public List <Sys_Module> GetMenuList(string roleId) { var data = new List <Sys_Module>(); if (this.Session.IsAdmin) { data = this.ServiceFactory.CreateService <IModuleAppService>().GetList(); } else { var moduledata = this.ServiceFactory.CreateService <IModuleAppService>().GetList(); var roles = this.DbContext.Query <Sys_Role>().FilterDeletedAndDisabled().Where(a => a.Id == roleId); var authorizedata = this.DbContext.Query <Sys_RoleAuthorize>().InnerJoin(roles, (auth, role) => auth.RoleId == role.Id).Select((auth, role) => auth).ToList(); foreach (var item in authorizedata) { Sys_Module moduleEntity = moduledata.Find(t => t.Id == item.ModuleId); if (moduleEntity != null) { data.Add(moduleEntity); } } } return(data.OrderBy(t => t.SortCode).ToList()); }
public ActionResult SubmitForm(Sys_Module moduleEntity, string keyValue) { try { bool i = false; if (keyValue == "" || keyValue == null) { moduleEntity.F_CreatorUserId = OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserCode; moduleEntity.F_CreatorTime = DateTime.Now; moduleEntity.F_Id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string[] notstr = { "ChildNodes" }; i = moduleApp.Add(moduleEntity, notstr); } else { moduleEntity.F_Id = keyValue; moduleEntity.F_LastModifyUserId = OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserCode; moduleEntity.F_LastModifyTime = DateTime.Now; string[] notstr = { "ChildNodes", "F_CreatorUserId", "F_CreatorTime" }; i = moduleApp.Update(moduleEntity, notstr); } if (i) { return(Success()); } else { return(Warning()); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Error(ex.Message)); } }
void SaveValue(Sys_Module objSys_Module) { objModule.ModuleCode = txtModuleCode.Text.Trim(); objModule.ModuleName = txtModuleName.Text.Trim(); objModule.ModuleShow = chkModuleShow.Checked; objModule.ModuleFunID = radModuleFunID.SelectedValue.ConvertInt(); objModule.OperateTypeID = radOperateTypeID.SelectedValue.ConvertInt(); objModule.PlaceType = chkPlaceType.SelectValueString; objModule.Remark = ""; objModule.ToolTip = txtToolTip.Text; objModule.ValGroupName = txtGroupName.Text; objModule.CommandArgument = txtCommandArgument.Text; objModule.CommandName = txtCommandName.Text.Trim(); objModule.ClickScriptFun = txtClickScriptFun.Text.Trim(); objModule.ImageUrl = txtImageUrl.Text; objModule.MenuField = hidMenuField.Value.CutText(100, CutTextTailTye.RemoveTail); objModule.MenuValue = hidMenuValue.Value.CutText(15, CutTextTailTye.RemoveTail); objModule.MenuCal = hidMenuCal.Value.CutText(100, CutTextTailTye.RemoveTail); objModule.TargetUrl = ""; objModule.ModuleCoteID = dropCote.SelectValueInt; objModule.IsCheckPowerData = chkIsCheckPowerData.Checked; objModule.IsEdit = chkIsEdit.Checked; objModule.ShareModuleID = txtShareModuleID.TextCut(36); objModule.IsPower = chkIsPower.Checked; objModule.IsSupperPower = chkIsSupperPower.Checked; if (objModule.ModuleFunID != 3) { objModule.IsPower = true; } objModule.CoteKeyID = txtCoteKeyID.TextInt; if (objModule.CoteKeyID == 0 && chkIsAutoCoteKeyID.Checked) { objModule.CoteKeyID = objModuleRule.Sys_Module.Max(s => s.CoteKeyID) + 1; } }
public bool ProcessFactory(Guid documentID, Sys_Module module, Dictionary <string, Object> result, JZDocument document) { var factoryName = ""; var factorySet = module.StatisticsSettings.Find(m => m.BindField == "FactoryName"); if (factorySet == null) { Logger.Error("获取到的厂家名称配置项为空"); return(true); } factoryName = GetCellValue(document.Sheets.Find(m => m.ID == factorySet.SheetID), factorySet.CellName) as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(factoryName)) { Logger.Error("获取到的厂家名称为空, DocumentID:" + documentID); return(true); } Sys_Factory factory = null; if (Factories.ContainsKey(factoryName)) { factory = Factories[factoryName]; } else { var table = CallLocalMethod(Uri, DLL, "GetFactoryByName", new object[] { factoryName }) as DataTable; if (table == null || table.Rows.Count == 0) { factory = new Sys_Factory(); factory.FactoryID = Guid.NewGuid(); factory.FactoryName = factoryName; factory.