예제 #1
        public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult SetLicenseFromFile(FormCollection form)
            var          model = new LicenseModel();
            ExceptionsML bizEx = null;

                SR <License[]> result = null;
                if (Context.Request.Files != null && Context.Request.Files.Count == 1)
                    HttpPostedFileBase file  = Context.Request.Files[0];
                    byte[]             bytes = new byte[file.ContentLength];
                    file.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, file.ContentLength);
                    string responseFile = Context.Request.ContentEncoding.GetString(bytes);
                    var    client       = SvcBldr.LicenseV2();
                    result = client.SetLicenses(responseFile);

                    if (bizEx == null)
                        model.Message = String.Format(Constants.i18n("licensesUpdated"), result.Result.SafeLength());
                        model.Error = bizEx;
            catch (Exception ex)
                model.Error = ExceptionsML.GetExceptionML(ex);

            return(View("LicensingFrame", model));
예제 #2
        public JsonResult GetAllLicenses()
            var licClient = SvcBldr.LicenseV2();
            var sr        = licClient.GetLicenseUsageStats();
            var pc        = sr.Result.SafeAny() ? sr.Result.First().ProvisioningCode : "";
            var results   = new { licStats = sr.Result, provisioningCode = pc };

            return(Result(results, sr.Error, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a request file suitable for delivering to the provisioning server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="provisioningCode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult GenerateRequestFile(string provisioningCode)
            var client = SvcBldr.LicenseV2();
            var sr     = client.GenerateLicenseRequestFile(provisioningCode);

            if (sr.Error != null)
                throw new Exception(sr.Error.Message);

            return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sr.Result), "text/plain", "RequestFile.txt"));
예제 #4
        public JsonResult UpdateLicenses(string provisioningCode)
            var client = SvcBldr.LicenseV2();
            var sr1    = client.UpdateFromProvisionCode(provisioningCode);

            if (sr1.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, sr1.Error));
            var sr2 = client.GetLicenseUsageStats();

            return(Result(new { newLics = sr1.Result, newLicStats = sr2.Result }, sr1.Error ?? sr2.Error, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves all data required by the designer
        /// </summary>
        public JsonResult GetData()
            var wfSvc      = SvcBldr.WorkflowV2();
            var secSvc     = SvcBldr.SecurityV2();
            var ibxSvc     = SvcBldr.InboxV2();
            var companySvc = SvcBldr.Company();
            var adminSvc   = SvcBldr.AdministrationV2();
            var userSvc    = SvcBldr.UserV2();
            var dlSvc      = SvcBldr.DataLinkV2();
            var ctSvc      = SvcBldr.ContentTypeV2();
            var cfSvc      = SvcBldr.CustomFieldV2();
            var licSvc     = SvcBldr.LicenseV2();
            var docSVC     = SvcBldr.DocumentV2();
            var searchSvc  = SvcBldr.SearchV2();
            var tokens     = licSvc.GetLicenseTokens();

            if (tokens.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, tokens.Error));

            var dbFieldsSR = searchSvc.GetFields();

            if (dbFieldsSR.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, dbFieldsSR.Error));
            var dbFields   = dbFieldsSR.Result;
            var advancedWF = false;

            if (tokens.Result != null)
                advancedWF = tokens.Result.HasTokenKey(TokenKey.AdvancedWorkflow);
            var customLists = adminSvc.GetCustomListsSlim();

            if (customLists.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, customLists.Error));

            var userPrefsSR = userSvc.GetPreferences();

            if (userPrefsSR.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, userPrefsSR.Error));

            var userPrefsKVP = new Dictionary <String, String>();
            var upLen        = userPrefsSR.Result.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < upLen; i++)
                if (userPrefsKVP.ContainsKey(userPrefsSR.Result[i].Key))
                userPrefsKVP.Add(userPrefsSR.Result[i].Key, userPrefsSR.Result[i].Value);

            var allTasks    = TaskDesignProperties.GetAll();
            var uiTasks     = allTasks.Where(r => r.NeedsUserInput);
            var clientTasks = allTasks.Where(r => r.NeedsClientService);
            var autoTasks   = allTasks.Where(r => !r.NeedsClientService && !r.NeedsUserInput).ToList();

            var actionLibrary = wfSvc.GetActionLibrarySlim();

            if (actionLibrary.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, actionLibrary.Error));

            actionLibrary.Result.Append(new SlimActionLibraryItem()
                Id = Guid.Empty,
                EffectivePermissions = (int)PermissionType.Full,
                Name = Constants.i18n("newTitle"),
                Type = (int)WFActionType.LibraryItem

            var wfNames = wfSvc.GetSlim();

            if (wfNames.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, wfNames.Error));
            var wfNamesWithNew = wfNames.Result.Prepend(new SlimEntity(Guid.Empty, Constants.i18n("newTitle"), PermissionType.Full));

            var inboxes = ibxSvc.GetSlim();

            if (inboxes.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, inboxes.Error));

            var inboxNVP     = inboxes.Result.ToDictionary(k => k.Id.ToString(), v => v.Name);
            var contentTypes = ctSvc.GetContentTypesSlim();

            if (contentTypes.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, contentTypes.Error));

