public void OnBtHeaderClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { #if DEBUG logger.Debug($"SuccessStory [Ignored] - OnBtHeaderClick()"); #endif PluginDatabase.IsViewOpen = true; var ViewExtension = new SuccessView(_Plugin, _PlayniteApi, _Plugin.GetPluginUserDataPath()); Window windowExtension = PlayniteUiHelper.CreateExtensionWindow(_PlayniteApi, resources.GetString("LOCSuccessStory"), ViewExtension); windowExtension.ShowDialog(); PluginDatabase.IsViewOpen = false; /* * SuccessView ViewExtension = null; * if (settings.EnableRetroAchievementsView && PlayniteTools.IsGameEmulated(PlayniteApi, GameSelected)) * { * ViewExtension = new SuccessView(this, settings, PlayniteApi, this.GetPluginUserDataPath(), true); * } * else * { * ViewExtension = new SuccessView(this, settings, PlayniteApi, this.GetPluginUserDataPath(), false); * } * Window windowExtension = PlayniteUiHelper.CreateExtensionWindow(PlayniteApi, resources.GetString("LOCSuccessStory"), ViewExtension); * windowExtension.ShowDialog(); */ }
public static void Init() { Version version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version; object[] objArray1 = new object[] { "v", version.Major, ".", version.Revision }; VERSION = string.Concat(objArray1); HddSerial = EveAIO.Helpers.GetHardDiskSerialNo(); if (HddSerial.Length > 0x10) { HddSerial = HddSerial.Substring(0, 0x10); } while (HddSerial.Length < 0x10) { HddSerial = HddSerial + "A"; } EncryptorAes.Key = HddSerial; Machine_name = Environment.UserName; EveAIO.Helpers.LoadSettings(); ViewDashboard = new DashboardView(); ViewProfiles = new ProfilesView(); ViewLog = new LogView(); ViewCaptcha = new CaptchaView(); ViewSuccess = new SuccessView(); ViewProxy = new ProxyView(); ViewNotifications = new NotificationsView(); ViewSettings = new SettingsView(); ViewTools = new ToolsView(); CAPTCHA_QUEUE.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(Global.CAPTCHA_QUEUE_CollectionChanged); CLIENT = new Client(null, null, false); CLIENT.SetDesktopAgent(); CLIENT.Session.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1"); CLIENT.Session.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Accept-Language", "en-GB, en-US; q=0.9, en; q=0.8"); CLIENT.Session.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Connection", "keep-alive"); }
public void OnBtActionBarClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { #if DEBUG logger.Debug($"SuccessStory [Ignored] - OnBtActionBarClick()"); #endif PluginDatabase.IsViewOpen = true; dynamic ViewExtension = null; if (PluginDatabase.PluginSettings.EnableOneGameView) { ViewExtension = new SuccessStoryOneGameView(SuccessStoryDatabase.GameSelected); } else { if (PluginDatabase.PluginSettings.EnableRetroAchievementsView && PlayniteTools.IsGameEmulated(_PlayniteApi, SuccessStoryDatabase.GameSelected)) { ViewExtension = new SuccessView(_Plugin, _PlayniteApi, _Plugin.GetPluginUserDataPath(), true, SuccessStoryDatabase.GameSelected); } else { ViewExtension = new SuccessView(_Plugin, _PlayniteApi, _Plugin.GetPluginUserDataPath(), false, SuccessStoryDatabase.GameSelected); } } Window windowExtension = PlayniteUiHelper.CreateExtensionWindow(_PlayniteApi, resources.GetString("LOCSuccessStory"), ViewExtension); windowExtension.ShowDialog(); PluginDatabase.IsViewOpen = false; }
public IActionResult Success(int userID) { if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId") == null) { return(RedirectToAction("LoginPage")); } User currentUser = dbContext.users.Include(u => u.Transactions).FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userID); SuccessView myViewModel = new SuccessView(); myViewModel.User = currentUser; return(View("Success", myViewModel)); }
void showSuccess() { var view = new SuccessView { Frame = View.Bounds, Close = () => DismissViewController(true,null), Tweet = tweet, }; View.AddSubview(view); UIView.Animate (.3, () => { proccessView.Alpha = 0f; }); view.AnimateIn (); }
void showSuccess() { var view = new SuccessView { Frame = View.Bounds, Close = () => DismissViewController(true, null), Tweet = tweet, }; View.AddSubview(view); UIView.Animate(.3, () => { proccessView.Alpha = 0f; }); view.AnimateIn(); }
public void OnBtActionBarClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { #if DEBUG logger.Debug($"SuccessStory - OnBtActionBarClick()"); #endif SuccessView ViewExtension = null; if (_Settings.EnableRetroAchievementsView && PlayniteTools.IsGameEmulated(_PlayniteApi, SuccessStory.GameSelected)) { ViewExtension = new SuccessView(_Plugin, _Settings, _PlayniteApi, _Plugin.GetPluginUserDataPath(), true, SuccessStory.GameSelected); } else { ViewExtension = new SuccessView(_Plugin, _Settings, _PlayniteApi, _Plugin.GetPluginUserDataPath(), false, SuccessStory.GameSelected); } Window windowExtension = PlayniteUiHelper.CreateExtensionWindow(_PlayniteApi, resources.GetString("LOCSuccessStory"), ViewExtension); windowExtension.ShowDialog(); }
public IActionResult addTrans(SuccessView modelData) { Transaction newTrans = modelData.Transaction; User currentUser = dbContext.users.Include(u => u.Transactions).FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId")); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (newTrans.Amount < 0 && Math.Abs(newTrans.Amount) > currentUser.CurrentBalance) { return(RedirectToAction("Success", new { userID = currentUser.UserId })); } newTrans.UserId = currentUser.UserId; currentUser.CurrentBalance += newTrans.Amount; currentUser.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Add(newTrans); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Success", new { userID = currentUser.UserId })); } SuccessView myViewModel = new SuccessView(); myViewModel.User = currentUser; return(View("Success", myViewModel)); }
