예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Overrides pen colors in one step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="styleSet"></param>
        /// <param name="resourceId"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        public static void OverridePenColor(this StyleSet styleSet, StyleSetResourceId resourceId, Color color)
            var settings = styleSet.GetOverriddenPenSettings(resourceId) ?? new PenSettings();

            settings.Color = color;
            styleSet.OverridePen(resourceId, settings);
예제 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Initialize paint settings. This is initialized after the base shape
            /// has been painted.
            /// </summary>
            public PaintHelper(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ExternalConstraintShape constraintShape)
                StyleSet           styleSet = constraintShape.StyleSet;
                StyleSetResourceId penId    = constraintShape.OutlinePenId;
                Pen        pen          = styleSet.GetPen(penId);
                Brush      brush        = styleSet.GetBrush(ExternalConstraintBrush);
                SolidBrush coloredBrush = brush as SolidBrush;

                // Keep the pen color in sync with the color being used for highlighting
                Color startColor = constraintShape.UpdateDynamicColor(constraintShape.OutlinePenId, pen);

                if (startColor.IsEmpty)
                    startColor = constraintShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
                    constraintShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
                myPenStartColor = startColor;
                Color newColor = pen.Color;

                if (coloredBrush != null)
                    myBrushStartColor  = coloredBrush.Color;
                    coloredBrush.Color = newColor;
                    myBrushStartColor = Color.Empty;
                myBrush = brush;
                myPen   = pen;
예제 #3
        // This method runs per model
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

                                                 Color.PaleGoldenrod, Color.PapayaWhip, Color.OldLace, this, Properties.Resources.SurfaceTitle);
예제 #4
        // This method runs per model
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

                Color.PaleGoldenrod, Color.PapayaWhip, Color.OldLace, this, Properties.Resources.SurfaceTitle);
예제 #5
        void ModifyStyle(ref XmlNode xNode, StyleSet CurrentStyle)
            Color  cColor;
            String strFont;
            int    intSize, intSharp, intMode;

            cColor = CurrentStyle.ForeColor;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(3).InnerText = ColorToString(cColor);
            cColor = CurrentStyle.BackColor;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(4).InnerText = ColorToString(cColor);
            cColor = CurrentStyle.FrameColor;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(5).InnerText = ColorToString(cColor);
            cColor = CurrentStyle.HLForeColor;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(6).InnerText = ColorToString(cColor);
            cColor = CurrentStyle.HLBackColor;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(7).InnerText = ColorToString(cColor);
            cColor = CurrentStyle.HLFrameColor;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(8).InnerText = ColorToString(cColor);
            intSharp = (int)CurrentStyle.Sharp;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(9).InnerText = intSharp.ToString();
            intMode = (int)CurrentStyle.SmoothMode;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(10).InnerText = intMode.ToString();
            strFont = CurrentStyle.charFont.Name;
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(11).InnerText = strFont;
            intSize = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentStyle.charFont.Size);
            xNode.ChildNodes.Item(12).InnerText = intSize.ToString();
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the font size
        /// </summary>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
            FontSettings textSettings = new FontSettings();

            classStyleSet.AddFont(FrequencyConstraintTextResource, DiagramFonts.CommentText, textSettings);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Override the connection line pen with a dashed pen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet"></param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
            IORMFontAndColorService colorService = (this.Store as IORMToolServices).FontAndColorService;
            Color       constraintColor          = colorService.GetForeColor(ORMDesignerColor.Constraint);
            Color       activeColor = colorService.GetBackColor(ORMDesignerColor.ActiveConstraint);
            PenSettings settings    = new PenSettings();

            settings.Color     = constraintColor;
            settings.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
            settings.Width     = 1.0F / 72.0F;         // 1 Point. 0 Means 1 pixel, but should only be used for non-printed items
            classStyleSet.AddPen(CustomConnectionLinePen, DiagramPens.ConnectionLine, settings);
            classStyleSet.OverridePen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLine, settings);
            settings.Color = activeColor;
            classStyleSet.AddPen(ORMDiagram.StickyBackgroundResource, DiagramPens.ConnectionLine, settings);

