예제 #1
        public List <Suggestion> GetSuggestionUsers(string keyword, int count)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                    return(new List <Suggestion>());

                string displayMatch  = "%" + keyword + "%";
                int    totalRecords  = 0;
                int    totalRecords2 = 0;
                System.Collections.ArrayList matchedUsers = UserController.GetUsersByDisplayName(PortalSettings.PortalId, displayMatch, 0, count, ref totalRecords, false, false);
                matchedUsers.AddRange(UserController.GetUsersByUserName(PortalSettings.PortalId, displayMatch, 0, count, ref totalRecords2, false, false));
                IEnumerable <Suggestion> finalUsers = matchedUsers
                                                      .Cast <UserInfo>()
                                                      .Where(x => x.Membership.Approved)
                                                      .Select(u => new Suggestion()
                    Value = u.UserID,
                    Label = $"{u.DisplayName}"

                return(finalUsers.ToList().GroupBy(x => x.Value).Select(group => group.First()).ToList());
            catch (Exception)
                return(new List <Suggestion>());
예제 #2
        private void btnCast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Collections.ArrayList TestCast = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            IEnumerable<string> query =
                TestCast.Cast<string>().OrderBy(n => n).Select(n => n);
            foreach (var n in query)
                listBox1.Items.Add("Cast : " + n);

            int[] numbers = { 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
            string[] strings = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" };

            var textNums = from n in numbers
                           select strings[n];

            foreach (var n in textNums)
                listBox1.Items.Add("Select : " + n);
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the Searchable Module MetaData SearchDocuments within the timeframe for all portals
        /// </summary>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private int GetAndStoreModuleMetaData(ModuleIndexer indexer)
            IEnumerable <SearchDocument> searchDocs;

            System.Collections.ArrayList portals = PortalController.Instance.GetPortals();
            DateTime indexSince;
            int      indexedCount = 0;

            //DateTime startDate

            foreach (PortalInfo portal in portals.Cast <PortalInfo>())
                indexSince = FixedIndexingStartDate(portal.PortalID);
                searchDocs = indexer.GetModuleMetaData(portal.PortalID, indexSince);
                indexedCount += searchDocs.Count();

            // Include Host Level Items
            indexSince = FixedIndexingStartDate(Null.NullInteger);
            searchDocs = indexer.GetModuleMetaData(Null.NullInteger, indexSince);
            indexedCount += searchDocs.Count();

        public ActionResult Get([FromHeader] string InstanceCollection)
            System.Collections.ArrayList InsCol = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <System.Collections.ArrayList>(InstanceCollection);

            List <InstanceContent> ContentListFromDB = (List <InstanceContent>)Contents.EntityCollection.Take(100000).OrderBy(c => c.Instance.Name).ToList();

            List <string> Filter = InsCol.Cast <string>().ToList();

            List <InstanceContent> ContentList = (from CL in ContentListFromDB.AsEnumerable()
                                                  where Filter.Any(xx => xx.Contains(CL.Instance.Name))
                                                  select CL).ToList();

            GalaxyObjects GObjcts = new GalaxyObjects();

            GObjcts.List = ContentList;

            XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(GObjcts.List.GetType());

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            System.IO.StringWriter sww = new System.IO.StringWriter();
            XmlWriter writer           = XmlWriter.Create(sww);

            x.Serialize(writer, GObjcts.List);

            return(new ContentResult
                Content = sww.ToString(),
                ContentType = "application/xml"
예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /* string sentence = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
             * // Split the string into individual words to create a collection.
             * string[] words = sentence.Split(' ');
             * // Using query expression syntax.
             * var query = from word in words
             *           group word.ToUpper() by word.Length into gr
             *           orderby gr.Key
             *           select new { Length = gr.Key, Words = gr };
             * Console.WriteLine(query);
             * // Using method-based query syntax.
             * var query2 = words.
             *   GroupBy(w => w.Length, w => w.ToUpper()).
             *   Select(g => new { Length = g.Key, Words = g }).
             *   OrderBy(o => o.Length);
             * foreach (var obj in query)
             * {
             *   Console.WriteLine("Words of length {0}:", obj.Length);
             *   foreach (string word in obj.Words)
             *       Console.WriteLine(word);
             * }
             * Console.ReadKey();*/

