internal void FreeAll() { mZoneMats.FreeAll(); mZoneDraw.FreeAll(); mSKeeper.FreeAll(); }
internal void FreeAll() { if (mStaticMats != null) { mStaticMats.FreeAll(); } mKeeper.Clear(); if (mCharMats != null) { mCharMats.FreeAll(); } mSKeeper.FreeAll(); }
internal void FreeAll() { if (mMap != null) { mMap.FreeGBSPFile(); } if (mVisMap != null) { mVisMap.FreeFileVisData(); } if (mZoneDraw != null) { mZoneDraw.FreeAll(); } mMatLib.FreeAll(); mDebugDraw.FreeAll(); mSKeeper.eCompileNeeded -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; mSKeeper.eCompileDone -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; mSKeeper.FreeAll(); }
internal void FreeAll() { FreeLevelData(); mShadowHelper.FreeAll(); mPost.FreeAll(mGD); mFontMats.FreeAll(); mZoneMats.FreeAll(); mKeeper.Clear(); if (mStaticMats != null) { mStaticMats.FreeAll(); } if (mPMats != null) { mPMats.FreeAll(); } if (mPChar != null) { mPChar.FreeAll(); } mPartMats.FreeAll(); if (mPAnims != null) { mPArch.FreeAll(); } if (mDynLights != null) { mDynLights.FreeAll(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IArch> stat in mStatics) { stat.Value.FreeAll(); } mStatics.Clear(); mAudio.FreeAll(); mSKeeper.FreeAll(); }
static void Main() { GraphicsDevice gd = new GraphicsDevice("Test Terrain", FeatureLevel.Level_11_0, 0.1f, 3000f); //save renderform position gd.RendForm.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Location", Properties.Settings.Default, "MainWindowPos", true, System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); int borderWidth = gd.RendForm.Size.Width - gd.RendForm.ClientSize.Width; int borderHeight = gd.RendForm.Size.Height - gd.RendForm.ClientSize.Height; gd.RendForm.Location = Properties.Settings.Default.MainWindowPos; gd.RendForm.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 1280 + borderWidth, 720 + borderHeight); gd.CheckResize(); StuffKeeper sk = new StuffKeeper(); //set title of progress window SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.mTitle = "Compiling Shaders..."; //used to have a hard coded path here for #debug //but now can just use launch.json to provide it string rootDir = "."; sk.eCompileNeeded += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.Init(gd, rootDir); TerrainLoop terLoop = new TerrainLoop(gd, sk, rootDir); PlayerSteering pSteering = SetUpSteering(); Input inp = SetUpInput(); Random rand = new Random(); UpdateTimer time = new UpdateTimer(true, false); time.SetFixedTimeStepSeconds(1f / 60f); //60fps update rate time.SetMaxDeltaSeconds(MaxTimeDelta); Vector3 pos = Vector3.One * 5f; Vector3 lightDir = -Vector3.UnitY; bool bMouseLookOn = false; EventHandler actHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { inp.ClearInputs(); }); EventHandler <EventArgs> deActHandler = new EventHandler <EventArgs>( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { gd.SetCapture(false); bMouseLookOn = false; }); gd.RendForm.Activated += actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated += deActHandler; List <Input.InputAction> acts = new List <Input.InputAction>(); RenderLoop.Run(gd.RendForm, () => { if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { Thread.Sleep(33); } gd.CheckResize(); if (bMouseLookOn && gd.RendForm.Focused) { gd.ResetCursorPos(); } //Clear views gd.ClearViews(); time.Stamp(); while (time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds() > 0f) { acts = UpdateInput(inp, gd, time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds(), ref bMouseLookOn); if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { acts.Clear(); bMouseLookOn = false; gd.SetCapture(false); } terLoop.Update(time, acts, pSteering); time.UpdateDone(); } terLoop.RenderUpdate(time.GetRenderUpdateDeltaMilliSeconds()); terLoop.Render(); gd.Present(); acts.Clear(); }); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); sk.eCompileNeeded -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; gd.RendForm.Activated -= actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated -= deActHandler; terLoop.FreeAll(); inp.FreeAll(); sk.FreeAll(); //Release all resources gd.ReleaseAll(); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); GraphicsDevice gd = new GraphicsDevice("Particle Editing Tool", FeatureLevel.Level_11_0, 0.1f, 3000f); //save renderform position gd.RendForm.