            settings       = new PenSettings();
            settings.Width = 1.0F / 72.0F;             // Soften the arrow a bit
            settings.Color = constraintColor;
            classStyleSet.OverridePen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLineDecorator, settings);
            settings.Color = activeColor;
            classStyleSet.AddPen(ORMDiagram.StickyForegroundResource, DiagramPens.ConnectionLineDecorator, settings);
            BrushSettings brushSettings = new BrushSettings();
            brushSettings.Color = constraintColor;
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ConnectionLineDecorator, brushSettings);
            brushSettings.Color = activeColor;
            classStyleSet.AddBrush(ORMDiagram.StickyForegroundResource, DiagramBrushes.ConnectionLineDecorator, brushSettings);
        /// <summary>
        /// Replacement for <see cref="ShapeField.GetBackgroundBrush"/> that recognizes
        /// <see cref="IDynamicColorGeometryHost"/>
        /// </summary>
        public override Pen GetPen(DiagramClientView view, ShapeElement parentShape, ref Color oldColor)
            StyleSet styleSet     = (parentShape != null) ? parentShape.StyleSet : null;
            Color    restoreColor = Color.Empty;
            Pen      pen          = null;

            if (styleSet != null)
                StyleSetResourceId penId = GetPenId(parentShape);
                pen = styleSet.GetPen(penId);
                IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = parentShape as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
                if (dynamicColors == null ||
                    (restoreColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(penId, pen)).IsEmpty)
                    if (view != null)
                        restoreColor = parentShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(view, pen);
                else if (view != null)
                    parentShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(view, pen);
            if (pen != null && !restoreColor.IsEmpty)
                restoreColor = pen.Color;
예제 #9
파일: Image.cs 프로젝트: TheBrainTech/xwt
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new image that is a copy of another image
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="image">Image.</param>
		public Image (Image image): base (image.Backend, image.ToolkitEngine)
			NativeRef = image.NativeRef;
			requestedSize = image.requestedSize;
			requestedAlpha = image.requestedAlpha;
			styles = image.styles;
			Init ();
예제 #10
 protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
     classStyleSet.AddBrush(m_backgroundBrushId, m_backgroundBrushId, new BrushSettings()
         Color = Color.PeachPuff
예제 #11
        // This method runs per model
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

                                                 Color.Cornsilk, Color.Wheat, Color.OldLace,
                                                 this, Properties.Resources.SurfaceTitle);
 protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
     // Set themable colors for all instances.
     // Subscribe to theme changed event to update themable colors for all instances if necessary.
     VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged += e => SetColorTheme(classStyleSet);
예제 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets up the Brush to be used to draw the object and adds it to the StyleSet
		/// </summary>
		protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
			IORMFontAndColorService colorService = (Store as IORMToolServices).FontAndColorService;
			BrushSettings brushSettings = new BrushSettings();
			brushSettings.Color = colorService.GetForeColor(ORMDesignerColor.RoleName);
			classStyleSet.AddBrush(RoleNameTextBrush, DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, brushSettings);
예제 #14
        // This method runs per model
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

                Color.Cornsilk, Color.Wheat, Color.OldLace, 
                this, Properties.Resources.SurfaceTitle);
 // This method runs per model
 protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
         Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Gainsboro, Color.GhostWhite,
         this, Properties.Resources.SurfaceTitle);
예제 #16
        // This method runs per model
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

                                                 Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Gainsboro, Color.GhostWhite,
                                                 this, Properties.Resources.SurfaceTitle);
        public static T MergeStyleSets <T>(params StyleSet <T>[] styleSets)
            where T : StyleSet <T>, new()
            var classNameSet = new T();
            var classMap     = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!styleSets.Any())
                return(new T());

            var          styleSet             = styleSets[0];
            StyleSet <T> concatenatedStyleSet = styleSet;

            if (styleSets.Any())
                concatenatedStyleSet = ConcatStyleSet(styleSets);

            var registrations = new List <Registration>();

