예제 #1
 private void DoSomethingWithAddressAsStruct(SubGridCellAddress address)
     if (address.X == 123456 || address.Y == 45678)
예제 #2
 public static string GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(SubGridCellAddress cellAddress)
     // Work out the cell address of the origin cell in the appropriate leaf
     // sub grid. We use this cell position to derive the name of the file
     // containing the leaf sub grid data
     return(ServerSubGridTreeLeaf.FileNameFromOriginPosition(new SubGridCellAddress(cellAddress.X & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, cellAddress.Y & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask)));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a filter mask for a designated sub grid on this design
        /// </summary>
        public (SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits filterMask, DesignProfilerRequestResult errorCode) GetFilterMaskViaLocalCompute(
            ISiteModelBase siteModel,
            SubGridCellAddress originCellAddress,
            double cellSize)
            // Calculate an elevation patch for the requested location and convert it into a bitmask detailing which cells have non-null values
            var patch = _designElevationCalculator.Execute(siteModel, new DesignOffset(DesignDescriptor.DesignID, 0),
                                                           cellSize, originCellAddress.X, originCellAddress.Y, out var calcResult);

            if (patch == null)
                _log.LogWarning($"Request for design elevation patch that does not exist: Project: {siteModel.ID}, design {DesignDescriptor.DesignID}, location {originCellAddress.X}:{originCellAddress.Y}, calcResult: {calcResult}");
                return(null, calcResult); // Requestors should not ask for sub grids that don't exist in the design.

            var mask       = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            var patchCells = patch.Cells;

            for (byte i = 0; i < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; i++)
                for (byte j = 0; j < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; j++)
                    if (patchCells[i, j].Equals(Common.Consts.NullHeight))
                        mask[i, j] = true;

            return(mask, calcResult);
예제 #4
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_ToNormalisedInt64()
            SubGridCellAddress ca = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1);

            long correct = (1L << 32) | 1;

            Assert.Equal(ca.ToNormalisedInt64, correct);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleaves all dirty segments requiring cleaving within the given sub grid
        /// </summary>
        public void PerformSegmentCleaving(IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGridSegments, IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid, int subGridSegmentPassCountLimit = 0)
            var iterator = new SubGridSegmentIterator(subGrid, storageProxyForSubGridSegments)
                IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards,
                ReturnDirtyOnly    = true,
                RetrieveAllPasses  = true

            var origin = new SubGridCellAddress(subGrid.OriginX, subGrid.OriginY);

            if (!iterator.MoveToFirstSubGridSegment())

                var segment = iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment;

                var cleavedTimeRangeStart = segment.SegmentInfo.StartTime;
                var cleavedTimeRangeEnd   = segment.SegmentInfo.EndTime;

                if (!segment.RequiresCleaving(out var totalPassCount, out var maximumPassCount))

                if (subGrid.Cells.CleaveSegment(segment, NewSegmentsFromCleaving, PersistedClovenSegments, subGridSegmentPassCountLimit))

                    if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                            $"Info: Performed cleave on segment ({cleavedTimeRangeStart}-{cleavedTimeRangeEnd}) of sub grid {ServerSubGridTree.GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(origin)}. TotalPassCount = {totalPassCount} MaximumPassCount = {maximumPassCount}");
                    // The segment cleave failed. While this is not a serious problem (as the sub grid will be
                    // cleaved at some point in the future when it is modified again via tag file processing etc)
                    // it will be noted in the log.

                        $"Cleave on segment ({cleavedTimeRangeStart}-{cleavedTimeRangeEnd}) of sub grid {ServerSubGridTree.GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(origin)} failed. TotalPassCount = {totalPassCount} MaximumPassCount = {maximumPassCount}");

                if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                    if (segment.RequiresCleaving(out totalPassCount, out maximumPassCount))
                            $"Cleave on segment ({cleavedTimeRangeStart}-{cleavedTimeRangeEnd}) of sub grid {subGrid.Moniker()} failed to reduce cell pass count below maximums (max passes = {totalPassCount}/{subGridSegmentPassCountLimit}, per cell = {maximumPassCount}/{_subGridMaxSegmentCellPassesLimit})");
            } while (iterator.MoveToNextSubGridSegment());
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a mask using all spatial filtering elements active in the supplied filter
        /// </summary>
        public static bool ConstructSubGridCellFilterMask(ISiteModel siteModel, SubGridCellAddress currentSubGridOrigin,
                                                          InterceptList intercepts,
                                                          int fromProfileCellIndex,
                                                          SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits mask,
                                                          ICellSpatialFilter cellFilter,
                                                          IDesign surfaceDesignMaskDesign)
            ConstructSubGridSpatialAndPositionalMask(currentSubGridOrigin, intercepts, fromProfileCellIndex, mask, cellFilter, siteModel.Grid);

            // If the filter contains an alignment design mask filter then compute this and AND it with the
            // mask calculated in the step above to derive the final required filter mask

            if (cellFilter.HasAlignmentDesignMask())
                if (cellFilter.AlignmentFence.IsNull()) // Should have been done in ASNode but if not
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Spatial filter does not contained pre-prepared alignment fence for design {cellFilter.AlignmentDesignMaskDesignUID}");

                var tree = siteModel.Grid;
                // Go over set bits and determine if they are in Design fence boundary
                mask.ForEachSetBit((x, y) =>
                    tree.GetCellCenterPosition(currentSubGridOrigin.X + x, currentSubGridOrigin.Y + y, out var cx, out var cy);
                    if (!cellFilter.AlignmentFence.IncludesPoint(cx, cy))
                        mask.ClearBit(x, y); // remove interest as its not in design boundary

