public C2SAskKeyboardMovePacket(ByteBuffer buffer) : base(43) { currentPosition = new SunVector(buffer.ReadBlock(12)); angle = buffer.ReadBlock(2); tileIndex = buffer.ReadBlock(2); moveState = buffer.ReadByte(); }
public S2CAnsPlayerPositionInfo(Character character) : base(31) { position = new SunVector( character.CharacterPosition.LocationX, character.CharacterPosition.LocationY, character.CharacterPosition.LocationZ ); unk1 = new byte[] { 00, 00 }; }
public C2SAskPlayerAttack(ByteBuffer buffer) : base(12) { this.clientSerial = buffer.ReadUInt32(); this.attackType = buffer.ReadByte(); this.unk1 = buffer.ReadUInt16(); this.styleCode = buffer.ReadUInt16(); this.objKey = buffer.ReadUInt32(); this.currentPosition = new SunVector(buffer.ReadBlock(12)); this.targetPosition = new SunVector(buffer.ReadBlock(12)); }
public S2CMonsterEnter(uint objKey, ushort monsterId, SunVector position, uint hp, uint maxHp, ushort moveSpeedratio, ushort attackSpeedRatio, ushort unk1) : base(174) { this.objKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(objKey); this.monsterId = BitConverter.GetBytes(monsterId); this.position = position.GetBytes(); this.hp = BitConverter.GetBytes(hp); this.maxhp = BitConverter.GetBytes(maxHp); this.moveSpeedRatio = BitConverter.GetBytes(moveSpeedratio); this.attackSpeedRatio = BitConverter.GetBytes(attackSpeedRatio); this.unk1 = BitConverter.GetBytes(unk1); }
public S2CAnsPlayerAttack(uint attackerKey, byte attackType, ushort styleCode, uint clientSerial, SunVector position, uint targetKey, ushort damage, uint targetHp, byte unk, byte effect) : base(109) { this.attackerKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(attackerKey); this.attackType = BitConverter.GetBytes(attackType); this.styleCode = BitConverter.GetBytes(styleCode); this.clientSerial = BitConverter.GetBytes(clientSerial); this.position = position.GetBytes(); this.targetKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(targetKey); this.damage = BitConverter.GetBytes(damage); this.targetHp = BitConverter.GetBytes(targetHp); this.unk = new [] { unk }; this.effect = new[] { effect }; }
public S2CItemEnter(uint fromMonster, uint objKey, uint owner, byte itemType, uint heimAmount, uint unk1, ItemInfo item, SunVector pos) : base(93) { this.fromMonster = BitConverter.GetBytes(fromMonster); this.objKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(objKey); this.owner = BitConverter.GetBytes(owner); this.itemType = new[] { itemType }; this.heimAmount = BitConverter.GetBytes(heimAmount); this.unk1 = BitConverter.GetBytes(unk1); this.pos = pos.GetBytes(); var x = new ItemInfoX(2); x.durAmount = 10; x.Serial = 10; x.Devine = 1; x.Rank = 2; x.RankD = 10; x.Enchant = 10; this.item = x.GetBytes(); unk2 = new byte[5]; }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { int year = 2017; //int tasks = 1; //if ( tasks = Environment.ProcessorCount; int tasks = Environment.ProcessorCount; ParallelOptions paropts = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = tasks }; //ParallelOptions paropts_1cpu = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// INPUTS int reclvl = 0; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref reclvl)) { return; } bool drawviewfactors = false; if (!DA.GetData(1, ref drawviewfactors)) { drawviewfactors = false; } bool drawcumskymatrix = false; if (!DA.GetData(2, ref drawcumskymatrix)) { drawcumskymatrix = false; } bool draw_sunpath = true; if (!DA.GetData(3, ref draw_sunpath)) { draw_sunpath = true; } bool draw_solarvec = true; if (!DA.GetData(4, ref draw_solarvec)) { draw_solarvec = true; } List <int> hoy = new List <int>(); if (!DA.GetDataList(5, hoy)) { return; } List <double> loc = new List <double>(); if (!DA.GetDataList(6, loc)) { return; } double longitude = loc[0]; double latitude = loc[1]; List <double> dni = new List <double>(); List <double> dhi = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList(7, dni); DA.GetDataList(8, dhi); double domesize = 1.2; if (!DA.GetData(9, ref domesize)) { domesize = 1.2; } List <Mesh> context = new List <Mesh>(); DA.GetDataList(10, context); Point3d sp = new Point3d(); if (!DA.GetData(11, ref sp)) { return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// size of skydome Point3d anchor = sp; Point3d bb_furthest_point; // max distance to furthest corner of context double bb_max_distance = double.MinValue; if (context.Count > 0) { Mesh context_joined = new Mesh(); foreach (Mesh msh in context) { context_joined.Append(msh); } BoundingBox bb_context = context_joined.GetBoundingBox(false); if (bb_context.IsDegenerate(-1.0) == 4) { bb_furthest_point = new Point3d(sp.X + 1.0, sp.Y + 1.0, sp.Z + 1.0); } else { Point3d[] _pts = bb_context.GetCorners(); int _p_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _pts.Length; i++) { double _d = sp.DistanceTo(_pts[i]); if (_d > bb_max_distance) { bb_max_distance = _d; _p_index = i; } } bb_furthest_point = _pts[_p_index]; } } else { bb_furthest_point = new Point3d(sp.X + 1.0, sp.Y + 1.0, sp.Z + 1.0); } Vector3d vec_sp = bb_furthest_point - sp; vec_sp = Vector3d.Multiply(vec_sp, domesize); double vec_sp_len = vec_sp.Length; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SKYDOME /// View factors and/or Cumulative SkyMatrix SkyDome dome = new SkyDome(reclvl); // create 2 meshes, one with obstructed views (make it black transparent), and one unobstructed (regular GH_Mesh color) Mesh meshObstructed = new Mesh(); foreach (double[] p in dome.VertexVectorsSphere) { Vector3d vec = new Vector3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]); vec = Vector3d.Multiply(vec_sp_len, vec); meshObstructed.Vertices.Add(vec + sp); } foreach (int[] f in dome.Faces) { meshObstructed.Faces.AddFace(f[0], f[1], f[2]); } meshObstructed.UnifyNormals(); if (drawviewfactors) { List <Vector3d> vec_sky_list = new List <Vector3d>(); List <int> vec_int = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < meshObstructed.Vertices.Count; i++) { Vector3d testvec = meshObstructed.Vertices[i] - sp; if (testvec.Z >= 0.0) { vec_sky_list.Add(testvec); vec_int.Add(i); } } Color[] colors = new Color[meshObstructed.Vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < meshObstructed.Vertices.Count; i++) { colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 255, 255); //alpha not working } meshObstructed.VertexColors.SetColors(colors); Vector3d[] vec_sky = vec_sky_list.ToArray(); bool[] shadow = new bool[vec_sky_list.Count]; if (context.Count > 0) { CShadow.CalcShadowMT(sp, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), 0.001, vec_sky, context.ToArray(), ref shadow, paropts); } int j = 0; foreach (int i in vec_int) { Color c = new Color(); if (shadow[j]) { // Custom material, DisplayMaterial (rhinostyle) rendering material. and make in override DrawViewportMesh c = Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0); //alpha not working meshObstructed.VertexColors.SetColor(i, c); _vectorsObstructed.Add(i); } j++; } } else if (drawcumskymatrix) { // // // Solarmodel.dll needs new function to compute cumulative sky view matrix (requires obstruction check from drawviewfactors // 1. calc perez diffuse for each hour. use that value (hor, circum, dome) and assign it to each mesh face // 2. DNI is computed directly onto SP // 3. visualize colored dome for diff only. // 4. add text to sensorpoint, stating annual irradiation (DNI plus diff) // // cumskymatrix seperate component!! coz it can be re-used for several sensor points // matrix inversion as in robinson stone to compute irradiation on all sensor points with refl.? // // needs a separate component that uses cumskymatrix on a number of SPs and visualizes that analysis surface. //... or use this component, output the sensorpoints, give it to a surface and make surface evaluate with the points, and recolor that surface if (dni.Count == 8760 && dhi.Count == 8760) // only continue, if solar irradiance time series are provided { //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Leggo!"); //Context.cWeatherdata weather; //weather.DHI = dhi; //weather.DNI = dni; //weather.Snow = new List<double>(); //double[] beta = new double[1] { beta_in }; //double[] psi = new double[1] { psi_in }; //Sensorpoints.p3d[] coord = new Sensorpoints.p3d[1]; //dummy variables. will not be used in this simplified simulation //coord[0].X = 0; //coord[0].Y = 0; //coord[0].Z = 0; //Sensorpoints.v3d[] normal = new Sensorpoints.v3d[1]; //dummy variables. will not be used in this simplified simulation //normal[0].X = 0; //normal[0].Y = 1; //normal[0].Z = 0; //double[] albedo = new double[8760]; //for (int t = 0; t < 8760; t++) //{ // albedo[t] = albedo1; //} //Console.WriteLine("Calculating irradiation..."); //Sensorpoints p = new Sensorpoints(beta, psi, coord, normal, reclvl); //p.SetSimpleSkyMT(beta, paropts); //p.SetSimpleGroundReflectionMT(beta, albedo, weather, sunvectors.ToArray(), paropts); //p.CalcIrradiationMT(weather, sunvectors.ToArray(), paropts); // hold on... i need a new function in SolarModel for CumSkyMatrix } else { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("No data for Direct Normal Irradiance and Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance provided... Please provide 8760 time series for each."); } } if (drawviewfactors || drawcumskymatrix) { //_colouredMesh.Add(meshObstructed); _viewFactors = meshObstructed; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Solar Vectors List <Sphere> spheres = new List <Sphere>(); double fontsize = vec_sp_len / 50.0; List <SunVector> sunvectors_list; SunVector.Create8760SunVectors(out