예제 #1
 public static void Main(string[] args)
     using (var settings = new Settings())
         // Change this if you don't have pulseaudio or want to change to anything else.
         if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
             settings[ConfigurationKeys.AudioDriver].StringValue = "pulseaudio";
         settings[ConfigurationKeys.SynthAudioChannels].IntValue = 2;
         using (var syn = new Synth(settings))
             foreach (var arg in args)
                 if (SoundFont.IsSoundFont(arg))
                     syn.LoadSoundFont(arg, true);
             if (syn.FontCount == 0)
                 syn.LoadSoundFont("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2", true);
             for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                 syn.SoundFontSelect(i, 0);
             var files = args.Where(SoundFont.IsMidiFile);
             if (files.Any())
                 foreach (var arg in files)
                     using (var player = new Player(syn))
                         using (var adriver = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn))
                 using (var adriver = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn))
                     syn.ProgramChange(0, 1);
                     syn.NoteOn(0, 60, 120);
                     syn.NoteOff(0, 60);
예제 #2
        public Task OpenAsync()
            if (synth != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The MIDI output is already open.");
            settings = new Settings();
            if (midi_access.ConfigureSettings != null)
            synth             = new Synth(settings);
            synth.HandleError = midi_access.HandleNativeError;
            foreach (var factory in midi_access.SoundFontLoaderFactories)
            foreach (var sf in midi_access.SoundFonts)
                synth.LoadSoundFont(sf, false);

            adriver = new AudioDriver(synth.Settings, synth);

예제 #3
 public static void Main(string[] args)
     using (var settings = new Settings()) {
         if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
             settings [ConfigurationKeys.AudioDriver].StringValue = "alsa";
         using (var syn = new Synth(settings)) {
             foreach (var arg in args)
                 if (Synth.IsSoundFont(arg))
                     syn.LoadSoundFont(arg, true);
             if (syn.FontCount == 0)
                 syn.LoadSoundFont("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2", true);
             var files = args.Where(a => Synth.IsMidiFile(a));
             if (files.Any())
                 foreach (var arg in files)
                     using (var player = new Player(syn)) {
                         using (var adriver = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn)) {
                 using (var adriver = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn)) {
                     syn.NoteOn(0, 60, 100);
                     syn.NoteOff(0, 60);
예제 #4
 public void LoadUnloadSoundFont()
     using (var syn = new Synth (NewAlsaSettings ()))
     using (var audio = new AudioDriver (syn.Settings, syn)) {
         syn.LoadSoundFont ("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GS.sf2", false);
         Assert.AreEqual (1, syn.FontCount, "FontCount");
         for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
             syn.SoundFontSelect (i, 1);
         syn.UnloadSoundFont (1, true);
         Assert.AreEqual (0, syn.FontCount, "FontCount");
예제 #5
 public void LoadUnloadSoundFont()
     using (var syn = new Synth(NewAlsaSettings()))
         using (var audio = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn)) {
             syn.LoadSoundFont("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GS.sf2", false);
             Assert.AreEqual(1, syn.FontCount, "FontCount");
             for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                 syn.SoundFontSelect(i, 1);
             syn.UnloadSoundFont(1, true);
             Assert.AreEqual(0, syn.FontCount, "FontCount");
예제 #6
 public int SetSoundFont2(string sfont)
         if (sfontId != -1)
             synth.UnloadSoundFont(sfontId, true);
         sfontId = synth.LoadSoundFont(sfont, true);
        public FluidsynthMidiReceiver(Context context)
            access = new FluidsynthMidiAccess();
            access.ConfigureSettings = (settings) => {
            var settings = new Settings();
                settings [ConfigurationKeys.AudioDriver].StringValue = "oboe";

                //settings [ConfigurationKeys.SynthParallelRender].IntValue = 0;
                //settings [ConfigurationKeys.SynthThreadsafeApi].IntValue = 0;
                //settings [ConfigurationKeys.AudioPeriods].IntValue = 16;
                //settings [ConfigurationKeys.AudioPeriods].IntValue = 64;

                settings [ConfigurationKeys.AudioSampleFormat].StringValue = "16bits";         // float or 16bits

                var manager = context.GetSystemService(Context.AudioService).JavaCast <AudioManager> ();