            System.Collections.ArrayList fruits = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            IEnumerable <string> query =
                fruits.Cast <string>().OrderBy(fruit => fruit).Select(fruit => fruit);

            // The following code, without the cast, doesn't compile.
            //IEnumerable<string> query1 =
            //    fruits.OrderBy(fruit => fruit).Select(fruit => fruit);

            //IEnumerable<int> sequence = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);
            //var doubles = from int item in sequence
            //              select (double)item;
            //foreach (double fr in doubles)
            //    Console.Write(fr);
            foreach (string fr in fruits)
예제 #6
        //在非类型化的集合上使用linq查询 需要cast
        private static void Cast()
            var lists = new System.Collections.ArrayList(Formula1.GetChampions() as System.Collections.ICollection);
            var quary = from r in lists.Cast <Racer>()
                        where r.Country == "USA"
                        orderby r.Wins descending
                        select r;

            foreach (var racer in quary)
                Console.WriteLine("{0:A}", racer);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates breadcrumb
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentId"></param>
        void PopulateBreadCrumb()
            long contentId = 0;

            if (_contentId.Text != "")
                contentId = Convert.ToInt64(_contentId.Text);
                contentId = _parentContentId;

            _rptBreadCrumb.DataSource = null;

            if (contentId > 0 && _contentList != null)
                var list = from c in _contentList.ToList()
                           where c.contentId.Equals(contentId)
                           select c;
                if (list != null)
                    awContent cont    = list.FirstOrDefault();
                    string    lineage = cont.lineage.Trim();
                    System.Collections.ArrayList ids = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineage))
                        string[] parentIds = lineage.Split('|');

                        for (int i = 0; i < parentIds.Length; i++)
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentIds[i]))

                    var parentContents = from c in _contentList.ToList()
                                         where ids.Cast <long>().Contains(c.contentId)
                                         select c;
                    _rptBreadCrumb.DataSource = parentContents;

            _lblBreadCrumbCurrentContent.Text = _alias.Text;
예제 #8
        private static void Untyped() // Преобразование в строготипизированный запрос
            var list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(Formula1.Champions as System.Collections.ICollection);

            var query = from r in list.Cast <Racer>()
                        where r.Country == "USA"
                        orderby r.Wins descending
                        select r;

            foreach (var racer in query)
                Console.WriteLine("{0:A}", racer);
예제 #9
파일: LinqSamples.cs 프로젝트: Cl393/Xuexi
        public static void ConvertWithCast()
            var list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(Formula1.GetChampions() as System.Collections.ICollection);

            var query = from r in list.Cast <Racer>()
                        where r.Country == "USA"
                        orderby r.Wins descending
                        select r;

            foreach (var racer in query)
예제 #10
        static void Untyped()
            var list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(Formula1.GetChampions() as System.Collections.ICollection);

            var query = from r in list.Cast<Racer>()
                        where r.Country == "USA"
                        orderby r.Wins descending
                        select r;
            foreach (var racer in query)
                Console.WriteLine("{0:A}", racer);

        private void button30_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Collections.ArrayList arrList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            arrList.Add(new Point(100, 100));
            arrList.Add(new Point(100, 100));

            //((Point) arrList[0]).X

            var q = from p in arrList.Cast<Point>()
                    select p;

            this.dataGridView1.DataSource = q.ToList();
예제 #12
        // Cast 转换对象类型
        static void Untyped()
            var list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(Formula1.GetChampions() as System.Collections.ICollection);

            // cast 将只能以 [index] 访问的集合转换成 .propertyName 的形式, 这样才可以用 foreach 遍历
            var query = from r in list.Cast <Racer>()
                        where r.Country == "USA"
                        orderby r.Wins descending
                        select r;

            foreach (var racer in query)
                Console.WriteLine("{0:A}", racer);
    public static void ConvertWithCast()
        Console.WriteLine("Convert elements of a non-generic collections using Cast<T>");

        if (Formula1.GetChampions() is System.Collections.ICollection coll)
            var list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(coll);

