public static StudentPersonal CreateStudentPersonal() { StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal(); AlertMessages alm = new AlertMessages(); alm.AddAlertMessage(AlertMessageType.LEGAL, "This is the Legal Alert for Joe Student"); sp.AlertMessages = alm; // TODO: Consider adding helper methods to the ADK that allow // list elements to be set or gotten from the parent? OtherIdList oidList = new OtherIdList(); oidList.AddOtherId(OtherIdType.SIF1x_OTHER, "P00001"); oidList.AddOtherId(OtherIdType.SIF1x_HEATH_RECORD, "WB0025"); oidList.AddOtherId(OtherIdType.SIF1x_SSN, "123-45-6789"); sp.OtherIdList = oidList; Name name = new Name(NameType.BIRTH, "Student", "Joe"); name.MiddleName = ""; name.PreferredName = "Joe"; sp.Name = name; EmailList elist = new EmailList(); elist.AddEmail(EmailType.PRIMARY, "*****@*****.**"); sp.EmailList = elist; sp.OnTimeGraduationYear = 1982; Demographics demo = new Demographics(); demo.BirthDate = new DateTime(1981, 12, 20); demo.SetCitizenshipStatus(CitizenshipStatus.USCITIZEN); CountriesOfCitizenship countries = new CountriesOfCitizenship(); countries.AddCountryOfCitizenship(CountryCode.US); countries.AddCountryOfCitizenship(CountryCode.Wrap("CA")); demo.CountriesOfCitizenship = countries; demo.SetCountryOfBirth(CountryCode.US); CountriesOfResidency cre = new CountriesOfResidency(new Country(CountryCode.IE)); demo.CountriesOfResidency = cre; demo.SetStateOfBirth(StatePrCode.AK); sp.Demographics = demo; Address addr = new Address(); addr.City = "Salt Lake City"; addr.SetStateProvince(StatePrCode.UT); addr.SetCountry(CountryCode.US); addr.PostalCode = "84102"; Street str = new Street(); str.Line1 = "1 IBM Plaza"; str.ApartmentNumber = "2000"; str.Line2 = "Suite 2000"; str.Line3 = "Salt Lake City, UT 84102"; str.StreetName = "IBM"; str.StreetNumber = "1"; str.StreetType = "Plaza"; str.ApartmentType = "Suite"; addr.Street = str; sp.AddAddressList(PickupOrDropoff.NA, "MoTuWeThFrSaSu", addr); PhoneNumberList plist = new PhoneNumberList(); plist.AddPhoneNumber(PhoneNumberType.SIF1x_HOME_PHONE, "(312) 555-1234"); sp.PhoneNumberList = plist; // Test changing the name sp.SetName(NameType.BIRTH, "STUDENT", "JOE"); return(sp); }