdInc+="tableProduction: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command=@"SELECT AdjDate, SUM(AdjAmt) FROM adjustment WHERE AdjDate >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+@" AND AdjDate <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+@" GROUP BY MONTH(AdjDate)"; DataTable tableAdj=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdInc+="tableAdj: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif if(PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ReportsPPOwriteoffDefaultToProcDate)) {//use procdate command="SELECT " +"claimproc.ProcDate," +"SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) " +"FROM claimproc " +"WHERE claimproc.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+" " +"AND claimproc.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+" " +"AND (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4 OR claimproc.Status=0) " //received or supplemental or notreceived +"GROUP BY MONTH(claimproc.ProcDate)"; } else { command="SELECT " +"claimproc.DateCP," +"SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) " +"FROM claimproc " +"WHERE claimproc.DateCP >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+" " +"AND claimproc.DateCP <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+" " +"AND (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4) "//Received or supplemental +"GROUP BY MONTH(claimproc.DateCP)"; } DataTable tableWriteoff=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdInc+="tableWriteoff: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command="SELECT " +"paysplit.DatePay," +"SUM(paysplit.SplitAmt) " +"FROM paysplit " +"WHERE paysplit.IsDiscount=0 " +"AND paysplit.DatePay >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+" " +"AND paysplit.DatePay <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+" " +"GROUP BY MONTH(paysplit.DatePay)"; DataTable tablePay=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdInc+="tablePay: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command="SELECT claimpayment.CheckDate,SUM(claimproc.InsPayamt) " +"FROM claimpayment,claimproc WHERE " +"claimproc.ClaimPaymentNum = claimpayment.ClaimPaymentNum " +"AND claimpayment.CheckDate >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom)+" " +"AND claimpayment.CheckDate <= " + POut.Date(dateTo)+" " +" GROUP BY claimpayment.CheckDate ORDER BY checkdate"; DataTable tableIns=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); stopWatchTotal.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdInc+="tableIns: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; _elapsedTimeProdInc+="Total: "+stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString(); if(_showElapsedTimesForDebug) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(_elapsedTimeProdInc); } #endif //production-------------------------------------------------------------------- List<int> listInt; listInt=new List<int>(); for(int i=0;i<12;i++) { decimal prod=0; decimal adjust=0; decimal inswriteoff=0; DateTime datePeriod=dateFrom.AddMonths(i);//only the month and year are important for(int j=0;j<tableProduction.Rows.Count;j++) { if(datePeriod.Year==PIn.Date(tableProduction.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year && datePeriod.Month==PIn.Date(tableProduction.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month) { prod+=PIn.Decimal(tableProduction.Rows[j][1].ToString()); } } for(int j=0;j<tableAdj.Rows.Count; j++){ if(datePeriod.Year==PIn.Date(tableAdj.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year && datePeriod.Month==PIn.Date(tableAdj.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month) { adjust+=PIn.Decimal(tableAdj.Rows[j][1].ToString()); } } for(int j=0;j<tableWriteoff.Rows.Count; j++){ if(datePeriod.Year==PIn.Date(tableWriteoff.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year && datePeriod.Month==PIn.Date(tableWriteoff.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month) { inswriteoff+=PIn.Decimal(tableWriteoff.Rows[j][1].ToString()); } } listInt.Add((int)(prod+adjust-inswriteoff)); } List<List<int>> retVal=new List<List<int>>(); retVal.Add(listInt); //income---------------------------------------------------------------------- listInt=new List<int>(); for(int i=0;i<12;i++) { decimal ptincome=0; decimal insincome=0; DateTime datePeriod=dateFrom.AddMonths(i);//only the month and year are important for(int j=0;j<tablePay.Rows.Count;j++) { if(datePeriod.Year==PIn.Date(tablePay.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year && datePeriod.Month==PIn.Date(tablePay.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month) { ptincome+=PIn.Decimal(tablePay.Rows[j][1].ToString()); } } for(int j=0;j<tableIns.Rows.Count;j++) {// if(datePeriod.Year==PIn.Date(tableIns.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year && datePeriod.Month==PIn.Date(tableIns.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month) { insincome+=PIn.Decimal(tableIns.Rows[j][1].ToString()); } } listInt.Add((int)(ptincome+insincome)); } retVal.Add(listInt); return retVal; }
private static void OnRenderFrame() { watch.Stop(); float deltaTime = (float)watch.ElapsedTicks / System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency; watch.Restart(); // perform rotation of the cube depending on the keyboard state if (autoRotate) { xangle += deltaTime / 2; yangle += deltaTime; } if (right) { yangle += deltaTime; } if (left) { yangle -= deltaTime; } if (up) { xangle -= deltaTime; } if (down) { xangle += deltaTime; } // set up the viewport and clear the previous depth and color buffers Gl.Viewport(0, 0, width, height); Gl.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); // make sure the shader program and texture are being used Gl.UseProgram(program); Gl.BindTexture(glassTexture); // set up the model matrix and draw the cube program["model_matrix"].SetValue(Matrix4.CreateRotationY(yangle) * Matrix4.CreateRotationX(xangle)); program["enable_lighting"].SetValue(lighting); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(cube, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(cubeNormals, program, "vertexNormal"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(cubeUV, program, "vertexUV"); Gl.BindBuffer(cubeQuads); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.Quads, cubeQuads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); //Draw window Gl.BindTexture(kacaTexture); // set up the model matrix and draw the cube program["model_matrix"].SetValue(Matrix4.CreateRotationY(yangle) * Matrix4.CreateRotationX(xangle)); program["enable_lighting"].SetValue(lighting); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(window, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(windowNormals, program, "vertexNormal"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(windowUV, program, "vertexUV"); Gl.BindBuffer(windowQuads); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.Quads, windowQuads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); //drawwheel Gl.BindTexture(rodaTexture); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel1, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel1Normals, program, "vertexNormal"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel1UV, program, "vertexUV"); Gl.BindBuffer(wheel1Quads); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel11, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel21, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel31, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel41, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel111, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel211, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel311, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel411, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel112, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel212, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel312, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel412, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel2, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel3, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(wheel4, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, wheel1Quads.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); Glut.glutSwapBuffers(); }
/// <summary> /// 查找到指定的表达式 没有则返回空 /// </summary> /// <param name="IndexPageUrl">索引页面</param> /// <param name="ContentPageUrls">分析用的一个页面</param> /// <returns>查找到指定的表达式 没有则返回空</returns> public string GetPathExpression(ListPageContentUrl IndexPageUrl, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <ListPageContentUrl> ContentPageUrls) { //得到当前所有的 XML分析结果 List <XMLDocuentAnalyseEntity> xdoms = ParsPageUrlsToXDocuments(IndexPageUrl, ContentPageUrls); //对得到的XML内容进行分胡 取出有效的表达式 var groups = xdoms.GroupBy(p => p.Expression); if (groups.Count() > 0) { //按表达式排序后的结果 var groupOrder = groups.OrderBy(p => p.Key.Length); string express = groupOrder.Last().Key; if (express.Length > 0) { //表达式 var xpathArr = express.Split('/').ToList(); //如果最后一个是文字节点则直接删除 if (xpathArr.Last().StartsWith("#")) { xpathArr.Remove(xpathArr.Last()); express = string.Join("/", xpathArr.ToArray()); } } //如果表达式有效 if (!(express.Contains("&") || express.Contains("\""))) { if (IndexPageUrl.Url.ToString() == this.IndexPageUrl.Url.ToString()) { //返回表达式 return(PathExpression = express); } else { return(express); } } else { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Restart(); PathExpression = express = GetValidaXpath(from p in xdoms select new ExpressionEntity { Expression = p.Expression, }); stopwatch.Stop(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("运行 GetValidaXpath 时间为" + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(PathExpression); } xdoms.ForEach((p) => { p.BaseUrlObject = null; p.Content = null; p.Expression = null; p.HtmlDocument = null; p.IndexPageUrl = null; p.OriginContent = null; p.PageTitle = null; p.XmlParseConten = null; }); //清空数据 xdoms.Clear(); } return(""); }