            // If the filter contains a design mask filter then compute this and AND it with the
            // mask calculated in the step above to derive the final required filter mask

            if (surfaceDesignMaskDesign != null)
                var getFilterMaskResult = surfaceDesignMaskDesign.GetFilterMaskViaLocalCompute(siteModel, currentSubGridOrigin, siteModel.CellSize);

                if (getFilterMaskResult.errorCode == DesignProfilerRequestResult.OK || getFilterMaskResult.errorCode == DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)
                    if (getFilterMaskResult.filterMask == null)
                        _log.LogWarning("FilterMask null in response from surfaceDesignMaskDesign.GetFilterMask, ignoring it's contribution to filter mask");
                    _log.LogError($"Call (A2) to {nameof(ConstructSubGridCellFilterMask)} returned error result {getFilterMaskResult.errorCode} for {cellFilter.SurfaceDesignMaskDesignUid}");

예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes a unique file name for a segment within a particular sub grid
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(SubGridCellAddress cellAddress,
                                                        ISubGridCellPassesDataSegmentInfo segmentInfo)
     // Work out the cell address of the origin cell in the appropriate leaf
     // sub grid. We use this cell position to derive the name of the file
     // containing the leaf sub grid data
     return(segmentInfo.FileName(cellAddress.X & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask,
                                 cellAddress.Y & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask));
예제 #8
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_Equality()
            SubGridCellAddress ca  = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1);
            SubGridCellAddress ca2 = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1);
            SubGridCellAddress ca3 = new SubGridCellAddress(3, 3);

            Assert.True(ca.Equals(ca2), "Equality check between identical addresses failed");
            Assert.False(ca.Equals(ca3), "Inequality between different addresses failed");
예제 #9
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_Set()
            SubGridCellAddress ca = new SubGridCellAddress();

            ca.Set(1, 2, true, false);

            // Check the simple style of creation is OK
            Assert.True(ca.X == 1 && ca.Y == 2 && ca.ProdDataRequested == true && ca.SurveyedSurfaceDataRequested == false,
                        "Setting simple cell address not set properties as expected");
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates an elevation sub grid for a designated sub grid on this design
        /// </summary>
        public (IClientHeightLeafSubGrid designHeights, DesignProfilerRequestResult errorCode) GetDesignHeightsViaLocalCompute(
            ISiteModelBase siteModel,
            double offset,
            SubGridCellAddress originCellAddress,
            double cellSize)
            var heightsResult = _designElevationCalculator.Execute(siteModel, new DesignOffset(DesignDescriptor.DesignID, offset),
                                                                   cellSize, originCellAddress.X, originCellAddress.Y, out var calcResult);

            return(heightsResult, calcResult);
예제 #11
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_ToSpatialPartitionDescriptor(int cellX, int cellY, int expectedPartition)
            // These tests assume the default number of 1024 partitions from the configuration

            // Test the instance method
            SubGridCellAddress ca = new SubGridCellAddress(cellX, cellY);


            // Test the static method
            SubGridCellAddress.ToSpatialPartitionDescriptor(cellX, cellY).Should().Be(expectedPartition);
예제 #12
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_ToNormalisedSubgridOriginInt64()
            SubGridCellAddress ca = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1);

            long correct = 0;

            Assert.Equal(ca.ToNormalisedSubgridOriginInt64, correct);

            SubGridCellAddress ca2 = new SubGridCellAddress(1 << 5, 1 << 5);

            long correct2 = (1L << 25) | 1;

            Assert.Equal(ca2.ToNormalisedSubgridOriginInt64, correct2);
예제 #13
        public void ScanAllSetBitsAsSubGridAddresses_SingleAllocedSameStructAsStruct()
            SubGridCellAddress address = new SubGridCellAddress(12, 34);

            for (int lots = 0; lots < 50; lots++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
예제 #14
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_FlagManagement()
            SubGridCellAddress ca2 = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1, true, true);

            // Check setting/clearing the bit flag based properties
            ca2.ProdDataRequested = false;
            ca2.ProdDataRequested = true;

            ca2.SurveyedSurfaceDataRequested = false;
            ca2.SurveyedSurfaceDataRequested = true;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a cache key, determine which partition the cache item should reside
        /// </summary>
        public override int GetPartition(object key)
            // Pull the sub grid origin location for the sub grid or segment represented in the cache key and calculate the
            // spatial processing division descriptor to use as the partition affinity key

            if (key is ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey value)
                // Compute partition number against the sub grid location in the spatial affinity key
                return(SubGridCellAddress.ToSpatialPartitionDescriptor(value.SubGridX, value.SubGridY));

            Log.LogCritical($"Unknown key type to compute spatial affinity partition key for: [{key.GetType().FullName}] {key}. Returning partition 0 to avoid thrown exception");