            var query = from r in list.Cast <Racer>()
                        where r.Country == "USA"
                        orderby r.Wins descending
                        select r;
            foreach (var racer in query)
예제 #14
 private void Loaded(Object ss, EventArgs ee)
     try {
         textBox3.Text          = (string)ion2.settings.Get("accid");
         textBox4.Text          = (string)ion2.settings.Get("authsecret");
         voiceMsgTxt.Text       = (string)ion2.settings.Get("tts");
         checkBox1.Checked      = (bool)ion2.settings.Get("autoStartJob");
         checkBox2.Checked      = (bool)ion2.settings.Get("recordAudio");
         offenderNumberTxt.Text = (string)ion2.settings.Get("faceNumber");
         System.Collections.ArrayList ar = (System.Collections.ArrayList)ion2.settings.Get("tNum");
         foreach (string at in ar.Cast <string>())
     } catch (Exception ec) {
예제 #15
        public void Cast()
            System.Collections.ArrayList fruits = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            IEnumerable <string> query =
                fruits.Cast <string>().OrderBy(fruit => fruit).Select(fruit => fruit);

            // The following code, without the cast, doesn't compile.
            //IEnumerable<string> query1 =
            //    fruits.OrderBy(fruit => fruit).Select(fruit => fruit);

            foreach (string fruit in query)
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the Search Documents for the given timeframe.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexer"></param>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private int GetAndStoreSearchDocuments(IndexingProviderBase indexer)
            IList <SearchDocument> searchDocs;

            System.Collections.ArrayList portals = PortalController.Instance.GetPortals();
            DateTime indexSince;
            int      indexedCount = 0;

            foreach (PortalInfo portal in portals.Cast <PortalInfo>())
                indexSince = FixedIndexingStartDate(portal.PortalID);
                    indexedCount += indexer.IndexSearchDocuments(
                        portal.PortalID, SchedulerItem, indexSince, StoreSearchDocuments);
                catch (NotImplementedException)
#pragma warning disable 618
                    searchDocs = indexer.GetSearchDocuments(portal.PortalID, indexSince).ToList();
#pragma warning restore 618
                    indexedCount += searchDocs.Count();

            // Include Host Level Items
            indexSince = FixedIndexingStartDate(-1);
                indexedCount += indexer.IndexSearchDocuments(
                    Null.NullInteger, SchedulerItem, indexSince, StoreSearchDocuments);
            catch (NotImplementedException)
#pragma warning disable 618
                searchDocs = indexer.GetSearchDocuments(-1, indexSince).ToList();
#pragma warning restore 618
                indexedCount += searchDocs.Count();
예제 #17
        public static void ConvertWithCast()
            var list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(Formula1.GetChampions() as System.Collections.ICollection);

             * 需要在非类型化的集合上使用Linq查询,就可以使用Cast();
             * 下面基于Object类型的ArrayList集合用Racer对象填充。
             * 为定义强类型化的查询,可使用Cast()方法。
            var query = from r in list.Cast <Racer>()
                        where r.Country == "USA"
                        orderby r.Wins descending
                        select r;

            foreach (var racer in query)
        public ActionResult Get([FromHeader] string InstanceCollection)
            System.Collections.ArrayList InsCol = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <System.Collections.ArrayList>(InstanceCollection);

            List <InstanceContent> ContentListFromDB = (List <InstanceContent>)Contents.EntityCollection.Take(100000).OrderBy(c => c.Instance.Name).ToList();

            List <string> Filter = InsCol.Cast <string>().ToList();

            List <InstanceContent> ContentList = (from CL in ContentListFromDB.AsEnumerable()
                                                  where Filter.Any(x => x.Contains(CL.Instance.Name))
                                                  select CL).ToList();

            GalaxyObjects GObjcts = new GalaxyObjects();

            GObjcts.List = ContentList;

            return(new ContentResult
                Content = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(GObjcts),
                ContentType = "application/json"
예제 #19
        public ActionResult GetSuggestUsers(int roleId, int count, string keyword)
            ActionResult ActionResult = new ActionResult();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                    return(ActionResult.Data = new List <UserRoleDto>());

                string displayMatch  = keyword + "%";
                int    totalRecords  = 0;
                int    totalRecords2 = 0;
                bool   isAdmin       = UserManager.IsAdmin(PortalSettings);

