public void StepAndRepeat(int source, int target, float weight, Synapse.modelType model)
            int distance = target - source;

            for (Neuron n = theSelection.GetSelectedNeuron(); n != null; n = theSelection.GetSelectedNeuron())
                n.AddSynapseWithUndo(theSelection.selectedNeuronIndex + distance, weight, model);
예제 #2
        public void AddSynapseUndo(int source, int target, float weight, Synapse.modelType model, bool newSynapse, bool delSynapse)
            SynapseUndo s;

            s = new SynapseUndo
                source     = source,
                target     = target,
                weight     = weight,
                model      = model,
                newSynapse = newSynapse,
                delSynapse = delSynapse,
예제 #3
        public static void AddSynapse(int src, int dest, float weight, Synapse.modelType model, bool noBackPtr)
            string command = "AddSynapse ";

            command += src + " ";
            command += dest + " ";
            command += weight + " ";
            command += model + " ";
            int srcServer = GetServerIndex(src);

            SendToServer(serverList[srcServer].ipAddress, command);
            int destServer = GetServerIndex(dest);

            if (srcServer != destServer)
                SendToServer(serverList[destServer].ipAddress, command);
예제 #4
        public static Shape GetSynapseShape(Point p1, Point p2, Synapse.modelType model)
            //returns a line from the source to the destination (with a link arrow at larger zooms
            //unless the source and destination are the same in which it returns an arc
            Shape s;

            if (p1 != p2)
                Line l = new Line();
                l.X1 = p1.X + dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2;
                l.X2 = p2.X + dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2;
                l.Y1 = p1.Y + dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2;
                l.Y2 = p2.Y + dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2;
                s    = l;
                if (dp.ShowSynapseArrows())
                    Vector offset = new Vector(dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2, dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2);
                    s = DrawLinkArrow(p1 + offset, p2 + offset, model != Synapse.modelType.Fixed);
                s        = new Ellipse();
                s.Height = s.Width = dp.NeuronDisplaySize * .6;
                Canvas.SetTop(s, p1.Y + dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 4);
                Canvas.SetLeft(s, p1.X + dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2);
            s.Stroke          = Brushes.Red;
            s.StrokeThickness = 1;
            if (dp.ShowSynapseWideLines())
                s.StrokeThickness = Math.Min(4, dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 15);

예제 #5
        private static void Cm_Closed(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (sender is ContextMenu cm)
                if (cmCancelled || (Keyboard.GetKeyStates(Key.Escape) & KeyStates.Down) > 0)
                    cm.IsOpen = false;
                int    sourceID    = (int)cm.GetValue(SourceIDProperty);
                int    targetID    = (int)cm.GetValue(TargetIDProperty);
                Neuron nSource     = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(sourceID);
                Neuron nTarget     = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(targetID);
                int    newSourceID = sourceID;
                int    newTargetID = targetID;

                Control cc = Utils.FindByName(cm, "Target");
                if (cc is TextBox tb)
                    string targetLabel = tb.Text;
                    if (nTarget.label != targetLabel)
                        if (!int.TryParse(tb.Text, out newTargetID))
                            newTargetID = targetID;
                            Neuron n = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(targetLabel);
                            if (n != null)
                                newTargetID =;
                cc = Utils.FindByName(cm, "Source");
                if (cc is TextBox tb1)
                    string sourceLabel = tb1.Text;
                    if (nSource.label != sourceLabel)
                        if (!int.TryParse(tb1.Text, out newSourceID))
                            newSourceID = sourceID;
                            Neuron n = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(sourceLabel);
                            if (n != null)
                                newSourceID =;
                if (newSourceID < 0 || newSourceID >= MainWindow.theNeuronArray.arraySize ||
                    newTargetID < 0 || newTargetID >= MainWindow.theNeuronArray.arraySize
                    MessageBox.Show("Neuron outside array boundary!");
                cc = Utils.FindByName(cm, "SynapseWeight");
                if (cc is ComboBox tb2)
                    float.TryParse(tb2.Text, out float newWeight);
                    if (weightChanged)
                        theNeuronArrayView.lastSynapseWeight = newWeight;
                        Utils.AddToValues(newWeight, synapseWeightValues);
                cc = Utils.FindByName(cm, "Model");
                if (cc is ComboBox cb0)
                    ListBoxItem       lbi = (ListBoxItem)cb0.SelectedItem;
                    Synapse.modelType sm  = (Synapse.modelType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Synapse.modelType), lbi.Content.ToString());
                    theNeuronArrayView.lastSynapseModel = sm;