            //throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown key type to compute spatial affinity partition key for: [{key.GetType().FullName}] {key}");
예제 #16
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_ToSkipInterleavedDescriptor()
            SubGridCellAddress ca;
            long correct;

            ca      = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1);
            correct = 1;
            Assert.Equal(ca.ToSkipInterleavedDescriptor, correct);

            ca      = new SubGridCellAddress(1 << 5, 1);
            correct = (1 << 5) | 1;
            Assert.Equal(ca.ToSkipInterleavedDescriptor, correct);

            ca      = new SubGridCellAddress(1 << 5, 1 << 5);
            correct = 1 << 5;
            Assert.Equal(ca.ToSkipInterleavedDescriptor, correct);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the production data values for the requested cell
        /// </summary>
        private async Task GetProductionData(ISiteModel siteModel, IDesignWrapper cutFillDesign, CellDatumResponse_ClusterCompute result, CellDatumRequestArgument_ClusterCompute arg)
            var existenceMap = siteModel.ExistenceMap;

            var utilities  = DIContext.Obtain <IRequestorUtilities>();
            var requestors = utilities.ConstructRequestors(null, siteModel, arg.Overrides, arg.LiftParams,
                                                           utilities.ConstructRequestorIntermediaries(siteModel, arg.Filters, true, GridDataType.CellProfile),
                                                           AreaControlSet.CreateAreaControlSet(), existenceMap);

            // Get the sub grid relative cell location
            int cellX = arg.OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
            int cellY = arg.OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;

            // Reach into the sub-grid request layer and retrieve an appropriate sub-grid
            var cellOverrideMask = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            cellOverrideMask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
            requestors[0].CellOverrideMask = cellOverrideMask;

            // using the cell address get the index of cell in clientGrid
            var thisSubGridOrigin            = new SubGridCellAddress(arg.OTGCellX, arg.OTGCellY);
            var requestSubGridInternalResult = requestors[0].RequestSubGridInternal(thisSubGridOrigin, true, true);

            if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult != ServerRequestResult.NoError)
                if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult == ServerRequestResult.SubGridNotFound)
                    result.ReturnCode = CellDatumReturnCode.NoValueFound;
                    Log.LogError($"Request for sub grid {thisSubGridOrigin} request failed with code {requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult}");

            var cell = ((ClientCellProfileLeafSubgrid)requestSubGridInternalResult.clientGrid).Cells[cellX, cellY];

            if (cell.PassCount > 0) // Cell is not in our areaControlSet...
                await ExtractRequiredValue(cutFillDesign, cell, result, arg);

                result.TimeStampUTC = cell.LastPassTime;
예제 #18
        public void ScanAllSetBitsAsSubGridAddresses_SingleAlloced()
            SubGridCellAddress address = new SubGridCellAddress();

            for (int lots = 0; lots < 50; lots++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
                        address.X = i;
                        address.Y = j;

예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a filter mask for a designated sub grid on this design
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <(SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits filterMask, DesignProfilerRequestResult errorCode)> GetFilterMaskViaDesignElevationService(
            Guid siteModelId,
            SubGridCellAddress originCellAddress,
            double cellSize)
            // Query the DesignProfiler service to get the requested filter mask
            var filterMaskRequest = new DesignFilterSubGridMaskRequest();

            var maskResponse = await filterMaskRequest.ExecuteAsync(new DesignSubGridFilterMaskArgument
                CellSize        = cellSize,
                ReferenceDesign = new DesignOffset(DesignDescriptor.DesignID, 0),
                OriginX         = originCellAddress.X,
                OriginY         = originCellAddress.Y,
                ProjectID       = siteModelId

            return(maskResponse?.Bits, maskResponse?.RequestResult ?? DesignProfilerRequestResult.UnknownError);
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a mask using polygonal and positional spatial filtering aspects of a filter.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ConstructSubGridSpatialAndPositionalMask(SubGridCellAddress currentSubGridOrigin,
                                                                     InterceptList intercepts,
                                                                     int fromProfileCellIndex,
                                                                     SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits mask,
                                                                     ICellSpatialFilter cellFilter,
                                                                     ISubGridTree subGridTree)
            var cellFilterHasSpatialOrPositionalFilters = cellFilter.HasSpatialOrPositionalFilters;
            var interceptsCount = intercepts.Count;


            for (var interceptIdx = fromProfileCellIndex; interceptIdx < interceptsCount; interceptIdx++)
                // Determine the on-the-ground cell underneath the midpoint of each cell on the intercept line
                                                                   intercepts.Items[interceptIdx].MidPointY, out var otgCellX, out var otgCellY);

                var thisSubGridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(otgCellX & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, otgCellY & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);

                if (!currentSubGridOrigin.Equals(thisSubGridOrigin))

                var cellX = otgCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
                var cellY = otgCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;

                if (cellFilterHasSpatialOrPositionalFilters)
                    subGridTree.GetCellCenterPosition(otgCellX, otgCellY, out var cellCenterX, out var cellCenterY);

                    if (cellFilter.IsCellInSelection(cellCenterX, cellCenterY))
                        mask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
                    mask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates an elevation sub grid for a designated sub grid on this design
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <(IClientHeightLeafSubGrid designHeights, DesignProfilerRequestResult errorCode)> GetDesignHeightsViaDesignElevationService(
            Guid siteModelId,
            double offset,
            SubGridCellAddress originCellAddress,
            double cellSize)
            // Query the DesignProfiler service to get the patch of elevations calculated
            var elevPatchRequest = new DesignElevationPatchRequest();

            var response = await elevPatchRequest.ExecuteAsync(new CalculateDesignElevationPatchArgument
                CellSize        = cellSize,
                ReferenceDesign = new DesignOffset(DesignDescriptor.DesignID, offset),
                OriginX         = originCellAddress.X,
                OriginY         = originCellAddress.Y,
                ProjectID       = siteModelId

            return(response.Heights, response.CalcResult);
예제 #22
        public void Test_SubgridCellAddress_Creation()
            SubGridCellAddress ca = new SubGridCellAddress();

