/// <summary>
        /// Convert given context with Mapbox GL styling layer to a Mapsui Style list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context to use while evaluating style</param>
        /// <param name="styleLayer">Mapbox GL style layer</param>
        /// <param name="spriteAtlas">Dictionary with availible sprites</param>
        /// <returns>A list of Mapsui Styles</returns>
        public IList <IStyle> Convert(EvaluationContext context, StyleLayer styleLayer, Dictionary <string, Styles.Sprite> spriteAtlas, SymbolProvider symbolProvider)
            switch (styleLayer.Type)
            case "fill":
                return(ConvertFillLayer(context, styleLayer, spriteAtlas));

            case "line":
                return(ConvertLineLayer(context, styleLayer, spriteAtlas));

            case "symbol":
                return(ConvertSymbolLayer(context, styleLayer, spriteAtlas, symbolProvider));

            case "circle":
                return(new List <IStyle>());

            case "raster":
                // Shouldn't get here, because raster are directly handled by ConvertRasterLayer

            case "background":
                return(new List <IStyle>());

            return(new List <IStyle>());
예제 #2
        public MapboxGLThemeStyle(StyleLayerConverter converter, StyleLayer styleLayer, Dictionary <string, Styles.Sprite> sprites, Viewport viewport, SymbolProvider symbolProvider)
            _converter      = converter;
            _styleLayer     = styleLayer;
            _sprites        = sprites;
            _viewport       = viewport;
            _symbolProvider = symbolProvider;

            // Do this only once
            if (_viewport != null)
                _viewport.ViewportChanged += (s, e) => { Zoom = FromResolution(_viewport.Resolution); ZoomLevel = (int)Math.Floor(Zoom); }
        public IStyle ConvertRasterLayer(float contextZoom, StyleLayer styleLayer)
            // visibility
            //   Optional enum. One of visible, none. Defaults to visible.
            //   The display of this layer. none hides this layer.
            if (styleLayer.Layout?.Visibility != null && styleLayer.Layout.Visibility.Equals("none"))

            var paint = styleLayer.Paint;

            var styleRaster = new RasterStyle();

            // raster-opacity
            //   Optional number. Defaults to 1.
            //   The opacity at which the image will be drawn.
            if (paint?.RasterOpacity != null)
                styleRaster.Opacity = paint.RasterOpacity.Evaluate(contextZoom);

            // raster-hue-rotate
            //   Optional number. Units in degrees. Defaults to 0.
            //   Rotates hues around the color wheel.

            // raster-brightness-min
            //   Optional number.Defaults to 0.
            //   Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the minimum brightness.

            // raster-brightness-max
            //   Optional number. Defaults to 1.
            //   Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the maximum brightness.

            // raster-saturation
            //   Optional number.Defaults to 0.
            //   Increase or reduce the saturation of the image.

            // raster-contrast
            //   Optional number. Defaults to 0.
            //   Increase or reduce the contrast of the image.

            // raster-fade-duration
            //   Optional number.Units in milliseconds.Defaults to 300.
            //   Fade duration when a new tile is added.

예제 #4
        private MGLVectorStyleLayer GetStyleLayer(StyleLayer styleLayer, NSString id)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(styleLayer.SourceId))
            var sourceId = styleLayer.SourceId.ToCustomId();

            var source = MapView.Style.SourceWithIdentifier(sourceId);

            if (source == null)
            if (styleLayer is CircleLayer circleLayer)
                var newLayer = new MGLCircleStyleLayer(id, source)
                    CircleColor   = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(circleLayer.CircleColor.ToUIColor()),
                    CircleOpacity = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(NSNumber.FromDouble(circleLayer.CircleOpacity)),
                    CircleRadius  = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(NSNumber.FromDouble(circleLayer.CircleRadius))
                if (circleLayer.StrokeColor is Color strokeColor)
                    newLayer.CircleStrokeColor   = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(strokeColor.ToUIColor());
                    newLayer.CircleStrokeOpacity = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(NSNumber.FromDouble(circleLayer.StrokeOpacity));
                    newLayer.CircleStrokeWidth   = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(NSNumber.FromDouble(circleLayer.StrokeWidth));