            foreach (var styleSetArea in concatenatedStyleSet)
                var subCompKey = nameof(concatenatedStyleSet.SubComponentStyles);
                if (styleSetArea.Key.properertyName == subCompKey)
                    classNameSet.SubComponentStyles = concatenatedStyleSet.ContainsKey(styleSetArea.Key) ? concatenatedStyleSet.SubComponentStyles : new Dictionary <string, object>();

                var styles = (Style)styleSetArea.Value;
                (var classes, var objects) = ExtractStyleParts(styles).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                var displayName = styleSetArea.Key.key;

                var registration = StyleToRegistration(new Style {
                    DisplayName = displayName
                }, objects.ToArray()).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                if (registration != null)
                    classMap[styleSetArea.Key.key] = registration.ClassName;
                    var value = classes.Concat(new string[] { registration.ClassName }).Join(" ");
                    ((IStyleSet <T>)classNameSet).AddStyle(styleSetArea.Key.properertyName, value);

            foreach (var registration in registrations)
                if (registration != null)
                    ApplyRegistration(registration, classMap).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

예제 #18
 private void AdjustForFillColor()
     // If the shape is very dark, we make the title text white, and viceversa.
     StyleSet.OverrideBrushColor(DiagramBrushes.ShapeText, CachedFillColorAppearance(FillColor).TextColor);
     // We draw a thin outline of a sligtly different color to improve distinguishability when shape color looks like background (and because it looks good).
     StyleSet.OverridePenColor(OutlinePenId, CachedFillColorAppearance(FillColor).OutlineColor);
     // We shouldn't need to do this again unless the user changes the color for this shape.
     _isAdjustedForFillColor = true;
예제 #19
        private void ApplyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StyleSetProxy dbReader = new StyleSetProxy();

            CurrentStyle = ModifyStyle;
예제 #20
 void RefreshGraph(StyleSet PaintStyle)
     NodeImage.Image = DrawNode(PaintStyle, false);
     HLImage.Image = DrawNode(PaintStyle, true);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes style set resources for this shape type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet">The style set for this shape class</param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

            BrushSettings backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();

            backgroundBrush.Color = Color.White;
            classStyleSet.AddBrush(InnerAreaField.Background, DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, backgroundBrush);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes style set resources for this shape type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet">The style set for this shape class</param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

            BrushSettings brushSettings = new BrushSettings();

            brushSettings.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 234, 197);
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(headerBackgroundBrushId, brushSettings);
        public void GeneratesDefaultClassName()
            var set = new StyleSet {
                BackgroundColor = "blue"
            var result = _service.GetClassName(set);

        public void UseProvidedClassNameClassName()
            var set = new StyleSet {
                BackgroundColor = "blue"
            var result = _service.GetClassName(set, "customName");

예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a pen and a brush for drawing the constraint
        /// outlines and contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet">StyleSet</param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
            IORMFontAndColorService colorService  = (Store as IORMToolServices).FontAndColorService;
            BrushSettings           brushSettings = new BrushSettings();

            brushSettings.Color = colorService.GetForeColor(ORMDesignerColor.Constraint);
            classStyleSet.AddBrush(ValueRangeTextBrush, DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, brushSettings);
예제 #26
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

            // Fill brush settings for this shape.
            BrushSettings backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Gray));
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, backgroundBrush);
예제 #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Override the connection line pen with a dashed pen
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="classStyleSet"></param>
		protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
			PenSettings penSettings = new PenSettings();
			penSettings.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
			penSettings.Color = SystemColors.GrayText;
			penSettings.Width = 1.0F / 72.0F; // 1 Point. 0 Means 1 pixel, but should only be used for non-printed items
			classStyleSet.OverridePen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLine, penSettings);
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once on each shape or connector class.
        /// Sets up pens, brushes, fonts (the Style Set) and other constants for this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet"></param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
            // First the generated behavior.