                // Note that it is NOT audio sample rate but *synthesizing* sample rate.
                // So it is kind of wrong assumption that AudioManager.PropertyOutputSampleRate would give the best outcome...
                //var sr = double.Parse (manager.GetProperty (AudioManager.PropertyOutputSampleRate));
                //settings [ConfigurationKeys.SynthSampleRate].DoubleValue = sr;
                settings [ConfigurationKeys.SynthSampleRate].DoubleValue = 11025;

                var fpb = double.Parse(manager.GetProperty(AudioManager.PropertyOutputFramesPerBuffer));
                settings [ConfigurationKeys.AudioPeriodSize].IntValue = (int)fpb;
            SynthAndroidExtensions.GetSoundFonts(access.SoundFonts, context, predefined_temp_path);
            output = access.OpenOutputAsync(access.Outputs.First().Id).Result;
                syn = new Synth(settings);
                var sfs = new List <string> ();
                SynthAndroidExtensions.GetSoundFonts(sfs, context, predefined_temp_path);

                asset_sfloader = new AndroidNativeAssetSoundFontLoader(settings, context.Assets);
                foreach (var sf in sfs)
                    syn.LoadSoundFont(sf, false);

                adriver = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the currently applied settings to a MIDI file (in memory) and then sets up a player
        /// </summary>
        bool setupPlayerForPlayback()
            if (drv != null)
            if (player != null)
            if (syn != null)
            var soundfontFile = @"Soundbanks\ExtractedSoundbank_" + (NLSTChoice + 10).ToString("X2") + ".dls";

            if (!File.Exists(soundfontFile))
                MessageBox.Show("A required soundbank file is missing - Please see the Github on how to extract soundbanks from your ROM.");
            var settings = new Settings();

            settings[ConfigurationKeys.SynthAudioChannels].IntValue = 2;
            syn      = new Synth(settings);
            syn.Gain = 0.5f;
            syn.LoadSoundFont(soundfontFile, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                syn.SoundFontSelect(i, 1);

            player = new Player(syn);
            var mid = exportMIDBytes();

            player.AddMem(mid, 0, mid.Length);
            drv = new AudioDriver(settings, syn);
예제 #9
        public async Task Play()
            using (var settings = new Settings()) {
                settings[ConfigurationKeys.AudioDriver].StringValue     = "pulseaudio";
                settings[ConfigurationKeys.SynthAudioChannels].IntValue = 2;
                settings[ConfigurationKeys.AudioRealtimePrio].IntValue  = 0;
                settings[ConfigurationKeys.SynthVerbose].IntValue       = 0;
                settings[ConfigurationKeys.AudioPeriodSize].IntValue    = 1024;
                settings[ConfigurationKeys.SynthReverbActive].IntValue  = ReverbEnabled ? 1 : 0;
                settings[ConfigurationKeys.SynthChorusActive].IntValue  = ChorusEnabled ? 1 : 0;

                using (var syn = new Synth(settings)) {
                    syn.LoadSoundFont("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2", true);

                    using (var adriver = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn)) {
                        if (ReverbEnabled)
                            syn.SetReverb(ReverbRoomSize, ReverbDamping, ReverbWidth, ReverbLevel);

                        if (ChorusEnabled)
                            syn.SetChorus(ChorusNumVoices, ChorusLevel, ChorusSpeed, ChorusDepthMS, ChorusMod);

                        // Hardcoded, will be changed in the future
                        syn.ProgramChange(1, (int)GeneralMidi.Violin);

                        if (Midi != null)
                            // Meanwhile we are cheating a little bit and using the build-in FluidSynth MIDI player
                            // In the future it would be nice to read the events from the MIDI file and play them ourselves
                            // That way we could mix MIDI files with our own music expressions, and maybe even transform MIDI files
                            using (var player = new Player(syn)) {
                                // Synchronous join. Thankfully this code runs in a separate thread. Would be nice to have a async version
                            var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                            // Explaining the timer process used
                            // All note commands (NoteOn/NoteOff) are ordered by their noteCommand.Timestamp (value in milliseconds relative to the beginning
                            // of the music). Let's imagine that two of them are, for example, one second apart. Ideally, we would want to do a
                            // Thread.Sleep( 1000 ) and hope that the thread would unblock exactly 1000 milliseconds after. However, the system's clock
                            // resolution varies between different Operating Systems and different physical Processors. So we could not be sure when the thread
                            // would be woken. Instead we do a Thread.Sleep( 1000 - minResolution ), which hopefully means that our thread will awake before the note is due
                            // Three things can happen now:
                            //   - We can be early, i.e. we still have to wait a bit, and for that we use a simple loop with a high-precision Stopwatch
                            //   - We can be on time, in which case we just play the note
                            //   - We can be late, in wich case we play the note right away and add to the drift variable how late we are
                            // Every subsequent timestamp will have the drift variable added to it to compensate

