예제 #1
        public void Test_LeafSubgrid_IsEmpty()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            ILeafSubGrid leaf = new LeafSubGrid(tree, null, tree.NumLevels);

예제 #2
        public void Test_SubGridTree_InvalidCreation_TreeLevels()
            // Test creating invalid subgrid trees
            ISubGridTree invalid = null;

                invalid = new SubGridTree(0, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
                Assert.True(false, "SubGridTree permitted creation with invalid subgrid tree level");
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.True(e is ArgumentException, "Invalid exception raised for invalid argument to SubGridTree constructor");

                invalid = new SubGridTree(10, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
                Assert.True(false, "SubGridTree permitted creation with invalid subgrid tree level");
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.True(e is ArgumentException, "Invalid exception raised for invalid argument to SubGridTree constructor");

                invalid = new SubGridTree(10, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
                Assert.True(false, "SubGridTree permitted creation with invalid subgrid tree level");
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.True(e is ArgumentException, "Invalid exception raised for invalid argument to SubGridTree constructor");
예제 #3
        public void Test_NodeSubGrid_ExceedSparcityLimit()
            var tree          = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            var parentSubgrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 2);
            var sparcityLimit = NodeSubGrid.SubGridTreeNodeCellSparcityLimit;

            // Add sparcity limit + 1 child node subgrids to the parent
            for (int i = 0; i < sparcityLimit + 1; i++)
                var subgrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1);
                parentSubgrid.SetSubGrid(i % SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, i / SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, subgrid);

            parentSubgrid.CountNonNullCells().Should().Be((int)sparcityLimit + 1);

            // Read through the sub grids added, plus another one rto cover access failure
            for (int i = 0; i < sparcityLimit + 2; i++)
                var subgrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1);


            var subGrid = parentSubgrid.GetSubGrid((int)(sparcityLimit + 2) % SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, (int)(sparcityLimit + 2) / SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension);


            // Drain the sub grids back out of the node
            for (int i = 0; i < sparcityLimit + 1; i++)
                parentSubgrid.SetSubGrid(i % SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, i / SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, null);

예제 #4
        public void Test_LeafSubgrid_Creation()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            ILeafSubGrid leaf = null;

            // Test creation of a leaf node without an owner tree
                leaf = new LeafSubGrid(null, null, (byte)(tree.NumLevels + 1));
                Assert.True(false, "Was able to create a leaf subgrid with no owning tree");
            catch (Exception)
                // As expected

            // Test creation of a leaf node at an inappropriate level
                leaf = new LeafSubGrid(tree, null, (byte)(tree.NumLevels + 1));
                Assert.True(false, "Was able to create a leaf subgrid at an inappropriate level");
            catch (Exception)
                // As expected

            leaf = new LeafSubGrid(tree, null, tree.NumLevels);

            Assert.True(leaf != null && leaf.Level == tree.NumLevels);
예제 #5
        public void Test_NodeSubGrid_ForEachSubgrid_SpatialSubsetScans()
            int          count;
            SubGridTree  tree          = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            INodeSubGrid subgrid       = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1);
            INodeSubGrid parentSubgrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 2);

            // Fill all of the parent subgrid with new child subgrids using SetSubGrid
            for (int i = 0; i < SubGridTreeConsts.CellsPerSubGrid; i++)
                parentSubgrid.SetSubGrid((byte)(i / SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension), (byte)(i % SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension),
                                         new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1));

            // Iterate over a subset of the subgrids counting them (from the cell at (10, 10) to the cell at (29, 29)
            // an interval of 20 cells in the X and Y dimensions
            count = 0;
            parentSubgrid.ForEachSubGrid(x =>
            }, 10, 10, 29, 29); // ==> Should scan 400 cells

            Assert.Equal(400, count);
예제 #6
        public void Test_SubGrid_ContainsOTGCell()
            ISubGrid leafSubgrid = null;

            SubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            // Create a leaf subgrid with it's cell origin (IndexOriginOffset, IndexOriginOffset)
            // matching the real work coordaintge origin (0, 0)
            leafSubgrid = tree.ConstructPathToCell(tree.IndexOriginOffset, tree.IndexOriginOffset, SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf);

            Assert.True(leafSubgrid.OriginX == tree.IndexOriginOffset && leafSubgrid.OriginX == tree.IndexOriginOffset,
                        "Failed to create leaf node at the expected location");

            // Check that a 1m x 1m square (the size of the cells in the subgridtree created above) registers as being
            // a part of the newly created subgrid. First, get the cell enclosing that worl location and then ask
            // the subgrid if it contains it

            int CellX, CellY;

            Assert.True(tree.CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition(0.5, 0.5, out CellX, out CellY),
                        "Failed to get cell index for (0.5, 0.5)");
            Assert.True(leafSubgrid.ContainsOTGCell(CellX, CellY),
                        "Leaf subgrid denies enclosing the OTG cell at (0.5, 0.5)");
예제 #7
        public void Test_SubGrid_SetAbsoluteOriginPosition()
            ISubGrid subgrid = null;

            SubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            subgrid = new SubGrid(tree, null, 2); // create a node to be a chile of the root node

            // Test setting origin for unattached subgrid
            subgrid.SetAbsoluteOriginPosition(100, 100);

            Assert.True(subgrid.OriginX == 100 && subgrid.OriginY == 100,
                        "SetAbsoluteOriginPosition did not set origin position for subgrid");

            // Add subgrid to the root (which will set it's parent and prevent the origin position from
            // being changed and will throw an exception)
            tree.Root.SetSubGrid(0, 0, subgrid);
                subgrid.SetAbsoluteOriginPosition(100, 100);

                Assert.True(false, "Setting absolute position for node with a parent did not raise an exception");
            } catch (Exception)
                // As expected`
예제 #8
        public void Test_SubGridTree_Clear()
            // Create a tree with the default number of levels (representing cells at the on-the-ground level)
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            int count;

            // Test clearing the tree with no elements in it

            // Verify tree is empty
            count = 0;
            tree.ScanAllSubGrids(x => { count++; return(true); });
            Assert.Equal(0, count);

            // Add a single subgrid to the tree and verify it can be cleared
            ISubGrid subgrid = new SubGrid(tree, null, 2); // Subgrid at second level, we will attach it as a child of root

            tree.Root.SetSubGrid(0, 0, subgrid);

            // Verify tree has a single subgrid other than root
            count = 0;
            tree.Root.ForEachSubGrid(x => { count++; return(SubGridProcessNodeSubGridResult.OK); });
            Assert.Equal(1, count);


            // Verify tree is empty
            count = 0;
            tree.Root.ForEachSubGrid(x => { count++; return(SubGridProcessNodeSubGridResult.OK); });
            Assert.Equal(0, count);
예제 #9
        public void Test_NodeSubGrid_Creation()
            SubGridTree  tree    = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            INodeSubGrid subgrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1);

예제 #10
        public void Test_NodeSubGrid_ScanSubGrids_TerminateProcessing()
            SubGridTree  tree          = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            INodeSubGrid parentSubgrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 2);

            // Fill all of the parent subgrid with new child subgrids using SetSubGrid
            for (int i = 0; i < SubGridTreeConsts.CellsPerSubGrid; i++)
                parentSubgrid.SetSubGrid((byte)(i / SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension), (byte)(i % SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension),
                                         new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1));

            int leafCount = 0, nodeCount = 0;

                                       leafSubgrid =>
                                       nodeSubgrid =>

            Assert.Equal(0, leafCount);
            Assert.Equal(1, nodeCount);
예제 #11
        public void Test_SubGridTree_LocateSubGridContaining_BottomLevel_EmptyTree()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            var subGrid = tree.LocateSubGridContaining(SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset, SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset);

예제 #12
        public void Test_NodeSubGrid_IsEmpty()
            SubGridTree  tree    = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            INodeSubGrid subgrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1);