            if (styleLayer is LineLayer lineLayer)
                var newLayer = new MGLLineStyleLayer(id, source)
                    LineWidth = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(NSNumber.FromDouble(lineLayer.LineWidth)),
                    LineColor = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(lineLayer.LineColor.ToUIColor())
                if (lineLayer.Dashes != null && lineLayer.Dashes.Length != 0)
                    var arr = new NSMutableArray <NSNumber>();
                    foreach (double dash in lineLayer.Dashes)
                    newLayer.LineDashPattern = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(arr);
                //TODO lineCap

            if (styleLayer is FillLayer fl)
                var newLayer = new MGLFillStyleLayer(id, source)
                    FillColor   = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(fl.FillColor.ToUIColor()),
                    FillOpacity = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(NSNumber.FromDouble(fl.FillOpacity))

            if (styleLayer is SymbolLayer sl)
                var newLayer = new MGLSymbolStyleLayer(id, source)
                    IconImageName = MGLConstantStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue((NSString)sl.IconImageName),
                    IconOpacity   = MGLStyleValue.ValueWithRawValue(NSNumber.FromDouble(sl.IconOpacity))

 StyleLayer CreateStyleLayer(StyleLayer vectorLayer, string layerId = null)
        public IList <IStyle> ConvertFillLayer(EvaluationContext context, StyleLayer styleLayer, Dictionary <string, Styles.Sprite> spriteAtlas)
            // Height of building isn't used (that's what Point contains in tags here)
            if (context.Feature.GeometryType == GeometryType.Point)

            List <IStyle> result = new List <IStyle>();

            // visibility
            //   Optional enum. One of visible, none. Defaults to visible.
            //   The display of this layer. none hides this layer.
            if (styleLayer.Layout?.Visibility != null && styleLayer.Layout.Visibility.Equals("none"))

            var paint = styleLayer.Paint;

            var styleVector = new VectorStyle();

            var line = new Pen
                Width        = 1,
                PenStrokeCap = PenStrokeCap.Butt,

            // fill-color
            //   Optional color. Defaults to #000000. Disabled by fill-pattern. Exponential.
            //   The color of the filled part of this layer.This color can be specified as
            //   rgba with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the
            //   opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used.
            if (paint?.FillColor != null)
                styleVector.Fill = new Styles.Brush(paint.FillColor.Evaluate(context.Zoom))
                    FillStyle = FillStyle.Solid

                if (paint?.FillOutlineColor == null)
                    line.Color = styleVector.Fill.Color;

            // fill-outline-color
            //   Optional color. Disabled by fill-pattern. Requires fill-antialias = true. Exponential.
            //   The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of fill-color if unspecified.
            if (paint?.FillOutlineColor != null) // && paint.FillOutlineColor is string)
                line.Color = paint.FillOutlineColor.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

            // fill-opacity
            //   Optional number. Defaults to 1. Exponential.
            //   The opacity of the entire fill layer. In contrast to the fill-color, this
            //   value will also affect the 1px stroke around the fill, if the stroke is used.
            if (paint?.FillOpacity != null)
                var opacity = paint.FillOpacity;
                styleVector.Fill.Color = Color.Opacity(styleVector.Fill.Color, opacity);
                line.Color             = Color.Opacity(line.Color, opacity);

            // fill-antialias
            //   Optional boolean. Defaults to true. Interval.
            //   Whether or not the fill should be antialiased.

            // fill-translate
            //   Optional array. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0,0. Exponential.
            //   The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up,
            //   respectively.

            // fill-translate-anchor
            //   Optional enum. One of map, viewport. Defaults to map. Requires fill-translate. Interval.
            //   Control whether the translation is relative to the map (north) or viewport (screen)