            var ctNVP = contentTypes.Result.ToDictionary(k => k.Id.ToString(), v => v.Name);

            var securityClasses = secSvc.GetAllSecurityClassesSlim();

            if (securityClasses.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, securityClasses.Error));

            var scNVP = securityClasses.Result.ToDictionary(k => k.Id.ToString(), v => v.Name);

            var users = userSvc.GetAll();

            if (users.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, users.Error));
            var slimUsers = users.Result.Select(r => new { Id = r.Id, Username = r.Username, Flags = r.Flags, SiteUser = r.SiteUser }).ToList();

            var roles = secSvc.GetAllRolesSlim();

            if (roles.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, roles.Error));

            var rolesNVP     = roles.Result.ToDictionary(k => k.Id.ToString(), v => v.Name);
            var customFields = cfSvc.GetCustomFields();

            if (customFields.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, customFields.Error));

            var customFieldsNVP = customFields.Result.ToDictionary(k => k.Id.ToString(), v => v.Name);

            var cfGroupsSR = cfSvc.GetGroups();

            if (cfGroupsSR.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, cfGroupsSR.Error));

            var docProps = WFDocMeta.GetProperties();
            var args     = new Dictionary <string, WFMetaPropertyInfo>
                    new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                        Name                = Argument.SystemProperty(SystemArguments.CurrentUser),
                        ReadOnly            = true,
                        PropertyType        = CFTypeCode.Object,
                        SupportedActionType = WFActionType.SyncVerifyAction | WFActionType.AutoRun
                    new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                        Name                = Argument.SystemProperty(SystemArguments.Now),
                        ReadOnly            = true,
                        PropertyType        = CFTypeCode.DateTime,
                        SupportedActionType = WFActionType.SyncVerifyAction | WFActionType.AutoRun
                    new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                        Name                = Argument.SystemProperty(SystemArguments.Today),
                        ReadOnly            = true,
                        PropertyType        = CFTypeCode.DateTime,
                        SupportedActionType = WFActionType.SyncVerifyAction | WFActionType.AutoRun
                    new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                        Name                = Argument.SystemProperty(SystemArguments.Tomorrow),
                        ReadOnly            = true,
                        PropertyType        = CFTypeCode.DateTime,
                        SupportedActionType = WFActionType.SyncVerifyAction | WFActionType.AutoRun
                    new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                        Name                = Argument.DocProperty(Argument.FOLDERS),
                        ReadOnly            = true,
                        PropertyType        = CFTypeCode.Object,
                        SupportedActionType = WFActionType.SyncAutoRunAction
                    new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                        Name                = Argument.DocProperty(Argument.TEXT),
                        ReadOnly            = false,
                        PropertyType        = CFTypeCode.String,
                        Indexable           = true,
                        SupportedActionType = WFActionType.SyncVerifyAction | WFActionType.AutoRun

            foreach (var docProp in docProps)
                args.Add(Constants.i18n("argDoc" + docProp.Name), new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                    Name = Argument.DocProperty(docProp.Name), ReadOnly = docProp.ReadOnly, PropertyType = docProp.PropertyType, SupportedActionType = docProp.SupportedActionType
            foreach (var cf in customFields.Result)
                args.Add(String.Format(Constants.i18n("argDocCustomField"), cf.Name), new WFMetaPropertyInfo()
                    Name = Argument.DocCustomField(cf.Name), ReadOnly = false, PropertyType = cf.Type, SupportedActionType = WFActionType.SyncVerifyAction | WFActionType.AutoRun
            var orderedArgs = args.OrderBy(r => r.Key).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
            var datalinks   = new SR <DataLinkQueryPackage[]>();

            if (!(tokens.Result != null && tokens.Result.HasTokenKey(TokenKey.DataLink)))
                autoTasks.Remove(autoTasks.First(r => r.TaskClassName == "DatalinkTask"));
                datalinks = dlSvc.GetDataLinkQueries();
                if (datalinks.Error != null)
                    return(Result(null, datalinks.Error));
            var recognitionOptions = docSVC.GetRecognitionOptions();

            if (recognitionOptions.Error != null)
                return(Result(null, recognitionOptions.Error));

            var xml    = this.GetHelpXML("en"); // TRANSLATE THIS FRIGGIN KEY ;)
            var retObj = new
                HelpXMLString      = xml,
                BuiltInArgs        = orderedArgs,
                ActionLibrary      = actionLibrary.Result,
                UITasks            = uiTasks,
                ClientTasks        = clientTasks,
                AutoTasks          = autoTasks,
                Workflows          = wfNamesWithNew,
                Inboxes            = inboxNVP,
                ContentTypes       = ctNVP,
                CustomFields       = customFieldsNVP,
                SecurityClasses    = scNVP,
                Users              = slimUsers,
                Roles              = rolesNVP,
                AdvancedWF         = advancedWF,
                CustomLists        = customLists.Result,
                Datalinks          = datalinks.Result,
                UserPreferences    = userPrefsKVP,
                CustomFieldGroups  = cfGroupsSR.Result,
                RecognitionOptions = recognitionOptions.Result,
                DatabaseFields     = dbFields

            return(Result(retObj, null));