            Assert.True(subgrid.IsEmpty(), "Node subgrid not empty after creation");
            Assert.Equal(0, subgrid.CountChildren());
예제 #13
        public void Test_SubGridTree_SerialiseEmptySubGridTree_ToBytes()
            const int EXPECTED_SIZE = 37;

            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

예제 #14
        public void Test_GenericLeafSubGridTests_Creation_WithinTree()
            var tree    = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, GenericLeafSubGrid <bool> >());
            var generic = new GenericLeafSubGrid <bool>(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels);

예제 #15
        public void Test_SubGridTree_CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition_ExtremeOrdinateRange()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            Assert.True(tree.CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition(tree.MaxOrdinate, tree.MaxOrdinate, out int CellX, out int CellY));
            Assert.True(tree.CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition(-tree.MaxOrdinate, -tree.MaxOrdinate, out CellX, out CellY));
            Assert.True(tree.CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition(tree.MaxOrdinate, -tree.MaxOrdinate, out CellX, out CellY));
            Assert.True(tree.CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition(-tree.MaxOrdinate, tree.MaxOrdinate, out CellX, out CellY));
예제 #16
        public void Test_SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStaticTests_SetIteratorElevationRange()
            var tree     = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, ServerSubGridTreeLeaf>());
            var iterator = new SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStatic(new SubGridSegmentIterator(new ServerSubGridTreeLeaf(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, StorageMutability.Mutable), new SubGridDirectory(), null));

            iterator.SetIteratorElevationRange(12.0, 23.0);

            Assert.True(iterator.SegmentIterator.IterationState.MinIterationElevation == 12.0 &&
                        iterator.SegmentIterator.IterationState.MaxIterationElevation == 23.0, "CellX/Y not set correctly");
예제 #17
        public void Test_SubGridTree_LocateSubGridContaining_BottomLevel_NonEmptyTree()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            tree.ConstructPathToCell(SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset, SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset, SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf);

            var subGrid = tree.LocateSubGridContaining(SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset, SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset);

예제 #18
        public void Test_SubGrid_IsEmpty()
            ISubGrid leafSubgrid = null;

            SubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            leafSubgrid = new SubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels);

            Assert.False(leafSubgrid.IsEmpty(), "Base subgrid class identifying itself as empty");
예제 #19
        public void Test_SubGridTree_SerialiseEmptySubGridTree_ToStreamWithOutStream()
            const int EXPECTED_SIZE = 37;

            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            var MS = tree.ToStream();

예제 #20
        public void Test_SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStaticTests_SetTimeRangeTest()
            var tree     = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, ServerSubGridTreeLeaf>());
            var iterator = new SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStatic(new SubGridSegmentIterator(new ServerSubGridTreeLeaf(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, StorageMutability.Mutable), new SubGridDirectory(), null));

            iterator.SetTimeRange(true, DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), DateTimeKind.Utc), DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2000, 1, 2), DateTimeKind.Utc));

            Assert.True(iterator.IteratorStartTime == DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), DateTimeKind.Utc) &&
                        iterator.IteratorEndTime == DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2000, 1, 2), DateTimeKind.Utc),
                        "Iteration start and end date not set correctly");
예제 #21
        public void Test_SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStaticTests_Initialise()
            var tree     = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, ServerSubGridTreeLeaf>());
            var iterator = new SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStatic(new SubGridSegmentIterator(new ServerSubGridTreeLeaf(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, StorageMutability.Mutable), new SubGridDirectory(), null));

            iterator.SegmentIterator.IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards;

            iterator.SegmentIterator.IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Backwards;
예제 #22
        public void Test_SubGrid_ToString()
            SubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            var child  = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, 3); // create a node to be a child of the root node
            var parent = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, 2); // create a node to be a child of the root node

            parent.SetSubGrid(0, 0, child);

            child.ToString().Should().Be($"Level:{3}, OriginX:{child.OriginX}, OriginY:{child.OriginY}");
예제 #23
        public void Test_SubGridTree_GetCellOriginPosition()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            double       cx, cy;