/// <summary> /// Examines if the XML input is valid based on a given .xsd from OneOffixx. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> public async void ExecuteValidation(object obj) { dial = new ResponseWindow(); XmlSchemaSet xmlSchema = new XmlSchemaSet(); var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); using (var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("OneOffixx.ConnectClient.WinApp.XSD.OneOffixxValidation.xsd")) { if (stream != null) { var reader = new StreamReader(stream); var xmlString = reader.ReadToEnd(); xmlSchema.Add("", XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xmlString))); } } try { var xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.LoadXml(Request.XmlString); xdoc.Schemas = xmlSchema; ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = new ValidationEventHandler(XmlSettingsValidationEventHandler); xdoc.Validate(eventHandler); if (validation) { SuccessView success = new SuccessView(this); success.tb.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.tb1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.tb2.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.tb3.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.Save.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.Open.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.Time.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.Size.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; success.Filename.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; dial.Content = success; dial.Height = 300; dial.Width = 300; await((MetroWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ShowMetroDialogAsync(dial); } else { FailView fail = new FailView(this); fail.ServerStatus.Text = "The XML is not valid."; fail.Details.Text = validationText; dial.Content = fail; dial.Height = 300; dial.Width = 300; await((MetroWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ShowMetroDialogAsync(dial); validation = true; } } catch (XmlException e) { FailView fail = new FailView(this); fail.ServerStatus.Text = "Xml Parse Exception"; fail.Details.Text = "The XML contains an error. Make sure it is well formed and validate again."; dial.Content = fail; dial.Height = 300; dial.Width = 300; await((MetroWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ShowMetroDialogAsync(dial); validation = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Sends the Server Request. /// Posts given input fields to the OneOffixx Server. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> public async void SendRequest(object obj) { double length; isErrorAppeared = false; Request.CanExecute = false; LogEntryViewModel values = new LogEntryViewModel(this); var date = System.DateTime.Now; values.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); values.Name = date.ToString(); values.Action = "Server"; values.RequestEntry = new Request() { Uri = Request.Url, Content = Request.XmlString, Username = Request.Username, Password = Request.Password, Date = date }; values.ResponseEntry = new Response(); values.IsFavorite = false; using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { try { var inBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{Request.Username}:{Request.Password}"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(inBytes)); HttpContent content = new StringContent(Request.XmlString); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var result = await client.PostAsync(Request.Url, content); sw.Stop(); values.ResponseEntry.TimeUsed = Math.Round((decimal)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000, 3).ToString(); if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { using (content = result.Content) { length = (double)content.Headers.ContentLength; filename = content.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName; filename = filename.Replace("\"", ""); byteResult = await content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); } values.ResponseEntry.StatusCode = ((int)result.StatusCode).ToString(); SuccessView success = new SuccessView(this); dial = new ResponseWindow(); length = Math.Round((length / 1048576), 2); success.Size.Text = length.ToString() + " MB"; success.Filename.Text = filename; success.Time.Text = values.ResponseEntry.TimeUsed + " Seconds"; dial.Content = success; dial.Height = 300; dial.Width = 300; await((MetroWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ShowMetroDialogAsync(dial); } else { FailView fail = new FailView(this); dial = new ResponseWindow(); values.ResponseEntry.StatusCode = ((int)result.StatusCode).ToString(); fail.ServerStatus.Text = result.StatusCode.ToString() + " " + (int)result.StatusCode; fail.Details.Text = result.ReasonPhrase; dial.Content = fail; dial.Height = 300; dial.Width = 300; await((MetroWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ShowMetroDialogAsync(dial); } } catch (Exception) { FailView fail = new FailView(this); dial = new ResponseWindow(); fail.ServerStatus.Text = "Uri not found"; values.ResponseEntry = new Response() { StatusCode = "Uri not found" }; fail.Details.Text = "Your Server input may be wrong as we could not find the Uri you requested."; dial.Content = fail; dial.Height = 300; dial.Width = 300; await((MetroWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ShowMetroDialogAsync(dial); } finally { values.ResponseEntry.Filename = filename; Request.CanExecute = true; log.Logs.Add(values); Request.Log = new ObservableCollection <LogEntryViewModel>(log.Logs.OrderByDescending(x => x.RequestEntry.Date).ToList()); Request.FavoriteLog = new ObservableCollection <LogEntryViewModel>(log.Logs.Where(x => x.IsFavorite)); SaveHistory(); } } }