            // fill-pattern
            //   Optional string. Interval.
            //   Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image fills. For seamless patterns,
            //   image width and height must be a factor of two(2, 4, 8, …, 512).
            if (paint?.FillPattern != null)
                var name = ReplaceFields(paint.FillPattern.Evaluate(context.Zoom), context.Feature.Tags);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && spriteAtlas.ContainsKey(name) && spriteAtlas[name].Atlas >= 0)
                    styleVector.Fill.BitmapId = spriteAtlas[name].Atlas;
                    // No sprite found
                    styleVector.Fill.BitmapId = -1;
                    // Log information
                    Logging.Logger.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Information, $"Fill pattern {name} not found");

            if (context.Feature.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon)
                styleVector.Outline = line;
            else if (context.Feature.GeometryType == GeometryType.LineString)
                styleVector.Line = line;

            styleVector.Enabled = true;


        public IList <IStyle> ConvertSymbolLayer(EvaluationContext context, StyleLayer styleLayer, Dictionary <string, Styles.Sprite> spriteAtlas, SymbolProvider symbolProvider)
            string        styleLabelText = string.Empty;
            List <IStyle> result         = new List <IStyle>();

            if (context.Feature.GeometryType == GeometryType.LineString)
                styleLabelText = "";

            //return result;

            // visibility
            //   Optional enum. One of visible, none. Defaults to visible.
            //   The display of this layer. none hides this layer.
            if (styleLayer.Layout?.Visibility != null && styleLayer.Layout.Visibility.Equals("none"))

            var paint  = styleLayer.Paint;
            var layout = styleLayer.Layout;

            var styleLabel = new LabelStyle
                Enabled = false,
                Halo    = new Pen {
                    Color = Color.Transparent, Width = 0
                CollisionDetection = true,
                BackColor          = null,

            styleLabel.Font.Size = 16;

            var styleSymbol = new SymbolStyle
                Enabled = false,

            // symbol-placement
            //   Optional enum. One of point, line. Defaults to point. Interval.
            //   Label placement relative to its geometry. line can only be used on
            //   LineStrings and Polygons.
            if (layout?.SymbolPlacement != null)
                switch (layout.SymbolPlacement.Evaluate(context.Zoom))
                case "point":

                case "line":
                    // symbol-spacing
                    //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 250. Requires symbol-placement = line. Exponential.
                    //   Distance between two symbol anchors.
                    if (layout?.SymbolSpacing != null)
                        styleLabel.Spacing = layout.SymbolSpacing.Evaluate(context.Zoom);
            // symbol-avoid-edges
            //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Interval.
            //   If true, the symbols will not cross tile edges to avoid mutual collisions.
            //   Recommended in layers that don't have enough padding in the vector tile to prevent
            //   collisions, or if it is a point symbol layer placed after a line symbol layer.

            // text-field
            //   Optional string. Interval.
            //   Value to use for a text label. Feature properties are specified using tokens like {field_name}.
            if (layout?.TextField != null)
                styleLabelText = ReplaceFields(layout.TextField.Trim(), context.Feature.Tags);

                // text-transform
                //   Optional enum. One of none, uppercase, lowercase. Defaults to none. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   Specifies how to capitalize text, similar to the CSS text-transform property.
                if (layout?.TextTransform != null)
                    switch (layout.TextTransform)
                    case "uppercase":
                        styleLabelText = styleLabelText.ToUpper();

                    case "lowercase":
                        styleLabelText = styleLabelText.ToLower();

                styleLabel.Text = styleLabelText;

                // text-color
                //   Optional color. Defaults to #000000. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   The color with which the text will be drawn.
                if (paint?.TextColor != null)
                    styleLabel.ForeColor = paint.TextColor.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

                // text-opacity
                //   Optional number. Defaults to 1. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   The opacity at which the text will be drawn.
                if (paint?.TextOpacity != null)

                // text-halo-color
                //   Optional color. Defaults to rgba(0, 0, 0, 0). Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   The color of the text's halo, which helps it stand out from backgrounds.
                if (paint?.TextHaloColor != null)
                    styleLabel.Halo.Color = paint.TextHaloColor.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

                //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Distance of halo to the font outline. Max text halo width is 1/4 of the font-size.
                if (paint?.TextHaloWidth != null)
                    styleLabel.Halo.Width = paint.TextHaloWidth.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

                // text-font
                //   Optional array. Defaults to Open Sans Regular, Arial Unicode MS Regular. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   Font stack to use for displaying text.
                if (layout?.TextFont != null)
                    var fontName = string.Empty;

                    foreach (var font in layout.TextFont)
                        // TODO: Check for fonts
                        //if (font.exists)
                            fontName = (string)font;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontName))
                        styleLabel.Font.FontFamily = fontName;

                // text-size
                //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 16. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Font size.
                if (layout?.TextSize != null)
                    styleLabel.Font.Size = layout.TextSize.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

                // text-rotation-alignment
                //   Optional enum. One of map, viewport. Defaults to viewport. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   Orientation of text when map is rotated.