            // This will cause OnAssociatedPropertyChanged to be called when the user changes the Sort value.
            AssociationLink.AssociateValueWith(Store, Association.SortDomainPropertyId);
            // Non bouclage            UpdateDecorators();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a font for formatting the mandatory column contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet">The <see cref="StyleSet"/> being initialized.</param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
            FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();

            fontSettings.Bold = true;
            classStyleSet.AddFont(MandatoryFont, DiagramFonts.ShapeText, fontSettings);
            this.ListField.AlternateFontId = MandatoryFont;
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust the outline pen width
        /// </summary>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
            PenSettings penSettings = new PenSettings();

            penSettings.Width = 1.0F / 72.0F;             // 1 Point. 0 Means 1 pixel, but should only be used for non-printed items
            penSettings.Color = SystemColors.GrayText;
            classStyleSet.OverridePen(DiagramPens.ShapeOutline, penSettings);
        public string Process(string className, StyleSet set)
            if (set is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(set));

            return(WrapInClassSelector(className, Process(set)));
예제 #32
        public static void SetBackgroundGradient(
            StyleSet classStyleSet,
            Color backgroundGradientColor,
            Color backgroundSelectedGradientColor,
            Color backgroundSelectedInactiveGradientColor,
            Diagram diagram,
            string surfaceTitle)
            #region Set background gradient style and shape attributes

            // Fill brush settings for background (Start gradient color).
            BrushSettings backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = backgroundGradientColor;
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, backgroundBrush);
            // Selected state
            backgroundBrush       = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = backgroundSelectedGradientColor;
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackgroundSelected, backgroundBrush);
            // SelectedInactive state
            backgroundBrush       = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = backgroundSelectedInactiveGradientColor;
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackgroundSelectedInactive, backgroundBrush);

            // We should find a "Background" field created when we set the
            // HasBackgroundGradient property to "true"
            AreaField background = diagram.FindShapeField("Background") as AreaField;
            if (background != null)
                background.DefaultReflectParentSelectedState = true;
                //background.AnchoringBehavior.SetBottomAnchor(AnchoringBehavior.Edge.Bottom, diagram.MaximumSize.Height / 2);


            #region Set Diagram font and text attributes

            // Custom font styles for diagram title
            FontSettings fontSettings;
            fontSettings       = new FontSettings();
            fontSettings.Style = FontStyle.Bold;
            fontSettings.Size  = 9 / 72.0F;
            classStyleSet.OverrideFont(DiagramFonts.ShapeTitle, fontSettings);

            // Create a text field for the Diagram Title
            TextField textField = new TextField("DiagramTitle");
            textField.DefaultText       = surfaceTitle;
            textField.DefaultVisibility = true;
            textField.DefaultAutoSize   = true;
            textField.DefaultFontId     = DiagramFonts.ShapeTitle;
            textField.AnchoringBehavior.SetLeftAnchor(AnchoringBehavior.Edge.Left, 0.33);
            textField.AnchoringBehavior.SetTopAnchor(AnchoringBehavior.Edge.Top, 0.07);


예제 #33
        public static void SetBackgroundGradient(
            StyleSet classStyleSet,
            Color backgroundGradientColor, 
            Color backgroundSelectedGradientColor, 
            Color backgroundSelectedInactiveGradientColor,
            Diagram diagram,
            string surfaceTitle)
            #region Set background gradient style and shape attributes

            // Fill brush settings for background (Start gradient color).
            BrushSettings backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = backgroundGradientColor;
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, backgroundBrush);
            // Selected state
            backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = backgroundSelectedGradientColor;            
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackgroundSelected, backgroundBrush);
            // SelectedInactive state
            backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = backgroundSelectedInactiveGradientColor;
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackgroundSelectedInactive, backgroundBrush);
            // We should find a "Background" field created when we set the 
            // HasBackgroundGradient property to "true"
            AreaField background = diagram.FindShapeField("Background") as AreaField;
            if (background != null)
                background.DefaultReflectParentSelectedState = true;
                //background.AnchoringBehavior.SetBottomAnchor(AnchoringBehavior.Edge.Bottom, diagram.MaximumSize.Height / 2);


            #region Set Diagram font and text attributes

            // Custom font styles for diagram title
            FontSettings fontSettings;
            fontSettings = new FontSettings();
            fontSettings.Style = FontStyle.Bold;
            fontSettings.Size = 9 / 72.0F;
            classStyleSet.OverrideFont(DiagramFonts.ShapeTitle, fontSettings);

