public void EnrollmentsCreatedTest()
     StudentImportResult target = new StudentImportResult(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     List<ClassEnrollment> actual;
     actual = target.EnrollmentsCreated;
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public StudentImportResult ImportStudents(int districtID, int reportingPeriodID, IEnumerable<StudentImportRecord> importRecords, params StudentImportOptions[] importOptions)
            //Create the result object, and mark the start time
            var result = new StudentImportResult();

            //Get the list of schools for the School District, along with each schools list of teachers and school periods
            var schools = _repo.GetSchools(districtID, SchoolInclude.Teachers, SchoolInclude.SchoolPeriods).ToList();

            //Get a list of the class sessions in this school district, that are in the school period specifieid, and include the Class Type for each class
            var existingClasses = _repo.GetClasses(ClassInclude.ClassType, ClassInclude.ClassEnrollments).Where(p => p.SchoolPeriod.ReportingPeriodID == reportingPeriodID).ToList();

            //Also get a dedicated list of class types for the district (including the ones that are unique to specific schools in this district)
            var classTypes = _repo.GetClassTypes(districtID, false).ToList();

            //Get a list of all the students in this district
            var students = _repo.GetStudents(districtID).ToList();

            //Loop through each reacord in the imported data set
            foreach (var record in importRecords)

                //Create a new student record
                //If we find an existing student later, we will use this object to update the existing student
                var newStudent = new Student
                    ImportID = record.StudentID,
                    FirstName = record.FirstName,
                    MiddleName = record.MiddleName,
                    LastName = record.LastName,
                    IDNumber = record.IDNumber,
                    GradeLevel = (byte)record.GradeLevel

                //Skip if there is no school to link the imported record to
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(record.SchoolID))
                    result.SkippedRecords.Add(newStudent, ImportRecordSkipReason.NoSystemSchoolIdAvailable);

                //Skip if there is no teacher to link the imported record to
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(record.TeacherID))
                    result.SkippedRecords.Add(newStudent, ImportRecordSkipReason.NoSystemTeacherIDAvailable);

                //Skip if the grade level is out of range
                if (record.GradeLevel < 0 || record.GradeLevel > 12)
                    result.SkippedRecords.Add(newStudent, ImportRecordSkipReason.GradeLevelOutOfRange);

                //Find school the student belongs to
                var school = schools.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ImportID == record.SchoolID);

                //Skip if the school could not be found
                if (school == null)
                    result.SkippedRecords.Add(newStudent, ImportRecordSkipReason.SchoolNotFound);

                //Find the school period
                var schoolPeriod = school.SchoolPeriods.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ReportingPeriodID == reportingPeriodID);

                //Create the school period if necessary
                if (schoolPeriod == null && importOptions.Contains(StudentImportOptions.AutoCreateSchoolPeriods))
                    //TODO: Somehow determine how many terms we should create
                    schoolPeriod = new SchoolPeriod { NumTerms = 3, School = school, ReportingPeriodID = reportingPeriodID };

                    //link to school
                    foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(1, 3))
                        var term = new GradingTerm { TermNum = (byte)i, GradingOpen = false };

                    //Add to repo for persistance
                    //(Linking to school should do this anyway, but just in case)
                    _repo.AddSchoolPeriod(schoolPeriod, false);

                    //Add new school period to result object
                else if (schoolPeriod == null)
                    //Skip if the school period couldn't be found, and we aren't suppose to auto create it
                    result.SkippedRecords.Add(newStudent, ImportRecordSkipReason.NoSchoolPeriodAvailable);

                //Try and find an existing student
                var existingStudent = students.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ImportID == record.StudentID && p.SchoolID == school.SchoolID);

                //Alternatively, if selected, try to find the student by their ID number
                if (existingStudent == null && importOptions.Contains(StudentImportOptions.AllowStudentMatchOnIdNumber) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(record.IDNumber) && record.IDNumber.Length > 1)
                    existingStudent = students.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IDNumber == record.IDNumber && p.SchoolID == school.SchoolID);

                if (existingStudent != null)
                    //Update existing student
                    existingStudent.ImportID = newStudent.ImportID;
                    existingStudent.FirstName = newStudent.FirstName;
                    existingStudent.MiddleName = newStudent.MiddleName;
                    existingStudent.LastName = newStudent.LastName;
                    existingStudent.IDNumber = newStudent.IDNumber;
                    existingStudent.GradeLevel = newStudent.GradeLevel;

                    //Link student to school
                    newStudent.School = school;

                    //Add to repo for persistance
                    //(which would probably happen anyway now that they are linked to a school)
                    _repo.AddStudent(newStudent, false);


                //Use either the existing student, or new student, depending on
                var student = existingStudent ?? newStudent;

                //Get the teacher that is teaching the enrolled class
                var teacher = school.Teachers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ImportID == record.TeacherID);

                //Skip if teacher was not found
                if (teacher == null)
                    result.SkippedRecords.Add(newStudent, ImportRecordSkipReason.TeacherNotFound);

                //Find or create the class the student would be enrolled in
                Class enrolledClass = existingClasses.FirstOrDefault(p => (p.TeacherID == teacher.TeacherID || p.Teacher == teacher) && p.ClassType.GradeLevel == record.GradeLevel);

                if (enrolledClass == null && importOptions.Contains(StudentImportOptions.AutoCreateClasses))
                    ClassType classType = classTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.GradeLevel == record.GradeLevel && (p.SchoolID == null || p.SchoolID == school.SchoolID));

                    //Create the class type if necessary as well
                    if (classType == null)
                        classType = new ClassType();
                        classType.GradeLevel = (byte)record.GradeLevel;
                        classType.Name = classType.GradeLevelLong;
                        classType.SchoolDistrictID = school.SchoolDistrictID; //link to district
                        classType.SchoolID = null; //make available district wide

                        //Add class type creation to result object

                        //persist the new class type
                        _repo.AddClassType(classType, false);

                        //Add the new class type to the local collection for future use

                    enrolledClass = new Class();
                    enrolledClass.ClassType = classType;
                    enrolledClass.Name = String.Format("{0}'s {1}", teacher.FullName, student.GradeLevelLong);
                    enrolledClass.Teacher = teacher;
                    enrolledClass.SchoolPeriod = schoolPeriod;

                    //add new class to result object

                    //persist new class
                    _repo.AddClass(enrolledClass, false);

                    //add new class to local collection for future use
                else if (enrolledClass == null)
                    result.SkippedRecords.Add(newStudent, ImportRecordSkipReason.ClassNotAvailable);

                //Find existing enrollment
                var enrollment = enrolledClass.ClassEnrollments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Student == student);

                //Create the class enrollment if necessary
                if (enrollment == null)
                    enrollment = new ClassEnrollment();
                    enrollment.Student = student;
                    enrollment.Class = enrolledClass;

                    _repo.AddClassEnrollment(enrollment, false);


            //Save changes


            return result;
 public void NumClassTypesCreatedTest()
     StudentImportResult target = new StudentImportResult(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     int actual;
     actual = target.NumClassTypesCreated;
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
 public void StudentImportResultConstructorTest()
     StudentImportResult target = new StudentImportResult();
     Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");