public async Task <NetworkInterfaceInner> CreateNetworkInterfaceAsync( IResourceGroup resourceGroup, NetworkSecurityGroupInner networkSecurityGroup, SubnetInner aksSubnet, string networkInterfaceName, string networkInterfacePrivateIPAddress, IDictionary <string, string> tags = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { tags = tags ?? new Dictionary <string, string>(); // Define Network Interface var networkInterfaceDefinition = new NetworkInterfaceInner { Location = resourceGroup.RegionName, Tags = tags, IpConfigurations = new List <NetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationInner> { new NetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationInner { Name = "ipconfig1", PrivateIPAddress = networkInterfacePrivateIPAddress, PrivateIPAllocationMethod = IPAllocationMethod.Dynamic, //PublicIPAddress = new SubResource { // Id = publicIPAddress.Id //}, Subnet = new SubResource { Id = aksSubnet.Id } } }, NetworkSecurityGroup = new SubResource { Id = networkSecurityGroup.Id }, EnableAcceleratedNetworking = true, EnableIPForwarding = true }; networkInterfaceDefinition.Validate(); var networkInterface = await _networkManagementClient .NetworkInterfaces .CreateOrUpdateAsync( resourceGroup.Name, networkInterfaceName, networkInterfaceDefinition, cancellationToken ); return(networkInterface); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the subnet to associate with the IP configuration. /// <p> /// This method will never return null as subnet is required for a IP configuration, in case of /// update mode if user didn't choose to change the subnet then existing subnet will be returned. /// Updating the nic subnet has a restriction, the new subnet must reside in the same virtual network /// as the current one. /// </summary> /// <returns>the subnet resource</returns> ///GENMHASH:D14BFB60D59198612CF4649F7C5412EA:BCFDC718771D33AF794CADC76C0CCD5F private SubnetInner SubnetToAssociate() { SubnetInner subnetInner = new SubnetInner(); if (isInCreateMode) { if (creatableVirtualNetworkKey != null) { INetwork network = (INetwork)Parent.CreatedDependencyResource(creatableVirtualNetworkKey); subnetInner.Id = network.Inner.Subnets[0].Id; return(subnetInner); } foreach (var subnet in existingVirtualNetworkToAssociate.Inner.Subnets) { if (subnet.Name.Equals(subnetToAssociate, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { subnetInner.Id = subnet.Id; return(subnetInner); } } throw new Exception("A subnet with name '" + subnetToAssociate + "' not found under the network '" + this.existingVirtualNetworkToAssociate.Name + "'"); } else { if (subnetToAssociate != null) { int idx = Inner.Subnet.Id.LastIndexOf('/'); subnetInner.Id = Inner.Subnet.Id.Substring(0, idx + 1) + subnetToAssociate; } else { subnetInner.Id = Inner.Subnet.Id; } return(subnetInner); } }
///GENMHASH:0A2FDD020AE5A41E49EC1B3AEB02B394:3B60772E45391CEB653A6108BC6868A5 internal SubnetImpl DefineSubnet(string name) { SubnetInner inner = new SubnetInner(name: name); return(new SubnetImpl(inner, this)); }
protected async Task <VirtualNetworkInner> CreateOrRetrieveNetworkAsync(string resourceGroupName, string vnetName, string subnetName) { VirtualNetworkInner vnet = null; // attempt to retrieve an existing vnet try { Console.Write("Checking the existence of vnet '{0}' in resource group '{1}'...", vnetName, resourceGroupName); var vNetResponse = await NetworkManagementClient.VirtualNetworks.GetWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroupName, vnetName).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("done"); vnet = vNetResponse.Body; } catch (Exception e) { VerifyExpectedException <CloudException>(e, HttpStatusCode.NotFound, (ex) => { return(ex.Response.StatusCode); }); } // create one if we must if (vnet == null) { try { Console.Write("Creating vnet '{0}' in resource group '{1}'...", vnetName, resourceGroupName); var vNetResponse = await NetworkManagementClient.VirtualNetworks.CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync( resourceGroupName, vnetName, CreateVNetParameters(vnetName, SampleConstants.VNetAddressSpace, subnetName, SampleConstants.VNetSubnetAddressSpace)) .ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("done."); vnet = vNetResponse.Body; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception encountered creating the virtual network: {0}", e.Message); throw; } } // attempt to retrieve the specified subnet; create if not existing var subnetEntry = new SubnetInner() { Name = subnetName, ServiceEndpoints = new List <ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat> { new ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat("Microsoft.KeyVault") }, AddressPrefix = SampleConstants.VNetSubnetAddressSpace }; bool hasMatchingSubnet = false; if (vnet.Subnets.Count > 0) { // enumerate existing subnets and look for a match. // Invoking vnet.Subnets.Contains() will only return true // for a complete match of all the properties of the subnet, // some of which we can't know beforehand. for (var subnetIt = vnet.Subnets.GetEnumerator(); subnetIt.MoveNext(); ) { hasMatchingSubnet |= subnetIt.Current.Name.Equals(subnetEntry.