                System.Collections.ArrayList matchedUsers = UserController.GetUsersByDisplayName(PortalSettings.PortalId, displayMatch, 0, count,
                                                                                                 ref totalRecords, false, false);
                matchedUsers.AddRange(UserController.GetUsersByUserName(PortalSettings.PortalId, displayMatch, 0, count, ref totalRecords2, false, false));
                IEnumerable <UserRoleDto> finalUsers = matchedUsers
                                                       .Cast <UserInfo>()
                                                       .Where(x => isAdmin || !x.Roles.Contains(PortalSettings.AdministratorRoleName))
                                                       .Select(u => new UserRoleDto()
                    UserId      = u.UserID,
                    DisplayName = $"{u.DisplayName} ({u.Username})"

                ActionResult.Data = finalUsers.ToList().GroupBy(x => x.UserId).Select(group => group.First());
            catch (Exception ex)
                ActionResult.AddError("HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError" + HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message);
예제 #20
        private void Method()
            var myArrayList = new System.Collections.ArrayList
                new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0),
                new System.Drawing.Point(10, 20),
                new System.Drawing.Point(20, 30)

            var query1 = myArrayList.OfType <System.Drawing.Color>().Select(color => color);

            foreach (var currentResult in query1)

            var procesArray = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            var query       = procesArray.Cast <System.Diagnostics.Process>().Select(process => process);
예제 #21
        private static Dictionary <string, object> UploadCustomer(string psCustomerName, string psValue, string psFileName, int piCusOrderID)
            //string lsReturnHashkey = "";
            Dictionary <string, object> loReturn;
            WebRequest  loWebRequest;
            WebResponse loWebResponse;

            JavaScriptSerializer loJson = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string lsMessage;
            string lsSQL;
            Dictionary <string, object> loJsonValue = new Dictionary <string, object> ();
            string lsJson = "";

                loJsonValue.Add("property", "Trung Hung Tran");
                loJsonValue.Add("customer", psCustomerName);
                loJsonValue.Add("action", "order created");
                loJsonValue.Add("value", psValue);
                loJsonValue.Add("file", psFileName);

                loWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(msUploadURL);

                loWebRequest.Method      = "POST";
                loWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
                lsJson = loJson.Serialize(loJsonValue);
                byte[] json = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(lsJson);

                Stream requestStream = loWebRequest.GetRequestStream();
                requestStream.Write(json, 0, json.Length);
                    loWebResponse = loWebRequest.GetResponse();
                    lsJson        = new StreamReader(loWebResponse.GetResponseStream())

                    loReturn = loJson.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(lsJson);

                    if (loReturn.ContainsKey("errors"))
                        System.Collections.ArrayList loError = (System.Collections.ArrayList)loReturn["errors"];

                        lsMessage = string.Join(", ", loError.Cast <string>().ToArray()) + "";
                        lsSQL     = " update CustomerOrder set status  ='{0} : {1}' where CusOrderID ={2} ;  ";

                        Library.ClsEvilApi.moDatabase.Exec(String.Format(lsSQL, loReturn["added"], ClsSQLite.FixStr(lsMessage), piCusOrderID));
                    else if (loReturn.ContainsKey("hash"))
                        if (((string)loReturn["hash"]).Length == 32)
                            lsSQL = " update CustomerOrder set status  ='{0}', hash ='{1}' where CusOrderID ={2} ;  ";

                            Library.ClsEvilApi.moDatabase.Exec(String.Format(lsSQL, loReturn["added"], ClsSQLite.FixStr((string)loReturn["hash"]), piCusOrderID));
                            lsMessage = "Server Error Invalid hash return.";
                            lsSQL     = " update CustomerOrder set status  ='{0} : {1}' where CusOrderID ={2} ;  ";

                            Library.ClsEvilApi.moDatabase.Exec(String.Format(lsSQL, "error", ClsSQLite.FixStr(lsMessage), piCusOrderID));
                catch (WebException wex)
                    lsJson = new StreamReader(wex.Response.GetResponseStream())
                    loReturn = loJson.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(lsJson);

                    if (loReturn.ContainsKey("errors"))
                        System.Collections.ArrayList loError = (System.Collections.ArrayList)loReturn["errors"];

                        lsMessage = string.Join(", ", loError.Cast <string>().ToArray());
                        lsSQL     = " update CustomerOrder set status  ='{0} : {1}' where CusOrderID ={2} ;  ";