private int LoadVideo() { { var _videoFile = new MediaFile(); _videoFile.Resolution = MediaFile.ResolutionOption.Full; _videoFile.OutputRGBImage = false; _videoFile.OutputYImage = false; _videoFile.OutputYData = true; _videoFile.Open(_filenames.videoFilename); var fieldsBetweenAveragedLogoFrames = _videoFile.FieldsPerSecond; // Fill with maps of 127s const int EDGE_MAP_AVERAGE_COUNT = 29;// 100; var edgeMapList = new LinkedList <ImageProcessing.YDataFloat>(); var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var stopwatchRestartedForLogoZone = false; Task taskLogoDetect = null; int fieldNumberFPS = 0; int fieldNumber = 0; int fieldNumberEdgeMapAvg = (EDGE_MAP_AVERAGE_COUNT - 1) * fieldsBetweenAveragedLogoFrames / -2; int lastPrintSeconds = 0; //return 0; // --------------- Start logo detection --------------- // Get Logo detection base frame ImageProcessing.YDataFloat logoDetectionFrame; float logoDetectionFrameAverage; float logoDetectionFrameMaximum; { if (System.IO.File.Exists(_filenames.logoFilename)) { Console.WriteLine("Loading logo from file: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_filenames.logoFilename)); var image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(_filenames.logoFilename); logoDetectionFrame = ImageProcessing.YDataFloat.FromBitmap(image); } else { // Skip the first 5% and last 15% of the recording var firstFrame = (int)(_videoFile.TotalFields * Settings.LogoDetectSearch_StartPosition_Percentage / 100); firstFrame -= (firstFrame % _videoFile.FieldsPerFrame); var lastFrame = (int)(_videoFile.TotalFields * Settings.LogoDetectSearch_EndPosition_Percentage / 100); lastFrame -= (firstFrame % _videoFile.FieldsPerFrame); const int LOGO_DETECTION_FRAMES_TO_AVERAGE = 250; var frameInterval = (lastFrame - firstFrame) / LOGO_DETECTION_FRAMES_TO_AVERAGE; frameInterval -= (frameInterval % _videoFile.FieldsPerFrame); if (frameInterval < 2) { frameInterval = 2; } for (fieldNumber = firstFrame; fieldNumber < lastFrame; fieldNumber += frameInterval) { var frameField = _videoFile.GetVideoFrameField(fieldNumber, MediaFile.SeekModes.Accurate); var yData = frameField.YData; if (taskLogoDetect != null) { taskLogoDetect.Wait(); } taskLogoDetect = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var yDataFloat = yData.GetFloatData(); //yDataFloat.GetBitmap().Save(@"D:\temp\image-" + fieldNumber.ToString("00000") + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); var edgeData = ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.GenerateEdgeDetectedImage(yDataFloat); edgeMapList.AddLast(edgeData); //edgeData.GetBitmap().Save(@"D:\temp\edgeData-" + fieldNumber.ToString("00000") + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); }); long elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; int elapsedSeconds = (int)(elapsedMilliseconds / 1000); if (elapsedSeconds != lastPrintSeconds) { lastPrintSeconds = elapsedSeconds; Console.WriteLine("Searching for logo: " + (100.0f * (fieldNumber - firstFrame) / (lastFrame - firstFrame)).ToString("00") + "%"); } } if (taskLogoDetect != null) { taskLogoDetect.Wait(); } logoDetectionFrame = ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.GenerateEdgeDetectionAverage(edgeMapList, Settings.LogoDetectSearch_EdgeOfFramePadding); logoDetectionFrame.ToBitmap().Save(_filenames.logoFilename, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.CalculateAverageAndMaximumCPU(logoDetectionFrame, out logoDetectionFrameAverage, out logoDetectionFrameMaximum); if (logoDetectionFrameMaximum - logoDetectionFrameAverage < 5) { Console.WriteLine("No logo detected. Disabling logo processing."); logoDetectionFrame = null; } edgeMapList.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Logo Detection time taken: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString()); } // --------------- End logo detection --------------- stopwatch.Restart(); fieldNumber = 0; fieldNumberFPS = 0; var emptyEdgeMap = ImageProcessing.YDataFloat.NewData(_videoFile.Width, _videoFile.Height / _videoFile.FieldsPerFrame, (float)byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue / 2.0f); var edgeMapAverage = ImageProcessing.YDataFloat.NewData(_videoFile.Width, _videoFile.Height / _videoFile.FieldsPerFrame, (float)byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue / 2.0f); while (edgeMapList.Count < EDGE_MAP_AVERAGE_COUNT) { edgeMapList.AddLast(emptyEdgeMap); } var startAt = 0; fieldNumber += startAt; fieldNumberEdgeMapAvg += startAt; while (fieldNumberEdgeMapAvg < _videoFile.TotalFields) //while ((fieldNumberEdgeMapAvg < _videoFile.TotalFields) && (fieldNumber < 500)) { MediaFile.FrameField frameField = null; if (fieldNumber < _videoFile.TotalFields) { frameField = _videoFile.GetVideoFrameField(fieldNumber); var yData = frameField.YData; Field f = null; while (Data.Fields.Count < fieldNumber) { f = new Field(Data); f.Invalid = true; Data.Fields.Add(f); } if (Data.Fields.Count > fieldNumber) { f = Data.Fields[fieldNumber]; } else { f = new Field(Data); f.PTS = frameField.PTS; Data.Fields.Add(f); } // -------------- //Average and Max float average = 0.0f; float maximum = 0.0f; ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.CalculateAverageAndMaximumCPU(yData, out average, out maximum); f.SetValue("Brightness_Avg", average); f.SetValue("Brightness_Max", maximum); // -------------- // Std Dev float stdDev = 0.0f; ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.CalculateStandardDeviationCPU(yData, average, out stdDev); f.SetValue("Brightness_StdDev", stdDev); } // -------------- // Edge detection if ((logoDetectionFrame != null) && ((fieldNumber % fieldsBetweenAveragedLogoFrames) == 0)) { if (taskLogoDetect != null) { taskLogoDetect.Wait(); } var frameFieldCopy = frameField; var fieldNumberCopy = fieldNumber; var fieldNumberEdgeMapAvgCopy = fieldNumberEdgeMapAvg; taskLogoDetect = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var edgeDataNew = emptyEdgeMap; var edgeDataOld = edgeMapList.First.Value; if (frameFieldCopy != null) { var yDataFloat = frameFieldCopy.YData.GetFloatData(); //edgeDataNew = ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.GenerateEdgeDetectedImage(yDataFloat); edgeDataNew = ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.GenerateEdgeDetectedImageAccel(ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.AcceleratorTarget.DX9, yDataFloat); //edgeDataNew.GetBitmap().Save(@"D:\temp\edgeMap-" + fieldNumberCopy.ToString("00000") + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); frameFieldCopy.Dispose(); } edgeMapList.RemoveFirst(); edgeMapList.AddLast(edgeDataNew); ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.AdvanceEdgeDetectionAverage(ref edgeMapAverage, edgeDataNew, edgeDataOld, EDGE_MAP_AVERAGE_COUNT); if (fieldNumberEdgeMapAvgCopy == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Starting logo testing."); } if (fieldNumberEdgeMapAvgCopy >= 0) { //edgeMapAverage.GetBitmap().Save(@"D:\temp\edgeAvg-" + fieldNumberEdgeMapAvgCopy.ToString("00000") + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); var f = Data.Fields[fieldNumberEdgeMapAvgCopy]; float logoDifference; ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.CalculateLogoDifference(edgeMapAverage, logoDetectionFrame, logoDetectionFrameAverage, logoDetectionFrameMaximum, out logoDifference); f.SetValue("Logo_Difference", logoDifference); //var diffMap = ImageProcessing.ImageProcessor.GenerateLogoDifferenceMap(edgeMapAverage, logoDetectionFrame, logoDetectionFrameAverage, logoDetectionFrameMaximum); //diffMap.GetBitmap().Save(@"D:\temp\diffMap2-" + fieldNumberEdgeMapAvgCopy.ToString("00000") + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } }); } else { if (frameField != null) { frameField.Dispose(); } } fieldNumberFPS++; fieldNumber++; fieldNumberEdgeMapAvg++; long elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; int elapsedSeconds = (int)(elapsedMilliseconds / 1000); if (elapsedSeconds != lastPrintSeconds) { lastPrintSeconds = elapsedSeconds; var fps = fieldNumberFPS * 1000.0f / (float)elapsedMilliseconds; if (fieldNumberEdgeMapAvg > 0) { if (!stopwatchRestartedForLogoZone) { stopwatchRestartedForLogoZone = true; stopwatch.Restart(); fieldNumberFPS = 0; } } Console.WriteLine("Frame: " + fieldNumber.ToString() + " FPS: " + fps.ToString("0.00")); } } if (taskLogoDetect != null) { taskLogoDetect.Wait(); } Console.WriteLine("Video processing time taken: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString()); } return(0); }
private static IEnumerator LoadCoroutine() { var stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); IsLoading = true; Debug.Log("Started loading GTA"); // wait a few frames - to "unblock" the program, and to let other scripts initialize before // registering their loading steps yield return(null); yield return(null); // calculate total loading time m_totalEstimatedLoadingTime = m_loadingSteps.Sum(step => step.EstimatedTime); var stopwatchForSteps = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); foreach (var step in m_loadingSteps) { // update description LoadingStatus = step.Description; yield return(null); stopwatchForSteps.Restart(); var en = step.Coroutine; if (en != null) { // this step uses coroutine bool hasNext = true; while (hasNext) { hasNext = false; try { hasNext = en.MoveNext(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { HandleExceptionDuringLoad(ex); if (step.StopLoadingOnException) { yield break; } } // update description LoadingStatus = step.Description; yield return(null); } } else { // this step uses a function try { step.LoadFunction(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { HandleExceptionDuringLoad(ex); if (step.StopLoadingOnException) { yield break; } } } // step finished it's work step.TimeElapsed = stopwatchForSteps.ElapsedMilliseconds; m_currentStepIndex++; Debug.LogFormat("{0} - finished in {1} ms", step.Description, step.TimeElapsed); } // all steps finished loading HasLoaded = true; IsLoading = false; Debug.Log("GTA loading finished in " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds"); // notify all scripts F.SendMessageToObjectsOfType <MonoBehaviour>("OnLoaderFinished"); }