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; var resultNewFactory = CallLocalMethod(Uri, DLL, "NewFactory", new object[] { factory }) as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultNewFactory)) { Factories[factoryName] = factory; } else { Logger.Error("添加厂家时失败, 信息:" + resultNewFactory); } } else { factory = new Sys_Factory(); factory.FactoryID = new Guid(Convert.ToString(table.Rows[0]["FactoryID"])); factory.FactoryName = Convert.ToString(table.Rows[0]["FactoryName"]); } } if (factory != null) { result["FactoryID"] = factory.FactoryID; result["FactoryName"] = factoryName; } return(true); }
/// <summary>Implements <see cref="ISys_ModuleService.Delete"/></summary> public void Delete(Sys_Module obj) { if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } _repository.Delete(obj); }
public void AddModule(AddModuleInput input) { input.Validate(); Sys_Module sys_Module = new Sys_Module(); AceMapper.Map(input, sys_Module); _accountRepository.Insert(sys_Module); }
/// <summary>Implements <see cref="ISys_ModuleService.Insert"/></summary> public void Insert(Sys_Module obj) { if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } _repository.Insert(obj); }
/// <summary> /// ajax 调用按钮方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> //[WebMethod] public void Save() { string id = WebUtil.Get("id"); //唯一编号 string ActionDefinitionID = WebUtil.Get("ActionDefinitionID"); //按钮动作ID string ActionDefinitionName = WebUtil.Get("ActionDefinitionName"); //按钮动作名称 string content = WebUtil.GetForm("Content").HtmlEncode(); //防止跨站脚本注入 bool IsStartWF = WebUtil.Get("IsStartWF", false); //按钮动作名称 bool IsExists = true; Sys_Module ModuleInfo = new Sys_Module(); Sys_ModuleBLL ModuleBLL = new Sys_ModuleBLL(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; if (id.IsNullOrEmpty()) { IsExists = false; ModuleInfo = FormToModelHelper <Sys_Module> .ConvertToModel(HttpContext.Current); ModuleInfo.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ModuleInfo.AddUserId = CurrUserInfo().UserID; ModuleInfo.AddTime = dt; //ModuleInfo.EditUserId = CurrUserInfo().UserID; //ModuleInfo.EditTime = dt; //ModuleInfo.IsDelete = false; //ModuleInfo.IsShow = true; } else { ModuleInfo = ModuleBLL.Get(p => p.Id == id); //复制 ModuleInfo = FormToModelHelper <Sys_Module> .ConvertToModel(HttpContext.Current, ModuleInfo); } #region 流程与数据交换方法 //流程启动正常 if (IsExists) { IsExists = new Sys_ModuleBLL().Update(ModuleInfo); } else { ModuleInfo = new Sys_ModuleBLL().AddEntity(ModuleInfo); IsExists = ModuleInfo.IsNotNull() ? true : false; } if (IsExists) { Result.SetData(ModuleInfo); Result.SetError(false).SetMsg(ActionDefinitionName + "成功").Output(); } else { Result.SetError(true).SetMsg("保存出错,请重试").Output(); } #endregion }
public Boolean NewModule(Sys_Module module) { String sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.sys_module ( ID , Name , Description , CatlogCode , ModuleSetting , QualifySetting , CreatedUser , CreatedTime , LastEditedUser , LastEditedTime , IsActive, UploadSetting ) VALUES ( '{0}' , '{1}' , '{2}' , '{3}' , '{4}' , '{5}' , '{6}' , GETDATE(), '{7}' , GETDATE(), 1, '{8}' )"; Boolean flag = true; try { UploadHelper uh = new UploadHelper(); String json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(module.ModuleSettings).Replace("'", "''"); String qsJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(module.QualifySettings).Replace("'", "''"); sql = String.Format(sql, module.ID, module.Name, module.Description, module.CatlogCode, json, qsJson, Yqun.Common.ContextCache.ApplicationContext.Current.UserName, Yqun.Common.ContextCache.ApplicationContext.Current.UserName, uh.GetDefaultUploadSetting(module.ID.ToString())); ExcuteCommand(sql); sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.sys_pxjz_frequency ( ID ,ModuleID ,Frequency ,FrequencyType IsActive ) VALUES ( NEWID() '" + module.ID + "' ,0.0 ,1 ,0)"; ExcuteCommand(sql); sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.sys_pxjz_frequency ( ID ,ModuleID ,Frequency ,FrequencyType IsActive ) VALUES ( NEWID() '" + module.ID + "' ,0.0 ,2 ,0)"; ExcuteCommand(sql); } catch (Exception ex) { flag = false; logger.Error("new module error: " + ex.Message); } return(flag); }