                // text-translate
                //   Optional array. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0, 0. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Distance that the text's anchor is moved from its original placement.Positive values
                //   indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up.
                if (paint?.TextTranslate != null)
                    var offset = new Offset
                        X = paint.TextTranslate.Count > 0 ? -paint.TextTranslate[0] : 0,
                        Y = paint.TextTranslate.Count > 1 ? -paint.TextTranslate[1] : 0

                    styleLabel.Offset = offset;

                    // text-translate-anchor
                    //   Optional enum. One of map, viewport. Defaults to map. Requires text-field. Requires text-translate. Interval.
                    //   Control whether the translation is relative to the map(north) or viewport(screen).

                    // TODO: Don't know, how to do this in the moment

                // text-max-width
                //   Optional number. Units in em. Defaults to 10. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   The maximum line width for text wrapping.
                if (layout?.TextMaxWidth != null)
                    styleLabel.MaxWidth = layout.TextMaxWidth.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

                // text-line-height
                //   Optional number. Units in em. Defaults to 1.2. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Text leading value for multi-line text.

                // text-letter-spacing
                //   Optional number. Units in em. Defaults to 0. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Text tracking amount.

                // text-justify
                //   Optional enum. One of left, center, right. Defaults to center. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   Text justification options.
                if (layout?.TextJustify != null)
                    switch (layout.TextJustify)
                    case "left":
                        styleLabel.Justify = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left;

                    case "right":
                        styleLabel.Justify = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Right;

                        styleLabel.Justify = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;

                // text-anchor
                //   Optional enum. One of center, left, right, top, bottom, top-left, top-right, bottom-left,
                //   bottom-right. Defaults to center. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   Part of the text placed closest to the anchor.
                if (layout?.TextAnchor != null)
                    switch (layout.TextAnchor)
                    case "left":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left;

                    case "right":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Right;

                    case "top":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Top;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;

                    case "bottom":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;

                    case "top-left":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Top;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left;

                    case "top-right":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Top;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Right;

                    case "bottom-left":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left;

                    case "bottom-right":
                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Right;

                        styleLabel.VerticalAlignment   = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center;
                        styleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;

                // text-max-angle
                //   Optional number. Units in degrees. Defaults to 45. Requires text-field.
                //   Requires symbol-placement = line. Exponential.
                //   Maximum angle change between adjacent characters.

                // text-rotate
                //   Optional number. Units in degrees. Defaults to 0. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Rotates the text clockwise.

                // text-padding
                //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 2. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Size of the additional area around the text bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions.

                // text-keep-upright
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to true. Requires text-field. Requires text-rotation-alignment = map.
                //   Requires symbol-placement = line. Interval.
                //   If true, the text may be flipped vertically to prevent it from being rendered upside-down.

                // text-offset
                //   Optional array. Units in ems. Defaults to 0,0. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   Offset distance of text from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down,
                //   while negative values indicate left and up.
                if (layout?.TextOffset != null)
                    var x = layout.TextOffset[0] * styleLabel.Font.Size;
                    var y = layout.TextOffset[1] * styleLabel.Font.Size;
                    styleLabel.Offset = new Offset(x, y, false);

                // text-allow-overlap
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   If true, the text will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols.
                if (layout?.TextAllowOverlap != null)
                    // TODO

                // text-ignore-placement
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the text.
                if (layout?.TextIgnorePlacement != null)
                    // TODO

                // text-optional
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Requires text-field. Requires icon-image. Interval.
                //   If true, icons will display without their corresponding text when the text collides with other symbols and the icon does not.
                if (layout?.TextOptional != null)
                    // TODO

                // text-halo-blur
                //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0. Requires text-field. Exponential.
                //   The halo's fadeout distance towards the outside.