public static void Main17() { Console.WriteLine("Start Main17: Testing indexes"); //string path = ""; //"../../../"; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); Random rnd = new Random(); int cnt = 0; Func <Stream> GenStream = () => new FileStream(dbpath + "Databases/f" + (cnt++) + ".bin", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); PType tp_person = new PTypeRecord( new NamedType("id", new PType(PTypeEnumeration.integer)), new NamedType("name", new PType(PTypeEnumeration.sstring)), new NamedType("years", new PType(PTypeEnumeration.integer))); BearingPure table = new BearingPure(tp_person, GenStream); //IndexKey32CompImmutable id_index = new IndexKey32CompImmutable(GenStream, table, obj => // new int[] { (int)((object[])obj)[0] }, null); //IndexKey32CompImmutable str_index = new IndexKey32CompImmutable(GenStream, table, obj => // new int[] { Hashfunctions.HashRot13((string)((object[])obj)[1]) }, null); Comparer <object> comp = Comparer <object> .Create(new Comparison <object>((object a, object b) => { return(string.Compare((string)((object[])a)[1], (string)((object[])b)[1])); })); //IndexKey32CompImmutable str_index = new IndexKey32CompImmutable(GenStream, table, obj => // new int[] { Hashfunctions.First4charsRu((string)((object[])obj)[1]) }, comp); IndexViewImmutable nameview_index = new IndexViewImmutable(GenStream, table, comp, dbpath + "Databases/", 50_000_000); Comparer <object> comp_int = Comparer <object> .Create(new Comparison <object>((object a, object b) => { return(((int)((object[])a)[0]).CompareTo((int)((object[])b)[0])); })); //IndexViewImm idview_index = new IndexViewImm(GenStream, table, comp_int, path + "Databases/", 50_000_000); int nelements = 1_000_000; bool toload = true; if (toload) { //table.Clear(); //sw.Restart(); //for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) //{ // table.AppendElement(new object[] { i, "" + i, 33 }); //} //table.Flush(); table.Load(Enumerable.Range(0, nelements).Select(i => new object[] { i, "" + i, 33 })); //id_index.Build(); //str_index.Build(); nameview_index.Build(); //idview_index.Build(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Load ok. Duration={sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); } else { sw.Restart(); table.Refresh(); //id_index.Refresh(); //str_index.Refresh(); nameview_index.Refresh(); //idview_index.Refresh(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Refresh ok. Duration={sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); } // Экспермент по поиску похожих Comparer <object> comp_like = Comparer <object> .Create(new Comparison <object>((object a, object b) => { int len = ((string)((object[])b)[1]).Length; return(string.Compare((string)((object[])a)[1], 0, (string)((object[])b)[1], 0, len)); })); //Comparer<object> comp_like = new CompaObjStrPar(); int key = nelements * 2 / 3; //var obs = id_index.GetAllByKey(key); //var obs = str_index.GetAllByKey(Hashfunctions.HashRot13(""+key)); //var obs = str_index.GetAllBySample(new object[] { -1, ""+key, -2 }); key = key / 10; var obs = nameview_index.SearchAll(new object[] { -1, "" + key, -2 }, comp_like); //var obs = idview_index.BinarySearchAll(new object[] { key, null, -2 }); foreach (var ob in obs) { Console.WriteLine(tp_person.Interpret(ob)); } int nprobe = 1000; sw.Restart(); int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nprobe; i++) { int k = rnd.Next(nelements); //var os = id_index.GetAllByKey(k); //var os = str_index.GetAllByKey(Hashfunctions.HashRot13("" + k)).Where(ob => (string)((object[])ob)[1] == "" + k); //var os = str_index.GetAllBySample(new object[] { -1, "" + k, -2 }); var os = nameview_index.SearchAll(new object[] { -1, "" + k, -2 }); //var os = nameview_index.SearchAll(new object[] { -1, "" + k, -2 }, comp_like); //var os = idview_index.BinarySearchAll(new object[] { k, null, -2 }); total += os.Count(); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"{nprobe} queries ok. Duration={sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} total = {total}"); }
/// <summary> /// 网络模块复位处理线程 /// </summary> private void NetWorkResetThread() { CommSendData commdata = new CommSendData(); int iclientCount = 0; List <ClientConntion> lstConnetion; if (Directory.Exists("C:\\NetSource\\") == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory("C:\\NetSource\\"); } string strCur = ""; DateTime t_dayTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); string[] strP = { "debug", "error", "info", "system", "warn" }; int i = 0; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); for (; ;) { try { sw.Restart(); #region 更新四舍五入标记、源码输出 try { System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("appSettings"); strCur = Basic.Framework.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileConfiguration.GetString("B4c5r", "1"); if (strCur.Trim() == "2") { Cache.B4c5r = true; } else { Cache.B4c5r = false; } strCur = Basic.Framework.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileConfiguration.GetString("FeedTimeOut", "5"); Cache.FeedTimeOut = Convert.ToInt32(strCur); strCur = Basic.Framework.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileConfiguration.GetString("ShowYmOut", "0"); Cache.ShowYmOut = Convert.ToInt32(strCur); if (Cache.ShowYmOut == 1)//有源码输出才进行相关的处理 { while (Cache.LstCommData.Count > 0) { lock (Cache.LockCommData) { commdata = Basic.Framework.Common.ObjectConverter.DeepCopy <CommSendData>(Cache.LstCommData[0]); Cache.LstCommData.RemoveAt(0); } ShowNetDataToComputer(, commdata.Mac, commdata.Flag); } } else//不带源码输出直接清空 { lock (Cache.LockCommData) { Cache.LstCommData.Clear(); } } strCur = Basic.Framework.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileConfiguration.GetString("FeedComplexFailure", "1"); if (strCur == "1") { Cache.FeedComplexFailure = true; } else { Cache.FeedComplexFailure = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("更新四舍五入、源码输出标记错误:" + ex.Message); } #endregion #region 如处于客户端模式,定期进行连接和关闭判断 iclientCount++; strCur = Basic.Framework.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileConfiguration.GetString("ServerOrClient", "1"); if ((iclientCount >= 3) && (strCur == "1")) { iclientCount = 0; if (OnExcuteDriverCommand != null)//修正一下,如果是第一次进来时,连接两次 { DriverCommandEventArgs args = new DriverCommandEventArgs(); DeviceResetCommand resetcommand = new DeviceResetCommand(); args.CommandType = 2; lstConnetion = GetFzhIP(); args.JsonData = Basic.Framework.Common.JSONHelper.ToJSONString(lstConnetion); OnExcuteDriverCommand(this, args); } } #endregion #region 自动删除数据 //自动删除 20个月前的源码数据 if (t_dayTime.Day != DateTime.Now.Day) { t_dayTime = DateTime.Now; try { DateTime dt = new DateTime(); foreach (string d in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries("C:\\NetSource\\")) { if (File.Exists(d)) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(d); if (fi.Attributes.ToString().IndexOf("ReadOnly") != -1) { fi.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal; } dt = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(fi.Name.Substring(0, 4)), Convert.ToInt32(fi.Name.Substring(4, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(fi.Name.Substring(6, 2))); if ((DateTime.Now - dt).TotalDays >= 20) { File.Delete(d);//直接删除其中的文件 } } } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { strCur = "C:\\log\\Sys.DataCollection.ConsoleHost\\" + strP[i]; //判断文件夹是否还存在 if (Directory.Exists(strCur)) { foreach (string f in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(strCur)) { strCur = f.ToString(); strCur = strCur.Substring(strCur.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); dt = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(strCur.Substring(0, 4)), Convert.ToInt32(strCur.Substring(4, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(strCur.Substring(6, 2))); if ((DateTime.Now - dt).TotalDays >= 20) { foreach (string f1 in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(f)) { if (File.Exists(f1)) {//如果有子文件删除文件 File.Delete(f1); } } Directory.Delete(f); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("NetWorkReset【删除源码文件失败】" + ex.ToString()); } } #endregion sw.Stop(); if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 3000) {//操作了3秒就输出日志出来 LogHelper.Info("网关超时判断:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("NetWorkReset【NetWorkResetThread】:" + ex.ToString()); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public void Restart() => _stopwatch.Restart();
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Action fileProc = () => { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); MathNet.Numerics.Control.LinearAlgebraProvider = new MathNet.Numerics.Algorithms.LinearAlgebra.Mkl.MklLinearAlgebraProvider(); MathNet.Numerics.Control.NumberOfParallelWorkerThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount; addText("Обробка файлу вимірювань...\r\n"); double[][] SGG_data = null; if (System.IO.File.Exists("sgg_data.bin")) { SGG_data = IOFunc.binLoad_SGG_data("sgg_data.bin"); } else { SGG_data = Data.IOFunc.read_SGG_data(SphericalHarmonicAnalyze.Properties.Settings.Default.SGG_measures, new setProgressDel(addVal)); IOFunc.binwrite_SGG_data("sgg_data.bin", SGG_data); } addText("Дані вимірювань оброблено: {0} шт.\r\n", SGG_data.Length); Thread.Sleep(500); ReferenceSystem elipsoid = new ReferenceSystem(ReferenceSystem.Default.TideFree); elipsoid.gridParameters.cellSize = SphericalHarmonicAnalyze.Properties.Settings.Default.GridCellSize; elipsoid.gridParameters.coLatitudeBounds = SphericalHarmonicAnalyze.Properties.Settings.Default.minCoLatitude; elipsoid.maxDegree = SphericalHarmonicAnalyze.Properties.Settings.Default.modelMaxOrder; int greedColumnsCount, greedRowsCount; List<double[]> greed = MathFunc.generateGrid(elipsoid.gridParameters.cellSize, out greedColumnsCount, out greedRowsCount, elipsoid.gridParameters.coLatitudeBounds,180 - elipsoid.gridParameters.coLatitudeBounds); addText("Сітку згенеровано: {0} комірок \r\n", greed.Count); double avgR = MathFunc.getAvgRadius(SGG_data); List<int>[] map = MathFunc.getMappingOfPoints(elipsoid, SGG_data, greed.ToArray(), greedRowsCount, greedColumnsCount, avgR); sw.Stop(); addText("Точки віднесено до комірок сітки за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); addText("Кількість клітинок сітки всього: {0}\r\n", greed.Count); int res1 = 0; foreach (var item in map) { res1 += item.Count; } addText("Використано вимірів: {0}\r\nСер радіус: {1}\r\n", res1, avgR); test.checkMap(SGG_data, map, greed, elipsoid); List<int>[] newMap = null; MathFunc.checkGreed(ref greed, map, out newMap); addText("Кількість клітинок сітки, в яких присутні дані вимірювань: {0}\r\n", greed.Count); map = newMap; newMap = null; IOFunc.writeGreedToCsvFileWithMeasureCount(greed, map, "greed_new_map.txt"); double[] avgRadius; sw.Restart(); double[] regularisedValues = MathFunc.regularization(SGG_data, greed.ToArray(), map, out avgRadius); sw.Stop(); addText("Регуляризація (на основі сферичної відстані) виконана за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); IOFunc.writeGreedToCsvFileWithMeasureS(greed,regularisedValues, "greed_regular_grad.txt"); avgRadius[0] = Math.Round(avgRadius[0]); elipsoid.satelliteSphere = avgRadius[0]; addText("Середній радіус: {0,10:0.000}.\r\nМінімальний радіус: {1,10:0.0000}\r\nМаксимальний радіус:{2,10:0.0000}\r\n", avgRadius[0], avgRadius[1], avgRadius[2]); SGG_data = null; map = null; int[][] t_nm = MathFunc.get_nm(elipsoid.maxDegree); sw.Restart(); MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix dm = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix(greed.Count, (MathFunc.getArraySize(elipsoid.maxDegree) - 3) * 2 - (elipsoid.maxDegree-1)); sw.Stop(); addText("Пам'ять для матриці коефіцієнтів виділено за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); sw.Restart(); int progress = 0; //Обчислення елементів матриці var p= Parallel.For(0, dm.RowCount, (i) => { double[] line = MathFunc.getCoefMatrixLineKoop(elipsoid, elipsoid.maxDegree, t_nm, elipsoid.satelliteSphere, greed[i][0], greed[i][1]); lock (dm) { dm.SetRow(i,line); } progress++; if (progress / 100D == Math.Round(progress / 100D)) {addVal(progress, dm.RowCount, "Визначено");} }); if (!p.IsCompleted) { throw new Exception("Parallel.For"); }; IOFunc.writeMatrixToMatLabFile(dm, @"matlab\A.mat","A"); sw.Stop(); richTextBox1.Invoke(new setProgressDel(addVal), new object[] { 0, dm.RowCount, "" }); addText("Матриця {0} на {1} ({2}MB) згенерована за: {3,10}\r\n", dm.RowCount, dm.ColumnCount, dm.ColumnCount * dm.RowCount * 8 / 1000000,sw.Elapsed.ToString()/* + "\r\nЗапис у файл...