                            int minResolution = 30;
                            int drift         = 0;

                            foreach (INoteCommand noteCommand in BuildCommands(Notes))
                                int timestamp = noteCommand.Timestamp + drift;

                                int elapsed = (int)sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                                if (timestamp - minResolution > elapsed)
                                    await Task.Delay(Math.Max(0, timestamp - elapsed - minResolution));

                                while (timestamp > sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds)

                                elapsed = (int)sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;


                                if (timestamp < elapsed)
                                    drift += elapsed - timestamp;


                            Console.WriteLine($"Total drift: {drift}ms out of {sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms");
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 음악 출력 장치와 타이머를 초기화하고, 현재 음악 테마를 SFXThemeName으로 설정합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SFXThemeName">설정할 음악 테마 이름</param>
        /// <param name="noteResolution">단위 리듬</param>
        /// <param name="timerTickDelegates">타이머의 틱마다 추가로 실행할 메서드의 대리자 목록</param>
        public static void Initialize(string SFXThemeName, int noteResolution, Timer.TickDelegate[] timerTickDelegates = null)
            IsReady  = false;
            HasStart = false;

            //outDevice = new OutputDevice(0);
            settings = new Settings();
            settings[ConfigurationKeys.SynthAudioChannels].IntValue = 2;

            syn = new Synth(settings);
                syn.LoadSoundFont("FluidR3_GM.sf2", true);
            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                syn.SoundFontSelect(i, 0);

            adriver = new AudioDriver(syn.Settings, syn);

             * WaveInEvent recorder = new WaveInEvent
             * {
             *  WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(44100, 2)
             * };
             * BufferedWaveProvider sound = new BufferedWaveProvider(recorder.WaveFormat);
             * recorder.DataAvailable += (object sender, WaveInEventArgs e) =>
             * {
             *  sound.AddSamples(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded);
             * };
             * recorder.StartRecording();
             * //sound.Read();
            //playback = new WaveOutEvent();

             * sound = new BufferedWaveProvider(new WaveFormat(44100, 2));
             * buffer = new byte[44100 * 4];
             * stream = new MemoryStream();
             * Task.Run(() => {
             *  soundStream = new RawSourceWaveStream(stream, new WaveFormat(44100, 2));
             *  reverb = new DmoEffectWaveProvider<DmoWavesReverb, DmoWavesReverb.Params>(soundStream);
             *  outputDevice = new WasapiOut();
             *  outputDevice.Init(reverb);
             *  outputDevice.Play();
             * });
            SFXTheme.CurrentSFXTheme = SFXTheme.FindSFXTheme(SFXThemeName);
            //Console.WriteLine(SFXThemeName + " " + SFXTheme.CurrentSFXTheme.Name);
            NoteResolution = noteResolution;

            tickDelegate += Tick;
            if (timerTickDelegates != null)
                foreach (Timer.TickDelegate t in timerTickDelegates)
                    tickDelegate += t;

            mgmt = new PowerManagement();
            mgmt.OnPowerSuspend += Suspend;
            mgmt.OnPowerResume  += Resume;

            syncPlayBuffer       = new List <Note>();
            syncTransitionBuffer = false;
            playPitchEventBuffer = new List <int>();

            accompanimentTickNumber = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            accompanimentPlayNumber = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            accompanimentTickNumber.Add(7, 0);
            accompanimentTickNumber.Add(8, 0);
            accompanimentPlayNumber.Add(7, 0);
            accompanimentPlayNumber.Add(8, 0);

            IsReady = true;

             * Task.Run(() =>
             * {
             *  var capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();
             *  var effectProvider = new DmoEffectWaveProvider<DmoWavesReverb, DmoWavesReverb.Params>(new WaveInProvider(capture));
             *  PlayEffectorSound(capture, effectProvider);
             *  using (var outputDevice = new WasapiOut())
             *  {
             *      outputDevice.Init(effectProvider);
             *      capture.StartRecording();
             *      outputDevice.Play();
             *      while (capture.CaptureState != NAudio.CoreAudioApi.CaptureState.Stopped)
             *      {
             *          Thread.Sleep(500);
             *          if (!IsReady) capture.StopRecording();
             *      }
             *      Console.WriteLine("Effector stopped");
             *  }
             * });