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "MainWindowPos", true, System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); gd.RendForm.Location = Settings.Default.MainWindowPos; //used to have a hard coded path here for #debug //but now can just use launch.json to provide it string rootDir = "."; SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.mTitle = "Compiling Shaders..."; StuffKeeper sk = new StuffKeeper(); sk.eCompileNeeded += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.Init(gd, rootDir); MatLib matLib = new MatLib(gd, sk); CommonPrims cprims = new CommonPrims(gd, sk); matLib.InitCelShading(1); matLib.GenerateCelTexturePreset(gd.GD, gd.GD.FeatureLevel == FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, false, 0); matLib.SetCelTexture(0); PlayerSteering pSteering = SetUpSteering(); Input inp = SetUpInput(); Random rand = new Random(); ParticleForm partForm = SetUpForms(gd.GD, matLib, sk); ParticleEditor partEdit = new ParticleEditor(gd, partForm, matLib); bool bMouseLookOn = false; EventHandler actHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { inp.ClearInputs(); }); EventHandler <EventArgs> deActHandler = new EventHandler <EventArgs>( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { gd.SetCapture(false); bMouseLookOn = false; }); gd.RendForm.Activated += actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated += deActHandler; Vector3 pos = Vector3.One * 5f; Vector3 lightDir = -Vector3.UnitY; long lastTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); long freq = Stopwatch.Frequency; RenderLoop.Run(gd.RendForm, () => { if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { Thread.Sleep(33); } gd.CheckResize(); if (bMouseLookOn && gd.RendForm.Focused) { gd.ResetCursorPos(); } //Clear views gd.ClearViews(); long timeNow = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); long delta = timeNow - lastTime; float secDelta = Math.Min((float)delta / freq, 0.1f); int msDelta = Math.Max((int)(secDelta * 1000f), 1); List <Input.InputAction> actions = UpdateInput(inp, gd, secDelta, ref bMouseLookOn); if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { actions.Clear(); bMouseLookOn = false; gd.SetCapture(false); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseYAxis); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseXAxis); } Vector3 moveDelta = pSteering.Update(pos, gd.GCam.Forward, gd.GCam.Left, gd.GCam.Up, actions); moveDelta *= 300f; pos -= moveDelta; gd.GCam.Update(pos, pSteering.Pitch, pSteering.Yaw, pSteering.Roll); matLib.UpdateWVP(Matrix.Identity, gd.GCam.View, gd.GCam.Projection, gd.GCam.Position); cprims.Update(gd.GCam, lightDir); cprims.DrawAxis(gd.DC); partEdit.Update(msDelta); partEdit.Draw(); gd.Present(); lastTime = timeNow; }, true); //true here is slow but needed for winforms events matLib.FreeAll(); Settings.Default.Save(); gd.RendForm.Activated -= actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated -= deActHandler; cprims.FreeAll(); inp.FreeAll(); matLib.FreeAll(); sk.eCompileDone -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.eCompileNeeded -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.FreeAll(); //Release all resources gd.ReleaseAll(); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); GraphicsDevice gd = new GraphicsDevice("Terrain Editor", FeatureLevel.Level_11_0, 0.1f, 3000f); //save form positions gd.RendForm.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "MainWindowPos", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); gd.RendForm.Location = Settings.Default.MainWindowPos; //used to have a hard coded path here for #debug //but now can just use launch.json to provide it string rootDir = "."; StuffKeeper sk = new StuffKeeper(); SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.mTitle = "Compiling Shaders..."; sk.eCompileNeeded += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.Init(gd, rootDir); TerrainAtlas ta = new TerrainAtlas(gd, sk); ta.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "AtlasFormPos", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); ta.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Size", Settings.Default, "AtlasFormSize", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); ta.Location = Settings.Default.AtlasFormPos; ta.Size = Settings.Default.AtlasFormSize; ta.Visible = true; TerrainForm tf = new TerrainForm(); tf.