protected void Del_Btn(object obj, EventArgs e) { LinkButton linkButton = obj as LinkButton; RepeaterItem repeaterItem = linkButton.Parent as RepeaterItem; HtmlInputCheckBox htmlInputCheckBox = repeaterItem.FindControl("chk") as HtmlInputCheckBox; int id = Convert.ToInt32(htmlInputCheckBox.Value); Sys_SealInfo byId = Sys_Seal.Init().GetById(id); Help.DeleteFiles(byId.FilePath); Sys_Seal.Init().Delete(id); this.Show(); }
protected void Del_All(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (RepeaterItem repeaterItem in this.rpt.Items) { HtmlInputCheckBox htmlInputCheckBox = repeaterItem.FindControl("chk") as HtmlInputCheckBox; if (htmlInputCheckBox.Checked) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(htmlInputCheckBox.Value); Sys_SealInfo byId = Sys_Seal.Init().GetById(id); Help.DeleteFiles(byId.FilePath); Sys_Seal.Init().Delete(id); } } this.Show(); }
private void Show(string id) { Sys_SealInfo byId = Sys_Seal.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(id)); this.ViewState["sm"] = byId; this.Status.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(byId.Status); this.SealName.Value = byId.SealName; this.TagName.Value = byId.TagName; this.Notes.Value = byId.Notes; if (byId.Uid > 0) { this.uids.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.Uid); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.FilePath)) { this.PerPic.ImageUrl = byId.FilePath; } }
private void UpDate() { Sys_SealInfo sys_SealInfo = this.ViewState["sm"] as Sys_SealInfo; sys_SealInfo.Status = Convert.ToInt32(this.Status.Checked); sys_SealInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now; sys_SealInfo.Notes = this.Notes.Value; if (this.PWD.Value.Trim() != "") { sys_SealInfo.PWD = this.PWD.Value.Trim(); } sys_SealInfo.SealName = this.SealName.Value; sys_SealInfo.TagName = this.TagName.Value; sys_SealInfo.Uid = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.Form["uids"]); if (this.Fup.HasFile) { sys_SealInfo.FilePath = this.SaveJPG(this.Fup); } Sys_Seal.Init().Update(sys_SealInfo); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!印章/签名已编辑成功!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); }
private void Show(string fid) { SqlParameter sqlParameter = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter.ParameterName = "@uid"; sqlParameter.Size = 50; sqlParameter.Value = this.Uid; SqlParameter sqlParameter2 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter2.ParameterName = "@pt1"; sqlParameter2.Size = 4; SqlParameter sqlParameter3 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter3.ParameterName = "@pt2"; sqlParameter3.Size = 4; SqlParameter sqlParameter4 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter4.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter4.ParameterName = "@pt3"; sqlParameter4.Size = 4; SqlParameter sqlParameter5 = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter5.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sqlParameter5.ParameterName = "@pt4"; sqlParameter5.Size = 4; SqlParameter[] cmdParms = new SqlParameter[] { sqlParameter2, sqlParameter3, sqlParameter4, sqlParameter5, sqlParameter }; MsSqlOperate.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Flows_GetUserFlowBoxCount", cmdParms); this.wdpy.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter2.Value); this.yjpy.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter3.Value); this.wdsq.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter4.Value); this.view.InnerText = string.Concat(sqlParameter5.Value); FlowsInfo byId = Flows.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(fid)); if (byId.CurrentStepUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") || byId.HasOperatedUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") || byId.ViewUserList.