                        Library.ClsEvilApi.moDatabase.Exec(String.Format(lsSQL, "error", ClsSQLite.FixStr(lsMessage), piCusOrderID));
            catch (Exception ex)
                lsSQL = " update CustomerOrder set status  ='{0} : {1}' where CusOrderID ={2} ;  ";

                Library.ClsEvilApi.moDatabase.Exec(String.Format(lsSQL, "error", ClsSQLite.FixStr(ex.Message), piCusOrderID));

                loReturn = null;
예제 #22
        public static DataSet GetHashKey(string psHashKey)
            DataSet loReturnDs = null;

            DataTable loLocalTb;
            DataTable loReturnTb;
            DataRow   loReturnRow;
            Dictionary <string, object> loRemote;
            string lssql;

            // check from server
            loRemote   = ClsEvilApi.CheckHashKey(psHashKey);
            loReturnDs = new DataSet();

            loReturnTb = new DataTable("Hash Key from EVIL");

            foreach (string lskey in loRemote.Keys)
                loReturnRow = loReturnTb.NewRow();
                loReturnRow[0] = lskey;
                if (lskey == "errors")
                    System.Collections.ArrayList loError = (System.Collections.ArrayList)loRemote["errors"];
                    loReturnRow[1] = string.Join(", ", loError.Cast <string>().ToArray());
                    loReturnRow[1] = loRemote[lskey];


            //check from local
            lssql = "select * from CustomerOrder where Hash='{0}'";
            if (psHashKey == null)
                psHashKey = "N/A";
            loLocalTb = moDatabase.Query(String.Format(lssql, ClsSQLite.FixStr(psHashKey)));

            if (loLocalTb.Rows.Count > 0)
                loReturnTb = new DataTable("Hash Key from local database.");

                foreach (DataRow row in loLocalTb.Rows)
                    foreach (DataColumn col in loLocalTb.Columns)
                        loReturnRow = loReturnTb.NewRow();
                        loReturnRow[0] = col.ColumnName;
                        loReturnRow[1] = row[col.ColumnName];

예제 #23
        private static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Dictionary <string, object> > UploadCustomerAsync(string psCustomerName, string psValue, string psFileName, int piCusID)
            Dictionary <string, object> loReturn;
            string lsMessage;
            Dictionary <string, object> loJsonValue = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            JavaScriptSerializer        loJson      = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string lsJson = "";
            string lsSQL;

                loJsonValue.Add("property", "Trung Hung Tran");
                loJsonValue.Add("customer", psCustomerName);
                loJsonValue.Add("action", "order created");
                loJsonValue.Add("value", psValue);
                loJsonValue.Add("file", psFileName);
                lsJson = loJson.Serialize(loJsonValue);

                    using (var loClient = new HttpClient())
                        loClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                        HttpResponseMessage loHttpRessult = await loClient.PostAsync(msUploadURL, new StringContent(lsJson));

                        lsJson = await loHttpRessult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    loReturn = loJson.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(lsJson);
                    if (loReturn.ContainsKey("errors"))
                        System.Collections.ArrayList loError = (System.Collections.ArrayList)loReturn["errors"];

                        lsMessage = string.Join(", ", loError.Cast <string>().ToArray());
                        lsSQL     = " update CustomerOrder set status  ='{0} : {1}' where CusOrderID ={2} ;  ";

                        Library.ClsEvilApi.moDatabase.Exec(String.Format(lsSQL, loReturn["added"], ClsSQLite.FixStr(lsMessage), piCusID));
                    else if (loReturn.ContainsKey("hash"))
                        lsSQL = " update CustomerOrder set status  ='{0}', hash ='{1}' where CusOrderID ={2} ;  ";

                        Library.ClsEvilApi.moDatabase.Exec(String.Format(lsSQL, loReturn["added"], ClsSQLite.FixStr((string)loReturn["hash"]), piCusID));
                catch (WebException wex)
                    lsJson = new StreamReader(wex.Response.GetResponseStream())
                    loReturn = loJson.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(lsJson);
                loReturn = null;
예제 #24
        private static string ToString(dynamic dyn)
            if (dyn == null)
                if (dyn is ValueType)
                    if (dyn is string)
                        return("'" + dyn + "'");
                        if (dyn is System.Collections.IList)
                            var asList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                            foreach (var x in dyn)