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "TerrainFormPos", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); tf.Location = Settings.Default.TerrainFormPos; tf.Visible = true; TerrainShading ts = new TerrainShading(); ts.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "ShadingFormPos", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); ts.Location = Settings.Default.ShadingFormPos; ts.Visible = true; PlayerSteering pSteering = SetUpSteering(); Input inp = SetUpInput(); Random rand = new Random(); Vector3 pos = Vector3.One * 5f; Vector3 lightDir = -Vector3.UnitY; bool bMouseLookOn = false; EventHandler actHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { inp.ClearInputs(); }); EventHandler <EventArgs> deActHandler = new EventHandler <EventArgs>( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { gd.SetCapture(false); bMouseLookOn = false; }); gd.RendForm.Activated += actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated += deActHandler; GameLoop gLoop = new GameLoop(gd, sk, rootDir); EventHandler buildHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { ListEventArgs <HeightMap.TexData> lea = ea as ListEventArgs <HeightMap.TexData>; gLoop.Texture((TexAtlas)s, lea.mList, ta.GetTransitionHeight()); }); EventHandler applyHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { TerrainShading.ShadingInfo si = s as TerrainShading.ShadingInfo; gLoop.ApplyShadingInfo(si); }); ta.eReBuild += buildHandler; ts.eApply += applyHandler; EventHandler tBuildHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { int gridSize, chunkSize, tilingIterations, threads; int erosionIterations, polySize, smoothPasses, seed; float medianHeight, variance, borderSize; float rainFall, solubility, evaporation; tf.GetBuildData(out gridSize, out chunkSize, out medianHeight, out variance, out polySize, out tilingIterations, out borderSize, out smoothPasses, out seed, out erosionIterations, out rainFall, out solubility, out evaporation, out threads); gLoop.TBuild(gridSize, chunkSize, medianHeight, variance, polySize, tilingIterations, borderSize, smoothPasses, seed, erosionIterations, rainFall, solubility, evaporation, threads); }); EventHandler tLoadHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { gLoop.TLoad(s as string); ta.LoadAtlasInfo(s as string); }); EventHandler tSaveHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { if (gLoop.TSave(s as string)) { ta.SaveAtlasInfo(s as string); ts.SaveShadingInfo(s as string); } }); tf.eBuild += tBuildHandler; tf.eLoad += tLoadHandler; tf.eSave += tSaveHandler; UpdateTimer time = new UpdateTimer(true, false); time.SetFixedTimeStepSeconds(1f / 60f); //60fps update rate time.SetMaxDeltaSeconds(MaxTimeDelta); List <Input.InputAction> acts = new List <Input.InputAction>(); RenderLoop.Run(gd.RendForm, () => { if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { Thread.Sleep(33); } gd.CheckResize(); if (bMouseLookOn && gd.RendForm.Focused) { gd.ResetCursorPos(); } //Clear views gd.ClearViews(); time.Stamp(); while (time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds() > 0f) { acts = UpdateInput(inp, gd, time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds(), ref bMouseLookOn); if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { acts.Clear(); bMouseLookOn = false; gd.SetCapture(false); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseYAxis); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseXAxis); } gLoop.Update(time, acts, pSteering); time.UpdateDone(); } gLoop.RenderUpdate(time.GetRenderUpdateDeltaMilliSeconds()); gLoop.Render(); gd.Present(); acts.Clear(); }, true); //true here is slow but needed for winforms events Settings.Default.Save(); sk.eCompileNeeded -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; gd.RendForm.Activated -= actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated -= deActHandler; ta.eReBuild -= buildHandler; tf.eBuild -= tBuildHandler; ts.eApply -= applyHandler; gLoop.FreeAll(); inp.FreeAll(); ta.FreeAll(); sk.FreeAll(); //Release all resources gd.ReleaseAll(); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //turn this on for help with leaky stuff //Configuration.EnableObjectTracking =true; GraphicsDevice gd = new GraphicsDevice("Collada Conversion Tool", FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, 0.1f, 3000f); //save renderform position gd.RendForm.