            // Create a text field for the Diagram Title
            TextField textField = new TextField("DiagramTitle");
            textField.DefaultText = surfaceTitle;
            textField.DefaultVisibility = true;
            textField.DefaultAutoSize = true;
            textField.DefaultFontId = DiagramFonts.ShapeTitle;
            textField.AnchoringBehavior.SetLeftAnchor(AnchoringBehavior.Edge.Left, 0.33);
            textField.AnchoringBehavior.SetTopAnchor(AnchoringBehavior.Edge.Top, 0.07);


예제 #34
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
 internal Context(object backend, Toolkit toolkit, ContextBackendHandler handler, bool getGlobalStyles = true)
     : base(backend, toolkit, handler)
     this.handler = handler;
     if (getGlobalStyles) {
         styles = globalStyles;
         if (styles != StyleSet.Empty)
             handler.SetStyles (Backend, styles);
예제 #35
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

            // Fill brush settings for this shape.
            BrushSettings backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();

            backgroundBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Gray));
            classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, backgroundBrush);
예제 #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the operator pen to the style set.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
            PenSettings penSettings = new PenSettings();

            penSettings.Width    = 1 / 72f;
            penSettings.StartCap = LineCap.Square;
            penSettings.EndCap   = LineCap.Square;
            classStyleSet.AddPen(OperatorResource, DiagramPens.ShapeOutline, penSettings);
예제 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the resources for all fields of this type.
 /// </summary>
 public static void InitializeInstanceResources(StyleSet classStyleSet, float fontSize, Color fontColor)
     FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
     fontSettings.Style = FontStyle.Bold;
     fontSettings.Size = fontSize;
     classStyleSet.OverrideFont(DiagramFonts.ShapeTitle, fontSettings);
     BrushSettings brushSettings = new BrushSettings();
     brushSettings.Color = fontColor;
     classStyleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeText, brushSettings);
예제 #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes style set resources for this shape type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet">The style set for this shape class</param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

            AssociateValueWith(Store, Association.SourceDeleteActionDomainPropertyId);
            AssociateValueWith(Store, Association.TargetDeleteActionDomainPropertyId);
            AssociateValueWith(Store, Association.SourceMultiplicityDomainPropertyId);
            AssociateValueWith(Store, Association.TargetMultiplicityDomainPropertyId);
            AssociateValueWith(Store, Association.PersistentDomainPropertyId);
예제 #39
 public override void Cleanup()
     if (SelectedStyleEditor != null)
     SelectedStyleEditor = null;
     styles   = null;
     selected = null;
        public void IgnoresNotSetProperties()
            var set = new StyleSet
                Width  = 500,
                Height = 250,

            _processor.Process("block", set).Should().Be(".block{width: 500px;height: 250px;}");
            _processor.Process(set).Should().Be("width: 500px;height: 250px;");
예제 #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Change the outline pen to a thin black line for all instances
		/// of this shape.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="classStyleSet">The style set to modify</param>
		protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
			IORMFontAndColorService colorService = (Store as IORMToolServices).FontAndColorService;
			PenSettings settings = new PenSettings();
			settings.Color = colorService.GetForeColor(ORMDesignerColor.Constraint);
			settings.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
			settings.Width = 1.0F / 72.0F; // 1 Point. 0 Means 1 pixel, but should only be used for non-printed items
			classStyleSet.OverridePen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLine, settings);

			settings.Color = colorService.GetBackColor(ORMDesignerColor.ActiveConstraint);
			classStyleSet.AddPen(ORMDiagram.StickyBackgroundResource, DiagramPens.ConnectionLine, settings);
예제 #42
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize a pen and a brush for drawing the constraint
		/// outlines and contents.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="classStyleSet">StyleSet</param>
		protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
			PenSettings penSettings = new PenSettings();
			IORMFontAndColorService colorService = (Store as IORMToolServices).FontAndColorService;
			Color constraintColor = colorService.GetForeColor(ORMDesignerColor.Constraint);
			penSettings.Color = constraintColor;
			penSettings.Width = 1.35F / 72.0F; // 1.35 Point.
			classStyleSet.OverridePen(DiagramPens.ShapeOutline, penSettings);
			BrushSettings brushSettings = new BrushSettings();
			brushSettings.Color = constraintColor;
			classStyleSet.AddBrush(ExternalConstraintBrush, DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, brushSettings);
			penSettings.Color = colorService.GetBackColor(ORMDesignerColor.ActiveConstraint);
			classStyleSet.AddPen(ORMDiagram.StickyBackgroundResource, DiagramPens.ShapeOutline, penSettings);
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