                            return("[" + string.Join(", ", asList.Cast <string>()) + "]");
                            if (dyn is System.Collections.IDictionary)
                                var asList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                                foreach (var x in dyn)
                                    asList.Add(ToString(x.Key) + ": " + ToString(x.Value));

                                return("{" + string.Join(", ", asList.Cast <string>()) + "}");

            var ret = new StringBuilder();

            var first = true;


            foreach (var r in dyn)
                var key = r.Key;
                var val = r.Value;

                if (!first)
                    ret.Append(", ");

                ret.Append(ToString(key) + ": " + ToString(val));

                first = false;


예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a filespec, find the files that match. 
        /// Will never throw IO exceptions: if there is no match, returns the input verbatim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectDirectoryUnescaped">The project directory.</param>
        /// <param name="filespecUnescaped">Get files that match the given file spec.</param>
        /// <param name="getFileSystemEntries">Get files that match the given file spec.</param>
        /// <param name="directoryExists">Determine whether a directory exists.</param>
        /// <returns>The array of files.</returns>
        internal static string[] GetFiles
            string projectDirectoryUnescaped,
            string filespecUnescaped,
            IEnumerable<string> excludeSpecsUnescaped,
            GetFileSystemEntries getFileSystemEntries,
            DirectoryExists directoryExists
            // For performance. Short-circuit iff there is no wildcard.
            // Perf Note: Doing a [Last]IndexOfAny(...) is much faster than compiling a
            // regular expression that does the same thing, regardless of whether
            // filespec contains one of the characters.
            // Choose LastIndexOfAny instead of IndexOfAny because it seems more likely
            // that wildcards will tend to be towards the right side.
            if (!HasWildcards(filespecUnescaped))
                return CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped);

            // UNDONE (perf): Short circuit the complex processing when we only have a path and a wildcarded filename

             * Even though we return a string[] we work internally with an IList.
             * This is because it's cheaper to add items to an IList and this code
             * might potentially do a lot of that.
            System.Collections.ArrayList arrayListOfFiles = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            System.Collections.IList listOfFiles = (System.Collections.IList)arrayListOfFiles;

             * Analyze the file spec and get the information we need to do the matching.
            bool stripProjectDirectory;
            RecursionState state;
            var result = GetFileSearchData(projectDirectoryUnescaped, filespecUnescaped, getFileSystemEntries, directoryExists,
                out stripProjectDirectory, out state);

            if (result == GetSearchDataResult.ReturnEmptyList)
                return new string[0];
            else if (result == GetSearchDataResult.ReturnFileSpec)
                return CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped);
            else if (result != GetSearchDataResult.RunSearch)
                //  This means the enum value wasn't valid (or a new one was added without updating code correctly)
                throw new NotSupportedException(result.ToString());

            List<RecursionState> searchesToExclude = null;

            //  Exclude searches which will become active when the recursive search reaches their BaseDirectory.
            //  The BaseDirectory of the exclude search is the key for this dictionary.
            Dictionary<string, List<RecursionState>> searchesToExcludeInSubdirs = null;

            HashSet<string> resultsToExclude = null;
            if (excludeSpecsUnescaped != null)
                searchesToExclude = new List<RecursionState>();
                foreach (string excludeSpec in excludeSpecsUnescaped)
                    //  This is ignored, we always use the include pattern's value for stripProjectDirectory
                    bool excludeStripProjectDirectory;

                    RecursionState excludeState;
                    var excludeResult = GetFileSearchData(projectDirectoryUnescaped, excludeSpec, getFileSystemEntries, directoryExists,
                        out excludeStripProjectDirectory, out excludeState);

                    if (excludeResult == GetSearchDataResult.ReturnFileSpec)
                        if (resultsToExclude == null)
                            resultsToExclude = new HashSet<string>();
                    else if (excludeResult == GetSearchDataResult.ReturnEmptyList)
                        //  Nothing to do
                    else if (excludeResult != GetSearchDataResult.RunSearch)
                        //  This means the enum value wasn't valid (or a new one was added without updating code correctly)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(excludeResult.ToString());