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "MainWindowPos", true, System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); gd.RendForm.Location = Settings.Default.MainWindowPos; SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.mTitle = "Compiling Shaders..."; StuffKeeper sk = new StuffKeeper(); sk.eCompileNeeded += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.Init(gd, "."); MatLib matLib = new MatLib(gd, sk); matLib.InitCelShading(1); matLib.GenerateCelTexturePreset(gd.GD, gd.GD.FeatureLevel == FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, false, 0); matLib.SetCelTexture(0); PlayerSteering pSteering = SetUpSteering(); Input inp = SetUpInput(); Random rand = new Random(); CommonPrims comPrims = new CommonPrims(gd, sk); bool bMouseLookOn = false; //set up post processing module PostProcess post = new PostProcess(gd, matLib, "Post.fx"); EventHandler actHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { inp.ClearInputs(); }); EventHandler <EventArgs> deActHandler = new EventHandler <EventArgs>( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { gd.SetCapture(false); bMouseLookOn = false; }); gd.RendForm.Activated += actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated += deActHandler; int resx = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Width; int resy = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Height; AnimForm ss = SetUpForms(gd.GD, matLib, sk, comPrims); Vector3 pos = Vector3.One * 5f; Vector3 lightDir = -Vector3.UnitY; UpdateTimer time = new UpdateTimer(true, false); time.SetFixedTimeStepSeconds(1f / 60f); //60fps update rate time.SetMaxDeltaSeconds(MaxTimeDelta); List <Input.InputAction> acts = new List <Input.InputAction>(); RenderLoop.Run(gd.RendForm, () => { if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { Thread.Sleep(33); } gd.CheckResize(); if (bMouseLookOn && gd.RendForm.Focused) { gd.ResetCursorPos(); } //Clear views gd.ClearViews(); time.Stamp(); while (time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds() > 0f) { acts = UpdateInput(inp, gd, time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds(), ref bMouseLookOn); if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { acts.Clear(); bMouseLookOn = false; gd.SetCapture(false); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseYAxis); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseXAxis); } Vector3 deltaMove = pSteering.Update(pos, gd.GCam.Forward, gd.GCam.Left, gd.GCam.Up, acts); deltaMove *= 200f; pos -= deltaMove; ChangeLight(acts, ref lightDir); time.UpdateDone(); } //light direction is backwards now for some strange reason matLib.SetParameterForAll("mLightDirection", -lightDir); gd.GCam.Update(pos, pSteering.Pitch, pSteering.Yaw, pSteering.Roll); matLib.UpdateWVP(Matrix.Identity, gd.GCam.View, gd.GCam.Projection, gd.GCam.Position); comPrims.Update(gd.GCam, lightDir); ss.RenderUpdate(time.GetRenderUpdateDeltaSeconds()); post.SetTargets(gd, "BackColor", "BackDepth"); post.ClearTarget(gd, "BackColor", Color.CornflowerBlue); post.ClearDepth(gd, "BackDepth"); ss.Render(gd.DC); if (ss.GetDrawAxis()) { comPrims.DrawAxis(gd.DC); } if (ss.GetDrawBox()) { comPrims.DrawBox(gd.DC, Matrix.Identity); } if (ss.GetDrawSphere()) { comPrims.DrawSphere(gd.DC, Matrix.Identity); } gd.Present(); acts.Clear(); }, true); //true here is slow but needed for winforms events Settings.Default.Save(); gd.RendForm.Activated -= actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated -= deActHandler; comPrims.FreeAll(); inp.FreeAll(); post.FreeAll(gd); matLib.FreeAll(); sk.eCompileDone -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.eCompileNeeded -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.FreeAll(); //Release all resources gd.ReleaseAll(); }
