public IActionResult Complete([FromBody] SurveyPBRModel model, [FromQuery] string complaintId)
            //ValidationProblemDetails valid = new ValidationProblemDetails();
            //valid.Detail = "There is errors with the validation, see error list";
            //valid.Title = "Validation errors";
            //valid.Errors.Add("mykey", new string[] { "value1", "value2" });
            //valid.Errors.Add("another mykey", new string[] { "more value1", "stuff" });
            //return BadRequest(valid);

        public IActionResult Validate([FromBody] SurveyPBRModel model, [FromQuery] string complaintId)
            var validator = new SurveyPBRModelValidator(_localizer);
            var results   = validator.Validate(model);

            if (!results.IsValid)
                OPCProblemDetails valid = new OPCProblemDetails();
                valid.Detail = "There is errors with the validation, see error list";
                valid.Title  = "Validation errors";

                foreach (var error in results.Errors)
                    //valid.Errors.Add(error., new string[] { "more value1", "stuff" });
                    valid.AddError(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);