            // Get a cell at the origin of the world coordinate system and test its origin location given a 1m cell size
            tree.GetCellOriginPosition(tree.IndexOriginOffset, tree.IndexOriginOffset, out cx, out cy);

            Assert.True(Math.Abs(cx) < 0.001 && Math.Abs(cy) < 0.001,
                        "Cell origin for (IndexOriginOffset, IndexOriginOffset) <> (0.0, 0.0) as expected");
예제 #24
        public void Test_SubGridTree_GetCellExtents()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            // Get a cell at the origin of the world coordinate system and test its extents given a 1m cell size
            BoundingWorldExtent3D extent = tree.GetCellExtents(tree.IndexOriginOffset, tree.IndexOriginOffset);

            Assert.True(Math.Abs(extent.MinX) < 0.001 && Math.Abs(extent.MinY) < 0.001 &&
                        (Math.Abs(extent.MinX) - 1.0) < 0.001 && (Math.Abs(extent.MinY) - 1.0) < 0.001,
                        "Cell extents for (IndexOriginOffset, IndexOriginOffset) <> (0.0, 0.0 -> 1.0, 1.0) as expected");
예제 #25
        public void Test_SubGridTree_CreateUnattachedLeaf()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            // Ask for an unattached leaf subgrid and verify it checks out
            ILeafSubGrid leaf = tree.CreateUnattachedLeaf();

            Assert.True(leaf.Level == tree.NumLevels && leaf.Owner == tree,
                        "Leaf not configured correctly");
예제 #26
        public void Test_SubGridTree_ConstructPathToCell_CreatePathToLeaf()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            // Add a node subgrid with ConstructPathToCell with CreatePathToLeaf creation path type (in the bottom left corner
            // of the cell address space and verify a new node subgrid came back)
            ISubGrid subgrid = tree.ConstructPathToCell(0, 0, SubGridPathConstructionType.CreatePathToLeaf);

            Assert.True(subgrid != null && subgrid.Level == tree.NumLevels - 1,
                        "Failed to create a node subgrid down to NumLevels - 1 in tree");
예제 #27
        public void Test_SubGridTree_CountLeafSubgridsInMemory()
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            Assert.Equal(0, tree.CountLeafSubGridsInMemory());

            // Add a leaf node and check the count is now 1
            ISubGrid subgrid = tree.ConstructPathToCell(0, 0, SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf);

            Assert.Equal(1, tree.CountLeafSubGridsInMemory());
예제 #28
        public void Test_SubGridFactory_Creation()
            ISubGridFactory factory = new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>();


            // Create a tree for the factory to create sub grids for
            ISubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, factory);

예제 #29
        public void Test_SubGridTreeSparseCellRecord_Creation()
            SubGridTree tree = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());

            ISubGrid leafSubgrid = new SubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels);

            SubGridTreeSparseCellRecord sparseCell = new SubGridTreeSparseCellRecord(15, 15, leafSubgrid);

            Assert.True(sparseCell.CellX == 15 && sparseCell.CellY == 15 && sparseCell.Cell == leafSubgrid,
                        "Sparse subgrid tree cell record failed to initialise");
예제 #30
        public void Test_NodeSubGrid_ForEachSubgrid_NodeFunctorWithIndices_InvalidCellRange()
            SubGridTree  tree    = new SubGridTree(SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels, 1.0, new SubGridFactory <NodeSubGrid, LeafSubGrid>());
            INodeSubGrid subGrid = new NodeSubGrid(tree, null, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeLevels - 1);

            Action act = () => subGrid.ForEachSubGrid((x, y, s) => SubGridProcessNodeSubGridResult.TerminateProcessing, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, 0, 2 * SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, 2 * SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension);

            act.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>().WithMessage("Minimum sub grid cell X/Y bounds are out of range");

            act = () => subGrid.ForEachSubGrid((x, y, s) => SubGridProcessNodeSubGridResult.TerminateProcessing, 0, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, 2 * SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, 2 * SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension);
            act.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>().WithMessage("Minimum sub grid cell X/Y bounds are out of range");