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") || byId.CreatorID == Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid) || this.Modules.Contains("28")) { this.ViewState["Flow"] = byId; this.filepath.Value = byId.CurrentDocPath; this.DocBody.Value = byId.DocBody; this.Flow_Name1.InnerText = byId.Flow_Name; this.ModelType.InnerText = this.GetModelType(byId.ComID); this.ke_isread = ", afterCreate : function(id) { KE.toolbar.disable(id, []); KE.readonly(id); KE.g[id].newTextarea.disabled = true; } "; this.url = this.url.ToLower().Replace("/manage/flow", ""); this.LoadOriginalFile = this.url + byId.CurrentDocPath.Replace("~", ""); this.tuli.InnerHtml = " <a href='Flow_Graph.aspx?fl=" + + "' target=_blank>[点击查看]</a>"; this.flowNo.InnerText = byId.AddTime.Year + "-" + (100000 +; this.status.InnerText = this.GetStatus(byId.Status); this.creator.InnerText = byId.CreatorRealName + "(" + byId.CreatorDepName + ")"; this.addtime.InnerText = Utils.ConvertDate2(byId.AddTime); this.vlidtime.InnerText = "永不过期"; if (byId.IsValid == 1) { this.vlidtime.InnerText = byId.ValidTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 之前"; } this.currentstepname.InnerText = byId.CurrentStepName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.Remark)) { this.bodys.InnerHtml = byId.Remark.Replace("\n", "<br>"); } IList all = Flows_Doc.Init().GetAll("flow_id=" +, "order by id asc"); List <TmpInfo> list = new List <TmpInfo>(); List <TmpInfo> list2 = new List <TmpInfo>(); List <TmpInfo> list3 = new List <TmpInfo>(); Flows_DocInfo flows_DocInfo = null; int j; for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++) { Flows_DocInfo flows_DocInfo2 = all[i] as Flows_DocInfo; if (i == all.Count - 1) { flows_DocInfo = flows_DocInfo2; } if (flows_DocInfo2.DocPath.Contains("|")) { string[] array = flows_DocInfo2.DocPath.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { if (array[j].Trim() != "") { TmpInfo tmpInfo = new TmpInfo(); int num = array[j].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string tmp = array[j].Substring(num, array[j].Length - num); string s = array[j].Replace("~", ""); tmpInfo.Tmp1 = array[j]; tmpInfo.Tmp2 = tmp; tmpInfo.Tmp3 = base.Server.UrlEncode(s); tmpInfo.Tmp4 = string.Concat(new string[] { " <span style='color:#999'> - (", flows_DocInfo2.UserRealName, " ", Utils.ConvertDate1(flows_DocInfo2.AddTime), ")</span>" }); list.Add(tmpInfo); } } } } if (flows_DocInfo != null && flows_DocInfo.DocPath.Contains("|")) { string[] array = flows_DocInfo.DocPath.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { if (array[j].Trim() != "") { TmpInfo tmpInfo = new TmpInfo(); int num = array[j].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string tmp = array[j].Substring(num, array[j].Length - num); string s = array[j].Replace("~", ""); tmpInfo.Tmp1 = array[j]; tmpInfo.Tmp2 = tmp; tmpInfo.Tmp3 = base.Server.UrlEncode(s); tmpInfo.Tmp4 = string.Concat(new string[] { " <span style='color:#999'> - (", flows_DocInfo.UserRealName, " ", Utils.ConvertDate1(flows_DocInfo.AddTime), ")</span>" }); list2.Add(tmpInfo); } } } j = 0; //IL_74B: while (j < list2.Count) { TmpInfo tmpInfo2 = list2[j]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { TmpInfo tmpInfo3 = list[i]; if (tmpInfo2.Tmp1 == tmpInfo3.Tmp1) { tmpInfo2.Tmp4 = tmpInfo3.Tmp4; // //IL_73C: //list3.Add(tmpInfo2); //j++; ////goto IL_74B; break; } } list3.Add(tmpInfo2); j++; //goto IL_73C; } if (list3.Count > 0) { this.rpt.DataSource = list3; this.rpt.DataBind(); } Flows_StepInfo byId2 = Flows_Step.Init().GetById(byId.CurrentStepID); this.ViewState["CurrentStep"] = byId2; string text = ""; IList all2 = Flows_StepAction.