            // Check the simple style of creation is OK
            Assert.True(ca.X == 0 && ca.Y == 0 && ca.ProdDataRequested == false && ca.SurveyedSurfaceDataRequested == false,
                        "Default simple cell address creation did not set properties as expected");

            ca = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1);

            // Check the simple style of creation is OK
            Assert.True(ca.X == 1 && ca.Y == 1 && ca.ProdDataRequested == false && ca.SurveyedSurfaceDataRequested == false,
                        "Simple cell address creation did not set properties as expected");

            SubGridCellAddress ca2 = new SubGridCellAddress(1, 1, true, true);

            // Check the simple style of creation is OK
            Assert.True(ca2.X == 1 && ca2.Y == 1 && ca2.ProdDataRequested == true && ca2.SurveyedSurfaceDataRequested == true,
                        "Complete cell address creation did not set properties as expected");
예제 #23
        private static void ConstructSubGridSpatialAndPositionalMask(ISubGridTree tree,
                                                                     SubGridCellAddress currentSubGridOrigin,
                                                                     List <T> profileCells,
                                                                     SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits mask,
                                                                     int fromProfileCellIndex,
                                                                     ICellSpatialFilter cellFilter)

            // From current position to end...
            for (var cellIdx = fromProfileCellIndex; cellIdx < profileCells.Count; cellIdx++)
                var profileCell       = profileCells[cellIdx];
                var thisSubGridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(
                    profileCell.OTGCellX & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask,
                    profileCell.OTGCellY & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);

                if (!currentSubGridOrigin.Equals(thisSubGridOrigin))

                var cellX = (byte)(profileCell.OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);
                var cellY = (byte)(profileCell.OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);

                if (cellFilter.HasSpatialOrPositionalFilters)
                    tree.GetCellCenterPosition(profileCell.OTGCellX, profileCell.OTGCellY,
                                               out var cellCenterX, out var cellCenterY);
                    if (cellFilter.IsCellInSelection(cellCenterX, cellCenterY))
                        mask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
                    mask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// For each point in the list, get the sub grid and extract productionData at the station/offset i.e pointOfInterest
        ///    This could be optimized to get any poi from each sub grid before disposal
        /// </summary>
        private StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute GetProductionData()
            var result = new StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute {
                ResultStatus = RequestErrorStatus.Unknown

            IDesignWrapper cutFillDesignWrapper = null;

            if (requestArgument.ReferenceDesign != null && requestArgument.ReferenceDesign.DesignID != Guid.Empty)
                var cutFillDesign = siteModel.Designs.Locate(requestArgument.ReferenceDesign.DesignID);
                if (cutFillDesign == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Design {requestArgument.ReferenceDesign.DesignID} not a recognized design in project {requestArgument.ProjectID}");
                cutFillDesignWrapper = new DesignWrapper(requestArgument.ReferenceDesign, cutFillDesign);

            var existenceMap = siteModel.ExistenceMap;
            var utilities    = DIContext.Obtain <IRequestorUtilities>();
            var requestors   = utilities.ConstructRequestors(null, siteModel, requestArgument.Overrides, requestArgument.LiftParams,
                                                             utilities.ConstructRequestorIntermediaries(siteModel, requestArgument.Filters, true, GridDataType.CellProfile),
                                                             AreaControlSet.CreateAreaControlSet(), existenceMap);

            // Obtain the primary partition map to allow this request to determine the elements it needs to process
            bool[] primaryPartitionMap = ImmutableSpatialAffinityPartitionMap.Instance().PrimaryPartitions();
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits cellOverrideMask = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            foreach (var point in requestArgument.Points)
                // Determine the on-the-ground cell
                siteModel.Grid.CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition(point.Easting, point.Northing, out int OTGCellX, out int OTGCellY);

                var thisSubGridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(OTGCellX, OTGCellY);

                if (!primaryPartitionMap[thisSubGridOrigin.ToSpatialPartitionDescriptor()])

                // Get the sub grid relative cell location
                int cellX = OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
                int cellY = OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;

                // Reach into the sub-grid request layer and retrieve an appropriate sub-grid
                cellOverrideMask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
                requestors[0].CellOverrideMask = cellOverrideMask;