\r\n"*/); if(true){ GravityModel gm08 = new GravityModel(elipsoid.maxDegree); gm08.loadFromFile("GO_CONS_EGM_GCF_2.gfc", new setProgressDel(addVal)); MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector dmL = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector(gm08.getGradientForGrid(elipsoid,greed));//regularisedValues); MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector dmL2; GravityModel gm = new GravityModel(elipsoid.maxDegree); if (radioButton1.Checked) { sw.Restart(); gm.loadFromFile(SphericalHarmonicAnalyze.Properties.Settings.Default.inGravityModel, new setProgressDel(addVal)); sw.Stop(); addText("Вихідна модель завантажена за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); sw.Restart(); dmL2 = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector(gm.getGradientForGrid(elipsoid,greed)); sw.Stop(); addText("Градієнти за вихідною моделлю обчислені для сітки за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); } else { sw.Restart(); gm = GravityModel.getNormalModel(elipsoid, elipsoid.maxDegree); dmL2 = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector(gm.getGradientForGrid(elipsoid, greed)); sw.Stop(); addText("Нормальні градієнти обчислені для сітки за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); } dmL = dmL - dmL2; dmL2 = null; IOFunc.writeMatrixToMatLabFile(dmL.ToColumnMatrix(), @"matlab\L.mat", "L"); sw.Restart(); MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector dmLNormal = null; dmLNormal = (MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector)dm.TransposeThisAndMultiply(dmL); dmL = null; IOFunc.writeMatrixToMatLabFile(dmLNormal.ToColumnMatrix(), @"matlab\LNorm.mat", "LNorm"); sw.Stop(); addText("Стовпчик вільних членів обчислений за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix dmANorm = null; sw.Restart(); dmANorm = (MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix)dm.TransposeThisAndMultiply(dm); dm = null; sw.Stop(); addText("Нормальна матриця коефіціэнтів обчислена за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); IOFunc.writeMatrixToMatLabFile(dmANorm, @"matlab\ANorm.mat", "ANorm"); //dmLNormal = (MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector)dmLNormal.Multiply(5e-8); var x = dmANorm.Inverse(); var res = (MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector)x.Multiply(dmLNormal); IOFunc.writeModeVectorlToTxtFile(res, elipsoid, @"matlab\_out.AL"); addText(@"Результат за методом A\L знайдено..."); x = null; GravityModel gm_R = new GravityModel(gm); gm_R.addDeltaCoef(res.ToArray()); res = null; double[] h = GravityModel.getGeoidHeight(elipsoid, gm_R, greed); double[] dg = GravityModel.getAnomaly(elipsoid, gm_R, greed); IOFunc.writeGeoidHeightsAndAnomalysToTxt(greed, h, dg, elipsoid, @"output\result_AL.txt"); IOFunc.writeGravityModelToTxtFile(gm_R, @"output\model_AL.gcf"); sw.Restart(); addText(dmANorm.Rank().ToString() + "\r\n"); dmANorm = null; dmLNormal = null; sw.Stop(); addText("Невідомі знайдено за: {0}.\r\n", sw.Elapsed.ToString()); } }; if (System.IO.File.Exists(SphericalHarmonicAnalyze.Properties.Settings.Default.inGravityModel)) { tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabControl1.TabPages[1]; this.UseWaitCursor = true; ts = new CancellationTokenSource(); ct = ts.Token; tsk = Task.Factory.StartNew(fileProc,ct); var setCur = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { tsk.Wait(); this.UseWaitCursor = false; addText("Обчислення завершені!"); }); richTextBox1.SaveFile(@"output\zvit.rtf"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Random rnd = new Random(100); TestSet undirectedRep = new TestSet(); TestSet directedRep = new TestSet(); TestSet undirectedSimple = new TestSet(); TestSet directedSimple = new TestSet(); Graph g; #region undirected, with repetitions g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, null)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 6)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 7); undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 6)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 2); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 2); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 4, 5); undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 9)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 6); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(4, 5, 1); g.AddEdge(5, 3, 1); undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 3, 3)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 21)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 3) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 23)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 1000); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 1000; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 3) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } undirectedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 6)); #endregion #region directed, with repetitions g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, null)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, null)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 7); directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 7)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 2); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 2); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 4, 5); directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 9)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 6); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(4, 5, 1); g.AddEdge(5, 3, 1); directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 3, 3)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(j, i, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 24)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(j, i, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 22)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 1000); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 1000; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 3) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } if (rnd.Next(10) <= 3) { g.AddEdge(j, i, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } directedRep.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 5)); #endregion #region undirected, without repetitions g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, null)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, null)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 7); undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 7)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 2); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 2); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 4, 5); undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 9)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 6); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(4, 5, 1); g.AddEdge(5, 3, 1); undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 3, 3)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 14)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 29)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } undirectedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 24)); #endregion #region directed, without repetitions g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, null)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, null)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 7); directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 7)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 5); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 2); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 2); g.AddEdge(3, 4, 2); g.AddEdge(2, 4, 5); directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 9)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 6); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4, 1); g.AddEdge(4, 5, 1); g.AddEdge(5, 3, 1); directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 3, 3)); // Test 6 g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(j, i, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 4, 29)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 100; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } if (rnd.Next(10) <= 2) { g.AddEdge(j, i, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 23)); g = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 1000); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 1000; ++j) { if (rnd.Next(10) <= 3) { g.AddEdge(i, j, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } if (rnd.Next(10) <= 3) { g.AddEdge(j, i, 1 + rnd.Next(100)); } } } directedSimple.