protected Sys_Module GetModuleBaseInfoByID(Guid ModuleID) { Sys_Module module = new Sys_Module(); String lineAddress = "net.tcp://" + IPAddress + ":" + Port + "/TransferService.svc"; module = CallRemoteServerMethod(lineAddress, "Yqun.BO.BusinessManager.dll", "GetModuleBaseInfoByID", new Object[] { ModuleID }) as Sys_Module; return(module); }
private void CreateEachModeuleXmlElement(XmlDocument xmlDocSource, string coteID, string CoteModuleID, bool IsCoteSupper, Sys_Module objSys_Module, XmlElement objXmlElement, List <Sys_Module> objSys_ModuleList, List <sys_authorizegrouppower> objCoteRolePowerList, List <Sys_Module> AddSys_ModuleList) { Func <Sys_Module, bool> predicate = null; Func <Sys_Module, bool> func2 = null; Func <sys_authorizegrouppower, bool> func3 = null; string SearchModuleID = objSys_Module.ModuleID; if (objSys_Module.IsEdit) { if (predicate == null) { predicate = s => (!s.IsEdit && (s.ParentModuleID == objSys_Module.ParentModuleID)) && (s.ModuleCode == objSys_Module.ModuleCode); } Sys_Module module = objSys_ModuleList.FirstOrDefault <Sys_Module>(predicate); if (module != null) { SearchModuleID = module.ModuleID; } else if (AddSys_ModuleList != null) { if (func2 == null) { func2 = s => (!s.IsEdit && (s.ParentModuleID == objSys_Module.ParentModuleID)) && (s.ModuleCode == objSys_Module.ModuleCode); } module = AddSys_ModuleList.FirstOrDefault <Sys_Module>(func2); if (module != null) { SearchModuleID = module.ModuleID; } } } List <string> list = null; if ((objCoteRolePowerList != null) && !IsCoteSupper) { if (func3 == null) { func3 = s => s.CoteID == coteID; } list = (from s in objCoteRolePowerList.Where <sys_authorizegrouppower>(func3) select s.ModuleID).ToList <string>(); } foreach (Sys_Module module2 in from p in objSys_ModuleList where p.ParentModuleID == SearchModuleID orderby p.SortIndex select p) { if ((list == null) || list.Contains(module2.ModuleID)) { XmlElement newChild = xmlDocSource.CreateElement("Module"); newChild.SetAttribute("ModuleID", RolePowerKey.Create(CoteModuleID, coteID, module2.ModuleID, false).ToKey); newChild.SetAttribute("ModuleName", module2.ModuleName); objXmlElement.AppendChild(newChild); this.CreateEachModeuleXmlElement(xmlDocSource, coteID, CoteModuleID, IsCoteSupper, module2, newChild, objSys_ModuleList, objCoteRolePowerList, AddSys_ModuleList); } } }
/// <summary>Implements <see cref="ISys_ModuleRepository.Delete"/></summary> public void Delete(Sys_Module obj) { if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } String stmtId = "Sys_Module.Delete"; SqlMapper.Delete(stmtId, obj); }
/// <summary>Implements <see cref="ISys_ModuleRepository.Insert"/></summary> public void Insert(Sys_Module obj) { if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } String stmtId = "Sys_Module.Insert"; SqlMapper.Insert(stmtId, obj); }
/// <summary> /// 从request中取moduleId /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Guid GetModuleIdByRequest(HttpRequest request) { Sys_Module module = SystemOperate.GetModuleByRequest(request); if (module != null) { return(module.Id); } return(Guid.Empty); }
public Page <Sys_Permission> FindPage(PermissionVM form) { Expression <Func <Sys_Permission, bool> > predicate = Ext.True <Sys_Permission>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form.Name)) { predicate = predicate.And(s => s.Name.Contains(form.Name)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form.EnabledStr)) { if (form.EnabledStr.Equals("1")) { predicate = predicate.And(s => s.Enabled == true); } else { predicate = predicate.And(s => s.Enabled == false); } } if (!form.ModuleId.Equals(0)) { predicate = predicate.And(s => s.ModuleId == form.ModuleId); } OrderModelField idOrder = new OrderModelField { PropertyName = "Id", IsDESC = false }; OrderModelField[] orderByExpression = new OrderModelField[] { idOrder }; Page <Sys_Permission> page = this._permissionRepository.FindPage(ContextDB.managerDBContext, predicate, orderByExpression,, form.rows); if (page != null & page.ResultList.Count > 0) { List <Sys_Module> list = this._moduleRepository.Entities(ContextDB.managerDBContext, t => 1 == 1); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in page.ResultList) { Sys_Module model = list.Where(t => t.Id == item.ModuleId).SingleOrDefault(); if (model != null) { item.ModuleName = model.Name; } } } } return(page); }