                // using the cell address get the index of cell in clientGrid
                var requestSubGridInternalResult = requestors[0].RequestSubGridInternal(
                    thisSubGridOrigin, true, true);

                if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult != ServerRequestResult.NoError)
                    Log.LogError($"Request for sub grid {thisSubGridOrigin} request failed with code {result}");
                    result.StationOffsetRows.Add(new StationOffsetRow(point.Station, point.Offset, point.Northing, point.Easting));

                var hydratedPoint = ExtractRequiredValues(cutFillDesignWrapper, point, requestSubGridInternalResult.clientGrid as ClientCellProfileLeafSubgrid, cellX, cellY);

            result.ResultStatus = RequestErrorStatus.OK;
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a vector of cells in profileCells along the path of the profile geometry containing in nEECoords
        /// </summary>
        public bool Build(XYZ[] nEECoords, List <T> profileCells)
            NEECoords    = nEECoords;
            ProfileCells = profileCells;

            CellSize = SiteModel.CellSize;

            CurrStationPos = 0;

            CurrentSubgridOrigin  = new SubGridCellAddress(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
            ReturnDesignElevation = CutFillDesignWrapper?.Design != null;
            DesignElevations      = null;

            // Obtain the primary partition map to allow this request to determine the elements it needs to process
            bool[] primaryPartitionMap = ImmutableSpatialAffinityPartitionMap.Instance().PrimaryPartitions();

            for (int loopBound = NEECoords.Length - 1, I = 0; I < loopBound; I++)
                StartX       = NEECoords[I].X;
                StartY       = NEECoords[I].Y;
                StartStation = NEECoords[I].Z;

                EndX       = NEECoords[I + 1].X;
                EndY       = NEECoords[I + 1].Y;
                EndStation = NEECoords[I + 1].Z;

                if (I == 0)                                               // Add start point of profile line to intercept list
                    CurrStationPos = SlicerToolUsed ? 0 : NEECoords[I].Z; // alignment profiles pass in station for more accuracy
                    VtHzIntercepts.AddPoint(StartX, StartY, CurrStationPos);

                Distance = SlicerToolUsed
          ? MathUtilities.Hypot(EndX - StartX, EndY - StartY) // station is not passed so compute
          : EndStation - StartStation;                        // use precise station passed

                if (Distance == 0)                            // if we have two points the same

                // Get all intercepts between profile line and cell boundaries for this segment
                CalculateHorizontalIntercepts(CurrStationPos); // pass the distance down alignment this segment starts

                CurrStationPos += Distance; // add distance to current station

            // Merge vertical and horizontal cell boundary/profile line intercepts
            VtHzIntercepts.MergeInterceptLists(VtIntercepts, HzIntercepts);

            // Add end point of profile line to intercept list
            VtHzIntercepts.AddPoint(EndX, EndY, CurrStationPos);

            // Update each intercept with it's midpoint and intercept length
            // i.e. the midpoint on the line between one intercept and the next one
            // and the length between those intercepts

            if (VtHzIntercepts.Count > ProfileCells.Capacity)
                ProfileCells.Capacity = VtHzIntercepts.Count;

            // Iterate over all intercepts calculating the results for each cell that lies in
            // a subgrid handled by this node
            for (int i = 0; i < VtHzIntercepts.Count; i++)
                if (Aborted)

                // Determine the on-the-ground cell underneath the midpoint of each intercept line
                                                                      VtHzIntercepts.Items[i].MidPointY, out OTGCellX, out OTGCellY);

                ThisSubgridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(OTGCellX & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, OTGCellY & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);

                if (!CurrentSubgridOrigin.Equals(ThisSubgridOrigin))
                    if (!primaryPartitionMap[ThisSubgridOrigin.ToSpatialPartitionDescriptor()])

                    CurrentSubgridOrigin = ThisSubgridOrigin;

                    if (!ProfileFilterMask.ConstructSubGridCellFilterMask(SiteModel, CurrentSubgridOrigin, VtHzIntercepts, i, FilterMask, CellFilter,

                    if (ReturnDesignElevation && CutFillDesignWrapper?.Design != null) // cut fill profile request then get elevation at same spot along design
                        var getDesignHeightsResult = CutFillDesignWrapper.Design.GetDesignHeightsViaLocalCompute(SiteModel, CutFillDesignWrapper.Offset, new SubGridCellAddress(OTGCellX, OTGCellY), CellSize);

                        DesignElevations = getDesignHeightsResult.designHeights;
                        DesignResult     = getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode;

                        if (DesignResult != DesignProfilerRequestResult.OK &&
                            DesignResult != DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)

                        if (DesignResult == DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)
                            DesignElevations = null; // force a null height to be written

                if (FilterMask.BitSet(OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask))
                    AddCellPassesDataToList(OTGCellX, OTGCellY, VtHzIntercepts.Items[i].ProfileItemIndex, VtHzIntercepts.Items[i].InterceptLength);

            Log.LogInformation($"CellProfileBuilder constructed a vector of {VtHzIntercepts.Count} vertices");

예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Executor that implements requesting and rendering sub grid information to create the cell datum
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <CellPassesResponse> ExecuteAsync(CellPassesRequestArgument_ClusterCompute arg, SubGridSpatialAffinityKey key)
            Log.LogInformation($"Performing Execute for DataModel:{arg.ProjectID}");

            var result = new CellPassesResponse {
                ReturnCode = CellPassesReturnCode.Error

            var siteModel = DIContext.Obtain <ISiteModels>().GetSiteModel(arg.ProjectID);

            if (siteModel == null)
                Log.LogError($"Failed to locate site model {arg.ProjectID}");

            var existenceMap = siteModel.ExistenceMap;
            var utilities    = DIContext.Obtain <IRequestorUtilities>();
            var requestors   = utilities.ConstructRequestors(null, siteModel, arg.Overrides, arg.LiftParams,
                                                             utilities.ConstructRequestorIntermediaries(siteModel, arg.Filters, true, GridDataType.CellPasses),