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 5)); #endregion Console.WriteLine("Path with repetitions, undirected graphs"); undirectedRep.PreformTests(true, false); Console.WriteLine("Path with repetitions, directed graphs"); directedRep.PreformTests(true, false); Console.WriteLine("Path without repetitions, undirected graphs"); undirectedSimple.PreformTests(true, false); Console.WriteLine("Path without repetitions, directed graphs"); directedSimple.PreformTests(true, false); #region custom, additional tests RandomGraphGenerator rgg = new RandomGraphGenerator(1234); Console.WriteLine("Custom tests"); Console.WriteLine("Timing a boilerplate task"); long boilerplateTaskTimeElapsed = PerformBoilerplateTask(); Console.WriteLine("Boilerplate task done. Results will be shown below"); Console.WriteLine("Generating test cases, this may take a while..."); #region custom undirected, with repetitions TestSet undirectedWithRepetitions = new TestSet(); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.8, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 9)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.5, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 11)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 24)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.8, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 4)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.2, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 7)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 1, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 4)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0.75, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, 3)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, null)); #endregion #region custom directed, with repetitions TestSet directedWithRepetitions = new TestSet(); g = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 3); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 20); g.AddEdge(0, 2, 30); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 1, 2); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 2, 30)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.8, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 10)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.5, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 14)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 30)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.8, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 5)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.2, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 9)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 1, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 3)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0.75, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, 4)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0, 1, 100, true); directedWithRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new RepSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, null)); #endregion #region custom undirected, without repetitions TestSet undirectedWithoutRepetitions = new TestSet(); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.8, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 8)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.5, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 11)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 20)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.8, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 4)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.2, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 9)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 1, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 4)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0.75, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, 3)); g = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0, 1, 100, true); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, null)); #endregion #region custom directed, without repetitions TestSet directedWithoutRepetitions = new TestSet(); g = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 3); g.AddEdge(0, 1, 20); g.AddEdge(0, 2, 30); g.AddEdge(1, 2, 1); g.AddEdge(2, 1, 2); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 2, 30)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.8, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 6)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.5, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 8)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 99, 12)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.8, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 4)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.2, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 6)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 1, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 999, 4)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0.75, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, 3)); g = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1500, 0, 1, 100, true); directedWithoutRepetitions.TestCases.Add(new SimpleSecondPathTestCase(10, g, 0, 1499, null)); #endregion System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); long[] elapsedTime = new long[4]; Console.WriteLine("Custom path with repetitions, undirected graphs"); stopwatch.Start(); undirectedWithRepetitions.PreformTests(true, false); stopwatch.Stop(); elapsedTime[0] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Custom path with repetitions, directed graphs"); stopwatch.Restart(); directedWithRepetitions.PreformTests(true, false); stopwatch.Stop(); elapsedTime[1] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Custom path without repetitions, undirected graphs"); stopwatch.Restart(); undirectedWithoutRepetitions.PreformTests(true, false); stopwatch.Stop(); elapsedTime[2] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Custom path without repetitions, directed graphs"); stopwatch.Restart(); directedWithoutRepetitions.PreformTests(true, false); stopwatch.Stop(); elapsedTime[3] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine(String.Empty); Console.WriteLine(String.Empty); Console.WriteLine("Performance metrics"); for (int i = 0; i < elapsedTime.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Test case {0}: {1,5} ms ({2:F3} times the boilerplate time)", i + 1, elapsedTime[i], (double)elapsedTime[i] / boilerplateTaskTimeElapsed); } #endregion }
///<summary>Generates a list of all the quality measures for 2014. Performs all calculations and manipulations. Returns list for viewing/output.</summary> public static List<QualityMeasure> GetAll2014(DateTime dateStart,DateTime dateEnd,long provNum) { if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { return Meth.GetObject<List<QualityMeasure>>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dateStart,dateEnd,provNum); } List<QualityMeasure> list=new List<QualityMeasure>(); //add one of each type QualityMeasure measureCur; _measureWeightAssessAll=new QualityMeasure(); _measureWeightAssess3To11=new QualityMeasure(); _measureWeightAssess12To16=new QualityMeasure(); #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch s=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stot=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); _elapsedtimetext="Elapsed time for each measure.\r\n"; stot.Restart(); #endif for(int i=0;i<Enum.GetValues(typeof(QualityType2014)).Length;i++) { #if DEBUG s.Restart(); #endif measureCur=GetEhrCqmData((QualityType2014)i,dateStart,dateEnd,provNum); measureCur.Type2014=(QualityType2014)i; measureCur.Id=GetId2014(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.Descript=GetDescript2014(measureCur.Type2014); if(measureCur.ListEhrPats!=null) { if((QualityType2014)i==QualityType2014.Influenza) { //only have to count IsDenominator pats for influenza measure, all other measures will have every patient marked IsDenominator (denom=initial pat population) //influenza measure applies additional restriction to initial pat population, but ListEhrPats will still have IPP in it, but only some will be in denominator measureCur.Denominator=CalcDenominator2014(measureCur.ListEhrPats); } else if((QualityType2014)i==QualityType2014.MedicationsEntered) { //we have to count the number of encounters, not the number of patients, for the denominator count measureCur.Denominator=CalcDenominator2014_Encs(measureCur.DictPatNumListEncounters); } else { measureCur.Denominator=measureCur.ListEhrPats.Count; } if((QualityType2014)i==QualityType2014.MedicationsEntered) { measureCur.Numerator=CalcNumerator2014_Encs(measureCur.DictPatNumListEncounters); measureCur.Exceptions=CalcException2014_Encs(measureCur.DictPatNumListEncounters); measureCur.Exclusions=0; } else { measureCur.Numerator=CalcNumerator2014(measureCur.ListEhrPats); measureCur.Exclusions=CalcExclusions2014(measureCur.ListEhrPats); measureCur.Exceptions=CalcExceptions2014(measureCur.ListEhrPats); } measureCur.NotMet=measureCur.Denominator-measureCur.Exclusions-measureCur.Numerator-measureCur.Exceptions; //Reporting rate is (Numerator+Exclusions+Exceptions)/Denominator. Percentage of qualifying pats classified in one of the three groups Numerator, Exception, Exclusion. measureCur.ReportingRate=0; if(measureCur.Denominator>0) { measureCur.ReportingRate=Math.Round(((decimal)((measureCur.Numerator+measureCur.Exclusions+measureCur.Exceptions)*100)/(decimal)(measureCur.Denominator)),1,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } //Performance rate is Numerator/(Denominator-Exclusions-Exceptions). Percentage of qualifying pats (who were not in the Exclusions or Exceptions) who were in the Numerator. measureCur.PerformanceRate=0; if(measureCur.Numerator>0) { measureCur.PerformanceRate=Math.Round(((decimal)(measureCur.Numerator*100)/(decimal)(measureCur.Denominator-measureCur.Exclusions-measureCur.Exceptions)),1,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } measureCur.DenominatorExplain=GetDenominatorExplain2014(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.NumeratorExplain=GetNumeratorExplain2014(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.ExclusionsExplain=GetExclusionsExplain2014(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.ExceptionsExplain=GetExceptionsExplain2014(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureNum=GetEMeasureNum(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureTitle=GetEMeasureTitle(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureVersion=GetEMeasureVersion(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureVNeutralId=GetEMeasureVNeutralId(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureVSpecificId=GetEMeasureVSpecificId(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureSetId=GetEMeasureSetId(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureIppId=GetEMeasureIppId(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureDenomId=GetEMeasureDenomId(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureDenexId=GetEMeasureDenexId(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureDenexcepId=GetEMeasureDenexcepId(measureCur.Type2014); measureCur.eMeasureNumerId=GetEMeasureNumerId(measureCur.Type2014); } list.Add(measureCur); #if DEBUG s.Stop(); _elapsedtimetext+=((QualityType2014)i).ToString()+": "+s.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; #endif } #if DEBUG stot.Stop(); _elapsedtimetext+="Total elapsed time: "+stot.Elapsed.ToString(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(_elapsedtimetext); #endif return list; }