            // Custom Font Settings.
            // Create a diagram shape text that has been bolded and underlined.
            var diagram = Diagram;
            Debug.Assert(diagram != null, "Unable to find instance of Diagram from CompartmentList instance.");
            if (diagram != null)
                var fontSettings = diagram.StyleSet.GetOverriddenFontSettings(DiagramFonts.ShapeText);
                Debug.Assert(fontSettings != null, "Why Diagram doesn't contains FontSettings for ShapeText?");
                if (fontSettings != null)
                    fontSettings.Bold = true;
                    fontSettings.Underline = true;
                        new StyleSetResourceId(string.Empty, "ShapeTextBoldUnderline"), DiagramFonts.ShapeText, fontSettings);
예제 #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes style set resources for this shape type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classStyleSet">The style set for this shape class</param>
        protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

            // Custom font styles
            FontSettings fontSettings;
            fontSettings = new FontSettings();
            fontSettings.Style = FontStyle.Bold;
            fontSettings.Size = 9 / 72.0F;
            classStyleSet.AddFont(new StyleSetResourceId(string.Empty, "ShapeTextBold9"), DiagramFonts.ShapeText, fontSettings);
예제 #45
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            base.OnCreate (bundle);

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);

            // enable Nutiteq SDK logging

            Log.EnableAll ();

            // get MapView

            MapView view = FindViewById<MapView> (Resource.Id.mapView);

            // define mandatory parameters

            // Components keeps internal state and parameters for MapView
            view.Components = new Components ();

            // define base projection, almost always EPSG3857, but others can be defined also
            EPSG3857 proj = new EPSG3857 ();

            // set online base layer with MapQuest Open Tiles
            view.Layers.BaseLayer = new TMSMapLayer(proj, 0, 18, 0, "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/", "/", ".png");

            //set offline base layer from MBTiles file
            //TODO: set path properly
            String MbTilePath = "/sdcard/europe-tilemill-mbtiles.sqlite";

            view.Layers.BaseLayer = new MBTilesMapLayer (proj, 0, 5, 1, MbTilePath, this);

            // start map
            view.StartMapping ();

            // add a marker

            // define marker style (image, size, color)
            Bitmap pointMarker = UnscaledBitmapLoader.DecodeResource(Resources, Resource.Drawable.olmarker);

            MarkerStyle.Builder markerStyleBuilder = new MarkerStyle.Builder ();
            markerStyleBuilder.SetBitmap (pointMarker);
            markerStyleBuilder.SetColor (NutiteqComponents.Color.White);
            markerStyleBuilder.SetSize (0.5f);
            MarkerStyle markerStyle = markerStyleBuilder.Build ();

            // define label what is shown when you click on marker
            Label markerLabel = new DefaultLabel ("San Francisco", "Here is a marker");

            // define location of the marker, it must be converted to base map coordinate system
            MapPos SanFrancisco = view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection.FromWgs84 (-122.416667f, 37.766667f);
            MapPos London = view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection.FromWgs84 (0.0f, 51.0f);

            // create layer and add object to the layer, finally add layer to the map.
            // All overlay layers must be same projection as base layer, so we reuse it
            MarkerLayer markerLayer = new MarkerLayer(view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection);

            markerLayer.Add(new Marker(SanFrancisco, markerLabel, markerStyle, markerLayer));

            // 3d building layer

            Polygon3DStyle.Builder nml3dStyleBuilder = new Polygon3DStyle.Builder ();
            Polygon3DStyle nml3dStyle = nml3dStyleBuilder.Build ();

            StyleSet nmlStyleSet = new StyleSet ();
            nmlStyleSet.SetZoomStyle (14, nml3dStyle);

