예제 #1
        // ------------Added by Wei Guang Yan----------------
        // Method of inserting suplier's name to database
        public void AddSupplier(string txtAdd)
            // Innitialize for messagebox
            string            message;
            string            title  = "New Product Insert";
            MessageBoxButtons button = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
            MessageBoxIcon    icon;

            // Generate new supplier Id based on max id in database
            int id = SuppliersDB.GetMaxId() + 1;

            // Add new item to database
            bool flag = SuppliersDB.AddSupplier(id, txtAdd);

            // Check whether adding excution is successful, and show message
            if (flag == true)
                comboBox2.DataSource    = SuppliersDB.GetSuppliers();
                comboBox2.DisplayMember = "SupName";
                comboBox2.ValueMember   = "SupplierId";
                comboBox2.SelectedIndex = comboBox2.Items.Count - 1;
                txtAddItem.Text         = "";
                message = "The supplier is added successfully!";
                icon    = MessageBoxIcon.None;
                message = "Error: Fail to add new supplier!\n Please try again or contact IT supports.";
                icon    = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
            MessageBox.Show(message, title, button, icon);