internal void FreeAll() { mSKeeper.FreeAll(); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); GraphicsDevice gd = new GraphicsDevice("Audio Test Program", FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, 0.1f, 3000f); //save renderform position gd.RendForm.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "MainWindowPos", true, System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); gd.RendForm.Location = Settings.Default.MainWindowPos; //used to have a hard coded path here for #debug //but now can just use launch.json to provide it string gameRootDir = "."; Audio aud = new Audio(); aud.LoadAllSounds(gameRootDir + "/Audio/SoundFX"); aud.LoadAllSounds(gameRootDir + "/Audio/Music"); List <string> sounds = aud.GetSoundList(); int curSound = 0; Emitter emitter = Audio.MakeEmitter(Vector3.Zero); SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.mTitle = "Compiling Shaders..."; StuffKeeper sk = new StuffKeeper(); sk.eCompileNeeded += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.Init(gd, gameRootDir); PlayerSteering pSteering = SetUpSteering(); Input inp = SetUpInput(); Random rand = new Random(); CommonPrims comPrims = new CommonPrims(gd, sk); bool bMouseLookOn = false; EventHandler actHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { inp.ClearInputs(); }); EventHandler <EventArgs> deActHandler = new EventHandler <EventArgs>( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { gd.SetCapture(false); bMouseLookOn = false; }); gd.RendForm.Activated += actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated += deActHandler; int resx = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Width; int resy = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Height; MatLib fontMats = new MatLib(gd, sk); fontMats.CreateMaterial("Text"); fontMats.SetMaterialEffect("Text", "2D.fx"); fontMats.SetMaterialTechnique("Text", "Text"); List <string> fonts = sk.GetFontList(); ScreenText st = new ScreenText(gd.GD, fontMats, fonts[0], 1000); Matrix textProj = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(0, resx, resy, 0, 0.1f, 5f); Vector4 color = Vector4.UnitX + (Vector4.UnitW * 0.95f); //string indicators for various statusy things st.AddString(fonts[0], "P - Play2D L - Play at Emitter [] - Prev/Next Sound E - Set Emitter Pos to Camera Pos", "Instructions", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 520f, Vector2.One); st.AddString(fonts[0], "Stuffs", "CurrentSound", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 540f, Vector2.One); st.AddString(fonts[0], "Stuffs", "EmitterPosition", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 560f, Vector2.One); st.AddString(fonts[0], "Stuffs", "PosStatus", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 580f, Vector2.One); Vector3 pos = Vector3.One * 5f; Vector3 lightDir = -Vector3.UnitY; UpdateTimer time = new UpdateTimer(false, false); time.SetFixedTimeStepSeconds(1f / 60f); //60fps update rate time.SetMaxDeltaSeconds(MaxTimeDelta); List <Input.InputAction> acts = new List <Input.InputAction>(); RenderLoop.Run(gd.RendForm, () => { if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { Thread.Sleep(33); } gd.CheckResize(); if (bMouseLookOn && gd.RendForm.Focused) { gd.ResetCursorPos(); } time.Stamp(); while (time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds() > 0f) { acts = UpdateInput(inp, gd, time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds(), ref bMouseLookOn); if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { acts.Clear(); bMouseLookOn = false; gd.SetCapture(false); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseYAxis); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseXAxis); } Vector3 moveDelta = pSteering.Update(pos, gd.GCam.Forward, gd.GCam.Left, gd.GCam.Up, acts); moveDelta *= 200f; pos -= moveDelta; gd.GCam.Update(pos, pSteering.Pitch, pSteering.Yaw, pSteering.Roll); CheckInputKeys(acts, aud, ref curSound, sounds, emitter, gd.GCam.Position); //update status text st.ModifyStringText(fonts[0], "Current Sound: " + sounds[curSound], "CurrentSound"); st.ModifyStringText(fonts[0], "Emitter Pos: " + emitter.Position.X + ", " + emitter.Position.Y + ", " + emitter.Position.Z, "EmitterPosition"); st.ModifyStringText(fonts[0], "Cam Pos: " + gd.GCam.Position + ", Sounds Playing: " + aud.GetNumInstances(), "PosStatus"); time.UpdateDone(); } st.Update(gd.DC); comPrims.Update(gd.GCam, lightDir); aud.Update(gd.GCam); //Clear views gd.ClearViews(); comPrims.DrawAxis(gd.DC); st.Draw(gd.DC, Matrix.Identity, textProj); gd.Present(); acts.Clear(); }, true); //true here is slow but needed for winforms events Settings.Default.Save(); gd.RendForm.Activated -= actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated -= deActHandler; //Release all resources st.FreeAll(); fontMats.FreeAll(); comPrims.FreeAll(); inp.FreeAll(); sk.eCompileDone -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.eCompileNeeded -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.FreeAll(); aud.FreeAll(); gd.ReleaseAll(); }