private static void OnRenderFrame() { watch.Stop(); float deltaTime = (float)watch.ElapsedTicks / System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency; watch.Restart(); // set up the viewport and clear the previous depth and color buffers Gl.Viewport(0, 0, width, height); Gl.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); // perform rotation of the cube depending on the keyboard state if (autoRotate) { xangle += deltaTime / 2; yangle += deltaTime; } if (right) { yangle += deltaTime; } if (left) { yangle -= deltaTime; } if (up) { xangle -= deltaTime; } if (down) { xangle += deltaTime; } // make sure the shader program and texture are being used Gl.UseProgram(program); Gl.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture1); Gl.BindTexture(brickNormals); Gl.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0); Gl.BindTexture(brickDiffuse); // set up the model matrix and draw the cube program["model_matrix"].SetValue(Matrix4.CreateRotationY(yangle) * Matrix4.CreateRotationX(xangle)); program["enable_lighting"].SetValue(lighting); program["enable_mapping"].SetValue(normalMapping); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(cube, program, "vertexPosition"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(cubeNormals, program, "vertexNormal"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(cubeTangents, program, "vertexTangent"); Gl.BindBufferToShaderAttribute(cubeUV, program, "vertexUV"); Gl.BindBuffer(cubeTriangles); Gl.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles, cubeTriangles.Count, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); // bind the font program as well as the font texture Gl.UseProgram(fontProgram.ProgramID); Gl.BindTexture(font.FontTexture); // draw the tutorial information, which is static information.Draw(); Glut.glutSwapBuffers(); }
//主框架程序入口 public void MOEADprocedure(string configFilePath, string logName) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch time = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();//记录程序运行时间 string currentDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory; time.Start(); prepareData(currentDirectory + configFilePath); time.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("小区集合初始化完成,一共有"+slist.sectorList.Count+"个小区,总用时:" +time.Elapsed.TotalSeconds+"秒"); time.Restart(); interfori=check(delta2, ref ancestor); time.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("初始干扰计算完成,初始全网总干扰为:" + ancestor.interf + "总用时:" + time.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + "秒"); adduseablefcntocell();//给小区集合加上可用频点,可以以后改动条件针对不同背景 List<int> highintefcelllist = SearchHighList(delta2,70); // List<int> highintefcelllist = new List<int>() {1,2,3 }; Console.WriteLine("高干扰小区有:"+highintefcelllist.Count+"个"); for (int i = 0; i < highintefcelllist.Count; i++) { Console.Write(ancestor.gene[highintefcelllist[i]]+" "); } Console.WriteLine(); time.Restart(); //if (SearchBetter(highintefcelllist)) //{ // Console.WriteLine("找到更好的分配方案,一共用时 {0} 秒", time.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); //} //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("没找到,一共用时 {0} 秒", time.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); //} int count = 0;//频点变化个数统计 //for (int i = 0; i < highintefcelllist.Count; i++) //{ // Console.Write(ancestor.gene[highintefcelllist[i]] + " "); // if (ancestor.gene[highintefcelllist[i]] != ancestorori.gene[highintefcelllist[i]]) // { // count++; // } //} //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("频点变化个数一共:"+count); //check(delta2,ref ancestor); //Console.WriteLine("全网最终优化解的总干扰为:"+ancestor.interf+"提升了"+(interfori-ancestor.interf)/interfori*100+"%"); SearchBetter2(highintefcelllist); for (int i = 0; i < highintefcelllist.Count; i++) { Console.Write(ancestor.gene[highintefcelllist[i]] + " "); if (ancestor.gene[highintefcelllist[i]] != ancestorori.gene[highintefcelllist[i]]) { count++; } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("频点变化个数一共:"+count); check(delta2,ref ancestor); Console.WriteLine("全网最终优化解的总干扰为:"+ancestor.interf+"提升了"+(interfori-ancestor.interf)/interfori*100+"%"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Config.LoadConfig(); Config.SetupLogging(); bool logLevelIsVerbose = Log.IsEnabled(LogEventLevel.Verbose); InitRandom(); // DB stuff will go here eventually server = new Server(); // Load client-list dependent stuff after here simpleChat = new SimpleChat(); // Last part of startup Commands.Ready(); Console.WriteLine("Ready. Press enter to start:"); Console.ReadLine(); server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Running. Press 'q' to stop."); int counter = 0; var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); while (running) { counter++; if (Console.KeyAvailable) { if (Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar == 'q') { running = false; Log.Information("Shutdown started from console."); server.clients.SendToAll("&RShutdown initiated from Console.&X"); } } if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= MAIN_TICKRATE) { server.CheckConnectionsAlive(); // Check server connections and flag disconnected ones for client removal, then remove them Log.Verbose("Tick. {clientsConnected} clients connected.", server.clients.Count); if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > (MAIN_TICKRATE * 2)) { Log.Warning("LAG: {elapsedMilliseconds} ms : {cycles} cycles!", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, counter); } server.clients.GetAllInput(); // Game Update Stuff Happens Here OnUpdate?.Invoke(null, null); // End of this game update loop, send waiting data. server.clients.FlushAll(); stopwatch.Restart(); counter = 0; } Thread.Sleep(10); } //Shutdown goes here foreach (var client in server.clients.GetClientList()) { client.Status = ClientStatus.Disconnecting; } server.clients.FlushAll(); server.Stop(); Log.Information("Shutdown complete."); Log.CloseAndFlush(); Console.WriteLine("Done."); Console.ReadLine(); }
// Driver static void Main(string[] args) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sp = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); int res; sp.Start(); res = howMany(2, 10); sp.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("A=2, B=10 : {0} underprimes found in {1} ms", res, sp.ElapsedMilliseconds); sp.Restart(); res = howMany(100, 105); sp.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("A=100, B=105 : {0} underprimes found in in {1} ms", res, sp.ElapsedMilliseconds); sp.Restart(); res = howMany(17,17); sp.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("A=17, B=17 : {0} underprimes found in in {1} ms", res, sp.ElapsedMilliseconds); sp.Restart(); res = howMany(123, 456); sp.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("A=123, B=456 : {0} underprimes found in in {1} ms", res, sp.ElapsedMilliseconds); sp.Restart(); res = howMany(2, 100000); sp.Stop(); // 5600ms - Core 2 Duo Console.WriteLine("A=2, B=100000 : {0} underprimes found in in {1} ms", res, sp.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
/// <summary> /// Initiates the meter readings by meter identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="messages">Messages.</param> public static void InitiateMeterReadingsByMeterID(int messages) { var wallTime = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); var client = new MDM_Server(); client.Url = ""; StdOut(client.Url); //Add the security - once for the entire batch var header = new MultiSpeakMsgHeader { Company = "Spacely's Sprockets", UserID = "niscmr", Pwd = "niscmr", AppName = "TestApp for HAProxy" }; client.MultiSpeakMsgHeaderValue = header; for (int i = 0; i < messages; i++) { try { StdOut("********** NEW MESSAGE **********"); wallTime.Restart(); // Add fake meters meterID[] meters = { new meterID { meterNo = "0", objectID = i.ToString(), serviceType = serviceType.Electric, serviceTypeSpecified = true, utility = i + "_HA_Test", //Value = "What is this for?" } }; LogRequest(meters, header); string responseURL = ""; //Where we send the results, need a test url for this... //responseURL = ""; //Test this for empty url and error to be returned. string transactionID = i.ToString(); //Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var lifespan = new expirationTime { units = timeUnits.Hours, Value = 1 }; //self-signed cert override ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate( object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors) { return(true); }; var results = client.InitiateMeterReadingsByMeterID(meters, responseURL, transactionID, lifespan); if (results != null) { foreach (var result in results) { StdOut("errorString\t: " + result.errorString); StdOut("eventTime \t: " + result.eventTime); StdOut("eventTimeSpecified \t: " + result.eventTimeSpecified); StdOut("nounType \t: " + result.nounType); StdOut("objectID \t: " + result.objectID); StdOut("Value \t: " + result.Value); } } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); wallTime.Stop(); StdOut("Wall Time | " + wallTime.Elapsed); StdOut("********** END MESSAGE **********"); } catch (Exception ex) { StdOut("Exception TransactionID | (" + i + ") | " + ex.Message); if (ex.InnerException != null) { StdOut("InnerException TransactionID | (" + i + ") | " + ex.Message); } wallTime.Stop(); StdOut("Wall Time | " + wallTime.Elapsed); StdOut("********** END MESSAGE **********"); } } //end of loop }
private CheckForUpdatesLoopResult SetupCheckForUpdatesLoop() { const int pulse = 1000; var pollingInterval = (long) _integrationSettings.CheckForUpdatesIntervalSeconds*1000; var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); do { if (!stopWatch.IsRunning) stopWatch.Restart(); if (ShouldContinue) { while (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < pollingInterval) { if (!ShouldContinue) return CheckForUpdatesLoopResult.Exit; Thread.Sleep(pulse); } } try { stopWatch.Stop(); //Now do the work var checkResults = _api.CheckForUpdates(_board.Id, _board.Version); if (checkResults == null) continue; OnBoardStatusChecked(new BoardStatusCheckedEventArgs {HasChanges = checkResults.HasUpdates}); if (!checkResults.HasUpdates) continue; try { _boardLock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock(); var boardChangedEventArgs = new BoardChangedEventArgs(); if (checkResults.Events.Any(x => x.RequiresBoardRefresh)) { boardChangedEventArgs.BoardWasReloaded = true; OnBoardChanged(boardChangedEventArgs); return CheckForUpdatesLoopResult.Continue; } //Now we need to spin through and update the board //and create the information to event foreach (var boardEvent in checkResults.Events) { try { switch (GetEventType(boardEvent.EventType)) { case EventType.CardCreation: var addCardEvent = CreateCardAddEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes); if (addCardEvent != null) boardChangedEventArgs.AddedCards.Add(addCardEvent); break; case EventType.CardMove: var movedCardEvent = CreateCardMoveEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes); if (movedCardEvent != null) boardChangedEventArgs.MovedCards.Add(movedCardEvent); break; case EventType.CardFieldsChanged: var changedFieldsEvent = CreateCardUpdateEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes); if (changedFieldsEvent != null) boardChangedEventArgs.UpdatedCards.Add(changedFieldsEvent); break; case EventType.CardDeleted: boardChangedEventArgs.DeletedCards.Add(CreateCardDeletedEvent(boardEvent)); break; case