            // Get the sub grid relative cell location
            var cellX = arg.OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
            var cellY = arg.OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;

            // Reach into the sub-grid request layer and retrieve an appropriate sub-grid
            var cellOverrideMask = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            cellOverrideMask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
            requestors[0].CellOverrideMask = cellOverrideMask;

            var thisSubGridOrigin            = new SubGridCellAddress(arg.OTGCellX, arg.OTGCellY);
            var requestSubGridInternalResult = requestors[0].RequestSubGridInternal(thisSubGridOrigin, true, true);

            if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult != ServerRequestResult.NoError)
                if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult == ServerRequestResult.SubGridNotFound)
                    result.ReturnCode = CellPassesReturnCode.NoDataFound;
                    Log.LogError($"Request for sub grid {thisSubGridOrigin} request failed with code {requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult}");

            if (!(requestSubGridInternalResult.clientGrid is ClientCellProfileAllPassesLeafSubgrid grid))
                Log.LogError($"Request for sub grid {thisSubGridOrigin} request failed due the grid return type being incorrect. Expected {typeof(ClientCellProfileAllPassesLeafSubgrid).Name}, but got {requestSubGridInternalResult.clientGrid.GetType().Name}");

            var cell = grid.Cells[cellX, cellY];

            if (cell.TotalPasses > 0)
                result.ReturnCode = CellPassesReturnCode.DataFound;
                for (var idx = 0; idx < cell.TotalPasses; idx++)
                    var cellPass = cell.CellPasses[idx];
                result.ReturnCode = CellPassesReturnCode.NoDataFound;

예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes each sub grid in turn into the resulting profile.
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessSubGroup(SubGridCellAddress address, bool prodDataAtAddress, SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits cellOverrideMask)
            var okToProceed = false;

            // Execute a client grid request for each requester and create an array of the results
            var clientGrids = Requestors.Select(x =>
                x.CellOverrideMask = cellOverrideMask;

                // Reach into the sub grid request layer and retrieve an appropriate sub grid
                var requestSubGridInternalResult = x.RequestSubGridInternal(address, prodDataAtAddress, true);
                if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult != ServerRequestResult.NoError)
                    Log.LogError($"Request for sub grid {address} request failed with code {requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult}");


            // If an intermediary result was requested then merge the 'from' and intermediary sub grids now
            if (IntermediaryFilterRequired)
                MergeIntermediaryResults(clientGrids[0] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid, clientGrids[1] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid);
                //... and chop out the intermediary grid
                clientGrids = new[] { clientGrids[0], clientGrids[2] };

            // Assign the results of the sub grid requests according to the ordering of the filter in the overall
            // volume type context of the request
            ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid heightsGrid1 = null;

            if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenFilterAndDesign || VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.Between2Filters)
                heightsGrid1 = clientGrids[0] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid;

            ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid heightsGrid2 = null;

            if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenDesignAndFilter)
                heightsGrid2 = clientGrids[0] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid;
            else if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.Between2Filters)
                heightsGrid2 = clientGrids[1] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid;

            IClientHeightLeafSubGrid designHeights = null;

            if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenFilterAndDesign || VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenDesignAndFilter)
                if (svDesignWrapper?.Design != null)
                    var getDesignHeightsResult = svDesignWrapper.Design.GetDesignHeightsViaLocalCompute(SiteModel, svDesignWrapper.Offset, address, SiteModel.CellSize);

                    if (getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode != DesignProfilerRequestResult.OK || getDesignHeightsResult.designHeights == null)
                        if (getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode == DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)
                            Log.LogInformation("Call to RequestDesignElevationPatch failed due to no elevations in requested patch.");
                            Log.LogError($"Call to RequestDesignElevationPatch failed due to no TDesignProfilerRequestResult return code {getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode}.");
                        designHeights = getDesignHeightsResult.designHeights;
                        okToProceed   = true;
                    Log.LogError("Missing design reference. Call to request Summary Volumes Profile using design failed due to no reference design");
                okToProceed = true;

            if (okToProceed)
                for (int I = 0; I < cellCounter; I++)
                    int cellX = profileCellList[I].OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
                    int cellY = profileCellList[I].OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
                    if (heightsGrid1 != null)
                        profileCellList[I].LastCellPassElevation1 = heightsGrid1.Cells[cellX, cellY];
                    if (heightsGrid2 != null)
                        profileCellList[I].LastCellPassElevation2 = heightsGrid2.Cells[cellX, cellY];
                    profileCellList[I].DesignElev = designHeights?.Cells[cellX, cellY] ?? CellPassConsts.NullHeight;
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Orchestrates all the activities relating to saving the state of a created or modified sub grid, including
        /// cleaving, saving updated elements, creating new elements and arranging for the retirement of
        /// elements that have been replaced in the persistent store as a result of this activity.
        /// </summary>
        public bool SaveLeafSubGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid,
                                    IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGrids,
                                    IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGridSegments,
                                    List <ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey> invalidatedSpatialStreams)
            //Log.LogInformation($"Saving {subGrid.Moniker()} to persistent store");