private void Execute(object paremeter) { ThreadParameter p = paremeter as ThreadParameter; JZDocument document = p.document; Sys_Module module = p.module; String invalidString = ""; if (module != null) { if (module.QualifySettings != null && module.QualifySettings.Count > 0) { foreach (QualifySetting qs in module.QualifySettings) { Object obj = JZCommonHelper.GetCellValue(document, qs.SheetID, qs.CellName); if (obj != null && obj.ToString() != "") { invalidString = obj.ToString().Trim(' ', '\r', '\n'); break; } } } } if (invalidString != "") { try { String[] arr = invalidString.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (arr.Length < 3) { logger.Error("无效的不合格短信内容,document的ID为" + document.ID + ";短信内容为:" + invalidString); return; } Boolean needSendSMS = false; SMSManager smsManager = new SMSManager(); if (!p.IsAdministrator) { needSendSMS = smsManager.NeedSendSMS(document.ID.ToString(), invalidString); logger.Error(invalidString + "needsendsms=" + needSendSMS); } if (needSendSMS) { smsManager.SendSMS(document.ID.ToString(), invalidString, p.LineID, p.TestRoomCode, p.SegmentName, p.CompanyName, p.TestRoomName, p.LineName); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("更新合格字段IsQualified失败,原因是" + ex.Message); } } icm.SyncInvalidReport(document.ID, invalidString); }
public string Update(Sys_Module model) { try { ModuleBLL.Update(model); } catch (Exception ex) { Result.Code = 500; Result.Message = ex.Message; } return(JsonHelper.Instance.Serialize(Result)); }
public ActionResult ModuleEdit(ModuleVM form) { List <Sys_Module> list = this._moduleService.GetModuleList().Where(t => t.ParentId == null || t.ParentId == 0).ToList(); ViewData["ModuleList"] = list; Sys_Module model = this._moduleService.GetModule(form); ViewBag.form = model; ViewData["type"] = "edit"; return(View("ModuleInsert")); }
/// <summary> /// 获取modeljs的HTML /// </summary> /// <param name="module">模块</param> /// <param name="request">请求对象</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetModelJsHTML(Sys_Module module, HttpRequest request) { string html = string.Empty; bool isFullPath = request != null ? request.Query[CommonDefine.NoFrameFlag].ObjToInt() == 1 : false; //JS显示全路径 string modelJs = SystemOperate.GetModuleJsFilePath(module, isFullPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelJs)) { //模块自定义js html = string.Format("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{0}\"></script>", modelJs); } return(html); }
public void SubmitForm(Sys_Module moduleEntity, string keyValue) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyValue)) { moduleEntity.Modify(keyValue); m_iRepository.Update(moduleEntity); } else { moduleEntity.Create(); m_iRepository.Insert(moduleEntity); } }
/// <summary> /// 重写获取实体对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="errorMsg">异常信息</param> /// <param name="id">Id</param> /// <param name="references"></param> /// <param name="connString"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override Sys_CacheConfig GetEntityById(out string errorMsg, object id, List <string> fieldNames = null, bool references = false, string connString = null) { BaseDAL <Sys_Module> moduleDal = new BaseDAL <Sys_Module>(this.CurrUser); Sys_Module module = moduleDal.GetEntityById(out errorMsg, id); if (module != null) { return(GetModuleCacheConfig(module.TableName, module.Name, module.Id)); } string tableName = tableIdDic.Where(x => x.Value == id.ObjToGuid()).FirstOrDefault().Key; return(GetModuleCacheConfig(tableName)); }