EventType.CardBlocked: if (boardEvent.IsBlocked) boardChangedEventArgs.BlockedCards.Add(CreateCardBlockedEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes)); else boardChangedEventArgs.UnBlockedCards.Add(CreateCardUnBlockedEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes)); break; case EventType.UserAssignment: if (boardEvent.IsUnassigning) boardChangedEventArgs.UnAssignedUsers.Add(CreateCardUserUnAssignmentEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes)); else boardChangedEventArgs.AssignedUsers.Add(CreateCardUserAssignmentEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes)); break; case EventType.CommentPost: boardChangedEventArgs.PostedComments.Add(CreateCommentPostedEvent(boardEvent)); break; case EventType.WipOverride: boardChangedEventArgs.WipOverrides.Add(CreateWipOverrideEvent(boardEvent, checkResults.AffectedLanes)); break; case EventType.UserWipOverride: boardChangedEventArgs.UserWipOverrides.Add(CreateUserWipOverrideEvent(boardEvent)); break; case EventType.AttachmentChange: var attachmentEvent = CreateAttachmentEvent(boardEvent); if (attachmentEvent != null) boardChangedEventArgs.AttachmentChangedEvents.Add(attachmentEvent); break; case EventType.CardMoveToBoard: boardChangedEventArgs.CardMoveToBoardEvents.Add(CreateCardMoveToBoardEvent(boardEvent)); break; case EventType.CardMoveFromBoard: boardChangedEventArgs.CardMoveFromBoardEvents.Add(CreateCardMoveFromBoardEvent(boardEvent)); break; case EventType.BoardEdit: boardChangedEventArgs.BoardEditedEvents.Add(CreateBoardEditedEvent(boardEvent)); boardChangedEventArgs.BoardStructureChanged = true; break; case EventType.BoardCardTypesChanged: boardChangedEventArgs.BoardCardTypesChangedEvents.Add(new BoardCardTypesChangedEvent(boardEvent.EventDateTime)); boardChangedEventArgs.BoardStructureChanged = true; break; case EventType.BoardClassOfServiceChanged: boardChangedEventArgs.BoardClassOfServiceChangedEvents.Add( new BoardClassOfServiceChangedEvent(boardEvent.EventDateTime)); boardChangedEventArgs.BoardStructureChanged = true; break; case EventType.Unrecognized: //Console.Beep(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { OnClientError(new ClientErrorEventArgs { Exception = ex, Message = "Error processing board change event. " + ex.Message }); } } OnBoardChanged(boardChangedEventArgs); _boardLock.EnterWriteLock(); try { //we need to check to see if there is a need to refresh the entire board //if so, we need to refresh the entire board and raise the board refreshed event if (!checkResults.RequiresRefesh()) { //since the board does not require a refresh, then just change the effected lanes ApplyBoardChanges(checkResults.CurrentBoardVersion, checkResults.AffectedLanes); } else { _board = checkResults.NewPayload; OnBoardRefresh(new BoardInfoRefreshedEventArgs {FromBoardChange = true}); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnClientError(new ClientErrorEventArgs { Exception = ex, Message = "Error applying board changes or raising board refresh." }); } finally { _boardLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnClientError(new ClientErrorEventArgs {Exception = ex, Message = "Error processing board events."}); } finally { _boardLock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock(); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnClientError(new ClientErrorEventArgs {Exception = ex, Message = "Error checking for board events."}); } } while (ShouldContinue); stopWatch.Stop(); return CheckForUpdatesLoopResult.Exit; }
private void reading(object com) { int read_buffer = 64; int len = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[read_buffer]; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); byte2display = new Queue(); try { while (true) { if (active_com.BytesToRead >= read_buffer) { len = active_com.Read(buffer, 0, read_buffer); byte2display.Enqueue(buffer.Clone()); timer.Restart(); } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 3000) { richTextBox1.Invoke(new Action(() => richTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Black)); Disconnect(); } } } catch (COMException sd) { MessageBox.Show("Произошла ошибка - " + sd.Message + "\nПопробуйте выбрать другой СОМ порт."); reading_active.Abort(); Thread.Sleep(50); display_active.Abort(); Thread.Sleep(50); return; } timer.Stop(); }
public static List<List<int>> GetProdProvs(DateTime dateFrom,DateTime dateTo) { if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { return Meth.GetObject<List<List<int>>>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dateFrom,dateTo); } Random rnd=new Random(); string rndStr=rnd.Next(1000000).ToString(); string command; #if DEBUG _elapsedTimeProdProvs=""; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); _elapsedTimeProdProvs="Elapsed time for GetProdProvs:\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); stopWatchTotal.Restart(); #endif command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash"+rndStr+@";"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdProvs+="DROP TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //this table will contain approx 12x3xProv rows if there was production for each prov in each month. command=@"CREATE TABLE tempdash"+rndStr+@" ( DatePeriod date NOT NULL, ProvNum bigint NOT NULL, production decimal NOT NULL ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdProvs+="CREATE TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //procs. Inserts approx 12xProv rows command=@"INSERT INTO tempdash"+rndStr+@" SELECT procedurelog.ProcDate,procedurelog.ProvNum, SUM(procedurelog.ProcFee*(procedurelog.UnitQty+procedurelog.BaseUnits))-IFNULL(SUM(claimproc.WriteOff),0) FROM procedurelog USE INDEX(indexPNPD) LEFT JOIN claimproc ON procedurelog.ProcNum=claimproc.ProcNum AND claimproc.Status='7' /*only CapComplete writeoffs are subtracted here*/ WHERE procedurelog.ProcStatus = '2' AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+@" AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+@" GROUP BY procedurelog.ProvNum,MONTH(procedurelog.ProcDate)"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdProvs+="INSERT INTO: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //todo 2 more tables //get all the data as 12xProv rows command=@"SELECT DatePeriod,ProvNum,SUM(production) prod FROM tempdash"+rndStr+@" GROUP BY ProvNum,MONTH(DatePeriod)";//this fails with date issue DataTable tableProd=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdProvs+="tableProd: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash"+rndStr+@";"; #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdProvs+="DROP TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif Db.NonQ(command); command=@"SELECT ProvNum FROM provider WHERE IsHidden=0 ORDER BY ItemOrder"; DataTable tableProv=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); stopWatchTotal.Stop(); _elapsedTimeProdProvs+="SELECT ProvNum FROM provider: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; _elapsedTimeProdProvs+="Total: "+stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString(); if(_showElapsedTimesForDebug) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(_elapsedTimeProdProvs); } #endif List<List<int>> retVal=new List<List<int>>(); for(int p=0;p<tableProv.Rows.Count;p++){//loop through each provider long provNum=PIn.Long(tableProv.Rows[p]["ProvNum"].ToString()); List<int> listInt=new List<int>();//12 items for(int i=0;i<12;i++) { decimal prod=0; DateTime datePeriod=dateFrom.AddMonths(i);//only the month and year are important for(int j=0;j<tableProd.Rows.Count;j++) { if(provNum==PIn.Long(tableProd.Rows[j]["ProvNum"].ToString()) && datePeriod.Month==PIn.Date(tableProd.Rows[j]["DatePeriod"].ToString()).Month && datePeriod.Year==PIn.Date(tableProd.Rows[j]["DatePeriod"].ToString()).Year) { prod=PIn.Decimal(tableProd.Rows[j]["prod"].ToString()); break; } } listInt.Add((int)(prod)); } retVal.Add(listInt); } return retVal; }
private void straight_read(object com) { int read_buffer = 17; int len = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[read_buffer]; byte mini_buffer = 0; byte[] temp = new byte[2]; bool reset = false; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); packet legacy = new packet(); Time reset_time = new Time(0, 0, 0); try { while (true) { if (active_com.BytesToRead > 0) { mini_buffer = (byte)active_com.ReadByte(); if (mini_buffer == 10) { mini_buffer = (byte) active_com.ReadByte(); if (mini_buffer == 13) { while (active_com.BytesToRead < 17) { } len = active_com.Read(buffer,0,17); textBox13.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox13.Text = "" + buffer[0])); textBox12.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox12.Text = "" + buffer[1])); textBox11.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox11.Text = "" + buffer[2])); temp[0] = buffer[5]; temp[1] = buffer[4]; textBox6.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox6.Text = string.Format("{0:F1}", (float)BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0) / 10))); temp[0] = buffer[7]; temp[1] = buffer[6]; textBox5.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox5.Text = "" + BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0))); temp[0] = buffer[9]; temp[1] = buffer[8]; textBox3.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox3.Text = "" + BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0))); temp[0] = buffer[11]; temp[1] = buffer[10]; textBox7.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox7.Text = string.Format("{0:F1}",(float) BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0) / 10))); temp[0] = buffer[14]; temp[1] = buffer[13]; textBox4.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox4.Text = "" + buffer[12] + " " + BitConverter.ToUInt16(temp, 0))); if (((buffer[3] == 0) || (buffer[3] == 10)))// && (!reset)) { legacy.time_h = buffer[0]; legacy.time_min = buffer[1]; legacy.time_sec = buffer[2]; legacy.status = buffer[3]; temp[0] = buffer[5]; temp[1] = buffer[4]; legacy.temp = BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0); temp[0] = buffer[7]; temp[1] = buffer[6]; legacy.prok = BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0); temp[0] = buffer[9]; temp[1] = buffer[8]; legacy.n = BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0); temp[0] = buffer[11]; temp[1] = buffer[10]; legacy.vel = BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0); legacy.Km = buffer[12]; temp[0] = buffer[14]; temp[1] = buffer[13]; legacy.meter = BitConverter.ToUInt16(temp, 0); legacy.char_pulse = buffer[15]; legacy.check_sum = buffer[16]; reset = true; //reset_timereset_time = new Time(buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2]); } if ((buffer[3] != 0))// && (buffer[3]!