            // icon-image
            //   Optional string.
            //   A string with { tokens } replaced, referencing the data property to pull from. Interval.
            if (layout?.IconImage != null)
                var name = ReplaceFields(layout.IconImage.Evaluate(context.Zoom), context.Feature.Tags);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && spriteAtlas.ContainsKey(name) && spriteAtlas[name].Atlas >= 0)
                    styleSymbol.BitmapId = spriteAtlas[name].Atlas;
                    // No sprite found
                    styleSymbol.BitmapId = -1;
                    // Log information
                    Logging.Logger.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Information, $"Sprite {name} not found");

                // icon-allow-overlap
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Requires icon-image. Interval.
                //   If true, the icon will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols.
                if (layout?.IconAllowOverlap != null)
                    // TODO

                // icon-ignore-placement
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Requires icon-image. Interval.
                //   If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the icon.
                if (layout?.IconIgnorePlacement != null)
                    // TODO

                // icon-optional
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Requires icon-image. Requires text-field. Interval.
                //   If true, text will display without their corresponding icons when the icon collides
                //   with other symbols and the text does not.
                if (layout?.IconOptional != null)
                    // TODO

                // icon-rotation-alignment
                //   Optional enum. One of map, viewport. Defaults to viewport. Requires icon-image. Interval.
                //   Orientation of icon when map is rotated.

                // icon-size
                //   Optional number. Defaults to 1. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   Scale factor for icon. 1 is original size, 3 triples the size.
                if (layout?.IconSize != null)
                    styleSymbol.SymbolScale = layout.IconSize.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

                // icon-rotate
                //   Optional number. Units in degrees. Defaults to 0. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   Rotates the icon clockwise.

                // icon-padding
                //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 2. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   Size of the additional area around the icon bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions.

                // icon-keep-upright
                //   Optional boolean. Defaults to false. Requires icon-image. Requires icon-rotation-alignment = map. Interval.
                //   Requires symbol-placement = line.
                //   If true, the icon may be flipped to prevent it from being rendered upside-down.

                // icon-offset
                //   Optional array. Defaults to 0,0. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   Offset distance of icon from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down,
                //   while negative values indicate left and up.
                if (layout?.IconOffset != null)
                    var x = layout.IconOffset[0];
                    var y = layout.IconOffset[1];
                    styleSymbol.SymbolOffset = new Offset(x, y, false);

                // icon-opacity
                //   Optional number. Defaults to 1. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   The opacity at which the icon will be drawn.
                if (layout?.IconOpacity != null)
                    styleSymbol.Opacity = layout.IconOpacity.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

                // icon-color
                //   Optional color. Defaults to #000000. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   The color of the icon. This can only be used with sdf icons.

                // icon-halo-color
                //   Optional color. Defaults to rgba(0, 0, 0, 0). Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   The color of the icon's halo. Icon halos can only be used with sdf icons.

                // icon-halo-width
                //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   Distance of halo to the icon outline.

                // icon-halo-blur
                //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   Fade out the halo towards the outside.

                // icon-translate
                //   Optional array. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0, 0. Requires icon-image. Exponential.
                //   Distance that the icon's anchor is moved from its original placement.
                //   Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up.

                // icon-translate-anchor
                //   Optional enum. One of map, viewport. Defaults to map. Requires icon-image. Requires icon-translate. Interval.
                //   Control whether the translation is relative to the map(north) or viewport(screen).

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(styleLabelText))
                styleLabel.Enabled = true;


            if (styleSymbol.BitmapId >= 0)
                styleSymbol.Enabled = true;


            if (symbolProvider != null)
                symbolProvider.Symbols.Add(new Symbol
                    Feature = context.Feature,

                // If there is an SymbolLayer, than it handles drawing of symbols
                result = null;

        public IList <IStyle> ConvertLineLayer(EvaluationContext context, StyleLayer styleLayer, Dictionary <string, Styles.Sprite> spriteAtlas)
            List <IStyle> result = new List <IStyle>();

            // visibility
            //   Optional enum. One of visible, none. Defaults to visible.
            //   The display of this layer. none hides this layer.
            if (styleLayer.Layout?.Visibility != null && styleLayer.Layout.Visibility.Equals("none"))

            var paint  = styleLayer.Paint;
            var layout = styleLayer.Layout;

            var styleVector = new VectorStyle();

            var line = new Pen
                Width        = 1,
                PenStrokeCap = PenStrokeCap.Butt,

