예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the three scores for a list of given studios.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of KeyValuePairs in which the provided studios are the keys
        ///  and their values are arrays of scores (of length 3).</returns>
        /// <param name="studios">The different studios to get scores for.</param>
        public static List <KeyValuePair <string, float[]> > GetScores(string[] studios, int crunches = 0)
            Dictionary <string, float[]> dict = new Dictionary <string, float[]>();

            foreach (string studio in studios)
                    //Gets a StudioInfo object, containing all sorts of goodies.
                    StudioInfo si = Giantbomb.GiantBombInterfacer.GetStudio(studio, DEBUG_MODE);

                    //Add the different values to the dictionary.
                    dict.Add(studio + ((crunches == 2) ? " - TRUE" : (crunches == 1) ? " - FALSE" : ""), new float[] {
                        si.CrunchOvertimeScore, si.GenreScore, si.ReviewScore, si.ConsScore

                    //If we force-calculated new values or if it doesn't already exist,
                    //cache the Studio
                    if (MainClass.options.force || LocalCacheManager.GetCachedInfo(studio).id == "-1")
                        LocalCacheManager.SaveCachedInfo(studio, si);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Log(e.Message + ". Occurred for " + studio, Logger.LogLevel.ERROR, true);
                    Logger.Log(e.StackTrace, Logger.LogLevel.CRITICAL, false);

예제 #2
        // Generate root document when constructor is there.
        public SideloaderMod([NotNull] TextAsset file)
            // check parse error
            var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(file);

            AssetFolder    = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath) ?? "";
            AssetDirectory = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), AssetFolder).Replace("\\", "/");
            FileName       = file.name;

            _outputDocumentObject = XmlUtils.GetManifestTemplate();
            _inputDocumentObject  = XDocument.Parse(file.text);

            MainData       = new MainData();
            DependencyData = new DependencyLoaderData();
            GameMapInfo    = new GameMapInfo();
            StudioInfo     = new StudioInfo();
            MainData.ParseData(this, _inputDocumentObject.Root);
            DependencyData.ParseData(this, _inputDocumentObject.Root);

            _manifestData = new List <IManifestData>
                // it should be in order, lmk if there is good way to do. I'm always learning.
                new HeelsData(),
                new MaterialEditorData(),
                new AIMapData()

            _bundleTargets = new List <BundleBase>();
            GameItems      = new Dictionary <string, GameInfo>();
            Assets         = new AssetInfo();

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves Studio information to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the cached info was saved successfully, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="si">Si.</param>
        public static bool SaveCachedInfo(string saveAs, StudioInfo si)
            //Read the contents and create the new value for the Studio.
            string[] contents = File.ReadAllLines("cache.csv");

            string newValue = si.id.Replace(",", "-") + "," +
                              saveAs.Replace(',', '-').ToLower() + "," +
                              si.employeeCount + "," +
                              si.gameYears.GetString() + "," +
                              si.GenreScore + "," +
                              si.ReviewScore + "," +
                              si.ConsScore + "," +

            string toAdd = "";
            bool   saved = false;

            for (int a = 0; a < contents.Length; a++)
                //Check and see if the cache already has information. If it does,
                //we're going to update it instead of add it.
                string[] split = contents[a].Split(',');
                if (split[0] == si.id.ToString())
                    contents[a] = newValue;

                    saved = true;

                //No matter what, keep the rest of the contents for the cache.
                toAdd += contents[a] + "\n";

            //If it didn't exist, append the new values to the end of the cache.
            if (!saved)
                toAdd += newValue;

            //Open the File, set the Encoding, and write to it.
            FileStream stream = File.Open("cache.csv", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
            Encoding   enc    = Encoding.UTF8;

            stream.Write(enc.GetBytes(toAdd), 0, enc.GetByteCount(toAdd));

 private void ProcessSendState(byte[] data)
     try {
         StudioInfo studioInfo = StudioInfo.FromByteArray(data);
         CommunicationWrapper.StudioInfo = studioInfo;
     } catch (InvalidCastException) {
         string   studioVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(3);
         object[] objects       = BinaryFormatterHelper.FromByteArray <object[]>(data);
         string   modVersion    = objects.Length >= 10 ? objects[9].ToString() : "Unknown";
             $"Studio v{studioVersion} and CelesteTAS v{modVersion} do not match. Please manually extract the studio from the \"game_path\\Mods\\CelesteTAS.zip\" file.",
             "Communication Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets studio information from the Giantbomb API
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A struct representing the various information.</returns>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the studio.</param>
        /// <param name="DEBUG">Is the studio in debug mode?</param>
        public static StudioInfo GetStudio(string name, bool DEBUG)
            //If the API key is not set, load it from the app.config file.
            if (API_KEY == "")
                API_KEY = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GBkey"];

            if (Logger.VERBOSE)
                Logger.Log(name + " in DEBUG mode: [" + DEBUG.ToString().ToUpper() + "]");