                if (newSourceID != sourceID || newTargetID != targetID)
                Neuron nNewSource = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(newSourceID);
                nNewSource.AddSynapseWithUndo(newTargetID, theNeuronArrayView.lastSynapseWeight, theNeuronArrayView.lastSynapseModel);
                cm.IsOpen = false;
예제 #6
        //these aren't added to synapses (for performance) but are built on the fly if the user right-clicks
        public static void CreateContextMenu(int i, Synapse s, ContextMenu cm)
            cmCancelled   = false;
            weightChanged = false;

            //set defaults for next synapse add
            theNeuronArrayView.lastSynapseModel  = s.model;
            theNeuronArrayView.lastSynapseWeight = s.weight;

            cm.SetValue(SourceIDProperty, i);
            cm.SetValue(TargetIDProperty, s.TargetNeuron);
            cm.SetValue(WeightValProperty, s.Weight);
            cm.SetValue(ModelProperty, s.model);

            cm.Closed         += Cm_Closed;
            cm.PreviewKeyDown += Cm_PreviewKeyDown;
            cm.Opened         += Cm_Opened;

            Neuron     nSource = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(i);
            Neuron     nTarget = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(s.targetNeuron);
            StackPanel sp      = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Margin = new Thickness(0, 3, 3, 3)

            sp.Children.Add(new Label {
                Content = "Source: ", Padding = new Thickness(0)
            string source =;

            if (nSource.label != "")
                source = nSource.Label;
            TextBox t0 = Utils.ContextMenuTextBox(source, "Source", 150);

            t0.TextChanged += TextChanged;
            cm.Items.Add(new MenuItem {
                Header = sp, StaysOpenOnClick = true

            sp = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Margin = new Thickness(0, 3, 3, 3)
            sp.Children.Add(new Label {
                Content = "Target: ", Padding = new Thickness(0)
            string target =;

            if (nTarget.label != "")
                target = nTarget.Label;
            TextBox t1 = Utils.ContextMenuTextBox(target, "Target", 150);

            t1.TextChanged += TextChanged;
            cm.Items.Add(new MenuItem {
                Header = sp, StaysOpenOnClick = true

            //The Synapse model
            sp = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Margin = new Thickness(0, 3, 3, 3)
            sp.Children.Add(new Label {
                Content = "Model: ", Padding = new Thickness(0)
            ComboBox cb = new ComboBox()
                Width = 100,
                Name  = "Model"

            for (int index = 0; index < Enum.GetValues(typeof(Synapse.modelType)).Length; index++)
                Synapse.modelType model = (Synapse.modelType)index;
                cb.Items.Add(new ListBoxItem()
                    Content = model.ToString(),
                    ToolTip = Synapse.modelToolTip[index],
                    Width   = 100,
            cb.SelectedIndex = (int)s.model;
            cm.Items.Add(new MenuItem {
                Header = sp, StaysOpenOnClick = true

            cm.Items.Add(Utils.CreateComboBoxMenuItem("SynapseWeight", s.weight, synapseWeightValues, "F3", "Weight: ", 100, ComboBox_ContentChanged));

            MenuItem mi = new MenuItem();

            mi.Header = "Delete";
            mi.Click += DeleteSynapse_Click;

            sp = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
            Button b0 = new Button {
                Content = "OK", Width = 100, Height = 25, Margin = new Thickness(10), IsDefault = true

            b0.Click += B0_Click;
            b0 = new Button {
                Content = "Cancel", Width = 100, Height = 25, Margin = new Thickness(10), IsCancel = true
            b0.Click += B0_Click;

            cm.Items.Add(new MenuItem {
                Header = sp, StaysOpenOnClick = true