예제 #1
        private async Task IsValueValid(StudentGroupFileModel fileLine, int rowCounter)
            List <long>   existingCourseIds  = new List <long>();
            List <string> existingGroupNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (Course course in await _unitOfWork.CourseRepository.GetAllAsync())

            foreach (StudentGroup group in await _unitOfWork.StudentGroupRepository.GetAllAsync())

            if (fileLine.CourseId.Replace(" ", "") == "")
                throw new FormatException("CourseId field shouldn't be empty.\n" +
                                          $"Problem was occured in col B, row {rowCounter}");

            if (fileLine.Name == "")
                throw new FormatException("Name field shouldn't be empty.\n" +
                                          $"Problem was occured in col C, row {rowCounter}");

            if (fileLine.StartDate > fileLine.FinishDate)
                throw new FormatException("StartDate must be less than FinishDate.\n" +
                                          $"Problem was occured in col D/E, row {rowCounter}.");

            if (!existingCourseIds.Contains(Convert.ToInt64(fileLine.CourseId)))
                throw new DbUpdateException($"Course with id {fileLine.CourseId} doesn't exist.\n" +
                                            $"Problem was occured in col B, row {rowCounter}.");

            if (existingGroupNames.Contains(fileLine.Name))
                throw new DbUpdateException($"Group with name {fileLine.Name} already exist.\n" +
                                            $"Problem was occured in col C, row {rowCounter}.");
예제 #2
        public async Task <Result <List <StudentGroupFileModel> > > ImportFileAsync(ImportFileDto file)
            var wb       = new XLWorkbook(file.url);
            var wsGroups = wb.Worksheet("Groups");
            List <StudentGroupFileModel> importedGroups = new List <StudentGroupFileModel>();

            Type sgType      = typeof(StudentGroupFileModel);
            char charPointer = 'A';
            int  rowCounter  = 2;

            var properties = sgType.GetProperties();

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                if (property.Name != Convert.ToString(wsGroups.Cell($"{charPointer}1").Value))
                    return(Result <List <StudentGroupFileModel> > .GetError(ErrorCode.ValidationError,
                                                                            "The format of the downloaded file is not suitable."
                                                                            + "Check headers in the file."));

            while (!IsEndOfFile(rowCounter, wsGroups))
                    StudentGroupFileModel fileLine = new StudentGroupFileModel();

                    fileLine.CourseId  = wsGroups.Cell($"B{rowCounter}").Value.ToString();
                    fileLine.Name      = wsGroups.Cell($"C{rowCounter}").Value.ToString();
                    fileLine.StartDate = Convert
                    fileLine.FinishDate = Convert

                    await IsValueValid(fileLine, rowCounter);

                    StudentGroup group = new StudentGroup
                        CourseId   = Convert.ToInt32(fileLine.CourseId),
                        Name       = fileLine.Name,
                        StartDate  = fileLine.StartDate,
                        FinishDate = fileLine.FinishDate,

                catch (FormatException ex)

                    return(Result <List <StudentGroupFileModel> > .GetError(ErrorCode.ValidationError,
                                                                            "The format of the inputed data is incorrect.\n" + ex.Message));
                catch (DbUpdateException ex)

                    return(Result <List <StudentGroupFileModel> > .GetError(ErrorCode.ValidationError,
                                                                            "Inputed data is incorrect.\n" + ex.Message));

            await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync();

            return(Result <List <StudentGroupFileModel> >
                   .GetSuccess(_mapper.Map <List <StudentGroupFileModel> >(importedGroups)));