sunvectors_list, longitude, latitude, year); int count = 0; if (draw_solarvec) { foreach (int h in hoy) { Vector3d vec = new Vector3d(sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.x, sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.y, sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.z); vec = Vector3d.Multiply(vec_sp_len, vec); Point3d solarpoint = new Point3d(Point3d.Add(sp, vec)); Line ln = new Line(sp, solarpoint); ln.Flip(); _solar_vectors.Add(ln); if (sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.z < 0) { _night_time.Add(true); } else { _night_time.Add(false); } int year_now = sunvectors_list[h].udtTime.iYear; int month_now = sunvectors_list[h].udtTime.iMonth; int day_now = sunvectors_list[h].udtTime.iDay; double hour_now = sunvectors_list[h].udtTime.dHours; string hour_now2 = Convert.ToString(hour_now); if (hour_now < 10) { hour_now2 = "0" + Convert.ToString(hour_now); } string strval = Convert.ToString(year_now) + "/ " + Convert.ToString(month_now) + "/ " + Convert.ToString(day_now) + "/ " + hour_now2 + ":00"; Plane pl = new Plane(ln.From, new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0)); //Plane pl = new Plane(ln.From, vec); var te = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddText(strval, pl, fontsize, "Baskerville", false, false); Rhino.DocObjects.TextObject txt = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(te) as Rhino.DocObjects.TextObject; _txt.Add(new List <Curve>()); if (txt != null) { var tt = txt.Geometry as Rhino.Geometry.TextEntity; Curve[] A = tt.Explode(); foreach (Curve crv in A) { _txt[count].Add(crv); } } count++; Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Delete(te, true); Sphere sph = new Sphere(ln.From, vec_sp_len / 30.0); spheres.Add(sph); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SUN PATH /// !!! wierd sun paths at extreme longitudes -> time shift... +/- UCT // draw solar paths: curves that connect each month, but for the same hour if (draw_sunpath) { for (int hod = 0; hod < 24; hod++) { List <Point3d> pts = new List <Point3d>(); for (int d = 0; d < 365; d++) { int h = hod + 24 * d; Vector3d vec = new Vector3d(sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.x, sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.y, sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.z); vec = Vector3d.Multiply(vec_sp_len, vec); if (vec.Z > 0) { Point3d solarpoint = new Point3d(Point3d.Add(sp, vec)); pts.Add(solarpoint); } } if (pts.Count > 0) { PolylineCurve crv = new PolylineCurve(pts); _sun_paths.Add(crv); } } // draw solar paths; curves that connects each hour, but for the same month int interv = 365 / 12; for (int m = 0; m < 12; m++) { List <Point3d> pts = new List <Point3d>(); for (int hod = 0; hod < 24; hod++) { int h = hod + ((m * interv + interv / 2) * 24); Vector3d vec = new Vector3d(sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.x, sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.y, sunvectors_list[h].udtCoordXYZ.z); vec = Vector3d.Multiply(vec_sp_len, vec); if (vec.Z > 0) { Point3d solarpoint = new Point3d(Point3d.Add(sp, vec)); pts.Add(solarpoint); } } if (pts.Count > 0) { PolylineCurve crv = new PolylineCurve(pts); _sun_paths.Add(crv); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// OUTPUT DA.SetData(0, _viewFactors); // this mesh needs to be colored according to view factor or cumulative sky matrix DA.SetDataList(1, _solar_vectors); DA.SetDataList(2, _sun_paths); DA.SetDataList(3, spheres); }
public SunMap(ushort mapCode, SunVector wayPointPosition, List <ushort> WayPointPortalList) { this.mapCode = mapCode; this.wayPointPosition = wayPointPosition; this.WayPointPortalList = WayPointPortalList; }
static void Main(string[] args) { ParallelOptions paropts = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 }; Console.WriteLine("SolarModel V2.0"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("You will need: 2 txt files with hourly values for DHI and DNI respectively. They need to be named DNI.txt and DHI.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Please define path for reading inputs and writing result files:"); string path = Console.ReadLine(); //"C:\Users\wach\Desktop Console.WriteLine(); //load in weather file DHI List <double> DHI = new List <double>(); List <double> DNI = new List <double>(); int counter = 0; string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. Console.WriteLine("Reading inputs..."); System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path + "\\DHI.txt"); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { DHI.Add(Convert.ToDouble(line)); //Console.WriteLine(line); counter++; } file.Close(); System.IO.StreamReader file2 = new System.IO.StreamReader(path + "\\DNI.txt"); while ((line = file2.ReadLine()) != null) { DNI.Add(Convert.ToDouble(line)); //Console.WriteLine(line); counter++; } file.