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (hasMatchingSubnet) { break; } } } if (!hasMatchingSubnet) { try { Console.Write("Creating subnet '{0}' in resource group '{1}'...", subnetEntry.Name, resourceGroupName); var subnetResponse = await NetworkManagementClient.Subnets.CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync( resourceGroupName, vnet.Name, subnetEntry.Name, subnetEntry) .ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("done."); // retrieve the updated vnet Console.Write("Retrieving the updated vnet '{0}' in resource group '{1}'...", vnetName, resourceGroupName); var vNetResponse = await NetworkManagementClient.VirtualNetworks.GetWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroupName, vnetName).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("done"); vnet = vNetResponse.Body; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception encountered updating the virtual network: {0}", e.Message); throw; } } return(vnet); }
/// <summary> /// Creates or updates a subnet in the specified virtual network. /// </summary> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='resourceGroupName'> /// The name of the resource group. /// </param> /// <param name='virtualNetworkName'> /// The name of the virtual network. /// </param> /// <param name='subnetName'> /// The name of the subnet. /// </param> /// <param name='subnetParameters'> /// Parameters supplied to the create or update subnet operation. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> public static async Task <SubnetInner> CreateOrUpdateAsync(this ISubnetsOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string virtualNetworkName, string subnetName, SubnetInner subnetParameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { using (var _result = await operations.CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroupName, virtualNetworkName, subnetName, subnetParameters, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { return(_result.Body); } }
//public async Task<bool> CheckNameAvailabilityAsync( // string aksClusterName, // CancellationToken cancellationToken = default //) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); //} public ManagedClusterInner GetClusterDefinition( IResourceGroup resourceGroup, Application aksApplication, string aksApplicationRbacSecret, string aksClusterName, X509Certificate2 sshCertificate, SubnetInner virtualNetworkSubnet, Workspace operationalInsightsWorkspace, IDictionary <string, string> tags = null ) { tags ??= new Dictionary <string, string>(); var aksDnsPrefix = aksClusterName + "-dns"; var aksClusterX509CertificateOpenSshPublicKey = X509CertificateHelper.GetOpenSSHPublicKey(sshCertificate); var managedClusterDefinition = new ManagedClusterInner( //nodeResourceGroup: aksResourceGroupName // This is not propagated yet. ) { Location = resourceGroup.RegionName, Tags = tags, //ProvisioningState = null, KubernetesVersion = KUBERNETES_VERSION, DnsPrefix = aksDnsPrefix, //Fqdn = null, AgentPoolProfiles = new List <ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile> { new ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile { Name = "agentpool", Count = 2, VmSize = ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes.StandardDS2V2, OsDiskSizeGB = 100, OsType = OSType.Linux, VnetSubnetID = virtualNetworkSubnet.Id } }, LinuxProfile = new ContainerServiceLinuxProfile { AdminUsername = "******", Ssh = new ContainerServiceSshConfiguration { PublicKeys = new List <ContainerServiceSshPublicKey> { new ContainerServiceSshPublicKey { KeyData = aksClusterX509CertificateOpenSshPublicKey } } } }, ServicePrincipalProfile = new ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfile { ClientId = aksApplication.AppId, Secret = aksApplicationRbacSecret }, AddonProfiles = new Dictionary <string, ManagedClusterAddonProfile> { { "omsagent", new ManagedClusterAddonProfile { Enabled = true, Config = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID", operationalInsightsWorkspace.Id } } } }, { "httpApplicationRouting", new ManagedClusterAddonProfile { Enabled = false } } }, //NodeResourceGroup = aksResourceGroupName, // This is not propagated yet. EnableRBAC = true, NetworkProfile = new ContainerServiceNetworkProfile { NetworkPlugin = NetworkPlugin.Azure, //PodCidr = "", ServiceCidr = NETWORK_PROFILE_SERVICE_CIDR, DnsServiceIP = NETWORK_PROFILE_DNS_SERVICE_IP, DockerBridgeCidr = NETWORK_PROFILE_DOCKER_BRIDGE_CIDR } }; managedClusterDefinition.Validate(); return(managedClusterDefinition); }