private void ModelFieldSettingDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.fpSpread1_Sheet1.OperationMode = OperationMode.ReadOnly; module = ModuleHelperClient.GetModuleBaseInfoByID(moduleID); if (module.ModuleType == 1) { cb_moduleType.Checked = true; } else { cb_moduleType.Checked = false; } BindModuleSetting(); }
public JsonResult SortModule(ClientModel clientModel) { //不支持夸父节点调整 所以 current和target一定拥有相同的父节点 Sys_Module current = clientModel.GetEntity <Sys_Module>("current"); Sys_Module target = clientModel.GetEntity <Sys_Module>("target"); double nPID = current.nPID.Value; double nTID = target.ID.Value; string type = clientModel.GetString("type"); string sortSQL = string.Empty; if (type == "after")// 只有排序到最后一个时才会是after { sortSQL = @"BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @sortTable TABLE(nOrderID INT IDENTITY,ID int) INSERT INTO @sortTable(ID) SELECT ID FROM Sys_Module Where nPID=@nPID AND ID<>@ID ORDER BY ISNULL(nOrderID,999999) INSERT INTO @sortTable(ID) SELECT ID FROM Sys_Module Where nPID=@nPID AND ID=@ID ORDER BY ISNULL(nOrderID,999999) UPDATE Sys_Module SET nOrderID=(SELECT nOrderID FROM @sortTable T WHERE T.ID=Sys_Module.ID) WHERE nPID=@nPID COMMIT"; Db.ExecuteNonQuery(sortSQL, new { nPID, current.ID }); } else { sortSQL = @"BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @sortTable TABLE(nOrderID INT IDENTITY,ID int) INSERT INTO @sortTable(ID) SELECT ID FROM Sys_Module Where nPID=@nPID AND nOrderID<(SELECT nOrderID FROM Sys_Module WHERE ID=@nTID) AND ID<>@ID ORDER BY nOrderID INSERT INTO @sortTable(ID) SELECT ID FROM Sys_Module Where nPID=@nPID AND ID=@ID ORDER BY ISNULL(nOrderID,999999) INSERT INTO @sortTable(ID) SELECT ID FROM Sys_Module Where nPID=@nPID AND nOrderID>=(SELECT nOrderID FROM Sys_Module WHERE ID=@nTID) AND ID<>@ID ORDER BY nOrderID UPDATE Sys_Module SET nOrderID=(SELECT nOrderID FROM @sortTable T WHERE T.ID=Sys_Module.ID) WHERE nPID=@nPID COMMIT"; Db.ExecuteNonQuery(sortSQL, new { nPID, current.ID, nTID }); } return(GetParent()); }
public ActionResult ModuleInsert() { List <Sys_Module> list = this._moduleService.GetModuleList().Where(t => t.ParentId == null || t.ParentId == 0).ToList(); ViewData["ModuleList"] = list; Sys_Module model = new Sys_Module { Enabled = true }; ViewBag.form = model; return(View()); }
private SystemModuleDTO ConvertEntityToDto(Sys_Module sys_Module) { var result = new SystemModuleDTO(); result.ModuleId = sys_Module.ModuleId; result.ModuleCode = sys_Module.ModuleCode; result.ModuleName = sys_Module.ModuleName; result.Collocation = sys_Module.Collocation; result.Description = sys_Module.Description; result.CreateDate = sys_Module.CreateDate; result.UpdateDate = sys_Module.UpdateDate; result.CreateUserId = sys_Module.CreateUserId; result.UpdateUserId = sys_Module.UpdateUserId; return(result); }
public void Qualify(JZDocument document, Sys_Module module) { ThreadParameter p = new ThreadParameter(); p.document = document; p.module = module; p.IsAdministrator = ApplicationContext.Current.IsAdministrator; p.LineID = ApplicationContext.Current.InProject.Index; p.TestRoomCode = ApplicationContext.Current.InTestRoom.Code; p.SegmentName = ApplicationContext.Current.InSegment.Description; p.CompanyName = ApplicationContext.Current.InCompany.Description; p.TestRoomName = ApplicationContext.Current.InTestRoom.Description; p.LineName = ApplicationContext.Current.InProject.Description; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Execute), p); }
//protected HtmlHead Head1; //protected HtmlForm form1; //protected Button Button1; //protected HtmlInputText RoleName; //protected CheckBoxList powerList; //protected HtmlTextArea Notes; //protected Button save_bt; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsPostBack) { IList all = Sys_Module.Init().GetAll(null, "order by TypeName,Orders"); for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++) { Sys_ModuleInfo sys_ModuleInfo = all[i] as Sys_ModuleInfo; this.powerList.Items.Add(new ListItem("<" + sys_ModuleInfo.TypeName + "> - " + sys_ModuleInfo.ModuleName, string.Concat(; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["rid"])) { this.Show(base.Request.QueryString["rid"]); } } }