                    if (excludeState.BaseDirectory != state.BaseDirectory)
                        //  What to do if the BaseDirectory for the exclude search doesn't match the one for inclusion?
                        //  - If paths don't match (one isn't a prefix of the other), then ignore the exclude search.  Examples:
                        //      - c:\Foo\ - c:\Bar\
                        //      - c:\Foo\Bar\ - C:\Foo\Baz\
                        //      - c:\Foo\ - c:\Foo2\
                        if (excludeState.BaseDirectory.Length == state.BaseDirectory.Length)
                            //  Same length, but different paths.  Ignore this exclude search
                        else if (excludeState.BaseDirectory.Length > state.BaseDirectory.Length)
                            if (!excludeState.BaseDirectory.StartsWith(state.BaseDirectory))
                                //  Exclude path is longer, but doesn't start with include path.  So ignore it.

                            //  - The exclude BaseDirectory is somewhere under the include BaseDirectory. So
                            //    keep the exclude search, but don't do any processing on it while recursing until the baseDirectory
                            //    in the recursion matches the exclude BaseDirectory.  Examples:
                            //      - Include - Exclude
                            //      - C:\git\msbuild\ - c:\git\msbuild\obj\
                            //      - C:\git\msbuild\ - c:\git\msbuild\src\Common\

                            if (searchesToExcludeInSubdirs == null)
                                searchesToExcludeInSubdirs = new Dictionary<string, List<RecursionState>>();
                            List<RecursionState> listForSubdir;
                            if (!searchesToExcludeInSubdirs.TryGetValue(excludeState.BaseDirectory, out listForSubdir))
                                listForSubdir = new List<RecursionState>();

                                searchesToExcludeInSubdirs[excludeState.BaseDirectory] = listForSubdir;
                            //  Exclude base directory length is less than include base directory length.
                            if (!state.BaseDirectory.StartsWith(excludeState.BaseDirectory))
                                //  Include path is longer, but doesn't start with the exclude path.  So ignore exclude path
                                //  (since it won't match anything under the include path)

                            //  Now check the wildcard part
                            if (excludeState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.Length == 0)
                                //  The wildcard part is empty, so ignore the exclude search, as it's looking for files non-recursively
                                //  in a folder higher up than the include baseDirectory.
                                //  Example: include="c:\git\msbuild\src\Framework\**\*.cs" exclude="c:\git\msbuild\*.cs"
                            else if (excludeState.RemainingWildcardDirectory == recursiveDirectoryMatch + s_directorySeparator)
                                //  The wildcard part is exactly "**\", so the exclude pattern will apply to everything in the include
                                //  pattern, so simply update the exclude's BaseDirectory to be the same as the include baseDirectory
                                //  Example: include="c:\git\msbuild\src\Framework\**\*.*" exclude="c:\git\msbuild\**\*.bak"
                                excludeState.BaseDirectory = state.BaseDirectory;
                                //  The wildcard part is non-empty and not "**\", so we will need to match it with a Regex.  Fortunately
                                //  these conditions mean that it needs to be matched with a Regex anyway, so here we will update the
                                //  BaseDirectory to be the same as the exclude BaseDirectory, and change the wildcard part to be "**\"
                                //  because we don't know where the different parts of the exclude wildcard part would be matched.
                                //  Example: include="c:\git\msbuild\src\Framework\**\*.*" exclude="c:\git\msbuild\**\bin\**\*.*"
                                Debug.Assert(excludeState.SearchData.RegexFileMatch != null, "Expected Regex to be used for exclude file matching");
                                excludeState.BaseDirectory = state.BaseDirectory;
                                excludeState.RemainingWildcardDirectory = recursiveDirectoryMatch + s_directorySeparator;

            if (searchesToExclude != null && searchesToExclude.Count == 0)
                searchesToExclude = null;

             * Now get the files that match, starting at the lowest fixed directory.
                GetFilesRecursive(listOfFiles, state,
                   projectDirectoryUnescaped, stripProjectDirectory, getFileSystemEntries, searchesToExclude, searchesToExcludeInSubdirs);
            catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
                // Assume it's not meant to be a path
                return CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped);

             * Build the return array.

            string[] files;
            if (resultsToExclude != null)
                files = arrayListOfFiles.Cast<string>().Where(f => !resultsToExclude.Contains(f)).ToArray();
                files = (string[])arrayListOfFiles.ToArray(typeof(string));
            return files;