            NMLModelOnlineLayer Online3dLayer = new NMLModelOnlineLayer (view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection, "http://aws-lb.nutiteq.ee/nml/nmlserver2.php?data=demo&", nmlStyleSet);

            // persistent caching settings for the layer
            Online3dLayer.SetMemoryLimit (20*1024*1024); // 20 MB
            Online3dLayer.SetPersistentCacheSize (50*1024*1024); // 50 MB
            Online3dLayer.SetPersistentCachePath ("/sdcard/nmlcache.db"); // mandatory to be set


            // OSM Polygon3D layer

            Polygon3DStyle.Builder poly3dStyleBuilder = new Polygon3DStyle.Builder ();
            poly3dStyleBuilder.SetColor (NutiteqComponents.Color.White);
            Polygon3DStyle poly3dStyle = poly3dStyleBuilder.Build ();

            StyleSet polyStyleSet = new StyleSet ();
            polyStyleSet.SetZoomStyle (16, poly3dStyle);

            Roof DefaultRoof = new FlatRoof ();

            Polygon3DOSMLayer Poly3DLayer = new Polygon3DOSMLayer (view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection, 0.3f, DefaultRoof, unchecked((int) 0xffffffff) /* white */, unchecked((int) 0xff888888) /* gray */, 1500, polyStyleSet);
            view.Layers.AddLayer (Poly3DLayer);

            // set map center and zoom
            view.FocusPoint = SanFrancisco;
            view.Zoom = 5.0f;

            // set listener for map events
            MapListener listener = new MyMapListener ();
            view.Options.MapListener = listener;
예제 #46
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
 public void ClearAllStyles()
     styles = StyleSet.Empty;
     handler.SetStyles (Backend, styles);
예제 #47
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
        public void ClearStyle(string style)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (style))
                throw new ArgumentException ("style can't be empty");

            styles = styles.Remove (style);
            handler.SetStyles (Backend, styles);
예제 #48
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
 public void Restore()
     handler.Restore (Backend);
     if (contextStack.Count > 0) {
         var info = contextStack.Pop ();
         globalAlpha = info.Alpha;
         if (styles != info.Styles) {
             styles = info.Styles;
             handler.SetStyles (Backend, styles);
예제 #49
 protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
     classStyleSet.AddBrush(m_backgroundBrushId, m_backgroundBrushId, new BrushSettings() { Color = Color.PeachPuff });
예제 #50
 public override void SetStyles(object backend, StyleSet styles)
     var c = (DrawingContext)backend;
     c.Styles = styles;
예제 #51
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
        public void SetStyle(string style)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (style))
                throw new ArgumentException ("style can't be empty");

            if (style[0] == '!')
                styles = styles.Remove (style.Substring (1));
                styles = styles.Add (style);
            handler.SetStyles (Backend, styles);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize a font for formatting the mandatory attribute contents.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="classStyleSet">The <see cref="StyleSet"/> being initialized.</param>
		protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)
예제 #53
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize a <see cref="StyleSet"/> for rendering deontic constraints.
		/// The style set is created in <see cref="DeonticClassStyleSet"/> and
		/// initialized here.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>If a derived class does not modify additional resources in the
		/// default style set, then this method is not required and any derived deontic
		/// style set can be based on the deontic style set for this base class. However,
		/// if new resources are introduced, then the derived class should base a
		/// deontic style set on the derived class style set and reinitialize the
		/// deontic settings in that style set.</remarks>
		protected virtual void InitializeDeonticClassStyleSet(StyleSet styleSet)
			IORMFontAndColorService colorService = (Store as IORMToolServices).FontAndColorService;
			Color constraintColor = colorService.GetForeColor(ORMDesignerColor.DeonticConstraint);
			PenSettings penSettings = new PenSettings();
			penSettings.Color = constraintColor;
			styleSet.OverridePen(DiagramPens.ShapeOutline, penSettings);
			BrushSettings brushSettings = new BrushSettings();
			brushSettings.Color = constraintColor;
			styleSet.OverrideBrush(ExternalConstraintBrush, brushSettings);
예제 #54
파일: VectorImage.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
 public override void SetStyles(object backend, StyleSet styles)
     var ctx = (VectorBackend)backend;
     ctx.Commands.Add (DrawingCommand.SetStyles);
     ctx.Objects.Add (styles);
예제 #55
 public abstract void SetStyles(object backend, StyleSet styles);
예제 #56
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
 public static void SetGlobalStyle(string style)
     // Make a copy of the collection since it may be referenced from context instances,
     // which don't expect the collection to change
     globalStyles = globalStyles.Add (style);
     NotifyGlobalStylesChanged ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the Resources for the background.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeBackgroundResources(StyleSet styleSet)
            ITailoredBackgroundStyles styles = this.GetBackgroundStyles();