public int Update(ModuleVM form) { Sys_Module module = this._moduleRepository.Entity(ContextDB.managerDBContext, t => t.Id == form.Id); if (module != null) { module.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; module.Name = form.Name; module.ParentId = form.ParentId; module.LinkUrl = form.LinkUrl; module.Code = form.Code; module.Enabled = form.Enabled; } return(this._moduleRepository.Update(ContextDB.managerDBContext, module)); }
public bool ActionValidate(string roleId, string moduleId, string action) { var authorizeurldata = new List <AuthorizeActionModel>(); var cachedata = CacheFactory.Cache().GetCache <List <AuthorizeActionModel> >("authorizeurldata_" + roleId); if (cachedata == null) { var moduledata = m_moduleService.GetList(); var buttondata = m_moduleButtonService.GetList(); var authorizedata = m_iRepository.IQueryable(t => t.F_ObjectId == roleId).ToList(); foreach (var item in authorizedata) { if (item.F_ItemType == 1) { Sys_Module moduleEntity = moduledata.Find(t => t.F_Id == item.F_ItemId); authorizeurldata.Add(new AuthorizeActionModel { F_Id = moduleEntity.F_Id, F_UrlAddress = moduleEntity.F_UrlAddress }); } else if (item.F_ItemType == 2) { Sys_ModuleButton moduleButtonEntity = buttondata.Find(t => t.F_Id == item.F_ItemId); authorizeurldata.Add(new AuthorizeActionModel { F_Id = moduleButtonEntity.F_ModuleId, F_UrlAddress = moduleButtonEntity.F_UrlAddress }); } } CacheFactory.Cache().WriteCache(authorizeurldata, "authorizeurldata_" + roleId, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5)); } else { authorizeurldata = cachedata; } authorizeurldata = authorizeurldata.FindAll(t => t.F_Id.Equals(moduleId)); foreach (var item in authorizeurldata) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.F_UrlAddress)) { string[] url = item.F_UrlAddress.Split('?'); if (item.F_Id == moduleId && url[0] == action) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 保存模块数据库配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="dbConfig">配置对象</param> /// <returns></returns> private string SaveModuleDbConfig(Sys_DbConfig dbConfig) { string errMsg = string.Empty; if (dbConfig != null) { try { string tableName = string.Empty; BaseDAL <Sys_Module> moduleDal = new BaseDAL <Sys_Module>(this.CurrUser); Sys_Module module = moduleDal.GetEntityById(out errMsg, dbConfig.Id); if (module == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(module.TableName)) { tableName = tableIdDic.Where(x => x.Value == dbConfig.Id).FirstOrDefault().Key; } else { tableName = module.TableName; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName)) { return("找不到模块表!"); } string modelConfigPath = ModelConfigHelper.GetModelConfigXml(); string node = string.Format("/Root/{0}", tableName); bool nodeIsExists = XmlHelper.NodeIsExists(modelConfigPath, node); if (!nodeIsExists) //不存在实体节点配置信息,插入节点 { XmlHelper.Insert(modelConfigPath, "/Root", tableName, string.Empty, string.Empty); } XmlHelper.Update(modelConfigPath, node, "AutomaticPartition", dbConfig.AutomaticPartition ? "1" : "0"); XmlHelper.Update(modelConfigPath, node, "AutoReCreateIndex", dbConfig.AutoReCreateIndex ? "1" : "0"); XmlHelper.Update(modelConfigPath, node, "CreateIndexPageDensity", dbConfig.CreateIndexPageDensity.ObjToStr()); XmlHelper.Update(modelConfigPath, node, "readConnString", dbConfig.ReadConnString); XmlHelper.Update(modelConfigPath, node, "writeConnString", dbConfig.WriteConnString); TempDatabaseType dbType = (TempDatabaseType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DatabaseType), dbConfig.DbType.ToString()); XmlHelper.Update(modelConfigPath, node, "dbType", dbType.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { errMsg = ex.Message; } } return(errMsg); }
public Sys_ModuleCreateOrUpdateCommand(Sys_Module ent) { this.ent = ent; }