                // Perform segment cleaving as the first activity in the action of saving a leaf sub grid
                // to disk. This reduces the number of segment cleaving actions that would otherwise
                // be performed in the context of the aggregated integrator.

                if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                    _log.LogDebug($"About to perform segment cleaving on {subGrid.Moniker()}");

                var cleaver = new SubGridSegmentCleaver();

                cleaver.PerformSegmentCleaving(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, subGrid);

                // Calculate the cell last pass information here, immediately before it is
                // committed to the persistent store. The reason for this is to remove this
                // compute intensive operation from the critical path in TAG file processing
                // (which is the only writer of this information in the Raptor system).
                // The computer is instructed to do a partial recompute, which will recompute
                // all segments from the first segment marked as dirty.
                subGrid.ComputeLatestPassInformation(false, storageProxyForSubGridSegments);

                if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                    _log.LogInformation($"SaveLeafSubGrid: {subGrid.Moniker()} ({subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments)");

                var modifiedOriginalSegments = new List <ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment>(100);
                var originAddress            = new SubGridCellAddress(subGrid.OriginX, subGrid.OriginY);

                // The following used to be an assert/exception. However, this is may readily
                // happen if there are no modified segments resulting from processing a
                // process TAG file where the Dirty flag for the sub grid is set but no cell
                // passes are added to segments in that sub grid. As this is not an integrity
                // issue the persistence of the modified sub grid is allowed, but noted in
                // the log for posterity.
                if (subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count == 0)
                        $"Note: Saving a sub grid, {subGrid.Moniker()}, (Segments = {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count}, Dirty = {subGrid.Dirty}) with no cached sub grid segments to the persistent store in SaveLeafSubGrid (possible reprocessing of TAG file with no cell pass changes). " +
                        $"SubGrid.Directory.PersistedClovenSegments.Count={cleaver.PersistedClovenSegments?.Count}, ModifiedOriginalFiles.Count={modifiedOriginalSegments.Count}, NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count={cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count}");

                var iterator = new SubGridSegmentIterator(subGrid, storageProxyForSubGridSegments)
                    IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards,
                    ReturnDirtyOnly    = true,

                //***Construct list of original segment files that have been modified***
                //*** These files may be updated in-situ with no sub grid/segment    ***
                //*** integrity issues wrt the segment directory in the sub grid     ***

                while (iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment != null)
                    if (iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore && iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.Dirty)

                //*** Construct list of spatial streams that will be deleted or replaced
                //*** in the FS file. These will be passed to the call that saves the
                //*** sub grid directory file as an instruction to place them into the
                //*** deferred deletion list

                lock (invalidatedSpatialStreams)
                    if (cleaver.PersistedClovenSegments != null)

                    invalidatedSpatialStreams.AddRange(modifiedOriginalSegments.Select(x => x.SegmentInfo.AffinityKey(ID)));

                if (cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count > 0)
                    //***    Write new segment files generated by cleaving               ***
                    //*** File system integrity failures here will have no effect on the ***
                    //*** sub grid/segment directory as they are not referenced by it.   ***
                    //*** At worst they become orphans they may be cleaned by in the FS  ***
                    //*** recovery phase                                                 ***

                    if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                        _log.LogInformation($"Sub grid has {cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count} new segments from cleaving");

                    foreach (var segment in cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving)
                        // Update the version of the segment as it is about to be written

                        segment.SaveToFile(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo), out var fsError);
                        segment.Dirty = false;

                        if (fsError == FileSystemErrorStatus.OK)
                            if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                                _log.LogInformation($"Saved new cloven grid segment file: {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}");
                            _log.LogWarning($"Failed to save cloven grid segment {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}: Error:{fsError}");

                if (modifiedOriginalSegments.Count > 0)
                    //***    Write modified segment files                                ***
                    //*** File system integrity failures here will have no effect on the ***
                    //*** sub grid/segment directory as the previous version of the      ***
                    //*** modified file being written will be recovered.                 ***

                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.LogTrace($"Sub grid has {modifiedOriginalSegments.Count} modified segments");

                    foreach (var segment in modifiedOriginalSegments)
                        // Update the version of the segment as it is about to be written
                        segment.Dirty = false;

                        if (segment.SaveToFile(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo), out var fsError))
                            segment.Dirty = false;
                            if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                                _log.LogTrace($"Saved modified grid segment file: {segment}");
                            _log.LogError($"Failed to save modified original grid segment {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}: Error:{fsError}");

                // Any remaining dirty segments in the sub grid will be due to previously empty sub grids with newly
                // created segments from ingest processing that have not required cleaving. These segments do not require any
                // special treatment are jsut saved to persistent store

                foreach (var segment in subGrid.Directory.SegmentDirectory.Select(x => x.Segment).Where(x => (x?.Dirty ?? false)))
                    if (segment.SaveToFile(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo), out var fsError))
                        segment.Dirty = false;
                        if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                            _log.LogTrace($"Saved new sub grid segment file: {segment}");
                        _log.LogError($"Failed to save new sub grid segment {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}: Error:{fsError}");