            // line-cap
            //   Optional enum. One of butt, round, square. Defaults to butt. Interval.
            //   The display of line endings.
            if (layout?.LineCap != null)
                switch (layout.LineCap)
                case "butt":
                    line.PenStrokeCap = PenStrokeCap.Butt;

                case "round":
                    line.PenStrokeCap = PenStrokeCap.Round;

                case "square":
                    line.PenStrokeCap = PenStrokeCap.Square;

                    line.PenStrokeCap = PenStrokeCap.Butt;

            // line-join
            //   Optional enum. One of bevel, round, miter. Defaults to miter. Interval.
            //   The display of lines when joining.
            if (layout?.LineJoin != null)
                switch (layout.LineJoin)
                case "bevel":
                    line.StrokeJoin = StrokeJoin.Bevel;

                case "round":
                    line.StrokeJoin = StrokeJoin.Round;

                case "mitter":
                    line.StrokeJoin = StrokeJoin.Miter;

                    line.StrokeJoin = StrokeJoin.Miter;

            // line-color
            //   Optional color. Defaults to #000000. Disabled by line-pattern. Exponential.
            //   The color with which the line will be drawn.
            if (paint?.LineColor != null)
                line.Color = paint.LineColor.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

            // line-width
            //   Optional number.Units in pixels.Defaults to 1. Exponential.
            //   Stroke thickness.
            if (paint?.LineWidth != null)
                line.Width = paint.LineWidth.Evaluate(context.Zoom);

            // line-opacity
            //   Optional number. Defaults to 1. Exponential.
            //   The opacity at which the line will be drawn.
            if (paint?.LineOpacity != null)
                line.Color = new Color(line.Color.R, line.Color.G, line.Color.B, (int)Math.Round(paint.LineOpacity.Evaluate(context.Zoom) * 255.0));

            // line-dasharray
            //   Optional array. Units in line widths.Disabled by line-pattern. Interval.
            //   Specifies the lengths of the alternating dashes and gaps that form the dash pattern.
            //   The lengths are later scaled by the line width.To convert a dash length to pixels,
            //   multiply the length by the current line width.
            if (paint?.LineDasharray != null)
                if (paint.LineDasharray is JArray jsonDashArray)
                    var dashArray = new float[jsonDashArray.Count];

                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonDashArray.Count; i++)
                        dashArray[i] = jsonDashArray[i].Value <float>();

                    line.PenStyle  = PenStyle.UserDefined;
                    line.DashArray = dashArray;

            // line-miter-limit
            //   Optional number. Defaults to 2. Requires line-join = miter. Exponential.
            //   Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles.

            // line-round-limit
            //   Optional number. Defaults to 1.05. Requires line-join = round. Exponential.
            //   Used to automatically convert round joins to miter joins for shallow angles.

            // line-translate
            //   Optional array. Units in pixels.Defaults to 0,0. Exponential.
            //   The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up,
            //   respectively.

            // line-translate-anchor
            //   Optional enum. One of map, viewport.Defaults to map. Requires line-translate. Interval.
            //   Control whether the translation is relative to the map (north) or viewport (screen)

            // line-gap-width
            //   Optional number.Units in pixels.Defaults to 0. Exponential.
            //   Draws a line casing outside of a line's actual path.Value indicates the width of
            //   the inner gap.

            // line-offset
            //   Optional number. Units in pixels. Defaults to 0. Exponential.
            //   The line's offset perpendicular to its direction. Values may be positive or negative,
            //   where positive indicates "rightwards" (if you were moving in the direction of the line)
            //   and negative indicates "leftwards".

            // line-blur
            //   Optional number. Units in pixels.Defaults to 0. Exponential.
            //   Blur applied to the line, in pixels.

            // line-pattern
            //   Optional string. Interval.
            //   Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image lines. For seamless patterns, image
            //   width must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, …, 512).

            if (context.Feature.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon)
                styleVector.Outline = line;
            else if (context.Feature.GeometryType == GeometryType.LineString)
                styleVector.Line = line;

            styleVector.Enabled = true;

