public void Save() { UserSetting _c = UserSetting.GetSettings("RPT"); _c["FID"] = _id.ToString(); _c["FNAME"] = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_name); _c["FTYPE"] = _reptype.ToString(); _c["STDT"] = _start.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); _c["ENDT"] = _end.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); _c["RANGE"] = ConvertRangeToString(_range); if (_yaxis == Grouping.Location) { _c["SLAYAX"] = Grouping.Location.ToString() + "," + LocationTypeID.ToString(); } else if (_yaxis == Grouping.Class) { _c["SLAYAX"] = Grouping.Class.ToString() + "," + ClassLevel.ToString(); } else { _c["SLAYAX"] = _yaxis.ToString(); } if (_subyaxis == Grouping.Location) { _c["SLASYAX"] = Grouping.Location.ToString() + "," + SubLocationTypeID.ToString(); } else if (_subyaxis == Grouping.Class) { _c["SLASYAX"] = Grouping.Class.ToString() + "," + SubClassLevel.ToString(); } else { _c["SLASYAX"] = _subyaxis.ToString(); } _c["SLAPRT"] = _priority.ToString(); _c["SLACLS"] = _class.ToString(); _c["SLACTG"] = _creationcategory.ToString(); _c["SLASTG"] = _submissioncat.ToString(); _c["SLARTG"] = _resolutioncat.ToString(); _c["SLALCT"] = _location.ToString(); _c["SLATCH"] = _technician.ToString(); _c["SLASBY"] = _submittedby.ToString(); _c["SLACBY"] = _closedby.ToString(); _c["SLAACC"] = _account.ToString(); _c["SLAACCL"] = _accountLocation.ToString(); _c["SLAACCPL"] = _accountParentLocation.ToString(); _c["TECHTYPE"] = technicianType.ToString(); _c["CALLCENTER"] = handledByCallCenter.ToString(); //tkt #3949: Level Filter added to Ticket Count Report _c["TICKETLEVEL"] = _ticket_level.ToString(); //tkt #3632: Add Support Groups to Ticket Count Report criteria _c["SUPPORTGROUP"] = _support_group.ToString(); _c["AGEDAY"] = _age.ToString(); _c["AGERANGE"] = _age_equal.ToString(); _c["ASSETFILTER"] = _asset_filter; _c["SLAGRAPHWIDTH"] = _sla_graph_width_id.ToString(); _c["SLAGRAPHVIEW"] = _sla_graph_view_id.ToString(); }
public string GetQueryString() { string _res = string.Empty; _res += "&ds=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_start.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")); _res += "&de=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_end.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")); _res += "&dr=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ConvertRangeToString(_range)); if (_yaxis == Grouping.Location) { _res += "&ya=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Grouping.Location.ToString() + "," + LocationTypeID.ToString()); } else if (_yaxis == Grouping.Class) { _res += "&ya=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Grouping.Class.ToString() + "," + ClassLevel.ToString()); } else { _res += "&ya=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_yaxis.ToString()); } if (_subyaxis == Grouping.Location) { _res += "&sya=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Grouping.Location.ToString() + "," + SubLocationTypeID.ToString()); } else if (_subyaxis == Grouping.Class) { _res += "&sya=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Grouping.Class.ToString() + "," + SubClassLevel.ToString()); } else { _res += "&sya=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_subyaxis.ToString()); } if (_priority != 0) { _res += "&prt=" + _priority.ToString(); } if (_class != 0) { _res += "&cls=" + _class.ToString(); } if (_creationcategory != 0) { _res += "&ctg=" + _creationcategory.ToString(); } if (_submissioncat != 0) { _res += "&stg=" + _submissioncat.ToString(); } if (_resolutioncat != 0) { _res += "&rtg=" + _resolutioncat.ToString(); } if (_location != 0) { _res += "&lct=" + _location.ToString(); } if (_technician != 0) { _res += "&tch=" + _technician.ToString(); } if (_submittedby != 0) { _res += "&sby=" + _submittedby.ToString(); } if (_closedby != 0) { _res += "&cby=" + _closedby.ToString(); } if (_account != 0) { _res += "&acc=" + _account.ToString(); } if (_accountLocation != 0) { _res += "&accl=" + _accountLocation.ToString(); } if (_accountParentLocation != 0) { _res += "&accpl=" + _accountParentLocation.ToString(); } _res += "&tcht=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(technicianType.ToString()); _res += "&hcc=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(handledByCallCenter.ToString()); if (_ticket_level != 0) { _res += "&lvl=" + _ticket_level.ToString(); } if (_support_group != 0) { _res += "&sg=" + _support_group.ToString(); } if (_age >= 0) { _res += "&age=" + _age.ToString(); } _res += "&ager=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_age_equal.ToString()); if (_asset_filter.Length > 0) { _res += "&ass=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_asset_filter); } if (_sla_graph_width_id != 0) { _res += "&slaw=" + _sla_graph_width_id.ToString(); } if (_sla_graph_view_id != 0) { _res += "&slag=" + _sla_graph_view_id.ToString(); } return(_res.TrimStart('&')); }