                //***                 Write the sub grid directory file              ***

                 * There is no need to add the sub grid directory stream to the segment retirement
                 * queue as this will be automatically replaced when the new version of the
                 * sub grid directory is written to persistent store.
                 * // Add the stream representing the sub grid directory file to the list of
                 * // invalidated streams as this stream will be replaced with the stream
                 * // containing the updated directory information. Note: This only needs to
                 * // be done if the sub grid has previously been read from the FS file (if not
                 * // it has been created and not yet persisted to the store.
                 * if (subGrid.Directory.ExistsInPersistentStore)
                 * {
                 * // Include an additional invalidated spatial stream for the sub grid directory stream
                 * lock (invalidatedSpatialStreams)
                 * {
                 *  invalidatedSpatialStreams.Add(subGrid.AffinityKey());
                 * }
                 * }

                if (subGrid.SaveDirectoryToFile(storageProxyForSubGrids, GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(originAddress)))
                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.LogTrace($"Saved grid directory file: {GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(originAddress)}");
                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.LogTrace($"Failed to save grid: {GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(originAddress)}");

                //***                   Reset segment dirty flags                    ***

                while (iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment != null)
                    iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.Dirty = false;
                    iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore = true;


                //Log.LogInformation($"Completed saving {subGrid.Moniker()} to persistent store");

            catch (Exception e)
                _log.LogError(e, "Exception raised in SaveLeafSubGrid");

예제 #29
        public bool LoadLeafSubGrid(IStorageProxy storageProxy,
                                    SubGridCellAddress cellAddress,
                                    bool loadAllPasses, bool loadLatestPasses,
                                    IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid)
            var fullFileName = string.Empty;
            var result       = false;

                // Loading contents into a dirty sub grid (which should happen only on the mutable nodes), or
                // when there is already content in the segment directory are strictly forbidden and break immutability
                // rules for sub grids
                if (subGrid.Dirty)
                    throw new TRexSubGridIOException("Leaf sub grid directory loads may not be performed while the sub grid is dirty. The information should be taken from the cache instead.");

                // Load the cells into it from its file
                // Briefly lock this sub grid just for the period required to read its contents
                lock (subGrid)
                    // If more than thread wants this sub grid then they may concurrently attempt to load it.
                    // Make a check to see if this has happened and another thread has already loaded this sub grid directory.
                    // If so, just return success. Previously the commented out assert was enforced causing exceptions
                    // Debug.Assert(SubGrid.Directory?.SegmentDirectory?.Count == 0, "Loading a leaf sub grid directory when there are already segments present within it.");

                    // Check this thread is the winner of the lock to be able to load the contents
                    if (subGrid.Directory?.SegmentDirectory?.Count == 0)
                        // Ensure the appropriate storage is allocated
                        if (loadAllPasses)

                        if (loadLatestPasses)

                        fullFileName = GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(cellAddress);

                        // Briefly lock this sub grid just for the period required to read its contents
                        result = subGrid.LoadDirectoryFromFile(storageProxy, fullFileName);
                        // A previous thread has already read the directory so there is nothing more to do, return a true result.
                if (result && RecordSubGridFileReadingToLog)
                    _log.LogDebug($"Sub grid file {fullFileName} read from persistent store containing {subGrid.Directory.SegmentDirectory.Count} segments (Moniker: {subGrid.Moniker()}");

예제 #30
        public FileSystemErrorStatus LoadLeafSubGridSegment(IStorageProxy storageProxy,
                                                            SubGridCellAddress cellAddress,
                                                            bool loadLatestData,
                                                            bool loadAllPasses,
                                                            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid,
                                                            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment)
            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress}:{Segment.SegmentInfo.StartTime}-{Segment.SegmentInfo.EndTime} beginning, loadLatestData = {loadLatestData}, loadAllPasses = {loadAllPasses}");

            var needToLoadLatestData = loadLatestData && !segment.HasLatestData;
            var needToLoadAllPasses  = loadAllPasses && !segment.HasAllPasses;

            if (!needToLoadLatestData && !needToLoadAllPasses)
                //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as neither latest nor all passes required");
                return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

            // Lock the segment briefly while its contents is being loaded
            lock (segment)
                if (!(needToLoadLatestData ^ segment.HasLatestData) && !(needToLoadAllPasses ^ segment.HasAllPasses))
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} leaving quietly as a previous thread has performed the load");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // The load operation was performed on another thread. Leave quietly

                // Ensure the appropriate storage is allocated
                if (needToLoadLatestData)

                if (needToLoadAllPasses)

                if (!segment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as segment does not exist in persistent store");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

                // Locate the segment file and load the data from it
                var fullFileName = GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(cellAddress, segment.SegmentInfo);

                // Load the cells into it from its file
                var fsError = subGrid.LoadSegmentFromStorage(storageProxy, fullFileName, segment, needToLoadLatestData, needToLoadAllPasses);

                if (fsError != FileSystemErrorStatus.OK)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} failed, performing allocation cleanup activities");

                    // Something bad happened. Remove the segment from the list. Return failure to the caller.
                    if (loadAllPasses)

                    if (loadLatestData)


            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} succeeded, AllPasses?={Segment.HasAllPasses}, Segment.PassesData?Null={Segment.PassesData==null} ");