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); int recursion = 2; //resolution of skydome int year; double longitude, latitude; Console.WriteLine("Longitude: "); if (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out longitude)) { Console.WriteLine("You need to input a real number. Hit any key to close."); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Latitude: "); if (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out latitude)) { Console.WriteLine("You need to input a real number. Hit any key to close."); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Year: "); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out year)) { Console.WriteLine("You need to input an integer number. Hit any key to close."); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); //double longitude = 8.539; //double latitude = 47.370; //int year = 2005; List <SunVector> sunvectors; SunVector.Create8760SunVectors(out sunvectors, longitude, latitude, year); Context.cWeatherdata weather; weather.DHI = new List <double>(); weather.DNI = new List <double>(); weather.Snow = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < 8760; i++) { weather.DHI.Add(DHI[i]); weather.DNI.Add(DNI[i]); } Context.cLocation location; location.dLatitude = latitude; location.dLongitude = longitude; location.dTgmt = 1; Dictionary <string, double> albedos = new Dictionary <string, double>(); albedos.Add("LAWN", 0.205); albedos.Add("UNTILTEDFIELD", 0.26); albedos.Add("NAKEDGROUND", 0.17); albedos.Add("CONCRETE", 0.3); albedos.Add("SNOW", 0.85); albedos.Add("OLDSNOW", 0.58); Console.WriteLine("Ground albedo: allowed inputs 'LAWN', 'UNTILTEDFIELD', 'NAKEDGROUND', 'CONCRETE', 'SNOW', 'OLDSNOW'."); string albedo_string = Console.ReadLine(); double albedo1 = albedos[albedo_string]; double[] albedo = new double[8760]; for (int t = 0; t < 8760; t++) { albedo[t] = albedo1; } double beta_in, psi_in; Console.WriteLine("Tilt angle in degree: "); if (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out beta_in)) { Console.WriteLine("You need to input a real number. Hit any key to close."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Azimuth angle in degree (North is 0, South is 180): "); if (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out psi_in)) { Console.WriteLine("You need to input a real number. Hit any key to close."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine(); //double []beta = new double[1]{20}; //double [] psi=new double[1]{180}; double[] beta = new double[1] { beta_in }; double [] psi = new double[1] { psi_in }; Sensorpoints.p3d [] coord = new Sensorpoints.p3d[1]; //dummy variables. will not be used in this simplified simulation coord[0].X = 0; coord[0].Y = 0; coord[0].Z = 0; Sensorpoints.v3d[] normal = new Sensorpoints.v3d[1]; //dummy variables. will not be used in this simplified simulation normal[0].X = 0; normal[0].Y = 1; normal[0].Z = 0; Console.WriteLine("Calculating irradiation..."); Sensorpoints p = new Sensorpoints(beta, psi, coord, normal, recursion); p.SetSimpleSkyMT(beta, paropts); p.SetSimpleGroundReflectionMT(beta, albedo, weather, sunvectors.ToArray(), paropts); p.CalcIrradiationMT(weather, sunvectors.ToArray(), paropts); Console.WriteLine("Writing to path..."); System.IO.StreamWriter write = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path + "\\calc.txt"); System.IO.StreamWriter write2 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path + "\\calcbeam.txt"); System.IO.StreamWriter write3 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path + "\\calcdiff.txt"); System.IO.StreamWriter write4 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path + "\\calcgroundrefl.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < p.I[0].Count(); i++) { //Console.WriteLine(p.I[0][i]); write.WriteLine(p.I[0][i]); write2.WriteLine(p.Ibeam[0][i]); write3.WriteLine(p.Idiff[0][i]); write4.WriteLine(p.Irefl_diff[0][i]); } write.Close(); write2.Close(); write3.Close(); write4.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to quit"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public C2SSyncMoveStop(ByteBuffer buffer) : base(123) { pos = new SunVector(buffer.ReadBlock(12)); }
public C2SSyncNewPositionAfterJump(ByteBuffer buffer) : base(69) { pos = new SunVector(buffer.ReadBlock(12)); }
public C2SAskMouseMove(ByteBuffer buffer) : base(202) { unk1 = buffer.ReadBlock(2); currentPosition = new SunVector(buffer.ReadBlock(12)); destinationPosition = new SunVector(buffer.ReadBlock(16)); }
public void UpdatePosition(SunVector pos) { CharacterPosition.LocationX = pos.x; CharacterPosition.LocationY = pos.y; CharacterPosition.LocationZ = pos.z; }