static void Main() { Application.SetHighDpiMode(HighDpiMode.SystemAware); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //turn this on for help with leaky stuff //Configuration.EnableObjectTracking =true; GraphicsDevice gd = new GraphicsDevice("BSP Light Explorer", FeatureLevel.Level_11_0, 0.1f, 3000f); //save renderform position gd.RendForm.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Location", Settings.Default, "MainWindowPos", true, System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)); gd.RendForm.Location = Settings.Default.MainWindowPos; SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.mTitle = "Compiling Shaders..."; StuffKeeper sk = new StuffKeeper(); sk.eCompileNeeded += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.eCompileDone += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.Init(gd, "."); MatLib matLib = new MatLib(gd, sk); PlayerSteering pSteering = SetUpSteering(); Input inp = SetUpInput(); Random rand = new Random(); CommonPrims comPrims = new CommonPrims(gd, sk); bool bMouseLookOn = false; LightExplorer lex = new LightExplorer(gd, sk); EventHandler actHandler = new EventHandler( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { inp.ClearInputs(); }); EventHandler <EventArgs> deActHandler = new EventHandler <EventArgs>( delegate(object s, EventArgs ea) { gd.SetCapture(false); bMouseLookOn = false; }); gd.RendForm.Activated += actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated += deActHandler; int resx = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Width; int resy = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Height; Vector3 pos = Vector3.One * 5f; Vector3 lightDir = -Vector3.UnitY; UpdateTimer time = new UpdateTimer(true, false); time.SetFixedTimeStepSeconds(1f / 60f); //60fps update rate time.SetMaxDeltaSeconds(MaxTimeDelta); List <Input.InputAction> acts = new List <Input.InputAction>(); RenderLoop.Run(gd.RendForm, () => { if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { Thread.Sleep(33); } gd.CheckResize(); if (bMouseLookOn && gd.RendForm.Focused) { gd.ResetCursorPos(); } //Clear views gd.ClearViews(); time.Stamp(); while (time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds() > 0f) { acts = UpdateInput(inp, gd, time.GetUpdateDeltaSeconds(), ref bMouseLookOn); if (!gd.RendForm.Focused) { acts.Clear(); bMouseLookOn = false; gd.SetCapture(false); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseYAxis); inp.UnMapAxisAction(Input.MoveAxis.MouseXAxis); } //check for speediness //psteering only allows speedy ground sprinting bool bFast = false; for (int i = 0; i < acts.Count; i++) { if (acts[i].mAction.Equals(MyActions.MoveForwardFast)) { bFast = true; } } Vector3 deltaMove = pSteering.Update(pos, gd.GCam.Forward, gd.GCam.Left, gd.GCam.Up, acts); if (bFast) { deltaMove *= 400f; } else { deltaMove *= 200f; } pos -= deltaMove; ChangeLight(acts, ref lightDir); lex.UpdateActions(acts); time.UpdateDone(); } //light direction is backwards now for some strange reason matLib.SetParameterForAll("mLightDirection", -lightDir); gd.GCam.Update(pos, pSteering.Pitch, pSteering.Yaw, pSteering.Roll); matLib.UpdateWVP(Matrix.Identity, gd.GCam.View, gd.GCam.Projection, gd.GCam.Position); comPrims.Update(gd.GCam, lightDir); lex.Update(time.GetUpdateDeltaMilliSeconds(), gd); lex.Render(gd); gd.Present(); acts.Clear(); }, true); //true here is slow but needed for winforms events Settings.Default.Save(); gd.RendForm.Activated -= actHandler; gd.RendForm.AppDeactivated -= deActHandler; lex.FreeAll(); comPrims.FreeAll(); inp.FreeAll(); matLib.FreeAll(); sk.eCompileDone -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; sk.eCompileNeeded -= SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; sk.FreeAll(); //Release all resources gd.ReleaseAll(); // Application.Run(new Form1()); }