=10)) reset = false; //reset_time.difference(buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2]); if (buffer[2] >= legacy.time_sec) buffer[2] = (byte)(buffer[2] - legacy.time_sec); else { buffer[1] -= 1; buffer[2] = (byte)(60 + (buffer[2] - legacy.time_sec)); } if (buffer[1] >= legacy.time_min) buffer[1] = (byte)(buffer[1] - legacy.time_min); else { buffer[0] -= 1; buffer[1] = (byte)(60 + (buffer[1] - legacy.time_min)); } if (buffer[0] >= legacy.time_h) buffer[0] = (byte)(buffer[0] - legacy.time_h); textBox10.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox10.Text = "" + (buffer[0]))); textBox9.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox9.Text = "" + (buffer[1]))); textBox8.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox8.Text = "" + (buffer[2]))); temp[0] = buffer[9]; temp[1] = buffer[8]; textBox1.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox1.Text = "" + (BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0) - legacy.n))); temp[0] = buffer[14]; temp[1] = buffer[13]; textBox2.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox2.Text = "" + (buffer[12] - legacy.Km) + " " + (BitConverter.ToUInt16(temp, 0) - legacy.meter))); textBox14.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox14.Text = "" + buffer[15])); } } timer.Restart(); } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 3000) { richTextBox1.Invoke(new Action(() => richTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Black)); Disconnect(); } } } catch (COMException sd) { MessageBox.Show("Произошла ошибка - " + sd.Message + "\nПопробуйте выбрать другой СОМ порт."); reading_active.Abort(); Thread.Sleep(50); display_active.Abort(); Thread.Sleep(50); return; } timer.Stop(); }
///<summary>Only one dimension to the list for now.</summary> public static List<List<int>> GetAR(DateTime dateFrom,DateTime dateTo,List<DashboardAR> listDashAR) { if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { return Meth.GetObject<List<List<int>>>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dateFrom,dateTo,listDashAR); } //assumes that dateFrom is the first of the month and that there are 12 periods //listDashAR may be empty, in which case, this routine will take about 18 seconds, but the user was warned. //listDashAR may also me incomplete, especially the most recent month(s). string command; List<int> listInt; listInt=new List<int>(); bool agingWasRun=false; #if DEBUG _elapsedTimeAR=""; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); _elapsedTimeAR="Elapsed time for GetAR:\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); stopWatchTotal.Restart(); #endif for(int i=0;i<12;i++) { DateTime dateLastOfMonth=dateFrom.AddMonths(i+1).AddDays(-1); DashboardAR dash=null; for(int d=0;d<listDashAR.Count;d++) { if(listDashAR[d].DateCalc!=dateLastOfMonth) { continue; } dash=listDashAR[d]; } if(dash!=null) {//we found a DashboardAR object from the database for this month, so use it. listInt.Add((int)dash.BalTotal); continue; } agingWasRun=true; #if DEBUG stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //run historical aging on all patients based on the date entered. Ledgers.ComputeAging(0,dateLastOfMonth,true); command=@"SELECT SUM(Bal_0_30+Bal_31_60+Bal_61_90+BalOver90),SUM(InsEst) FROM patient"; DataTable table=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeAR+="Ledgers.ComputeAging() #"+i+" : "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif dash=new DashboardAR(); dash.DateCalc=dateLastOfMonth; dash.BalTotal=PIn.Double(table.Rows[0][0].ToString()); dash.InsEst=PIn.Double(table.Rows[0][1].ToString()); DashboardARs.Insert(dash);//save it to the db for later. listInt.Add((int)dash.BalTotal);//and also use it now. } if(agingWasRun) { #if DEBUG stopWatch.Restart(); #endif Ledgers.RunAging();//set aging back to normal #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeAR+="set aging back to normal: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif } #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); stopWatchTotal.Stop(); _elapsedTimeAR+="Total: "+stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString(); if(_showElapsedTimesForDebug) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(_elapsedTimeAR); } #endif List<List<int>> retVal=new List<List<int>>(); retVal.Add(listInt); return retVal; }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D) { double numSecondsSinceLastDraw = timeSinceLastDraw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; timeSinceLastDraw.Restart(); Button parentButton = (Button)Parent; double x = parentButton.Width / 2 - normalImage.Width / 2; double y = parentButton.Height / 2 - normalImage.Height / 2; if (!parentButton.Enabled) { graphics2D.Render(disabledImage, x, y); base.OnDraw(graphics2D); return; } if (parentButton.UnderMouseState == UI.UnderMouseState.FirstUnderMouse) { if (parentButton.MouseDownOnWidget) { graphics2D.Render(pressedImage, x, y); } else { if (NumSecondsToFade > 0) { if (hoverOpacity < 1) { graphics2D.Render(normalImage, x, y); } IRecieveBlenderByte oldBlender = null; if (graphics2D.DestImage != null) { oldBlender = graphics2D.DestImage.GetRecieveBlender(); graphics2D.DestImage.SetRecieveBlender(new BlenderPolyColorPreMultBGRA(new Color(1, 1, 1, hoverOpacity))); } graphics2D.Render(hoverImage, x, y); if (graphics2D.DestImage != null) { graphics2D.DestImage.SetRecieveBlender(oldBlender); } } else { graphics2D.Render(hoverImage, x, y); } } if (NumSecondsToFade > 0) { hoverOpacity += numSecondsSinceLastDraw / NumSecondsToFade; } if (hoverOpacity > 1) { hoverOpacity = 1; } } else { graphics2D.Render(normalImage, x, y); if (NumSecondsToFade > 0 && hoverOpacity > 0) { IRecieveBlenderByte oldBlender = null; if (graphics2D.DestImage != null) { oldBlender = graphics2D.DestImage.GetRecieveBlender(); graphics2D.DestImage.SetRecieveBlender(new BlenderPolyColorPreMultBGRA(new Color(1, 1, 1, hoverOpacity))); } graphics2D.Render(hoverImage, x, y); if (graphics2D.DestImage != null) { graphics2D.DestImage.SetRecieveBlender(oldBlender); } } if (NumSecondsToFade > 0) { hoverOpacity -= numSecondsSinceLastDraw / NumSecondsToFade; } if (hoverOpacity < 0) { hoverOpacity = 0; } } base.OnDraw(graphics2D); }
public static List<List<int>> GetNewPatients(DateTime dateFrom,DateTime dateTo) { if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { return Meth.GetObject<List<List<int>>>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dateFrom,dateTo); } Random rnd=new Random(); string rndStr=rnd.Next(1000000).ToString(); #if DEBUG _elapsedTimeNewPatients=""; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); _elapsedTimeNewPatients="Elapsed time for GetNewPatients:\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); stopWatchTotal.Restart(); #endif string command; command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash"+rndStr+@";"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeNewPatients+="DROP TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command=@"CREATE TABLE tempdash"+rndStr+@" ( PatNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, dateFirstProc datetime NOT NULL ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeNewPatients+="CREATE TABLE: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif //table full of individual patients and their dateFirstProcs. command=@"INSERT INTO tempdash"+rndStr+@" SELECT PatNum, MIN(ProcDate) dateFirstProc FROM procedurelog USE INDEX(indexPatNum) WHERE ProcStatus=2 GROUP BY PatNum HAVING dateFirstProc >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+" " +"AND dateFirstProc <= "+POut.Date(dateTo); Db.NonQ(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); _elapsedTimeNewPatients+="INSERT INTO: "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; stopWatch.Restart(); #endif command="SELECT dateFirstProc,COUNT(*) " +"FROM tempdash"+rndStr+@" " +"GROUP BY MONTH(dateFirstProc)"; DataTable tableCounts=Db.GetTable(command); #if DEBUG stopWatch.Stop(); stopWatchTotal.Stop(); _elapsedTimeNewPatients+="SELECT dateFirstProc,COUNT(*): "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()+"\r\n"; _elapsedTimeNewPatients+="Total: "+stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString(); if(_showElapsedTimesForDebug) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(_elapsedTimeNewPatients); } #endif List<int> listInt=new List<int>(); for(int i=0;i<12;i++) { int ptcount=0; DateTime datePeriod=dateFrom.AddMonths(i);//only the month and year are important for(int j=0;j<tableCounts.Rows.Count;j++) { if(datePeriod.Year==PIn.Date(tableCounts.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year && datePeriod.Month==PIn.Date(tableCounts.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month) { ptcount+=PIn.Int(tableCounts.Rows[j][1].ToString()); } } listInt.Add(ptcount); } List<List<int>> retVal=new List<List<int>>(); retVal.Add(listInt); return retVal; }
private IEnumerable <SearchItem> Evaluate(SearchExpressionContext c, SearchExpressionExecutionFlags flags) { var args = new List <SearchExpression>(); foreach (var p in parameters) { var evalHints = p.evaluator.hints; if (evalHints.HasFlag(SearchExpressionEvaluationHints.AlwaysExpand) || (p.types.HasFlag(SearchExpressionType.Expandable) && evalHints.HasFlag(SearchExpressionEvaluationHints.ExpandSupported))) { foreach (var exprItem in p.Execute(c, SearchExpressionExecutionFlags.Expand)) { if (exprItem != null) { if ( is SearchExpression expr) { args.Add(expr); } else { c.ThrowError($"cannot expand {p}"); } } else { yield return(null); } } } else if (p.types.HasFlag(SearchExpressionType.Expandable)) { foreach (var exprItem in p.Execute(c)) { if (exprItem == null) { yield return(null); continue; } if (exprItem.value != null) { if (Utils.TryGetNumber(exprItem.value, out var d)) { args.Add(new SearchExpression(SearchExpressionType.Number, d.ToString().GetStringView(), Parsers.ConstantEvaluator)); } else if (exprItem.value is string s) { args.Add(new SearchExpression(SearchExpressionType.Text, s.GetStringView(), Parsers.ConstantEvaluator)); } else { c.ThrowError("Cannot expand parameters"); } } else { c.ThrowError("Cannot expand null value"); } } } else { args.Add(p); } } using (c.runtime.Push(this, args, flags)) { var skipNull = c.HasFlag(SearchExpressionExecutionFlags.ThreadedEvaluation) && !c.HasFlag(SearchExpressionExecutionFlags.PassNull); var executeContext = c.runtime.current; var timeoutWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); timeoutWatch.Start(); foreach (var r in evaluator.execute(executeContext)) { if (r != null) { timeoutWatch.Restart(); yield return(r); } else if (!skipNull) { if (timeoutWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 3.0d) { c.ThrowError("Timeout"); } yield return(null); } } } }