private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) //03.07 { if (other.tag == "Gas") // 독가스에 맞을 시 체력 감소 및 판넬 On { if (player == Player_number) { Gas.SetActive(true); GasDamDelay += Time.deltaTime; if (GasDamDelay > 1) { hp -= GasDam; GasDamDelay = 0; } } } if (player == Player_number) { if (other.tag == "PlayerBox") // 적 플레이어 사망후 남는 시체상자를 채집 { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && Mode == 0) { Atk = true; transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = AttackSound; transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); PlayerBox PB = other.transform.GetComponent <PlayerBox>(); if (PB != null) { ParticleSystem PCS = Instantiate(PS.gameObject).GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); PCS.transform.position = new Vector3(other.transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 0.2f, other.transform.position.z); PCS.transform.LookAt(transform); PCS.Play(); PB.ondie(Player_number); } CreateDelay = 0; } } if (other.tag == "SupplyBox") // 게임 도중 떨어지는 보급상자를 채집 { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && Mode == 0) { Atk = true; transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = AttackSound; transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); SupplyBox SB = other.GetComponent <SupplyBox>(); if (SB != null) { ParticleSystem PCS = Instantiate(PS.gameObject).GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); PCS.transform.position = new Vector3(other.transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 0.2f, other.transform.position.z); PCS.transform.LookAt(transform); PCS.Play(); SB.onDemage(Player_number); } CreateDelay = 0; } } } }
private void Drop() { ACustomItem customItem = GetComponent <ACustomItem>(); bool interactResponse; if (SupplyBox != null) { customItem.SetItemSlotManager(SupplyBox._itemSlotManager); } interactResponse = customItem.InteractOnDrop(); // Decrements supply box capacity only if the drag was coming from a supply box and if the drop was successfull // (It can be unsuccessfull if not enough slot available) if (SupplyBox != null && interactResponse) { SupplyBox.DecrementCurrentCapacity(); SupplyBox = null; } }