            //Check to see if there's a cached value, unless we are forcibly retrieving
            //new values.
            StudioInfo si;

            if (!MainClass.options.force)
                si         = LocalCacheManager.GetCachedInfo(name);
                si.aliases = Extensions.Extensions.CreateAliasList(name);

                if (si.id != "-1")

            //Get the employee count from Wikipedia.
            int employeeCount = Extensions.Extensions.GetEmployeeCount(name);

            //Get an alternative topic from Wikipedia.
            string wikiName = Wiki.WikipediaRetriever.GetActualTopic(name);

            name = Regex.Replace(name, "\\(company\\)", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Trim();

            //Get information on release dates of games.
            string[] gameInfo = GetGBInfo(name, wikiName);

            //Change the game info into years, excluding the last two entries,
            //since they're different pieces of information.
            int[] gameYears = new int[gameInfo.Length - 3];

            //Parse all of the actual years.
            for (int a = 0; a < gameInfo.Length - 3; a++)
                gameYears[a] = int.Parse(gameInfo[a]);

            //Sort them together in ascending order.

            //Return the new information, including the ID and name from game info.
            si = new StudioInfo
                id            = gameInfo[gameInfo.Length - 3],
                name          = gameInfo[gameInfo.Length - 2],
                companyName   = gameInfo[gameInfo.Length - 1],
                employeeCount = employeeCount,
                gameYears     = gameYears,
                aliases       = Extensions.Extensions.CreateAliasList(name)

            si.aliases.Insert(0, si.companyName);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the likelihood of crunching based off the genres of various games
        /// a studio has put out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The genre score.</returns>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the Studio, which is passed to the IGDB API.</param>
        /// <param name="aliases">What it's saved as in the cache. This may differ from the name retrieved from the Giantbomb API.</param>
        /// <param name="DEBUG">Is this Studio in Debug mode?</param>
        public static float[] GetGenreScore(string name, List <string> aliases, bool DEBUG)
            //Log information
            if (Logger.VERBOSE)
                Logger.Log("Finding genre score.");

            //If the Studio is not being forced to recaculate values, check if it
            //exists in the cache. If it does, return the values. Otherwise, continue.
            if (!DEBUG && !MainClass.options.force)
                StudioInfo si = LocalCacheManager.GetCachedInfo(aliases[0]);
                if (si.id != "-1" && !DEBUG)
                    List <float> f = Array.ConvertAll(si.genreArray, x => (float)x).ToList();
                    f.Insert(0, si.GenreScore);

            //Get the genres of all released games from IGDB and return their average as the score.
            int[] genres     = IGDBInterfacer.GetGenres(name);
            int[] genreCount = new int[7];

            Logger.Log(name + ", " + aliases.ToArray().GetString(), Logger.LogLevel.DEBUG, true);

            //Uses a Unit Circle based system.
            float totalX = 0.0f;
            float totalY = 0.0f;

            if (genres != null && genres.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < genres.Length; i++)
                    //Get the angle because it uses a unit-circle based system.
                    //See the ReadMe or Whitepaper for more info.
                    float angle = (float)((i / 7) * 2 * Math.PI);

                    totalX += genres[i] * (float)Math.Cos(angle);
                    totalY += genres[i] * (float)Math.Sin(angle);

                //If an exception was thrown, it means the name doesn't exist on IGDB.
                //Then we use the different aliases.

                bool broken = false;
                foreach (string alias in aliases)
                    genres = IGDBInterfacer.GetGenres(alias);

                    //This means this name doesn't exist either, so try the next one.
                    if (genres == null || genres.Length <= 0)

                    for (int i = 0; i < genres.Length; i++)
                        //Get the angle because it uses a unit-circle based system.
                        //See the ReadMe or Whitepaper for more info.
                        float angle = (float)((i / 7) * 2 * Math.PI);

                        totalX += genres[i] * (float)Math.Cos(angle);
                        totalY += genres[i] * (float)Math.Sin(angle);


                    broken = true;

                //If no genres were found, throw an exception.
                if (!broken)
                    throw new Exception(name + " doesn't exist in IGDB!");

            totalX /= genres.Length;
            totalY /= genres.Length;

            float hyp = (float)Math.Sqrt((totalX * totalX) + (totalY * totalY));

            totalX /= hyp;
            totalY /= hyp;

            //Return the value.
            return(new float[] {
                (float)(Math.Atan(totalY / totalX) / (2 * Math.PI)),