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new object[] { "OperationStepID=", byId.CurrentStepID, " and FlowID=", }), "order by id asc"); string[] array2 = byId.CurrentStepUserList.Split(new char[] { ',' }); List <string> list4 = new List <string>(); for (j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { if (array2[j].Contains("#")) { list4.Add(array2[j].Split(new char[] { '#' })[0].Trim()); } } foreach (object current in all2) { Flows_StepActionInfo flows_StepActionInfo = current as Flows_StepActionInfo; if (flows_StepActionInfo.Operation == 1) { text = text + flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName + "[已签/同意], "; if (list4.Contains(flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName.Trim())) { list4.Remove(flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName.Trim()); } } if (flows_StepActionInfo.Operation == -1) { text = text + flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName + "[已签/不同意], "; if (list4.Contains(flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName.Trim())) { list4.Remove(flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName.Trim()); } } } foreach (string current2 in list4) { text = text + current2 + "[未审批], "; } this.currentuserlist.InnerHtml = text; IList all3 = Flows_StepAction.Init().GetAll("FlowID=" +, "order by id asc"); IList all4 = Flows_Doc.Init().GetAll("StepAction_ID=0 and flow_id=" +, null); Flows_DocInfo flows_DocInfo3 = all4[0] as Flows_DocInfo; base.Server.UrlEncode(flows_DocInfo3.DocPath.Replace("~", "")); object obj = this.yjs; this.yjs = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "0、<u>流程申请</u> ", byId.CreatorRealName, " 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate2(byId.AddTime), " 发起流程(申请人) <a href='../../Manage/Flow/DocBodyView.aspx?gid=",, "' target='_blank' ><strong>查看申请人原件</strong></a> <br>" }); foreach (object current in all3) { Flows_StepActionInfo flows_StepActionInfo = current as Flows_StepActionInfo; IList all5 = Flows_Doc.Init().GetAll("StepAction_ID=" +, null); if (all5.Count == 0) { obj = this.yjs; this.yjs = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, all3.IndexOf(current) + 1, "、<u>", flows_StepActionInfo.OperationStepName, "</u> ", flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName, " 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate2(flows_StepActionInfo.AddTime), " 已审 <strong style='color:#ff0000'>", flows_StepActionInfo.OperationWord, "</strong><br>" }); } else { Flows_DocInfo flows_DocInfo4 = all5[0] as Flows_DocInfo; base.Server.UrlEncode(flows_DocInfo4.DocPath.Replace("~", "")); obj = this.yjs; this.yjs = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, all3.IndexOf(current) + 1, "、<u>", flows_StepActionInfo.OperationStepName, "</u> ", flows_StepActionInfo.UserRealName, " 在 ", Utils.ConvertDate2(flows_StepActionInfo.AddTime), " 已审 ", flows_StepActionInfo.OperationWord, " <a href='../../Manage/Flow/DocBodyView.aspx?gid=",, "' target='_blank' ><strong>查看文件变动</strong></a> <br>" }); } } if (byId.ViewUserList.Contains(",")) { string[] array3 = byId.ViewUserList.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (j = 0; j < array3.Length; j++) { if (array3[j].Contains("#")) { HtmlGenericControl expr_CF1 = this.viewuserlist; expr_CF1.InnerText = expr_CF1.InnerText + array3[j].Split(new char[] { '#' })[0] + ","; } } } if (list4.Contains(this.RealName.Trim()) && byId.Status == 0) { this.ke_isread = ""; this.display.Visible = true; this.b1.Enabled = true; this.b2.Enabled = true; IList all6 = Sys_Seal.Init().GetAll("uid=" + this.Uid + " and status=1", null); if (all6.Count > 0) { this.seal.Visible = true; this.seallist.DataSource = all6; this.seallist.DataTextField = "SealName"; this.seallist.DataValueField = "id"; this.seallist.DataBind(); } if (byId2.RightToFinish == 1) { this.b3.Enabled = true; } if (byId2.IsUserFile == 1) { for (j = 0; j < this.rpt.Items.Count; j++) { HtmlInputCheckBox htmlInputCheckBox = this.rpt.Items[j].FindControl("chk") as HtmlInputCheckBox; htmlInputCheckBox.Disabled = false; } } } } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('您没有查看权限');window.location='Flow_List.aspx?action=verify';</script>"); } }