private async Task SendUnsecureAsync(IPAddress address)
            // Start a simple TCP syslog server that will capture all received messaged
            var receiver = new TcpSyslogReceiver(null, SECURE_PROTOCOLS, this.cts.Token);

            receiver.MessageReceived += (_, msg) =>

            this.tcpConfig.Host = address.ToString();
            this.tcpConfig.Port = receiver.IPEndPoint.Port;

            var sink = new SyslogTcpSink(this.tcpConfig);

            // Generate and send 3 log events
            var logEvents = Some.LogEvents(3);
            await sink.EmitBatchAsync(logEvents);

            // Wait until the server has received all the messages we sent, or the timeout expires
            await this.countdown.WaitAsync(6000, this.cts.Token);

            // The server should have received all 3 messages sent by the sink
            this.messagesReceived.ShouldAllBe(x => logEvents.Any(e => x.EndsWith(e.MessageTemplate.Text)));

        public async Task Should_send_logs_to_secure_tcp_syslog_service()
            this.tcpConfig.KeepAlive              = false; // Just to test the negative path
            this.tcpConfig.SecureProtocols        = SECURE_PROTOCOLS;
            this.tcpConfig.CertProvider           = new CertificateProvider(ClientCert);
            this.tcpConfig.CertValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) =>
                // So we know this callback was called
                this.serverCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certificate);

            // Start a simple TCP syslog server that will capture all received messaged
            var receiver = new TcpSyslogReceiver(ServerCert, SECURE_PROTOCOLS, this.cts.Token);

            receiver.MessageReceived += (_, msg) =>

            // When a client connects, capture the client certificate they presented
            receiver.ClientAuthenticated += (_, cert) => this.clientCertificate = cert;

            this.tcpConfig.Host = IPAddress.Loopback.ToString();
            this.tcpConfig.Port = receiver.IPEndPoint.Port;

            var sink = new SyslogTcpSink(this.tcpConfig);

            // Generate and send 3 log events
            var logEvents = Some.LogEvents(3);
            await sink.EmitBatchAsync(logEvents);

            // Wait until the server has received all the messages we sent, or the timeout expires
            await this.countdown.WaitAsync(6000, this.cts.Token);

            // The server should have received all 3 messages sent by the sink
            this.messagesReceived.ShouldAllBe(x => logEvents.Any(e => x.EndsWith(e.MessageTemplate.Text)));

            // The sink should have presented the client certificate to the server
            .ShouldBe(ClientCert.Thumbprint, StringCompareShould.IgnoreCase);

            // The sink should have seen the server's certificate in the validation callback
            .ShouldBe(ServerCert.Thumbprint, StringCompareShould.IgnoreCase);

        public async Task Should_timeout_when_attempting_secure_tcp_to_non_secure_syslog_service()
            // This is all that is needed for the client to attempt to initiate a TLS connection.
            this.tcpConfig.SecureProtocols = SECURE_PROTOCOLS;

            // As for the server, note that we aren't passing in the server certificate and we're
            // instructing it to just listen and read and ignore any data.
            var receiver = new TcpSyslogReceiver(null, SECURE_PROTOCOLS, this.cts.Token, true);

            this.tcpConfig.Host = IPAddress.Loopback.ToString();
            this.tcpConfig.Port = receiver.IPEndPoint.Port;
            this.tcpConfig.TlsAuthenticationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

            var sink = new SyslogTcpSink(this.tcpConfig);

            var logEvents = Some.LogEvents(3);

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OperationCanceledException>(async() => await sink.EmitBatchAsync(logEvents));