            Color gradientStartColor = styles.TitleGradientFillColor;
            Color gradientEndColor = Color.Transparent;
            Color selectedColor = gradientStartColor;
            Color selectedInnactiveColor = gradientStartColor;

            // Title Text
            DiagramTitleField.InitializeInstanceResources(styleSet, TitleFontSize, styles.TitleTextColor);

            // Background color
            BrushSettings backgroundBrush = new BrushSettings();
            backgroundBrush.Color = styles.BackgroundFillColor;
            styleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground, backgroundBrush);

            // Start of title gradient
            BrushSettings titleGradientBrush = new BrushSettings();
            titleGradientBrush.Color = gradientStartColor;
            styleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackground, titleGradientBrush);

            // Selected state
            titleGradientBrush = new BrushSettings();
            titleGradientBrush.Color = selectedColor;
            styleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackgroundSelected, titleGradientBrush);

            // SelectedInactive state
            titleGradientBrush = new BrushSettings();
            titleGradientBrush.Color = selectedInnactiveColor;
            styleSet.OverrideBrush(DiagramBrushes.ShapeBackgroundSelectedInactive, titleGradientBrush);

            // Find the field for the background
            AreaField background = this.FindShapeField(DiagramBackgroundShapeName) as AreaField;
            if (background != null)
                background.DefaultReflectParentSelectedState = true;
                background.GradientEndingColor = gradientEndColor;

                // Constrain the height of the shape
                background.AnchoringBehavior.SetBottomAnchor(AnchoringBehavior.Edge.Bottom, (this.MaximumSize.Height - GradientHeight));
예제 #58
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
 public static void ClearGlobalStyle(string style)
     globalStyles = globalStyles.Remove (style);
     NotifyGlobalStylesChanged ();
예제 #59
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: akrisiun/xwt
 internal void SetStyles(StyleSet styles)
     this.styles = this.styles.AddRange (styles.Intersect (RegisteredStyles).ToArray ());
     this.styles = this.styles.RemoveAll (styles.Where (s => s.StartsWith ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)).Select (s => s.TrimStart ('-')).ToArray ());
     handler.SetStyles (Backend, this.styles);
예제 #60
		/// <summary>
		/// Add error brushes to the styleSet
		/// </summary>
		protected override void InitializeResources(StyleSet classStyleSet)

			IORMFontAndColorService colorService = (Store as IORMToolServices).FontAndColorService;
			BrushSettings brushSettings = new BrushSettings();
			//UNDONE: This color isn't permanent. probably want a better color for the errors.
			brushSettings.ForeColor = Color.LightPink;
			//brushSettings.ForeColor = colorService.GetForeColor(ORMDesignerColor.ConstraintError);
			brushSettings.HatchStyle = HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal;
			brushSettings.BrushType = typeof(HatchBrush);
			classStyleSet.AddBrush(ORMDiagram.ErrorBackgroundResource, DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground, brushSettings);
			brushSettings.ForeColor = ORMDiagram.ModifyLuminosity(brushSettings.ForeColor);
			brushSettings.BackColor = ORMDiagram.ModifyLuminosity(((SolidBrush)classStyleSet.GetBrush(DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground)).Color);
			classStyleSet.AddBrush(ORMDiagram.HighlightedErrorBackgroundResource, DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground, brushSettings);

			BrushSettings transBrush = new BrushSettings();
			transBrush.ForeColor = Color.Transparent;
			classStyleSet.AddBrush(ORMDiagram.TransparentBrushResource, DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground, transBrush);